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Thursday, 29th September, 2,005.

Article A925

I continue My Exact Distance,etc.Finder

869. Size of the celestial field: 1 x 10, DIAMETER!!, to the power of ten, million, light-years. Not 2 x 10, etc!! The celestial field that we see is out to the edge of our local meta-galaxy. About 5,000,000,000 light years in radius. I think we see other meta-galaxies in our local GROUP of meta galaxies out through the gaps in the edge of the local meta-galaxy. They are what the orthodox call hot spots. The bumps they claim to see are other group meta galaxies!! (They'll have bumps and hot spots all right!!!!)(As they struggle TO THE LAST BREATH, to maintain the awful big bang distortion!! And send Man to HELL and DESTRUCTION. Spiritually, AND materially!!!!(O' fellow humans, HEAR WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!!!!)

870. The precise astronomical distances,etc. Is the most interesting puzzle of all.

871. Atmospheric Distortion(A.D.) and P.M.E. exist with Trigonometric Parallax. P.M.E. is the parallax.(I have forgotten(sorry)what the M.E. means. It is in my older articles somewhere...)

872. In The Hubble Diagram, I decided that mags(blacks) and "vels"(reds) were equal. Basically!!(That long curve is NOT velocitic! It is simply the increasing O.M. Obscuring Matter with distance away, plus the growing masses of objects the farther out they are. This for all fields!!

In the orthodox graph, that is.

In the true 2-1 graph("vels" are twice mags.), it is "Vel"(My Wave Angle!!) equals 2(basically) x the magnitude!!(Mass and volume are roughly proportionate to Volume.(Of course what you did not, could not, know was that as the distance grows SO DOES THE INTRINSIC LUMINOSITY of the objects grows AND EQUALLY!! Thus WERE IT NOT FOR THE OBSCURING MATTER IN BETWEEN, WE WOULD SEE ALL the heavenly bodies EQUALLY BRIGHT!!!!)(Another thing: Plot vels against masses. THEY equate surprisingly well!! WHY?? Because mass EQUALS velocity!!(Though these "velocities" are ACTUALLY my Wave Angles of tangential(basically) view OUT!!!!) You plot graphs of temps and masses,etc. for!! You will find that everything equals everything else!!!! YES!!!!(Basically!!!!))(Remember Olber's Paradox? Never heard of it?? It is the riddle that why is the night sky not WHITE, as white as the surface of the sun!!(Good job it isn't!!) Because, the reasoning went: If the heavenly bodies are infinite in number, then eventually, BLINDING WHITE should be seen!!(Which would come straight through, of course!!) But we see mostly BLACK. How come?? The answer is that the heavenly bodies GO IN GROUPS, not one mass!!)(Not (solely) because of an expansion!! Nor because local fields are not infinite in size. THOUGH THEY ARE LIMITLESS.(Like the surface of The Earth, for example!!))

873. The reason for division by two is to remove the spectroscopic 2-1! The anomalous feature inside spectroscopic devices which causes the reading to be twice what it should be.(That is the "vels"(My Wave Angles.) TO the mags(magnitudes)(And why do v's(apparent magnitudes) so amazingly equal mvs(absolute magniudes)(As Alice said: Curiouser and CURIOUSER!!!!)(The answer is: that as the distance increases SO TOO DOES THE MASS(And EVERYTHING ELSE!! Aye.)(But PLEASE remember extinction effect(What I call The Obscuring Matter(New cut ground necessitates new coined(by me) TERMS of description and definition!!!!) reduces, as too does gravitation effect AND u.g., Universal Gravity!!(.))(Note also that v NECESSARILY includes mv(the apparent luminosity that we see MUST include the INTRINSIC luminosity!! OF COURSE!!!! Then subtract O.M. and g.e.(And MAYBE add on some brightnesses obtaining from SOME of the obscuring matter BEING LIT UP!!!!)(Take it easy!!)(Bit by bit does it.)(I am sorry to give it to you so mixed up. BUT THAT IS HOW I GET IT!!!!)(Though I myself know it well, NOW.)(Or,rather, DID!!!!) So you see folks, don't expect too much of me, a poor human like ye self. On the other hand, observe that the handicraft of God(Nature, AND Super-nature) are SUPERBLY PERFECT in their manifestations!! Imagine then what the original POTENTIALS must be like!!!! Yowee!!!! You dig?? A bit.)(Anyway, so when evaluating v, apparent magnitude, remember that it INCLUDES the absolute magnitude, less the OM(plus a bit for brightnesses, I SUPPOSE.). (I ain't no professional. I be a mere amateur!! Yus, GUV!!!!)(Allow for "vels" too! Even though they are not PER SE velocities, but my WAVE ANGLES, there are very small velocities IN PARALLEL.(Search me!! I be just a pen in a greater hand!!)

With masses, it is a simple division by two.(Arithmetic.)(My equation formalae.)(Note that masses AUTOMATICALLY include OM, and u.g!!!!)(Which, if omitted, sends them wrong!!!!)

With my wave angles(the old velocities) it is a geometric one(the square root). Because distances go in RATES, ex geometry. Individually.

Why do I add apples to oranges, divide by 2(basically), - and come out PEARS. And even PLUMS!!! It is how I had to do it to get THE RATIOS. Before converting via The Homer GUIDE(Not you, Simpson!!)!!!! I don't rightly know. I had to FEEL my way through a veritable MAZE!!!! Which LOOKED so utterly impossible. But the big finger of THE GODS, relentlessly pointed ONWARDS!! And I struggled onwards. I don't know! I just divined the way through!! And getting you lot to SEE IT, is even harder!!!! Buddy, can you spare a dime??!!(Fifty million boots came SLOGGING FROM HELL!!!! Yeah. And I was THE KID with the drum.)(You know that old song? From U.S. Back in the thirties. During The Great Depression.)(Brother, can you spare a dime??!!)

To be honest(When am I not??!!), it is so hard NOW for me to dig up the old long forgotten TREASURES!!!! But I do my best. Can't have you guys grovelling!!!!

Where was I?

Think I've pitched about it all out.(For this particular point and part.)(It is an awful lot to keep in mind, MIND!!!!)

Anyway, we live in a universe that is perfect to the last dot. Mathematically, geometrically... AND IN EVERY OTHER WAY!!!!

874. There are a number of other factors HIDDEN inside my equations. They are self-compensating ones. At least two.

875. My FINDER takes you straight to GOD!!

So all who study it, will receive powerful influences direct from God.Which will improve their lives immensely!!(THIS is a fact!!)

876. (Intermal home made Muslim terrorism? I warned of that years ago! Chase the bastards OUT!!!!(They are not(The Arabs)from this planet!! Neither are The Jews!!!! They are a warring group from a far distant star!!!!(A planet thereof, of course.)) As fast as you can! YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE LET MUSLIMS IN, in the first place!!(Are you mad? Allah may be another name for God. But Mohammed (is NOT another name for Jesus!!)was a murderer, and believed in conformity to Islam BY THE MOST VICIOUS FORCE!!!!)(Wahabeeism is a fundamentalist extreme form of this. But that is what most Muslims go by. Whether they admit it, or not!! Muslims are deliberately spreading out all over the world to FORCE it to convert to Islam!! (Mind you they have a point!!)Via the most horrific persecutions of Non-Muslims!!)(Time you all WOKE UP!! And stopped acting like IDIOTS!!!!) Muslims are the most dedicated FANATICS. Who think that by killing non-Muslims, they will go straight to Paradise after death!! The more they kill, and the more horribly, the better(!!), the better their reward in Paradise!!!! You'll wake up all right, when a dirty rusty huge knife get SLOWLY drawn across your neck to MOST PAINFULLY and cruelly HACK OFF YOUR HEAD!!!! But it will be a bit late then, won't it!! Get with it! FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!(Mind you I agree with their spiritual ideas. The West is throwing its soul away most GLEEFULLY on low indulgences!! I agree with Islam on THAT one!!!!)(Abandon hope all ye who let Muslims rule them!!)(It is a growing war between Islam and THE REST OF THE WORLD. WAKE UP!!!! THAT INCLUDES CHRISTENDOM!!!!

877. Gentlemen! THE KING!!!!(GOD)(Not the opposite number OTHER FELLOW!!!! THE DEVIL!!!!)

878. I bow most low.

879. And SALUTE!!!!

880. Abandon despair all ye who enter here.(I mean all who go all out to improve My New Astronomical Distance,etc.Finder!!!!)

881. Men, TO YOUR POSTS!!!!


893. As The Great Battle of Armageddon BEGINS!!!!

894. I mentioned(temporarily) using OMv(Orthodox Absolute Magnitude) as the base for CMv, Colour Magnitudes! (Do NOT use Stellar Type!! Too rough!!) That is only because I do not know how you can get CMv, Colour Magnitude values DIRECT!! (It should be easy enough. Scale the colour out. And use optics to get the degree of the colours. USE THAT. Suitably converted in Absolute Magnitude, OF COURSE!!!!) (Try to find a way!! But remember to allow for obscuring matter(extinction effect), all that STUFF in space between the object and the observer!!, AND also allow for the velocity(positive and negative must DIFFERENTLY affect colours!!(Of the objects.)) Because ORTHODOX absolute magnitudes ARE HALF WRONG!!)(All orthodox and conventional teachings are wrong!! VERY wrong!!!!)

895. I sound The Clarion Call. For the greatest battle between good and evil, EVER!!!! And open with God's biggest move to help Mankind. Vouchsafed to me. My EXACT Astronomical Distance,etc.FINDER!!!! But many other moves,too!!!!(God has not forsaken us. But WE are required to do our best, our very best,too.(Do your best, and God WILL DO THE REST!!!!))

896. The Rhu Oppuchus, an area in the night sky, is not devoid of stars. (Get its co-ordinates of position!!)(And, as you are at it, get the positions of The Tenth Planet, as well as that of Niburus, the rogue Missing Planet!!)(Especially Niburu's!!)(You will find it on The Internet!!) Only devoid of GROWN stars. What it does have is MUCH DUST,ETC. Plus numerous red dwarfs!! In this region of the sky.(Is it The Coal Sack? Anyway, it is LIKE The Coal Sack. Very dark! Partly because of no GROWN(Umblically fed from the white hole(Which LOOKS like a giant BLUE star during each birth, as the hole briefly opens!!) stars. Partly because of so much dust,etc.) At the centre of this dark patch, IS, The Centre of our Local Open Stellar Cluster!! A white hole is there! Not seen because closed now. It only opens to give birth(to the next star(which immediately bifurcates(on account of spin, half with high spins, half with not so high!) into identical twins. Half very identical. These STAY close together, but separate a bit. The other lot are also identical, but separate!!(My maps show this!!)

897. We live in a VORTEXIAL universe!!

898. The SPIRILLA are everywhere!!(Not just in a few galaxies!! Microscopically,too!!!!)

899. It is an ELECTRIC unverse!!(It is all these different things. Via the different aspects!!)

901. I am not certain now whether it was 1988 or 1984, that I first got the 2-1(While sleeping out in scrubland above Bondi Beach.)(I had to sleep and live very rough for a long time!! No money. No food. Etc.)(If 1988, then it is 17 years since a shaft of inspiration revealed the 2-1 to me, as I struggled to sleep at Bondi Beach!!)(If 1984, then it is 21 years, of course. Fast heading for 22.)(I hatched it out, and gradually, via the brooding, wrestled out more details as the years went by. A sort of wrestling with The Lord.)(I have had most of it for about five years,now. But so far all efforts to get the world to see this necessity have proved utterly futile!!(And without it WE WILL PERISH!!!!)

902. I am persecuted MENTALLY, so far. Jesus was persecuted physically, and mentally.

903. Jesus CHRIST took me over in 1951.(God ruled me direct before that.)(With my fullest permission!!)

904. I hope to give you all my full autobiography. On the web site is only a brief account.

905. This is for Posterity. Along with my finds, which are big and numerous.

906. My life has been one long tooth and nail fight to win these secrets, and to get them out to the world.(No regrets!!) ON GOING!!!!

907. Studying this is like breathing, after nearly dying!!

908. Indescribable!!

909. God is so great THAT WE CANNOT SEE HIM!!!!(Can an ant see a man??)(Or better: Can a microbe see a man? It is like that. But not just via size, but vibrationally!!)(God is so much higher in VIBRATION!!!!)(It is much like expecting to see Television when turning on the radio!!)

910. She thinks in secret, and it comes to pass. The Environment is but his looking glass!!(These are the opening lines of a superb inspired writing(not mine).)(I forget the details and particulars,now.)

911. Another find by Einstein: S = T!! Space and Time are commensurate in length. Not JUST the fact that a light year is parallelled by a year!!(Note the distinction!! Space equals Time in length, GEOMETRICALLY. But arithmetically, they are also equal!!)

912. Oh, yes, it was hard. But the thing itself is far simpler than I have made it sound!! It is actually quite a simple arithmetic and geometric problem!!(My Distance Finder,etc.) It was hard because I am stupid! Not that the thing itself is so hard!! It will be easy for astronomers, ONCE THEY GET OVER THE EMOTIONAL BARRIER!!!! (Because it LOOKS so ABSURD!!!!)

913. The world cannot even see the question. BECAUSE IT THINKS that we already KNOW the astronomical distances,etc!! The world really thinks that all is CHAOS. And that God does not exist!!(At least the powers that be think that God does not exist!!) However, despite the making out to know it all, in fact, astronomers know only VERY distorted values, DESPITE such good methods!!(Like the distance modulus,etc.) The basic reason is of course the CURVATURE of space AND TIME!!!! (Also all that variegated debris in between!! Plus the effects of gravity, ex universe, and ex object!!) They THINK that they have compensated for this! But they fail to grasp that what is curved is that space and time are warped, IN GENERAL, and locally!!!!)(Light(and gravity!) BEND when passing close to large masses. But this is only photonically!! ACTUALLY what is bent is space and time NOT the path of light,etc. electro-magnetic radiation!!(Which travels through HYPERSPACE(and time,ETC.), NOT SPACE, NOR TIME!!!!) ) ...AAAAAAAAgh.(I JEST NOT!! Nor will you ONCE YOU SEE IT!!!!)

The whole thing is one big convoluted TWIST, you see. Not the truth, but the orthodox and conventional RENDERINGS of what they CLAIM is the truth!!!! The truth itself is simple(in principle). Complex in the details!!

And this twist runs through EVERYTHING. ALL of Man's knowledge. Naturally they will deny this most ferociously. And denounce me, and the other very few, as cranks and crackpots!! DON'T BE FOOLED!!!!

Electro-magnetic radiation(Light,etc. And even gravity,etc.) travel STRAIGHT through HYPERSPACE, and HYPER TIME,ETC!! ACROSS ordinary space AND TIME,ETC!!!!

When we look out, we see straight into HYPERSPACE,ETC!! But because that is of World Level TWO, not one(we are PHYSICALLY beings of world level one), we are unable to see it!! So, we mentally construct a FILL-IN!!!! Which we call Space. And Time,ETC!!!! Got it??!!(It is like diving into a black hole, and swallowing a white one!!)

What orthodoxy is doing is bending light's path(photonically, IT IS)(But THAT is NOT how electro-magnetic radiation, including gravity(!!), travels to us!!). Via the masses of the objects it passes by. But what is ACTUALLY bent is space(and time), NOT the path of light,etc!! Thus, we are being presented with THE VERY OPPOSITE of what the real true facts ARE!!!! We SEE it THUS because THAT is what AND HOW we have been taught!!!!

If you read back through my articles you might get a better picture. Provided you don't get mixed up. And reason that the later, the truer. But the older, - the more detailed!!

What is complicated is NOT THE TRUTH, but Man's idiotic OVERLAY over the truth!! Got it??!! So we got to get that off BEFORE we can even begin THE REAL TASK!!!! Oi!!

Things were very simple until Man got his FILTHY PAWS upon it!! Yes, it's right!!

This has happened all down the ages!!!!

Not knowing otherwise men swallow this crap wholesale!!!!

You see??!!

I wish I could put it more simply. But I CAN'T!! What we have is oil and water all mixed up, most thoroughly. So I have to try to separate them out ENOUGH, for you to see that I speak true!! Now, THAT is A TASK!!!!

Consequently you see the truth as a most wicked lie. And me as AN IDIOT!!!!

Well, I hope you see a bit better!!

It is like when Copernicus exposed Ptolemy!! Sun centred solar system, not geo centred!! It is rather like that. Only on a MUCH more massive scale!! Comprenez??

All new changes get resisted most strenuously. Until the penny drops. Then the whole world changes course!! Meanwhile, we innovators are long since DEAD.(Wilfully) And so it goes on...

Nil desperandum!!

XLCR!! Exelsior!!!!


Ya see??!!

Once upon a time, there was a pair of twins. Identical!! But one grew terribly evil. As he took what he thought was a short cut home(Back to GOD!!!!). The other failed terribly(because he stuck rigidly to the rules(which his enemy had made so hard)), and became awfully emaciated. So today, we have the evil twin looking like the good one, and the good one looking like the evil one!! And even experts are easily fooled!!!!


Your verdict!!!!

Time, gentlemen, please!!!!

For the hour is to MIDNIGHT!!!!

And The Devil is raising his gun, taking very careful aim at Man! While God weeps openly, and HAS TO give his NOD!!!! Time is looking at his watch. Eternity(Time Two) is aghast. Waiting to receive a HUGE CLUTCH....

Oh, GOD....(I weep for you, the walrus said, and lept about a bit....)(Question!! WHO is the walrus????)(Aaaaaaaaagh.)

But the king merely grinned, and took another tart!!!!

My dear, you should use more jam, he said, turning to his wife. The Red Queen, of course!!!!


Victor Conway.

Wednesday, July 29th, 1998.

Article A924


Our eyes are cameras(two, so stereo-scopic). So they invert their images.

Why,then, do we see things the right way up??

Is the world upside-down?? That we see things the right way up!!!!

See my earlier article/s,too.

The orthodox explanation is that the brain re-inverts!!

I didn't know brains were cameras!!!!

I reject this. Besides, it is the mind, not the brain that does it!!!!

Is the brain a sort of digital, that not only repeats the image, BUT REVERSES IT??!!

Now to understand the question(and the answer), it is necessary to understand inversion!!

Draw a square ABCD. Inside it, concentrically, and symmetically, place a second square, EFGH. Have side E below side A. This shall be our definition of upright.

Obviously if you don't have an external reference, then up-right has no meaning!!

When we view the world, we describe the view as UP-RIGHT. But what is the external reference?? You wouldn't call it(the view) upside-down, would you!!

WHAT is the view the right way up against??

Your view of your face??


If the world inverted, but not your face, then you should get worried!!

But supposing your face inverted,too. How would you know the difference??(Between the right way up AND UP-SIDE DOWN????)(!!!!)

You look out through your eyes. You see your face(nose,cheeks....). And you see the world of non-(your)body!!!! Is the external reference then your face??!!

Apparently so. For if EVERYTHING inverted(including your face), you would notice NO DIFFERENCE. NO CHANGE!!!!


We can test this. By inverting EVERYTHING!!!!

No. I do not mean stand upon your head. In any case, your face,too,would be upside-down.

Use an "upside-down o'scope"!!

This is an optical device which inverts the viewed scene. Face AND ALL!!!!(Either that or it cannot see the face. The result is the same!!!!)

This has been done!!

What happens?? We see EVERYTHING upside-down!!


It cannot be the face!!!! This is the point.

Is it from FEELING our body's orientation??

No. Because it is not strong enough and/or not connected enough!!

Memory?? Against WHAT????

If you continue to wear the device, a strange thing occurs. You ADAPT to the view. AND DO CONSIDER IT UPRIGHT!!!!(Against what??!!)

However!! You have inverted everything. So how can it again be up-right!!!!

And what changed, that your view has changed??!!

It cannot be anything material. So it must be mental.

The mind has put everything up-right again!!!!


THERE IS NO WAY(Brain and/or mind!!!!)!!!!

So what is going on??

Now remove the 'scope!!

