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Articles Written April 2006 


Wednesday, 26th April, 2,006.


The latest world situation.

And what a situation that is. About as bad as it possibly can be. And far far worse than is thought!!!!

We have Indonesia telling Australia what to do. We have Iran now the ruling power. And we have The U.S. BUGGERED!!!! Terrorists, with WMD threaten U.S. and rest of West. Mexicans invade from south. (I'd say aliens saved us from Cyclone Monica, as they do much else!!) Israel has given up.(Eye in the sky to spy on Iran? What good will that do? But simply WATCH what you cannot stop!!!!) There is not ONE nation or power now with any real capability other than in The Political East, and ISLAM!!!!

The U.S. is bogged down in Iraq, exactly as The Russians warned. And looks like will be there for years, possibly many.(If U.S. lasts that long!!) Oil(and everything else!) should now rocket.(Iran controls it.) North Korea is standing by with nuclear tipped missiles(which can reach all of U.S.etc.) - to blackmail The West - to help its partner, Iran. Puppet nations still slavishly obey U.S. (Britain, Australia, etc.) The U.S. is all talk no action. A paper tiger. They are not in a position to do ANYTHING!!(And one look at the vacant possession, now dismal look on Bush' face, et al, should inspire nothing but terror and horror at the prospects for The West!!

All 26, bar 4, of The Anglo-Saxon sea gates are now in a Chinese company hands!!

U.S. is obviously sidling up to RED China.(They are STILL Communist!) As has Australia some time back.

U.S. won't attack Iran, not even with conventional weapons. Because it knows what it can expect if it does! Instant cut off of oil, plus sabotage; greatly increased attacks in Iraq, and Lord knows what else!!(Attack on Israel,etc.) U.S. is in COLLOSAL debt, mounting ever higher. Bush' rating has never been so low!! The Domestic sector is neglected. He still sticks to his NO TAX increases.(It is fine for Bush, Howard and Blair,etc. They are near the end of their terms, making sure their own nests are feathered to the maximum. THEY are rich enough to go anywhere in the world, to escape the SOON coming terrors and horrors!! It is all right for THEM!!!!)

I do not know about the rest of you, but I am throwing in my lot with WINNERS, namely China, Indonesia, Islam,especially Iran and North Korea, and The Palestinians!!!! There is NO FUTURE for any of us IN DOING ANYTHING ELSE!!!!

I am Western, and white, but I see the writing on the wall all right!! It is now on our faces!!!!

The U.S. lacks the wish and the will to fight. Though it STILL has the means.(But if it uses nuclear weapons, I expect Russia to make a nuclear response!!) It is tied down in Iraq,etc. Is hoplessly in debt, getting ever more rapidly worse. Westerners, most of them, live for their genitals and stomachs.(I admit, I do,too.) They are spoiled and pampered to the point of absurdity!! Knowing not the horrors and terrors of world war, they are like little LOST CHILDREN!!!!

The U.S. is, as is The West in general, DIVIDED(in opinions). Is all talk, but no action. Is pathetically ignorant of the truth. Stuffed on lying propaganda for ages. Fed constantly on falsehoods. Professes Christianity, but increasingly does the reverse! Lives in The Past.(When it should not only be living in The Present, BUT THE FUTURE, even more so!!) UNO and Security Council are far worse than useless. Europe is a toothless mixed up kid.(But soon to be ruled by Germany and The Vatican!!) This world is DOOMED, but CANNOT FACE UP TO IT!! It is literally STUFFED.(I could have used another word! It starts with an F.)

The West is not just at bay, IT IS SUNK!! Now in disgusting increasingly rapid DECLINE!!!!

The time for action was 22, 23 years back, when Reagan was stopped from getting re-elected!!(The best president U.S. ever had!!)

All the presidents(U.S.) since have increasingly SUNK U.S. The West, and the entire world!! Thanks mainly to the profiteering corporations!! The U.S. STARTED all this trouble!!!! Including Al Queda and The Taliban,etc!!!! The Twin Towers demolition WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!!(To provide an excuse for U.S. to attack. Arms and war provide SUCH profits!! So they attacked FRIEND, and last hope for security in The Middle East, Iraq, and the GOOD Saddam Hussein(Pot Pol and Milosevic,etc. are good,too!!). INSTEAD of Iran(but North Korea, first!!), which is the OBVIOUS ROOT of The Middle East problem!!!!)

U.S. faces civil war, following on Iraq. Eventually world civil war.

Britain is on the scrap heap.(Labour, led by Blair, saw to that!!)

Australia is vulnerable and DEFENCELESS. Once Howard goes, all is lost.(The country is far too stupid to let Costello stay!!)

I expect Indonesia to take us over, and New Zealand. In double short order!!

India and Russia will side with The Political East. As will Japan, eventually.

This so called madman in Iran, now laughing his head off, has the WHOLE WORLD by the BALLS!!!! And knows it. And with gross impunity!!!!(Another Adolf Hitler!! We are back in 1939! And a year before the start of the THIRD gulf war!!!! Facing a speeding up descent into THE PIT, before civil war and world war/s. But Nature will take a hand, too. And The Earth. Plus aliens. And WHAT hands they will be!!!!

Yet The Political East won't win. I see Europa rising and beating Islam. Then Asia, led by China, ruling the world. But finally CHRIST and GOD defeating Man!! Humans!! You got it ALL wrong!! And HOPELESSLY so!!!!

Don't be angry at The U.S. Republicans! ANY alternative is worse!!(Bar, POSSIBLY, McCaine!!) The point is that though things COULD HARDLY BE WORSE, they WOULD BE, if any other party ruled!!

Bush is the man elected by Christendom. The Fundamentalists. THEY don't BELIEVE IN REASON!!!!

Yes, we can SEE that, WELL!!!!

But we have a FAR, FAR, worse fundamentalist idiotic GROUP in Islam, called The Wahabee sect. No, Islam, Christendom has not risen up against you. YOU have done THAT to Christendom!! With your MAD fanatical INTOLERANT jihads,etc!!!! Offensive cartoon, indeed!! What are you? Sore children?? GROW UP!!!! You are little more than a lunatic pack of rabid HOUNDS!!!! What is GODLY about you?? You SAVAGES. As are The Indonesians!!!! Planting drugs on Corby and framing her, now rotting in a stinking Indonesian jail for 20 years!!

Crusades? Well don't The Vatican have REASON to!!

I concede that the biggest terrorist is U.S! With their wars against Pot Pol, The Balkans and now Iraq,etc. But do you HAVE TO excel them??!! What exactly is peaceful,etc. about Islam?! Radical Islam. But ALL Islam would be MADE radical by the fanatical INSANE clerics, imams,etc!!

The Third World rails against The Colonialist West. But we also did enough good to make the negative side worth while!! You are just looking for excuses to be your SADISTIC selves!!!! The whites are the best! Especially The Anglo-Saxons! I AM NOT confused!! What you bastards got in mind? Raping our lovely beautiful women, and BEHEADING all the men??!! Huh??!!

Yes, Iran is the present day MONSTER. Behind every Middle East evil!! The new EVIL spider!! Just like Japan was back in 1941!!!!

U.S. made the mistake of sparing North Korea!! But Iran WON'T be sparing us.(I refer to all Westerners! And INDEED the entire world that is non Muslim!!)(Infidel,indeed. It is you RABID lot that are the INFIDELS!!!!)

When I was in Honolulu for a visit, I needed money, so went around begging. I encountered one large group, and asked them for help. Their answer: "We are Muslims!!".(I gave them a desperate look of despair and just walked off!!) I understand from that thatMuslims are somehow EXEMPT from helping when asked!! GOD HELP YOU LOT!!!!(At The Judgement!!) Not human,eh? Yes, I see that ALL RIGHT!!!!

I understood that Muslims were not humans! And therefore exempt from giving assistance. The Koran encourages violence. And Mohammed WAS A CRIMINAL!!!!

We need a TENTH CRUSADE all right!!!!

Go to it Vatican, and supporters. We shall need Germany all right!!

Europa, led by Germany, will rise up and GIVE IT TO YOU BARBARIANS,TOO!!(Machetes and beheading,indeed!!)(No. You are not from this planet!! GO BACK to where you came from!!)(And take The Jews with you!!)(MONEY leachers!!)

U.N. mandated Israel's existence. So you Muslims do not recognize International Law!!

Israel talks of assassinating the mad Iranian defence minister. But even if they did, he would simply be replaced by another, and another, and so on...and on...

What a mad ridiculous world this is!!

I believe Eire is on the side of The Political East!

ANYTHING anti-British!!

We have reached the point where YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE COMPLETELY OPEN WITH THE TRUTH. It is for SURE that the U.S. is not!!

Carter, Bush senior, Clinton, and now Bush junior, have SOLD US OUT!!!!

Pandering to the money making corporations,etc!!

War and arms, and oil,etc. is the MOST OBVIOUS name of the game!!

Meanwhile Canada COWERS up there. Afraid to offend The GOD ALL MIGHTY U.S!!!!

Oh,boy. What a bunch of BANANAS!!!!

What's next? Rocketting oil prices. The increasing disintegration of U.S. The subjugation of Australia. After Labour's take over with Julia Gillard at the helm!!!!

Vote Euro!!

The dollar has HAD it!!!!

That's the picture, folks!!

Sweat that one out, somewhere!!!!



Vic Conway.

Tuesday, 25th April,  2,006.


Concerning dreams,etc.


          What ARE dreams? Imagination in sleep?  No, they are auric images seen during sleep.

       Two kinds: The fine mental aura images, and the coarser ordinary auric images.

       Many primitives ascribed dreams to the spirit leaving the body during sleep, and wandering around.  Who are we to say that they are wrong??

       Two amazing things occur to the human psyche.  We experience dreams, and we experience oobes(out of the body experiences).

       Dreams, I have just explained. Oobes also occur. With dreams we go down into an inner world. With oobes we go up and out into the worlds outside of us!

       Dreams are a sort of two dimensional scene. Ordinary waking life is 3d.  Oobes enter a kind of 4d!!

       Please note. Ordinarily we are concious of being awake in the physical world. As and when it is happening.  With dreams, though we are normally sub-concious in our auric eggs, whilst awake we are only recalling the memory of dreams, the memory we had upon awakening!! So that is a memory OF a memory.  Note, NOT the dreams themselves!!!! We ONLY remember A MEMORY of what a dream was like! NOT the dream itself!!

       So the proper comparison of the waking physical world against dreams and oobes is by comparing the memories of both!! NOT by comparing a memory OF a memory OF dreams, against the PRESENTLY OCCURRING waking life moment!!

