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Articles Written June 2006 

Friday, 30th June, 2,006.


Death and Creation.

This is really two articles in the one.

First, on death:-

One of the big reasons humans suffer, is because they think that there is no life after death.

The other is that they are on their own. That there is no God!!

Toss in these two beliefs, and you can have a transformed man, or woman!!

You could look upon a horse and rider as one composite, one thing. With two components: 1. The lesser component, the horse. 2. The greater component, the rider.

Now visualize a horse and rider gallopping along. Suddenly the horse drops dead, over-riden. Does that mean the death of the rider??

Don't split hairs now and say that the rider POSSIBLY could die too. Don't push the analogue too far!!

YOU are a soul, and HAVE a body. Which you occupy. Horse and rider. You are the rider. The body is your horse!!

One day, that body will die. Does that mean the end of you?

ARE YOU the body?(Is the rider the horse?)(Is the horse the rider??)

Of COURSE there is no life after death. How could there be? Not to the entity that died! But WHAT is the entity that died? Your body.

That does not rise again. No argument about it!!

If the horse dies, the rider goes on!

When your body dies, YOU, the soul, go on!! Personality, if you like.

What I am saying, is that men, many men, think that they ARE the body. They identify their selves with their bodies.

Which is equivalent to saying that the horse IS the rider!! Which is absurd.

Materialistic science teaches this. And their dupe buddies.

So those who have not gone deeper than MATERIALISTIC science into this, take the bait, and swallow it WHOLE!!!!

If only because it SUITS THEM not to go on. Life being such a pain!!(When aged, anyway.)

Few people really THINK!!!!

So many just low emote. And believe what THEY WANT to believe!!

I took the trouble to go well into this, and now am telling you my findings. Thus saving you the trouble, provided that you believe me, of course.

I am not asking you to believe me. I am simply asking you to believe SIMPLE LOGIC. Do you REALLY believe that a horse IS its rider?!

Without a ghost in the machine, WHAT is there to WORK it?!

IS a diver his diving suit??

2. Without God, life is heavy.

With a god to turn to, and work for, it is a VERY different story!!

If you work for God, WHY wouldn't God work for you?!

Yes, I know doing evil NOW pays good results, materially. Very quickly. And doing good, soon incurs ostracization!

So, because of this, MANY do evil!

Few do good!!

Aren't you overlooking something? It is true that we suffer NOW in this life and world if we do good, and commensurately so. It doesn't seem fair.

This is like looking at ONE side of a piece of tapestry!


I mean what happens to the wicked in the other world beyond death!!

They suffer! And they suffer MORE than it was worth!!

The good obtain great blessings. WELL worth ALL of the pain and misery that arose BECAUSE they did good!!

Therefore, it is a loss to do evil! And a gain to do good!!

You either have to have faith, or believe what I am saying. And that is a lot to ask!!

I could say ANYTHING. But I insist upon saying that doing good PAYS MORE than is lost, IN THE LONG RUN!!

I have KNOWLEDGE. You only have my word for that, true.

I am convinced. And my conviction is not based upon wish, but knowledge!!

I cannot prove it to you, of course.

I can only say that from personal experience(of leaving my body), AND assurance gained by studying the knowledge gained from a long life-time of deep study of this subject, that IT IS SO.

To gain conviction, I can only ask you to read my articles. As many of them as you can!!(Though only some are on this subject(I mean life after death.).)

Otherwise my conviction, of course, is not yours.

But you could grasp a growing picture of what I have seen, and obtain some of that conviction.

To me it is about as obvious as it can possibly be!!

I take much care not to go by my wish(for survival).

God IS there! Though is WELL hidden.

On my own I would get lost.

But with God WITHIN to turn to, I get the help I need.

Many people despair. If God is good to me, why not to you?!

I am not unique.

It is considered naive to talk like this. But THERE is your mistake!!

It is ONLY by speaking like A CHILD(a child in SPIRIT, not a child in MIND), that ENTRY is possible!! Entry into that mental land, where we can see better!!

If you despise those things, then the door is closed - BY your very scorn!!

I have hardly any doubt at all.

Yet it is not blind belief!!

For I constantly check my self.

To see if I am kidding myself at all.(And that is very easy to do!!)

GOD is THERE. And I hold his hand.

Then what I speak comes from Him, rather than me.

So I try to hold YOUR hand.

Which only pride could resist...

I am not religious. I am scientific!!

I know mere words could never convince you.

Because WHAT we believe, is what we WANT to believe!!

Perhaps I am getting old.

Or perhaps you are too young to think of the other world...

I should have said three articles in the one!

For I want to say some more on Plasmic Creation.

I am trying to say that EVER THING gets born out of a white hole.(And EVERY field has one.) A hole that is the author of streams of electrons and SUPER electrons spun out of the magnetic and axial currents, interplaying,etc. IN the centre of the field. In the centre of THE VORTEX!!!!

Creation versus Evolution? Both are wrong!! Very wrong. Creation(our local current one) took not six 24 hour days, but SIX thousand million year long DAYS!!( And STILL ongoing!!)

Evolution is true, but is not per Darwin,etc. BUT a more advanced form, with mutants forming in The Spirit World!! And then playing down into the physical!! THAT is where the JUMPS came from!!(Land of The Missing Links.) Though the gradual scheme ALSO exists.

The creation I am talking about is of stars,etc! Planets,etc.

There is no Hubble Law expansion. There was no big bang!!

There IS a 3d(mostly 2d) LINEAR MOVING of stars,ETC. from their white holes as their fields' centres. Spirally.

Hubble's Law exists with ALL fields!!

Not just the galactic,etc.

It is simply THE ANGLE OF VIEW out to the Cosmic Horizon OF THE FIELD CONCERNED!! It is NOT a velocity or an acceleration system!! But what I call my Wave Angle(view out)!!

Objects start at zero(electron) size at the white hole! And grow, because FED by an invisible PLACENTA of super energy from the centre! (And by other electrons).

Electrons of a higher plane!!

Later, a contraction sets in. I mean a linear MOVEMENT back inwards, to go down a black hole!! In opposite manner to how it emerged.

This process goes on indefinitely.

Everything is a vortex or spiral, a double reverse helix. Like a cork screw. Groups thereof , one within the other.

I know by inspiration and study.

Mostly my own thoughts. But some from others.

There is no nothing, and there is no All.

What is out there is less than nothing, AND more than All...

It is our Self.

Which is GOD.

REFLECTED without.




Vic Conway.





Wednesday, 28th June, 2,006.


Space plasmic creation, continued.

The best way to learn about this is by reading Lerner's book: "The Big Bang Never Happened", and Alfven's work(which Lerner utilizes in his book).

All creation seems to spring from electrons! And magneto-electrism rather than gravity!

Ionic plasmas forming around electron streams, born between magnetic forces which induce motion. Thus the streams. Or filaments. Which bind together into ever larger ropes via the interplay of circular and axial magnetic fields.(I am having to oversimplify a lot.)

The upshot is that pinch effect born of the magnetisms creates plasmoids.

Via a series of decreasing filament lengths.

Creation from the smallest to the largest.

There is no limit in either direction!!

The plasmoids finally produce a quasar and a double stream of electrons and ions radiating out in both diametric directions.

Spiral formations result therefrom.(There is a lot more to it, of course. Details on pages 46-47 of Lerner's book, and pages 232 to 241.

Not even a white hole is necessary!!

Trapped magnetic energy, sqeezed by the pinch effect, in force free fields,etc. Not only does the job better than any black hole, but IS a white hole!!

The holes in fact are the polar holes of all vortices, in everything, including stars and planets,etc. ETC!!!!

Electron and super electron(!!) streams from fields' centres, CREATE stars!!

First in linear expansions, which fall back into linear contractions. In pulsation or oscillation cycles.

Meanwhile repair and maintenance proceeds.

De-creation(NOT de-struction) occurs in the reverse manner!!(Via the contractions).

Now this is not easy to delineate!

The idea is to introduce any readers to the subject, so that they may form a much better picture via study.

Note that I go beyond Lerner and Alfven!!

Creation is thus not a bit like Orthodox Science and Conventional Religion suggest that it is!!

There was no beginning, and there will be no end!!

Gravity and Hyperforce(close in gravity!!) both exist. The former producing graviton,etc.particles. The latter producing gravity WAVES!!!!

Both gravity(both kinds) and electro-magnetism apply!!

In a new Physics and Astronomy far removed from the current orthodox BILGE!!!!


Vic Conway.





Friday, 23rd June, 2,006.


The World Situation. Latest.

Iran plays up, so U.S. attacks Iraq!!

North Korea readies to launch a missile. Possibly ATOMIC tipped!!(If not probably!!!!) So U.S. berates Iran!!

I would say U.S. is not trying. Except the wrong way!!!!

The situation if this: Iran and North Korea are working hand in glove. Been in alliance for years.

Russia is behind Iran.

RED China is behind North Korea.

RED China and REDDENING Russia have been in alliance for years,too.

So what shall the harvest be?

I would say atomic dust!!

Streaked with RED.(Blood!!)

North Korea can reach the western U.S.Etc.(And, incidenally, all of Australia, New Zealand and Britain!! Not to mention Europe,etc.)

Australia, to survive, is friendly towards North Korea. Understandable, but FATAL.(The Political East attacks WEAKNESS!!!!)

U.S. says it will shoot down The North Korean missile.(A much shorter range missile was fired over Japan back in 1998.)

North Korea of course has many nuclear weapons. China has many more. And Russia is jam packed with them!!!!

All eyes on The World Cup??

A coming cup of BLOOD and bits of flesh!!!!

North Korea is increasingly blackmailing U.S.

Iran, The Spider Monster, has eight tentacles in The Middle East!!

Someone, somewhere, is deliberately poor at arithmetic!!

Feeble minded Bush??

What do YOU think??!!

As we watch The Western World DRAG OUT its remaining days. So it can get fatter. And plaster its walls with more and more coloured pretty bits of paper(bank notes)!!

I say this is INSANITY.