Once again EVERYTHING will seem upside-down!!(The face does not enter it!!)

Later on, the mind will AGAIN adapt, and you will consider everything up-right!!

Now whilst wearing the scope you will attempt to go under fences, and over birds,etc!!(In flight!!)Naturally!! Because you view(if only mentally)EVERYTHING as upside-down!!!!

You go mad!!

What is the answer??



It is all in the mind. BUT NOT THE BRAIN!!!! And the mind can change over!!

The mind simply makes us feel comfortable.

If things get inverted materially, it will MAKE the view(mental)upright!!!!

It is an idea or notion IN THE MIND.

Which we can feel comfortable with!!!!

When trying to go under fences, and over birds,etc. in flight, we are going by memory,then!!

Relating to the new MENTAL orientation. Which is wrong,of course!!!!

There simply is no right way up and upside down!!!!

It is an idea in our minds. And right-way-up idea provides comfort.

Similarly with left-right!!(But not re versal!!!!)

Mirror images would seem normal eventually(IF YOU KEPT LOOKING INTO THEM. HENCE THE DANGER!!)!!!! But you would go mad.


Wednesday, May 20th, 1998.

Article A923


There are eight sub-planes with The Physical Earth Level.

When we leave the physical body, we first(upon the first sub-plane)find ourselves in a counter-part of the familiar physical world.

There may be a few form and colour anomalies.

Otherwise things will look much the same. Except that everything will be glorified.

It will be better, glamorized.

Also luminous.


Theoretically(the practice does differ per the individual experience), we are aware(at first)of everything as being otherwise normal. Most people do not experience this until they finally leave their bodies at so-called "death". But a very small few do!! In astral(or etheric)(as it is called by some)projection.

You can, in the astral(which is the first plane beyond the physical), do everything that you could do in the physical. Plus very much more!!!!

It is a far superior world.

After a while, which varies with the individual coarsness, and desire, one moves up to the second sub-plane. The senses go one at a time. First sense to go is taste. Then smell. Then sound. Then touch. And finally sight. Sensation. Etc. Etcs.

At first, (many quickly pass to sub-plane two), on sub-plane two, you will not be able to grasp the door-knob to open the door. On the other hand you may not be able to pass through it, because of your belief that it will resist you!! Gradually you will find that you can pass through closed doors,windows,walls,etc.(The reason you cannot turn the knob, is because your hand is actually passing through it!!)

One then finds one's self in an improved version(in all the mentioned respects)of sub-plane one. Except that one cannot make contact with it.

If one looked in a mirror on sub-plane one, one would see nothing of one's body. There would be no reflection of it.

This is because the first four sub-planes are simply REFLECTIONS of The Physical Plane!!!!

This is Purgatory. Because you cannot DO anything!!

Limbo is when you get trapped by your ghost(this comes out last, so get far from your physical body(at least sixteen feet(but go much more!!)). The natural home of the ghost is your physical body. When this becomes uninhabitable, it chooses you. As second best.

If it cannot get to you, it will return to the corpse. It's conciousness is low, and it duplicates the corpse!! This is why ghosts some-times get seen in cemetries and church-yards,etc. It is seldom the owner(unless trapped by the ghost(in which case it will take you whereever it goes(and,since it wants to merge with the corpse(even in the coffin, and in the grave), this is most unpleasant)(you can stay trapped indefinitely)). Premature burial and cremation is more common than is thought,too!!!! So do take care!!!!

Ghosts do not wander far from their corpses.

Spirits naturally frequent their own haunts.(I mean when not trapped by the ghost.)

It is very hard to get out of it. You will see things in a fog. As dense as you were coarse!! It will be damp and cold. Even windy. Quite unpleasant. You will see everything in shades of grey, dimly.

Bardot is the opposite, and is full of glorious light.

You can get Earth-bound. Depending upon how coarse you are. And how much you love the things of The Earth.

Neither Purgatory, nor Limbo, are Hades.(Which is much worse.)

You won't see your reflection on any of the four lower sub-planes.

Eventually you will rise to the third sub-plane.

On sub-plane one, your corpse is the first thing to disappear.

This is because it is more a fossil(Natural fill-in of a vacuum.), than your old body. In fact, you have taken your old body(the physical)with you!!!!

The mirror won't reflect your body, because being(the first four sub-planes)a copy of the physical, you are not physically in front of it to reflect your body. But the spirit world is reflected, because its originals(THE PHYSICAL) are all there!!!!(You are the only one(normally)who is not physically present!!)

The only form that is not physical there IS YOUR PHYSICAL BODY. Now a corpse!!

A fossil mould of your physical body. Which, in fact, you have taken with you!!!!

Upon the third sub-plane, it is better still. Living creatures vanish from sight. The physical ones that is. Formerly you could(on sub-plane one) make contact them(though they would not NORMALLY be aware of you). This leaves one open to much temptation. But if you do more good than harm, you should be all right.

If you lower your vibrations you can return to the physical plane!!!! But this is hard. And not desirable. If you do this perfectly, you will fully materialize. Much easier if you de-compose your own physical body!! Again, the sequence is taste,smell,sound,touch and sight,etc.etcs. Sensation comes first. Others will experience you in that order,too. Of course. Because you are inter-acting.

Also a down-wards' clairsentience is possible from the first sub-plane.

Thus you can again see your own physical body(corpse or not)!!

It is possible for you(or another spirit(dead or alive))to re-animate(by the ambient electricity or magnetism)your body. Corpse. This is zombie-ism. Very hard to do. And very un-desirable!!!!

You can also possess creatures, in varying degrees. You can transfigure them. And even change their shape to yours(though this is very hard).

If you do more harm than good, the cost is very high!!!! So watch what you are doing!!!! Your vibrations will drop. And you will enter lower planes.

Conditions will vary, and various degrees of fog,etc. will be experienced.(This is apart from the ghost fog,etc.) Upon sub-plane one.

A pale grey blue light fills the atmosphere.

You will be light(in weight). And be able to do super-natural things.

You can appear(become an apparition). You can become a poltergeist, able to do super-natural things(at the physical level). The ability to do this will depend upon the strength of the local electro-magnetic field!!!!

You can also change your shape.

You will be luminous, and diaphonous to some degree or other. And float above the ground.

One does not usually walk. Because it is easier to float along!!!! Upright or leaning, or horizontal.

One can spend any length of time upon any of these sub-planes. According to your desire, but limited by your coarseness and degree of evolution.

It is much easier to go down,than up.

Though you will rapidly enough ascend to your own home level!!

You will be able to exercise telepathy, and clairsentience,etc. Esp. Pk.(PSI).

On sub-plane one, similar to normal. Except that others are normally unaware of you. On sub-plane two, physical creatures vanish. On sub-plane three, you vanish from your own perceptions. And on sub-plane four, spirits can appear. And you become visible, your self again.

On sub-plane five, you can again see yourself in a mirror,etc.

And yourself.

On sub-plane six, the spirits vanish, and you have the whole world to yourself!!!!

On sub-plane seven, you again vanish from your own sight,etc.

On sub-plane(all the time it is getting better, more glorious,lighter, more glamorous,etc.)eight, all vanishes, etc. And beyond here, you are in The Astral Proper. Which scenery is quite different. Things function quite differently in The Spirit World.

There is The Physical. The Etheric. The Astral. And The Ethereal. Next The Spiritistic Plane.

It makes QUITE a change from the physical. Beautiful and lovely. You can go down,too,below the physical. Where things are the reverse!!!!

You will go where you feel most comfortable, of course.

If your body is alive, you can return. And usually do. If it is dead, you cannot!!!!


Friday, 29th October, 1999.

Article A922

The After Life and the other world.

It is most important to realize that though we may start the after life much as we leave off this one, it does not finish like that!!!!

It has to be a gradual change over, or we would go insane.

Same as when we get born into this world. At first, it is easy, as most people love babies. But gradually things change, and we suffer more and more. As things get harder and harder.

At first we are amazed and dazed by the great differences. Which are almost beyond all description!! And definition.

New arrivals usually want to eat and drink, sleep, wear clothes,etc. And even have sex,etc.

ALL of the things that can be done in the physical CAN BE DONE IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. And very much more!!!!

It is that extra that is so astonishing and bewildering.

As far as I can ascertain, we still breathe(in our new bodies, of course!!), and even have to!! Though we can breathe under water there, which is a surprise!!!!

Presumably we breathe like fish UNDER water, there. Once we learn how!!

I don't think one can do without breathing. But we can live without food and water!!!! Yes.

We can live without sleep. And, of course,sex,etc.

A home is no longer necessary. (I am talking about paradaisical conditions, for the good. Not the other sort!!!! Who go to VERY different surroundings and conditions. Unpleasant.)

Yet the hells that we go to, ARE SELF-AWARDED. Despite all that God is doing!!!! To TRY TO placate our guilts and shames. In the face of such utter and infinite GIVING!!!!

You can just sleep out in the forest,etc. And you will be safe. This is in PARADISE ONLY!!!!

But most of us need and like homes. Having got used to them. Feel more secure, and for our stuff,too!!!!

We have spirit robes. So ordinary clothes are not necessary. Though they, and footwear, are worn at first.

The first thing we have to do after death IS WEAN OFF OUR USUAL APPETITES!!!! And we are taught how to do this.

You can eat if you want to. You can do anything you like in fact. But one is encouraged NOT to eat,etc. Not to sleep. And so on.

At first this is hard, but one does get acclimatized!!!!

No need to speak. You can telepathize. And empathize!! Yes.

There is no marriage or reproduction there.

And no cemeteries.

Few churches. But many thought-forms.

There are those who can only be happy when miserable. I SHOULD KNOW!!!!

And only joyful WHEN HURTING OTHERS. Again, I should know. And do.

Fuller details in the general literature upon the subject.

You don't have to work. There is no need for money!!

But boredom quickly results if you do not do SOME THING!!!! So each person chooses his particular service TO THE COMMUNITY.

More than one, if desired.

Activity is powerful there. Because so greatly loved. The desire to please others BEING SO GREAT THERE. For the sheer joy and happiness,etc. IN THE OTHER'S JOY AND HAPPINESS,ETC.

Not because there is ANY compulsion!!!!

Again, I speak ONLY of Paradise, AND FOR THE GOOD.

Very slowly we learn to change from being body and self centred, to being MIND and GOD orientated.

A very great adjustment.

Even the material things are a great adaptation.

You can just live, and safely, you and your things, out in the bushes; but most have homes. They prefer that. And psychologically need such!!!!

We feel more mentally comfortable that way!!!!

And furniture, of course. But not as much as in the physical.

Death is a journey. A great double journey. We just go on and on, upwards. UNTIL WE CAN BEAR NO MORE of such goodness!!!!

Until we attempt consummation with GOD.

If we fail, we then have to descend back down towards the physical, and probably eventually get re-born. To take up the hard learning once more. In this harsh world.

Friends, how many of you have yet realized that HELL is a place of RELIEF, for tortured souls, WHO CANNOT BEAR HEAVEN. Because they KNOW they do not deserve it. Yet is it not banned from them. Indeed, much, VERY MUCH, THE REVERSE!!!!

So it is most important to unite with GOD. And then go out into HIGHER SCHEMES OF THINGS.

As the alternative is sink back down into matter. Which is not pleasant!!!!

All words do fail.

And are hopelessly inadequate.

It has to be experienced to be believed!!!!

There is no limit to joys there.

The very reverse of down here, where there is no limit to miseries.

But it all takes time. There is STILL TIME there. But not like ours. For DURATION fades THERE.

And space,too. BUT NOT LIKE OURS!!!! For distances vanish!!!!

In a sense both space and time greatly disappear.

There is vibration and fine-ness,etc.etcs.etcs.

It is all very well to picture one craving for happiness,etc. Yet now picture the PAIN of having too much of a good thing!!!! We can only bear so much(even of good!!)!!!! Especially when our own guilt and shame DO CONDEMN US SO!!!!

One long holiday vacation. For work there is a pleasure!!!! Unpaid though it is. Except by loving gratitude. And the intense JOY of bringing succour TO ANOTHER IN TERRIBLE NEED!!!!

All the unpleasant things of Earth, have gone.

It takes a lot of getting used to.

So now we see(just the veriest small glimpse!!!!) why babies cry so much on return!! Who would not after arriving back from SUCH AN INCREDIBLE PLACE.

Few want to leave!!!!

To be with God and Jesus is to NEVER want to leave them!!!! Excelling even the greatest of Earth's and human delights!!!! Etc. YES!!!!

But we have to.

Even as we have to return there, eventually.

The Spirit World. With its After Life.

All those who have died before will be found there. UNLESS OF COURSE THEY HAVE RE-INCARNATED. Which most usually do after a life time there, almost as long as a life time here. Average life span there is about fifty years. It can be less. It can be more. But spirit world time passes VERY quickly!!!! Though it can be dilated!!!!(Once you learn how!!!!)

Believe me, all that we suffer here now is so worth while!!!! Hard though that is to believe!!!! And to comprehend!!!!

It is all just literally OUT OF THIS WORLD. And yet still on Earth. The Spirit World Earth of course. Though we can travel to the moon, other planets, and even stars. If we wish to. I mean
WITHOUT MACHINES!!!!(So presumably we CAN do without breathing!!!!(too))

Over there you can, in theory, travel anywhere in space AND TIME, and vibration, and fine-ness,etc.etcs.

But The SPIRITUAL REALM is best. Which is far far higher again!!!!


I just KNOW these things.

And they make sense(to me). Having studied long and hard.

I, and others, have already BEEN there.

Memories of beautiful, lovely, strange, quaint dreams ARE SPIRIT WORLD ADVENTURES. Most DIMLY re-called in mere pictures OF PICTURES!!!!

In their lowest aspect, and recollection. How great then the original experiences. AND THIS IS THE LOWEST STOREY OF AN INFINITE EDIFICE.


Nor is there a limit to going DOWNWARDS. Into Hell.

And darkness, and cold,etc. For Hell is not hot, IT IS SO COLD!!!!

Though there are hot hells.

The Hindus know.

The rings of fire.


We climb higher by doing good deeds. And thus wise people do this, ALL OUT!!!!

For bad deeds are so easy to do, and are done so much!!!!

If our bad deeds exceed our good, WE GO TO HELL!!!!

Nightmares are of Hell, of course.

And the worst hells ARE MENTAL!!!!

Jesus, and the saints,etc. did not kill their selves doing good FOR NOTHING!!!! So wake up and wise up Earthmen!!!! Stop thy silly cackle.

Warnings of Hell are not just a trick of the priests to get you to obey!!

AND warnings by aliens of impending doom, are very true, and soon shall come to pass!!!!

But a doom which is the down side of a very good thing(The Rapture,etc.)!!!!

Bear it, or go to a lower planet!!!!

Huge,vast, changes are already beginning. And wise is the man who has noticed, and is riding along!!!!

We cannot do better than our best, but at least let us see THAT IT IS OUR VERY VERY BEST!!!!

For WE pay the deficiency. IN HELL!!!!

Now, and then!!!!

It is no joke!!!!

Wingless flight is easy there, because of the low gravity differential there in The Spirit World PHYSICS. Quite logical!!!!

I do not spout what I have not proved AND CONFIRMED!!!!

I am not here just to say pleasing things.


Fortunately, the good exists.

God's greatest surprise for Man, is, of course, that death is not the end. It is ONLY THE VERY BEGINNING of our true lives!!!! Rehearse well, now,then!!!!

Strange though it all may seem. IT IS VERILY SO!!!!

The religious are the biggest menace.

With the materialists next.

For they have uttered appalling lies, which have come to be believed!!!!

But the truth is THE VERY OPPOSITE!!!!

There is ONLY MIND!!!! Not matter.

Spirit is the top end of the scale.

Matter exists, of course. BUT IT IS ITSELF MIND. And many planes and levels,etc. exist of it!!!!


We are surrounded by abundance(even down here), and THE ETERNAL ARMS OF GOD. ARE WRAPPED AROUND US. And yet SO MANY ARE UTTERLY BLIND.

Because they wish NOT to see the truth. The incredible truth!!!!

It is not possible to give a full report. Because it is infinite.

The Spirit World is far vaster and grander than the physical. And is MORE REAL. Not less!!!!

It is no dream. Nothing imaginary.

Indeed, it is the physical which is the real SHADOW!!!! Of a SUBSTANCE beyond ALL COMPREHENSION. SPIRIT!!!!


I just already KNOW!!!!

That is THAT.

And THERE it is!!!!

I tell you that joys and happinesses UNBEARABLE lie in wait beyond. And for all, eventually.

You see, it isn't that things are so bad as to be unbearable, but that they are SO GOOD!!!!

Yes, I know so unbelieve, BUT THERE IT IS. AND THERE SHALL IT REMAIN!!!!.....

So IF you are doing your best for God and good. Do not fear the beyond.

True, there is little reward here now. But do not be put off by that!!

Cheer up. You will not be disappointed.


Though we often do!!!!

How hard to comprehend that THERE in the beyond(for the good!!)lie joys and happinesses,etc. UNBEARABLE. But so it is. And it is TRUE.

But unbearable pains and miseries FOR THE BAD!!!! So often SELF INFLICTED!!!!

So do harken,well.

Just do your best. And certainly not your worst!!!!

God love you all.

And peace be yours.

I have done terrible wrongs.

But I tell you that God will forgive THE LOT. Not just my sins, but those of ALL.

Do not be encouraged thereby to sin all out. But the very reverse.

For God is always that one step ahead of even our smartest cunnings.

Providence caters for all.

God has covered for EVERY EVENTUALITY!!!!

So God DOES care. And infinitely so!!

Do GOOD all out.

'Lest you rend yourself,later.

Bear all you can. IT WILL AND DOES PAY.

The amazing thing is, that by our sins we grow.


How great,then, IS GOD!!!!

Unbelievable!! BUT IS.

My experiences and knowledges cannot be yours.

But I can speak.

So GREAT is the bliss ahead, FOR ALL(eventually!!), that even the worst HELL cannot match it!!!! In such awful DIVINE FIRE!!!!

The Very Devil cowers and trembles before the IMPOSSIBLE MAJESTY of God.

DO see it the right way around, EARTH MEN!!!!

Who understands all things.

For to understand all, IS TO FORGIVE ALL.

How terrible is guilt and shame when we know.


No thing can be proved at all!! Never mind one hundred per cent!!!!

And yet conviction exists.

Conviction you see IS ENOUGH!!!!

If I err, what can I lose, BY OBLIVION.


Cheer up!!

Appropriate and RE-JOICE. You might as well!!!!


It isn't that God is denying any anything.


Presents long since rotting in our closets(cupboards)!!!! Yes.


God gives us ALL. All of us, all,too.

What complaint can we possibly have.

Why attribute GOD with the faults not just of men, but of THE DEVIL!!!!

Because WE ARE UPSIDE DOWN!!!! Yes!!!!

Paradise awaits.

Yet to he who has not done his best, IT SHALL BE HELL!!!!

Who is to blame??

It is my very self. Of course.

For God has denied me NOTHING!!!!

And I deny all!!!!

Victor Conway.

Monday, March 30, 1998.

Article A921


If you hold out a small pea at arm's length, it will exactly cover the sun's disk, and the moon's. This is because arms, peas and the equality of disk size of sun and moon, are such as to produce just this result!!!!

Pineal glands and eye-pupils are the size of small peas.

Any idea as to why this incredible fit exists??!!

It is because of a marvellous gravitational law harmony, related to Titius Bode's Law,etc!!

Peas are arbitrary, but pineal glands and eye pupils are not!!!!

Now the number of peas to a stadium is about 25,000. (The distance in miles around The Earth.)A stadium being one tenth of a mile. To the mile is 250,000. Which, in miles, is about the distance to the moon.

If you multiply The Earth's Circumference by its Diameter, you will get 200,000,000 miles. Which is the diameter of The Earth's Orbit around the sun.

You may think this is a co-incidence. But it is not!! There is a definite mathematical law related to physics, which not only produces this result, but has similar harmonics RIGHT THROUGH all sizes,ETC. of object!!!!