       If you think about it, you should observe quite a difference there!!

       We are apt to think that waking life is real, while dreams are not.   BOTH are real!! Though physical images are far more dense than auric ones.

       Note that dreams are USUALLY sub-concious or low concious, even unconcious. Whilst waking life is normally concious.

       It is far easier to remember a concious event, than a sub-concious one! Now if we compare remembered CONCIOUS dreams against concious waking incidents, which is the correct comparision, you might be amazed to discover that dreams are more vivid. And oobes SUPER vivid!!

       So WHICH is the reality?!

       Oobes are certainly MORE impressive!!

       Simply because the plane we enter when we leave our bodies, is a superior finer plane of matter!

       Our degree of remembrance is related to our measure of conciousness, PLUS how much  of our spirit vehicle was exteriorized!!

       ALSO, we need to remember that our memory of dreams and oobes is whilst IN the physical! Thus making it far harder to access what happened in dream or oobe!(Though I have tried to see how much I can remember of dreams DURING a dream, WHILST concious in it!!(It proved to be about the same as waking life.))

       During oobes our spirit body LEAVES the physical for a while. Seldom does all of it exit!  I have experienced being out of my body.(Though not experienced seeing my body, whilst out.  Never had the opportunity to look!) I have also experienced SEEING my spirit hastening away from my body, whilst I was still in my body!!(I recognized myself clearly, and was astonished not to be in it!!) This would be due to more of my spirit remaining in my body, than leaving it. Perhaps(say) 3 tenths departed, whilst 7 tenths remained!

      When I say that PART of the spirit leaves, I do not mean that maybe an arm or a leg goes out, whilst the rest of the spirit body remains! But that a percentage of the vapour of the spirit body leaves, and a percentage remains(usually the lesser portion).

      Rather like ectoplasm which can create partial or full materializations at a seance!!

      A certain woman teacher evidently left her body WHILST CONDUCTING HER CLASS!! Her attention was drawn to her spirit body outside in the grounds of the school, by her class. They all saw both the physical teacher, AND the spirit form!! In this case the spirit form had ALSO materialized!!(Which it does not usually do.)

      However, that example does illustrate how PART of the spirit body usually goes out, whilst part remains. Presumably as in my case, the major part remained.  I was concious in my physical body. The teacher was concious in her physical body. (But NOTE that this does not mean that we were not SIMULTANEOUSLY concious(to some degree) IN our spirit vehicles!!(It simply means that there was no recollection of such!!!!)(Do you follow what I mean?!)

      Maybe the teacher's spirit was ITSELF aware of being out, and recollected such. Perhaps completely unaware of what her physical self was experiencing!!(Or, possibly, it too saw its physical self teaching the class!!) Do you see what I mean?? Who is to say??!!


      I have CONCIOUSLY studied dream imagery(AND oobe imagery) WHILST IN those states. AND remembered, of course,  - to be able to tell you the results NOW!!


      Dream, oobes and physical imagery are all EQUALLY real!(Remember, when we think of dream imagery NOW, whilst awake, we are comparing an actually CURRENTLY happening physical event with the memory OF A MEMORY, of A DREAM event!!)(And all three features would score heavily against dream recall!!!)

      We should not just ASSUME that the physical world is more real!

      Certainly dream imagery is FLATTER, hence my 2d label. And flimsier.  But equally as much THERE(or real), as is physical imagery!!

      During one dream I deliberately(I was fully concious in the dream!) tried to see HOW MUCH of my physical life I could remember.  The result was - almost NOTHING!! I wasn't even sure if I lived where I thought I did!!!! I COULD NOT, for SURE, recall WHERE I LIVED in the physical world!!!!(And I was FULLY concious!! And knew it!!!!)

      Thus, memory of waking life from dreams is about the same as the memory of dreams, from waking life!!(What does that tell us? Quite a worry, actually!!)(Maybe dreams, or at least OOBES,  are more real than is this physical world!!)

      They are all EQUALLY real!! But dreams are flatter and flimsier, whilst oobes are  MORE impressive even than waking life!!

       Upon reflection, all this is of course astonishing!!(We automatically assume that the physical world is the ONLY real one!)(How WRONG we are!!)

       Oobes are superior, dreams are inferior.

       Oobes are temporary exteriorizations from the physical body. Death is PERMANENT exit. That is the ONLY difference!!

       During oobes we can be in the ORIGINAL(not counterpart!) of the physical world. Or we can be in The Spirit World PROPER.(Usually we are in the ORIGINAL of the physical world first.)(As occurs when we die.)

       WE don't die, but our physical bodies do!!

       We FEEL as if WE are doing the dying, but it is only a feeling!! A false one.

       I stress ORIGINAL, because you might think that this physical world is the original. But this is not so!  The physical world is ONLY the COUNTERPART of the basic world!! Not the other way around!!

       The primitives are wrong. Dreams are simply auric imagery.  But SOME TIMES, we do exteriorize, if rarely, and enter The Spirit World. Either the ORIGINAL of the physical, or The Spirit World PROPER.

        Most people ASSUME a lot of falsehoods, you see. As they do in subjects OTHER than dreams, too!!


        We take a lot for granted, which IN FACT, is not so!!


        Materialistic science dominates our thinking. Consequently, we usually think a lot of wrong things!! And not just about dreams,etc!!

        We live our lives, but he who said "We get born,we live and then we die, and that's it" is quite QUITE wrong!!  We live our lives, then return to The Spirit World FROM WHENCE WE CAME at birth!!  After a life time there, we USUALLY re-incarnate to Earth(or some other planet). The times we don't re-incarnate are most rare. Happening only when we consummate with GOD, and enter higher schemses!!

        We will live for EVER. And already HAVE!!!!

         Always getting bigger and better!!

         At first(after death) we usually hang around our homes, and usual haunts. Starting with the cemetery! Realization that we are dead, may take some time! To the spirits WE, the living in the physical world, are the ghosts!!  The reason seen spirits(ghosts) look so flimsy is because not fully tuned in(to the physical)! Not that they ACTUALLY are flimsy!(WE are the flimsy ones!!)(Of course to spirits, WE also LOOK flimsy.)

         SOME people actually live for a time IN THEIR OWN COFFINS, inside of their own corpses!! Because they THINK that the physical body IS them!!


         Note that the energy double component also exits, at death, usually after the spirit has gone.

         The energy double is the true ghost. It slowly dissolves.

         Heaven and Hell come later. Actually Paradise or Hades.


         There are two kinds of return. 1. Re-incarnation. 2. Re-birth.  With re-birth, you return again to the year and moment of your birth, for another go! Which need not be the same as the first attempt!!(It had better not be!!)

         Sometimes we return as the opposite gender.

         Re-incarnation is different. Instead of the SAME personality returning(for another go), a DIFFERENT personality gets put down from the SOUL Both kinds of return usually occur.

        We always return as a human!

        The average physical life is 55 years(or it was!). The average spirit life is 50.

        Broadly speaking, dreams are experiences in sleep. But strictly speaking dreams are simply the auric imagery seen when we go DOWN into our own auras within our beings.

        Oobes are THE REVERSE. When we go UP and OUT into The Spirit World,etc.

        To The Spirit World life, which all(including animals) enter, the physical life is A DREAM.(Comparatively speaking.)  The change between physical and spirit life is as great as the change between dream world and physical! 

        Four stages in the full life cycle: 1. Physical life. 2. Spirit life. 3. The attempt to consummate with God(it usually fails)., and the descent if and when we fail.  And 4. Entering a new born baby once again(our own, re-cycled!!), at a new birth(which is usually necessary).


        During life there are four main stages. As with insects: 1. The cell in the egg. 2. Inside the womb. 3. Life. 4. The After-life.(Compare with cell, larva, pupa, and imago.)(Or cell,  egg, caterpillar, and butterfly with butterflies.)

        Thus the four human stages compare with the four main insect stages.

         What we are all trying to do is to return to GOD, from whence we came.(We left as unconcious sparks, we will return as SUPER concious FLAMES!!!!)(Likewise, similarly,too with our twin souls, from whom we are currently separated.)

          There is a  FIGHT between God and Devil, both of whom are fighting for our souls. It is a fight we DARE NOT lose!!(Which is what religion and spirituality are all about.)

          The point is we should be co-operating to OUR UTMOST to assist God, who made us, to win that battle!!

          Sex is not a bad thing, though it is low. Similarly with drugs,etc.

          Religions are usually distorted badly. Being exaggerated and twisted out of all proportion,  and even perspective!!

          Humans greatly abuse their positions!!

          What matters is that you do more good than harm! Else you will go to Hades(Hell)!!

           We should be concerned with Soul and Love,etc. And uniting with GOD, spiritually, not Man, bodily!!


           The proper study of Man is NOT Man. But GOD!!!!

           Our troubles spring from this.

           I have tried here to give very brief idea of what it(Life) is all about. Dreams are a very important key in finding out what this is!!



           Vic Conway.



















Tuesday, 18th April, 2,006.


World situation.

U.S. on outer!!

The political East is now in full charge. Iran rules the roost. And The Terrorists. U.S. down the chute, completely!!

It is not for nothing Iran is laughing its head off.

I don't think U.S. will do anything. They will, as usual, just let situation worsen!!

They have put their faith in weapons, which they will not use, because no will, too soft, too divided, and Bush too demoralized. U.S. does not want to fight. But Iran does!! They would win either way!!

Iran scared stiff, cowering in a corner.

U.S. has procrastinated too long. Now far too late!!

UNO and Security Council useless as usual.

While Europe is toothless and too indifferent as usual.

RED China rapidly rises.

India and Russia will swing towards them.

As Africa is doing.

U.S. has set a precedent now by attacking Iraq.

Yes, they confused Iraq for Iran, and attacked the wrong country. Because they are too afraid of Iran, and RIGHTLY so!!

They confused Saddam Hussein with Bin Laden, and attacked the wrong man. Because U.S. is too in league and financially involved with Bin Laden!! And traitor Saudi Arabia!! U.S. created not only The Taliban, but Al Quaeda,too!!

In fact, U.S. is creating the world morass all along. Because it invests in arms sales. And covertly goes along with drugs. Especially the big corporations.

Bush is a toothless dragon, and IDIOT!!!!

Kim is no idiot though.

Iran is confident and gung ho BECAUSE U.S. did not stop North Korea!!(Because too afraid of RED China!!)(And wisely so.)

China is qualitatively bad, but quantitatively most fearsome!!

Japan is out on a limb!