We either stop Iran(And North Korea)(And China, and Russia, And INDIA, to name but a few) FAST, or have our lungs stopped. And our heads removed!!

Not that that there was too much bar saw dust in them, anyway!!

Iran is behind the insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan,etc.

Iran supports The Palestinians, et al.

Is RACING to develop an atomic weapon. Possibly within six months!!

Even Russia is getting frustrated at the wilful antics of The Iranian President!!

And even China is embarressed by paranoid Kim!!

Things are moving VERY fast. Towards Western GRAVES!!!!

Bush,etc.(Blair and Howard,etc.) amass money, and prepare their well feathered exits. In their Air Force Ones,etc!!!!

Why would they care?!

As they FLEECE us all, now!!

Iran is behind The Nuclear Threat. And behind North Korea!!

Iran WANTS war. Confident that it can beat U.S. easily.(I think they are right!!)

U.S. is hopelessly in debt, has an IMBECILE for a president, is stretched to the limits, has NO WILL to fight(Been an isolationist Paper Tiger, ever since Truman funked atomizing North Korea,etc. back in 1950!!)(McArthur was of course right!!)

Now we must all PAY THE PIPER!! A Chinese one!!!!

China is arming as fast as it can go. Which is VERY fast!!

Obvious immediate plan: Take Taiwan!!

And then do a Domino Japan roll down through South East Asia!! Adding Australasia to its empire.

And The Antarctic.

Knocking out South Korea and Japan as it crushes its way south!!

THEY will know what to do with Australian uranium,etc!!

Peace was never founded on appeasement!!

And the bad strong ATTACK weakness!!

The West is defenceless and utterly vulnerable.

All The U.S. has is MOUTH!!

Too sunk into soft living and divided to do anything but TALK!!!!

As The Political East grabs all!!!!

And knows what to do with white-skins!!

I doubt they'll even bother to rape us! But will torture us to death on the spot!!!! Muslims leading with their dirty rusty long knives hacking necks AS SLOWLY as they can!!!!

But first The West must sink. The Dow,etc. are showing the first signs!!!!

Give it three or four years. Maximum!!

EU, under Germany, will wake up.(At least I HOPE that they do!!)

UNO and Security Council DIED AT BIRTH!!!!

Annan is a good man. But his words fall on VERY deaf ears!!

How The West was lost! Condoms, needles, beer cans and cigarette butts. Not to mention plastic bags, one big RUBBISH TIP, drugs and dope!!!!

A useless religion.

A most pathetic tragic U.S.

Bush is feeble minded of course. Mentally DEFICIENT. Despite being born again. And advised by Cheney!!!!

Iraq was a tragic mistake.

Saddam at least kept Iran,etc. AT BAY!! Now they can't wait to KILL HIM!!!!

Iran will be an even more tragic one! But don't worry, it will be Iran that attacks us, not the other way around! Not even Israel will dare!!

As we burn the boat to eke out another few months!!!!

Why? All because they rejected Reagan and Nixon. Fled Vietnam. And had no competition.

They made the mistake of thinking that Russia would not rise again. NOW look at them!!

Communism is returning. Putin was a former KGB man!!

Time to draw a discreet sheet over The West. Yes, a SHROUD all right!!!!

Rice speaks well. But the wrong language!!

The U.S. HAS the means, even now. But is too scared TO USE IT!!!!

Bush wants to LOOK good!!

We have THROWN away ALL we had since about 1982. The last quarter of a century!!

FAR too complacent, smug and over confident!!!!

Look at the grins on the faces of The Chinese and Iranian leaders!! Clerics??

And now Bashir free in Indonesia!!

Of course Howard smiles broadly. He is pulling out soon!!

Leaving Costello to carry the baby, and quickly get defeated by Beazley led Labour!!!!

After that watch Labour SQUANDER Australia's present surpluses. As usual, of course!!

Labour? Of Union muscles against the genteel!! Aye!!

They forgot to come out of The Nineteenth Century.

And Al Gore and company forgot to notice THE SUN!!!!(Electronically!!!!)

Would you like it in blood?

NO problem!!!!


Vic Conway!!


Friday, 23rd June, 2,006.


We live in a world of filaments and vortices!!

Basically, that is all that exists!!

We live in a universe of particles. A universe that is an omniverse!! Endless. Beginningless!!!!

In space, in a plasma. A space plasma is matter divided into electrons and ions.

Re: Alfven.(Refer "The Big Bang Never Happened" by L.J.Lerner.)

Electrons are common particles. Though not basic. Being composed of quarks. There is no final basic building block!!

Free electrons move, tending to in streams.

With the ionic field surrounding them.

Streams tend to bind together.

So we get ropes of ever increasing thickness.

If you read "The Big Bang Never Happened", pages 232 to about 240, explain things well.

By the way, also read Nexus magazine and Philadelphia Trumpet. They are where I get a lot of my ideas.(Although at first I was original.)

Two sort of cones from from spheres. These two cones join together.

Pinch effect is key.

The cones part, and start to form a vortex.

The vortices form up in filaments.

Such, that we have vortices of filaments, and filaments of vortices, endlessly. AND up and down in size!!

Here we have the basis of The Spiral Galaxies.

Specialists go deeper than I do, in their various fields.

I go for the popular side. And try to appeal to The Man in The Street. Via simplicity of ideas. And an easy conversationsal style!!

I COULD get more literary if I wanted to. But don't.

Particles bind into plasmoids,etc.

And finally into stars, and then planets. Etc. ETC.

Without getting too precise!!

Big bangs and holes, black and white go a long way to describing things.

But the bangs, and plops, are fictions.

And the holes are the opposite in colour to what orthodoxy thinks they are!!

We have a New Physics.

And a New Astronomy,etc.

Things are not as we thought they were!!

Electro-magnetism(Actually Magneto-electrism!) is the only force!

Gravity is born of pressure!! But two kinds of gravity.

The other is Hyper-force. Which operates close to objects.

Different groups are reaching The New Physics various ways.

One thing is for sure. Orthodox Physics and Astronomy are RIGHT UP THE CHUTE!!!!

They have the OPPOSITE to the truth!!

A New Copernicus Revolution is occurring.

Quantum Mechanics and Relativity are now related.

And Relativity is simply Higher Level physics,etc.

I regret that as I get older, I cannot do this adequate justice!!



Vic Conway.




Saturday, 24th June, 2,006.


World Situation. Latest.

North Korea is held up by bad weather. When that clears, I expect it to launch. Aiming for somewhere like Denver. Possibly with a nuclear warhead. But some explosive. Meanwhile Iran plays for time. Stalling. Ploys to gain time. To enhance their military capabilities. Iran defensively(as yet!). North Korea, - offensively.

North Korea's window of opportunity is very small. Due to monsoon season coming up.

I do not buy that either Iran or North Korea are selling out!!

We are on the very brink of World War Three.

What we have is a repeat of the situations(military and political) of 1914, 1939, 1950 and 1962.

1914, via The Iranian parallel to The (then) Serbian situation. Serbia would not punish its Black Hand gang for assassinating the visiting Austrian royalty.(The upshot was World War One.)

1939. Where Germany is about to attack Poland. Parallelling North Korea about to attack U.S!!

1950. Where North Korea, BACKED BY RED CHINA, is about to attack South Korea, and The U.S. Forces there. A duplicat situation, 56 years on. Instead of stupid Truman, we have imbecile Bush!!!!

Instead of McArthur, we have Kafi Annan??

1962. Was The Cuban Missile Crisis, which ALMOST brought about WW3!!!!(Russia climbed down at the VERY last moment!!)

Now, Russia is disturbed(At Iran.).

And RED China is embarressed by North Korea. But will not stop backing them, of course!!

It is all TALK!!!! To gain TIME!!!!

North Korea will probably supply Iran with nuclear warheads!! AND missiles!!!!

AND terrorists,ETC.

Israel is the only country doing ANYTHING positive!! Meaning attack!!

For The Dew Making machine,etc. View Nexus Magazine!! Get the appropriate back numbers on how to make water and petrol(perfom better).



Vic Conway.


Friday, 23rd June, 2,006.


More on dreams.

A dream within a dream!!

There are eight scenarios(In ascending order.): 0. Sleep. 1. Mental dreams. 2. Auric dreams. 3. Waking world. 4. Spiritude realm. 5. Spirit World 6. Higher Spirit World. 7. Beyond. Eight.

Sleep is no dimensional. Mental dreams are 1d. Auric dreams are 2d. Life is 3d. Spiritude world is 3.5d. Spirit world is 4d. Higher spirit world is 5d. Beyond is higher.

Mental dreams are those dark very vague dreams.

It is important to keep in mind that we only know what we REMEMBER!! What actually happened is much more!!

So the dark vague dreams are dreams within dreams.

This life we now live is a super dream within a super super dream!!

Which one is Reality? All are RE The All(it is!). Relative!! Increasingly substantial as we ascend.(Ascend in realness.)

Which is more real? Water or air?? It is like that.

The first three scenarios are private internal worlds. Life is external. And so are the higher worlds!!

Projections are exits from the body into the Spiritude World. Excursions are exits from the body into The Spirit World.

The Spiritude World is that part of The Spirit World that is the ORIGINAL of the physical!!

This is the closest approximation that I can get!!

What is The Spirit World like? Indescribable(Words fail.). Even ineffable.(Ideas fail!!)

What is it like to die? Awful. Like falling into a bottomless black pit.

What is it like to truly awaken after death? Beyond all belief!!

How can we live again after death? We can't, and don't!! No thing survives its OWN death!! What dies is the body. The soul goes on.

The point is we are multi-componented. The lower component dies. The higher lives on.

Analogy: Horse and rider. If the horse drops dead, does the rider perish too??

Our horse is the body.

We are NOT the body. We are the soul within!!

So it is true that the dead do not live again. But you need to ask WHO are the dead!!

And the answer is NOT the higher you!!

You will only die according to the degree that you identify with your body. Unfortunately many do. So they do die UNTIL that belief wears away!!