The universe is perfectly mathematical and geometric!!!!

Whoever designed this universe knew your arm's length!! IN ADVANCE!!!!

If you search you will find these fits everywhere!!!!

The chance of the sun and the moon's apparent sizes fitting so closely is about a million to one against(by chance).

Sleep well!!!!

However the moon does not fit into CD Law(Circumference times diameter law.).

This is because it is a captured body, and not a natural satellite.


Article A920

Tuesday, September 29th, 1998.

Michelson and Morley Experiments,again.

Light,etc., Electro-Magnetism,etc.travels at "c" regardless of the velocity.. of the source or of the viewer!!!! With sound,etc. this would be impossible. Why not with EM,etc????

Either The Earth is not stationary, or there is an aetheric wind. To counter-balance against the velocities. However, the result is always "c". Regardless of the vector of the source object or of the viewer. Thus ruling out both moving Earth, or an aetheric wind.

The Earth does move. But its various vectors average up. So that is out.

Even if there were an aether(I say that there is.), such wind vector would vary equally, and average up. So that is out.

Relativity is offered as the explanation. Relativity including the idea that there is no external reference to the universe to provide a vector for the light,etc.etcs. I consider this very lame. Clearly in relation to the viewer there are definite sources.

It is held that relative to the universe, we are not moving.

An aether is denied.

The true answer is very different:-

Electro-magnetic,etc. waves are not denizens of our universe. But of a higher one!!

They actually travel at infinity, or close to it. IN A WORLD WHERE OUR VELOCITIES ARE STATIC SLOPE RESULTANT ANGLES!!!!(Thus both we and source are necessarily static!! Hence the explan ation!!!!)

The highest velocity that is possible in this physical world is "c".

Now if we are approaching the source object, then the velocity of EM,etc. is infinity minus our speed. The result is still infinity near enough, or near enough not to disturb the final result!!

If we are moving away from the source, then the velocity(including the vector) of EM,etc. is infinity plus our speed. The result is still infinity near enough, or near enough not to disturb the final result!!

Similarly with velocities(including the vectors)

Since we cannot view a velocity greater than "c", we necessarily see "c"!!!!(Light's velocity SIMPLY being the diagonal's slope angle!!) Neither more, nor less, regardless of all velocities and their vectors!!!!

It is a case of The Higher Geometry being the actual world. And the material world being illusory!! An illusion which relative to our illusory bodies IS REAL!!!!

There is no lower world as such. It is simply our misperception of the actual absolute!!!!

Photons travel at c/pi.

However, though we can and do observe these laterally, we cannot so view OUT to anything!!!! So we are unable to get any velocity and vector changes with them.

If we could, we would find logical differences.

When we view out we perforce view along CHORDS(Where-as the lateral views are of arcs!!). So we get the geometrical wave velocities. Which must always produce "c". But photonically, it is always about c/pi.

No matter how short out our distance of view IT IS ALONG A CHORD. Across The Vibration Radial!!!!

When we view AT(laterally), no matter how long, it is perforce ARCS.

Chords via rates always produce "c".

Arcs will approximate c/pi.

It is a case of simple logic, not complex mathematics.

Naturally this world rejects the simple, but logical explanation!!!!

So THEY continue baffled.

Victor Conway.

Article A919

8. The Michelson Morley Experiments.(About March 1998.)

Light was found to have a velocity of "c" regardless of its direction of arrival. Now this doesn't make sense because The Earth is supposed to be going around the sun(as well as rotating),etc. Unless all these motions magically cancel out to zero(which they do,but irrelevant), then there is a serious problem. This has not been explained either. Despite ascribing it to "Special Relativity". This is where an even bigger error has occurred. Again, the explanation is simple. As soon as you look for facts, - and not wishes. In the old space-passage universe, we simply have three dimensions(of space). In my sophisticated(wave angle)Space-Time-Vibration Universe - we have GROUP DIMENSIONS. Not just dimensions. Space, Time, Vibration.Which takes us into an ACTUAL higher level. Geometric. Not just spatial and dimensional! Our bodies dwell in space(the passage of time is not time). But our minds are AT the geometric level. One world. But two different levels. The higher is ACTUALITY. The lower is what we call Reality. Nothing of the sort. It is all illusion. The Orient calls it Maya. Can you see the root? That is causing so much trouble. Yes. It also explains Mind over Matter! I mean that Mind is The Actuality. Matter is an Illusion! Including our bodies. Yes. This is why they cannot reconcile Quantum Mechanics with Special Relativity. It is because Q.M. is of the lower(and finite)world. But S.R. is of the higher(of infinity, and Eternity)! There are other discrepancies which now resolve. The answer(how radiation can arrive at "c" regardless of the observer's vector)is simple: Light, of the higher level. It simply passes THROUGH our world(of illusion). In its own world(of actuality),its velocity is infinity. We see it at "c" simply because "c" happens to be the maximum diagonal resultant between space and time! Thus no PHYSICAL thing can travel faster than "c". The equation is thus not c -(or +) x = c, but INFINITY + or - x STILL equals INFINITY. THEN the translation to "c" occurs AFTER the subtraction or addition, not before it!(Why not before? Isn't motion IN our world! No! Motion is actually OUTSIDE of DIMENSIONAL space AND PASSAGE time, and in hyper-space. Thus the equation has already been completed.) Hyper-space IS group-dimensionality. The inference that therefore the aether does not exist is totally irrelevant. The Aether in fact is simply the vibrating pure energy!

Article A918

The Simplest Conversion to Mayan dates Ever!
Perpetual Mayan calendar untill Dec 31st 2013 AD. Directional energies chart, Mayan Daily Oracle included which uses explained Dates, Definitions and Meanings that have been translated directly from Highest K'iche' Maya priests "True Count of Days" as kept by the Guatemalan Highland Maya priests for the last 3000 years. A beautiful 11 x 27 inch" presentation of Maya art masterpieces. Priced at only $13.00 which includes shipping and handling.
Copyright 1998 - 2001 Mayan Majix LLC, all rights reserved.
*** $1.00 from the sale of each codex will be donated to help support the good folks at *** Send Check or M/O for $13.00 to the Address below: Please Make Check or MO payable to Kay Shore, also include your e-mail address. If ordering from outside the USA please e-mail for shipping prices Kay Shore 922 S. Mudsprings Rd. Payson, Arizona 85541 OR Pay by CREDIT CARD Top of Form 1 Bottom of Form 1
To each of you considering the purchase of a Codex: The Mayan calendar is a prophetic tool that is quite profound. The pattern of creation's energy comes and goes round and round, up and down. With this simple tool, a pattern and flow of creation can now be found. I've studied for years the details of how this is done and now have written it down. Each of you who purchase the Codex will receive an enclosed letter. The purpose of which is to help you apply this wisdom all the better. Welcome All, To the Evolution ! Step right this way Through the Portal of Intuition...... Ian Xel Lungold

There is a River - Statement by the Hopi Elders There is a river flowing very fast. It is so swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know that the river has a destination. The Elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river. Keep our eyes open and our heads above the waters. And I say, see who is in there with you and Celebrate! At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather your self’s together. Banish the word Struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in Celebration! This profound statement and advice based upon ancient prophecy is obviously valid for these times but how does one do this push off into the swift river? "What you put your attention on is what you become conscious of." This is the one rule that you cannot break. It is inescapable. So let's use this principle to our advantage. The Mayan calendar has now been scientifically proven to be the flow rate of all of Creation for the last 16.4 billion years. By placing your attention on the individual daily energies described by the Mayan calendar you’re "Tun-ing" your consciousness to the flow of all of Creation. (The River) This is what the Mayan civilization had going for it. They lived their lives in "Holy Time" intuitively flowing with creation. Yes, they knew that their civilization would come to an end. Just as the flower wilts and dies to become the fruit and seeds, the Maya knew and prophesized their own demise. If nothing dies, nothing new grows, and this they did know. We feel this as well. Deeply we understand that our current systems and standards must die for a new way of life and experience to flourish. It is your choice of course, flow or be drowned. You already know this is true. The Mayan Calendar and Conversion Codex is the simplest method to find and re-find the current Mayan calendar date from the Gregorian calendar and contains the true traditional meanings of the energies from the Kiche Mayan priests. It can be used to instantly find a personal birth energy and true purpose of your life this time around. Also, it presents a daily Mayan Oracle to assist your journey to your goals. A tool for consciousness to join the flow of Creation is and was always the true purpose of the Mayan Calendar. Here is your opportunity To get Tun-ed in, To the Tzolkin, To join the harmony, To heal our Mother, To join the Galactic community, As warmly loved, And loving, Sister / Brother. Welcome to the Evolution

Mayan Majix - Mayan Calendar, cultural products, jewelry, astrology, ancient sites, articles, links, cultures of Central america, Ancient Wisdom, Natural rhythms, Chichen Itza, Mayan archaeolgy Ian Lungold, Mayan Magics, codices, codex, codexes, time, 20112, intuition, welcome to the evolution, creation, sychronicity, coincidence, ancestors, day signs, tune, maya, copan, tikal, xel ha, art bell, earth changes, earth changes tv, mitch battros, god, personal readings, articles, Carl Calleman, Tulum, Palenque, Uxmal

Thursday, June 1st, 2000.

Article A917

End of The Age, latest.

It is the end of the age. Not the end of the world. But people understand the latter term better.

It is commonly thought(among those concerned with the subject) that gravity tides affect The Earth directly. I mean greatly. This is not so.

When the planets line up, as they do from time to time, there is a negligible increase in gravity tides upon The Earth. It makes no notable difference.

Forecasts of End of Age are becoming prominent. What is not generally known(even among the faithful) is HOW such a disaster could occur. Nothing is more annoying than to expect some-thing, but not know why!! THIS IS WHERE I COME IN!!!! Because I do know why,etc!!!!

There are many causes at work. The situation is very complex.

Gravity tides, as normally understood, IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!!

I mean in respect of effect upon The Earth DIRECTLY.

What does happen, and it is ACCUMULATIVE(as are all of the factors involved(about thirteen,at least)) WITH EVERY PLANETARY ALIGNMENT,ETC., is that THE SUN's plasma is affected. And considerably!!

This disturbs the sun so much, that solar winds are greatly boosted. This sort of "rebounds" then from the sun, and whenever the surplus electro-magnetism is coming our way(as it some-times is), then when it hits the geomagnetic field(a few days later, about four or more), ructions occur!!

Storms, electro-magnetic, occur. Just above The Earth, and all around it.

These in turn, by conduction, convection, radiation AND INDUCTION(via proximity), then affect our weather. About a day or two later, again!! Not just atmospheric, but volcanic and seismic. Plus affecting brains, human and animal, sending mad and bad.

So not just all the weathers of Nature, but the behaviour of humans and animals goes wild.

The relationship is STARK.

In addition to this, electricity is passing through the magma. Heating, and thinning it(Changing its consistency.) It thus swells up,too, because of heat!! Creating growing pressure upwards. So LAVA(Magma is simply lava under pressure. Or, better, perhaps, lava is magma when the lid has been taken off, which happens as the magma gets suffiently near to the surface. Like a pressure cooker letting off steam.)gets pushed up through the cracks and crannies in the rocks. AND GOES IN BETWEEN UPPER AND LOWER CRUSTS. Like a sandwich. Lava sandwich!!!!

AND THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, THANKS TO THE CURRENT SUN SPOT CYCLE!!!! ON TOP OF MY IEEM.(Just think basically of electric flow, radiating out in all directions.)(In other words masses of electrons spraying out hard and fast.)

Do NOTE, that the root cause is NOT sun spot cycle, large small or middling!!!! No. It is my IEEM(electricity is ALWAYS flowing into and out of the sun(from other heavenly bodies via curving filaments surrounded by ionic plasmas), but as the sun's precession is reaching nearer and nearer to full alignment point IN its particular filament(Like four bases in base-ball.), the electric flow INCREASES per GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION).).

PLUS sun spot cycle, of course!! These usually occur ever eleven years. There are double cycles which occur every 22 years. And so on. Which are bigger than usual. But not this big. Talk in some quarters is of a Cycle 25. But this is just a label more or less for ignorance. But I DO KNOW!!!! It is my INCREASING EXTRA ELECTRO-MAGNETISM!!!! So here is the cause of Global Warming, and very much else!!!!

The two together is dramatic for US!!!!

The current combination is just a WAKE UP call. It is the next combination we need to worry about. It will be very destructive. This happens every 6,345 years. A CATACLYSM. Which we are JUST entering.(It started around about 5. 5. 2,000.)(With that big planetary alignment.)(I am watching now for reports of the general sky stars,etc.having changed postion. Which is what to expect with a changing axial tilt, and possibly vector!!!! WATCH OUT FOR IT!!!!)Crustal displacement, a quite different thing, comes LATER!!!!(When all the brakes are off.)

It all starts with the small axial change. Chronologically.

The big causes are Wobble. And THAT MAGNETISM. Magnetism being caused by The Electric Flow.

However, no movement should occur for an initial(guessing)six months!! This is because the force holding The Earth upon its current angle is Gyroscopic Force!! And it is very strong. So as the momentum from the re-stabilizing Earth(trying to find a new centre of gravity after unbalanced core gyrating occasioned by the growing electric force, solar wind,etc.)grows, so will the force working upon The Gyroscope!!(Much like two men playing arms' contest, hand to hand, elbows on the table. VERY SLOWLY momentum will overpower The Gyroscopic Force. So wait awhile before saying that no changes have been notice in the general stars,etc!!!!

Once you see it for SURE, get your skates on!! As it may be wise to move to safer lands, and higher ground.(As the magma "melts"(equals: thins in consistency), the tectonic plates(which form the crust)are going to BOB UP AND DOWN. Which means that SOME lands will rise, and some will fall. I mean up to miles.(Quickly enough!!)Falling land means sea rushes in!! Sea invasions. Imagine miles of ocean suddenly coming in on top of you. So do take very seriously what I am saying.

Note that solar whirl around(our revolution), plus wobble will stir up the thinning magma. SO DO LOOK OUT!!!!

If you go onto the Internet, and look for Futuristic Maps(done by SEERS), this should tell you where to go. Australia, is I THINK(I abnegate myself from all responsibility. I am only telling you my findings. ALL responsibility for your actions MUST BE YOURS!!!! I am simply telling you what I see is PROBABLE. I see it as 99% probable. (I have studied this subject very closely and carefully for years. And I am looking all out for any loop holes. I CANNOT FIND ANY!!!!) the best place to go. No. I am not a tourist agent!!!!)the best place to go!!!!

I am not professionally qualified(an advantage!!). But I am invariably right in my views. Not always right, as they say. But never wrong!!!!

I have an I.Q. higher than Einstein's. And a vast knowledge of the important truths!!!! Though I say it myself.

I should know. I only have to be honest with you.

Either I am a liar.(And doing this just for kicks.) Or I am mistaken. An idiot!!(We won't go into that!!) Or I am RIGHT!!!!

I leave it to you to decide WHICH IT IS.

No one else will speak for me. So I have to do it myself!!!!

Rising lands, no problem. Unless you don't like roller coaster rides of the gigantic kind. New Zealand is seen(by some seers)as a riser. Australia is to stay much the same. North America about half vanishes. And similarly for North West Europe. Britain just about vanishes. And for two reasons. Nature. AND Man(nuclear war(by Germany, believe it or not!!)).

Australia, as far as I can tell(I am no expert at details, but going by seers,etc.)will hardly change at all(Earth Changes are IMMINENT!!!!). Just a litle bit in The North East. I find Broome area best. A little inland. And high up, at least a thousand(preferably two)FEET up!!!!

Can you see now why volcanic eruptions(under sea,too)and earth-quakes are increasing dramatically??

Yes, it is very disturbing. But keep ice cool.

Won't help to rush about!!

This month(June), and next should be rather disturbing. As the current sun spot cycle peaks.

I hear today on local radio, that VERY SEVERE geo-magnetic field storms are expected June and July. This almost certainly means likewise WITH ALL OF OUR WEATHERS. Including mad and bad humans!!!! Remember that!!

Just allow that day or two.

The sun spot cycle is due to last another two years yet!! But will be fading away.

However!! Even when it has gone, there will still remain my IEEM. Which is increasing per GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION.

Things will therefore ease off, but not cease, and then worsen rapidly. Culminating about ten years hence in THE NEXT SUN SPOT CYCLE. And that will WIPE OUT an awful lot!!!! Conjoint with my IEEM, I mean.

The IEEM is the killer. Sun spot cycle merely augments it!! Note that!!!! So we get more sun spots,etc.than usual. EACH ONE(note sizes,too!!)A WARNING!!!!(So the sun spots,ETC. are due to USUAL CYCLES, PLUS MY IEEM!!!!)
Always watch sun spot activity(and geomagnetic field, which gets affected(if electric blasts coming this way)(not always so!!). And X-Ray activity.

Also watch all planetary alignments. And MAL alignments(when we get too little electricity(also disturbing everything!!)).

I am giving you the key indicators.

Also watch warm sea areas in The Pacific(Called La Nina.). And cold spots on The Arctic(During El Ninos.)(Giving four main indicators altogether.).

There is too a secondary El Nino and La Nina. The primary El Nino and La Nina are midgets in the game!!!! The conventional players are about non-existent!!!!

On the ocean floor are vents. Leading to a subterranean ocean(as large as the surface one). This (due to close proximity(ocean beds are thinner, and polar crust is about non-existent!!))AT TIMES gets hot(El Nino TWO. Do not confuse with ONE.). Normally it is cold, La Nina TWO.

So we get hot water gushing out of the vents from time to time. This causes iron to oxidize, and by using up oxygen in the water, kills fish!! So you get these dead volumes of water which via convection currents get distributed around the ocean. Hence the disappearing FISH. As the fishermen are complaining!!!!(You will understand that magma in contact with the ocean BELOW means iron(in magma)will oxidize easily!!!!)

This heat then rises, and adds to the atmospheric heat. This is the link between magma and atmosphere via the seas. Otherwise it is straight into the rock, and thence to the air.(Has anyone checked the temperature of THE LAND??!!)

Convection currents(the gulf stream,etc.are changing course!!)then move these hot, and cold, patches all over the place. They get blocked by South America. Hence the pile up there. Warming The Pacific. And drifting to Australia.

Note that though the atmosphere is warming, the stratosphere is cooling!!(Due I suspect to the increasing dust in space above. Drawn down BY THE GROWING MAGNETISM OF THE EARTH.(Electric inflow will also create magnetism!!!!) THIS is the biggest threat. A promise, in fact.)

We live in a huge greenhouse. So heat is slowly escaping into the stratosphere. This coupled to dust in space above has the cooling effect. It means that eventually the heat in the atmosphere will CONDUCT away, starting THE NEXT ICE AGE. Very soon!!!!

Meanwhile those living in the central belt of The Earth will COOK below.(Those in far north and south will freeze as ice-bergs,etc. spread more and more towards The Equator!!!!)

So don't go too far north of Broome!!!!

Until the spreading ice reaches the tropics. It is already reaching its tentacles there in Northern Australia!!!!

I am not trying to terrify you. Just giving you THE BALD facts.

My job is to give out the truth. What you do with it is up to you!!!!

Remember that Society will play all this down. Going into DENIAL,etc. Allow for this. It means I am on the ball!!!!

Get as much as you can out to the world BEFORE the authorities clamp down(they cannot bear TRUTH,etc.). And be very discreet!!!! Use pseudonyms. And conceal residential addresses.

I say that it is better to have a LITTLE PANIC now, rather than MUCH PANDEMONIUM later. AS THIS THING IS NOT GOING TO GO AWAY!!!!

I think most people would rather know the worst. At least giving you time to say your prayers, and prepare for the next world!!!! Etc.

Fortunately, this catastrophe will take about fifty to sixty years. No it won't happen overnight. Which is fortunate for us!!!!

However!! It should peak on 22.12.2,012.A.D. After that it will die away. But by then the damage will have been done.

