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Mysteries of The Universe and The Secrets of Life, solved!!
"Vic's Esoterica".
(Victor Conway is my Web name.)

Polar shift, Cataclysm, Planet X, Time Travel, Life after death, Electro-magnetism, Cosmology, Astronomy, End of the world, Jesus Christ, Astral Projection. Somnambulism, Hypnotism, Stonehenge, The Great Pyramid, Salvation, Sin, Centrifugal force, Centripedal force, Humanoids, Cannabilism, Prophecies, Hyperspace, Hyperforce, Gravity Tides, Archeology, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Tides, Waves, Cycles, Seasons, Thermo-dynamics, Expanding Universe, Vortex, Helix, Galaxies, Quasars, Weather change, Armageddon, Apocalypse, Black Holes, White Holes

Introduction:  I found out the true answers to the major mysteries of the universe, and to the secrets of living. By hard study over 73 years. I wish to share my finds with the world.

I have written hundreds of articles upon scores of subjects.

Much of my previous work is hosted on various tripod websites. You should visit all these sites to get all the detailed information I have gathered.

They include;

      On this site I give A7146 below(Global Cooling).

     It is my latest article. Will give you an idea of my writings.

     You can use it as a base for other articles.

     Work backwards in chronological order.

     Any problems you can e mail me:-

     Tell me what subjects you are interested in.

Table of Contents

A709. Title: Electro-magnetism and psychic phenomena. Subject: Psychic Research.

A710. Title: A709 continuing. Subject: Psychic Research.

A711. Title: The Hampden Court Palace Ghost. Psychic Research

A7128. Title: On bodily survival. Subject: Psychic Research.

A713. Title: Global Cooling again. Subject: Earth Changes.

A7146. Title: Global Cooling again. Subject: Earth Changes.(Note: First I give title, then subject. Similarly in all that follows.)

A7161. The Gulf Stream Stoppage Correction. Earth Changes.

A717. The latest on Mad Cow,etc. Sundries.

A718. Marco's maps article. Earth Changes.

A719. Cataclysm's corrections and additions. Earth Changes.

A720. Anti-cancer, including prostate.

A721. Anti drought problem. Earth Changes.

A722. Sea salt. (Subject) Miscellaneous.

A723. The Firestorm Sparking Plug. Miscellaneous.

A724. Is there life after death? Subject: Survival of bodily death.

A725. Sequel to A724. Survival of bodily death.

A727. Still further again on Life after death. Survival of bodily death.

A728. How to tell if you are dreaming, etc. Sundries.

A729. Urine therapy. Sundries.


Tuesday, 7th December, 2,004.  


Global cooling, again.

Most of us know about Global Warming now. But how many know about Global Cooling?!

Global Warming is due to increasing solar activity, and not Man(OR Surface Nature.(Lightning strikes and volcanic eruptions.))!! Global Cooling is a spin off from Global Warming. Plus other things:-

The causes:-

1. Ironically, Global Warming increases precipitation, including of more snow! This has a cooling effect(before it melts). Increasing as it spreads south(and north). And later, and earlier, in year, north and south!!

2. Stratospheric downdrafts! As the troposphere(lower atmosphere) warms up, its air rises, displacing the cold air of the stratosphere somewhat. Which eventually goes downwards! Finally driving into the ground(or sea). Causing spreading cold, at times. Increasingly. Harmonically. This leads to terrible droughts,etc. Via famines.(Like in The Dark Ages.(Caused by the volcano Krakato explosion blotting out the sun.))

It leads to droughts because stratospheric air is so dry.

Droughts lead to famines.

3. Spreading ice! Produces a chill. As ice bergs from north and south polar regions increase HARMONICALLY in number and size, they spread out, towards The Equator!! In some parts, (land)ice is increasing. These parts discharge ice-bergs. Fresh water 'bergs.(Despite other parts melting land ice(Forget pack ice! That is sea ice. Which is always freezing and melting EQUALLY.) Decreasingly, as the sea warms up!!)( Sea rise SO FAR is due to thermal expansion, not melting ice!!)(This affects low lying areas, causing growing anxiety.)

4. A lesser cause is some chemical/s(Chloroflorins, I think.) put into the atmosphere to counter Ozone Depletion. This has a cooling effect.

5. The Gulf Stream, north and south, is going to be stopped. By heavy cold water from Saint Lawrence,etc. lakes. U.S. This will sink to the bottom, pile up, and block The Gulf Stream. Stopping it. U.S. cold will then move south. Similarly in the south. This starts The Ice Age. Which takes hold from The Ice Era.

(Plates are very thin at the poles. Sea water gets burnt by lavic upwellings. (Subterranean false bottom. Upwelling through vents in sea bed. Creating iron oxide. Depriving the water of oxygen. This clear hot water moves south. Killing fish,etc. in it.(This is what is killing fish, on top of Man.)(Man sonar is responsible for driving whale,etc.pods and seals,etc. onto beaches. Confused creatures get lost. Not suicidal.)

6. Stars go in curving linear filaments. Sol is a star. It is on one spiral arm of our local closed stellar cluster. All the stars circle around their home base. The sun does so. At base the electric current flowing along the stellar chain is strongest. Sun is now very close to home base. Hence all the harmonically increasing activity!!

Four nodal points. Home base. Opposite point on the circuit. And the other two cardinal points. At opposite point, electric flow again strong. Weakest on the other two points.

NOTE: The fact that the sun has already inverted geographically(so, magnetically too), means it will drive Earth,etc. to invert, too. This is the main drive behind the coming inversion.

Solar precessions produce planetary, including Earth's, precessions.

Where there is a double rock to and fro of the polar regions.

Every 21,000 years.Etc.

7. Dust and debris get drawn down, by solar and earth magnetism(ex their cores), which dims the sun, causing a cooling on The Earth.

8. The coming Comet of Nostradamus has a tail of debris and dust. Huge!! This will shed more debris and dust around sun AND EARTH. Further cooling things down!!

9. Space dust clouds also occur. Spasmodically. I understand we have just entered one. Still more cooling!! So the cooling causes are many.

(Cooling is worst down south. Warming is greatest, up north.)

Did I say every 6,397 years? The cycle is every 6,392, I think.

10. More cooling also due to growing elliptical orbit of Earth around sun. Plus an increase of global warming when close to sun.

This cooling is more than ten years off. But early signs are already here!!

The increasing wet weather is due to the cooling.

South West Europe freezes over in winter as The Gulf Stream moves towards The Equator. This will happen suddenly soon.

Magnetic Haul is from The Earth's Gyrating(and spinning) core. As it takes wider and wider sweeps, its power increasing, because ever closer to INNER surface!! AND the outer surface. The sun electrified core becomes magnetic. This hauls down more and more stuff from above.

11. This dust and debris, and meteors,etc. ALSO adds to Global Cooling!!

Better a small panic now, than a big one later!!

12. Any attempt to reduce the solar heat reaching Earth(for instance by blasting pellets or some-such into our surrounds, would - when the other coolings cut in - ADD ONE MORE COOLING AGENT!!!!

Because The Earth is hollow, it has two huge holes at each end(which look like craters)(Noticeable on all or most globes.)(Observe Earth, Mars, Moon and Mercury!!!!) They are increasingly funnel entrances. Double, being within too!! Hence well hidden. Also cloud and haze, and drifting snow, as well as snow, conceal them, except on very rare occasions from directly above, when intense black holes may be seen!! The powers that be of course HIDE all this, as with all other wonders and marvels. Which they HATE.

The Earth crust(rock) can BEND. And will do so to pass through the holes!!

NOTE that The Earth's surface is big double reverse helix. The world within being part of the one surface! So when the crust gets displaced, it will move THROUGH the GREAT WITHIN, TOO!!!!

Binomial distribution runs backwards through the 6,392 year cycle!

The last cataclysm occurred about 6,380 years ago. So we are due!!

(Note that evidence of the inversions is about at least six fold! 1. The narrow bands of changed geological strata. 2. The fact that The Earth's magnetic poles reverse every few thousand years, means that geographical inversion MUST have occurred to cause it!! 3. In the chronological records, there are these strange accounts of lost continents and civilizations every few thousand years. Like Lemuria in The Pacific. Atlantis in Antarctica(!!)(Antarctica was Mainland Atlantis. Now upside down, because of inversion!!)(Termite mounds in Australia are another testimony!!)(They reverse vector every few thousand years. But termites orientate towards sun, in north!!) Mu in Indian Ocean. Poseidon in Atlantic. They existed all right. Naturally the few escapees would vary greatly in their arrival times at their new homes. Like China, India, Persia, Egypt, Peru, Mexico,etc.

The fact that the oldest waterfalls are only a few thousand years old.(Not just ice up, but under sea,etc. after the last inversion!!)

The moving sea cliffs and STEPS!! Every few thousand years!! Every few thousand feet. Under the sea's surface. Steps are about five to six inches high.

Yes, the entire crust moves,periodically; WITHIN THE EARTH, TOO!!!!

Past cataclysms tell me that the motion is clockwise. Core, and therefore crust.

The core's magnetic haul on the iron,etc. in the crust.

Up north, we have water near to the pole, and then land. Down south it is land(Antarctica), and then much water.

This creates a RE-BOUND of the force up north, sending it back northwards. Otherwise northern force would be anti-clockwise AND CLASH WITH THE SOUTHERN FORCE creating a deadlock. But this doesn't happen!!

No re-bound down south.

(We humans are born of animal and gods merger!)

(We need to rise to divine, not wallow in animal lower!!!! WE ARE NOT ANIMALS. We are creatures. Half animal, half god!! Materialism has a lot to answer for. Like Religion before it. I refer to Orthodox Science and Conventional Religion!!!!)(Especially The so called Church with its worship of State institutions. Marriage. Offspring. War. Politics. Economics. Universities,etc. Temples. Churches. All WORLDLY INSTITUTIONS. Not of God!!)

Note that once The Ice Brake is off via sliding into sea and melting, The Earth's crust, currently anchored to ice via being trapped in rocky outcrops, gets released, AND CAN MOVE FREELY!!!! Which it will do.

Magnetic haul playing upon the iron,etc. in the rock of The Earth's Crust!!!!

El Nino is a result. A warm zone arising from a spot in The Pacific Ocean.(Also The Great Northern Oscillation.)

La Nina is its opposite.

These are minor players.

It is very complex in the details. But simple in principles!!

I worked it out over six to seven years.

Calculating via inspirations from above.

Guard against the confusion arising from improving edits.

Read my earlier articles for better detail. Work back chronologically.

Get the latest news first.

I read the orthodox stuff of less advanced informers. And let it FERMENT!!!!

You should not find me far wrong. If out at all!!

So now is the time to settle in the best places!! IF you can find them!!!!

Like I say, Far Eastern Siberia and AUSTRALASIA!!!! (In The West, it is The Great Pyramid and somewhere around Tristan De Coona.)

(New Zealand best. Then Australia.)

The sea will rise gradually. Giving us time to hop to higher ground. BUT NO TIME TO WASTE. Keep moving!!!!

You are free to think me mad and bad if you like. But I warn you NOW. And do URGE you to LISTEN!!!!

Thank you.

End of this editory digression.

Now you may resume old thread:-

So you see, we are not heading into seas evaporating from heat, boiling off; but an ICE AGE!!!!

Actually an ice era. Ice ages are caused by space dust sporadically.

As time passes, the cold will overtake the heat!! Keeping us alive a while! One third to one half of all life here will perish!!

So do be ready!!

It will take years.

The event to keep the eye on now is the coming Polar Shift! Geographical. (Both poles.) AND Magnetic. Both poles independently.

Also increasing number of comets and asteroids as harmonically increasingly electrified and magnetized Earth's rotating AND GYRATING core, increasingly(harmonically) more and more meteors to crash to Earth!!!!

The sun is undergoing a seasonal cyclic let-off of energy!(After over-load from stellar chain that Sol in on. Electric flow.) Via the magnetic sun spots, and their Coronal Mass Ejections,etc. Quite normal. But disastrous for all creatures on Earth! Causing a Cataclysm.(Did this cataclysm not occur, we would have a CATASTROPHE. Which is far worse. (And nearly all Earth's creatures would die.) The former gives us a dog's chance to survive. The latter, a cat in Hell's, IF THAT!!!!) )

This solar crisis occurs every 6,392 years. We are due NOW. The PEAK is about 12 years hence. THIS is what is causing all the problems!! Aggravating weak human nature!! Via electron masses increasingly(solar wind,etc.) from the sun causing brain storms in humans and animals. NOTICING IT, YET?? A BIT??

You very rarely hear about any of this stuff, because the authorities of the world, are trying all out to keep it FROM YOU, the public. They don't want to lose power over you!!(They LOVE manipulating and exploiting to gain at your expense!!!!)

Conspiracies of Silence, and Cover Ups ABOUND, in all the important areas of life and the world.

For instance, we humans were created by The Elohim(It is in Genesis, but modern religieuse folk have distorted it much.), via The Jehovas!! Etc. Etcs.(The Illuminati,etc. have taken over, millions of years back. Freemasons,etc. their agents.)

Apparently our best hope is to reach The Pleiades(The Seven Sisters, popular stars.), where a group of wise humans(foreseeing Mankind's decline) migrated millions of years ago! AND to a place BEYOND The Pleiades, where even more advanced humans live!!

Other human groups no doubt also exist. Created by other humanoids, in other parts of the universe. Scattered everywhere.

It seems that the little grey humanoids, aliens; are on a programme to create a hybrid race(human/humanoid). Via semen injection, and forced intercourse. BOTH ways. This will assist us. And their selves, who have an important gene deficiency(which will cause them to become extinct UNLESS something is done).


Alien abductions are for two main reasons: 1. To cross breed with us. To produce a HYBRID RACE. 2. To study us(Much like we study animals and insects.) They are FAR in advance of us, but are backward spiritually. Technologically VERY advanced. Some aliens work among us(out of sight). In league with SOME Earth authorities(middle men), in exchange for technical information. In other words, our souls are being sold, for material gain!!!! By these evil hidden faces among us!!!!

The Elohim, working via The Jehova, using animal bases, united to themselves, created the hybrid humans!! Scattered everywhere throughout the universe, and beyond!!!!

The little greys are the tools of other more powerful humanoid aliens.