Central and South Americal swing against U.S.

Mexico is in effect, invading!

Canada is U.S. stooge.

As is Britain, still.

U.S. dare not bomb Iran. Nuclear weapon production via enriched uranium is too scattered and too deep. Also partly in other countries!!!!

In addition to that, Iran could do U.S. and West too much damage. By strangling oil. And by attacking U.S.etc. interests!!

U.S. has left it too late! Too stymied now!!

In addition to all this, the world faces TWO natural catastrophes.(Planetary inversion AND close pass of Earth by rogue planet Nibiru.

Plus alien take-over!!

The sun has entered the densest part of the galaxy! So much dust and debris. Which will reduce global warming.(It does not exist, anyway. What IS coming is AN ICE AGE!!!!)

WITHIN the next ten years, Earth's most awful time ever(bar at creation), will occur!!!!

With wipe out TWICE over!!

Man's biggest enemy is Man!!

Especially U.S!!!!

Man is NOT responsible for global warming. Nor even is Surface Nature(volcanic eruptions and forest fires)!! Vested interests behind stupid hysteria flying in face of overwhelming scientific evidence now, that Sun itself is behind global warming!! Especially electronically.

Kototo Protocol no good and a waste of time, anyway.

Third World not conforming!

Age of Aquarius, Fourth World(Mayan), New Cycle of Sun(of 6,500 years, about) will start within ten years. Also spirit AND energy rises of planet Earth. All these huge changes now starting to occur, and over next ten years, MUST create HUGE changes, and increasing strange and wonderful events!!

Four big stages now beginning: 1. U.S.etc.(The West) will go into accelerating decline over next 5 to 10 years.

2. Europa will finally wake up and rise. To counter Iran!! ETC. They and the Euro will take over from U.S. and the dollar.(As oil, petrol, gold,etc. go through the roof, after Dow crashes through 12,000, I THINK.) Europa, led by Germany, smashes Iran and Islam,etc. After a very rapid armament!!(I HOPE so, anyway!!!!)(The Political East will not get anywhere worthwhile(I do not think.), despite now in the ascendancy!! Nor does Islam. Nor Terrorists.)(Bush plunges world into civil war. First in Iraq. Then in U.S. Finally right throughout world.)(Viruses unleashed on whole populations, plus weapons of mass destruction. By Political East. Islam, Terrorists AND West.)

3. Stage 3 sees Asia supreme.(Australia and New Zealand get absorbed. Australia is already embracing China, and bowing to Indonesia. Neither U.S. nor Britain can or will do anything!! Howard to leave within a year. Brief rule by Costello. Then Labour in. Led by Australia's first woman prime minister.)

Finally in stage 4, CHRIST and GOD take over!!!!

UFO's MAY reveal their selves.

Also aliens may take over rule of Earth. They may have to as nuclear,etc.weapons will get used too much.

Plus an inner race!


The world has made a very grave mistake.

And the bad aliens have gone too far!!




Sunday, 16th April, 2,006.


Bird Flu or Mycoplasma?


It is known that Aids(And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS) was deliberately created and administered, but now it has been claimed that Bird Flu is actually a deliberately created pathogen called Mycoplasma, which resembles Flu, but is not it. Purpose: For use(to kill) on selected groups of humans. To reduce the world population. Especially of undesirable groups.

Not only that, but that vaccinations are themselves deadly.

Can Aspirin cause Reye's syndrome?(Another claim.)

Are (some) air contrails a way of reducing the population?

Some strange things are going on.

My source is (Australia) Nexus Magazine, page 27, Volume 13, Number 3, April-May, 2,006. Article entitled: "Avian Flu or Mycoplasma Pandemic.

Not mentioned: Can Flouride cause Cancer?

The main reason for U.S. invading Iraq? Oil, perhaps. As the world's supply of oil runs out. Energy crisis. Industry will come to a stop without oil. So U.S., the only world super power, MUST have oil!!(Iran, next?)(Which could well be suicide for The U.S!!)

I want to see McCaine get into power. As The President of The U.S. is not looking too good! Ratings about lowest ever. His track record about worst ever. With Iraq close to civil war. As Iran rears its ugly head. And RED China races towards being the top world power! While North Korea continues to stymie talks.

Unless the world's authorities are blind, we VERY clearly have a rapidly increasingly dangerous international situation!

So what will we do? Wait a few years before taking action, as with Nazi Germany?? At the expense of the worst war ever!!

It is very sad about the human race.

But it is an increasingly obvious fact, that it is actually a very evil species!!




Vic Conway.





Thursday, 13th April, 2,006.


All electric!

We live in an electric universe, of spirilla(double reverse helixes to be more precise)(These are the building blocks of the universe!!) and space plasma. With electric currents flowing along the plasmic lines surrounding the lines of heavenly fields(stars, galaxies, whatever). Gravity is a mere weak adjunct!

Electro-magnetism, not gravity, is the main force. Gravity is top active over large distances, EM over small. Similarly in the world of the very small. Add in Static Electricity.(Note that static electricity is NOT static!!)(Page 43, Nexus Magazine, Science Section, first item, issue Oct - Nov. '05, volume 12, number 6.)(I get a lot of my recent ideas from Nexus.)

My point here is that electro-magnetism is the main ingredient of the supernatural and supernormal worlds!!

I knew that an electro magnetic field, if it was strong enough, created a weightless zone around its centre, where things inclined to float about.(The secret of The Philadelphia Experiment,etc.)

What I didn't know was that this could be extended! So that passive supernatural and supernormal activities occurred.

Before you jump to the conclusion that electro-magnetism accounts for spirits and aliens,etc. let me assure you that this phenomon(of weightlessness) is the basis for, not the cause of, spirit and alien,etc. activity!!

I can do no better than to refer you to the current Nexus on The Internet. Just dig out the appropriate article.

It is called "The Poltergeist Machine". If you study this, AND Wal Thornhill's article "The Electric Universe"(Page 51 of Nexus Magazine of June-July '04, Volume 11, number four., you should get a better picture of The Universe!!(Note: Our universe is but ONE particle amid an infinitude!!

Creating a strong enough electro-magnetic field can create passive weightless effects. If you add Tesla Coils, van de Graaff generator, RF transmitters, signal generators,etc., you will have created the seance conditions for visiting spirits,etc!! Your very own seance room!!!!(But please note that the field with the devices attached is ONLY to create the CONDITIONS. It does not create spirits,etc! But if they are around and if they wish to illustrate their existence, they can do so!!(This is far superior to trying to find a good physical and materialization medium! They only work if their own personal EM field is strong enough! We all have them, but few have ones strong enough to produce PHENOMENA. Note that young people in puberty(apparently puberty amplifies greatly one's EM field) can also supply such EM fields. They supply the FIELDS. The spirits,etc. may UTILIZE the conditions IF THEY WISH TO!!!! The EM field,etc. DOES NOT create the spirits!!

The authors of the mentioned articles will give you the details much better than I can.



Vic Conway.


Sunday, 9th April, 2,006.


Very latest on world!!

The truth, as far as I can see it.

Things have never been so bad. Internationally, and in Australia.

The line up of The West is as follows:-

U.S. U.K. Canada. Israel. Australia.(New Zealand in limbo.) The Phillipines.

EU uncommitted.

The line up of The Political East is as follows:-

Iran, North Korea, RED China, Palestinians, led by Hamas. Indonesia. Malaysia.

Rest, neutral.

Little grey humanoid aliens is all that is saving(FOR NOW!!!!) The West.(I think they prefer the mentally superior whites! Yellows second!!) As it goes down!!

John Howard fighting a losing battle. Should be gone within a year!

Costello briefy after that. VERY briefly!!

Then Labour in, with our first prime minister.

This is what I see.

Gold rising. And oil. Ominous indicators!!

Interest rates to go up.

And inflation!!(As U.S. blows out too much over dying dollar. Eu will beat soon. But Chinese currency will beat all!! Best buy - gold, IF it is permitted!!!!

Freedom,etc. vanishing down drain!

As number one Terrorist(The U.S.) driven increasingly into second place(among terrorists!). In the name of Terrorism, WHICH IT STARTED!! With the FIRST Gulf War! Because Kuwait is REALLY part of Iraq!!

Israel right, but losing.

Worst(NOW) and rising terrorist is Islam, fighting for its own!!

India edging East.

Certainly Russia is!!

Also all the neutrals.

U.S. in league with Bin Laden(And Omar,etc.).

Via family ties.

And through Saudi Arabia,etc.

Iraq a trump up.

World Trade Centre demolition permitted!

West is devoted to Humanitarianism. Hell bent on executing Saddam.

U.S. has de-stabilized Middle East and, increasingly, the whole world!!

MUCH better to have left Hussein IN!! Now Iran taking over!!

Balance of power will change completely WITHIN a few months. To The Political East!!

North Korea can be expected to blackmail West into submission from now on!!

As Iran tightens grip, and laughs its head off.

U.S. only hope lies in alien technology, and the weaponisation of space,etc.(Mind and weather control, including seismic!!)

Australia's hope lies in selling uranium, buying best fighter planes,etc. AND in MAKING nuclear,ETC. weapons!!

Unless we prefer to become a state of Indonesia!!

Now starting to invade us via illegal asylum seekers and THE FISHERMEN.

We NEED to join forces with Japan!!

Howard is selling our soul to save our bodies.

WATCH Australia, The Phillipines, Taiwan, Canada and FRANCE!!!! The key indicators of world situation!!(Also South Korea and Japan.)

Nature and Earth rising up against bad Mankind!!

Via two cataclysms IN THE OFFING!!

Ice Age starting up!!!!

Worsened by solar decline AND having entered densest part of Milky Way!!

The sun is playing up currently, badly!! Out of season performance!!

U.S. increasingly HATED by all!!

With Australia now the target. Because most vulnerable via being so defenceless!!!!

Labour would finish us off!!

New Zealand waking up TOO LATE.

Hong Kong moving East. And Singapore.

Fiji moving towards instability again.

Australia needs to get ready to fall back to The Brisbane Line!!!!

Health a disgrace. Especially mental health.

It is pro disease to make money,etc!!

Australia NEEDS weapons of mass destruction TO SURVIVE!!!!

Man NOT cause of Global Warming.

Free and cheap fuel,etc. solutions are being blocked by vested interests.

This will prove DISASTROUS!!!!

It is nearly too late for world to wake up.

Things are so bad, the LOOK good!!!!(Yes, work that one out!!)

Republicans went evil, after Reagan stopped from getting re-elected.

Replace Bush with McCaine!! NOT the other fellow who is STILL worse than Bush.