This current age is The Age of Pisces(The Fish). The next one(which starts 23.12.2,012.A.D.)is The Aquarian Age(The Water Pitcher.)(Or Carrier.).

Believe me, Pisces will go out with a most awful KICK!!!! Aquarius comes in with RAPTURE!!!! Etc.(So it is a good cleansing change, NOT A BAD ONE!!!!)

And few will remain. Humans or animals.

And plants,etc.

The face of the Earth will become un-recognizable. Due also to sea falls.(Sea rises come first. THEN falls. Finishing up with a huge fall. As the ice age settles in.(Do not confuse with the ice era from the merely spreading ice.))

Many will die within five years. Especially the weak. Due to heat or cold, mostly. But also storms,etc. And WARS.ETC.

Many more in the following five. And about the rest in the next three.

I am pitching it out to you. Got to!!

Now I analyze the routes involved time wise of the factors:-

How can I be so sure? Because only simple physics and meteorology is involved. Even I can follow it!! Just a case of adding two to two. And coming up.... You said it!!!!

I shall first give the big factors:-

In chronological order:-

We are currently in THE INTRODUCTION phase.

Electro-magnetism from the sun is giving us heat and humidity(The Index.). Via our geo-magnetic field, is creating our weathers. Note that s on the end!!

There is some ozone depletion. But a lot of it is due to rotating vortices at both ends of The Earth.

There is virtually no greenhouse gas emissions THAT STICK AROUND I MEAN. The sea re-absorbing nearly all of it. If not all.

What is confusing Mankind(with an eye to more money,etc.(vested interests))is the fact that Heavy Industry and Greenhouse Gas emissions of course go together, and are increasing a lot.

Concurrent with these is the fact of Global Warming. It exists!! It is not a mere fluctuation. It is a VARIATION. And a big one. Watch out!!!! NOW is the time to GET READY!!!!

They have made, as usual, the wrong connection!!!!

I advise futuristic maps(different ones exist, largely due to relating to different stages of the JUST STARTING catastrophe). SPECIAL survival manuals. (Don't hoard anything. Mobility will be called for!! Prepare for quick exits.)

Ignore the others. Just listen to me. I have most of the truth. And its REASONS.

The others only see through a mist. I see very clearly.(If you want good details, look up Mitch Battros, TV Earth Changes, ON THE INTER NET.)

I go by cold calculation!! I am not prophecying. I AM TELLING YOU STRAIGHT, from worked out facts. Using reliable information sources. I simply put it all together!!!!

Don't panic!!

Going underground is DANGEROUS. May be all right in early stages of THE CATACLYSM. Danger is obvious. Lava push ups(lavic springs and fountains,etc.), and earth-quakes. Also flooding from above!!!!

Plus the danger of getting trapped. Avoiding surface growing turbulences is good. But not at the expense of getting buried alive.

Arms advised, plus ammo. As roving bands of villians and mad men will be increasing.

They like CHEATING, you know. Suicide will become very popular.

And cannibalism and blood drinking(straight out of the bottle(your body if necessary))will be an increasing pastime(as food and water run out). Better to be fore-warned!!!!

Human nature as Jesus remarked is bad enough when times are good. What will they do when times are bad??!!

It will gradually increase. Geometric Progression.(That is accelerating ACCELERATION(which is acceleration squared, if you didn't get the idea quickly)). This is VERY deceptive. Like the waves of the incoming tide. Will fool many. Insidious. Is much slower than arithmetic progression in the early stages. But VERY MUCH faster later.

Take my words AS READ. I MEAN THEM.

Some(Like The Stelle Group.)are planning to spend time in space. Don't do it!! Awful if you can't get down again. Safely, I mean. They are thinking in terms of a terrible first fortnight or so. But it won't be like that!! No. Wipe out's start lies about ten years ahead. Most over by 2,013. So it takes about thirteen years!!!!

Stay on the ground!! Safer. Much. Don't even go into the atmosphere.

What will be wise will be the getting of DUCKS. Amphibians!! Make them better than U.S. in Second World War!!

They are vehicles that can travel on land AND water. Any kind of land,too!!

Why?? Because(rising and falling lands)if in a car, and your land vanishes below you, what are you going to do??

Or, if in a boat on the ocean, and land rises beneath you. You will be STUCK(in mud!!). LITERALLY. Very smelly death. Despite the hopping fish,etc.

If you cannot build or buy a duck, then at least go for a BOAT of some kind!! And get onto the sea. Hope for the best. Distil sea water. And live off fish,etc. Better than dying!! But arm well. To ward off marauders!!!!

Make your boats, ARKS. That is self-contained. Very strong. And light. Plastic seems best, or good. Unbreakable!! As stresses will be terrific.

Store and stock THEM up very carefully. But watch for THIEVES.

Not too large, because sea stresses will snap them in half easily otherwise!!!!

I have no defence against lavic springs,etc. Sorry!! Further from the poles, the better!!!!

As huge lavic lakes will form there. UP TO TWENTY FIVE MILES DEEP. You are being told, and warned!!!!

Crust at polar caps is non existent!!!!

So ice should become one huge lake OF LAVA!!!!

Electro-magnetism is producing heat and humidity(Called The Index.). And storms, via evaporation, clouds, condensation,and precipitation. It is all logical.

Underground shelters MAY be all right. But only in the early stages!!!!

Play it by ear.

It will get very rough out of doors!!

The ice will eventually melt(yes, all of it), and of course the sea will rise. Up to about 300 feet. Or more.

Be ready for this. And DO NOT LEAVE THINGS UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. Keep plugged in to the news. And be ready to BOLT at a moment's notice.

You have years. Relax!!

Exciting!! Enjoy the ocean voyages.

Just keep well away from coasts. And nasty humans!!

A stitch in time LEARNING NOW will save you many a heartache later. You listen to me!!

Preciptitation of course falls as snow towards the poles. This will pile up. Ice bergs,etc. will spread out. Ushering in the ice era. Towards The Equator, it will be awful heat,etc.

The reason for the ice spread and era is the fact that the calving ice bergs take years to melt!!

So sea rise may not be quite too bad at first. It will also be gradual. But speeding up. Per G.P.

Electricity as I say creates Magnetism. And this is the number one killer.

Not directly, but via the fact that our gyrating core will drag, via the iron,etc.content the lithosphere over the asthenosphere. Lava providing excellent lubricant below!!!!

Goo(Powdered rock and ice melt.)will increase, creating lubricant for ice to slide over. And ice pressure against mountains,etc. will eventually MOVE THE EARTH'S UPPER CRUST!!!! Very far indeed!!!!

Note that even a small BUT CONSTANT force applied to floes is enough to move them, and keep them moving eventually. Per ice floes on ocean. AND PER THE TECTONIC PLATES FLOATING ON OUR MAGMA!!!!(That voluminous stuff not far beneath our feet. You know??)

Yes. We shall become much like insects on a leaf floating on boiling water, in a pan!!!!

So don't get too smug and complacement.

I call the magnetic haul, THE FIRE FORCE. It is coming!!

Because of electric fire.

Just a reference.

Magnetism, from sun, not just Earth,etc!!!! Will attract more and more stuff from space. I call this The Bombardment. So now Revelation should make increasing sense!!!!

Everything from stars and planets to comets and large asteroids. AND DUST,ETC. Which will eventually blot out the sun, and start the next ice age.

I do advise nuclear,etc.deflection. But take care to deflect them, not break them up!!

Also channel away(provide channels,nuclear!!(Keep those weapons,yet!! Better than using upon each other, but that is coming,too. Yes.))routes for the ice to escape!!!! Otherwise it will build up and rebound suddenly off of the mountains,etc.

If you make my special helmets, using dry batteries, you can surround head, and brain, with a force-field. To reduce if not eliminate the incoming EM. Which is DRIVING ALL HUMANS AND ANIMALS INCREASINGLY MAD AND BAD!!!! Some of you may have noticed!!!! In addition to frail human nature. Plus the spiritual dark clouds!!!!

You may be very glad of these tips LATER ON!!!!

Mass production will be ideal. If only some-one can convince the orthodox scientists and authorities THAT I AM NOT JOKING!!!!

Fore-warned is fore-armed. Though not everyone appears to think so!!!!

The IEEM.(I call it mine because I found out THE CAUSE, if not the fact!!!!)(First, I mean.) will also start an axial change. Via momentum from the efforts of The Earth to RE STABILIZE following dramatic centre of gravity changes born of THAT GYRATING CORE WITHIN!!!! Yes. Occasioned by solar wind,etc!!!!

That Momentum will gradually RIP the lithosphere off of the asthenosphere. And then it will be free to slide around!!!!

You see, many factors are contributing. Most of them unrelated!!

Polar Shift is one. Due to Wobble in the main.(Note, though not a jerky wobble(fortunately!!), from many causes, stresses are like in an unbalanced washing machine load. Only instead of ripping out the bolts holding the washing machine to the ground, it will, aided by Centrifugal Force and the weight of the ice, MAKE the ACCUMULATING ice at both polar caps GET FLUNG OFF INTO THE SEA. Where, of course, it will eventually melt. Meantime providing my spreading ice. The ice era!!!!)

FIRST comes(after the mere introduction!!) The (small)(comparatively!!)axial change). Let us all watch out for general stellar,etc.changes above!!!! The stars,etc.won't be moving(en masse I mean), of course. THE EARTH (surface especially) WILL!!!! In respect to The Heavens. It will take a while. I estimate(a guess)six months, about. Before anything is even noticed!! And THEN there is the time lapse between notice and the authorities saying anything(of truth, I mean!!)!!!!

The effect of this change(angle and vector of Earth!!)will of course be the big climatic changes. Just imagine it!!

Ice Force moves first. The crust(upper sliding over lower)(composed of tectonic plates like a quilt)will move a thousand miles plus northwards.

Then, when the ice calves,etc.into the sea, the Fire Force(heaving the crust in the opposite direction)then takes over. And pushes the crust over four thousand miles from north to south. So Australia should finish up at The South Pole. Australians, take note!!!!

It takes over because the Ice Force is born of ice mass times centrifuge, AIDED BY THE MULTI WOBBLE.(It is the wobble that does it mostly.) Which once ice (at pole) is zero, or near, the force just dies. And so Fire Force then takes command!!!!

Now after about four thousand to five thousand miles moving south, the crust jams up. (STOPPING THE EARTH'S ROTATION. FOR ABOUT THIRTY HOURS!!!!) (This is what keeps raising the mountain ranges!!!!) And STOPS. The momentum from this HAS TO CARRY ON. It is THEN that the second (much bigger, very fast) axial tilt occurs. It has to!! That force suddenly stopped HAS TO GO SOME-WHERE!!!! So The Earth turns upside down. And then spins backwards. Of course. Magnetic reversal accompanying geographical reversal.

I trust I make myself clear!!!!

This is about twelve and a half years hence. Say ten.

Enormous climatic changes accompany this of course. Meanwhile heat, humidity, storms,etc.(in ALL element levels)are increasing per G.P.

And the bombardment from above!!

Plus the space dust ice up starting.

Definitely like Revelations!!!!

When the planets line up(from time to time), they form an electric SPIKE. Sun as condenser(electric), and Earth as Solenoid. Due to gyrating core!!!! A great electro-magnet.

A woman with long hair holding a wire to a strong condenser will soon have upright hair,etc. It will b elike that. AND FOR THE SAME REASONS!!!!

As the sun approaches(precession!!) the curving filament of the other stars, it will be like you holding a wet finger closer and closer to a live wire. It will start to tingle. And INCREASE!!!!

"And a huge blazing mass fell into the sea". Could be one of Mars' moons!!!! Drawn away by solar wind pressure.

It isn't this one planetary alignment that has done it(last straw!!), but the ACCUMULATIVE effect of many many such alignments these past 6,332 years!!!! During which time the ices have been RE building on the polar caps.

All these factors dove-tail perfectly. Much the same each time.

Now the upper crust cannot move until the lower crust crumbles. This will be easy, as it is non-crystalline rock. Very brittle!!

Gravitational Differential is at work!! This will crumble The Asthenosphere. THEN WILL ALL RESISTANCE CEASE. Permitting the lithosphere to move.

Gravitational Differential always applies where gravity tides exist. Due to the stresses arising from the small difference in gravitational force from point to point!!(This is what breaks up moons,etc.that get too close to their parents.) The same forces cause our tides,etc. The Rings of Saturn,etc. are a result of this.

It will crack like a nut in a nut cracker. Into pieces, small.

Rotational Force is also at work, and this is creating great stresses all of the time. This too will aid the disintegration required. Along with two but small other factors.

The wedge shape of The Earth will not stop this. Because moving rock is PLASTIC LIKE!!!! It will simply bend and flow around all obstacles!!!!

We know that these catastrophes occur periodically. What was not known was the device and its mechanics that did it. I have now given you my solution!!!!

Forget all that conventional folk tell you. They are completely wrong!!!!

I think this is enough for now. This article.


Wednesday, 13th June, 2,001.

Article A916.


How the ground maps and the constellations,etc.match up!!!!

In cc103a and cc104, I have already spelled out much.(Correction: Not 12,500 B.C., but 10,500 B.C. 12,500 years ago.)

I have now seen all three of the video documentaries. I think about eight great ancient sites are mentioned. Some below sea level now. Egypt. Cambodia. Easter Island. The newly discovered site off Japan, under water. Mexico's pyramids,etc. Bolivia. And another two sites in or off South America.

It should be noted that the angular distance upon The Earth's surface between the Cambodian temples arrangement and Giza plateau pyramids is 72 degrees. Easter Island is down south, and 144 degrees from each. Now 144 + 144 + 72 = 360 degrees. In other words the symmetrical lay out upon The Earth is perfect!!(Stonehenge,etc. are more. And the great ground map animals, like the white horse in Peru. They will be found to be maps of the constellations!!!!)

The relationship of the ground maps(of temples and pyramids,etc.) exactly matches perpendiculars dropped from the constellations of the stars AS AT 10,500.B.C.

Now my contribution is that I plotted(using my own very accurate astronomical distance finder)the universe(random sample candidates) at all distance and size ranges. And turned up fantastic patterns!! Showing VORTICES, with sub-structures of curving filaments within them. Side views reveal V shapes. Plan views, - spiral.(Note that orthodox distances(and masses) are VERY wrong!!)(For which reason they fail to turn up patterns 3D when they plot in depth. BUT I DO!!!!)

I found out that Sol is a part of Orion!!

Contact particulars per the video series(which give out many details I don't!!)will be found in the earlier articles cc103a and cc104. Which see!!

I am going to give the VERY short formulae for deriving astronomical distances and masses. This is the most important mental scientific find in at least 500 years. I do urge you to note the formulae. AND APPLY THEM. Plot the universe for yourselves!!!! AND SEE.

How to get the astronomical distance VERY accurately to any sky object: Take the square root of the product(that is the geometrical mean)of 1.6 times THE MAGNITUDES times THE VELOCITIES. Just use the co-efficients given in Astronomical Catalogues one and two. Ignoring all but the ORDER of the number quoted!! And ignoring the units too!!!! With velocities use ks/second(forget the zeroes!!). With distances the answers will be in light years. So you will need to convert any parsecs to light years FIRST!!!!

If you use absolute magnitude(mv), you will get a far better result than with the apparent magnitude(v)!! Simply multiply by 1.6.

Use velocities AS STATED.

Don't worry about WHY for now. I can explain later. The important thing is that YOU get, record AND APPLY the two formulae!!!! IT WORKS!!!!

The explanation is far too involved for me to just give it here. But I do have it. And have it detailed out in one of my articles. If interested, simply request it.

To get astronomical masses take the arithmetic mean, working as before. But doing half the sum of 1.6 times the magnitude(Mv (absolute) best.). And the velocity!! Will give you the mass. Simply use the orthodox figure to GUIDE(nothing more!!). And their quoted units!!!!

Simply use the co-efficients given in the catalogues. And forget the whyfores FOR NOW.

The full formulae are extremely difficult. Even the shortened formula is hard!! (These give VERY accurate results.)

What I am giving here now is the VERY short formulae!! It gives a rough result. But still good enough I think to observe the main patterns!!!!

I don't care HOW it LOOKS. I have used these formulae, and I KNOW that they come up TRUMPS!!!!

I worked it all out very carefully. Slowly and painfully. Over many years.

For a quick check as to my validity, multiply Mv(absolute magnitude) by v(apparent magnitude), and note THE CONSTANT!!!! Or, simply plot Mv's against v's. Note the amazing diagonal!!(I know why!!)

I am a nut cracker. Solver of mysteries. I use intuition and intelligence. But am aided by God through mentors and direct. Mentors being spirits and aliens. Day and night. I feel my way through to the answers first. And then prove and confirm them!!!!

I was shown a map of the stars IN A VISION as I fell asleep one night at about age 14. It was STARK. And so beautiful!!!!

Don't LOSE this opportunity. Or you will lose ages of work!!!! I am making it easy for you all!!!!

Seeing the incredible results, patterns and matches, I KNOW that my theory is correct!! And my cosmological model. Plus spectroscopic solution,etc.

Multiplying by two gives too rough a result. Use my 1.6 factor. There is a very good reason!!!!

If you want more accurate results still, then study my shortened form. It will be hard going. But worth it!!

The full formula is almost impossible to understand. But it works.

The difficulty does not lie with me so much(eloquence), but with the complexity of Nature. Especially when over-lain by Man's false complications!!!!

Trust it!! It does work!!!!

You will end up with a number.

Now look up the ORTHODOX value for this star or whatever. That will give you two things: 1. The number of digits in the true answer. 2. The UNITS of measure!!(For instance, the co-efficient result may be 9.2(work in twos before and after the decimal point!!). The orthodox figure may by 89. MY answer is the correct one. So use my 9.2(Only the first figure will correspond. Near enough as a rule for you to spot!!) Just use orthodox units. But convert any parsecs to light years FIRST.

But treat the quasars,etc. VERY differently.(See my detailed articles for the details. Too complex for here.)

For instance, if your number worked out is 5. And the orthodox value is 48, then 5 is the CORRECT answer. The orthodox will be using light years or parsecs. But whatever it is, make it light years value. Which gives you your units!!!! If they quote in parsecs, THEN CONVERT!!!!

When plotting, use a computer, and use Right Ascension and Declination. Double the Dec!! Use 360 degrees with right ascension.

Then superimpose the two sets of plots!! Study the match up!!!!(The reason they match is because this proves THE VORTICES. Which equate roughtly in the vertical and in the horizontal. Of course!!)

Plot of course with Sol at centre.

It is possible to convert the data into a 3d MODEL of the universe. I plotted first for stars in our local group. Then for stellar groups in The Milky Way Galaxy. Next I plotted our meta galaxy!!!!(I did not just plot stars in the universe!!!!)

Observing the curving filament sub-structures, I knew after following Doctor Alfven the cosmic plasma expert, as voiced by Eric J.Lerner!!(Book by Lerner: "The Big Bang Never Happened.". That I was looking at electro-magnetic cum hyperforce circuits of power!! Which is what supplies the sun(a star)with energy, which overflows periodically in what we know as sun spot cycles.)

For Egyptymology, the book 5.5.2,000, Ice, The Ultimate Catastrophe, is very informative!!

We now know that didn't happen. I KNOW WHY!!!!

But the general truth is there.

Similarly with The Big Bang Never Happened!! Lerner believes in expansion, though not big bang. I find NO expansion IN TIME AND SPACE ONE. I find both expansion and big bang in space time TWO!!!!(Eternity will do!!)

I hold The Bible as basically true too.

I am mentioning some of my pet books.

Arcturus at two light years is our nearest star.

It is our(Sol's)identical twin.

The Andromeda Galaxy is our galactic twin. At about two million light years.

I overturn just about all orthodox reports!!!!

They could hardly be more wrong!!!!

My finds are so outrageous APPARENTLY that just about no body will believe me, or take me seriously. But I can assure YOU, that I am in deadly ernest!!!!