In addition to this, REPTILIANS have broken through into our universe from another parallel one, via a collosal explosion(when an experiment went wrong), causing The Space Time Continuum to rupture. This enabled the horrible Reptilians to break through into our universe. Which they are now invading. Currently they have reached Orion(where we live). Last target was Mars, which they destroyed, planet surface as well as inhabitants. Next target is Earth. As they work their way along the stars of Orion.

These ghastly creatures have the ability(very technologically advanced) to disguise themselves AS HUMANS!!!! Their speciality is to use our women's wombs as incubators for MORE REPTILIANS!!!!

Alien animals, as well as humanoids,etc. are among us!!

Our best hope is to be GOOD. And try to get to The Pleiades, and beyond!!

Our dire state is deliberately kept hidden from us by the agents of The Devil, and Satan, who very successfully portrays GOD'S workers as the agents of THE DEVIL!!!!

The whole world has been deceived!!

Not only is the universe, AND BEYOND... infested with creatures of all kinds, natural and supernatural, normal and supernormal; - but we survive death, and can travel in time, AND ROTATIONAL VIBRATION, AND THE DENSITY GROUP of dimensions!!!!

It is quite a simple matter to travel at super-c(luminary) speeds!! Particularly along specially made highways in space, and through time!!!!

Man has made the mistake of judging others by his self!!

"My island the world, sort of thing. Of the foolish native chieftain!!!!(He said the planes were birds, and the ships, whales!! SIMILARLY, are we NOW being visitited by men FROM OTHER PLANETS. AND OTHER TIMES!!!!)(We are failing to recognize the visitors, EVEN AS DID THE FOOLISH ISLAND CHIEFTAIN!!!!)

Amongst MANY other idiocies.

Limiting his view to 3d material physical, WHICH IS ABSURD!!

And to failing to understand that what men call death is actually TRUE BIRTH!!!!(We are the OCCUPANT or RIDER, not the vehicle or horse!! The body dies of course. The soul GOES ON. FOR EVER!!!!)(We already HAVE lived for EVER!!)

Centrifugal Force(!!) is the secret or super-luminary(faster than light) speed!!

If you rotate an object. Visualize a circular object, perhaps a roundabout(carousel). Force naturally proceeds PERPENDICULARLY TO THE TANGENTS to the periphery AT ALL POINTS. Men CALL this Centrifugal Force. A smaller shorter, weaker force near the centre of the roundabout is called Centripedal Force.

THAT is not centrifuge or centripede!!

TRUE centrifuge and centripede gets created FROM PROXIMITY to CENTRE of the field concerned, which IN TURN, is linked to an endless heirarchy(up and down!!) of other fields.(Concentrically.) Until the entire universe AND BEYOND, is engaged!!!!

To get closer to the field centre, simply increase your velocity! It is not the velocity that does it, but the vibrations proceeding from the velocity!! It takes you down the Rotational Vibration Group Dimension!!!! Ever closer to centre.

Out of centre is flowing an ENORMOUS FORCE. This enfills you the closer you get to it!!


As you approach the centre of the circular field concerned, you enter shorter and shorter circumferences(of course).(As with going deeper into The Earth.)

These circumferences are of space AND TIME!!

Travel in space(whether continual linear OR BACK AND FORE(as with vib rations), AUTOMATICALLY produces time travel!(Whether into the past or future depends upon the wish and will of the person sitting in the centre of an electro-magnetic field of the requisite power!!(Otherwise you will proceed into the future!)(You will also PROCEED TO where-ever in space you visualize, AS WELL AS IN TIME!!!!)(PROVIDED you descend to a deep enough level!! Which depends upon how fast you are moving, AND FOR HOW LONG!!!! (How long in the traveller's time THAT IS!!!!))))

This is the secret of alien space ship travel. In their cigars, saucers, probe saucers and so on. They utilize electro-magnetic fields creating by requisite rotating gyros. This creates a force field which surrounds the ship, protecting it from meteors, and all other objects, including planets,etc.

They are soundless because there is no friction between air and force field!! They can avoid radar(and even optical) detection, by bouncing back radar and light from off of their force fields!!!!(Inside, as part of the field, THEY ARE IMPERVIOUS to sudden speed and vector changes.)(Einstein was often wrong. The distant traveller SEES US, as we see him. There IS NO change!! No foolish vast increase of mass,etc!!!!)(As our mass would look infinite,etc. to the distant traveller!! Relative view. NOT ABSOLUTE!!!!)

Any speed and vector can be very rapidly achieved. But there are naturally existing super highways in space AND TIME, that enhance speeds still farther!!!!

So Centrifugal(and Centripedal) Force IS NOT what is commonly thought(Men are OFTEN misled by Orthodox Science. AND BY CONVENTIONAL RELIGION!!!!). Perpendicular tangential force is one thing. But Centrifugal Force,etc. is QUITE ANOTHER!!!!

Many CANNOT BEAR these facts.

So Earthmen are in for many big surprises in the future!!!!

They change or perish!!

And if Mohammed won't go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed!!(Such is God's LOVE.)

Mankind, of course, is going the wrong way. Towards total destruction. Both material and spiritual!! You cannot tell him of course. Bar an extremely small minority. It is that minority, plus the elect, that I hope to reach.

We should not be in Iraq!! We should, if anywhere(!!), be in Iran. And North Korea should have been dealt with atomically back in 1950. By General McArthur, who should have been made president. Truman, not good. You went wrong when you rejected Reagan!!

U.S. Economy is on the way down, AND OUT.

U.S. dollar already falling.

This will affect the entire world. EU is rising.

The Great Islamic Uprising gathers pace.

And The Comet of Nostradamus APPROACHES!!!!

These two prophecies of Nostradamus ARE OCCURRING BEFORE OUR VERY EYES!!!!

I had to digress from Polar Shift.

Its cause? The Chandros Wobble of The Earth. In turn created by The HARMONICALLY GROWING Solar Wind, etc. as Sol, our sun prepares for a leap up in power. A periodic vibratory JUMP-UP. Taking Earth and other planets with it!! But only Earth, Mars, Mercury and The Moon, our satellite, much affected. Plus The Rapture, and record Religious and Spiritual revivals!!!!

The Earth's core is increasingly whizzing around OFF CENTRE!! AS WELL AS SPINNING UPON ITS(CORE'S)AXIS.

This naturally produces an increasing Centre of Gravity INSTABILITY!! OF COURSE!!!!

Along with harmonical(but in tides and waves)(such as to fool Man)ly increasing magnetism dragging down stuff from space, AND CREATING A GROWING ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD at the surface of The Earth!! This heats up lava(!!)(the lava gets even hotter), rock, land, sea and AIR. In that order!!!! Of course!!!! Not the other way around, as is much bandied!!

Get the picture? See the SEQUENCE which MUST come!! (It is already on, and has been since 1996-7.)(Our date year is three(or even four) years TOO ADVANCED! IT MAY STILL BE LAST CENTURY!!!! 2,001, anyway!!!!)

Only now STARTING to become NOTICEABLE. Do you see??

As the Earth's core increasingly pulls upon The Earth's CRUSTS(Lithosphere and Asthenosphere. Outer and inner crusts.), the polar caps will be first affected. There is your Polar Shift. Especially, and MOSTLY, in The Antarctic!!

The(already started doing so!) ice will slide OFF OF the land of Antarctica! (You can work it out yourself!!) As the weight of the ice, plus friction, plus global warming, but increasingly hot lava near surface, undersea too; turns the base ice into water(melt). This goo provides a lubricant for the ice to slide off. Already doing so a little!! Via gravity and winds.

The vast majority of humans WILL, OF COURSE go into DENIAL. Their usual re-action to the unbearable!!

Anyway, the polar ices shoot off the lands. Like I say, it is already doing this. But very small as yet.(Like for instance no thing noticed in stellar motions to suggest Earth's crust is straining at the leash.(No thing has moved. - YET!!) Lavic welding(and similarly with the ices, via liquid melting breaking its melding INCREASINGLY), will be broken. Aided by JOLTS caused by COMET of Nostradamus!! And the growing WOBBLE(chiefly that)!!

The comet of Nostradamus, the erratic planet Ultra Neptune, will TRIGGER a small axial tilt. Via hyperforce and gravity.(Hyperforce is far stronger than gravity, local, but effective here.) This will produce A JOLT which will(In May 2,008, of our CURRENT calendar.)(May 15th, due date.) break the meld of the ice, AND of the Earth's crusts!!


Finally, the crust breaks free, and MOVES. First northwards - for over a thousand miles. THEN southwards, as the Southern Magnetic Fire Force exceeds The Northern Ice BRAKE Force, via The Earth's HOLLOW INTERIOR(Ah,yes!!). As Antarctica vanishes down The Southern Hole(Huge one thousand plus diameter polar holes at each end of Earth, and all globes!!) For four to five thousand miles. (Watch the climatic changes, as this occurs over about 36 hours in the final surges!!)

The Wobble (At least six fold.)on its own may not be enough to de-stabilize Earth. The Comet of Nostradamus will trigger it!!

The polar ices are currently acting as A BRAKE upon the Magnetic Fire Force heaving the other way.(Will be once the melds get broken!!)

You think Hollow Globe stupid? No! It is SOLID EARTH that is mad!!

When Earth fluid and solidifying, TANGENTIAL FORCE takes matter to outside, leaving interior HOLLOW!!(Use head!!) Verified twice. Two INDEPENDENT organizations suspended mile long penudlums(not metallic to avoid any magnetism)(Note rotating circular object of METAL best create ELECTRO-MAGNETIC fields. - The secret of supernatural phenomenon. Which spirits utilize!! Via particles of field resisting gravitons, radons and photons, ETC. Destroys gravity and weight. Also radar detection AND EVEN VISUAL PERCEPTION if and when desired!!!! OPEN THE EYES O MEN OF EARTH!!!!)(Believe only half of what you hear, and none of what you see!!) (the two pendulums) were dropped a mile into The Earth. By two DIFFERENT organizations.

Pendula dropped down a mile apart, CONVERGED, not diverged(the expectancy, as circumfernces decrease with depth!!)!! BECAUSE MORE MATTER TO SIDES THAN BELOW!!!! YOU THINK!!!! I did. Hence these articles. Aided by inspiration from ABOVE!!!!

It has happened before. Many times. And will again.

As Lemuria, Atlantis, Poseidon, and NOW US, (will) KNOW!!!!

Men of Earth: You know nothing BUT FALSEHOODS!!!! Very carefully taught you DOWN THE AGES!!!! In your infancy!!!!

The Earth will turn completely upside down, then rock back!! Imagine the cold produced by the increasing snow, AND the spreading ice(ALL of the ice!!). The sea level will rise about 240 feet. But that will only be the beginning. As lavic collapses and subductions cause some lands to rise, others to fall!! Even MILES!!!! A gigantic SEE SAW.

MOVE to far eastern Siberia up north. And to Gisborne, New Zealand, down south!! To get off lightest!!!! Actually a point near Rapa Island is the best.

The comet will pass us twice. First time causing collosal damage. (Flee into caves,etc. and seal yourselves in for at least A FORTNIGHT.) Blood will be everywhere, mixed with red oxides from THE COMET(which is actually ULTRA NEPTUNE, a rogue planet upon a very eccentric course, WHICH OUR CREATING ALIENS are RIDING. They will hop off and visit us briefly!!

Blood and red oxide solutions will be indistinguishable. Rocks, some as big as CARS and HOUSES. One, at least, as big as a MOUNTAIN, shall fall, as men run hither and thither in beserk terror!! Eating and drinking even their own children, such will be the famine and thirst!! You will NEED air, fresh water, food and medical supplies, plus technological apparatus!!!! Don't leave it too late!!!!

I have the root knowledge. Which other sources know ONLY PARTIALLY. Listen to me!! HEED ONLY ME!!!!

You ARE being warned!!

But you deny my words, and think me mad. Even evil!!!!

I SEE!! ... It is THE WORLD that imagines things!!!!

But how lies are embraced in this world. AND TRUTH ATTACKED. As if anyone could change GOD'S PLANS AND PURPOSES!!!! Fools!!!!

Learn the hard way then!! BUT I WOULD SPARE EVEN YOU, WHO SLAY ME. Materially and spiritually.

For you MUST be FORCED, sooner or later, TO LOOK.

But the longer you leave it, THE MORE YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY BACK. In karma. At The Judgement. And AFTER DEATH,ETC!!!!

We cannot cheat for ever and get away with it!!!!

The implants are to protect the chosen ones.(Some will be taken. The others left.)

Gods. Hierarchy. Not singular god!

Read Genesis very carefully. And Revelation. WHICH IS NOW ONCE AGAIN STARTING UP!!!!

O you foolish men of Earth: WHEN will you OPEN your eyes??!!

No good killing me! I AM YOUR BEST AND ONLY HOPE!! I can assure you.

Enough? Now read back on my other articles. Especially the ones upon MY NEW ASTRONOMY!!

Also, if you will, the articles UPON SO-CALLED DEATH!!!!

Gentlemen, your witness.

I bow low before you, and depart.


For HOW can you know WHAT IS NOT??

Without FIRST being GOD, to do so!!!!


I am an agent for those WHO KNOW.

But also proceed by CALCULATING!!!!

See now a bit better.

Or have you PUT THEM(your eyes) OUT, permanently!!

You so foolish humans!!!!

You can grow up TEN MILLION YEARS hence.


It is up to YOU.


Get that SLEEP out of your eyes.

And see things AS THEY ARE,

not as you idiotically WANT THEM TO BE!!!!

For you are asleep AND DREAMING that you are awake, while your house burns down AROUND YOU!!!!

BUT you torture TO DEATH, those who would save you.

Whilst elevating those who DRAG YOU DOWN TO UTTER DESTRUCTION!!!!

The cold, harmonically increasing, is what is making Australia,etc. cooler and wetter.

When religiEUSITY(Conventional religion.) went too far, Man created Orthodox Science. And is now going too far the other way!!

Hardly anyone knows these facts, but you and I!!

The Crowd or God?? But Man keeps choosing his self. So we keep on suffering!! If things do not change, they will stay as they are, - and get worse. That is for sure!!!!

Things don't just happen by chance. All is law and order!! Even to perfection. Albeit Nature is rough. But Man(who lets his LOWER self rule him) insists upon kicking up a great dust. Stopping GOD from helping him. The Logos God. Family!! Includes CHRIST the MANIFEST SPIRIT OF GOD.