But Political East is taking world stage now!

As Earth falls past point of NO RETURN!!!!

Humans are SUCH fools!!

What is the use of surviving death, if only to go to HELL!!!!

ONLY hope now is join original humans in Pleiades. Beyond, better!!(The Plejans).

Possible from SPIRIT WORLD!!!!




Vic Conway.

Saturday, 8th April, 2,006.


Parallel Time! And the latest world situation!!

We have never had it so good.

Yet our prospects have never looked SO BAD!!!!

Worried about the future?

As we enter the worst times EVER.

Just at the VERY start now. World wide!!

IF, you do your best for world, by GOD, then you can rise to a higher time track! Where it may be better.

There are as many parallel time tracks, as there are creatures to walk them!

Do NOT assume that we are all upon the same time track!!

Time is a FIELD, not a line. In fact it is a TESSERACT. A four dimensional thing!!!!

Consider prophecies: When enough people heed, then they don't occur!!

Some prophecy or other has not materialized. It might not mean that it was wrong! It MAY be because you improved your time track!! OR worsened it!!!!

The world is on the brink of HELL!!!!

Here,now, on Earth!!

Why? Principally because of one man, - George Bush 2!!

The U.S. has chosen to go evil!!

Australia is nearly at war with Indonesia! Or, rather, they have decided to attack us! Trying it on FIRST, to see how it goes!! WHY? Because Australia is STUPID.(You are going to need that uranium Australia. In the form of NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!!!) It keeps doing things that anger Indonesia! Like invade Timor for example. And NOW, Papua!!(Via giving asylum to Papuans!!) Indonesia could MASSACRE us, with the greatest of ease!!!! And because of invading Afghanistan and Iraq. And ALLEGED drug smuggling. Indonesia HATES us!! That is why they FRAMED Chappelle and Leslie!! Bloody LIARS!!(Indonesians are! And CHEATS.)(And NOW we have the disgusting spectacle of having our best prime minister ever, GROVELLING at their feet, in a VAIN bid, to save our necks!! OF COURSE it won't work!! They'll hate us all the more for it!!!! Get out of that one, John!!(And John is an expert!!)

We side with the biggest threat to the world of all, The U.S!!(Led by the mad man, Bush!!)(Cheney(etc') rep. Con man Bush!!)(Yet he STILL IS our best hope!! GOD help us!!)

And lackey, Britain!! BLOATED Blair!!!!

What are you readers looking for? What you WANT! Well you won't find that HERE! Here you get the truth, as near as I can assess it!! So of course you look elsewhere!! WAKE UP!!!!

The next nine years are the worst to hit this planet since it was created!! After that it gets worse. ICE AGE starting up!!!! But the HEAT first!!!!

Catastrophes and WARS. Including CIVIL. And all manner of mass destruction weapons ex U.S. Islam. Terrorists and criminals!!!!(ISLAM is NOW worst evil. ESPECIALLY IRAN!!!!)

The fool's paradise is over, folks!!

Within a few months!!

What lies ahead? What DOESN'T lie ahead!!

World War. All out attacks by weapons of mass destruction. CataclysmS. Chiefly by U.S. Islam. Terrorists. And CRIMINALS!!!!

As oil expires, and water dries up(in many places).

Millions will die? NO!! BILLIONS!!!!(American(U.S.(America is a CONTINENT, not a country. Though it THINKS it isTHE WORLD!!!!)billions. That is thousands of millions. British billions is millions of millions.

And for the REST, it will be better IF THEY HAD!!!!(Been killed!!)

Why?? Because, basically, we are leaning over BACKWARDS to please The Devil. NOT God!!!!

We are SO FAR being spared from nearly all of it! By humanoid aliens. The little greys!!

We are CATTLE. And they are protecting us - so they can hand us over to The Reptilean aliens for DEVOURING. Yes body, AND SOUL!!!! A little later on. WAKE UP!!!!

No one believes me! OF COURSE!!!!


You IDIOTS!!!! Do you REALLY think GOD is mocked?! OF COURSE NOT!!!!

We are being constantly fed on the most outrageous LIES, by Governments, The Media, The Academia, and the THUGS who supress us all!!!! Ex the faceless EVIL ones!!!!

The TRUTH is the opposite, the VERY opposite to what we believe!!

The two main channels of SHIT?? - Materialistic Science. And fundamentalist religion!!!!(Especially Islam. PARTICULARLY The Wahabee SECT!! Christendom is a most distant second! And they are bad enough!! Christendom is NOT what Jesus taught!!!!

Read Nexus Magazine!! Conspiracy Planet.(On Internet.) ETC.

I agree with most of it.

We are doing handstands and cartwheels AT THE EDGE OF A PRECIPICE!!!!

Especially on Television,etc. Particularly Channel 7!! Your constant LAUGHTER is but BRAVADO in the face of a terror and horror you are TERRIFIED to express!!!!

You SUCKERS(world) for propaganda!!

It could ALL be SO different, but the faceless evil ones who dominate us, MAKE us go the WRONG way!!!!

Just to enlarge their overbloated BELLIES,ETC!!!! Yes!

The Sun has recently entered the densest part of the galaxy! So watch out for asteroids and comets(Two kinds: dirty snow balls and electronic PLASMA!!!!)!!

The aliens SO FAR have protected us from meteors. Coming up are rogue planets and their retinues. Yes, as big as Earth, and JUPITER!!!!

Aliens protect us from VERY MUCH ill!!

I have tried all my life to warn you, but you just grin knowingly!!

I have my weaknesses,true. But am I completely wrong? You HOPE!!!!

Alone in the universe? My big toe!!

We WILL survive death.

And GO to the place we INSIST upon creating all our lives: HELL!!!!

We live for EVER. And ALREADY have!!

So we had better make something of ourselves! Right?? My arse, you won't!! FOOLS!!!!

We live in an ELECTRIC universe! Gravity is merely pressure of gravitons ex WHITE holes!! Though there are two kinds of gravity, even three or more!! One is electronic, ex SO CALLED static electricity.

COMPARATIVELY, I AM ignorant!! Yes. What are YOU,then??

Brain washed and conditioned, by FOOLS for ages!!

Who believe in living now, and PAYING later!!

I lean to paying now, and living later. If God will have mercy!!

GOD exists!! MAN doesn't!!

Man hasn't EVEN been born yet!!

The truth is SO unbelievable that no one can BEAR IT, fully!!!!

The truth? The OPPOSITE to what we THINK!!!!

We are living on borrowed time.

Jesus is fine!! Are YOU????

The Church? MAN made!!

The Bible?? Written by MEN!!!! Men worship MEN!!!! The proper study of Man is GOD, NOT Man!!!!

What is The West doing in Iraq,ETC??(Apart from trying to corner the oil(and The Caspian gas!!), protect Israel, extend U.S. empire, capture Iraq Stargate(!!), (Saddam is to be FODDER. For LIARS!!)

The U.S. is trying to surround Iran, and RED China!!!!

U.S. come to Australia's aid against Indonesia? More like assist them in invading us!!

HUGE changes are in THE OFFING.

The offing is what is IMMEDIATELY in front of you!!

WHO is warning you of THE WRATH to come? - A fool like me!!

But I waste my time!

How many SHEEP know in advance of the knife??!!

Australia(AUSTRALIA!!!!) is SUCKING UP to RED CHINA!!!!

And grovelling to Indonesia!! Annex New Zealand, Australia!!

Led by our BEST prime minister EVER!!!!

Beazley growls, but knows he is a lost cause!!

Will a woman save us?? Poor Costello. SO misunderstood. The masses prefer the bully boys. The trade unionist SCUM!!!!

We would do best to CRAWL to Japan!!

And EMIGRATE to Antarctica!!!! YES!!!!

You hate me for telling you the truth? No!! You REALLY hate yourselves for not being able to BEAR it!!!!(I fear GOD more than Man! Or I had BETTER do!!)(WAKE UP!!!!)

I am just a poor wretch and fool, afraid of going to the HELL I so richly deserve!!!!

You are all fairies of course, waiting for more angels to indulge you UNTIL YOU BURST!!!!

PREPARE to meet your Maker!!

I am no scaremonger! I am understating(!!) what is to come!!!!

Muslims are BASTARDS. And the world is importing them AS FAST as it can go!!

Europe is still asleep.

The U.S. is about to go beserk.

As Iran squeezes its BALLS tighter!

Thank you, comrades!!!!



Vic Conway.(That television set IS THE CON MAN!!!!)



Thursday, 6th April, 2,006.


How now, mad cow?

I summarize a better picture of the truth about Mad Cow.

Ostensibly Mad Cow is caused by infected infectious protein prions. Due to contaminated animal feed. And physical contact. Mass cullings to cure!

As with most other important subjects, this is a load of BULL SHIT!!!!

The orthodox conventional picture is completely WRONG!!!!

The cause of vCJD and BSE, TSE's, otherwise known as Mad Cow,etc. and Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. CWD in deer. Scrappie in sheep. - is MANGANESE!!!!(Poisoning. Of the brain!!)(With thanks and reference to Farmer Mark Purdey and Doctor Brown!!)(My sources in Nexus Magazine in Australia.)

All animals and humans(I don't know about plants.) are susceptible to it. Certain pre-required conditions must exist:-

1. The presence of Manganese in the environment, or body concerned.

2. A deficiency of COPPER in the the prion proteins.(Can be caused genetically.) And/OR: Ororgano -- Di-thiophosphate(Sorry, if not correct spellings.) (OP) Warble Spray Insecticides.

3. Plus INFRA-SOUND.(Through ears, of course.)

4. AND'OR light through retinas of eyes.(As well as up nose(another alternative).)

(We are also being lied to regarding many other important items, including Astronomy(Particulary Cosmology,etc. And ASTRO-PHYSICS!!!!), Iraq, Physics, Evolution, General Science, RELIGION(Especially Christendom.)(Fundamentalism!! Christian AND Islamic,etc. IDIOCY!!!!), Medicines and herbs, POSSIBLY vaccines and flourides, Ufo's, aliens, alien abductions, crop circles,ETC.)(More anon.)

If you want to avoid CJD, or BSE or infected deer,etc.(All the TSE's.) then find out if your area is manganese contaminated. If so, you need to GET OUT, and into a NON Manganese area!!(Manganese can be in soil. Coming out of industrial stacks.)(Manganese in pine CONES, infected deer!!)(NOT animal feed!!) GET OFF jet liner routes. ETC!!!!

(Foot and Mouth is another phoney. Not a lie, but exaggerated, as it is USUALLY little more than the flu, in animals.)