You use my formulae, and do your own plotting. You will soon see who is right!!!!

So start with stars. Just random samples. Not too many. I used about 48. Not too few. Just the right number to show the almost unbelievable patterns!!!! Too few will not show anything. Too many will obscure the picture!!!!

You will first plot our local stellar group!!(The orthodox don't even know we have one!!!!)

Then plot the stellar clusters.

Showing the amazing lay out of our Milky-Way Galaxy!!

Next, using galaxies, B Lacterae Objects, Radio Sources and Quasars,etc. plot our local Meta Galaxy. Etc. Etcs. It took me eight years. Only about six months for you!! You will be (if you do it right!!) STUNNED out of your minds!!!! Yes!!!!

The sky maps are 2d, the constellations. But my space maps are in THREE DIMENSIONS. Our being part of Orion makes the 3D connection!!!!(If we could see a 3d model, we would see a group of stars called ORION. And Sol would be A PART OF IT!!!!

It will mean a bit of work. Work you will never ever regret!!

You will feel that as you tackle the task, an increasing euphoria!! And everything in your life WILL COME RIGHT!!!! Believe me. It did with me!!!! Because as you get the CORRECT cosmic and celestial patterns, you will harmonize,etc.with them.(Because all is ONE. And in perfect sympathy!!!!) And this will change your life for the better beyond belief!!!! God it is who is doing it, of course!!!!

Come,comrades, follow me!!

The Copernicus of The Cosmos!!!!

I got it because at age four I decided to solve all the great mysteries, and prove and confirm them. I succeed. Beyond my wildest dreams. I simpy hung on. FOR SEVENTY YEARS!!!!

It killed me physically.


Victor Conway.

Tuesday, May 29th, 2,001.

Article A915

I am dashing off this letter.

The Sphinx is 12,500 years old. About.

So is The Giza Pyramid,etc.

I am going to do on an article on this,etc. Called "The Great Denouement.". I will send you a copy.

The Sphinx is facing due East. It has the face of a man superimposed upon the body of a lion.

At dawn on spring equinox 12,500 B.C. The Sphinx EXACTLY faced Leo, The Lion. Sign of The Zodiac.

And The Great Pyramid at Giza exactly faced Orion. Orion's Belt.

There is a documentary called "In search of The Lost Civilization". On Australian television, last evening. (28. 5.2,001.)I recorded it. On Channel two. Queensland. Brisbane. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Probably done by BBC. Some professor,etc. Very good.

I would urge you to get this documentary. And study it.

It explains a lot.

I knew much before. But a lot more now!!(Noone's book "5.5.2,000, Ice, The Final Catastrophe" is only part of the picture. But is very distorted!!)

The pyramids were used as tombs, but not designed for that purpose!!

They are many things. But one is a guide to the after life!!!!(Inititation ceremonies and materialization aids,too.)

Irrigation was apparently the main IMMEDIATE purpose.

They are messages to us. And warnings.

The message is that The Rapture is descending now.

But will be accompanied by a Cataclysm(Earth will invert.)destroying about half life on this planet. Other planets also affected.

Nature's re-action's(and Man's)to The Rapture now starting to come in, will produce this cataclysm.

Our duty is to create a time capsule informing our descendents of 12,800 years hence of same!!

These raptures(and cataclysms)occur every 12,800 years(approximately). And The Earth inverts each time. Begins with a Polar Shift. Preceded by Global warming or cooling!!

All the records indicate this fact. Tree rings,etc.

And written records,etc.

Cataclysm(now beginning) should peak about ten years hence.(At the next sun spot cycle!!) Last about fifty to sixty years.

I won't go into further detail here.

My article will do that.

Will send next time.

Take care.


Monday, 22nd November, 2,004.

Article ZZ

On fleas, and flea like creatures, plus all insects.
In relation to sex and masturbation, ESPECIALLY.(Read my Z article!!)

Fleas,etc. in the uretha make you feel VERY randy. But the uretha is EXTREMELY sensitive to germs! SO easily infected. This in turn infects the prostate gland(And God knows what else!!). It swells badly. And needs removing part or whole. A very distressing business!!!!


I got away with it for months, before I could not urinate AT ALL.

Insects are not worth it. But during my ignorance period, I used flies,etc. DIRECTLY onto penis!! (The flea like creatures that infected my uretha AND THE PROSTRATE GLAND(at least!!) GOT IN TO MY URETHA uninvited. I DID NOT PUT THEM THERE!!)(I imagine flies,etc. will also infect uretha(they carry many germs), and prostrate gland!!!!

Great feelings for a while. BUT YOU PAY DEARLY!!!! As I am finding out to my cost.


Doctors have told me that the cause is not fleas, but Testerone build-up in The Prosrate Gland, causing it to swell greatly.(The answer to my mind now seems to be the female hormone, to neutralize the male one. And hopefully reduce the swelling!! However, I am not altogether sold on The Testerone theory(usual with most men from about 40 on) IN MY CASE!!!!

So it would seem that Television Screen lip kissing of favourites of the opposite gender(live or video) is on. (It makes you want to masturbate.)(I have suggested, instead of mb - where there is no element of surprise - that one uses flea or fleas or some-such creature in the uretha!! This assists ejaculation immensely!! Which can be done AS you kiss your favourites!!!!

Females similarly. Also during sex, fleas in the uretha of both partners!!(But there may be a small risk of infection WHICH CAUSES IMMENSE PROBLEMS. Keep it all in mind!! You are warned. I take no responsibility. The pros are great. But there could be huge cons!!!! Remember that!!!!

To be read in conjunction with my Z article.

It is to enhance sex.

And masturbation. Male or female.

This article is on sex and masturbation. But I am including the prostrate gland business. Which may also be mentioned elsewhere.

DO NOT USE INSECTS OF ANY KIND, AT ALL!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. In case of INFECTION. To Prostrate Gland,etc, stopping you from urinating, etc.

Victor Conway.

Thursday, 2nd October, 2,003.

Article Z

Flies in bottle!!

This is a blunt article on sex and masturbation!!

The world needs it.

Outside marriage sex is considered evil(about the worst) by religion. Because it reduces the number of respectable off-spring to attend church or whatever!!(Which of course reduces income,etc!!!!)(Not The Church of Christendom,etc. STYLE!!!!)

Sex is low, but not bad!!

Masturbation is actually a form of sex! Because one often holds in mind some beloved. So one is actually copulating with that person IN THOUGHT. Which is just as real, REALLY, as mere physicality!!

People deny masturbating. Or THEY DID!!(The phoney church having made it THE KING EVIL!!!!)(IDIOTS!!!!)
Truth is nearly all males masturbate.

And about half of females.

Presumably because the urgency is so much greater in males!! Not that females are better (in general, upon the average) than males!!

Sublimation doesn't work. In sport or whatever.

The truth is we all need to evacuate our bodies of semen or the female equivalent!! Periodically.

This will either come out in sex, masturbation(in some form or another), wet dreams or spontaneous emissions!!!!

Just as inhaled air, food, drink, etc. MUST come out!!(Except that we don't take in anything with semen,etc!!)(Imagine trying NEVER to defecate or urinate. It just can't be done!! And similarly with semen, orgasm!!!!

So it is actually one of the nature necessities. And nothing to be ashamed about!!

The Church of Christendom is terribly responsible for this wrong attitude.

The Bible rails(somewhere)(N.T.) against HOMO relations, not masturbation!!

Note: Adultery is when a married person has sex with one not the spouse!!

Fornication is when one(not the spouse!) has sex with a married person.

Otherwise sex is simply low.

I became so wrongly concious of sex,etc. that when anybody mentions the word nine, I feel embarressed. Because of its connotation with NINE MONTHS. The human gestatory period!!(In Re-production!!!!) Which is of course ridiculous. But it IS true!!!!

Today(In The West, anyway!!), we live in an age of sexual indulgence, NOT SEXUAL ABSTINENCE!! And, so, many false attitudes are being dissolved. But bad for the opposite reasons ones put in their place.

Neither sex, nor non-sex is evil!!

But the NOTION that sex or non-sex is evil, IS!!!!(Bad.)

It is natural to want to have sexual relations with a suitable one of the opposite gender some times. Because it gives the opportunity TO LOVE that person. Simply because sex gratification makes us feel so grateful and appreciative that we can hardly help BUT LOVE THEM!!!!

Our need to love is greater than our need to copulate!!

Unfortunately many people are unable to find copulation partners!! So they are driven to either rape or pay a prostitute. Unless they can find some obliging harlot.(A prostitute who does not charge!!)

So sex starved poor people either rape, or masturbate(As waiting for spontaneous emissions or wet dreams is just too much of a strain, and sublimation does not work!!). We should not feel guilty about this. But many WRONGLY do!!!! Most of us do - to some extent or another!!!!

And being married is NO GUARANTEE of sex!! Unless you are a thug!!

Anybody can masturbate. But not every one knows how to make it most pleasurable!!

The main purpose of this article is to tell you how to get the most out of it!! WITH NO EFFORT AT ALL!!!!

The male catches a fly, and puts it into a small bottle. The penis is then inserted. You just sit back looking at some suitable beloved, AND AWAIT RE SULTS. They will come!! And so will you!!!! In time. Especially if you help it along a bit!!!!

Females can do this too. Though more tricky, of course over the clitoris!!(Why use a vibrator? A fly works better!!)

Non-stingers, of course!! Fleas(Dire warning: As I found to my personal cost. They carry germs. Get into uretha. Infect urinary tract AND THE PROSTRATE GLAND. Which swells, stopping urination completely. IT THEN NEEDS REMOVING. ALL insects carry germs. Uretha EXTREMELY sensitive to germs!! YOUR DECISION. ) are very good. And blue-bottles.

More than one, if you like.

If you use a condom with a small hole in it exactly over the connector cord's root on the penis, the fly will go to THAT spot. Which is the most pleasurable. Alternative the entrance to the uretha. Or both!!

Similarly with the female, except will then need two containers and flies!!!!

The ideal is to have sex DOING THIS!!

Inserting a fly into a condom's top, and then inserting condomed penis into a female orifice will kill the fly or injure it too much. So have a semi-circular solid cap of some kind INSIDE of the condom. Get the fly up into that. Now insert penis into condom, driving fly or whatever(flea or some thing) right up into cap(which will protect it during insertion of penis into orifice(vagina)). Female has small container(with fly or whatever), or two, suitably placed over clitoris and/or urethal entrance. Male now penetrates to the full. And remains COMPLETELY STILL. As does the female.

Just enjoy!! BOTH OF YOU.

God, and each other of course!!!!

That should make you love all right!!!!

Mouths, rectums and urethas are already too stimulating. So no fly or some-such needed there. In vagina,then!!!!

Note: Warning!! Flies or somesuch in bottle is injurious eventually, as they bite. Also working the bottle to finish the job is liable to injure the penis!! Use wide bottle. Or, better still, old fashioned masturbation!!!! Or suction. Or blowing.

I have since learned that Testerone build-up, not fleas,(say medical doctors,etc. to me) causes swelling of the prostrate gland(which can stop urination, even completely, obliging use - possibly permanently AS OP IS SO HAZARDOUS of catheter/s!!!! So it MAY be all right to screen lip kiss favourites and use fleas(and OR flies) to enhance sex and masturbation!! Male and female. Even simultaneously.

Now go to ZZ, and read what I have said AND ADDED there!!



Friday, 11th February, 2,006.

Article W

How to live long and healthily(in body, anyway).

Good diet. No meat. Leafy vegetables. Lettuce good. Tomatoes. Cheese. Milk. Non-iodized SEA salt.

Half hour walk per day. Olive oil. Own urine. No smoking. No alchohol. No drugs. Avoid medical drugs too. Herbs, vitamins, minerals. No anti-biotics. Keep well away from doctors and hospitals. Except when REALLY necessary!!!!

No sex. Masturbate! Not too much. Not too little. Use flies in bottle around testicles! Not penis. Nor anus. Or risk infection, and BIG problems!!!! Aided by erotic images. Photographs and video screen(at right level, so you can lip kiss favourites)(it works).

Guinness and red wine good for you. Not too much!!

Sleep well.

No stress!!

Regular bowels.

Be as righteous, good and high, possible.

Of course what suits one does not suit all!!!!

Find your own optimum.

Avoid opposite gender. Stay single. No off-spring.

Harlots and prostitutes carry diseases, if not husbands!!

Maximum concern. Minimum worry.

Do your best. God will do the rest.

We live for ever. Do best to survive spiritually!

Get born again. Accept Christ, even Jesus into heart. After full repentance.

Forgive others. After they have paid debt to you!! Or they won't learn. Unless you are big and strong enough spiritually to simply forgive them!!!!

We need periodic modest sex outlook. Gender does not matter.(Provided trans sexual and transvestite. Dress as temporary gender. Both parties.

Orifice does not matter.

Position to suit.

Enough physical exercise. And mental.

Make Spirit rather than money.

Selective television and video. Good company.

Avoid the seven(and more)deadly sins.

Keep within Man law unless they clash with God's law.

If you cannot die for God and Christ. Then go for Longevity.

But the former is best.

Anal poke from rear, when they in high heels especially. Rectal from the front.(Urethal and vaginal likewise.) To please woman, vaginal from behind(dog fashion).

Gays and homos.

Make enough money, of course.

Avoid Man institutions. Like war, religion, politics and marriage,ETC.

Go your way, not another's. Though I would that all men be as I!!(As Jesus said. For HIS way of life, which took some beating!!!!)

Steer clear of magic. Black and dark grey, anyway!!!!

Be all things to all men(and women).

Avoid churches, temples, pubs and clubs. Unless to entertain.

Look after self. Cheat only if necessary!!!!

Keep out of debt. No gambling, except psychic gambling. A mug's game usually.

No sport!! Avoid games. Somebody usually loses. THEY remember!!!!

God's miracles, yes.

Gods, not GOD. Etc. Etc.

Tramp and beg.

Travel and tour.

Converse, correspond, discuss and debate.


LOVE and Divine Will ABOVE ALL.

Look after the mind and heart, as well as body and energy field.

Study dreams, day dreams, projections and excursions.

It does not matter which world you are in!!!!

We pay for errors via karma. Also spirit level, and judgements against us. ETC. ETC.

The spirit world will be found to be just as physical as this one!! Man organized,too. Though less severe than down here.

I used flies,etc.(even a big cockroach)(and harvestman spiders), ants,etc. in bottle over penis. I AM STILL PAYING THE PRICE. Infected uretha, prostate gland,etc. Everything below waist to crutch.(Not anus, or can infect bowel!!)

Bill Thomas.(Correct your mistakes on a parallel time track, by going back into past BEFORE the error, and taking better course!!!!)

Monday, 25th April, 2,005.

Article A737(V)


It is possible to have male souls in female bodies. And female souls in male bodies. But some abuse this for the hell of it!!

No one is 100% male or 100% female. Including psychologically.

Therefore homosexuality and gayship is not necessarily so low.

Orifices other than the vagina, are not necessarily evil because non reproductive. Union is the point, not more fodder for The Church and for war!!!!

Yet sex intercourse is not recognized as such unless it involves the vagina!!

The point is rectal sex is still union!! Even between two males. It can be. Likewise between two females. Though they need to use dildo's.

Monday, 6th October, 2,003.

Article A593

Centrifugal force, and centripedal force!! Etc.

Materialistic science thinks that centrifugal force is caused by rotation.

The only force caused by rotation is the average outwards(and a weaker one inwards, centripedal force, nearer centre!!)' vectorial TANGENTIAL one!! Which thus then becomes perpendicular to the tangents!!!! That force is 4d, but we only perceive the 3d aspect of it!! Being 3d ourselves!!

But that is not TRUE CENTRIFUGAL FORCE, nor centripedal!!

Motion, whether linear or two and fro, causes molecular vibration.

When molecular vibration is great enough, IT INDUCES ATOMIC VIBRATION!!!!

And atomic vibration causes descent down the vibration radial of the bubble concerned!!

Now out of the centres of all bubbles proceeds a 5D FORCE. THAT is centrifugal force. Plus a small, close force outwards through centre, called centripedal force!!(Also 5d.)

Down the vibrational radial(atomic, not molecular!!), are, of course, shorter arcs. Concentrically. So, shorter spatial distances.

WITH the shorter spatial distances, AUTOMATICALLY(because space and time are conjoined and equal!!), go shorter TIMEAL distances.(This is the secret of MATERIAL TIME TRAVEL!!!!)

We are part of one collosal COLLECTIVE MOVING NOW. Which is moving along time!! Our minds are focussed on that, at all levels of conciousness!!!!

When time travellers travel, they detach themselves from THE COLLECTIVE MOVING NOW, and engage a personal smaller group one OF THEIR OWN!!

What ages travellers chronologically, AND THUS BIOLOGICALLY TOO(!!), is THEIR OWN PERSONAL MOVING NOWS, not the old collosal general one!!!!

Where-ever they arrive at, AND/OR RETURN TO, they enter A NEW COLLECTIVE MOVING NOW.(THOUGH IT IS POSSIBLE TO RETURN TO THE OLD ONE!!) And measure everything FROM THAT!!!!

A good analogy to help here is a Ferris Wheel(Like in Fair Grounds.). Imagine you are riding in a car upon a Ferris Wheel which is turning slowly around.

You are with others in the car SHARING THE SAME POSITION ON THE WHEEL!!

You, and maybe others too, want to go to another car WHILST IN MOTION!! So you climb out, go down THE PARTICULAR ARM holding up your car, that you happen to be on, and cross over(once you can reach it!!) the arm you WANT. Then you climb up again(as you lower your vibrations!!), and enter the car YOU WANT!! That is on a DIFFERENT MOVING NOW. But via the spatial change, in TIME TRAVEL, you also engage the corresponding TIMEAL change!! Onto a FRESH MOVING NOW!!!! Got it??!!

Your new car is not the old one!! IT IS A DIFFERENT MOVING NOW!!!!

You NOW(THEN) measure from the new car. Comparing YOUR personal chronological(and, THUS, biological,too) AGE with that of those in THE OLD ORIGINAL CAR, WHEN YOU RETURN TO IT(IF YOU DO!!)!!!! Got it??

MATERIAL time travel only goes into the future.(True, if you go forwards in time far enough, you enter(via time TWO), A NEW LAP OF TIME ONE!!!! And, thus, if you go far enough, you will re-enter your past ON A HIGHER NOTCH of TIME TWO!!(Rather like in a giant clock of cogs and pinions!!))

However!! If, at the centre(in the eye) of the rotation(Key factors being size of rotor, speed of rotation, metal, electric generator power, and molecular vibration,etc.) creature or creatures are sat, then THEY can CONTROL THEIR travel VIA MIND, in time, forwards into The Future, OR BACKWARDS INTO THE PAST!!!! BY THOUGHT!!!! Plus WILL!!!! Though IMAGINATION is the secret, rather than WILL!!!!

Via the fact that when descent down the vibration radial hits centre, one enters HYPER-SPACE!!(At centre your speed hits maximum for THAT bubble.)(If you proceed PAST that maximum, you will enter The Spirit World!!(That is you will "die"!!!!) You won't be able TO COME BACK!!!!

And IN hyper-space, one can travel anywhere in space INSTANTLY. AND anywhere in time, instantly. The governor being the minds of the people concerned. EVEN IF ONLY SUB-CONCIOUSLY!!!!

This is why and how The Philadelphia Experiment, ETC. succeeded!!

Anyway, TRUE Centrifugal force(and, correspondingly, centripedal force), is the power from centre of bubble. WHICH NATURALLY GETS APPROACHED as one descends the radial!!

Time ITSELF does not change!! What does change is THE TRAVELLER'S Moving Now position ON THE TIME DIMENSION!!!!

And likewise with SPACE!!!!

Got it??!!


Wednesday, 28th September, 2,005.

Article A914

My New Astronomy. Including My Exact Distances,etc.Finder. Sundries.