The Great Comet approaches. It brings the woes.

Hyperforce and gravity TIDES affect Earth, and other planets. Occurring with other stars too SEQUENTIALLY.

Though Noone,etc.(Hapgood,etc.) were wrong about the catastrophe with the moving ice walls of polar shift, a cataclysm WILL occur. BECAUSE The Earth is hollow. With huge holes at each end!!(The individually independent(The sun has already inverted!! Geographically!! And magnetically.) magnetic poles are simply the RIMS of the polar holes!!!! Oh,yes.)(Noon, Hapgood, EINSTEIN,etc. based their calculations upon a SOLID Earth, and no holes. They were wrong.(Earth being hollow, WITH HOLES.) THEIR catastrophe DID NOT COME. (Remember all the anxiety a few years back?)(So very foolish Mankind jumped to the wrong conclusion! NO disaster is coming, they thought!! However, it is already on the way! Its PEAK lies about 10 to 14 years ahead. Earth inversion. Followed by an Ice Age lasting over a thousand years. (The desired Golden Age does not come until thousands of years later still.)(Meanwhile we are in a False Dawn!!))(The popular year of 1999 is incorrect as the date of the end of THIS AGE(not of the world). The actual year is 2,011(November). But that is per our WRONG calendar!! I THINK.(This thing is so complex, that even the aliens cannot get it perfectly!!)

Affected by the trigger of chiefly hyperforce, The Wobble will de-stabilize The Earth suddenly, producing a small axial tilt. The JOLT of this will break the ice goo and lava melds. Simultaneously.

The ices will then EN MASSE slide into the sea.

These will drift towards The Equator melting as they go, as smaller and smaller Earth circumferences produce a motion that way!!

The ice force which had been acting as A BRAKE upon The Magnetic Fire Force(Electromagnetic fire.) will gradually dissipate, permitting the much more powerful Magnetic Haul to cut in!!

This then reverses the direction of The Crustal Displacement. From Northwards to Southwards.

After proceeding more than a thousand miles north, the entire surface of The Earth will then move four to five thousand miles southwards.

It is all logical. Easy once you have THE CORRECT knowledge.(Even the aliens do not know the whole story!!)

This happens EVERY 6,392 years.

It will probably be the last of the minor series. The Major series of SUPER heating,etc. THEN RETURNS!!!!(After about half a million years.)

Tangential Force produced by the turning Earth, will drive the crust to the roofs of the two holes!! This will produce a friction WHICH WILL STOP THE EARTH ROTATING.(For about 26 hours.)(Afterward the sun will rise in The West!(Noah's flood(more than one flood, you see) was The Black Sea Flood. Caused when The Mediterranean burst through The Bosphorus(Istanbul), and filled the THEN fresh water much smaller lake, and surrounding lands, including Israel.)

Once The Earth stops rotating, the crust drops to the bottoms of the holes, and The Earth is able to resume rotating!!

The built up momentum over 26 hours then produces the second (big) axial tilt. Following hard upon the heels of the big second crustal displacement!!

The Earth completely inverts. Followed by a rock-back.

The third and last(small) crustal displacement.

The climatic changes produces unimaginable results, of course.

See-saw effect causes some lands to rise up miles. And some to fall(miles).

Tidal waves and Tsunami, of course.

This second horror follows the cometary one.(Of the two passes. The first pass is by far the worst.)

Precessions occur.

Up to now disasters have increased in number, but decreased in intensity. This will suddenly reverse, starting with a collosal catastrophe!!!!

(We need a greater presence in Syria(And Lebanon, and Jordan.), and in The Sudan. Keeping a careful eye on Libya. Also upon Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, those two traitors!!)

Electric currents from the sun play upon(harmonically increasingly) The Earth, etc. Via The Ionisphere. Anode and cathode. Field and core of The Earth.

Anode core, I believe. Cathode Ionisphere.(But confirm!!)

The West, led by U.S., will collapse. Four or more years hence.

The EU will defeat Islam.

You will HAVE TO destroy them nuclearly. The only way now!!

Bush is going the right way, but does not know the way too well!!

A pity we had to lose Clinton. Especially after some sanity returned under him!!

There are worse things than sex scandals, you know!!

The Constitution(U.S.) is strangling itself!!

We should have attacked Iran not Iraq!!

But U.S. too weak, scared stiff, attacked its best friend, Saddam(whom they are now about to murder!!), thus de-stabilizing Iraq, AND THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST. AND SOON THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!

Hussein at least kept Iraq stable!!

Shi-ites and Kurds are the lowest elements!!!!

We now have CHAOS.

Of course Islam will win. THEY are more in the right!!

Bush was more concerned with punishing Hussein under Human Rights. Per The Hague. Even as Milosevic,etc. of Yugoslavia's Serbia(And Montenegro) have been similarly most unjustly hurt.(Yes, The Serbs committed terrible atrocities. The Albanians, under The GERMANS(!!!!), AND THE MUSLIMS did far worse!!!!)

U.S. tool of Israel.

How can you ever have peace? Islam utterly dedicated to destruction of Israel AND U.S. The entire West!!!!


And watch the incoming COMET OF NOSTRA DAMUS.

Aliens will take us over IF WE DO NOT IMPROVE FAST!!!!

They who created us!!

We got it all wrong!!!!

The West, The Whites, Caucasians, Ayryans, rule by virtue of their mental superiority and law and order(At least Britain has OR HAD!!).

Man's problem is his lower nature.

He lets it rule him. Instead of mastering it!!

Australia going into dangerous debt.

Have I made any points?

Are you unstopping your ears??

It is awful to be TOLD TRUTH by one you consider mad and wicked.

The point is the world is MORE SO!!!!

Better to live in reality, than in self satisfying delusions, SURELY??!!

Be forced to turn back later then!!

Pay now, and live later, or live now and pay later. We increasingly see the choice BEING MADE!!!!

Knock, KNOCK!!!!


You do see a bit better now don't you?!


You may use my material, but GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESSES,ETC!!!!

That others may contact me for greater detail if they so wish to!!!!

Even Earth Changes Television is still orthodox. They have a sort of MELD.

Listen to me and you won't go far wrong.

It is known that The Earth inverts every few thousand years. Known by 1. Man's chronicles. 2. Magnetic reversals(which are only possible with geographical reversals) every few thousand years. 3. Geological strata changes radically(due to big change of climate level) every few thousand years. 4. No waterfalls older than about 6,000 years. Meaning was under sea before that. Indicating an inversion. 5. Reliable chronicles telling of the sun rising in The West. 6. Upper Egypt now lower. 7. Old Termite mounds point south, now!! 8. Definite statements in old chronicles that The Earth turned upside down.

Knowing the true facts, simple physics and elementary logic require what I am saying.

I worked out THE MECHANICS of the inversion. I knew it occurred periodically.

Three axial tilts occur. One big, two small. Also three crustal displacements. One big, two small.

The first small axial tilt is triggered when hyperforce(and gravity) tides from the HUGE comet affect the delicately balanced Earth, aggravating The Wobble, causing a sudden JOLT. This jolt breaks the ice and lava melds. World wide. The outcrop rock crags ANCHOR the ice. This gets smashed. Inertial friction(with ice and the lavic sandwich(between the two earth crusts)) is the second chief meld. This gets broken.

Note that once the melds are shattered, the ice(via enormous weight on gravity, and terrific winds) slides quickly into the sea(Currently only straining at the leash.). Meanwhile The Magnetic Force heaving in the opposite direction(held down previously by The Ice Brake) GETS FORCED THE OTHER WAY!! (The ice released from the rock out crops and inertial friction, pushes THE CRUST(via the rock outcrops), in the direction of the ice force, which is northwards.(Antarctica is chief ice mass. This can only go northwards!!)(The crustal rock bends out of The Southern Hole, and down into The Northern Hole, because Hollow Earth requires a huge hole at each end!!)

The small axial tilt starts the small crustal displacement, AND of the ices. When the ice melts as it is moving north, the magnetic force gains the upper hand(because brake melted), moving the crust back southwards - for thousands of miles!!

The holes CLOG UP, as the rock bending through them(fifty miles wide at narrowest points)JAMS due to tangential force from The Earth's rotation. The clog up stops the crustal displacement, leading to an enormous build up of pressure.

Once The Earth's rotation stops(for 26 hours), the tangential force stops, and the jammed rock drops back down. So the PRESSURE suddenly releases. The momentum from this release creates the second big axial tilt(and crustal displacement). Which inverts The Earth. Rebound causes a Rock Back in a small axial tilt. Plus a small crustal displacement.

This completes the cataclysm.

An Ice Age now follows.

Disaster is two fold. 1. From The Inversion WITH ALL ITS COLLOSAL CONSEQUENCES. 2. The first pass of the comet(The eccentric PLANET Ultra Neptune!! Vastly larger than The Earth.) causes about as much destruction as The Inversion!! Due to Earth having to pass through the comet's tail. Of debris and dust. And much RED OXIDE, because of the planet's composition. Mixed with water this looks like BLOOD.(Which will also be plentiful(animal and human) at this time.)(The Bible book Revelation tells the same story as I am telling, but in THE OLD LANGUAGE!!!!)(That is a description of THE LAST CATACLYSM.)(Plus prophecy of THIS CURRENT ONE, NOW ON!!!!)

The important thing is to keep warm, keep ahead of the rising sea(Making sure you are escaping to SUFFICIENTLY HIGH GROUND.). About an inch a day.

WHO is warning you of the wrath to come? God is, through me.

Other prophecies of The Polar Shift, and Axial Tilts,etc. exist of course. But the other organizations have failed to WORK OUT HOW the disaster occurs. In this scientific age, men like to know HOW!! And why.

Momentum caused big axial tilt, via TWO JOLTS. The second jolt is much bigger.

Observe that LUBRICANTS are required for the ice to slide over. And for the rock crust to slide over. These are provided by THE GOO(melted ice at BASE of ice). And by LAVA. Which is like a SANDWICH between the two crusts. These lubricants are NOW building up, awaiting the right times!!

Momentums from the sudden pressure releases after the jolts.(Rather like with trains. Remember when engine locomotive suddenly joins the train?)

The question is: Why wouldn't it occur!!

It occurs every few thousand years. I had to work out THE MECHANICS of it. Which I did.

Mammoth instantly frozen with buttercups in their mouths!

Shows how sudden this thing is!

Masses of dead animals fond thousands of miles from their habitat!!

The thing is NOT to go into denial!!

Erosion occurs, but not only gradually! Lands shrink as sea cliffs are driven back. Ice shatters the rock. Pounding sea and weather does the rest.

So we have 1. The gradual erosion. PLUS 2. The periodic double cataclysms of Inversion PLUS comet!!

This is all cyclic seasonal stuff. Normal.

These facts are kept hidden from the masses. By the world powers. They could not bear it. So die suddenly and horribly.

UFO's will be numerous at this time, and many will be evacuated to a mother craft or another planet, until THE GREAT STORM is over. A few will be left to fight their way through yet another ICE AGE!!!! The evacuees descendents will come back later.

It is a natural event, not God's vengeance! God doesn't AVENGE.

The coming double disaster will be the biggest Earth man has ever known. AND THE BIGGEST HE EVER WILL!!!!

Someone had to tell you!!

Falling ROCKS will render it unsafe to be outside. Also massive hail stones, up to a tonne in weight!!

The tidal waves and tsunami will be the big problem. Plus Man and animals, driven beserk!!

So VERY strong shelters will be need, and SUPPLIES. Inside mountains, good. And far enough underground. But ensure enough air. Also big caves. Ensure SEALED. To keep good air good!! Out in space, or in the atmosphere, no good. You could not outlast the disasters! Worst time lasts about a fortnight(with comet, coming and going(both times)). The Inversion only lasts 26 hours. But conditions will be extremely disturbed for a long time. Also bad during lead up to The Inversion.

Boats and Aircraft, no good. Bands of crazed men will be roaming everywhere, looking for food and drink, which will be scarce. So human flesh will be eaten, and blood drunk!!(Animals,too.)

Under water good.

Also wrap in cotton wool INSIDE good shelters. Huge shock waves.

Lava fountains everywhere(watch against these). Also huge floods, stupendous winds(As The Earth inverts.), fires everywhere. Earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions. Collosal thunderstorms, non stop. Torrential rains.

The very start of these things is becoming noticeable NOW.

A super heat wave follows the current global warming. But it leads to SUPER COLD!!!!

In a submersible under the surface of the sea, in the middle of a chamber packed with cotton wool. Protection against the shock waves. Is best line!!

Underground, dangerous. Due to lavic fountains and springs.

Note that the main drive of inversion works through the solar plasma atmosphere!!(In which Earth, and the other planets, float.) The force of inversion via the parent passes through the plasma!!

Note: 1. The slightly pear shaped Earth, is imbalanced due to land masses, AND by the enormous amount of ice now upon Antarctica(2 to 3 miles deep). A rotating revolving Earth AND CORE(spinning AND gyrating), will get affected by hyperforce tides playing upon our planet ESPECIALLY VIA THE SOLAR PLASMA!!!!(It is not just the much weaker gravity!!). Also in the grip of the sun's INVERTED atmosphere! MUST give way under the forces now building up!!

Note 2. Solar variations(in the sun itself) may occur too.(Increasing the heat greatly, which in turns produces EVEN MORE COLD!!!!)

God HELP those who ignore this warning!!!!

There is no safe place. But at the anti nodes, it will be safeST.

     Russia is tracking THE COMET(the huge planet!!).

     I am tracking The Cataclysm.(It peaks 10 to 15 years hence.)


Friday, 31st December, 2,004.


Indian Ocean Tsunami ex undersea earthquake 9.


How do you estimate number dead??

I think a rough guide is divide the number of injured by two!(Because average number of injured is double the dead.)

Or get the average rural missing AND the average urban missing. Add together. Do for each country. About 12 countries altogether.

Best way is take a new census. Take difference. Less number of births and deaths(from other causes). For all 12 nations.

You could never get enough money to fix this!

Archipelago islands and coastlines. Must be VERY numerous.

I reckon figure of dead may reach eight million. But they will probably conceal true figure. And actual number of dead may(as is often the case) FAR exceed the official figures!!