A lack of copper can(will) lead to copper deficiency in the prions!!(Due to lack of copper in the environment. And/or genetic weakness.)

What happens is that Manganese(Or, also, Lithium, Silver, Strontium 90, etc.)replaces the copper in the protein prions! They APPEAR(But are not in the normal sense of the world infectious!!)to be infectious. So manganese,etc.excess coupled to copper deficiency, THEN triggered by infra sound and/or light!!!!(Which fires off the PERMANENT bad electro-magnetism!!) - Is the cause of Mad Cow!!!! Big business, corporations, globalism, and vested interests is destroying us. Especially spiritually!!(Infra sound as in Jet planes! Low frequency sounds!!)(Plus (excess) light, especially FLORESCENT!!!!)

Note. Kudu (Via cannabilism) in New Guinea, NOT the cause. Though was fortuitously involved as a means of contamination, via eating infected human brains!!(Manganese in crashed Japanese planes, the root!!)(Spread by blowing up!!)

Vested interests protecting the wilful lies!!(As usual, and in most if not all important areas.) For money, power,etc.(Sadism, revenge...)

(Cancer is another scam. I mean the profiteering,etc. due to that.)(Many cures exist. But that is bad news for the scammers!!)

(Aids is reverse cancer, deliberately administered conjoint with small pox,etc. in Africa and U.S., to PROVE that an immune system destroyer was possible! EVIL idiots!! Medics deliberately CREATED Aids, to PROVE that it was possible!! They tested it out on BLACKS! In Africa and U.S.(New York,etc.) It worked(of course!!). NOT due to dirt, drugs, or anuses, nor homo-sexuality!(Is twice as common in women. Vaginas twice as vulnerable as rectums!!) But to the DELIBERATELY implanted viruses!!(Back in 1976.)(Though Aids not established until 1982.))

I don't profess to be perfect. But I am sure enough that I am giving you a true, if rough, picture!!!!

Planet X business is another cover up conspiracy!! And Global Warming!!(CO2 is a FOOD, not a contaminant!!)(And cheap or free energy. From many sources!!)(Bad for big business, you see!!)

Were it not for aliens protecting us from asteroids,etc. WE WOULD BE IN BIG TROUBLE!! (Though we are being protected BECAUSE cattle for later devouring by reptileans VIA THE LITTLE GREY HUMANOIDS!!!!)

As the wit said - "Plants live off minerals. Animals live off humans." - WHO lives off us? Aliens!!(We called them the gods.)(Yes, GOD exists. But unfortunately WE don't!!(We NEED to co-operate with GOD, BECAUSE God gave us free will(or we would complain even more!). No,no. God is VERY MUCH alive! It is Man who is NOT BORN yet!!!!)

So why is it claimed that animal feed and contact is the source of Mad Cow? Because THE ROUTE of brain infection HAPPENS to co-incide with the normal transmission route of electro-magnetism in brains(and nervous systems)!!(Manganese creates an INFECTIOUS PERMANENT bad electro magnetism spread!!)(In the brain and nervous system.)(Triggered via infra sound and excess light!!!!) Thus superficial viewing and SHALLOW short-sighted thinking is the route cause. Coupled to innate sadism!! - The livelihood of many(farmers,etc. wiped out by mass animal cullings!!!! Not to mention the meat trade of butchers,etc.)(Farmers REALLY getting a hard time! But our concern for environment, misplaced! Nature is VERY SOON going to wipe the lot!!!! But aliens will protect a lot!! (The little greys.))(World MUST change(for the better), OR be expelled to inferior planet,etc!!!!)

Superficially it might look as if infection is proceeding ex animals via feed, and contact with animals. But it is neither!!

Modern industry is creating too much manganese(also lithium, silver)(Strontium 90 ex atomic explosion tests, and nuclear power plant disasters.(Cherynol in Russia, for example. And on Long Island in U.S.).

The so called civilization culture of Man is causing so many ills!!

We are DESTROYING ourselves.

If it is not stopped, it will BE stopped. By Nature, via self-defence mechanisms. Wiping us out, if necessary. And it looks as if IT WILL BE!!!!

Blame insecticides, especially Warble Fly Spray!!

Infected meat and feed safe enough, provided brains and nervous system parts NOT eaten!!

Therefore no sense in mass cullings!!(As with Foot and Mouth too.)

World's biggest menace WAS U.S. With its very foolish foreign policies, coupled to its psychotic paranoia!! Ever since Reagan refused return. U.S.etc. versus Iran,ETC. face off!!!! But West will lose!! Hence broad smirks of Iranian leaders!!!! They KNOW they have West by the balls!!!! Indonesia and Islam right enough to defend their selves.

NOW it is Islam!!(Whole world turning against U.S.)(And they ask WHY!!)

RED China rising. But EU will rise soon.(To defend against national Muslim and Arab leader, Iran!!)(Now on the offensive on about eight KEY fronts!!)(Aided by North Korea, Syria, etc.)

Reason for invading Iraq? Middle East Oil, of course. But not only that!! There is a Stargate("Worm" port hole for instantaeous travel to anywhere in universe. AND TIME!!!!) in Iraq. Wanted to find it before Saddam did!

Also to protect Israel, and surround Iran! As well as China!!

U.S. via Bush and Cheney,ETC. NOT altogether wrong!!

As East would rise anyway. Via Islam against world(not just against Christianity!)!! AND China. Aided by Indonesia, Vietnam, Syria, Cuba, Central and South America, Africa, Lebanon, Jordan(Egypt soon,too.). AND India, later. Japan to take advantage and rule Asia, including Australia and New Zealand. But China, later!!(Egypt and India to go pro Eastern!!)(EU to attack Islam. And CHRIST to attack humanity!!!!)

Heading fast, and faster into Third World War. The Energy(including fuel) war. Via ALL weapons of mass destruction. Terrorists leading. But they are basically trying to protect their selves against U.S. EXTREMISM!!!!(And Bush mental deficiency.(Though enormously improved! He had to!! He only stumbled constantly in speech when reading prompts not given. NOW he has learned to speak far better!!)(Voice of Cheney,etc. I suspect. Bush con man. How he gets his way. Rice, good though.)(Read NEXUS Magazine,ETC!!!!)

U.S. also after Caspian gas.(Hence its invasions in that area.)

Without oil and gas,etc. industry grinds to a halt!! The life blood of nations!!

Australia NEEDS to sell uranium!!(Labour traitors!!)

Even if we do not use it ourselves!!

Not just to China. But India,too. ETC!!

Howard doing a great job! But I THINK will be driven to resign by old age, Labour, Costello and international foes, like Indonesia, etc!!!!

Big changes ahead. In the OFFING!!!!

Either Australia embraces Uranium,etc. OR fast becomes a third world nation!!

Indonesia DELIBERATELY going to war against Australia!! Indonesians HATE us. And with very good reason!!!!

Fortunately BAN BANG is not all that bright!!

We NEED the most up to date fighter planes, and EVERYTHING else!!(Australian coast line too long to defend!!)(It is Uranium,ETC. or be taken over AND PERISH. Spiritually, as well as physical HORRORS and TERRORS. Take your pick, folks. Better WAKE UP!!!!)

Danger of U.S. aiding Indonesia against us! Which is why(Britain useless!) Howard is embracing China, now!!

Indonesia will commence invasion of Australia(New Zealand, later), by fishermen and illegal entrants(AT FIRST.)!!!!(Australia VERY STUPIDLY thinks that all its flattery and aid will make enemies let us off!! LIKE HELL they will!!!! WAKE UP!!!!(We are STILL nailing our own coffins!!!!)(With us inside!!!!)

We have NO ONE to defend us!(Bar John(Howard),etc.)(Which is WHY Indonesia is going on the offensive!!)(They intend to SWAMP us!!!!)(Don't let Labour in, or we WILL become part of Indonesia empire, FAST!!!!(Costello not bad!! COME ON!!!!) Except China and Japan!!

Keep in mind that Indonesia HATES and LOATHES us! Because we were stupid enough to "liberate" East Timor, and now East Papua(East Papuans using us against Indonesia!!)!! Also to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. And become a U.S. stooge! Plus drug peddling(SET UP by Indonesian customs!! LIARS!! And CHEATS!!!!) Etc.(Corrupt nation!!)(Especially courts.)(Schappelle Corby and Leslie were INNOCENT. But framed!! Leslie wise, but Corby too proud to bribe way out,etc!!!!)(STOP selling out our souls to appease Indonesians, the savage barbarians!!!!)

Schappelle is slowly dying to protect her high principles.

Remember that all coloureds(wrongly called blacks) HATE whites for colonialism,etc!! And are going for REVENGE!!!!(Population of Australia, about 20 million. Pop of Indonesia, 200 million. (PLUS each Indonesia equal to at least TWENTY Australians!!!!)Without counting other enemy nations, like Malaysia!!)

We MUST arm to teeth, go into selling uranium,ETC. world wide. And suck up to China, and Japan, TO SURVIVE!!!!

U.S. won't help us! Nor will useless Britain.(Had too many Labour(union thug leaders,etc.) governments!!)

BUY the VERY BEST fighter planes, ETC!!!!(Psst. Our only hope is to MAKE atomic,ETC.weapons. And USE them, if necessary. It will be necessary all right. Beazley, and especially Crean, would hand us over on a plate to Indonesia, AND China!!(Still RED, you know!!)(Stop being so hypocritical and talking HUMBUG!!!!)(Australia is fooling nobody BUT ITSELF!!!! Too bloated on LYING PROPAGANDA!!!!)(And beer and sport,etc!!!!)(A nation of COUCH POTATOES!!!! With their big fat stomachs!!!!)

Labour traitors!! The bully boys!!!! THUGS. Stand over BASTARDS!!!! Unionists!!!! AGAINST all Godly and conservative folk!! Whom they kill and destroy!!!!

Beazley has had it. Of course!!

Crean hardly an angel! Horribly negative. Very nasty bit of work!!(Beazley not much better, but is too beaten up to be much good now!!!!)

But a woman prime minister might sell out to Indonesia,etc!!!!



Too many negative types being allowed too much of their own way!!!!

Little grey aliens may help us(Australia)!

Grim future, starting WITHIN a few months!!

WAKE UP Australia. And New Zealand.(Are doing so a bit(waking up). Selling out to Maoris and Asians!!!! IDIOTS!!!!.) AND world!!!!

Going into denial, and burying head in sand is worse than useless!! O Fools!!!!

Ironically, immigrants may save us from Labour!!

They have much common sense(Immigrants)!