768. I started from, and worked from The Hubble Diagram.(Astronomy. Cosmology.) Square Graph. (Incorrectly. It should be 2 - 1. Vels double mags. Alleged vels of expansion, galactic,etc. Horizontally. Magnitudes, vertically. I knew that M = Rv. (M is magnitudes. Rv is the ALLEGED velocity. )(1.6M(Mv or v. Absolute or Apparent mags.)I reckoned that knowing that equality, I could via eliminations work out distances!! And then everything else. That is the way I went. AND IT WORKED!!!! Perfectly!! Though the orthodox said it was impossible. AND POINTED OUT MANY AWFUL OBSTACLES!!!!

769. Amazing features emerge from my maps and charts,etc.

770. Gladys is another pseudonym of mine.(In case you should encounter her.(She does not exist!))

771. What good will this knowledge do? IMMENSE!!!!

772. Through Astronomy we best find out all other secrets!! So knowing exact astronomical distances,etc. will hone us in on precise great truths. And lesser ones!!!!

773. Furthermore, by harmonizing with this Great Secret(Exact distances,etc.), - which you will achieve my studying the results of my find; you will find your life improving greatly! Simply because of harmonizing with th MAIN PULSE of The Universe!!!! Get with it!! God will feed you DIRECT!!!!

774. THIS, that what I am telling you is THE TRUTH. Not the media bilge most are listening to - like mesmerized zombies. WHICH IS WHAT THEY ARE!! - MENTALLY!!!! And SPIRITUAL BANKRUPTS!!!!

775. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM is the main drive of the universe!! Not Gravity!!

776. And PLASMA(Refer Alven!) its substance. Ions and stripped atoms,etc!!!! Not Big Bang.

777. Yet I know you are still not with it!! Not even the best of you. Because you are STILL barking up the wrong tree!! In fact you are not even in the right world!!!!

778. Bird Flu has hit 66. Up two. Probably 67. 6 or 7 in Indonesia. A Pandemic has broken out. And,soon, panic!! (Australia will be next!!!! WAKE UP!!!! You need immediate immense stocks of Tamiflu and vaccines!! Or face millions DEAD. Yes! Even in Australia!! It will be HELL. NOW is the time to act!!!!)

779. It will go world wide of course. Fast!!(It is starting to rocket!!) Birds alone are doing this at present. But big danger of it becoming human to human. And blended with ordinary influenza!! The world is NOT taking this seriously enough. By FAR. BY SO VERY FAR!!!!

780. Wake up from those day dreams of yours!!

781. And of course harmonically increasingly bad weather, plus the seismic and volcanic is progressing in leaps and bounds!!

782. Along with droughts with years to go yet!! In some parts. Harmonically increasing rains AND SNOWS in other parts!!!!

783. NO!! The cause is NOT MAN. Nor volcanic eruptions and forest fires (Surface Nature.) CO2. It is THE SUN, ELECTRONICALLY!!!! Now climaxing in a gigantic but NATURAL cycle of NATURE!!!! Wake up WAKE UP. Get with it. THE RIGHT IT!!!!

784. I am sounding Drake's Drum, as loud and as fast as I can!! YOU ARE ALL ASLEEP!!!!

785. But DREAMING that you are awake. As you go deeper AND DEEPER into Fantasyland!!!!

786. What is happening,then? WHAT ISN'T HAPPENING (NOW)!!!!

787. The Roof of The World IS CAVING IN!!

788. Tehran and Pyongang hold us hostage!! (Iran and North Korea's capitals!!)

789. George Bush is doing his best. BUT HE IS A LUNATIC!! Fast pushing the entire world into World War 3, HELL, Confusion, and Insanity. Because he is the tool of Christendom's Fundamentalist BUNK!!!! CRAP imposed on us by Constanine via Paul,etc!!!!

790. Unfortunately, the opposite camp is FAR, FAR, WORSE!!!! So don't go from frying pan into the fire,now!! Left wing can't rule!! They are driven by LOW MANIC forces!! Better a little privations, than be murdered by THEM!!!! Those dupes of Trade Unionism!! YES!!!! To HELL with Labour!!

791. Howard is soon to leave! (John Howard of Australia. Costello will then take over. But he is a traitor!! After that IDIOTIC Labour will take over again. And just BLOW the lot!!!! So KEEP those PRUNES OUT(all over the world) as long as you can!!(Australia is STILL trying to recover from the collosal debt left us by Labour's last long rule!!!! They have no incentives. And live in CLOUD CUCKOO LAND!!!!

792. Slaves do not make good rulers!!

793. We are the victims of The System. And long ages of IDIOCY!!!!

794. So we face(world wide) CIVIL WAR.

795. With every man for his self. And all against all. ALL OUT!!!!

796. Then World Wars!! Note the plural.

797. The Earth is rebelling against the depradations of Man!!

798. ALL Nature is joining forces with The Earth, to teach Man a most terrible lesson. And one HE WILL NEVER EVER FORGET!!!!

799. Man versus Man HARMONICALLY increasingly!!

800. The beasts against Man harmonically increasingly,too!!

801. The world is losing it! It went bad at Atlantis. Now going COMPLETELY MAD!!!!

802. I am your only hope!! (BY GOD!!) My knowledge of the truth!!!!

803. Soon, even GOD will turn against us!! YES!!!! It is true, and soon will be SO!!!!

804. CHRIST is coming fast, but not before the most terrible carnage imaginable!!!!

805. Yes, you are reading right!!

806. My Astronomical Distance,etc.Finder will SAVE THE WORLD, IF you promulgate it IMMEDIATELY!!!! You don't understand ITS POWER!!!!

807. Hear me!! HEAR ME!!!!

808. Demons are on the march!!

809. EVERY evil you can think of will soon be in full force against us!! Against all men EVERYWHERE!!!!

810. And STILL you SLEEP!!!!

811. I don't know how much longer The West can survive. Maybe NO time!! Perhaps UP TO four years. After that The Political East gives us HELL!!!!

812. Revenge, of course!!

813. I am sorry. But I will not speak OTHER than what I SEE!!!! And I see with AWFUL CLARITY!!!!

814. Not sorry. MOST GLAD!!!!

815. The People have no idea of the horrors now descending upon us ALL!!!!

816. Many will kill their selves.

817. Oh,no, I don't exaggerate. I UNDER-ESTIMATE!!!!

818. How is it THAT YOU CANNOT SEE??!!

819. The Great Tribulation is beginning. Then Armageddon. Yes!!

820. Bird flu is like one little gnat among a whole army of the most horrible and terrible things EVER to strike life on this planet!!(OR EVER TO STRIKE IT!!!!) But IT is leading, along with many other most unpleasant things!!!!

821. The DEVIL is fooling us all, YOU SEE!!!! WELL, YOU HAD BETTER DO, AND FAST!!!!

822. Gird up your loins!! TAKE COVER. The deeper, THE BETTER. And the HIGHER!!!!

823. And,yet, what follows after death will be FAR worse!! HELL for many!!

824. I am sounding the gong. Sounding THE ALARM as hard as I can!!

825. The East has won. AND KNOWS IT!!!!


827. You backed The Devil!! So God is siding with The East!!!!

828. Have you understood??

829. Flee,now. BUT WHERE?? There is no where. But Australasia, for the most part!!

830. Australia to rule the world!!

831. I shall lead it, FROM BEYOND. Yes, The Spirit World. As of course my days are VERY numbered. (I have exposed the wicked!!)

832. The Devil KNOWS that his time is but VERY SHORT. For NONE can withstand the might of God, CHRIST, and The Heavenly Hosts. And aliens!!!!

833. Live now, pay later?? You are choosing so!!!!

834. Come, let us reason together!!

835. Ah, gentle folk(those few still left), look UP now. For The Redeemer is APPROACHING. (Currently it is Satan who is AT THE GATES!!!!)

836. Are you ALL deaf and/or daft??!!

837. Reptileans to be born from women's wombs!! Humans eaten alive. Our blood drunk!!!! Souls devoured wholesale in one go!! As THEY, our alien progenitors, merge us with themselves!!!! Did you REALLY think THE LORD was JOKING??!!

838. You are SPORT mad! Amongst other things. Like sex, power, money, drugs, dope(medical drugs), media news TRIPE, gambling, booze, smoking, evil, sin, insanity, crime, terrorism, ETC. ETC....

839. LORD. Remember me in your kingdom!!

840. As MADMEN arise on every hand!!

841. God weeps in one corner. I shout myself hoarse in another. Time looks at his watch. And God NODS to The Devil!!

842. Behold!! The hour of The BEAST(THE DEVIL, and his dragons.) IS UPON US!!!!

843. Time only for FLIGHT,NOW!!! Into the hills.

844. And don't look back!!

845. Men, leave your idols. TURN BACK TO GOD!!!!

846. I don't mean the religieuse BILGE of yesteryear!!

847. Nor the materialistic "science" CLAP TRAP of today!!

848. Go WITHIN. To what sense and sanity you may have left!! To your heart. And BEST thoughts!!!!

849. For MANY shall now even scores!! With pitiless GLEE.

850. WHY do you think I am stupid??

851. Are there not 24 hours in one day. YET NONE IS LEFT US!!!!

852. Yes, The Reaper is just feeling the edge of HIS SICKLE!!

853. What shall the harvest be?? THE BLOOD AND GORE OF MANY IDIOTS!!!!(Good, but WEAK folk!!)

854. I wish I could sing a better song. But I CAN'T!! Because YOU LOT out there ARE CALLING THE TUNE!!!!

855. It is called The ABOMINATION of David. Let the religious KNOW what scripture(Christian) I am referring to!!

856. My God. MY GOD!! What APOSTACY!!!!

857. These ARE THE LAST DAYS!!!!

858. God is My Witness. THAT I SPEAK TRUE!!!!

859. I wish there was better news to tell.

860. Oh, fools!! WHY have you stopped your EARS????


862. But Death will flee you!!

863. All my life, I have tried so hard to tell you!!

864. But you laughed and sniggered. Each man grinning idiotically at his

865. Stop for nothing NOW!!!!

866. BEHOLD!! The WRATH COMETH.(Of THE DEVIL.)(GOD'S WRATH comes last, some time away yet!!)

867. It is the fools who will go first. Those good, but weak folk, WHO LET THE WICKED TAKE OVER!!!!


A voice in The Wilderness.

Tuesday, 27th September, 2,005.

Article A913

My latest Cosmology!!

This is part of My New Astronomy.

I found out many things from my maps and charts,etc. And via the very many inspirations I got upon the way.

Space, Time, Orbital Vibration and Density(Fineness), the four basic GROUP DIMENSIONS. Oh, about 40 dimensions altogether, if not more!!

Size has no limit, up or down. And they meet IN SERIES!!!! AND SO ON, AND ON...

Everything is endless. No beginning, either!!

All is VIEWS, rather than realities. And there are levels of truth. By views I mean our mental view of the super material universe.

A special sense. Hard to define.

Space and Time are curved. Einstein was right first time. They are tangible, not mystums!! A Moving now travels along Time. Our deepest minds are focussed upon that!!!! This produces the transient time mystum that we experience.

Like being in a gigantic cinema. God is The Projectionist.

There is no Supreme God, nor Devil. Just endless hierarchies up and down, going on indefinitely.

My goal was to find out ALL Truth. I was told it was impossible. And in a way, that is true. The finite CANNOT embrace the infinite. But our infinite components can!!

Stop living in your mind, they told me!!

But I had to do my best to save Humanity. At least The Elect in it.

When I say there is no Supreme Being, don't misunderstand. GOD IS. But a highest God, and a highest Demon, NO!! There is just NO END, up or down. Or any other way!!!! That is the sense I mean.

There is just YOU. Or,rather, THOU!!!!(GOD)

Cultivate The Higher Self!! NOT the lower!!

Karma exists.

And we rise or fall in The Spirit World, according to how heavy(or light) we have made OUR SOULS!!!!


All is MIND. Or, rather, SUPER MATTER!!!! For the most mental is still material! And the most material, STILL MIND!!!!

Orthodoxy is ludicrously LOST.

Those nearest the truth? THE SPIRITUALISTS!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!

Those farthest from it? The Materialists!!

Without LOVE, we are all lost.

And certainly without GOD!!!!


Oh, we survive death all right. But what matters is WHERE we go!!

A Judgement is coming all right. Yet one of a natural cycle!! And not REALLY a judgement!!

Which is right? Materialism or Religion?? NEITHER!!

Which is right? Evolution or Creationism? NEITHER!!!!

God made the world in seven(six) days? Yes! But ONE THOUSAND MILLION YEAR LONG DAYS!!!! AYE.

Astronomy is the best highway to truth.

And gardens, especially of flowers, the best path to GOD.

Few churches are!! Except TOWARDS THE VERY DEVIL!!!!

We went wrong at The Great Council of Nicea!! When you dumped Origen and Re-incarnation, and all that lot!!!!(You elected instead the awful Constantine and Justin,etc!!!!)

It is better to climb ONE INCH towards the real truth, than a THOUSAND MILES in delusions!!!!

Who will win? Good or Evil? Good, of course!! God won FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.

So how come The Wicked do so well here? AH, but you see not their end!! NOR WHERE THEY GO IN THE GREAT BEYOND!!!! Rub that sleep out of your eyes!!!!

ALL has to be paid for!! Even to the very least DETAIL!!!!

NONE shall escape.

None but God is perfect!!

How sure am I? VERY sure!!!!

I am convinced that I am guided.

I have SEEN and FELT spirits!!

I have left my body several times.

When walking through another's land, do not bend down to tie up your shoe laces!!!!

Who am I? Who are we ALL??!! But GOD, in part. Potentially. In The Manifest, we are BECOMING GOD. Even if we are only our low selves on the way.

God is too big to punish us maggots. (We will do that for OURSELVES, later. MUCH later!!)

What are we? MAN.(WHO are we? - GOD!!!!)

We are not living between two oblivions. BUT ONE MOMENT SANDWICHED IN BETWEEN TWO ETERNITIES!!!! Yes.

Why does God torture us? IT doesn't. We torture God! In any case is God not GOD??!! And has IT not the RIGHT to do what it wills and wishes with us??!! Of course!!!! Fortunately GOD'S interest in us is for OUR BEST, and ITS!!!!

We are so lucky. GOD is not only on our side. But IS US!!!!


Does goodness get rewarded. YES!!!! But not (bar a very little) here now in this world, or plane!!!!

God is so hidden, looks like NOTHING!! YES!!!! Because SO BIG, we cannot even see his feet. And WE are right under those feet!!

Alas, we are so bad, that God has had to put The Devil OVER US!!!!

We suffer because it makes us GROW!!!! We CHOSE it BEFORE BIRTH!!!!

But only because we ourselves did evil IN A PREVIOUS LIFE.

We did a lot of EVIL, in Atlantis!! We must pay for that now!!!!

Am I MAD?? What is madness but DIFFERENCE??!!

In the world, but not OF it. I HOPE!!!!

The world is reckoning WITHOUT GOD, you see!!

And is overlooking THE AFTER LIFE!!!! Yah,yah!!

Do the wicked get punished? Yes.

BUT SO DO THE GOOD(Rewarded!!)!!!!

That is that other guy you keep lambasting!!

Me? You'd have a job to find anyone worse!!

I rule in the world of STUPIDITY,too!!

We ONLY see one side of the canvas NOW!! Wait until you see THE OTHER SIDE!! THEN ASSESS!!!!

Not one iota misses GOD'S attention!! Good, bad or indifferent!!!!

And ALL reap a harvest. Even to the very last detail!!!!

How do I know? I don't know! I JUST DO. Perhaps through many incarnations.

In person, I am a neophyte(absolute beginner). In soul, I like to think I am ageless!!

It is fun to DREAM!! Do you YOU MIND??!!

Believe me, those who weep now, SHALL LAUGH. LOUD, AND LONG. But those who laugh NOW, shall weep their guts out!!!!

Will we live after death? We were never born! And shall NEVER die!!

This is true for ALL creatures!!!! Even for the humblest insect!!

ALL will reach Heaven, at last. Even the very vilest!!

Comfort you? No way!! I don't believe in it. I only believe in giving you THE TRUTH, so far as I myself can get it, OF COURSE!!!

My I.Q. exceeds(or did!!) that of Einstein.

And I am not given to LIES. Though have told enough!!

Is sex wrong? Up through the SLIME we have come!! It is THE PRUDES who are the most wrong!! For they are the ones most concious of such silly trivia as dirt and reproduction!! When both are CLEAN!!!!

It is MAN who is dirty. NOT the low subjects!!

Animals?? They are guiltless!! Despite living like pigs!! But pigs are clean animals. And so few animals are pigs.

What is a little dirt between friends!! And I am so fastidious!!

Ah, how I would comfort you with what I KNOW, but you are not only blind, but deaf. Oft times dreaming that you are awake!!!!

There is no easy way.

What more can I say??

No pain, no gain!! HOW TRUE!!!!

The Way is hard. And The Path is LONG.

VERY few find it.

Many are called. So FEW are chosen!!

Who thinks he is on top, IS AT THE BOTTOM!! Who fears he is at the bottom, i s higher than he thinks!!

Why doesn't God help us? Why does He allow such evil!!(It was once A SHE!!!!)

What evil?? And what God??!! ALL is necessary!! Do you want to ROT??!!

How easy to talk!!

What God? Haven't you made The Devil your God??!!

I wanted to write much, and so profoundly. But it is all slipping away.


Have you heard well? BUT DID YOU REGISTER??!!

My friends(I address an empty room!!), the way up, IS DOWN. The way forward, IS BACK.

Not for their own sakes, of course. But for the sake of the world. BY GOD!!!!

He who takes the first step HAS ALREADY ARRIVED!!!!

And the one nearest God and Heaven, is the one most prostrate IN the ground!!!!

What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole WORLD, but lose his VERY SOUL.

For all the money(mind you SOME helps!!)in CREATION, is of no avail!! While the least act of kindness, shall help you HOME!!!!

How can I be what I am not?? Aye. And THERE is the RUB....

We CANNOT be aught else but ourself!!

Better to be a happy PIG. Than a stuffed up PRETENCE!!!!

Is everything not so and too impossible!! WITH GOD, ALL things are possible!! But I shall not look at you SIGNIFICANTLY. But DO look at my maps and charts,etc!!!!

Silence is best!!

But, being a fool, I SPEAK!!!!

Though not all silence is golden!!

Nor all words empty BRASS!!!!

I reached the top of a great mountain. Ready to look back and GLOAT, at you suckers way below. But a crowd was already THERE. They greeted my astonished eyes with the words: WHERE the heck have YOU been??(They did not say heck, though.)

They whom I looked down upon, looked so sadly down at me.

I could go on. But am I not WASTING MY BREATH??!!

Alas, I threw open the coffin. And behold: I WAS ALREADY INSIDE!!!!

Stuff it, cried the queen impatiently.

But The King grimaced, and took ANOTHER TART!!!!(Well, it was the best JAM!!)


Bill Thomas.

Tuesday, 27th September, 2,005.

Article A912

I continue My Exact Distance Finder.


Where are we? Some Situation Reports now,too.

718. Name of that other graph: Hertzsprung Russell. The H.R. Diagram!! Similaar to Eddington's, but one deals with absolute magnitudes against one thing("vels"?), and the other deals with absolute magnitudes against another(Temps?). Something like that.

719. g.e. is the reciprocal of u.g. And vice versa. I get one or the other by doing a simple subtraction. I forget what now. But I think it will be found in my old distance finding articles.

720. I took the "impossible" route to arrive at my distance finder. Using The Hubble Diagram as base. I always maintained that it was possible to get distances from it. Which the orthodox consider absurd. I succeeded!!

721. Bird Flu now at 65 deaths. A fifth person has died in Indonesia. That should set the alarm bells ringing!!

722. Encephalitis in India. Over a thousand, dead. 1,116 have died.

723. Coffee is good at anti-oxidants. How I railed against coffee many years ago!!

724. A meta galaxy is a galaxy of galaxies!! THIS is what the orthodox have mistaken for the cosmos/universe!! It has a radius of about (our local one) 5,000,000,000 light years. THAT IS ALL!!!! 10 across.