I asked an ordinary man where he was going after he died. I meant Heaven or Hell. He pointed down. "I am going down there!". Clearly that is what he WANTED!!!! But his reply was ambiguous. Did he mean six feet down, or did he mean HELL??!!

I asked him what he meant. But he did not answer.

HOW powerful is the influence of Materialistic Science!

But what was MORE powerful with this man, was that HE WANTED to terminate!!

I think that there are many like this!!!!

So painful is life that many want it to be all that there is.

Of course, survival old and ailing is no life!!

However, when the body dies, so does the old and ailing part!!

Though some take even that misery on with them, for a while!!

I mean that our belief in our age and ailments can be so strong, that we continue thus in our new higher body until that foolish belief fades out!!

And some live in a THOUGHT FORM world that is as real as this physical world!!

Thus some who think that they are going to Hell, actually do!!(And vice versa, of Heaven.)

Our beliefs rule us. Limit us.



Vic Conway.

Sunday, 18th June, 2,006.


Proofs of Round Earth!!

We know that The Earth is round! Well, some of us do!! Until quite recently The Flat Earth Society still existed!

I believe in a Double Reverse Helixial HOLLOW Earth!! Rather pear shaped. Bumps and dips. Apparently flat!!

I have no doubt flat earthers STILL exist. Such is the power of Christendom!!

I also believe in sprites, saints, angels and gods. But does this make me wrong IN ANY RESPECT?!

Yes, we know NOW that The Earth is round! But how many know all of the reasons for that? I mean the proofs and the evidences!!!!

1. The horizon! The higher you go, the more pronouncedly curved THE HORIZON becomes!! The first hints of curvature!!

2. Travellers report that The Earth is round. They have circumnavigated it.

(There are some who believe we never went to The Moon! I think this is silly. The fact that SOME of the alleged moon shots were faked DOES NOT PROVE THAT ALL OF THEM WERE!!!!)

3. During TOTAL eclipses of The Moon, the CURVATURE of The Earth is sharply delineated.

4. The DISK of the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, daily. Suggesting that a roundish Earth exists!!

5. If you stand at either pole, SOMETIMES(if not often!) you will see the inner central sun! Suggesting a round Earth. Especially as you can see the same central inner sun from BOTH ENDS!!!!

6. Pendula will slowly rotate, suggesting a roundish Earth.

7. The prevailing winds blow east west. Suggesting a roundish Earth.

8. Science declares that The Earth is round.

9. I believe The Bible mentions in Genesis a round Earth!!

10. From space, The Earth gets seen as a round disk. From The Moon, for example.

11. It is possible to phone people at different points upon The Earth's surface. All claim to be upright. Indicating a roundish Earth.

12. Satellite dishes from satellites all around indicate Round Earth!!

13. The fact that radio waves bounce up and down all the way around between The Heavyside Layer, and The Earth's surface tells us that such surface is round!!!!

14. No reports yet of people falling off any edges!

15. People fly around daily.

16. It is the sacred shape.

17. The other large heavenly bodies are round.(Why would The Earth be different??)

18. (By the way, in passing, here is my explanation for The Loch Ness Monster: No. They are not prehistoric sea monsters that swam through caves.(At least not JUST that!) During The Ice Age, some of the sea froze. This reduced the water level. Trapping many prehistoric creatures in the NOW lakes!! These including some ancient monsters. Including The Plesiasaurus. A marine giant monster. These have simply continued breeding. Naturally they are shy. Except when small dogs get too close to the edge!!) Gravity always points straight downwards. No matter where you are. I mean gravity's GENERAL direction. Which is odd, as we know gravity points to centre of mass!!

19. The shadows cast at noon by the sun at different places. Vary in length!! Suggesting Earth's surface curvature!!

20. (I counted about 30 in bed last night. Now I am struggling to reach 20!)

No cases of people sliding "downhill" have been reported! Which is odd if gravity does not point towards centre!!)

(By the way, furthering A1105, the closer you get to the centre of the field, the weaker gravity becomes. Not the stronger. Thus at the centre of A SOLID Earth, it would be zero!!(As it HAPPENS, The Earth is Hollow. No connection with weightlessness at centre, of course.(Due to centriPEDAL force!!))(Because the amount of MASS below one, DECREASES as we descend!!)(Gravity pointing downwards!!)(There simply is no matter left below us AT CENTRE!!!!)

21. The higher up you are, the slower time gets RECORDED!! This is because greater concentrica, the higher. This indicates Roundish Earth, as the only alternative, a flat Earth, would have ENDLESS conentrica. Which would not work re time speed RECORDING!!!!

22. Places far east, are also reported far west!!

23. Marco Polo,etc. indicated this.

24. The Correli Effect!! Indicating rotation.(Difficult for endlessly flat objects!!)

25. If you shoot something straight up, it will fall back down, a lot further along. Telling us that The Earth is rotating. And, as with 24, difficult for endlessly flat objects.)(Actually, I think this is false!! As gravity KEEPS the object in line!!)

26. Spirit levels(builders') do not line up in a straight line!!

27. The Gulf Stream!(Etc.) Has to circumnavigate The Earth!! Tricky with Flat Earths!!

28. (It is amazing how many NEW ones I am finding. Yet can still not reach 30,even!!)

29. Migrating birds.(But that IS pushing it a bit!!)(In relays.)

30. I haven't filled it in yet!! (Vide Hollow Earth, again. Straight down from a hollow Earth that is like an egg shell or table tennis ball, takes us to centre. As do Hollow Earths with THICK shells(Earth's shell is 800 miles in diameter. But Earth is still Hollow!!).) Point is, how could you do this, if surface is not curved....

31. A projectile fired at a slant lands further along than would otherwise be the case were The Earth not round!!...

32. I have been around.

33. Water(or any liquid) goes down plug hole one way up north hem, but the opposite direction down south!! Actually it goes the same way, of course. Though not RELATIVELY. (That is when viewed from opposite directions!!)(Upside down naturally reverses the view, THOUGH NOT THE FACT!!!!) Which indicates two ends. And,thus, a roundish Earth!!!!

34. I am trying to reach 40. But I give in RIGHT NOW!!!!

The sea level varies! I don't see the connection either!!

35. The tides!!

36. Global positioning.

37. The world's highest mountain is not Mount Everest.(Note: The highest mountain above SEA LEVEL is Mount Everest. The highest mountain above MEAN Earth LEVEL is in Chile.(South America, anyway)

38. I'll get there! But WHERE remains another matter!!

39. Two to go. A mirror WAY OUT in space. Would show the curvature.(If only The Earth were round!!)

40. Columbus DID NOT circumnavigate The Globe. He discovered The West Indies. NOT The East!! But does that make The Earth flat?!(I think The Vikings got there before him. And not only The Vikings!!)(The Chinese of course made it everywhere.)


Anyway, that is 40(????) But is not a bad 30, right?!

Don't be akward,now!!

I suppose manifestly I am not perfect!

That is about the hardest of all facts TO FACE!!!!

Actually, I should not put this article out.

But I am doing so to show you how human I am!!!!(Ha HA)




Vic Conway.





Sunday, 18th June, 2,006.


Some more on Hollow Earth.

I have a correction to make! A VERY interesting point.

I said that one of the two(out of about 500) proofs of Hollow Earth(see back) was the fact that plumb lines dropped into The Earth diverged instead of converging!

This test was carried out by TWO independent firms. One British. One French. Many years back.(Something like half a century ago. If not more.) Plumb lines a mile apart were dropped one mile into the ground. To confirm Round Earth? And/or to see if The Earth was really hollow!! Maybe both!!

The results drove one man to lay off the drink. No further checks were conducted!! No thing further was heard!!!! This is like The Philadelphia Experiment. Tests were carried out. But the results were so contrary to expectation, that they were hushed up on pain of the most dire penalties!! In other words the truth was sacrificed to save the stupid majority from ego hurt!!(Which they SO BADLY need!!)

You see. If the results for ANY experiment prove contrary to public expectation, then those truths are RUTHLESSLY SUPPRESSED!!!! Big or small experiments.

The world's imposition of FALSEHOODS must not be challenged!! On pain of death if necessary!!!!

With The Philapelphia Experiment, the second in a series of four, it was found that the U.S. destroyer Eldridge(In 1944) was rendered invisible! In an attempt to make her RADAR invisible.(To beat The German U boats attacks on convoys to Britain during World War one.)

The Eldridge VANISHED. Went into Hyperspace. Travelled hundreds of miles instantaneously. (To another naval dock yard!!)AND TWO of its sailors went 40 years into The Future!!!!

Of course items like this JUST ARE NOT ADMITTED!!!! True though they are!!!!

The Phoenix Experiment. The Philapdelphia Experiment. The Army base tangle with the destroyer experiment (to try to separate them!). And The Montouk Experiment still to come. The FOUR Hyperspatial space time travel,etc. experiments!!!!

The RULING public thinks that it is all bunk. But it is solid FACT!!!!

Utterly denied of course by the authorities, even as UFO's and ghosts, and real dreams,etc. ETC/ are denied today!!!!

The ONLY thing that can save this world, IS BEING MOST STRENUOUSLY rejected by all authorities!!!! I refer to The Truth.

This is why I have opened this web site!! To give those seeking the truth A CHANCE!!!!

Two things are destroying Man, and all life upon this planet. LIES and HATE!!

Plus many other like things.

Like the most vicious VIOLENT anger and THE MOST RUTHLESS denial of the increasingly OBVIOUS FACTS!!!!

What is the matter? Quite simple: The Devil, not God is being worshipped. Lies enthroned. And the most vicious and angry HATRED, is being called LOVE!! Etc. Etc.

WHY?? Because bad aliens took over our planet millions of years ago!(Humans are weak, not wicked, IN GENERAL.) And have NEVER let go!! Both Reptilians and Humanoids. Both Little Greys,etc. AND The Mutants!! A cross breed between humans and humanoids!! By FORCE!!!!