Yes, a VERY good time to leave the planet!!

Oh, you FOOLS. For not listening to me!!

U.S. menace through Haarp weapon, and Space Control.(Weather AND seismic control, plus MIND control, too!!). But Iran is being raised up to counter this! By The Lord(The spiritual LAW!!!!)!!!!

Bad aliens, via bad humans, via Illuminati,etc. via evil faceless humans are ENSURING that we fail!!!! - Fail the energy and spirit rise ex New solar,etc.cycle starting up in twelve years, and Aquarius, ETC!!!!

Big space and international wars imminent!!!!

Devil cannot destroy God, so is destroying humans!!!!

I need your HELP folks, to KEEP GOING!!!!




Vic Conway.



Tuesday, 4th April 2006.


Which way water swirl down your sink?

PLUS Man's general position now!

Check it out. If you are in Southern Hemisphere, it should go down clockwise. If in The North, anti-clockwise. Due to Correli Effect.(Liquids, and gases, get dragged after the solids' vector, via gravity attraction.)

If ever you do not know which hemisphere you are in(!), just let water go down a plug hole. Give it a while to settle into a fixed vector. If it goes clockwise, you are down south. If anti-clockwise, you are up north. General rule.

If you are lost, and don't have an electronic satellite position finding device, nor a compass(near either pole, increasingly unreliable as you approach pole), but have a non-digital(old fashioned) watch(which is going, with correct time!), then you can find out which way North is, by pointing 12 at the sun.(If cloudy, take the best estimate you can, or wait for cloud to clear.)(If at night, locate Pole Star (Polaris) if up north.(Gives you north.) And the confluence of The Pointers if down south.(Gives you south.)(Or wait until sunrise!)(If cloudy.) North(South, if in Southern Hemisphere.) will be half way between hour hand and the 12.

If you are lost, but have a map, you now have a chance! Sun's position in the sky at noon will give you longitude. Stars, if night is clear, and you know your stars. Should give you some idea. Exact positioning, you will need instruments. Sextant, for example. Hard if not on calm sea. Or flat land.(If at sea level.)

Advise satellite global position locator!!

Back to vector of water swirling down hole:-

How can it have two directions? Because when on opposite side of Earth you are looking at ground from the opposite direction!(Which reverses clock and anti clock wises.)

This is similar to looking in a mirror! (Though different principles involved.) Mirrors do NOT convert(turn left to right, or right to left)! They APPEAR to ONLY after the viewer TURNS the object to be view AROUND. Or his self(mentally).(Writing and print,etc. is only backwards AFTER you turn it around to view it!!)

The turning around with mirrors equates with which side of The Earth(or whatever globe) you are on, with water going down plug,etc.hole.

More obvious with cameras and camera obscuras. Which turn left to right, and right to left, when viewed.(Via turning yourself around MENTALLY to enter your image!)

So it depends which side of globe you are relative to.

The absolute view stays the same. You get the absolute view by yourself going WITH the water, or whatever is on the water. It will be the SAME direction, north or south. OF COURSE.

Because a straight line if you are NOT on the rotating field. A curving line(Correli) if you ARE on it.

I now make the following observations. Which, if you are an average person, you will disagree with.(Because authorities, media, academia,etc. have misled you. Deliberately. To have power over you, so to manipulate and exploit you!!)

1. Comets are not dirty ice balls, but PLASMA balls!(I think TWO kinds of comets: Dirty ice balls(ex off ocean of some planet, like the planet that ONCE was between Jupiter and Mars, for example, but blew up) AND plasma balls. Separately.

2. Space is electro-magnetically very much alive.

3. We live in a PLASMIC universe.

4. Gravity is not only not a force, but is not the dominant force(electro-magnetism is).(Gravity is due to pressure of graviton particles, ex white holes, on way down black!(All luminous objects have white holes at cores. All non luminous objects have black! Continual circulation, as with bath, with tap on AND plug out!!)

5. We also live in a VORTEXIAL universe. All basic entities go in helixes(spirals)(double ones). DNA for instance. And BOTH macro and micro BASIC entities!!

6. There was no big bang.

7. There is an expansion(followed periodically by a contraction, thus pulsating), but it is slow. NOT by Hubble's Law! Has NO THING to do with Doppler's Effect!(There is NO SUCH THING as OPTICAL doppler.(Though there is such an AUDITORY effect.) ALL astronomical fields expand, and then contract.(I KNOW via my astronomical distance finder. I PLOTTED the unverse!! MY CLAIM IS RIGHT!!!!

8. Hubble's Law EXISTS. But is simply the observer's angle of view to the HORIZON of the field he is on!(Rather like on Earth,etc. when viewing over a flat surface.)(I call it Wave Angle.)(NO connection with velocities!!) ALL astronomical fields have these Hubble Laws. Or Cosmological Red Shifts.

9. Erosion is both gradual AND sudden(periodically). Cyclic solar periods exist. Of various sizes. We immediately live in a 6,500(about) year one. (Cycles within cycles. And wheels and cogs etc. within such!!) Our current one is only NINE years from its end(In 2,011 A.D.). Each new cycle starts with a huge cataclysm. So BEWARE!! (The Earth inverts GEOGRAPHICALLY.(Which is WHY it inverts magnetically.) So does the sun. It already has.)(Correct for our calendar being 3(possibly 4) years too advanced!!)

10. The Crop circles are messages from aliens.(VERY few are hoaxes.) The majority are designs that are next to impossible to duplicate!

11. Life in the universe is numerous and diverse.

12. We most certainly DO survive death! Since we are only temporarily inside of our material bodies.(Death is simply its vacation. Death is actually a birth. Birth was the death!!)(Rather like being in an old fashioned diving suit!)(Which ALSO happens to be LIVING.)

13. The Spirit World is material, but of FINER matter than this physical one. Otherwise very similar looking. But functions very differently.(We don't ENTER a dream, but LEAVE a DREAM!!)(Though actually, material birth(what men CALL death) does not confer an awakening! Only MENTAL awakening occasions material waking!)

14. Re-incarnation is the general rule. Few exceptions. Re-birth ALSO exists.(With re-incarnation humans get born again, same souls, new personality. Not necessarily on this Earth.) (With re-birth, you return to you old birthday, but CAN re-live life differently. Unfortunately personality does not remember, being a new one! But SOUL remembers!! So tap in to soul for guidance!!)(As we do not want to make the same mistakes again!)(In between births, we change genders, as a rule.)

15. Global warming is due to solar flares and cosmic rays(and electro-magnetism), amongst other things, but NOT Man!!(Statistics deliberately misrepresented for THEIR vested interests!!) Nor even(though of some account, but little) from Surface Nature(Forest fires and volcanic eruptions.). How come?? Because though Surface Nature(worse than Man) and EVEN Man DO put out SOME carbon dioxide and methane, it is insignificant in comparison with what solar flares do!!(The main culprit.)

16. HELL most certainly exists(As does Heaven.) Qualification for going there is to do more evil than good! You go to a level(plane) that is PROPORTIONATE to your negative imbalance. Thus the less harm you do, the better!! And CONVERSELY!!

17. George Bush means well, but is LACKING!!(Mentally, though not emotionally.)

18. An active figure head.(Cheney,etc.immediate architects.)

19. The West is in decline. Only a few years to end. The East is rising. Led by Iran, and North Korea. But China will take over. Backed by Russia, soon.(U.S.(Loving soft living and material comfort and gratifications far too much.)(The East,etc. is far more used to hard life!!)(And is out for REVENGE(but MISPLACED, as West(Caucasian) actually did a lot more good than harm!!)!!!! So, BEWARE!!!!) lacks will AND STRENGTH to stop Iran,(and Syria, Lebanon and Jordan) North Korea, China, and even Indonesia! Australia(and New Zealand, long since) is sucking up to Indonesia, AND ESPECIALLY China.(To survive!!)(As West won't save them now!!)

We are heading with increasing speed into the third world war. Because U.S. has gone bad.(Though Eastern and Middle East(ESPECIALLY) are far worse!!!!)

20. West will act TOO LATE(yes, paper tiger, no will to fight, TOO SPOILED by indulgences), and get demolished!! Australia MAY survive. And may even LEAD!! IF John Howard stays in power!!(Indonesia(via DELIBERATELY created EXCUSES)(Out to humiliate and finally invade Australia!!) is TURNING AGAINST Australia WILFULLY. Because not forgiving East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan, nor drug running attempts(which are INDONESIAN plantings!)(Indonesia corrupt. Terrific liars!! And cheats.) Basically barbarian savages. Yet VERY intelligent. Much more honest than Australians!!).)

21. China next super power. With Islam in the interim, led by Iran,etc.(In league with North Korea!!)

22. Australia will need Japan for protection!(At a price, of course.)

23. BIG changes in offing!! BE READY!!!!

24. I see Howard exiting within a year. Costello replacing. VERY briefly, though a quite good man. But Labour being re-elected next time. Led by neither Beazley, nor Crean!! Our first female prime minister.

25. More and increasingly big BIZARRE events will occur.(Because Earth rising spiritually and energy wise!!)(As both NEXT Solar,etc.cycle AND Aquarius, move in, along with Astrological influences!!!!) Starting up within the next few months!!

26. Many will leave it too late to change sides, and get re-born on a lower planet!(Meanwhile failing to qualify for evacuation by aliens!!)

27. Some will qualify to re-incarnate on a higher planet.

28. Aliens will rescue some of us in their discs and cylinders.

29. Aliens often save parties from trouble!!(Because THEIR cattle! For later DEVOURING,ETC!!!!)

30. World is STILL fast asleep(mentally) and DREAMING. Dreaming that it is awake!!

31. Europe, led by Germany will rise and become strong quickly.(To combat Islam!!)

32. Watch out for rogue planet Nibiru!!(Of enormous size, bigger than Jupiter I understand. Beware gravity tides and rocks, and red dust, and poisonous gases, and burning fire,etc! But it is not so much Nibiru, but its RETINUE of satellites, as big as Earth, and bigger, that will be biggest danger. Even if they only pass closely, as they will!!(Either Nibiru, or its TWIN.)(Neither are Planet TEN!!)

33. We were created by God, via The Elohim(high aliens),and THEN via The Annunaki aliens.(Genetic engineering.)

34. GOD certainly exists, but is VERY hidden. God, The Infinite High One, The Great White Spirit. Our immediate God is THE SUN!! Divine spirit and energy.