725. The Christian Bible is ex The Sumerian texts!!

726. The Mayan Calendar is best.

727. The Sumerians were very advanced.

728. Our local stellar cluster has red dwarfs in the centre and blue giants at the extremities!! It opens out like a flower. As all features increase, and curl around!! What happens is that stars get born out of a white hole at zero(sic) size, a temporary blue giant LIKE phenomenon, and become red dwarfs. Then as they speed away outwards, they grow(via the invisible umblical cord of energy AND SUSTENANCE) from the centre of the field. Rising through all the colours as they grow! Finally becoming(and faster) blue giants!! Some are curling back, and thus approaching us.

729. In this article I am going to describe how I finally got exact distances,etc. using The Hubble Diagram as base. The Eddington and HR Diagrams I did not need. Just a square with a diagonal running up right left. Served me, well.

730. Correction: Values are of course not logged. What is logged(Napierian) is the "velocities" scale. e logs are not needed.

731. The orthodox dropped the 2-1. What a mistake! There are two. One inside of the other.(Yet astronomy values are bedevilled by a 2-1 RIGHT THROUGH!!!!)(They, of course, HATE THE TRUTH, and do their damnedest to HIDE it from The People!!!!(All of The Devil of course, whom so many serve or slave for!!!!)

732. That curving slope right up through The Hubble Diagram allegedly due to increasing velocities away is simply due to the increasing degree of obscuring matter, basically!! Compounded by absolute mags,etc.

733. It is not even a diagonal. Nor straight.

734. I made many stupid mistakes at first. But I won through despite these!!(I began by confusing velocities for distances. And vice versa!!)(You would have had to have been MAD to rely upon me!!)

735. I found out that QUASAR(and radio source,etc.) GRAVITATION EFFECT is four fifths of the entire H.L. (ALWAYS, AND INDIVIDUALLY, EXACTLY!!!!) CRS.(The COSMOLOGICAL RED SHIFT!!!!) by measuring the angle of the galactic slope against the quasars' slope. One is rather steeper than the other. I then found an easier and better way: I threw up a rectangle(In those days they were showing the 2-1!) inside of the main rectangle. Then erected a diagonal from bottom left to top right. The number of quasars HAPPENED to come out at exactly ONE HUNDRED. Above the diagonal 80. Below it 20. 4 to 1. (Understand!! I had my diagonal up through left right where the quasars are. Between quasar slope and diag, 80. Between diag and galactic slope, 20. The top eighty is anomalous. Being due to GRAVITATION EFFECT. Not velocities. In any case those "vels" are my wave angles, NOT velocities! Though very small ACTUAL plus and minus vels do exist!!!!

736. I nearly went mad, as I struggled on and on, along a most tortuous and torturous path, day and night, for about the past 21 years. I know I found the 2-1 back in 1988.(As I slept out one night(among very many) at Bondi Beach!!) I have forgotten much of that path. I only know that via many errors, I finally got it!! This was on the distance finder,ALONE.

737. Nobody believed me. The orthodox considered it utterly ridiculous. But I KNEW I was on to SOMETHING COLLOSAL(!!!!). I was sure of it. And so it finally proved!!(I have the theoretical proof. AND the overwhelming supporting evidences!!)

738. I just KNEW that Blacks equalled Reds.(Blacks being the magnitudes(Black from v's dimming.)(Red from The Red Shift, of course(What the heck!!).) The Reds being the "velocities".) And I divined that SOMEHOW it was possible(via a very difficult painstaking process of elimination) from the Hubble Law Slope up through the galaxies and quasars,etc. to WORK OUT the distances. Exactly. Via the alleged velocities. From distances(and masses) one could work about anything and everything. Bar two very rare technical trivia items!!

739. I FELT my way, rather than SAW it. I did not see it. I was groping my way along.(Aided by spirits. And talking to myself.)(As heat and humidity drained me terribly. Out in the bush!!)

740. Mad though it seemed, it worked out!!

741. First I did it manually.

742. Later, I did it on a computer. Aided by a mathematician who knew something about Astronomy. But bore me in suffering silence. What he THOUGHT, God alone knows!!

743. It was utterly BIZARRE!! Believe me!!!!

744. Hoyle, Milne, Arp and finally Guth were beacons on my path. Though they fell far short!!

745. It was my old man who started me off. First through The Infinity riddle. How if space had an end, what lay beyond it, and so on. Second, through his statement to me(when I was just turned FOUR) that "They say that the universe is expanding.". Was he asking me a question? Or telling me!! He passed on long back. A sceptic and cynic in many ways, he played his very early part!!

746. We DON'T KNOW what the universe is doing!! BECAUSE WE JUST CANNOT SEE IT!!!! We only BARELY see out 5,000 million light years. To the edges of our METAGALAXY!!!! So GET WITH IT!!!!(Though I THINK we can see out to other meta galaxies in our LOCAL META GALACTIC GROUP. Just a few spots here and there. And possibly a few MG groups!!!!)(The wrongly alleged hot spots,etc!!)

747. I corresponded with various astronomers, including the quadraplegic in a wheel chair at Cambridge University is it(?), the alleged number one in Astronomy. And Azimov(long since dead).( A prolific writer exceeded only by myself. Bar a new rival now!!) And a number of smaller fry, but big in their areas(geographical and astronomical). THEY more or less said that I was insane.

748. When I pointed out my amazing figures with the 2-1 so GLARING in them, they declared it a meaningless fluke!! But I knew better!!!! MUCH better.

749. I went from university to university showing groups my charts,etc. But it was hopeless. THEIR MINDS WERE CLOSED. DEAD SHUT!!!!

750. They didn't want to believe. That was ob vious!! What they wanted to be true was their cock-eyed lunatic dreams, which fitted in with Big Bang, Black Holes, and all the other orthodox drivel.(Which is about the very opposite of the truth!!) So my exhortations fell upon deaf years. This remains so most adamantly to this very day!!

751. During my main inspirational years, I was going through extreme privations. I often went without food. Once for a fortnight. And without drink for almost 5 days and nights!! Such that I was obliged to live out in the bush on a shoe string.(I tried to commit suicide hundreds of times. Nearly succeeding about four times. Such was the pressure upon me. And the sheer brick walls I kept encountering. Not in the workings out, but by astronomers,etc. (Pet cats, as I was alone most of the time, kept me going. They died. I struggled on.) The workings out were one long series of incredible break-throughs after long periods of the most frustrating stagnancies!! I hung on like a bull-dog. (I tried to create a garden out in the bush. But possums,etc. made it impossible. For me, anyway!!) Half crazed and often in a sort of FEVER, as I JUST KNEW I was on to SOMETHING ENORMOUS!!!! I recall I used to walk through cemetries and woods, my head bursting. I remember studying the dates on the grave stones. And playing games with car numbers. To relieve the awful tedium!!!! I often talked to myself.

752. It is easy to relax a bit now.(I was told by about 40 different sources that I would become world famous. That I would make a scientific find.(I have made nothing but VERY MANY scientific finds.) I was told that it would take many years. That I would get into an awful state. I was told to GIVE OUT, along the way. But I wasn't ready. I lacked sufficient evidences and proofs. I wanted it wrapped up before I declared ANYTHING. A decision I have never regretted. Ah, many were the walks I took, as I read replies from various great astronomers, like Arp. Poor old Arpie. Still in exile in Germany!!

753. I am no mathematician, believe me. But I loved Astronomy. Fortunately, I was well forsaken by women. In fact by about all people. Who saw me as a very confused eccentric. A battler, trying to survive. A few felt sorry for me. I was barely tolerated.

754. I made many terrible mistakes. And the world had no problem suppressing me.

755. Low spirits will often send us wrong.(From The Inbetween World, especially.)

756. I believe aliens helped me. And high spirits. I mean entities on the other side.

757. I used to laugh and cry alternately at times, like a mad man.(My few pets paid the price. Once I pitched one of my many camps(tents) among a nest of very big lizards. Another time near huge tall birds. And many nasty snakes. I tried to live on FERNS. Not much good!!)

758. The strains and stresses, mental, were AWFUL.

759. People came and went. I slept on gravestones. I kept scribbling down notes. Which later I just could not read!! And my head spun like a pinion wheel with way out ideas. I just hung on. Hour after hour. Day after day(all night,too). Month after month. Year after year. The decades slipped by. But the moments DRAGGED, and wrenched my guts out. My dreams were distorted repeats of my days....

760. But don't feel sorry for me. I was brooding. Like a broody hen. As the results very slowly took shape.

761. I lost my grip upon the world. Everything was slipping away. I would gladly have DIED!!!! But I was kept going.

762. I travelled around a lot. I was obliged to. Trying to find work. Or enough money to just scrape by on. Trying to find peace.

763. I have gone on. But I had to tell you.

764. Illnesses,etc. dogged me all the way.

765. Omega is ONE.

766. The Cosmological Constant is 50.(Or is 55?)

But the old mind increasingly plays tricks,now. And my memory fades. SO GET THE MAIN STREAM FAST!!!!

I think this will do for this article.

Man,(No. I am not a Hippy. Though been bomb happy for DECADES.) you can have NO idea. Of how the job was done!!

Meanwhile The West was getting lost.

And now I notice an increasingly fast surrender to The Political East!! Oh,you IDIOTS!!!!

Victor Conway.

Monday, 26th September, 2,005.

Article A911

I continue my Distance Finder,etc.

709. Rita(Hurricane that was.) fizzled out. But did some damage. And caused New Orleans the canal levee to overflow again, up to eight feet deep in French Quarter.

710. But Bird Flu marches on. Should infect the whole world within a year.

711. Einstein was awfully wrong!!

712. I believe The Hitler Diaries were true!!(And still are, of course.)

713. My Astronomical Distance,etc. Finder is so good, that it is like hitting bull each time with a thrown handful of darts!!

714. The wild imagination of Man.

715. The greatness and the goodness of God.

716. I found out four interesting things about the dual aspect of light,etc.transmission: a. Two routes of travel exist. First curved along space time. Second, STRAIGHT across that curvature!! b. Wave form light,etc.(All EM Electro-magnetic Radiation travels(very weightlessly!!)) along CHORDS from objects!! c. At infinite velocity!! d. It travels at c(about 300,000 ks/sec AROUND, when VERY close to the eye!! ONLY then, as very lightly weighted photons!! (The dual nature of light,etc. produces the striation bands.) Terribly bad news for cock sure Physics, of course!!!!

717. At this point I will tell you where Einstein,etc. were wrong:-

His errors:-

a. He claimed that the universe was homo-geneous.(No, Aunty, not Homer Simpson!!)(That is that it is smooth. Heavenly objects and gaps between evenly spread out. Which is of course ridiculous. The Heavenly bodies and groups thereof are MOST HETEROGENEOUS!! CLUMPED!!) Einstein confused his philosophical hopes with his scientific aspirations.

It was hoped that at the level of clusters and super clusters(of galaxies), that the universe would prove smooth. IT DID NOT!! And there is no sign of any smoothing out!!

b. His E = Mc squared was due to another man!! In any case it led to nuclear power. And the atomic bomb.

c. He stated that G = R. Gravity equals radiation. But all fields I have found are expanding!!(Though it is true that White Holes(Which the orthodox call black!!) pour out gravitons,etc. Which wind up down Black Holes(Which the orthodox call white.) creating(sort of!) the heavenly bodies, like Earth, ON THE WAY. Hey, hey, Hey HEY.

d. He claimed Time Independence. Etc. But later bowed out. Surrendering to Freidman, etc. who was more wrong than his self!!

e. He was right about Space - Time!(The only place I find him true enough.) 4D. With CURVED space time!!(However, there is much more to it than that.) He was a dunce at school. Einstein scored despite his very many errors via curved space time!! And that may have outweighed the lot!!!! It was a tremendous advance.

f. Light has weight they cried! But wave form light does not! PHOTONIC light does have a little weight(minutely). (Light,etc. comes in two forms. Wave and Particle. The particle kind has weight, - a very little!!)

g. Einstein preached a solid, but curved, time dimension.(Space, likewise.) He later retracted these. As he did about everything he said. In the end he was teaching NO THING but error!!!!

h. He was right about one other thing: Vibration!! It exists as a cosmic radial(radius). He died trying to prove that one! (The only truth remaining to him!!)At least he was a tryer!!

i. I have to be fair. He certainly made the world think a bit. But only a little!!

j. He claimed that the universe was closed.(In the sense that THE ALL was closed.) However, though all local fields are closed(Including the mere cosmos universe!!), the ALL is infinite, so(therefore) open!!!!

k. Frankly, I am not ALL that sold on Classical Music. Much of it is distinctly boring.(He obviously did not believe in getting his hair cut! Can you hear me, Dadda??)

l. However, if Einstein supports it, that makes it set in STONE,then!! ...DOES it??!!

m. (I find Darwin,etc. Evolution to be wrong,too!!)

n. Though I do find Evolution to be true, it works through The Spirit World.

o. How could post reproduction time changes be passed on?! AND to creatures BEFORE puberty!!(Sorry! Genes be not Jeans!! I take that before puberty bit back.)

p. Personal, individual evolution is the one to go for!!

q. Along with Individuality!!

r. A FINITE ALL? Nonsense. I find THE ALL infinite!!

s. A beginning(and end) to Time? Rubbish!! Like Space, Time has neither beginning nor end. What does end is one's PERSONAL time!!(To be replaced by a personal Eternity!!)

t. Mathematics rules! (This is idiocy! Mathematics is only a LANGUAGE. Symbols.)

u. Relativity(both kinds) is phoney. The lower(Special) kind is wrong. The higher (General) kind is ACTUALLY something else!! HIGHER LEVEL!!(Through Hyperspace,etc!!)

v. Phoney sophistications bent and polished to LOOK true and good!!!!

w. At first, Einstein clove(past of clive!) to a Static Universe. But is expanding, as I found all fields to be!(Though some could have been contracting!!) Albeit, contractions do set in eventually. And then the whole process repeats. In pulsations!! For all fields.

x. Eternally unchanging? (HARDLY!!)

y. Light,etc.has weight. (Rubbish!!)

z. Few can understand Relativity,etc!!(Keep OFF you ordinary guys!!)(It is only the mathematics and abstractions so espoused by Einstein,et al, that few can understand. BUT,THEN, WHO WOULD WANT TO??

aa. Einstein was very prestigious. He became worshipped. BECAUSE he impressed many INTELLECTUALS so!(Intellectuals are the spawn of universities,etc. Snobs pretending to be intelligent, and so wise. When they so often lack both intelligence AND CERTAINLY WISDOM!!!!)(Sophisticated sophistry. Bunk invented by those who cannot make it otherwise to con the many dupes!!)(Anyone notice??!!)

ab. Give up! Ordinary men. Keep off our territory!! And so Science tightened its grip on the world!!(I was about the biggest dunce right through secondary school(which course I failed to complete)).(Yet I cracked the world's hardest riddles. Single handed. (God fed me, though!! Via high spirits.))

ac. Big Bang!! WHOOSH!!!!(This is very reminiscent of the mentality of small boys! BANG! WHOOSH!!!!) Grown up CHILDREN rule the world!!!! Big Bang was ASSUMED on the strength of expansion! BUT IT DOES NOT NECESSARILY FOLLOW!! In fact all fields either expand or contract. From and to little pops!!!! In fact from NOTHINGS!! It's right.

ac. Students are so often activists hiding behind sophistry.

ad. True education does not EVEN come out of primary schools now. Consider how so often illiterate and innumerate!!(O.K. So I coin a new word occassionally!)(I notice materialistic scientists are hooked on food analogies!!)

ae. I failed MOST HORRIBLY at(secondary) school!! But what does that make me? I just could not swallow CRAP!!!! Mind you they had a point!(Though not two!!)

af. History, my foot! The history of egoistic royalty and aristocratic puff ups, their intrigues and scandals.(Funny how sex rules the world. WHY is it called LOVE??!! FLESH making, not love making!! Love unites, NOT MARRIAGE!!!!) Thus so did I find British History. The romps of those pretending lordship!! PHOEEY!!!!(Keeping the foxes, down?!) Pomp and circumstance!! Why the concentration on The Middle Ages? Those hypocritical dark days!!!! RASPBERRIES!!!!(Likewise too of almost useless Latin,etc. And French taught to The English. WHY??!!)(I HAD TO study these almost useless boring subjects!)(Oddly enough, I failed at Physics.(In the exam at the end of secondary school.) But passed(just!) at Chemistry. Which I was far from good at. They wouldn't let me study Geography!!(Just saying.)

ag. There was loss of scientific rigor, once Einstein established Relativity on the strength of one or two observations! Mind you OTHER supports came later. But Relativity has to do with sitting on hot plates, and along-side pretty girls, rather than HIGHER LEVELS beyond Hyperspace,etc!!!!

ah. AH, yes.

ai. Einstein espoused the deductive method. Which is only good at false ideas!!

aj. And the abstract. Which is good for hiding your HOT AIR behind!!

ak. His Big Unified Field just doesn't exist!! Though there is a very limited one with Electricity and Magnetism!!(The Strong and The Weak Forces are merely basically SMALL scale versions of em!(And even one of the g's(gravities) is ELECTRO-MAGNETIC!!(Mind you, I read Nexus Magazine. AND Conspiracy Planet(On The Internet. AND MITCH BATTROS. Who runs his TV station called Earth Change. But even he is a materialist!!) I also read The Philadelphia Trumpet.(That sequel to The Plain Truth(Magazine). And things like these.)

al. Light,etc in the particulate form travels at "c"(A large but finite velocity.)(Note: Velocity includes vector!)(This is like saying OIL includes petrol!!)(Well, it includes DEI SEL.)

am. a.m. Point, not morning!! Maxwell's equations. Somewhat false. More snobbery??

an. Hey, you big guys, just remember you made education COMPULSORY!!(Most of us prefer to be down on the farm!! Aye.)

ao. Hubble's Law!!(TRUMPETS!!!! Roll out The Red Carpet. EVERYBODY on their knees!! Crying red shift, RED SHIFT, as rapidly as possible. Well, how else can I get my fun??!!)) Now Hubble himself did not accept expansion! Anyway, my point here is that The Cosmological Red Shift(So called)(But see LATER. MUCH LATER!!)(Actually it is Blue Displacement!! I am a stickler for preciseness.)(AND I note that there COULD have been a case for Contraction! (As The Red(Cosmo) Shift is actually TO THE BLUE!!!!) And not just via Einstein's MUCH heralded equations!!(Freidman got into them. And hung his self!!))(AH, we all meet our deserts(sic).)(No. I am not sick. How about you?? Ho HO. As I blow up my armsleeve. (The jacket's sleeve, of course!!)) Hubble's Law(whisper it reverently) does not apply to ONLY the galactic,etc.field!! But to ALL Astronomical fields!! Yes, that is right!! H.L. is simply the accelerating(Yes, it does accelerate, ANYWAY!!)(The five initial inflations(Guth??), and all that! Yes, I found all five!! ON MY MAPS!!!!)(But that does NOT make me a big banger!!) scale of the general red shifts. Gentlemen, and those of the rib, gentle or otherwise; Ye Old Red Shift(Understood General, though there be local red AND BLUE shifts!!), is SIMPLY our view of the field HORIZON concerned!!(We do NOT see The Cosmic. We only see out to the edges of our Local Meta-Galaxy!! IT'S RIGHT!!(Look at my maps!!)) Ho HO.(Soon be Christmas,etc!!)(But REMEMBER, even TURKEYS are BIRDS!!!!) Get WITH it!! Excuse me half a mo, while I tot up the brackets.))))))))(Just guessing.)

Let us be bright, and use The Earth as an analogy. The Earth IS expanding.(It grows, as the dust keeps on settling!!) The Expanding Earth!! Roll up, ROLL UP!!!! When we look out, especially upon a glassy sea, we see an(an, NOT a!) horizon. Right? Because we are tall enough to see its curvature A BIT!!!!(Notice the local warps.(Hills and valleys,etc.))