Under The evil Illuminati, via both Materialistic Science AND Conventional religions, Mankind is being MOST systematically DESTROYED!! Christendom(It is NOT what Christ taught!!) is evil!!(It is ROMANISM!!!! Yes, we are still ruled by Caeser, via The Vatican,etc. AND Germany, or whichever STATE protects such religious PERFIDY!!!!) And Islam is FAR FAR worse. Via The ABSURD Wahabee sect!!!! Both Western and Eastern SO CALLED fundamentalisms STINK to the Highest!!!!

Humans are being cattled and penned. To feed The Reptilean aliens. Body AND SOUL!!!! Devoured!!!!

Do I make myself clear??!!

Those who even TRY to disclose the horrible truths, GET MURDERED!!!!

Put away your enforced BRAIN WASHING and CONDITIONING down the ages. And LISTEN to me!!

ALL that we are being taught IS THE MOST LYING RUBBISH!!!!

The Bible is THE WORD OF MAN, not God!!!!

GARDENS, not churches, HOUSE GOD!!!!

The Koran is The Word of The Devil, NOT God!!!! Mohammed was a CRIMINAL of the most heinous water!! The Koran preaches VIOLENCE and HATRED,etc!!!!

The just released BASTARD in Indonesia, the now grinning cleric. WANTS John Howard to CONVERT TO ISLAM!!!!

On pain of what Bashir? HEAD removal??!!(As two Indonesian Christian girls(of ten!!) HAVE ALREADY experienced!!

Go to HELL, Islam. WHERE you came from!!

And BACK out to that distant star you are from. And take The Jews WITH YOU!!!!

Abraham had three sons. Each one begat a great religion. Judaism. Christianity. And Islam!!(Which came via Ishamael!!)

Of course Islam recognizes The Jesus of CHRISTENDOM. That LYING Roman CRAP!!!!

I have digressed a bit in my indignant anger.

O.K. Where was I??!!

The two plumb lines DIVERGED. By about 4.5 inches, my source says. Beyond the mile! Actually, at a depth of one mile, the divergence should be 6.6 FEET!! So I THINK that ACTUALLY they only went down a couple of hundred feet.(Much easier for boring,too!!). Thus accounting for the discrepancy of 4.5 inches against 6.6 FEET.)

Now let us get one thing clear. The Earth is round. A rough sphere shape.(It is Actually a double reverse HELIX!!!!) The further down you go, the smaller the concentric circumferences. Right?!

THEREFORE, one mile down(let us work on a mile), there should be a CONVERGENCE of 6.6 FEET more than the mile at the surface!! Because the further down you go, the shorter the circumferences!!

It should not be 5,280(1,760 yards x 3) feet, but 5,273.4 feet. Or 6.6 feet LESS. Gap. Between the plumb line bobs!!(Plastic to avoid any magnetic fields from iron,etc!!)

That apparency should be obvious!!

HOWEVER, the bobs DIVERGED!! The very amount that they should have CONVERGED!!

It is SEEMINGLY absurd!!

The explanation is SIMPLE!!??

Gravity is towards centre of mass. Which is roughly centre of volume.

Now if we allow for SIDEWAYS gravity, then wouldn't that account for the divergence(when a convergence was expected!)?!

This is I believe the explanation I gave at first. I wish to CORRECT. It is not so!!

For the very simple reason that sideways gravity ON EACH BOB, would CANCEL OUT!! Of course!!

There CAN BE NO effective SIDEWAYS gravity!!!!


The answer is pathetically simple!

And has NO THING to do with Hollow Earth(Which is true BECAUSE spinning molten mass in space MUST(via the "centrifugal" AND "centripedal" forces hurl its mass to all SIDES. Leaving a small blob in the centre, AND two holes at each end. The VERY shape that The Earth(And all the other bolide heavenly bodies and fields!!!!) HAS!!!! (Which is known by about 500 indicators related by explorers,etc. But of course HUSHED UP!!!! By the TERRIFIED horrified authorities!!!! To propagate the usual LYING PROPAGANDA upon which the masses are CONSTANTLY FED!!!!)))

Now, I, myself, think that it is better to tell the truth, even if the dominant majority cannot BEAR it, in order that in a little while the truth will change the world for the better, the wicked INCLUDED!!!! Thus a profitable arrangement!!!!(Much preferable to ALL of us GOING TO HELL, AND DESTRUCTION!!!!)

However, it is THE WICKED that rule. Not the good!!

And so this ghastly EVIL continues!!!!

Right! WHERE am I:-

So WHY the DIVERGENCE of the bobs?!

Here is the answer: As we go deeper into The Earth(or whatever), the mass component below decreases, while the mass component above, INCREASES!! Right??!! So GRAVITY decreases from below, as it increases from above!!!! Aye!!

In other words, if the upper component begins at x, and the lower at y, we INCREASINGLY get x + 1, and y - 1!!

Consequently, the gravity working upwards INCREASES as fast, and as much, as, the gravity below DECREASES!!!!

Thus, BECAUSE the upward component DIVERGES UPWARDS(Quite SIMPLY and MERELY because concentrica INCREASE in the UPWARDS direction!!!!) the forces creating divergence(NOT CONVERGENCE) naturally INCREASE!!!! AND, so, the bobs grow increasingly APART(not TOGETHER!!), AS WE DESCEND!!!!

NOTE: This would APPLY and WORK whether The Earth were solid OR HOLLOW!!!! And,so, has NO THING to do with THE FACT that it is HOLLOW!!!!

Even I was not only CONVINCED, but REMAINED CONVINCED, right up to YESTERDAY!(That diverging bobs proved Hollow Earth!! THEY DO NOT!!!!)

I was fooled because my source which was invariably right(!!), I FOUND, was WRONG about this ONE thing!! I swallowed with the greatest of ease!!(Because I WANTED The Earth to be hollow!!)(It IS so, DESPITE that!!)(Which reveals a great and common danger: That we must ALWAYS and CONSTANTLY CHECK our views. And NOT just believe them!! The truth is so VERY elusive!!)

LIES are the very first things on the scene. TRUTH enters LAST!!!!

Pandora's box and all that!!

We get taught from BIRTH, the most OUTRAGEOUS falsehoods!!!!

Of course!! THE DEVIL rules THIS WORLD!!!!

Big lies like: Jesus saves. The Big Bang. Death ends all. No re-birth or re-incarnation. And on and on!! Whereas the truth is SO VERY MUCH GREATER!!!!

We DO survive death. We DO get re-born. AND re-incarnate!!!!

Both creation and de-creation are CONSTANTLY going on!!

I got asked the other day: Will suffering ever end? The answer is 1. To the world. - After about 64,000,000,000 years! 2. INDIVIDUALLY? - As soon as you start working for GOD, and not The Devil!!!! 3. When will suffering end? WHEN we kill out our lower desires! AND when we resist the cravings of our LOWER SELF!!!! 4. OUR suffering(the individual's) will START to end, just as soon as we HELP others, instead of HINDERING THEM!!!!

The world THINKS, that because evil and amassing money,etc. PAY so well NOW, that THAT will ALWAYS be the case!!


What FOOLS men are!!

The rule of wicked winning, ONLY applies IN THE PHYSICAL REALM!!!!

Once one is dead, a different rule cuts in!!

BECAUSE the next world(the one we RETURN to after SO CALLED death!!), is so much LIGHTER in weight, than THIS one!!!! Thus making it so much easier for GOOD folk to win! But so much harder for evil doers!!

What happens, is that good folk EVENTUALLY go to the UPPER half of The Spirit World. While the wicked EVENTUALLY go to the LOWER half of The Spirit World. In other words, Heaven and Hell!!!!(AND Paradise and Hades!!!!)

Sin increasing your SOUL weight!! Doing good, LIGHTENS it!!(This is IN ADDITION to the increase in the weight of the ENTIRE Spirit World!! So you see THE LOAD!!!!)

The Earth is not hollow because plumb lines diverge(when you THINK they should converge), but BECAUSE spinning FLUID masses in space MUST CREATE the very shape most of us consider SO RIDICULOUS.(When it is NOT!!!!)!!!!

The average person SCORNS the idea of a HOLLOW Earth! Yet, it is the solid Earth notion that IS the CRASS FOLLY!!!!

Simply because of "centrifuges" and "centripedes"!!!!

Man's mistake is to listen to ALL voices within. When it is USUALLY The Devil's voice that we hear!!(Because it is the newly dead so corrupted and contaminated humans that are NEAREST to the remaining living mortals!!!!)

GOD'S voice is almost impossible to hear!! YES!!!!

How we heed our lower self's body promptings, instead of our higher self's SOUL urgings!!!!

We ARE responsible for our OWN actions!!!! Like it OR NOT!!!!

Yes, even to the youngest BABY!!!!(Parents and guardians ONLY ASSIST them!!!!(Or should do(be responsible FOR THEMSELVES!!!!)

It is not our deeds that take us to Heaven or Hell, but our INTENTS!!(It is not just the road to Hell that is paved with BAD(not good!!) intentions, but the road to Heaven(by GOOD intentions!!!!).

This is why animals and fools GET FORGIVEN SO EASILY!!!!

And how GREAT a fool I am!!

A dog that rapes a baby, IS INNOCENT!!

A rich man who gives away MILLIONS, is guilty! Of trying to BUY GOD off!!!!

With Man, ignorance of the law is no defence!

But with GOD, this is not so(AND per God's laws!!!!).

That's it folks.




Vic Conway.





Monday, 12th June, 2,006.


The Wages of Sin is Death.

Yes, but WHICH death??

Spiritual death. Even soul death. But not physical death. BECAUSE WE ALL DIE AUTOMATICALLY ANYWAY!! Even animals,!!

However, the simple in mind, encouraged by the short sighted religieuse teachers, believe that PHYSICAL death is referred to. Well, maybe that too. But the point is, even the saints died. Bar a few exceptions. I grant that.

So where are you??

Worth repeating, I think. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH!!!!


Vic Conway.


Friday, 9th June, 2,006.