Lot of severe earthquakes near the region in recent times. Of 8 or more.(On The Richter Scale.) Now 9.(I think worse ahead!! As we approach peak of cataclysm!!)

Looting and rain followed by 70 after shocks (5 or more on Richter Scale!!) in Aceh area. Danger of undersea landslide/s. More earthquakes possible. Plus tsunami if big. Plus worse things coming up. This is only the beginning.

It will take these third world nations a long time to get into a position where they can take a new census! So great is the damage to The Infrastructures!!

Sumatra,etc. moved 100 feet south west.

Earth rocked on its axis.

Rotation stopped briefly??

Europe shares rose after disaster because competitor Asia had knock on head!!

U.S. is too much in debt to help much!!

You cannot just RUSH IN with aid. You have to get permission first, and organize.

Suction out to sea afterwards drowned many. Taking them out to sea!!

Must have been awful.

Tsuanmi about six inches high crossing Indian Ocean at about 500 m.p.h.

Up to 33 feet high approaching land. Breakers hit up to 12 feet high. A number of waves. Final height only inches high. Travelling about 20 m.p.h. Only hope was reach high enough ground FAST. In panic, many would go wrong way!!(Debris in water would cause many injuries.) Terrific force. Bent thick STEEL.

Much worse has been known, but the area had no tsunami warning system. And it is densely populated!!

Keep away. Or get in the way!!

Hospital overflowing with injured. Morgues overflowing with dead. Mass graves being dug by armed military.

Many dead UNDER the debris. Stench. Danger now is of diseases. Like Cholera. Dysentary. Malaria and Beri beri.

Poor animals!!

Also plants. Trees,etc.

Buildings smashed or destroyed. Especially hotels, including luxury hotels.

What a sudden shock for those sun-bathing in calm fine weather!!

Only hope was to hang on to something high enough up. But no warning. Authorities knew an hour or two in advance!!

Of course about a quarter are children!! (Children up to 2l. Or at least 16!! Average death age of adult is well below 21 x 4 = 84!!) The very young and the very old hit hardest. Also all the infirm. Problem is where to start repairs! Going around in circles. Backward nations not so organized,etc. as West. Many tourists hit. Especially Scandinavians. Also people from Europe, like Germans. Britons. Some U.S. folk.

Fishing boats, and other boats; also tourism badly hit. Water and crops contaminated by salt in sea. Which went up to seven miles inland!!

300 million people in the area. Many would be in the narrow coastal strips of a total collosal length. Outlying areas will take a long time to reach and assess!!

Numbers will be kept low not to frighten us!!

Many live on the coast, of course.

Figures may be expected to rise for days, perhaps many. Doubled after first day. Trebled after second. WHICH IS OMINOUS!!!!

Suddenly, and without any warning the tsunami's first wave appeared beyond the breakers!! Not taken seriously by many, at first. So it caught many people off guard!! Tide went out a long way, vanishing, immediately before the wave. But by the time you worked out what was happening the big waves hit!!

Up to 1,600 killed on the flipped over train!

Added 4.01.05:-

The final (and exact) figure of deaths can hardly be known! In any case I think will be played down. Even concealed!! Many bodies would have been washed out to sea. Many lie under the debris. Many are in out of the way places, still undiscovered.

I notice the number of wounded is not disclosed now. This is important for its own sake, but it seems that a good average expectancy estimate for the dead is half the injured!!

Considering the severity of the damage, which is almost total destruction, if not that, up to 7 miles inland, it might be a good idea to evacuate ALL survivors, abandon the stricken area, and move them well into the undamaged areas, on the edge of town, in tent camps, with all amenities!(To repair the damage would be very costly, and take a very long time!!)(Also disease dangerous!!)

The mental SHOCK is yet to come!!

I gather a conservative estimate(as they have stopped counting bodies) is 140,000(so far). However the final true figure will be far higher, I think. Many were tourists. Third world countries don't keep too accurate a figure of consensus. Many would be unregistered.

It is nigh impossible to count every body extant! Ever.

The number of missing should now be considered dead!

The number unaccounted for should soon be added to the death toll!! It should be fairly accurate.

Considering that the number missing is about ten times the dead, and the number unaccounted for is one hundred times the number of dead(whatever the final score is), we need to be looking at a calculation like this: Final death toll(number of bodies FOUND, estimated): 500,000. Possibly more. Even up to ONE MILLION. Now multiply THAT figure by 11(missing plus unaccounted for), and you have ELEVEN MILLION deaths!! A lot were tourists. And many would have been unregistered! TWELVE MILLION DEAD, or even higher is I THINK a good estimate!!!!(Which is near the rough figure I originally gave!!)(I thought at first, 8, 5 or 12 million, if not more!!)

We still have disease to possibly increase that number substantially!

Rain flooding is complicating things.

Also needing to be considered TO ADD ON are those who starve to death, or die of thirst from now on! Floods and outlying areas, especially islands and boats(like fishing boats), could make this figure quite high!!

So much debris(almost total) is rendering movement almost impossible. So survivors will be hard put to survive!! Traffic cannot get far, and helicopters are few.

It is increasingly evident that the powers that be are holding down the count of deaths as much as possible, because they must know that the final true figure should run into MILLIONS!!!! And this would increase the trauma terribly!!

Aid will no doubt be collosal eventually, yet never enough!!

So I urge that refugee tent camps be set up. And nations to take in as many as they can!!

Trying to repair THAT damage would be like pouring hard sacrificed money INTO A BLACK HOLE, bottomless!!!!

It must be far worse than is being painted. You multiply(up to) SEVEN MILES inland by thousands of kilometres of coast line!!(Undulating coast, plus numerous islands(Archipelago!!)!!) Then consider the average population density of Asia!! Remembering that many people live(or did!!) on the coast!!!!

You need to bury the desolation in sand or some thing. But what a task that would be. Far too difficult. Perhaps Nature has a solution!!!!

Abandon the coast, I say. Though it must kill tourism, and fishing,etc!!

One good outcome is the good in human nature it has brought out.

Plus a uniting of nations!!!!

The great question is: WHAT HORRORS LIE IN THE FUTURE??!!




Thursday, 13th January 2,005.


The Gulf Stream stoppage correction.

In my articles on The Coming Cataclysm, I said something wrong. I now correct this:-

I said that FRESH WATER pouring into The North Atlantic, from The Great Lakes in North America, would gradually sink to the ocean floor - and block The Gulf Stream.

We can expect The Gulf Stream to be blocked, but not that way! Fresh water is of course lighter than sea water, despite being so cold from snow melt. It would float on top of the salt water, and build up.(It is doing this now.)(As increasing amounts of rain and snow,etc.fall, - due to Global Warming causing a greater evaporation rate off sea,etc., the amount of precipitation increases. (This is occurring exponentially per harmonic progression!!), then more rain water and snow melt runs into The Great Lakes. These flow out into The North Atlantic.(Other rivers empty into The North Atlantic, too. All with increased water.))

The fresh water water builds up faster and FASTER, forming a growing plug of static water. The Gulf Stream will get forced southwards, as resistance grows.(Some time soon!), slowed down, and possibly stopped. The warming influence of The Gulf Stream on Western Europe will end, and a big drop in temperature will occur, making Western Europe as cold as New York and region are now., and even colder, being further north. The consequences will be grim.

In addition to this, the growing number and size of ice-bergs calving off the polar caps, are increasing, also exponentially per harmonic progression. This will augment the colder weather!(I stated this fact before. But add it again.)

Will readers note this correction!!


Friday, 14th January, 2005.

The latest on Mad Cow,etc.


My articles on Mad Cow are really re-writes of what Mark Purdey has said. All the information is his.(Usually my articles are my own work. But once a blue moon, I will write on what somebody else has said. This is one of those instances.) Mark Purdey has written superbly.

Mad Cow(or whatever), or vCJD in humans(Chronic Wasting Disease(CWD) in deer.)(Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy(TSE).), is promoted as an infectious prion disease, able to cross the species, including into humans!! It is an old disease, now. And many have died.

In a sense the disease is due to the protein part of prions. When infected. Going by what is generally said it is APPARENTLY a biologically infectious disease. However, this is not so! The evidence is overwhelmingly against that!! It is more chemical than anything. But it can be infectious IN A SENSE.

There are a number of factors contributing to this disease. Which has variants. The dangerous factor is "ferrimagnetic metals". With Manganese the most well known. The relevant prion protein usually bonds with copper. However, when copper is deficient, bonding with manganese and other harmful ferrimagnetic metals tends to occur. When it is available.

Spraying by headlice OP's leads to the chelation of copper(Locking it up.). Access to manganese,etc. then provides the deadly combination.

A mild form of TSE(Transmissible spongiform)(Mad Cow,etc.) can occur when a certain gene is present in the host. When only 2 or 3(instead of the normal 5) components of copper are at work.

Kuru is another name for what has come to be known as Mad Cow.(Kuru is allegedly due to cannibalism in New Guinea.)

Mark Purdey is probably the number one protagonist of the truth about Mad Cow. Doctor Brown, second.

It needs to be remarked that no cases of a TSE occur with Beef Suckler. Nor where organic farming is practised.

The third most important factor contributing to Mad Cow(I am using the popular term generically for all kinds of TSE.) is Low frequency Sonic Shock ( Low Frequency Infra Sound.)(Also light. Presumably if powerful and plentiful enough.) Mad Cow is basically due to a ratio of 20 to 1 Manganese to Copper deficiency. Plus low frequency infra sound. (Also UV, radar, cell phones, etc. (Any external electro-magnetic fields.)(Initial exposure temporarily magnetizes the bad metal. Further exposures to EMF's PERMANENTLY charges them!! And the damage is done, via metal bond to metal bond transmission, plus prion to prion transmission, domino style. Intensive bad EMF's get generated. In turn generating cluster boms of free-radical-mediated Spongiform Neurodegeneration. TSE ensues.)

This is why the hyper-infectious property of the prion is a misnomer! The toxic ferrimagnetic metal component of the prion(in the protein) is the alleged infectious pathogenic agent.(A chemo-physical cause, NOT a biological one!)

A mild version of the TSE occurs when the sound and light factors are absent. Otherwise the nasty version occurs.(Strontium is another ferrimagnetic metal. With Stronitum 90 a VERY nasty version occurs.(Or can occur.) (As evidenced by The Russian Chernobyl atomic plant leak out.))

The current panic is over the disease in deer in North America.

MGM in animal feed is supposedly bad.(There is no foundation for this.)

Note that the nasal olfactory intake route leads directly to the brain.

Silver, Aluminium, Platignum and Bismuth are more magnetoferric metals.(Magnetisable temporarily. The danger is when PERMANENT magnetism can occur.)

Portals for the disease' entry are Eye retinas, Eye lids, skin, auditory nerve endings, and optical nerve endings.

Scrapie is the name of the disease when found in sheep.

Powdered milk(Manganese has been added. Is given to young calves, and human babies!!) is very bad in the TSE respect. A thousand times worse than ordinary milk!

Melanin and Acitin are also contributing factors.(Affecting creatures by metabolism through sleep(in the circadium rhythm), sex, behaviour, heartbeat, cell growth, repair and immune response.

Also Warble Fly spraying.

The forces for anti investigation vastly outweigh the forces for.(Profit before lives, the motive.)

Ataxic syndrome is a very mild form of TSE. It attacked aboriginals in The Gulf of Carpentaria.(Caused by low copper combined with high manganese.)(Making some abo's appear drunk when walking.)

Manganese ingestion is a common factor in TSE's.

Soya beans,etc. are bad.

Mineral supplements and Mineral licks for deer are bad.

Providing manganese.

Manganese is available many ways.

Selenium and zinc are good(in this respect). As are magnesium and calcium.

Alzheimer's Disease seems to be another mild form of the disease.

The young are susceptible to TSE's because their defences have not fully developed.

Mutable melanin is very bad.

The disease can be directly inserted, as by experimental injections into animals. Not transmitted by imbibing(eating and drinking). Nor by contact!(So it is not infectious(in the normal biological sense), nor contagious. Nor even contractable.(Except by direct entry.)

Where the triggering agent is in the prion protein, that is manganese or some such. The stage is then set(combined with chelated copper) for bad sound and or even light to convert a temporarily magnetized bad metal TO BE PERMANENTLY MAGNETIZED. Making the bad metal rogue. This stops the normal transmission of electro-magnetism, thus causing the TSE. And the brain rots. With the known symptoms.

Such is the only infectious sense applicable! Thus a chemical(etc.) infection. The capping bad sound or light being the culprit that sends the bad electro-magnetic field.(With strontium 90, - really bad!!)

The evidence for biological infection is near zero. The evidence for chemical PLUS infection is very high!!

So here we have it. The Establishment is barking up the wrong tree! The answer lies in avoiding copper chelating agents(Like the OP's and Warble Fly.), AND manganese,etc!! Plus also avoid bad sounds and/or light(where these are powerful and frequent). NOT cull animals. Nor stop eating meat!!(Unless red!!)(Red meat can cause rectal and colon cancer!!)

For fuller version with much more detail, go to the two articles BY MARK PURDY on Mad Cow, in Nexus Magazine(A magazine of the unusual in science,etc.): April-May, 2003 edition(Australia), Vol.10, No.3. Go to page 25!) Then a follow up article in the June-July 03 version(Vol.10. Number 4.). Go to page 35. Nexus Magazine is obtainable from SOME newsagents. Simply write in for the back numbers.

The statistics are overwhelming. A clear enough case.

Affected prions develop an unusual deformed shape.

Doctor David Brown is at Cambridge University.

MBM is incriminated meat feed and bone meal(for feeding to cattle).

The more virulent strain of TSE hits younger mammals especially(because so vulnerable).

Note 1: Melanin and actin are good because they absorb incoming vibro-acoustic


Note.2. Foot and mouth Disease is another disease over-rated and over-re-acted to. Left alone, it USUALLY departs. No need to kill animals. It is no more serious than influenza.

Note.3. What to avoid or seek if you want to minimize risk of Mad Cow.(vCJD in humans.) I have listed eleven things:-

1. No copper(or selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium) reducing agents.(Like Warble Fly spraying and OP's head lice.)

2. No manganese(or other ferro-magnetically bad metals). (Also avoid silver, aluminium and platignum.)

3. No bad sounds or light. (Low frequency infra sounds and high intensity and strobic light.)

4. Genetic disposition of course cannot be avoided. If you have it, nothing can be done about it.

5. No Strontium 90!

6. No "infected" prion protein injections.(Especially into brain or spine!!)

The foregoing six are essential!!