35. Humans, in general, are very stupid of course.

36. Ice Age will start up within 9 years. Already moving in!!(Created by the heat. Yes!!)

37. There is no global warming(OVERALL). But the TROPOSPHERE(lower atmosphere) is warming up, faster and faster. While the Stratosphere is cooling down. Conjointly, no change!!(Or not much.)

38. Darwin wrong! Creationists(and Intelligent Designers), - wrong. Interventionists, right. Via alien genetic manipulation, periodically!! Small jumps via Re-incarnation. Big jumps via aliens. This for animals and plants periodically, as well as humans!!!!

39. Things will change faster and faster. And no man will be able to stop it, only delay it a bit.

40. What is wrong with Man? No thing! In course of evolution. But best kind is INDIVIDUAL AND SPIRITUAL!! Man is SO backward. VERY unevolved(spiritually).

41. Yes, Earth is hollow. All the globes are!!

42. It is SOLID Earth idea that is SO STUPID!!(Because of centrifugal force when in fluid state! Hurling most matter to the side! Leaving, via centripedal weaker force, a small plasmic inner sun, CORE!! THINK!!!!)

43. Sea will rise about 440 feet. Mostly via melting ice.(Current small rise is due to thermal expansion.)

44. I know most of you will disbelieve me. But in for huge SHOCKS.

45. I am only giving you a little bit!

46. Euro will replace dollar. Gold rises, and oil, as crash approaches. But Credit after Futures and Bonds.

47. I give rough pictures. As exactly as I can. Do not expect me to be PERFECTLY right. Nor to be responsible for your welfare. Each of us is responsible for self!! Accountable to GOD.)

48. Probable, as no thing is absolutely certain!!

49. Great Islamic Uprising IS ON!!!! WAKE up!!

50. And the two cataclysms within NINE years!!

51. Change Past!(Via Time travel.)

52. THEN alter Future(for better, or PERISH).

53. Cosmic Joker? Yes!! US!!!! For ignoring GOD!!!!

54. The world is WRONG!!!!(Change immediately OR PERISH!!!!)


Vic Conway.


Sunday, 2nd April, 2,006.


Concerning Evolution.

World has it wrong.

I am referring to Darwin's Evolution.

According to Darwinism, which is what most of the public believe, all creatures are evolving via jumps, through survival of the fittest, by natural selection. The evolution of the species. Kill or be killed.(You cannot go by just ONE place. The Guadelope islands.)

It appears to be wrong, as The Creationists have noticed.

The Creationists hold that God made it all, as is, in six 24 hour days, consecutively, and rested on the seventh. A Saturday. Christendom celebrates Sunday.

Their Authority: The Church. From The Holy Bible.

Trouble is The Bible is not the word of God, but the word of Man!!(At least most of it is.)

What men have done is re-hash and CONDENSE, simplified(things are complex, in the detail!), knowledge handed down. (We know how much a story gets changed even in the one transmission to another party. What chance has knowledge that is 2,000 and more years old, via many languages, and many editions, with about 400 years from oral memory, got!!)(God protects it? And provides Man a means of salvation??)(God,too,works through LAW! God protects, but through LAWS, not absurdity!!)(Salvation can only be through men INDIVIDUALLY!! Jesus only saved his self. Jesus guides. CHRIST, the spiritual sunshine of GOD, (our sun being the most immediate agent)(spiritually, as well as materially). Self responsibility should apply. It is up to us to save ourselves(as Jesus SAID!!), by GOOD WORKS. Via karma!!(Bad deeds lower our spiritual vibrations! Good deeds raise them!! Thus we DO go to Heaven or Hell, in proportionate degree, even before death, but Paradise or Hades,etc. AFTERWARDS!!) Christendom has re-hashed on other country (like India, for example) legends of CHRIST, (Even as The Jews re-hashed Egyptian discoveries!!). There were four Jesus of note, 2,000 years ago. Thomas and The Dead Sea Scrolls,etc. are the authentic ones. But via Paul,ETC. Rome stole the FORM, and mixed in other countries' old legends. To create Christendom, after dropping Origin, Re-incarnation, Unified God, etc.)(Christendom is anything BUT Christianity!!)(Paulism has little to do with Jesusism!)(Nor has Peterism!!)(What has a very wealthy temporal powerful,etc. Vatican,etc. got to do with what Jesus said about The Poor,etc??!! (It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle(Albeit the camel needles were narrow passages!), than for a rich man to enter The Kingdom of Heaven!! Religieusity is NOT religion!! Nor is religion spirituality!!!! Man has this problem: If the truth fits not his wish, then he TWISTS it. Too bad for the truth!! WHAT fools!!!!)(You cannot serve God AND Mammon(The World, especially money.)!!!!)(Gnosticism,etc. is good!!)(Constantine,etc. WERE NOT. Augustine got it wrong!!)


Supposing we get back to self-responsibility and common sense!!

Materialistic Science is saying one thing. Orthodox religion(Christendom,anyway) another!! Both opposed to each other.

Not only over Evolution.

Men believe what they WANT to believe. Seldom, if ever, the truth!!

Even Truth has its levels. Applicable only within those contexts.

There are also levels of belief!!

So humans fit belief, they CALL the truth, to their DESIRES!!(To what they WANT to be true. Not necessarily what is!!)

The dominant few seize power and brainwash and condition the people!!

This in all fields!!!!(Re: important matters. Speak true upon minor things. Thus giving the overwhelming impression that the major things are true too!!)(Because the minor truths by far outnumber the few major LIES!!!!)

Science INSISTS that species evolve biologically in jumps.

Yet missing links are conspicuous by their absence!!

Most of the claimed ones are fakes. Like Pildown Man for instance.

This is allegedly done via reproduction.

Genetic changes ex changes in the environment supposedly passed on via sex.

So that any offspring will have changed genes.

This doesn't give much time for changed GREATLY genes to be passed down.

Some changes would get through. The small ones.

So perhaps this theory is correct.(Up to a very limited point.) Evolution is in jumps. Except that only small changes can be made at a time. (Because of so little time between birth and re-production.)And missing links are rather absent.)

God, who can do anything(so fundamentalists of Christendom claim), had no trouble creating everything AS IS. In just six 24 hour days. The Bible says so. So that's IT!!!!(The god actually being the claimant, of course!! Hiding behind a MAN written collection of books!!)(Book of books!!)

Believe OR GO TO HELL!!!!

Believe AND go to Hell, I think. Even here on Earth, in the physical.

Intelligent Design. A newcomer to the block.

- Is Creationism disguised as Science.

It opposes Evolution(and, thus, Darwinism).

It SUGGESTS Creationism is the truth.

Creationism is unintelligent opposition to Evolution.

ID is intelligent opposition.

Creation insists that God made ALL as is in just six 24 hour days!

ID only SUGGESTS that that is so.

Whilst hiding behind confusion and vagueness.

I now offer TWO more explanations for how things came to be.

1. Re-incarnation.

All creatures have souls, or are part of a group soul.

The soul blueprints the changes encountered during the course of its life.(all souls do) It usually gets reborn, and imprints via its memory the changes UPON ITS GENES. Which, via overpowering resonance - changes the genes. This is a big jump. Hence the reason for the absence of missing links!!

2. Humans were created genetically by aliens.

They had the know-how to make sudden changes in humans, animals and plants.

Which explains the correct Evolution(which is not Darwinism!), and the sudden emergence of edible grains,etc. And the jumps TOO in animals.

GOD did create everything INTELLIGENTLY. Indeed, perfectly.

Not in six working days, but in six aeonic PERIODS!! Of one thousand(or thereabouts) MILLION years each!!(Note GOD can do anything, but is bound by ITS own laws!!!!(Even if those laws are not fully understood!! E.g. MIND rules, even DIRECTLY. Not Matter!!(Matter is Mind at a low level.(And MIND is matter at a higher and finer level!!!!))))

However, the best evolution(the only one successful for souls) is INDIVIDUAL EVOLUTION, not just of bodies, but of minds,etc!!!!

So all proponents are intrinsically correct!

The Creationists, via changing from 24 hour days to one thousand million year long periods.

The Intelligent Designers since they are disguised Creationists!

The Evolutionists(though not Darwinism). Because Evolution is true(biologically and mentally), but in JUMPS. Via Re-incarnation. Alien manipulation of genes being a SPECIAL addition!!

I am saying that Evolution proceeds in jumps via Re-incarnation.

AND that The Annunaki aliens(who look like us)(or,rather, we look like them(Let us make Man in OUR image!!) created humans, animals and plants via genetic manipulation, in a SPECIAL creation.(Under GOD, of course!!)

Occam's Razor not applying in this case.

A happenstance exception.(Try to keep in mind that all is MIND, not matter!!)(And thus hidden mental LAWS exist!!)(Failure by some to observe them all does not preclude the possibility!!)

The Pleiadians and Beyond are humans who fled this planet(observing the spiritual deterioration) many millions of years ago.

Plus some human travellers, in ufo's, are US from our own future!!

There are also creatures WITHIN The Earth(and most planets), AND creatures underground!!(The green Dermo's and Termo's for instance.)(Who sometimes kidnap humans and animals,etc. to violate, torture and eat!!)(Especially beautiful women!!)

There, are,too, strange creatures in the sea. I mean human like aliens. (Note that Dolphins,etc. are a branch of humans who went back into the sea!!)(They are advanced humans with fish bodies!!)

Naturaly evolutionists and creationists(including intelligent designers) CLASH. But this is due to their knowledge being too shallow, too superficial and short-sighted.

Once you all embrace what I am saying, you will come right!!

All creatures, including human, believe in what they think and teach. Else they would not believe it!!

The world has it wrong, because bad aliens via bad humans dominate most, most cruelly.

We need to break the spell, and throw off the shackles. OR WE WILL PERISH, BODY AND SOUL!!!!

Do I make myself clear enough, or do you think I am joking?!

I am Melchisedek, The High Priest of God, and speak for God.

I am not the only one. Some specializing better than I.

Note that I, MYSELF, am not Melchisedek, but that that SPIRIT is within me. At times, anyway. As are other spirits, at times.(God, Jesus,etc. CAN use some of us!!)

You had better WAKE UP, world, and FAST!! As we have only ten years left AT MOST. Before this AGE ends!! The growing HEAT, will be followed by an ICE AGE!!(Lasting at least a thousand years, making us start again!!)

It is very simple(in principle, though not in the details): Periodically, The Earth INVERTS, geographically, WHICH IS WHY it inverts magnetically!!

It does this every five or six thousand years.(The span of the geological strata,ETC!!!!)

And, thus, it MAKES IT LOOK as though things were created only a few thousand years ago!!