The Dew Machine

It is a scientifically well known fact of course that below the humidity dew point, moisture will condense on cold surfaces. And there is usually some moisture in the air. Pure water,too, given clean collection surface.

In Queensland, Australia, television, they spoke of a machine(Purchase Price: $300(Australian)!) that could be artificially induced to do that job maximally! I don't know how it works, but presumably you super heat the air electrically, after sucking it in from outside. And then blow it into a refrigeration chamber, where any moisture condenses upon the inner walls, to trickle down, and drain out into a collector. 200 litres per day. Of pure water.(If machine kept clean inside.) Enough to keep the average person in drinking water, plus enough water for other uses too, domestically. Including watering gardens, driveways, cars,etc.

I wrote an article rather earlier on a much slower NATURAL method of collecting dew. Which also works. More than one method.(Not my inventions. But from some writer in Nexus Magazine, Australia.)

To do it artificially is of course a vast improvement.

Moisture laden air is not likely to run out for a long time!!

Dried air would keep getting replaced by moist air. Until the whole planet goes dry. Since the old moisture MUST go somewhere, in the precipitation, rivers, sea and evaporation cycle; ALL of the water on the planet would have to dry up before ALL air remained dry. Water cannot go out of existence, and, so, must always be available somewhere. Provided not too hot, nor too cold.

Some places on Earth are in drought. Some parts are in flood.

Australia, at least Queensland,etc. is in the worst drought for a hundred years.

So with re-cycled water, de-salinated water, bore water, plus dammed water in prospect, we may now add Artificial Dew Water!!

Communities could SHARE machines. In cases where some could not afford the $300. Say all in a block of flats pay a dollar each. And collect a two litre container of water a day. So it hardly likely many will die of thirst! In any case there is bottled water, beer,etc. And, if necessary water carts!!

Industries would have to use larger machines, of course!!

Or boil river and pond water,etc!! Perhaps distil.

I am for towing ice bergs up from The Antarctic!! Sell it to The Arabs. In exhange for oil!!

In two years, without rainfall, Queensland will run out completely. So alternative methods are A NECESSITY. Or die!!

It is amazing how necessity is the mother of invention, and even the thoughtless get driven to the fountain!

Similarly with petrol prices and shortages!!

And so the lack of oil and water, CAN be got around. At not too great a cost.

Dams just do not work in droughts, of course!!

And pump up your own bore water simply robs the collective supply!!

Re-cycled water, ex sewage etc. on tap! I am not convinced that this will be good for the community! However purified, there must still be a measure of pollution. And the prospect of drinking re-cycled COMMUNAL(and animal,etc.) dung and urine waters is not my idea of a pleasant drink! Even if the difference in taste is undetectable!! Trust the world to find the most unpleasant solution!!

No thanks!!

For babies,too?!

It is anti-spiritual!! And, I suspect, harmful THAT way!!

What is wrong with de-salination?!

Anyway, meanwhile, the water level restrictions bite steadily harder!!

There are wells, of course. Ordinary and artesian.

Trouble is it is left to councils etc. to decide for communities! And we know what councils are like!! With all their red tape and blue paper(documentation in quadruplicate,etc.)

Someone somewhere just isnt't trying hard enough!! More than one, in fact.

Swimming pools and wasteful industries should just have to toe the line a bit!!

Irrate neighbours could be the solution for determined wasters.

More water lost from EMPTY houses?! Of course, vandals exist. Plus leakages!!

Collecting rain off roofs, into septic tanks,etc. - Only works when and where rain falls, of course!!!!

Few should be reduced to drinking their own urine!

Though if they did, they would be much healthier. And live much longer!!

How many knew that?

Of course, it does take a little will power, as (MUST be your own!) urine is not exactly like lemonade!!

Fish water and water out of your car radiator is DEFINITELY OUT!!(Poison!!)

We shall need all the water we can get our hands on. To fight fires!!

Especially with increasing numbers of arsonists and militants!!

Humanity seems to have a problem.

Can it be an immature lack of control of their lower natures?!

Doint evil is SO enjoyable!!

Soon we shall have Water RAGE!!!!

And blood drinking!! O.P's of course!!!!

Anyone for The Pleiades, and beyond??!!(Mars is too dry. Venus is too hot. And moon is terribly dry,too!!)

Space ships will be at a premium soon!!

Union rates for pilots, of course!!!!



Vic Conway.

Wednesday, 7th June, 2,006.


Where Mankind is going wrong.


A few more points on this subject.

Extra: 1. Humans don't factor in God in to their programmes!! Not enough, anyway. All too often it is the reverse God, The Devil. At least his off-sider agent Pan. And very often some mythical religieuse monster!!!!

If we let God have a hand in our affairs, they do work very much better!!

Unfortunately, in the climate of nihilism under Materialistic Science, God seldom gets a look in. God is all powerful, how come IT loses out so? Because God has given Free Will. IT will not interfere with that!! Otherwise God becomes a tyrant. Which he is not!! It is The Devil that is the tyrant.

So because we leave God out of our equations, our affairs go from bad to worse. However, we REFUSE to learn!!!!

The Media is to blame for many of our woes. And The Governement. Plus Materialistic Science and Conventional Religion. This is true in The West. Other sectors have their own and far worse problems. Which of course they blame upon The West, especially U.S., The Jews, and the whites(The Caucasians, Europeans.). Political East and coloured skins are turning more and more against the whites, despite whites being outnumbered about 5 to 1.

Racism is trumpeted up in The West as a big issue. But like The Master to Slave relationship in Industry, the evil went away LONG BACK!!!! IT IS THE WHITES that are now being discriminated against. THAT is racism!!(Reverse racism.)

And it is The Masters who are being discriminated against by The Left Wing. Who STILL live in the nineteenth century!! When the workers WERE oppressed greatly!!(But now are CODDLED to death!!)

Stop living in The Past!!

It is The Employers who are having it so hard now!!

Especially whites. And particularly MALES!!(They are not committing suicide in droves for nothing!!)

No wonder we have Neo Nazis and GANG riots!!

Power games and ploys are going on constantly all over the place!!

Australia is bending over backwards not to offend immigrants.(Except their creators, The British, who have been taboo for many decades,now.)(They are not even recognized as migrants!!) Especially Muslims!!(I am Welsh, and looking towards The Southern Caribbean!!)(As it is so painfully CLEAR that either I am on the wrong planet, or am too soon!!!!)

Australia is being handed back to The Aboriginals! Despite their being set apart by THEIR SELVES!! They can't handle alcohol.(I blame the whites for this.) They are re-taking Australia, DESPITE BEING BEATEN, under the guise of Sacred Lands!!(All land is sacred to them!!)

They are the most primitive race on Earth!! Treat their own kind like SHIT. And would burn all whites alive had they the chance!!!! They just have not got it in them to behave better!! FAR too primitive!! Which is OBVIOUS!!!!

The Torres Straits Islanders are far superior (to The Abo's). The South Pacificians are brutal. Especially The Maoris.

The whites are the best race MENTALLY. The coloureds are best EMOTIONALLY.

Males are(on the average!) physically strong.

Females are(on the average) EMOTIONALLY strong!!

Females? Are over-rated. It is the MALE that is suffering far more and worse today! Emotionally. Even though it is still females who suffer so much at the hands of males, physically!!!!

A simplistic tar brush is being applied to a complex society overlain with COMPLICATIONS!!!!

Which, in desperation, I am trying to EXPLAIN to you all!!!!

Humans are always looking to some brighter tomorrow. Despite things constantly getting worse!!

There won't be one!! FACE UP TO IT!!!!

Only the worst disaster EVER(including ever TO COME!!)!!

Why?? Because we cannot control ourselves enough!! We suppress and repress our GOOD emotions. But let the bad have full sway, almost totally!!!!

Aggravated by SOL, our sun, ELECTRO-MAGNETICALLY!! Hey! Did you know that the sun is warming up PHOTONICALLY. And has been for a thousand years NOTICEABLY. But the Kyoto Protocol MORONS STILL REFUSE to get the message!!!!(It is NOT MAN. It is THE SUN, ELECTRONICALLY!!!!)

We absolutely refuse to even curb our low emotions. And live almost entirely for our BODIES!!!!

We worship pleasure, and treat pain as if it were a monstrous evil!!

I am guilty too much myself. Which does not alter THE FACT!!!!

2. Self is top dog. We all work for ourselves. Nor is that wrong. But there is a higher self, and a lower self. We kill out the higher self. And promote the lower. Then we constantly ask WHAT IS WRONG!!

No, we are not blind(Not JUST blind!!). We just put our eyes OUT at the beginning!! Because we KNOW very deep down, that self is to blame. THOUGH NOT HIGHER SELF, which is our portal to GOD, WITHIN!!!!

We pay lip service to Truth, but CANNOT BEAR it!!

Lies are more popular than Truth!!

Hypocrisy and HUMBUG are rife!!!!

We SHIT upon our own doorsteps, AND THEN CENSURE GOD for it!!!!

YOU dig at all??!!

If you let in vermin, THEN YOU MUST EXPECT TROUBLE!!!!


3. I said that there was no HUBBLE LAW expansion(There was no Big Bang!!)(We live in an EVERLASTING universe!!). Which is true.

So what then is The Cosmological Red Shift??

It is The Cosmic HORIZON!!

We are not looking at an acceleration, but an angle of view out that grows as we look farther out!!

Of course there is a Higher Time!!(Eternity)

I call it my Wave Angle. I found it.

It is not a velocity system, but simply our view out to the HORIZON!!!!

Let me give you an analogy to SHOW YOU just how UTTERLY STUPID our TOP cosmologists are!!:-

Two savages were contemplating The Horizon of THE EARTH!! Dubbo, the sea be curved, man!! How can The Earth be flat?! Yeah, responds Bonso. You got a point there.(These two are THE LEADERS of the tribe on the subject!!) Which means...(with a hideous grin) that The Earth is expanding!! (The tribal leaders leap up and down at this. But the populace are not convinced!!!!)