The next five help, and are adviseable:-

7. No infected meat.(WISE not to eat meat. Especially RED meat!!)

8. Especially no brain or spine components!!

9. Keep OUT of infected areas(animal or human)!!(Not because of infection so much, but because very wise to avoid contaminated sources. Like Manganese!)

10. No cannibalism.(Just in case, and for completeness.)

11. Avoid Electro-magnetic fields, mobile phones, power lines, etc. (Electro magnetism is necessary to convey healthy agents for metabolism,etc. However, excessive or repetitive EM sources IN CASES where the main bad ingredients are present, can go bad, exacerbating problems.)

You are strongly advised to read and study Mark Purdey's findings on the subject!!(Giving much more detail than I am giving here.)

(TSE's are due to chemically and physically infected prion proteins, not virus, nor bacteria.)

Note 4. The false transmission line:-

Supposedly the route of transmission is mainly through infected (nervous system, - brain or spinal cord)beef eating. Believed to have originated in sheep as Scrapie. Also(kuru) ex cannibalism in New Guinea. Via eating of infected human brains. Now into Deer.(Wasting disease.) Especially in Canada and U.S.

Also transmitted by infected animal feed.

Crossing species, and humans.

It can of course be injected into one. Especially brains.

Thought to be infectious and contagious. Also contractable.

Victor Conway.

Friday, 14th January, 2,005.

Marco's maps.


In support(to the last dot) of The Coming Cataclysm,etc. a German friend, Marco, has confirmed my findings FULLY!!

Anyone interested, please e mail me:

These maps are scientific and superb!!

Showing relevant axes and rings of The Earth, in connection to how it was prior to the last cataclysm!!



Saturday, 22nd January, 2,005.

Cataclysm corrections and additions.


Explosions at the centres of fields(e.g. galactic centres) send charged electrons down MILKY WAY GALAXY spiral arms, THROUGH our LOCAL CLOSED STELLAR CLUSTER(found by me!), to our sun, Sol. And thence to Earth,etc!!!!

I had said that circulations of the sun around the spiral arm concerned was responsible. I now retract this, and replace with explosions at the centres of fields!!

Undersea volcanic eruptions, plus heat plumes from thermal vents in the ocean floor is warming the sea.(The sea in turn warms the air, NOT Man, nor even Surface events like volcanic eruptions and forest fires(ex lightning strikes and Man through arson and carelessness), which is 17 times the greenhouse gas that Man creates.)

This is the cause of El Nino(oscillations caused by the x factor of sun and moon's gravity tides)(every 6.5 years,etc.) events. Also The North Atlantic Oscillation.

This energy from the field centres(The Milky Way Galaxy in our case), down the spiral arms of our local galaxy AND OUR LOCAL CLOSED STELLAR CLUSTER, is what is charging up the sun!!

This discharge occurs every 6,392 years. Causing an exponential harmonic increase!! Charged electrons from the sun batter The Earth(like now),(aided by the Earth's surface electro-magnetic field produced by the friction from the straining and moving tectonic plates, and ice sheets). Warming the rock land of Earth. Creating and warming lava and magma. HERE IS THE SOURCE OF GLOBAL WARMING!!!! Not Man, NOR Surface Nature!!!!

Charged electrons also batter human and animal BRAINS. Sending them increasingly mad and evil!!

So you see, it is the SUN that is the direct immediate cause of our growing woes. A good half of them!!

Heat goes from land to sea to air. NOT THE OTHER WAY ABOUT!!!!

Dense to less dense!!

This will peak in about eleven or twelve years.

Inverting The Earth, and producing great havoc. Aided by Planet X, the so-called comet, this could wipe out nearly all life on Earth!!!!

Planet X(Nibirus) is due in a year or two.(Plus three, possibly four, years on account of our Gregorian Calendar being 3 to 4 years too advanced(Re: Little Pebble organization. Check on Web!!)).

The charged electrons cause The Earth's Core to become increasingly charged(and The Magnetosphere!!). Which not only spins, but GYRATES(revolves) WITHIN The Earth(which is hollow, as all bolides globes are!!). It also becomes increasingly MAGNETIZED!! (Which draws down more and more stuff from space!! Dust, debris, meteors, asteroids, comets, ETC.) AND strains on the tectonic plates and ice sheets WHICH WILL EVENTUALLY BREAK FREE, producing crustal displacements and axial tilts.(The Earth will completely invert. Geographically.(The sun already has, and THIS TOO will force the Earth to invert!!) And Magnetically!!)(See my earlier articles on the subject.)

Note: Four, not just three, dimensions OF space, exist!!(I have proved this.) Giant holes exist at each pole. As well as the "evil vortices"(about sixteen)(eighteen, with the poles)!! This is such that though everything is normal in 3d, in 4d, we have these tunnels going down to The Centre of The Earth!!!!

At the poles, this is reversed. There, the one thousand mile diameter holes actually exist(they look like craters)!! But it VERY easily happens that a vibration change occurs causing ENTRY into the FOURTH DIMENSION OF SPACE!!!! Where everything is normal(as we call it). This USUALLY happens. Otherwise, the odd occassions when it doesn't leads the traveller concerned to enter the funnel tunnel, and maybe see the inner red sun!!!! Etc.


Sunday, 23rd January 2,005.


Anti cancer, including prostate.

Much Vitamin C plus Laetrice, plus much supplementVitamin B.17. kernels(Mixed with walnut water.). Provided when enzyme Glucosdase present!!

Also Apricot seed(is good). B17 also lowers blood pressure.

Anti oxidants.

Anti carcinogenic activity.

Western civilization life style MUCH to blame!!

No stress!!!!

Red Wine and Guiness are good.

Also tomatoes(the red agent in it!!), lycorn, garlic(smelly variety), olive oil, Vitamin B's,

Lignans(In flaxiseed). Green tea. OPC's. Fresh salads. Leafy greens. Bananas.

Avoid meat!!(And NOWADAYS, CHICKEN, DUCK, ETC!!!!)(Danger of Bird Flu!!)

Herbs and vitamins.

Zinc is good for prostate.

And Saw Palmetto.

Beta Prostate is 3,000 times stronger than Saw Palmetto.(From Holistic Health Products.)

Maybe Epilobeum.(New not fully researched herb from Germany.)

Vitamin E. (In fact vitamins ACE.(I am especially considering prostate cancer. Cure and prevention.)) Other vitamins,too.

This does not exhaust the list(not meant to be comprehensive!!).

The following two hospital treatments do little good, but do much harm!!!!

NO radiation.

NO chemotherapy.

Animals treated better than humans.

Humans being used as guinea pigs for experimentation.(Much like vivisection with animals!!)

Medics are obsessed with surgery, WHICH PAYS THEM!!

Too many un-necessary procedures.

Too many mistakes and slips!!

SOME surgery,etc. helps. As a last resort.

Medics all right for changing catheters,etc.

Great love of Sadism.

Humans reduced to a statistic. They are treating a statistic rather than a human being!!

Cancer is big business. For Parmaceuticals AND MEDICS.

Powers that be promoting big business before human welfare!!!!

The mentioned points above gleaned from Nexus Magazine article (Dotto Rings also Anti Cancer.) (available from SOME newsagents) Vol.9. Number 6. October - November, 02.(Dotto ring article part 2 also in there.)

Also get booklet, Prostate Puzzles, by Sandy Weeks.(Australia).

Victor Conway.

Sunday, 23rd January, 2,005.


Drought problem!

You can get water from DEW!!!!

Australia(and other places) have DROUGHT problems. Despite the weather change(In Australia.)!!(The weather(not only in Australia) has changed, reversed. Now


Seeding clouds, and prayers, seldom work. Try getting water FROM DEW!!!!

Also from SEA WATER. ETC.(Via evaporating and condensing!!)

Hardly nice from re-processed sewage water!!!!(Anti spiritual aspect!!)

Materialism has a lot to answer for. Man does not live by matter, ALONE!!!!

How to get water from DEW:-

You simply provide a cool enough SURFACE for dew to condense on!! There is always SOME water vapour in the air!! No matter how arid. Nor how long since rain!!!!

(Also you can contain plants, let sun's heat evaporate water out of plant, and let condense!!)

Dew ponds, dew traps,etc. can be created, to provide pure fresh water always.(Provided tasks done carefully enough.)

For details, see Nexus Magazine article News Science, page 47. In Nexus New Times, Volume ten, Number one. Dec.02 to Jan 03.

Nexus is available from SOME newsagents.

Victor Conway.

Thursday, 10th February, 2,005.

Sea salt!!


Sea salt is superior health wise to table salt.

Sea salt will dissolve in water only if it has not been iodized.(It is the iodine,etc. preservatives that won't dissolve. Whether sea or table salt.)


Thursday, 10th February, 2,005.


The Firestorm Sparking Plug!!!!

Here is an article not of my invention. One of the few that are not.

With the price of oil set to double over the next two years, it is extremely important to reduce petrol costs! Or we won't make it, through.

This can bridge the gap between oil AND WHATEVER IS GOING TO REPLACE OIL!!

Now I cannot do justice to the ingenious article done by Robert N. Stanley in Nexus Magazine(Issue(current) New Times Volume twelve, No.2. February - March, 2,005. Article written(copyright) in October, 2,004.

So I refer readers to it.

Nexus magazine is a way out magazine, which comes out every two months. It is sold at SOME newsagents(not most). But will be well worth the attempt to get it, EVEN WITHOUT the inducement over The Firestorm Sparking Plug.

I am no motor mechanic! But I saw the value of this sparking plug.(Patented. Copyright. But the inventor, one Robert Krupa of Farmington Hills, Michigan, U.S.(One of the racing fraternity).

No one produces the firestorm sparking plug, bar Mr.Krupa's own company. The reason for this is Big Business monopoly on sparking plugs.(Mr.Krupa's sparking plugs DON'T WEAR OUT!!)

They improve internal combustion engines 44-50% in m.p.g. Plus more horse-power. With a dramatic increase in emissions.(A very important factor.)

Needs eliminated are 1.Smog pump. 2. Catalytic converter. 3.Radio frequency Interference and the use of resistors in the centre elecdtrode. 4. Gap growith. 5. Exhaust gas recirculation systems. 6. Misfire,hesitation,detonation,stutter and stumble.

The idea is you purchase firestorm sparking plugs from Mr.Krupa's new company(the only one producing such sparking plugs), after satisfying yourself of its feasibility.(Proof is documented.) He knows it works. And is going ahead.

This is a PLUG for NEW Firestorm Sparking Plugs.

I hope all concerned will suffer this on my part!!

I simply want to see the world bridge the gap between oil and whatever follows.(Back to electric power. Batteries. Solar Power. Hydrogen power. Whatever!!)

Get the picture? Here is a way for all internal combustion engine users to SURVIVE the oil crisis. Via the sparking plugs!!

Big business, corporations,etc. HATES it, OF COURSE. Means loss of money for them. But the idea is not to buck them, but to show THEM TOO their opportunity. And get into The New Firestorm Sparking Plug business. Which is tricky seeing they don't wear out!!!!

How do they work? The technical side. Now I am not up on this at all. But I do see the sense of Krupa!!

Krupa's Patent Number is 5936332. Date of patent: August 10th, 1999.

U.S. presumably. But not sure.

Robert Krupa, the inventor,

can be e mailed at < Visit The FireStorm web page at

The writer of the article is Robert M.Stanley(writer and researcher), specializing in technology trends. His article on Robert Krupa is copyright C 29 October 2004, UNICUS, 1147, Manhattan Avenue number 43, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, U.S. Robert Stanley can be e mailed at <

I am simply a concerned person.

Now I have read this article twice. I am able to follow(just) the general picture. The key seems to be a split electrode, like a snake's tongue. Which permits the residual ionization TO BE GOT AROUND, thus overcoming it!! This in conjunction with an inverted DOME SHAPE, plus a few other improvements, plus improved engine tuning; permits the standard 14.7:1 air to fuel ratio to improve an incredibly lean 24:1. Improving efficiency greatly, without increasing heat!!

Krupa's company is CDI, Limited.(In The U.S.)

The Firestorm spark plug has received rave reviews from a major spark plug company.

You need to read and study the article!!

This is way off my normal track.

Another key figure is the legendary Henry "Smokey" Yunick of Aaytona Beach, Florida., U.S.(We are into racing and hot rods,now.) Friend of Krupa.

CDI is short for Century Development International Limited.

They made 63 U.S. million in 1993, out of the new sparking plugs.

So it must have something going for it!!

Put a half loop on the ground side, after removing the grounding.

This is for the motor mechanics.

There are a number of other technical details.

The idea is to get you to MAKE a few firestorm sparking plugs yourself.(To convince yourself that they work.) Or buy them at a higher than normal cost from CDI!!

What more can I say?

All the best.

Bill Thomas.(I am not in this business(primarily). The Esoteric is my business. Same as Nexus.)(Similar to. Though I don't agree with all they say. Not by a long straw!!) Any problems, contact me.

Monday, 14th February, 2,005.



Now there is a question! THE WORLD'S HARDEST RIDDLE!!!!

I have tackled this many times before. Each time I get a more profound answer. A more indicative answer.

It looks a simple question, but it is actually most complex!!

Some say yes, some say no. The majority of people believe in life after death. In some form or other.

Shall we tackle the theory, or the evidence?

Most go for the evidence. Here, I shall go for the theory side.

Using LOGIC.

It is the most important question going.

And the hardest.

What is life? Self-Activity in an organism. What is death? Its absence.

Where most analysts go wrong is in treating death as an incident rather than a state.

Certainly there is no life after death the incident. TO THE THING THAT DIES!!

What dies? The physical body. What happens to the conciousness?

What does the word death MEAN?? It means FINAL cessation of life(in the organism concerned).

Are we speaking LITERALLY, or EXPRESSIVELY?? By expressively I mean that though the body dies(obviously), the SOUL need not. If a horse with rider drops dead, NEED THE RIDER?? Of course not. So death of the body does not necessarily mean death of the soul(or personality, or psyche)(simplifying to assist understanding)? Who cares about the suit of clothes I happen to be wearing, so long as I survive!! Perhaps in better apparel.

After the body is dead, it does not cease to exist!!