When The Earth inverts, part of the world WITHIN comes out, and part of our surface world GOES WITHIN!!!!

Via The Polar entrances!!

For instance, last time, about 6,500 years ago, Antarctica(which was Atlantis!!)(Now malformed by ice, flood and lava,etc., plus being upside down(Because Earth inverted!)) emerged through the southern polar hole. - And Nordland vanished through the northern hole!!

Nordland was a huge continent. Similar to Antarctica. Now just out of sight, but completely.

And now Antarctica is fully within sight.(Atlantis did not sink, it simply went down the polar hole!!)

It sank PARTIALLY under sea, yes. And under much ice, and LAVA!!!!

Which drove the inhabitants to flee to other lands. Which begat the great civilizations. (This happened in well spaced out WAVES.)(Hence the controversy!! Over different TIMES.)

Blue eyed blondes originated in Nordland. As did LANGUAGE,etc!!

First stop, after that, was, - Finland!!

There were four great periods: Paradise. Atlantis. Post Atlantis. And New Times.

We are in The New Times, AT ITS VERY END.

The last 6,500 years are split up into the last two times.

The previous 6,500 years were split up into Paradise and Atlantis.

Paradise was of God, ex Nordland.

Atlantis was of The Devil, via Antarctica!!

Paradise was the last Golden Age.

The next Golden Age will come a few thousand years hence, after the ice retreats to the new poles, and humans emerge from caves again!!

Via Stone Ages, Iron Age, Bronze Age.....

We did not come from apes! We were specially created via altered genes, done by aliens. The Annunaki. Now riding the approaching planet Nibiru. They will visit us, to check on their stock!!!!

Primates. Cro-mags. Neanderthals. Modern humans.

In that order. (The Sun men mated with Cro-mags to create Neanderthals(Who got driven within The Earth, by Modern Man. Along with Cro-mags.))

Humans have existed on this planet since about 800 million years ago.

Aliens gradually genetically improving us, in very big jumps.

The last manipulation was 6,500 years ago(about).

All creation is remnantal in us(study growing embryoes), but THIS EDITION of humans was not ex apes.

Moon gods mated with giant female apes. This spun off Cro-mags.(Along with hybrid monsters(now not possible), half animal, half human looking.)

The Moon gods mated later with Cro Mags, spinning off Neanderthals.

These gods being superior aliens. But of a low order.

Sun gods mated with Neanderthals, creating us.

The Annunaki aliens, high order.

Note that Earth's races, Red, Yellow, Brown, Black, White, Green and Blue are from different planets. Not all in our Solar System.

The Reds, were first wave from Venus(WITHIN Venus!!). SUB Continental Indians were second wave Venusians. Caucasian whites, The Europeans were the third wave from Venus. Superior to the other colours!(I am interested in truth, not prejudice.)

Whites ARE mentally superior to the other races. Though spiritually inferior.

Maybe WITHIN Earthers are orange.(Completing the spectrum!!)

At first, long living giants were produced.

Gradually, as we degenerated spiritually, we had shorter lives, and shrank in stature.

The gods like Earth women. And mated with the whites.

I am providing a rough picture.

The Falls were were from higher vibrational levels.

African Lucy was not the first human. Though she existed, she only spawned Africans.

Each continent has its own "Adam and Eve"(tribes, not individuals).(Simple people simplify things. For easier assimilation by the simple minded.)

I hope you all have a better picture now.

Note that the reason it is claimed that the last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago(There are no waterfalls older than about 10,000 years!!), is simply because MOST of modern civilation cultures are in The Northern hemisphere. When The Earth inverted last, about 6,500 years ago, the THEN north became our present south(hemisphere).)

Because most of the south is water, there is little evidence of the last inversion. Though plenty of the last but one inversion!! Hence evidence of the penultimate ice age's end, but not of the southern one of 6,500 years ago!!

Every inversion brings about an ice age!

The heat wave CREATES the ice age. Though there are about 16 or more causes for the ice ages.

It is sad to see the world believing that all is well, when it could hardly be worse!!

Unfortunately, most men believe in dragging out a miserable existence for gold and power,etc. and greed. Rather than face the truth and face only panic instead of eventual PANDEMONIUM!!!!

Wipe out will occur within 10 years!!

Via two cataclysms: 1. Nibiru the rogue planet's arrival via gravity tides, and rocks,etc. Including red dust and poison gases. 2. The inversion of The Earth!!

It is no use ignoring what I say!

Or you will suffer more, eventually!!

I know what I am talking about!!!!

Aliens intervene to save deserving parties at times.

WHY do you think the weather worsens, INCLUDING seismic!

It is NOT chance co-incidence!!

(Cosmic rays from space,etc. help cause global warming.)(Main cause is solar flares, and resonant surface electron storms!!)

Nor is Man the cause of Global Warming. Nor EVEN Surface Nature(Forest fires and volcanic eruptions.).

We are all part of a great living jig saw puzzle.

Let us help one another for the human race. Not indulge in a stupid rat race and dog fight,ETC!!!!

The world's present state is beyond comment!!

It is so idiotic.

And evil, worse than that!!

It is no good taking refuge in denial!!

Because you will suffer WORSE, later on!!

Men cannot bear the full truth!!!!




Vic Conway.



Sunday, 2nd April, 2,006.


Use used cooking oil to make diesel!

Diesel of course is an engine fuel.

So is compressed natural gas, methane.

We NEED to prepare NOW for oil shortage with high prices!!

One that will not end.

Oil companies,etc. will have to bend.(They resist petrol(gas) supplements.

Too many will oppose them.

Odds and ends:-

Coconut oil is good for most ailments.

Propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding.

And propaganda is about all the general public get from government, and via media,etc.

Deliberate false hoods on all sectors of knowledge.

Viruses fight cancer!

RANKEL is good.



Vic Conway.

Saturday, 1st April, 2,006.


More on turning water into oil!

A1075 was on this subject. But here is some more:-

Pages 47 to 52, inclusive.(In Australia) Nexus Magazine, Volume Nine, Number Three.

Science section, page 47.

From tap water. Start small, advised. E.g. On lawnmower.

Plans given. Care to experiment?

Not my invention. I am simply free lance trying to assist the idea forward. Especially in these days of rising oil prices, and shortage threat.

Should go well with idea in A1075!

Air can also be converted!

(Water of course can be analyzed into hydrogen and oxygen, and hydrogen(can't oxygen hydrogen mixture be used for direct small explosions?) burned. To create electricity to drive motor. But this article is into a different method.)

Via cranking the accelerator(gas pedal) and electrically create more vapour for immediate consumption. Low to high flow as needed. From idle to maximum power. You can get 50 to 300 mpg.

Done via adjusting (key will lie in your adjusting skills) modified vapour only fuel system, will run cooler. (Not really a steam engine.)

Read the article for details.

Any successes(as no thing guaranteed at this stage)(experimenters sought!), report to KeelyNet at needed after com?)


Vic Conway.


Saturday, 1st April, 2,006.


Get more miles to the gallon!

A high efficiency implosion system.

Super carbs.

In view of the rising oil prices, I publish this article. The invention is not mine. It is the discovery of one Allen Caggian Copyright 01. He is asking for help. Because persecuted by vested interests' parties.

On pages 49 to 51, inclusive, of (Australia) Nexus Magazine, Vol.9. Number 2. Feb - March, 02. (Back issues obtainable by ringing Nexus(In Australia), (64, I think it is.) 07 5442 9280. Or e mail .au if outside of Australia))

The first LETTER in The Science Section.

How many miles per gallon does gasoline(petrol) normally produce? I know it varies per engine,etc. 20, 30, 40(miles) to the gallon? Mr. Caggian claims to get 111 to 113 mpg! Which, in view, of the rising oil price, and stranglehold threat by Iran, may be of interest!! Now that is quite an increase.

Refer his fuel implosion vapourisation system.

He says his car gets over 100 per gallon, and does not pollute the air.

However Big Boys are trying to make him, and his invention - disappear.

I think this is sad.

The trouble(well, one of them!) with this world is that jealousy and envy AND GREED,etc. drive some of the dominant ones to suppress this sort of thing. A very common fact.

However, with rising oil prices, and threatened shortage, I was hoping that even the oil companies,etc. might see some sort of advantage EVEN TO THEMSELVES, now!!

I don't know. But some party or more might see a loop hole here.

So I mention this persecuted man.

Anyone care to take this opportunity on??

It has been patented.

Full general information on super carbs\high mileage fuel systems, go to inventor Bruce McBurne's website:

Via Electrifying Times. Also visit their website at for details of more revolutionary technologies.

Best of luck.


Vic Conway.


Saturday, 1st April, 2,006.


Super microscope that was.

Refer Australia Nexus Magazine, Volume 9, Number 2. Feb - Mar 02.

To order back numbers, ring Australia(64, I think it is), 07 5442 9381 or e mail if outside of Australia)(Very many other amazing ideas will be found on Nexus.)

Pages 43 to 46 inclusive.(For this particular article.)

Not mine.

But worth mentioning, I think.

Article by Greg Fredericks, ND, NMD. (C) 2,001.

"Super-microscopes and the mysteries of Morphogenisis.".

The best microscope of all, The Nemescope, could magnify up to FIVE MILLION times. Resolving power: Kept UP TO THAT MAGNIFICATION. Images projected upon a twelve foot by twelve screen.(Using radiation beams, a quartz condenser, frequency codes, filters and radioactive emitters.)

Unfortunately, the device got stolen, last heard of in New York. Probably stolen by vested interests' party.

"In 1959, a complete instruction guide was produced with the hope that someone would one day duplicate the technology."(I quote from article.)

The guide is free.(I do this to assist the hoped for RE construction.). Contact Jerry at +1(214) 324 8781 or Ron at +1 (214 242 9346.

The trouble is that vested interests fight WITH ALL MEANS to stop all competition.(I say this to warn you. But leave the decision to you.)

Electron microscopes magnify up to 25,000 times.(200 times LESS than The Nemescope!!)(What a boon this would be to Medicine,etc.)

Anyone feel up to the task?!

Fuller details in article.

Fuller still from author.

Greg Fredericks is Director, Nu-Look Biologies, Perth, Western Australia.

I am a free lance assistant, interested in promoted all good ideas and ideals, mine AND other people's.

Other super microscopes also described.

They are able to detect the morphogenesis of the tiniest micro-organisms and offer a bright future for biology.

Despite their history of suppression by the medical authorities.

So there you have it. Any of you interested in pursuing super microscopes, especially The Nemescope.

Read the article for fuller details.




Vic Conway.