Expanding per Hubble's Law says Dubbo gasping.

Bonso goes hysterical. And both get worshipped by the tribal leaders. Who slowly whip the populace into agreement!!!!

(The Earth IS expanding. It is growing all the time, thanks to a constant INFALL of dust and debris from space! And,yes, that curvature proves it! Screams Dubbo hysterically!! Bonso lies on his back on the ground, FROTHING AT THE MOUTH.)

IDIOTS!!!! That horizon means that The Earth is round!! It does NOT mean that it is expanding.(Though it is!! For a very different reason!!)

A different kind of expansion!!

And so it is with not just The Cosmos, but ALL fields, all fields everywhere. Fields of objects. The CRS(Cosmological Red Shift) is simply THE COSMIC HORIZON!!

It is TOTALLY unrelated to the INFALL of dust and debris!!(Earth Analogue.)

A slow small expansion exists FOR ALL FIELDS!! (Including The Earth!!)

We have tied curvature to expansion, and glorified ourselves into almost TOTAL INSANITY!!!!

Do YOU follow at all, reader??

Hubble's off-sider Slipher discovered the "expansion". Of course Hubble took the credit. (Even Hubble rejected it!!)

Big Bang was tacked on later.

(We live in an INFINITE field of filaments within Spirilla.(And spirilla within Filaments!!)(Macro AND micro!!)

A monstrous explosion and expansion of a most MINUTE piece of matter!! That somehow became the entire UNIVERSE!!!!

Are you all barmy? Yet there is some truth to that "absurdity"!!

The SURFACES of ALL fields are round!!

At the same time, ALL fields expand!(Then contract). In short, they pulsate(oscillate)!! Constantly.

However, there is NO connection between curvature(horizon) and the small slow linear expansions that we do see!!

Except in the eyes of maniacs who seem starved of TOTAL appraisal!(I wonder why!!)

Objects move out from field centre LINEARLY. The FIELD does not expand.(That is simply ROUND!!). The objects IN that field, MOVE out(at first), from field centre. It is as simple as that!! And that is basically ALL that there is to it!!!!(It was POE(Edgar Allen) who first brought in Expansion!!(Einstein(everybody roll along the ground(ha ha)!!) knew that rotation causes, but could not grasp that 4d rotation could cause 3d expansion!!)(You should know what I MEAN. Though am not putting it at all well.)

Einstein is also over-rated!!

Hubble was deified.

And the human race sank even deeper into INSANITY!!!!

You dig at all, boys??!!

4. Dreams. There are dreams and DREAMS. Dreams are INTERNAL flat flimsy vague 2d affairs in sleep. Hallucinations in sleep.

But though dreamland is the auric world within, there exists a world OUTSIDE OF US, that resembles dreams, BUT IS NOT THEM!! That is The Spirit World. Where we came from at birth. Where we shall return to at "death"!!!!(The Spirit World is "4d"!! Though SUPERFICIALLY resembling dreams!! So we get fooled!!!!)

A vast difference between them.

How many channels on your TV set?

How many channels on GOD'S??(Via Nature's.) The Universal 3d cinema feelies,etc!!!!(Which we live INSIDE of!!)

We THINK that there is just the one channel, Physical World. Ordinary Waking Life.

Why?? Are we men who have dreamed that we are butterflies. OR BUTTERFLIES NOW dreaming that they are MEN!!??



And The Physical is NOT the most real(substantial)(in inverted density!!)!!!!

You see, I know, but words fail me to express it adequately to you all!!!!

So I am regarded as stupid.

And each reality is adequate in its own right!! And each one is so real that it convinces us of its substantiality WHILE IT IS OCCURRING.

Yet we STILL buy the lie that ONLY The Physical is real!!


5. I was speaking of Man ikons(some of them)(In The West.) Used condoms. Empty beer bottles. Used syringes. Plastic bags. LITTER. Dog poo. And gobs(spit),etc. You know the sort of SHIT I am talking about?! Such hallmarks of an advanced civilization!!(I DON'T THINK!!)

I wish to add a couple more, as we "advance" further in cultural SHIT.

Tattoos.(Those hideous engraved markings on God's pure given SKIN and flesh!!)

6. And 6. Piercings. I mean the new disgusting revolting practice of piercing tongues, flesh, ears, you name it!! With metal skewers,etc!!!!

All in the name of Individuality!!

How worthy of those BEREFT of Imaginations!!

If you think I am angry. YOU ARE RIGHT!!

Latest news(Ex Conspiracy Planet on The Internet): Bush is homo. Though the writer seems unclear whether he is speaking of the present BORN AGAIN Bush, or his Daddo!!

Words fail.

I could quite easily vomit my stomach's inside RIGHT OUT!!!!

At our so-called CIVIL ization!!

Just who is kidding WHOM??!!


Then we wonder when Islam rises. And The West sinks!!!!

The new HITLER, The Iranian President(But it is that small band of CLERICS behind him, that is the root evil!!), is going to save us all!!(From our sex organs and so inflated STOMACHS!!!!)

With ENFORCED Islam!!

(Those with HEADS left on, that is!!)

GOD, give me STRENGTH!!!!

But I have news for you all.

My ASS ISTANT is squeezing me OUT(of existence)!!!!


Or do you REALLY want to PERISH!!!! e mail address)(It WORKS!!)


But Alice stood up TWO miles high!!



Vic Conway.




Tuesday, 6th June, 2,006.


The major mistakes of Mankind.


Humanity's problems and difficulties stagger from bad to worse. They are clearly not getting better(other than technologically and for the wicked), but Mankind STILL keeps applying the old remedies THAT DO NOT WORK!!!!

I am trying to pinpoint the main mistakes that Humanity is making:-

1. Seeing God as The Devil, and vice versa! Then refusing to acknowledge either. (Simply because not visible to us.)(Man goes by what he can SEE,etc!!) Though to be quite truthful, it is Pan, The Earth God, that The Devil relies so well upon. And Peter Pan by God. Pan pressures us all to live for the body. Peter Pan, infuses us to live for the personality. Soul, really.

2. Seeing the body - as the self.

3. Convinced that death is the end!

4. Increasingly convinced that there will be no punishment for wicked deeds.

5. Amassing money,etc. Instead of the things of The Spirit (Of GOD).

6. Refusing to acknowledge spirits.

7. Refusing to acknowledge aliens and their ships,etc.

8. Attributing The Crop Circles to little more than two men. Or whirlies!!

9. Refusing to face up to the fact that The Political East is now in control of the world!!(Because you stopped Reagan.)

10. Swallowing The Jesus Saves myth(In The West.).

11. Swallowing The Big Bang nonsense.

12. Seeing everything reversed!!

13. Living for material union of bodies(sex), instead of spiritual union with GOD.

14. Believing only in Appearances.

15. Believing that birth was the beginning.

16. Thinking that all came from nothing.

17. Thinking that all will go to nothing.

18. Living for self, instead of God.

19. Backing appeasement and pacification to stop enemies!!

20. Drugs.

21. Dope(Medicinal drugs).

22. Believing the Government and The Media in respect of MAJOR things.(Which hide behind THE MANY minor facts.)

23. Believing that Darwinism,etc. is true.

24. Believing that white holes are black holes.

25. And vice versa.

26. Thinking that Time is Passage!!

27. Going for Seeing is Believing.

28. Going into Denial over unwelcome truths!!

29. Marrying The Opposite Gender, instead of CHRIST of GOD.

30. The obsession with Alcohol.

31. And smoking.

32. Disregarding Alternative Truth channels.

33. Disregarding Alternative Therapies. Etc.

34. Living in The Past.

35. Not learning the lessons of history!!

36. Scorning spirituality.

37. Materialistic Science.

38. Conventional religieusity.

39. So called Fundamentalism.

40. Especially with The Muslim Wahabee sect!!

41. Storing up the things of this world. INSTEAD of the next!!

42. Believing in irrational re-action, instead of reason and logic,etc!!!! And LOGIC THEOREMS. Plus the CORRECTLY interpreted evidences!!!!

43. Worshipping Technology.

44. Not realizing that Sport is increasingly WAR!!

45. Entertainment.

46. The way of the world.

47. Letting the wicked rule.

48. Letting children rule their parents!!

49. Going so much into DEBT!!!! Don't go into debt AT ALL. Go into credit!!!!

50. Voting for worldly leaders, instead of God and Jesus,etc!!

51. Multi-culturalism.

52. Multi nationalism.

53. Ignoring invasion by IMMIGRATION!!!!

54. The ASS of a Law!!

55. Over-doing Political Correctness.

56. Refusing to face the fact that the sun is hotting up. Ex its electro-magnetic side!!

57. The Global Warming stupidity.

58. Turning a blind eye to Planet Nibiru.

59. Ignoring the evidence, past, that The Earth is about to GEOGRAPHICALLY INVERT!!!!

60. Calling priests Fathers.(Only GOD is Father!!)

61. Not believing in Ghosts.(Though 95% are phoney!!)

62. Not believing in Sprites.

63. Putting faith in violence.

64. Putting faith in unrighteous anger.

65. Not recognizing that the human race is so imperfect. SO unevolved,yet!!!!

66. Confusing own body heat with ambient temperature!!

67. Walking on the wrong side of the pavement!!

68. Parking on the pavement!!

69. Doting on dead bodies. Yet ignoring(so much)LIVING ones!!!!

70. Cremation.

71. Refusing to realize that you cannot take it with you!!

72. The increasing self centredness of humans.

73. The increasing selfishness of humans.

74. Worshipping a book instead of GOD. And churches before GARDENS!!!!

75. Believing that The Bible is The Word of God.(No!! It is the word(in a few rare parts) of inspired MEN!!!! But villains tampered even with that!!!!