What am I getting at? Would YOU be so THICK as to confuse THE HORIZON with an expansion? Or your local valley with a CONTRACTION.(Of the planet!!) Well, THAT is PRECISELY what our EGG heads(WHO SOON WILL HAVE MUCH EGG ROLLING DOWN THEIR CHEEKS.) SO HASTILY ASSUMED and PRESUMED of The Cosmological Red Shift.(Affectionately known briefly as The CRS. Or even Hubble's Law!!) That THAT red meant expansion!! Yo ho ho ho YO!!!! Why? Because they could not BEAR for Friedman,etc. TO BE WRONG!!!! Nor even Einstein AFTER he recanted!! Aye. This was in the days, back around 1930, when OPTICAL Doppler's Effect was all the rage!!(THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS OPTICAL Doppler's Effect!! But don't get struck pink(red!). Because those passing trains, really do rise or drop suddenly in sound and pitch. AUDITORY Doppler IS A FACT!! BUT NOT OPTICAL!!!! Because, while sounds pile up, light COLOURS, cannot!!(In ye old(AND new!!)spectroscopic devices!!)( You know why not?(And this is only ONE reason among many!!) It is because though light,etc. is received STRAIGHT DOWN THE (Telescope's!!)TUBE, it piles up SIDEWAYS. Which is nuts IN RESPECT of a BASE PILE UP!!(Besides, light,etc. waves ARE NOT transverse!!)(Sounds ARE, you see! YOU DO SEE DON'T YA?! Oh, you lot, WHO CANNOT BE WRONG!!!!)(The colours just don't increase in depth. Besides that, they are SHARP and CLEAR, which is impossible with ODE. Not ode, but dirge to Doppler's OPTICAL Effect. Oh,yay!!!!)(Allah, be praised!!)(Well, the NAME of Jehova is going a bit QUITE A BIT out of fashion, these head chopping days!!!!)

So the upshot in the analogue is, - that the astronomical equivalents(the egg heads who espoused such, I mean) of the expanding Earth views interpreted ye(sorry, the) horizon AS AN EX PANSION!!!!(Well, we all gotta learn.)(Ain't we??!!)

Them so called velocities are my WAVE ANGLES. Tangential views out, not velocities(Though very small positive and negative velocities DO exist!!)(Anyway, have some more Pi? You prefer Phi?)(Pi is not the secret of the universe. Phi is. Pi is only the secret of why astronomers are going COCK EYED because IN such strenuous DENIAL of THE FACT that space(AND TIME!!) be curved!!(And this despite the so prestigious Einstein's passionate declarations!!)(Note that Ein stein originally held to SOLID space and time. Though later(old age!), abandoned such, and went back to the stupid intangible kind, so beloved by SO MANY!!!!

Comrades. Get ye WITH it! The RIGHT IT, of course. Ya, ya.

ap. Take ten! So thanks to Einstein we were returned to the impossible DARK, very dark, MIDDLE AGES. Aye. After Galileo and Newton worked so hard,too.

aq. I demand A RE-COUNT!!!!(Count SHEEP, not goats!!)

ar. AR. As on Berkley farms. With the burr.(Ar,yar.)

as, Aesthetic simplicity. Einstein worshipped it. He swore by it. (My as!!)

at. Well, let the plebs laugh for a change.

au. Mind you, I am an aristocrat. Soon to be A Muslim, I THINK.

av. Initial assumptions you see. Alas, I suppose you still see not.

aw. AW.

ax. Aye, the axe is to the wood. I'd RUN, if I were you!!(Towards the falling tree, of course!!)

ay. That's ay, when the e is added.

az. You should see my atlas!!

ab. Abe?(Couldn't be Lincoln!) Einstein, the erstwhile Albert. He rejected a rotating universe. They could not understand how the universe could be expanding(This is where the big bangers lost their cool.), when it was not rotating!!(That was before they heard of gravity anti-gravity!!)(Einstein denied the(rotation) possibility(But ALL fields rotate!!) (Yes, including the biggest. Because there is no biggest. Nor smallest!! Aye.) of a rotating cosmos. Aesthetic simplicity appeal, and all that. But despite Einstein's very own 4d declarations, they failed to grasp that though 3d expansion produce 2d disks(it's right, look at Andromeda!!), 4D rotations MUST!! (Produce 3d expansions!!) Air, give me AIR!!(Give me land, lots of land, with the starry sky above! (The opening lines of that old ditty Don't Fence Me In!!)(Britain, 1940, and all that. Ah.)

Do you GET it?

4d rotations have 3d side slips. Because 3d rotations have 2d ones!!(Move over, Pluto. Goofy wants his bone!!)(Mickey and Minnie Mice and all that. Psst! DISNEYLAND.)

ac. Anyway, now we have Phoney Peace!!

ad. Latham seems to have set a fashion!!(MY jaundiced views on The Labour Party!!)

ae. Unstable Dynamica. As Friedman observed! The universe must either expand or contract. (He went place 'ee did. DOWN!!!!) And Einstein began his descent. Mind you, I go with Einstein!! But only per CURVED space time. AND vibration!!

af. So now we have a universe ruled by gravity. At least in the dreams of those who have ruled Astronomy,ETC. these past 80 years!!(Psst! The universe has electricity, magnetism, FOUR different kinds of gravitation, AND Hyperforce(crack it, yourself!). AND PLASMA!!!!(To which add VORTICES!!!!)(You have been slow!!). WOW as in cow. Moo moo!!!!

ag. Toss in black holes which are actually white(and vice versa).

ah. AH, HA!! And a universe of collisions!(The universe BI-FURCATES(no, not burps), not collides. You now in the descendency soon, have VIOLENCE on the brain!! You should have stuck to FOOD. Yuk. YUK!!!!

Promise me you'll BUCK UP??!!

And there you have some more!

Gravy, anyone??

And,so, we leave the miserable hunting grounds of those WHO DO NOT THINK DEEPLY ENOUGH, and pass on!!

I wonder where!!??

Victor CONWAY.(Not to be confused with Con's Way!!)

P.S. Controversial, maybe. But there's THE RUB.(Rub a dub DUB, three men in two tubs. RUB a dub, dub, TWO men in three tubs!!!! Well, I did fail at school!!)

V.C. Not cross!! ARE YOU????

There it is.

Dissenters may contact me, to show me the error of my ways. But MAKE SURE you be right, first!!(Latham,boy, I think maybe they should have made you leader!! P.M., I mean. Sorry, John!! But he who goes for TRUTH, HAS A CHANCE. (But not until after death.)(In this world, where the truth shocks the many more than lies!!!!)



More Phi? How can you have less!! Don't make me SICK!!!!(ALICE!!!!(Liddell, that is.)

Heard this one: "It was Christmas Day, in The Workhouse, and the white washed walls were BLACK. When up stepped Seargent Williams, and sed, with a voice of BRASS. You can stick it(what did he say?!)(the antecedent IT is ORTHODOX CRAP!! Be it religo or so called scientific!! AYE.. My question IS, Can you(Stick it)(the truth)????

A little ditty to finish with: "My old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's hat. He works all day on dustbins, and he lives in a council flat...". Know it?

All together,now...


Still VC.

Sunday, 25th September, 2,005.

Article A910

On My Exact Astronomical Distance Etc. Finder. A final point. To conclude these few articles on the subject. So go back if you have not read the preceding few.(I am referring to A8032, A803, A802, A801, A800, go back until you reach the start of my astronomy notes!!) My World Situation Now report ran into My Exact Astronomical Distance Finder. It just happened! I get that some times.

Now I will be honest, in my attempt here to make My New Astronomy Course palatable(I realized that it was too hard for almost anybody. If you can grasp these last few articles, then going over the full course should be a matter of picking up details. In fact, you may not need to do it. I deal with The Quasars,too. I suggest you start with them. In any case read My Quasar Four article. You should find it near the end of my batch of about 70 I am just putting in.(Only one or two articles back!!)(A908 or something.)

There are a number of points I need to clear up, to make My EXACT distance,etc.finder bearable.

1. When you come to the quasars, which I suggest you do FIRST(Do the brightest and nearest stars SECOND!!!!)! Because the most spectacular per figures!!(In four different ways I reach almost the same answer!! Per their distances.) Take The Quasar z value. This should be a figure with either 0 or 1 in front of the decimal point. If a 1(or more), ignore it. Just take the last four figures(those after the decimal point. Now multiply it by 100. This will then provide you with two figures before the decimal point, and two after. THAT is the value you must work with!!(Similarly with The Blassars.)(In other words "Relativity Effect" allowed. But many have already been R.E. allowed!!)

2. Now, there is another value which you multiply by 100. No! I think it is a division by 100. Unfortunately, I cannot now recall which factor that is. I only remember that it turned up shortly after the need to multiply the quasar co-efficient by 100! Annoying, but there it is. It is a fairly obvious thing as far as I can recall. Sorry about that. If you wade through the various distance finding articles you may pick it up. Best of luck!!

3. I said to take The Colour Magnitude(with the stars,etc.). But allow for dust,etc. AND velocity. Which two will change the colour a bit. You must allow for that!! Now draw a square. On the vertical axis have Orthodox Absolute Magnitudes, low at the bottom. OMv.(Have a SCALE worked out!!)(This is about the only time you may need to use orthodox values.) Now throw up a diagonal, sloping down from top left hand corner, to the bottom right. Next, you drop a perpendicular(it will be a horizontal straight line!) from the value you are using on the upright, and throw it across, A STRAIGHT LINE, to the diagonal. When and where it hits the diagonal, you drop it STRAIGHT down at 90 degrees to the horizontal axis. Where you must have a scale of dust and velocity allowed COLOUR MAGNITUDES scaled out. Low on left, high on the right!! WHERE it hits is the value you want!!(Forget red giants, and white dwarfs,etc. THEY DON'T EXIST!!) USE that. NOT the orthodox OMv value!!(This is in fact Eddington's Diagram or that other similar diagram(I forget the name.). The one where you have a 2-1 rectangle, a diagonal thrown up from BOTTOM left to top right. With blue and red giants. Main Sequence, and all that lot.(DO NOT use either of these diagrams!!)(Use the square as I have directed.)(There are no red giants,etc!!) BEAR WITH it!! Orthodox Astronomy is COMPLETELY WRONG!! BELIEVE ME!!!!

I am trying to make it all as easy as I can for you. As this exact distance,etc.finder of mine is the hardest part of my work. BUT WELL WORTH WINNING!!!! Do this short simple course before tackling(if at all)My Main New Astronomy Course!!!! OR LOSE HEART, FAST!!!!(Except for the introductory portion!!)

4. There is another diagram I ask you to use: The idea is to magnify the result by multiplying the velocities by 100!(OR de-log(Napierian) So do that. And plot mags vertically, and "vels" horizontally. Did you not do that you would produce a horizontal zig zag graph! But by multiplying, it comes out in WAVE FORM!! Which SHOULD make you THINK!!!!

5. Now the orthodox graphs are LOGGED(Napier). But don't let that stop you!!(If you didn't log, the length of the "vels" would become prohibitive!! So go along with the orthodox logging. Even though it shows a false picture!!!!(It all works out all right, with the logs in, because the values themselves are logged!! I BELIEVE!!!!

6. E logs are not necessary. Fortunately!!

7. Just use the ordinary orthodox data, BUT ADJUSTED AS I DIRECT!!

8. I have forgotten much, you see. But not too much, I hope!! You might pull a lot back by going through ALL of my distance,etc.finding articles!!

9. USE The Homer Guide!! When you have done all the mere RATIO values, columns, and everything. THEN obtain The Homer Guide value. That is the orthodox value for the distance! It should provide the mathematical ORDER(the number of digits!) before the decimal, that we are looking for!! NEXT, come back to MY values, and USE THEM. But use the ones that FIT the order of The Homer Guide. Otherwise you won't know(since only ratios) HOW MANY figures before the decimal point to go to!!(With ratios you don't need to worry about how many zeroes there are in the data values. NOR, how many decimals before the point!! It won't matter at this stage. As ONLY ratios!! Near the end we convert to ACTUAL VALUES!!!!)

10. There is Hubble's Law(In ALL fields! Not just the galactic,etc!! REMEMBER that!!!!)(That is the PRACTICAL distance, so use THAT!)(Seldom will you need the CHORD distance. Use The ARC distance!(The chord distance is the optical measure. The arc is the spectroscopic one!)(It should prove a lot easier than it looks. I hope.)(How often do you need the distance from New York to London THROUGH THE GROUND?! Well, it is like that!!)(If you ever do want the chord value, then use the orthodox v, apparent mag; with the ACTUAL vel(Distant H.L. inside object minus Near H.L. inside object to get the actual velocity, approach or recede!!)(NOT my FULL "VEL" wave angle THIS TIME!!) . For distances ex Sol, the sun. The apparent mags will be right. But the ACTUAL"vels" will of course be distorted by the off angle view from the observer!!(What you need to remember is that the actual velocities ARE NOT FROM US!! They are from The Centre of The Field concerned!(Take care not to mix up fields or categories!!)(DIFFERENT scales of values appertain with each LOT, field or category!!) Because the field is expanding(or contracting to)(but I never found any) from centre of THE FIELD!! All you need to do is measure the ANGLE between sun's position on the SUN centred map to the centre of the field.(How do you locate the field centre? Easy. Two ways.(With the (Use the COMMON WELL KNOWN NEAREST STARS!!) 1. Trace the spiral arms(yes!!) back to centre, where they will all meet up!! That is the centre of the field!! OR, you can find The Rho Oppuchus!(That region of the night sky where it is very dark! Where the red dwarfs are most numerous!!) (THAT is the centre of the field! Yes!! Because the objects start off small, but grow, via an invisible umblical cord from the white hole(It will look WHEN OPENING like a blue giant star, but vanishes after giving birth!!)Get its REAL distance AND ANGLE from The Sun, and reversing the data, plot back to it. It should match exactly where the spiral arms (traced backwards) MEET!!!! Got it? Best of luck!!(Use spiral arms traced backwards FIRST. THEN worry about THE EXACT centre!!)

11. There is Hubble's Law(YES!!!! Even with our local closed stellar cluster!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!), AND there are hundreds of kilometres per second TERMS(I think they both terms are equal? Not sure!1)(Something like that)(I THINK this is where the DIVIDE by 100 comes in! Anyway, I think I recall now that there was a x100(I know that is of the original Quasar z co-efficient. Ignore anything before decimal point!! (Make sure Relativity Effect has been taken off. It will be that ONE before the decimal!! Make it a zero!! And use the four digits following the decimal. Multiply that by 100, to get TWO figures in The Mantissa!!(Before the decimal point.))(It is called Relativity Effect, but is actually not!! Forget that for now.)(Einstein Effect IS Gravitation Effect. This is very small, except with THE QUASARS where it is enormous!!(Take my word for it now!!) )The quasar z's(H.L. Cosmological Red Shift value needs dividing by FIVE. Or, the final distance dividing by ONE HUNDRED. Same thing!!) The reason being, that FOUR FIFTHS of The Quasar z is GRAVITATION EFFECT. (I CAN explain it!!)So take that off, to get the CORRECT distance away from observer!! The other fifth ONLY is the distance portion of the z!!!! It's right. As Halton C.Arp, and a few others ALSO found out!! Yep!!!! What looks IMPOSSIBLE IS NOT!!!!(For all categories, sizes and distances!!))

So you either use Hubble's Law (Four fifths of it in EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL CASE!!!! With The Quasars and The Radio Sources. And The Blassars,etc. presumably!!) OR, you use so many hundred or thousand ks per second. DIVIDED BY 100(To make it more manageable, as with the quasar z/5! As we are only handling RATIOS at this stage!! Got it??) I THINK I have found my other 100. But it was divide, I think, not multiply. Thus restoring the actual values via first multiplying by 100, and then dividing by 100!!!!

G.E. is for Gravitation Effect. Very small with all bar quasars, radio sources, B.Lacterae Objects(I THINK!!) and The Blassars!! Anyway u.g.(Universal Gravity) is its RECIPROCAL!! Get that, reverse it, and you have G.E!! Something like that, anyway. My articles spell it out better. Read THEM!! In CONJUNCTION with this RENDER EASIER article A910, here!!

Good hunting!!

It will take time and patience. But SHOULD(if you do it right!!) become a pleasure!!!!

I am trying to take the pain out of it.

Do it FIRST. Reflect AFTERWARDS!!!!

Go the other way, and you won't make it!!(As it LOOKS so ridiculous, BUT IS NOT!!!!)(Ignore any critics. Keep it to yourself until you get the right turn out, as sceptics WILL try to stop you!! So keep it DEAD QUIET, until you have GOT IT!!!!

I started with THE HUBBLE DIAGRAM(And Eddington's Diagram, and that other one like it!!).

Any questions, ask me!!

Victor Conway.

28.03.02.(Up-dated 25.07.03.)

Article A909

How to get the distances to The Quasars!!

(Extracted 1.03.02.(THIS IS THE ONE!!!!)(Use this one!!!!)Now I am going to improve on my four quasar methods:-(This latest article incorporates the earlier ones. So no need to look at those.))

Because my original four are actually only THREE different methods!!!(The last two really being one.)

With the quasars,etc. you multiply the sky arc distance by Pi/2.

Because the LATERAL distances(the gaps) are THAT much deficient!! Since space time is bent!!

However we see laterally AS a straight.(Not only do we see ALONG chords to the objects, but the sky arc ACROSS SPACE VIEW is also in CHORDS!!!!) So we need to multiply the SKY arc(which is a chord!!) by Pi/2!! To convert the SEEN straight gap into its true BENT measure!!!!

Sky arcs(chords!!) are concerned with a DISTANCE(of gap)correction. DIRECTLY!!!!

These require multiplication I THINK by Pi/2 to convert to the correct BENT distance. Just the general bending.(NORMALLY. Local warps can be removed by repeatedly dividing by Pi/2(casting out)until the difference is minimalized. But we do not KNOW what we are aiming for with the quasars and radio sources, because orthodox distances here are so bad!! ) (Normally, with other objects, WE DO.) SO DO NOT TOUCH THE LOCAL WARPS!!!! Just do the Pi/2!!)

Local warps can be positive or negative. So entails multiplying or dividing by Pi/2 repeatedly. Leave alone!!

My NEW four different methods(the REAL four different methods)are as follows:-

(Use this one, not the original version. Which though correct is not by four different methods, but three.)

1. My linear formula. The geometric mean of the product of 3.6(Edit. 28.07.03. No!! I made a mistake. Revert to 1.6)v x rv.

2. H.L. DISTANCE divided by 100.

3. Associated galaxies(Parent, main and associated!!!!)(My method!!) Compare with the associated quasar distances!!!!

4. Almost identical pairs:(Q1 - Q2 divided by 2.) leads to the sky arc gaps in SECONDS of arc. From this you can then(knowing Q1 - Q2 actual distance)convert into the distance away of the common centre, and of course Q1 and Q2.

There are now FOUR DIFFERENT methods.

But of course you will need to get the distances of the pairs, Q1 and Q2.(Q1 minus Q2.)

And use the 3D distance between them from the 2d gap!!(Which is the average 2d gap times 2 to change from chord distance into arc!!)

The quasars will be a little distance away from the various associated galaxies. So these GALAXIES will not be THAT close!!

Did you follow all right??

Any questions, fire away!!!!(You may need an Ouija Board!!!!)

W.F.Thomas.(My two disks, but use this one, they tell you how to get the distances to the quasars.)

P.S. It is not hard, but strange!! And so entirely different a set up may be expected to create an emotional resistance!!!! But although it may LOOK absurd, it is quite correct!! I have been on it for DECADES. And checked it repeatedly all ways. (Not only proving theoretically. But CONFIRMING by the very many amazing results.)

Being into new uncut ground, I have to coin my own terms.

It is simply not possible to discuss this using the old nomenclature!!!!

I HAVE TO BE quite free in my approach and my style!!!!

So naturally it cannot be cast STRAIGHT into a PAPER!!!!

Victor Conway.