It simply enters a lower form of life!! Division of the whole occurs. Disorganizatiion!! But life continues - AT A LESSER LEVEL!! So death is still life(I mean death, the state.). Just a lesser level of it!!!!

There is no such thing as death!! ONLY LIFE!!!!

Same as there is no such thing as nothing.(Though there is such a NOTHING, as nothing!!)

The BODY dies of course. And even the mind dies. Certainly THE SELF dies(comes to a final end), in the sense that EGO permanently ends. We now are ego, in conciousness.

The mind is not just perephereal brain. It is a higher entity!!

Our conciousness dies as EGO. But gets absorbed into SUPER EGO. (A larger entity of one's being.) However!! Ego can RESURRECT at the will of Super Ego, at any time!! (COMES THE RE SURRECTION!!!!) IF IT SO CHOOSES. AND IT USUALLY DOES!!!!

Same as libido can resurrect at the will of ego, ANY TIME IT CHOOSES!!!! By simply putting the physical body to sleep!! Libido, as subconcious then RESURRECTS in a dream!!!! In other words, what happens, is that the lower conciousnes gets absorbed into the higher. We survive as part of a LARGER WHOLE!!!!

Libido as subconcious.(Id is unconcious.) Ego is ordinary concious. Super ego is SUPER CONCIOUSNESS.

So it is with this higher DREAM we call LIFE!! We die bodily AND MENTALLY in the dream.(We wake up!!) So it is with this waking life. It is a higher kind of DREAM. Death is simply our awakening from it!! To HIGHER LIFE. Of the Super Ego.(Death is actually birth.(Birth was our death!!)

We die not, because there is no death after life!! Not because there is no life after death(Because that is absurd!! By definition.)(But what is MEANT is that though the BODY has come to an obvious end, THE PSYCHE HAS NOT!!!!)

So though both body AND MIND do die(come to a final end). We resurrect as part of a greater being or whole. THEN, it is FROM THAT HIGHER, that our current lower(both mind AND BODY) can resurrect!!!! Whenever we choose!!!!

Keep the dream analogy in mind! We enter dreamland every night. When we awaken to the physical world, our dream body AND THE DREAM SELF, with its mind and memory, come to an end. Death!! The dream self, subconcious mind, BECOMES the waking self, concious mind!!!!(We BE the lower self. BUT BECOME The Higher!!!!)

When we DIE, both body AND PSYCHE come to a final end!! BECAUSE ABSORBED INTO THE HIGHER!!!!(When we ask the question WILL I SURVIVE DEATH, we are referring to our concious ego!! The answer is no. It comes to a final end.)

However, eventually(usually), the super ego in The After Life IN THE SPIRIT WORLD, needs a rest, and enters a stupeified state, wherein the PART we now know as the concious ego, RESURRECTS(even as sub-concious dream self resurrects when ego chooses to sleep in the physical body!!) for a while!!

Can you follow the parallel??

The Analogue.

You may ask, if resurrection occurs, how was it FINAL end??


That is(can only be!!) what we mean by FINAL END!!!! We are referring to our current life!! Since any other life is NO LONGER OUR life, being a HIGHER OTHER!!!! And THEREFORE not US, in the only possible sense WE CAN MEAN AT THE TIME!!!! And AT THE TIME is all that counts!!!!

We(ego) are PART OF a greater whole(super ego). But to the ego, THAT IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT. And therefore not meant by Do I survive. BEING A DIFFERENT I!!!!

The subconcious dream self knows NOTHING of the concious waking self!!

Similary this(current now, a part) concious ego know NOTHING of the SUPER CONCIOUS SUPER EGO!!!!

However, THAT(super concious super ego) IS WHAT WE BECOME WHEN WE DIE!!!!

Albeit what we CURRENTLY ARE(concious ego), is A PART of that greater whole.(Even as subconcious dream self is a part of concious ego!!)

ONCE resurrection occurs, our conciousness BECOMES the limited form!!!!

Note that EVEN OUR PHYSICAL BODIES come back to life!! 1. In the general sense that all life forms revert a lower form of life UNTIL NEW FORMS ISSUE FORTH!!!! AND 2. The gametes of The Zygote separate, cycle around in space, through time, until they(so long as The Permanent Atom has not withdrawn!!) re-unite in some NEW MOTHER(given re-incarnation, which USUALLY occurs)!!!!

So NO THING dies!! All is LIFE.

Our subconcious dream self EXISTS NOW in our ego's waking life. But in LATENT FORM. Only when it RESURRECTS in dreams, can IT say I SURVIVE!!!!(But only IT. And that is the point. As THE SELF is not interested in its lesser parts!!!!)

What men have called "fancy" and "fantasy" IS, IN FACT, how things are!! THE WAY IT IS. Because Nature abhors a vacuum!!!!

Mankind has LIMITED The Universe. Blinded by his foolish WISH. However, it so happens that things are UNLIMITED. But Humanity is limited!!!!

Some humans wish to live again after death. AND SOME WISH NOT TO!!!!(Because of sin and wrong, etc. They fear(because deep down they know) to live on, expecting to be punished. In Hell,etc. So they take refuge in the erroneous belief that death is the end. They will attack you IF YOU INSIST OTHERWISE TO THEM. Because they cannot bear it. Not having evolved enough!! BUT ONE DAY THEY WILL UNDERSTAND!!!!)

Many die BUT KNOW IT NOT, not because in oblivion, but because the next world LOOKS so much like this one!! - That they get fooled!!!! THEY SIMPLY CANNOT BELIEVE IT. But it is so!!!!

Vacuums find it hard to exist. Similarly, it cannot be that this physical plane IS THE ONLY ONE!!!! The Spirit World is SIMPLY the next plane up in orbital VIBRATION!!!! That is all it!!!! THERE HAS TO BE A MORE, YOU SEE!!!! It is more sensible for things to GO ON FOR EVER, than for them to come to a mysterious end.(Though TEMPORARY ENDS do exist.)

Have you understood??

The EVIDENCE for survival IS ENORMOUS!!!!

But not all can accept it. So I have gone the theory way to show you via LOGIC, how it is!!

So you see THE COMPLEXITY of the situation is. And hence why such a controversy in the world!! It is so hard that it is practically unsolvable!!

Many people are happier with LOGIC than faith!! Super logic is simply logic applied to higher worlds. TRUE FAITH is super logic. However the faith of many is but BLIND belief!! I prefer to KNOW. Which is only possible SCIENTIFICALLY!!!!

You follow??

One day, we shall pass from even the highest plane of this realm, to enter via Consummation with God and Entry into Higher Schemes, EVEN GREATER REALMS. And so on WITHOUT END.

Which is better? To come to a permanent end. OR, to live for ever!! We have no choice. We live for ever, AND HAVE ALREADY DONE SO!!!!

Both lines have their problems, but living is best. And that is what happens!!

Eventually we shall build AND INCREASE our Happiness. By living aright. A most difficult task.

Is there a God? Many!!

Whose ranks we shall one day join!!

Thank you.


Tuesday, 15th February, 2,005.


Sequel to Survival question, A724.

I have more to say.

Decided to do a sequel.

I can see the answer well enough, now.

After a life time of hard study.

No entity can survive its OWN death!!

There are LEVELS of meaning.

Consider: Bottom level: Who is bothered(whether we survive or not)?? Level 1.

Then we have the shallow superficial view born of guilt: Level two. Death is the end.(Final) After death there is no thing!!!!

Truth is not a determinate thing!! Truth is RELATIVE to the beholder. All levels below that go by what the viewer WANTS!!!!

In practice the higher self over-rules the lower self's wish NOT to survive, and sooner or later, one awakens at a higher level of Life.

There is no such thing as death! Only different levels of LIFE. Thank you.

Level three is The Russian Dolls andThe Chinese Boxes,etc. level. Where the lower self gets telescoped into the higher at what we call death, WHICH IS ACTUALLY A BIRTH!!!!(Russian Dolls contain lesser dolls within them. In reference to the body vehicle USED BY the THE BEING(concerned and relevant). Chinese Boxes are THE SELVES. Boxes and dolls are linked respectively.)

The common worldly view is that the body IS the soul.

However, this is not so. We are entities WITHIN(five dimensionally!!)(It is a universe which is simply complex in details, though COMPLEXEDLY simple IN PRINCIPLE!!) vehicles. Our bodies. We are not our bodies. But the ignorant IDENTIFY their psyches with their bodies. And we ARE what we identify ourselves with. AT LEAST UNTIL THE HIGHER SELF OVER-RULES. Which takes time.

When a materialist dies, the rule is that he SLEEPS in his astral vehicle(the physical body having died), UNTIL his weak higher self BREAKS the spell imposed by his strong lower self. Then he wakes up. Though usually(because The Spirit World LOOKS so much like the physical world(but functions very differently)) the(physicality is a relative thing)(Even The Spirit World IS PHYSICAL to the self WHEN THERE. Rather like a radio station or television channel. We SEE the vibration we are attuned to AT THE TIME!!!!) the observer gets fooled into thinking he is still in the CURRENT physical world!!

The fact is WE DO NOT DIE. Though the body does!! No thing dies!! And even the body resurrects EVENTUALLY. (I am not referring to re-incarnation!! I MEAN that IN The Spirit World, WHEN the higher self, the super ego, wants a REST, IT RESURRECTS the lower self, the ego, by lowering out THAT chinese box. ALONG WITH the physical vehicle that is linked to it!! (It lowers out the appropriate Russian doll!!) DO YOU FOLLOW??

It is very important. The whole issue is so complex!!

The lower self's wishes get denied(as a rule). Whether it wants to survive or not survive!!

All wishes of the lower self get denied. UNTIL we relax our wish sufficiently for the higher self to over-rule!!!! The more you chase something, the MORE it will be denied you!! No matter what it is!!!! It is when you STOP chasing your wish, and pursue HIGHER SELF'S wish(though not by lower self!!), that God(the gods) has A CHANCE to give it to you!!!! (We are our own worst enemies. Kicking up so much dust!!)

Fortunately the same applies to our fears!! They too get denied. Until we STOP FEARING whatever it is that we are so afraid of!! ALL attractions and repulsions are under this SPIRITUAL LAW!!!!

No matter what world we are in.

We have rider and horse. The rider is THE ENTITY or PSYCHE WITHIN(Note: Not 3d within!!). The horse is the vehicle. Currently THIS physical vehicle so many THINK is US!!!!

The previous rider becomes the next horse AT THE HIGHER LEVEL!! (When the time comes.)

Let me explain: We have four selves. (Our conciousness is an off-shoot of God's conciousness. The gods' conciousness.) There is the lower concious self. Next up is the sub-concious self. Then comes our normally current ordinary conciousness. The waking self!!(We know so well. OR THINK WE DO!!!!) At the top is The Higher Self. Our personal god within.(The spiritual solar logos is our IMPERSONAL god. The spiritual body of the sun. Which is actually only AN ELEMENTAL(despite its size compared to our bodies!!). Our true immediate rulers are what we know as Jehova and Jesus CHRIST.(Or Christ Jesus). Personal gods. The impersonal elemental gods are bigger quantitatively. But way down QUALITATIVELY. Whereas Jehova and Jesus are far superior. This is hard to grasp!!(THEY live in The Spirit World.)

Jesus is our popular guide. Even higher exist. But his way is suited to The Man in The Street.

Similarly at a higher level WITH JEHOVA.

There are many Jehova, MANAGERS. Above them are the owners, THE ELOHIM(ALIENS)(Who early men called GODS.), who begat us.(Genetically, by joining their bodies with those of THEIR animals. Producing a hybrid. This occurs in many parts of the universe.)

In about nine years time our owners will visit us. TO SEE HOW WE ARE GETTING ALONG!!(Unfortunately so badly THAT WE HAVE TO BE DESTROYED

YET AGAIN!!!!)(We have been destroyed many times before.(Jehova seems to have made a mistake!! Or rather The Elohim who own us. The Jehova(plural) are only THE MANAGERS.))

"Let US make Man in our image!!" (Plural!!!!)

Digression over. Back to the four selves!!

Selves dwell in bodies.(5d wise!!) And each self has its level of conciousness. Plus its higher self.


Let us begin with the dream self. It has a body. The dream body. WITHIN is the sub-concious self. With its own mind and memory!!(Which is WHY we forget dreams so easily!! USUALLY.)(Unless we become concious so fast, that our concious mind can get a glimpse of the dream mind BEFORE ITS DOOR CLOSES!!!!)

When the concious waking self wants a rest, we sleep and dream.

We dream periodically. NOT CONTINUOUSLY.

The dream world is IN OUR AURAS. These are five dimensional fields which permeate the physical!! Dream imagery is within that, with ONE CENTRAL dream body image. All is related to THAT.(During the dream.)

There is a self below this. Our DAY DREAM self. Created by our concious self(or even by the dream self!!)(I have become concious in a dream, and deliberately day dreamed, thus living at three levels simultaneously: Concious, Sub-concious and low concious!!!(The INHERENT conciousness of the day dream self PER SE!!!!)) Along with our day dream body. Conciousness is low, but our concious mind CONTROLS IT!!!!

Each world is real to the self concerned!!

Normally when we are dreaming, WE THINK WE ARE AWAKE!!

The exception is the day dream self. We know(because conciously controlled usually) it is an off-shoot.

When we awaken from some dream, the dream body AND THE DREAM SELF, vanish. THEY DIE!!!! PERMANENTLY.(You may argue with that and say it is not permanent, because next night, we dream again, AND OUR DREAM SELF AND DREAM BODY GET RE-CREATED!! RESURRECTED!!!!)(Which is PRECISELY what happens to our new horse(the former rider!!), WHEN IT DIES(I am referring to our current concious self, AND ITS BODY!!!!)!! As all must sooner or later!!!!)

If you argue that the dream self(and its body) DO NOT die permanently(Because they RESURRECT next night!!), THEN WHY ARGUE THAT our current self and body DO DIE PERMANENTLY!!(Because they too RESURRECT once the higher self(new rider) wishes it!!!!) We either die permanently, BUT RESURRECT. Or, we only die TEMPORARILY. You cannot have one law for the dream pair, and a different one for our current concious ego self, and our current physical body pair!!!!

Because each former rider, BECOMES THE NEXT HORSE. Clearly there is A LAW running right through the lot!!