76. Believing that you OWN your children!!

77. Killing out the wisdom of children! Like remembering past lives, and the seeing of ghosts,etc!!!!

78. NOT fighting evil!!

79. Labour Party. The union of THUGS!!!!

80. Failing to recognize that Democracy and Liberalism become Anarchy and LICENCE!!!!(Licence IS NOT Liberty!!)

81. Intellectuality is not Intelligence.

82. Intelligence is not Wisdom!!

83. Universities etc. churn out REBELS against Authority, not educated people!!

84. Activists take themselves too seriously!!

85. Use Dew Water!!

86. Boil the water off your roof!!

87. Find substitutes for OIL, or perish!!

88. Burning the boat to keep going!!

89. Not stopping Russia!!

90. Letting Islam survive!!

91. Christianity, not Judaism!!

92. Repressing women!!

93. Big bad U.S. is leading us all to total destruction, spiritual,too!!

94. Britain lost its way in 1943. To U.S.(It lost the war with U.S. because of King George, the mad king.)(Rhodes was South Africa's hope!!)

95. Bolshevikism is NOT Communism!!

96. Bush and Blair were lost causes FROM THE BE GINNING!!!!

97. Howard and Clarke provide hope.

98. Nuclear is Australia's only hope!! AUSTRALIA can lead the world!!!!

99. Indonesia is primitive and savage.

100. China is the new super power.(Already, West bows down to RED China. And Australia bows down to Indonesia!! Leslie and Corby WERE FRAMED!!!! The Indonesian leaders are cheats and LIARS. Howard is getting more like a monkey on a stick every day!! Probably Clarke(New Zealand)has a better chance!!!!

101. U.S. has the means but has grown too fond of soft living!!

102. Vainly hoping something will turn up to save us all!!

103. Yes, my web site.(I lead the POPULAR ESOTERIC field!!) But of course you(most of you) see foolishness in it!!

104. This life is a dream. Yes, a dream within a dream. From which we awaken to a super life in a super world!!!!

105. Propaganda ex Government and Media is BULL SHIT!!!!

106. Failure to observe a Second Government of hidden evil faces!!!!

107. Refusing to acknowledge that ALL has to be paid for. Especially WHAT YOU TAKE!!!!

108. Living for self above whole!!

109. The world is LOST.

110. It refuses to recognize GOD!!!!

111. Read and study my works!!

112. And SUPPORT me!!!!

113. History DOES repeat itself!!

114. WE have made The Devil, - GOD!!!!

115. One's self is the wicked one!!

116. Play from Strength, NOT Weakness!!

117. Power is from GOD, alone!!

118. Earth is hollow.(All heavenly bodies and bolides are!!)

119. It is a double reverse helix!!

120. Psychic and occult exist!!

121. The universe is electric, plasmic, filamentary, helixial(spiral),etc.

122. Magnetism comes before electricity!!

123. Electro-magnetism is THE MEANS, though not the source, of SPIRITS!!!!

124. Time Travel IS possible!!

125. There is no Hubble Law Expansion!!

126. We re-incarnate(usually!!).

127. We even return to the year of our birth. But re-birth and re-incarnation are different. Re-birth is birth again of the current personality and body!!!! Re-incarnation is a new personality, and body, put down by the soul!!!! Both exist!!

128. ALL fields pulsate, expand and contract. Slowly. NOT of the field, but of the components, which spiral out from centre, their birth place!!!!

129. All goes in ramifying pairs. Identical twins!!

130. To find happiness, you must GIVE IT AWAY!!!!

131. What we do to others, will get done to us!!

132. Seek WHOLE joy, not impure pleasure!!

134. There is nothing new under the sun!! But re-hashed up.

135. Strength, not weakness. Gentle strength!!

136. The way up is down.

137. And the way forward - is back!!

138. For God's sake, not yours!!

139. We shall awaken from this dream(nightmare), even as we awaken from dreams to waking life!!!!

140. The Proper Study of Man, is GOD. Not Man.(Which Alexander Pope averred.)

141. Silence is best. Too hard for me!!

142. No fool like an old fool!!

143. Who thinks he knows, knows no thing.

144. Let the child live!!

145. ALL things are indeed possible. Though not probable!!

146. It IS a game. But shouldn't be.

147. All is simply views.

148. Your move.

149. Be all things to all men.

150. No thing to no woman!!!!

151. Thank you Nexus Magazine.

152. And The Philadelphia Trumpet.

153. Heed GOD within!!

154. Not dog without!!

155. For the sake of a nail, the ship was lost!!(Or was it a screw??)

156. Let me be your nail!!

157. The trick is not to buy the first bait!!

158. Buy the second.



Vic Conway.



Monday, 5th June, 2,006.


In RED!!


Yes, IN The Red!! ALMOST totally!!!!!

To describe Humanity's position!!

I have done my best. To warn you all of the awful future IMMEDIATELY ahead!!

I don't see that I can do any more.

Not without your financial support, anyway.

You do not e mail me(hardly ever). Partly due I think to my assistant's anti-spam notice.(Instead of quoting my e mail properly!!)

Not all spam IS spam!!

We all need to advertize AT LEAST once!!

It is only real spam when the spammer has been asked to desist(after first spam), but then REFUSED TO!! THAT is spamming!!

The other is advertising. Upon which we all depend. Not just commercial advertising!!

I have said all that is necessary, I THINK.

I see no more that I can do!!(Under the circumstances.)

It is up to YOU,now.

Or ALL is lost!!!!

Any future articles will be B's.

My assistant has stopped co-operating!!

And you, my readers, DO NOT SUPPORT ME!!!!

You will HAVE TO learn the hard way then!!

This generation is just not with it!

Except with THE DEVIL!!!!

I am sorry. Which gets me nowhere!!


See you at The Judgement then!!!!

I can only do my best, under the appalling circumstances and conditions.





Vic Conway.


Monday, 5th June, 2,006.


Latest world situation continued.

The world is in its biggest mess ever!

The Political East is proceeding to devour The West. And has been doing so for some time now!

Bush needs impeaching.

McCaine should be at the helm.

NOT The Democrats!!

Or things will be far worse.

Blair is beyond words. But still no better alternative.

Howard is hanging on as best he can.

Peter Costello will take his place. But for how long?! Not long I would not think!!

Helen Clarke is hanging on. Still no serious opposition I don't think!!

East Timor is shocking. Australia should have left them under Indonesia!!

Keep Labour OUT as long as you can, Australia!!

Or you quickly lose the lot!! Why the public cannot(will not!!) see this, amazes me!!

Iran has the world in a vice. Following North Korea into supremacy. Russia is behind Iran. RED China is behind North Korea.

What is going to happen? What CAN happen!!

Just the slow strangulation of U.S!!

As EU finds its feet under Germany!!

Bush won't attack Iran,etc. Nor will Israel!!

Or short indeed will be West's future!!(It will be painful EITHER way!!)

The next move is for Indonesia to CRUSH Australia, and New Zealand!!!!

At present Australia is coming across with enough cash. But come Labour taking over, there soon won't BE any cash!!!! THEN Indonesia will crush us!!!!

Things will slowly, but acceleratingly ROT!!!!(In the meantime.)

Third World War, nuclear,etc. will descend upon world via civil war. First in U.S.(After Iraq.) Then the whole world.

Sanctions will NOT work against Iran! Which is WHY Russia does not mind them. Likewise with RED China.(And remember Russia under Putin is going back RED!!!!)

Israel is too repressed to attack Iran.

In addition to all this we have Comet Planet Nibiru and Earth inversion(geographical!!). The former in about four years. The latter within 8 or 9.

Global Warming will rise to almost unbearable.

Followed by a 1,000 year plus ICE AGE!!!! Sending THE REMNANTS(if any!!) of Humanity, plus animals BACK TO THE CAVES!!!! As Einstein said, the war after the next lot, will be fought with sticks and stones!!!!

Meanwhile aliens continue to rule us.(Have done for many millions of years.)

As the humanoids prepare us for The Reptilean aliens to devour. Body and Soul. We are CATTLE!!!!

Our only hope is escape to The Pleiades and beyond. If humans only did evacuate there many million years ago!!(EVEN The Spirit World won't be safe!!)

Meanwhile the creation of The Mutant humanoid alien race continues apace. Amidst alien abductions, the most PAINFUL experiments, and cross breeding of humans with humanoids!! BOTH ways!!!!

Man continues on as if all was well. But it is ANYTHING but!!

I wish I had good news for you.

However, we are entering the worst time EVER. Or EVER to be!!

Over the next decade!! After that it will ice and caves for thousands of years!!

We are selling our souls for the technology provided by aliens!! Or, rather, our puppet leaders are. As they get dominated by The Other(EVIL) World Government.

We are now in a very dusty and debris filled part of The Milky Way.

This will accelerate the cold all right!!

Churchill warned The West back in the thirties. And was EVENTUALLY noticed!!

I do so now!! The only difference is that you won't notice me!!!!

World! You have FAILED UTTERLY to learn the lessons of History!!

Each generation creates its own educational set. Going back ONLY about a quarter of a century!!

They tried to appease Hitler,etc!! The result, he invaded Poland!!

We are RIGHT NOW trying to appease The Iran leader. We have NO hope in HELL!!!! THEY press on, BECAUSE we did NO THING about North Korea!!

Suicide will become VERY popular. Because The Muslims(Now spreading all over the world thanks to the idiotic multi cultural and multi national policies, and more and more immigrants(Invasion by immigration!! You IDIOTS!!!!). And Political Correctness, Bad activisms,etc.etc!!!!) are so devoted to murder by slowly hacking off heads with long dirty rusty knives!! After as long as possible held prisoner and squirming. We won't even have the option of converting to Islam!!!! They are OUT to most slowly and painfully kill EVERY man, woman and child in The West. And you are UTTER FOOLS if you cannot see this. The horrible Wahabee sect will terrorize the "moderate" Muslims into becoming MANIC!!!!

In Australia, the rule is walk on the left(same as the traffic!). So what do people do? They walk on the right!!

The West MAY re-act, but TOO LATE!! With nuclear devices!!!!

The Devil has never been more in evidence. Nor so disbelieved in!!

God, of course, was never allowed to exist!!

But of course you won't believe me!!

As if that would alter things!!!!