I agree with you, our end is only temporary! Whichever horse we are quitting!!

Or, if you don't like that, we can say that WE RESURRECT after PERMANENTLY dying, later on!!!! Usually. As a rule.(It depends upon WHAT CONTEXT you are within!!)

If this applies to the dream pair, WHY NOT TO OUR CURRENT PHYSICAL PAIR(of concious ego self and our current physical body)??!!


The materialists, who are so guilty of wrong doing, desire the un-natural reverse(THEY DO NOT WANT TO LIVE AFTER DEATH!!!!) (BUT It is NATURAL to want to live again!!). Which is PERMANENT END. But they are VITIATE TWISTED to try to avoid HELL!!!!(Which deep down they know they qualify for!!). Do you follow??(However, it is fortunate that THE TRUTH ignores our wishes, AND OUR FEARS!!!!)


OR, are you SO BRAINWASHED AND CONDITIONED by Materialism(plus guilt) THAT YOU ARE BLINDED??!!

Religion once supported survival(It does not now, having become materialistic like our current so called science!!!!).

Those nearest the truth ARE THE SPIRITUALISTS!!!!

However, I am not concerned with THE OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE here. But with THE THEORY.


The highest level of all is: WHO CARES. Which is a healthy attitude. Rather than be obsessed all the time with whether we survive or not!!!!


So it is not that we come to a final end WHETHER WE WANT TO OR NOT!! But that we LIVE AGAIN - REGARDLESS OF OUR PERSONAL WISHES. Or those of others!!!!

Mankind has gone SO WRONG OFF TRACK, that he actually is CONVINCED of THE VERY REVERSE of the truth!!!! In ALL important and serious matters!!!! This is because Man is so unevolved. - That The Devil cheats him!!!!

Notice how the guilty materialists(who are trying to reduce surface appearance(physical body) to REALITY), REJECT OUT OF HAND, THE VERY CORNER STONE OF THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER!!!! Because they REJECT THE COMPLEX TRUTH, dubbing it "Fancy" and "Fantasy", THUS disparaging it so that they can CAST IT OUT. And would from the whole world IF THEY COULD!!!!

REALITY is MULTI dimensional(GROUP dimensional actually. Of many planes and levels. COMPLEX!!), not just 3d and physical sense data!!!!


This is the sneering materialist jibe!!

What they are really saying is: WHERE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD is The Spirit World??!!

But who has said that it IS in the physical world?? THAT IS JUST IT. It is NOT in our physical universe AT ALL!!!!

AND who has said that the universe is SIMPLE? Not complex. (Only the wish of the denier!!)


SO(if it is real), WHERE is it??

The answer is strange. IT IS INSIDE OF ATOMS!!!!

Yes, Quantum Mechanics holds the key to the solution of MANY mysteries!!!!

The fact IS, Man is so AFRAID of anything beyond sense data and three dimensional "solid" physics!!!!(He has taken refuge WITH LIARS!!!!)

But taught so long AS TO BE ACCEPTED AS GOSPEL. His only STRAW out of the UNBEARABLE TRUTH!!!!

Plenty of space inside atoms!!

Electrons orbit within atoms. Our reality changes, gets re-created ACCORDING to which LEVEL of orbit we are perceiving!! (I AM NOT REFERRING TO PHYSICAL ELECTRON LEVELS. Jumping up or down, releasing or receiving energy accordingly. Field or nucleus!!)(I am referring to THE GREATER COMPLEX WORLD'S orbital electrons!!!! (Our physical jumping or dropping electron orbits is simpy ONE of the type. But which is limited to our PHYSICAL PERCEPTION!!!!)

The Spirit World is ALL AROUND US, cry The Spiritualists!!

So it is! But NOT in our physical universe AT ALL!!!!

We need to take our negatively bewitched eyes OFF of LIMITATION of the 3d physical sense data tangibility realm!! And GET THEM onto the UNLIMITED INFINITE COMPLEX(in the details) universe that WE DO live in!!

Even animals are more psychic than we humans NOW are!! We lost it!! Because we stuffed ourselves so hard and long on MATTER!!!!(If you eat wood or straw, etc. you may cure your hunger, BUT KILL YOUR SELF by starvation!!!! UNAWARES!!!!)

Naturally we look INSIDE OF the physical world, because we have become SO CONDITIONED to THINK that that is ALL THAT THERE IS!!!! (When it is only one plane of the complex unlimited INFINITE UNIVERSE!!!!)

Materialists are irrational. You cannot debate anything LOGICALLY with them!!

And if you try, YOU WILL GET HURT!!!! Killing you if necessary. They kill the spirit first!!!! BY GIVING YOU UNBEARABLE HELL. And this is how they get away with it!!!!

They are IN DENIAL!!!! Constantly. UNTIL the force of their denial dies!!(Which can be VERY LONG.)(Even MANY LIFE-TIMES, as they keep DELIBERATELY not seeing THE POINT(OF COMPLEXITY))!!!!(Their world being so simple, you see!!!!)

They are mentally ASLEEP. But will awaken WHEN THEY ARE READY. Not before!!

Meanwhile we WHO HAVE TO SUFFER THEM, live in our current nightmare!!


Now let me take other tacks:-

OF COURSE there is no life after death!!(But there is no death after life either, AND FIRST!!!!)

Obviously I very much want to live again. BUT ONLY IF I DO NOT QUALIFY FOR HELL!!!!

So I have built up A POSITIVE CASE. But ONLY GOD knows the(full) Truth!!!!


Death is the final end!! BUT ONLY OF THE ENTITY THAT DIES!! And WHAT is that?? The physical body OF COURSE!!!!

But the self WITHIN,too!! TEMPORARILY!!!! That is until the NEW rider RESURRECTS that horse!! Just as our concious waking self ego RESURRECTS the dream entity and its dream body NIGHTLY!!!!

The overwhelming CONSISTENT EVIDENCE(correctly interpreted) SUPPORTS the coherent theory.

Probably(but almost CERTAINLY), THIS IS THE TRUTH. But one can never claim it 100%. Which point materialists take full advantage of!!

They argue, that since we are not FULLY SURE, it may be that the truth(of non-survival) wins! And that little change alters the whole complexity of the case!!!!

The FACT is, of course, THAT DEATH IS THE END!! The trouble is: WHAT IS IT THAT DIES??!! The body, plainly!! And TEMPORARILY the current rider!! However, if the higher self survives(because never in matter in the first place),

it has the power to raise again(resurrect) the lower whenever it wishes!!!!

Corpses describe death very well. But what is THE DEFINITION of DEATH??!!

Whether temporary or not IS THE VERY POINT WE ARE ARGUING!!!!

So who dare define WHAT HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED!!!!

The vacated vehicle(the corpse) is VERY dead, OF COURSE, BECAUSE NOW EMPTY!!!!

Is YOUR definition of death FINAL END?? Naturally those who reject survival define death so.(Including the world's definition. BUT ONLY BECAUSE RULED BY MATERIALISTS!! Who currently rule even religion!!!!)(I prefer TRUE SCIENCE myself!!!!)

So we CANNOT pull out a dictionary or encyclopedia and go by that!!

Simply because DEATH HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED one way or the other!! SO CONTROVERSIAL is the argument(Do we survive death??)


No. The answer is not negative. Nor is it inconclusive!!(Except in the eyes of those who WISH SUCH!!!!)

As the computer says: The question is not specific enough!! Does the human personality live after death(I mean long term!!)?? The lower personality does not.(Along with the body.) The HIGHER survives. And FOR EVER. AND ETERNALLY, ETC. ETC.

The fact is that what we believe IS the truth!!

Truth is created by our belief!! Because OUR BELIEF decides what it lines up on!!!!

However, The Higher Self, SOONER or LATER over rides and overpowers the lower. Thus changing its belief!!!!

Does the mind survive the death of the body?? By mind I DO NOT MEAN IMAGINATION. I mean PSYCHE!!!!

Now we are getting down to BRASS TACKS!!!!

Yes, it does. (Because THE EVIDENCE is screaming such AT US!!!!) And if you say that telepathy is the explanation, then because telepathy requires MIND, you have ALREADY made MIND superior to Matter. And thus solved the survival question THAT WAY, ANYWAY!!!!

Logic rules. And Physics in a COMPLEX universe IS actually SUPER PHYSICS!!!!

We all see OUR reflection in Life's Mirror!!

WHO is to say?? ONLY our self!!!!

Bibles(The Word of Man, NOT God!!) do not give the answer. Nor is it written in the sky. SO WHO IS TO SAY YEA OR NAY??!!

It is written ONLY in your own heart and mind. YOUR WISH. Whatever that is!!

Bit lame. As I plead my own case. Trying to fudge it.


Flowers give the answer!!

Because they reflect THE HIGHER.

End of the digression!!

Yes, theoretically possible.(The Materialists' case that because we do not know all, that some overlooked point, however small can change the whole context(I don't think so!!) BUT THEN THE SAME ARGUMENT APPLIES TO THEM!!!! But they WON'T(they cannot bear it!!) hear of it. You see!!

What IS a theory? A theory is simply AN EXPLANATION.

There are four main levels:-

1.(Top, in this case.) Higher mind.

2. Conciousness.

3. Mind.(The current rider.)

4. Body.(The CURRENT horse.)

Who is the rider when you are dreaming?? Your present body, of course. Because DREAMS are 5d within the physical body!! (Yet can PARTIALLY BE(auras can) OUTSIDE of our physical bodies!! 5d concentric. Not 3d concentric!!!!)

The best current explanation should win. Until(if and when) a better one arises!!

The positive wish of the lower self meanwhile wins.(In the individual concerned.)

I cannot be perfect in my delineation. Owing to Nature's imperfections. PLUS MY OWN SHORT-COMINGS. But I have done my best. The point is CAN YOU DO BETTER????

The BOTTOM LINE is that we believe WHAT WE WANT TO BELIEVE!!!! All of us!!!! And disbelieve what we fear(which we then do not like!!).

The FULL truth is too hard for us.

Even God does not see it ALL!!!!

But enough for us!!!!

Levels of view!!

COMPLEXEDLY simple in principle.

But SIMPLY Complex in the details!!!!

Your view(whoever!!) will differ from mine of course.

The question is WHO IS NEARER GODS'(sic) VIEW????

Most of us like to think OUR VIEW is the best one. Whoever we are.

We have to stay within VIEWS WE CAN BEAR, or life gets too hard for us!!


So there you have it.

There it is!!

There is a cataclysm(Earth inversion) coming. Plus two passes by "comet"(Planet X, Niribus.).

What connection has that with Do we survive death?

So many (humans, animals, plants) will die(thousands of millions per EACH), THAT the survival question will NEED the best answer possible!!!!


Your witness.


Which now rests.

Pending the usual denials!!!!


Any comments????

Alas, we are wilfully blind to our own shortcomings.



The truth is everything AT SOME LEVEL OR OTHER!!!!

Have you understood MY CASE?(The Truth, of course, is another matter.)

So I have to say PROBABLY(To the survival question.).

Not 100% proven.

Yet emotionally OVERWHELMING!!!!

I am convinced enough, and satisfied enough.

But then I don't pay your rent, DO I????


Wednesday, 16th February, 2,005.


Additional notes for my own benefit.(To A724 and sequel A725.)

(People are like ice-bergs. Only one ninth is visible!!)

Mind(not imagination!!) is Super Matter!!!!

(Each creature is an experiment of God.)

Belief determines the truth! We believe what we wish to believe!! Which then becomes the truth to us. At least until The Higher Self over-rules the lower!!

When Pilate asked Jesus What is Truth, Jesus was silent.

There is no truth but your own view. Though one view is higher than another. The thing is to get the highest view. We can modify from there.

Corpses are but SHELLS. Ask any corpse!!

Brain is telephone exchange, NOT GOVERNOR!!!!

There is Death, The Incident; and Death, The State. Do not mix up!!

After Death, The Incident; the body ends finally.

AFTER DEATH, THE STATE, The Psyche gets absorbed into The Higher Self. The higher mind goes with it. The lower mind dies.

Russian dolls have dolls within dolls. Vehicles within vehicles!!

Chinese boxes, are connected. They contain selves within selves.

Beauty is The Father of Truth.

By wrestling with the great question, many insights fell out!!

Wrestle with The Lord. THE GREAT SPIRITUAL LAW. But don't defy it. Then you will learn!!

We don't believe the truth.(That is too hard for us!) We create truth by believing our wish!!!!


Tuesday, 1st March, 2,005.


Still further again on Life after death.

The hardest question going. And the most important.

The best answer is Silence. Finding that too hard, I do the next best thing, and say what I think!!

I like to go the way of Logic. The Evidence side has been well dealt with. I refer to Psychic Research. Although any individual case may no doubt succomb to criticism, the whole in total is rather impressive. However, I don't regard it as conclusive enough.

I have left my body about eight times, whilst remaining in this world. Ennumerable times visiting The Spirit World. Perhaps I should say CONCIOUSLY.(In The Spirit World one is Super-concious. Which, though superior to mere ordinary conciousness is too high to be of value!!)

No thing is Certain. So I go for Probability. To my logic, anyway.

Am I an authority on the subject? Not that the world would recognize.(Much the re verse!!) I can only say that (at my best) my I.Q. rated just above Einstein's. And I have devoted a long life time to this most difficult of important questions!!!!

However, all this is only my opinion, OF COURSE.

For the record, however, I say these things. Probably I like to talk - too much!!

It is so easy to rate our own view as one of the best, if not THE best.

Still, as good as any other's, I hope. So here goes(for the umpteenth time):-

An analogy is worth a lot.

I claim to know the answer(well enough).

But what is the question?!

Is there life after death? Try again!! (Not specific.) Does the personality survive the death of the body? TRY AGAIN!!!! Does the Higher Self survive the death of the lower?? Body and personality.

I claim that there is no life after death(the technical answer) BECAUSE there is no death after life!!

Which, of course, is too subtle.

There is no life after death for THE BODY. That is about as sure as anything is!!(Barring zombies, of course!!)

Most corpses are well confined!! Many have been found to have moved. Either from premature burial. Or zombie-ism!!!! Though of course we cannot rule out earthquakes, later disinterment, electro-magnetism, and pure magic!!!!

By and large, THE BODY, does not live again. Not as the original individual. Only IN PART, as another life form, from the primeval mix of molecules!!

The mind does not survive either. Imagination, OR perephereal brain!!

What about The Personality?? Low and/or high.

Aside from the fact that it is impossible to be aware of nothing. OR to come from, OR GO TO nothing, I continue:-

I submit that conciousness CANNOT be aware of NO THING. Therefore it must always be aware of SOMETHING OR OTHER!!!!

Any one's conciousness.

I submit that the lower personality gets absorbed INTO the higher personality, to be emitted by the higher as and when it chooses. The higher personality is different again(Though I say that conciousness is even more YOU, the higher it is!!)( Otherwise I-ness doesn't make sense!!).

If, then, the lower personality BE PART OF the higher personality, then it still exists none the less for being PART!!

I am trying to reason my way to the best answer.

Which I hold is the most coherent theory that is compatible with the correctly interpreted evidence.

Am I fudging? It is easy of course to cry bull-dung!!

Words have meanings - via their power. Or vice-versa.

I think you may find the analogy much simpler:-

Let us suppose that you and I are DREAMING.(Which we could be!!) Dream sharing. Or at least(in case you don't believe in dream sharing), I am an image in your dream. But one that is conversing with you!!

You say to me: "Is there life after death?". I give you the theory answer I have just stated. You say Bull-dung!! So I suggest to you that we may be DREAMING. Whether a shared dream or I as a mere conversing image in a dream of yours!! The idea is to make you THINK!!!!

I suggest to you that we are dreaming.(We could be!!) But I MEAN not in the ordinary sense, but SUPER DREAMING. Meaning that this life is but a dream in some still higher scheme!!

At that moment, a sniper comes along, and just for kicks, he picks me off. AND THEN YOU. Both our dream bodies drop down dead. IS THAT THE END OF US??!!

We wake up(of course), in our beds.(Let us suppose that we are sharing a room. As luck would have it, we each remember that shared dream. We look at each other. Well, I snap, DID you survive? We were both shot dead in that dream. DID OUR PERSONALITIES SURVIVE??!!

You laugh. Of course we did. We were dreaming. By co-incidence(phew!!) each of us a conversing image in the other's dream!!

Ah, but you miss the point! Our dream BODIES are dead.(Shall we hope they get decent burials??) What happened to our dream SELVES??

The concious selves now discussing the matter ARE NOT the dream selves!!(So what happened to them??)

The DREAM selves are WITHIN our Waking Selves. Right?? Mentally within.

When we fall asleep, say tonight, our dream selves(along with our dream BODIES) will RESURRECT. Thus living again!!

It is an ANALOGUE. An Analogy!!

I am suggesting of course that in PARALLEL fashion, after we "die", our Higher Selves will SUPER AWAKEN in The Spirit World. And THEN at some point, we will mentally tire, and LOSE our super conciousnesses, to BECOME, via the ORDINARY CONCIOUS SELF exiting for a while to live in an ordinary waking state. Albeit in The Spirit World!!

Later, to return Home, to The Super Life!! Did you get that??

I am saying IT IS POSSIBLE. In fact I say PROBABLE. Because for there to be no thing beyond ordinary conciousness and its world is to create an impossible vacuum. Inasmuch as that vacuums are ORDINARILY impossible!!

We awaken after dreams in SLEEP(our dream bodies died(what else??)) to become conciously awake in a higher world.

We COME TO after day dreaming in a REVERIE, to become conciously awake in a world two removes above. OR, (one remove above) awaken into a DREAM, from which we day-dreamed!!

AND WE AWAKEN after SO CALLED death in this life to a Super Life, Super conciouse. In The Spirit World.

Quite different, albeit MORE US, than ordinary waking conciousness in Life!!

To RESURRECT, at some point, probably, our lower self, in some super reverie, in a new session of Life!!!!(I mean apart from Re-incarnation!!)

You follow me??

Ah, you may say, but when body dies, brain rots too. And NO ENTITY can survive!!

With due respects, HOW DO YOU KNOW that?!

How do you know that Nature is not fanciful and fantastic(as many call it), and that Reality IS supernatural and supernormal??!!

Perhaps The Universe IS complex. Simply complex in details. Albeit Complexedly Simple in Principle!!

Has orthodox so called Science BLINDED YOU to the possibility? Brain-washed and conditioned by THE WORLD.

A chieftain on his island DOES NOT KNOW that there are not other islands. So in his PRESUMED sightedness he proclaims that bigger islands JUST DO NOT EXIST to visit!! What arrogance!!!!

Maybe multi-dimensionalism and even GROUP DIMENSIONALISM does exist. DO YOU KNOW THAT IT DOES NOT??!!

You see my point? Do you see?? Mentally, I mean!! OR CAN YOU ONLY SEE PHYSICALLY? And not too well at that!!!!

Nature is re-nowned for PARALLELS.

And humans for short-sightedness!!!!

You see, MIND is Higher Matter!!(Though mind is mere imagination.)

There is lower mind, and HIGHER MIND.

Still, one thing is evident. I WANT TO SURVIVE!!!!

Will you spoil it now, and insist you DO NOT want to survive??

Why else would you cleave to absurdities??!!

Bah, your eyes are not just closed. THEY ARE NOT THERE!!!! YOU put them out, in order not to see anything that might offend your wish NOT to survive.(In order to escape your sins!!) You did it when quite young!! Remember??!!

(Nor can any body prove NEGATIVES.(You cannot PROVE non-survival!!)(Unless of course you make out to be God AND KNOW IT ALL. Therefore then knowing WHAT IS NOT. Which you CLAIM!!!!)(Else you could not argue as you do!!)

Please note that with ordinary dreams, we descend to a lower(auric)world 5d encasing our physical bodies. But when we get born(at death) into The Spirit World, we GO UP to a higher realm. Death is not a falling asleep, IT IS AN AWAKENING. This NOW is the dream!! Albeit a super dream! (It could of course(briefly) be an ordinary dream. The point is you could escape the fact that you are dreaming. HOW MUCH MORE THE FACT THAT WE ARE SUPER DREAMING!!!!)("Death" is not a falling asleep. It is a WAKING UP!!!!)

Birth was our death!!

Nor need it(nor does it!!) end with our awakening into a higher life in a higher world, but that WHEN THERE, we eventually find a still higher world to enter. And so on ad infinitum!! As has already been the case!!

THUS, we(the rider of the horse(body)) keep ahead of our horses(which also(via (if necessary) re-incarnations), climb ever higher!! And this FOR EVER. As we have ALREADY DONE in our infinite Past!!!!

Did we not do this, our horses would catch up, and we AS THE HORSE, would perish. But that does not happen!!

When we are dreaming, we think we are awake. And when we are awake we think we are awake. We can know that we are dreaming. But we cannot know that we are awake!!

To know you are dreaming(if in doubt), try to read print. It keeps changing!!

After awakening from a dream, where is the dream self? Are you bothered??

So if a parallel thing happens after death, why will it bother you if your current concious waking self has become part of the higher self you then find yourself to be?? It is also more YOU than your waking self. So why be bothered??


Thursday, 3rd March, 2,005.


How to tell if you are dreaming,etc.

It is not possible to tell if you are dreaming or awake readily. Certain tests can determine.

When we are dreaming, we think that we are awake. And when we are awake we think that we are awake!!(Some(many) who are dead, and in The Spirit World think that they are awake and inTHIS world,too!!)

1. Do you wear a wristlet watch? If you do, chances are you will wear one in dreams,too. (Looking similar but not the same!!) Take a look. Now try to read the time. If you are dreaming, the second hand has blurred and vanished. Indicating that you are dreaming. Any time piece with a second hand will do. The minute hand may give problems,too.(Up to about over a five minute span.)(This is due to time not being so focussed in The Spirit World.(Dreams are very slightly in The Spirit World, via the aura!!))

2. Find some print. Try to read it. Read a paragraph or part of a paragraph. Then go back and read it again. It will have changed. And it keeps changing. The print will be in a state of slow flux.(It will read the same for a few moments. But that is all!!)

You can only make these tests,really, if you are CONCIOUS(not sub-concious, as one normally is in dreams).(Concious dreams are rare, but they do occur.)(Check now - to see if you are awake or dreaming!!)(I once stayed concious in a dream for about forty minutes!(Going by my dream watch and sense of duration.)(Usually it means you are waking up. But not always!!)

3. Look at your hands, preferably the palms(a part you know well). They will look different, even peculiar.

4. Look at yourself in a mirror. You will look different, even peculiar. But usually young, or in the prime of physical life.

5. Hold your arms up as if in water and treading it. You will float off the ground!(If you are dreaming.)(Don't do anything foolish - like jump off a cliff, or out of a window. JUST IN CASE YOU ARE AWAKE!!)(Though some times the feeling that you will float in the air is so strong that you will, regardless of the normal fear!!)

6. You will find that people are looking at you more in dreams.

(I have found these odd facts to be true.)

7. Grotesque sights.

8. Seeing wild animals walking around. Also strange creatures.

9. Try to draw. Your sketch will keep changing.

10. Try (on paper) multiplying two two figure numbers together. Check the result. You will have a job because the figures will be constantly changing.

Any of these things indicate that you are dreaming.

11. Look at well known features.(Like the pattern on a curtain.) They will look similar, but not the same!!

12. Curious anomalies may be seen.

13. And strange colours.

14. The atmosphere will feel more bouyant.

15. Studying detail oddly does not indicate much, if anything. I once studied a grimy brickwork in a wall lit by florescent street lighting at night. I could detect NO THING unusual!! It just looked marvellously normal!!

(Dreams are supposed to be abnormal. I have not found this always the case. But just as in waking life!! Often they are quite natural and normal. As if awake. People act normally. You try to steal an article in a shop, and find out the hard way!!)(It may be a private world, but it seems to be SHARED by others!!)

I have found that meat looks redder than normal.

KNOWN details differ peculiarly. But unknown ones look normal enough.

Incidentally pinching yourself(the well known dream check) - does not work!! It will fee just like as if you are awake. You won't normally wake up. Though the dream scene may change. This often happens. Especially when your mind is diverted. As it is when pinching yourself.

People act much as they normally do. So converse sensibly with them, or they will look at you askance!!

I found things more accentuated though. Sharper. And more vivid. But there are dreams AND DREAMS. Some are flimsy and vague. Others bright and clear.

Treat things with the respect you normally do. Or you may be in for a rude shock!!(You may be tempted to be fresh with the opposite gender,etc. Or play with wasps!! DON'T. As they will treat you as they do IN THE PHYSICAL!!!!)(Dreams seem to be(often) a reflection of The Spirit World.)(Some dreams are caused(many) by passing spirits.)

How to know if you are projected.(That is outside of your body, but in The Spiritistic World(That is a replica world of this physical world. As distinct from The Spirit World, which is Earth like, but not the same.(Dreams are very similar. As are projections.)

In projections, in The Spiritistic World, you need to go about things quite differently. IT IS NOT A DREAM!!!!

Find a mirror, and stand sideways on. Now look at your image. Do you have a hump on your back? If you have, it means that you are projected. But only TEMPORARILY.(Permanent projection is death.)(In THAT case, NO hump will appear(The hump is the silver cord and its base.))(Joining your spirit vehicle to your physical body.)(The image you see in the mirror is your spirit body.(Your physical body(or,rather, its original(a replica))(It is the the replica that is the original! The physical IS the counterfeit!!))

Spirits look STRANGE.

Strangely different in MANNER to their normal physical behaviour.

Anomalies, like different colours, will appear as in dreams.

The air is blueish. (In The Spirit World PER SE: There is no sun. There are no shadows.) The sky is grey(at dawn or dusk anyway). The stars are small discs, and coloured distinctly!!

Electric flashes are common.

And there is static.

(This is due to the amount of electro-magnetism present in The Spirit World.)

You may only be partly out of your body. Like sitting up out of it for example.

Thought forms may occur. Like iron bars down your window(when they are not physically present!!).

Thought forms look real, but are more flimsy than the ordinary objects.

The Spirit World ITSELF is beautiful and lovely. Glorious and glamorous.(In the upper reaches. The lower planes are the reverse of this!!)

You will find things exaggerated and distorted in dreams. Not so in the spiritistic and spirit worlds.

You can usually put your hand(or any part of your body or anything) through or into a wall,etc.(Permeation)

Dreams are experiences in sleep. BUT NOT ALL EXPERIENCES IN SLEEP ARE DREAMS!!(Meaning that some are spiritistic adventures. Or even spirit ones!!)(And there are different kinds of dreams,too.)

Once you know that you are dreaming, you can be freer and enjoy your own private world. But like I say it often behaves as if it was the normal physical!!

In day dreams we can do what we like.(And get away with it as a rule.) In dreams we can do what we like but not usually get away with it!! As in Life. In The Spirit World, we need to be very careful. Especially on the lower planes!

W.F.Thomas.(Victor Conway is a pseudo-nym.)

Wednesday, 23rd March, 2,005.


Urine therapy.

One's own is best. Will cure or prevent almost anything, including wounds. To some extent, I think, it makes you younger too. It certainly gives longevity to most, as a rule. It can add twenty years to your life!! And keep you healthy.

Apply it internally and externally. Drink about a cup ful a day. 3.30 a.m. lot best. Keep it for day. In three goes.

You can bath in it, shower in it. Use on skin, up nostrils, in ears, in eyes, under tongue. Gargle with it. A few negative side effects at first, until your system adjusts to it. Don't let those put you off!!

Not my idea. Been around about 5,000 years. Used in Ancient Egypt. Kept secret because medical drugs that utilize urea pull in more money! Also because so nauseating!! Not exactly popular. Many people wrongly think it is waste and poisonous. It is not, but highly beneficial. Reason is that it contains so many good agents that body did not need AT THE TIME. Anti-viral. Anti-bacterial. And anti-fungus. It sort of vaccinates you. Homeopathic.

Punch in "Urine Therapy" on Internet, and you will get heaps of information from various sources.

The amount of waste in urine is so small that it does not do harm. On the contrary, a small amount of waste stimulates the immune system.

Urea is good for you.

It is not waste but blood filtration!

Mentioned twice in Bible. Drink waters out of your own system. Animals drink their own. One man mentioned who drank his own urine.(Dung IS waste. So do not eat!!) Drinking one's own urine is repulsive at first. You have to force yourself. You should sip it.

Bill Thomas


     They(two) are at
and at

     On life after death.