You who put the body BEFORE THE SOUL!!!!

And urinate the lot up against the nearest wall!!!!

You are all INSANE!!!!

Going COMPLETELY the wrong way!!!!

All because Materialistic "Science" took over from a religieusity that had gone too far into absurdity for The People!!!!

We had The Jesus Save BIG LIE from Christedom.

NOW we have The Big Bang Big Lie from Materialistic Science!!!!

We get nowhere because we are increasingly confused and mixed up. Yes, all individuals!!!!

Thanks to our SO unevolved natures.

Aggravated by the incoming electron masses hitting the brains of humans and animals. Via the Earth's Surface Electro-magnetic Field!!!!

Naturally people like me are NOT allowed to be heard!!

So you SWALLOW the usual SHIT.

And THINK that you do well!!!!

Governments and Medias,etc. are SPEWING it out, en masse, NON STOP.

Those showing the most concern are the young bad men!!!!




Vic Conway.

Thursday, 1st June 2,006.


I appeal for support!!

Cheque or money order, registered cash,etc.

Pay Bill Thomas, 7/102, Folkestone Street, Stanthorpe, Queensland, 4380. AUSTRALIA.

I must be desperate to give out my address!!

If I cannot get enough financial support, the site will have to close down! It is as simple as that!!

As much as you can, please. Give until it hurts!! However little, it will help!!!!

So I can continue to help the world, via true important facts!!

It is up to you!!

I am doing my best.

For all.

I have run this site completely at a loss. I am not interested in profit. Especially this way!! I am several thousand down in my needs!!

Moral support would help too!!

Out of my meagre allowances, I have run this site.

PLEASE help me!!!!


Vic Conway is my web site name.



Bill Thomas.




Sunday, 4th June, 2,006.


The World situation, latest.

I inadvertently jumped this number. It happens to suit me because I wanted my appeal to be last!!!!

The world situation has never been so grim!!

We are back in (analogue) 1938, immediately before the outbreak of World War Two.

That time it was convention. This time it nuclear!!

THEN, it was Hitler. Now it is one FAR worse than Hitler ever was!!

Appeasement DOES NOT pay. But you could have fooled me!!

What does The U.S.(and u.s. is the operative word!)Republican Party care?(Democrats - even less.)

The U.S. "cabinet" inner circle, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeldt, Rice,etc. are naturally feathering their own nests. At the expense of the world!!

Bush is dragging things out, so he can retire from politics unscathed. But the price will be World War 3!!!!

U.S. of United States, note not America!!

Hitler's main aim was to further the work of CHRIST!!!!

The Iranian mouthpiece madman, will save world from spiritual death.

The West took world rule and leadership off the Muslims a couple of thousand years ago in the previous Crusade.

NOW, Iran is TAKING, HAS taken, that world rule and leadership BACK off of The West!!!!

The West, especially U.S., does not want war. No wish or will for it. To soft and spoilt now!!!!

Iran, on the other hand, led by a small bunch of clerics, DOES(want war!)!! At any price. Because Islam, at least under Wahabee sect, lives BY WAR!!!!

The new Hitler ACTUALLY WANTS war!(At ALL costs!!) Nuclear at that!!(ETC!!!!)

Though not omitting the other WMD. As well as conventional means!!

He holds the whip hand. Has done for some time.

The big four are: The Iranian Hitler, Kim Jung, Bin Laden and Omar.

They are working in very close league.

The West's big four are Bush, Blair, Howard and Clarke.

It has been said that Iran will have nuclear weapons in 5 to 9 years. I put it at 1 to 4, possibly as soon as six months. And North Korea is supplying them with missiles to deliver them!! The Terrorists will sooner or later be supplied with nuclear,ETC. weapons too. As well as the conventional.

The only answer is nucleate asap the Eastern big four. Put a bomb(nuclear) on to the Iranian clerics' NEST.( The mouthpiece is just a voice. He could be replaced.)

Also nucleate Kim Jong, Bin Laden and Omar!!!!

There is only one thing worse than doing this, and that is NOT DOING IT!!!!

But U.S. won't! It is too scared to!!

And with very good reasons!!!!

Israel MAY do this job. Were they not so repressed by The U.S!!

The world(I personally would not touch anything violent with a barge pole!!) needs to do this, or suffer FAR worse later!!

India, Pakistan and Nepal have now joined The Eastern League!!

Bush, Blair, Howard and Clarke are looking to exit soon. And don't want to spoil their chances - by any FURTHER aggression stuff!!

The West won't touch it. So EU will have to!!

Yes, The West is all rhetoric and hype!!

The Political East is up and coming!!!!

Has been on top for some years now!

The SPIDER, Iran, controls about eight lines of attack, if not more: 1. Terrorism.(Of which it is the author AFTER U.S. started terrorism,etc. by attacking Iraq EVEN THE FIRST TIME!!(In The First Gulf War.)

2. Iraq, which it has been supplying with militants via Syria and Lebanon for years.

3. Rising to ANNIHILATE Israel.

4. Control the oil supply!!

5. Going FLAT OUT for a nuclear Iran, plus missiles!!(North Korea leading UNTOUCHED!!)

6. Control of The Straits of Huruz,ETC.

Plus about five more MAJOR lines of attack!!

The West is playing The Appeasement game, just as it did in The Thirties!!

It does NOT pay!!

We only JUST managed to stop Hitler!! And at terrible cost.

This generation knows nothing of history. All it knows is used condoms, ivd drug syringes, beer bottles, drugs, dope, foul language, blasphemy, rape, alcohol, smoking, sport, entertainment, sex, money, power, gangs, violence, intimidation, ARSON, explosives, junk food, repressing women, rebellion, assault, hooliganism, vandalism, theft, murder, etc. All the ikons of the modern age in The West!! AT LEAST in The West!!!!

The West won Vietnam(A NECESSARY war to combat Communism!!), then THREW IT ALL AWAY, because Westmorland, a soldier(not a leader), was supported instead of the troops!!!!

Thanks to STUDENT protests.(Students today are TAUGHT rebellion, not education!!)(Right up to University level!!)

And now we are bowing to Iran, and fleeing Iraq!! And Afghanistan,etc.

The West is brought up on dummies and television,etc. Not fighting!! The Political East has a hard life, and is brought up to fight most violently!!!!

There are about 2 million Muslims. Only about one million of Christendom!!

Not counting all the other Eastern religions!!

Bush is backing diplomacy and talks now. But TOO LATE!! Iran has him dancing to THEIR tune!!!!

The West is an IDIOT. And Bush, a lunatic!!!!(U.S. with its IDIOTIC u.s(useless) foreign policy!!)

Impeach Bush!! And put McCaine in charge!!!! NOT The Democrats,etc!!!!

Mexico,ETC. is invading The U.S. And could take back the southern states!!

While terrorists, especially Muslim, infiltrate U.S.ETC.

With their suitcase nuclear weapons, ETC!!

The U.S. is the strongest country in the world. It MIGHT AS WELL BE THE WEAKEST!!!!

I am from Wales, which was forced to ally with England. But I prefer English!! And USED TO U.S!! I now support Australia. And even New Zealand. As Howard(who saved Australia), not too old for the job, prepares to leave and hand over to Peter Costello.

Australians DELIBERATELY RUBBISH anything, not born in Australia. Particularly The British!!

Nuclear is Australia's ONLY hope!!

Re-cycled water(water will be gone(In Queensland, anyway.) in 2 years, if we don't have APPRECIABE rain.(But none is on the horizon!!)

Re-cycled water is processed SEWAGE!!(You might not be able to tell the difference, BUT, it is SPIRITUAL SHIT!!!! That we will be drinking. I mean that though it may not kill us physically, it MUST harm us spiritually!! Because SHIT WATER!!!!)

Australia,etc. have NO identities now!!

Thanks to Political Correctness,etc.

Instead of Common Sense,ETC!!!!

Beattie is laughing.

Distill sea water!!

USE Dew water!!

And water off your roofs!!!!(Boil it first, of course.)

You cannot trust bottled water!!

From now on in, woes increase.

As we RACE TOWARDS World War THREE!!!!

We are MAD!!

The human race is so backward. Unevolved.

People are obsessed with making money, watching tv, watching sport, and drinking themselves STUPID, at the local pub!! Toss in sex, power, violence and intimidation!!!!

So The Lord is raising up The Political East to teach us A MUCH NEEDED LESSON!!!!

We of The West, who have had it so good, for many decades,now.

All that is now ended!!

It is electrons en masse from the sun that is causing all the trouble!! Not Man!!

Blame The System, Status Quo!! Plus a public that HATES good change!!

So we have a divided West. Which must lead to Civil War. World wide!! Amid world wars,ETC. ETC!!!!

Hardly any know, let alone care!!

And people like me who could save the world, are kept repressed!!

We are lost, confused, mixed up, and increasingly INSANE!!!!(But much of the insanity is due to electron masses from the sun affecting Earth's surface EM field!! AND the brains of humans, AND animals!!!! Via brain storms. WAKE UP!!!!

Churchill saved Britain in WW2. I could(if you let me), now as WW3 LOOMS!!!!

Instead of which, you BURY me!! And then blame me!!!!

Europe will rise, led by Germany!!

To defeat Islam.

THEN The Political East will confront Europa.

But CHRIST and GOD intervene, and beat the world, which unites to fight CHRIST!!!!

Then, after thousands of years of ICE and CAVES, humans start again, and finally reach a new Golden Age!!

Yes, that is our prospect!! After the most hideous time EVER(and EVER to be known!!)!!!!

We shall be lucky to survive at all!!!!

RED China is the new rising power. With Russia in alliance!!

China controls Iraq. And Russia controls Iran!!

Clinton sold us all out into this state!!

Aided by the other Western leaders these past 25 years. Ever since Reagan was kept out, in fact!!

Iraq on brink of civil war?

U.S. is!!

Then the whole world!!!!

We NEED alternative methods AND alternative NEWS and VIEWS!!!!

I don't think I need to say any more!!




Vic Conway.