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Friday, 15th April, 2,005.


Why Big Bang is unsound.(As a one-off.)

Logic prevails. Through the Omniverse.

1. Local big bangs may occur. But even they are not the rule. Things occur gently. Even if they proceed violently.

2. A one-off big bang is absurd. How could an explosion occur without a cause?

3. What preceded that? Nothing? But Nothingness cannot be.

4. Nor can Nothingness change into Thingness!

5.(Similarly with Endless ends.(An endless expansion.)

6. Nor could any expansion speed up due to a pull force.(Gravity is a push force anyway.)

(A speed- up occurs via increasing energy along the birth placenta from the white hole at centre.)

7. (The fact is cosmologists are speculating wildly. But they are far from the truth.(I have found it. It is linear growth along spiral arms.)

(The world insists upon Materialism. Both with orthodox science, And with conventional religion!! But Mind rules Matter. Plus a Dualism! (Where Matter rules mind via the brain. But only in part!!))

8. Similarly with The Survival of bodily death question. (We believe what we like. And reject what we don't like. Then kid ourselves that that is true!!)(Only a few seek Truth to any extent.)

Materialists reject survival. And accuse believers of wishful thinking. Claiming that the desire to survive bodily death is due to an unhealthy wish to live on past one's time(With Survival however, we become young again!) The truth is that materialists are in denial. They fear to survive, in case they have to pay for their sins!! They cannot bear this, so reject Survival. They get very angry(even hostile) with Believers(In Survival), and will attack them. Give them hell at least. So that few can endure that. But they are fooling their selves!! And must face up to Survival sooner or later!!!!

One group wishes to survive. Another group wishes not to!! Only a few have found the truth. We survive, and become young again.(We live for ever. And have already done so!!)

Materialists are good only at sophistry. And they fool many.

This has to be for the sake of those who cannot bear the thought of living on! But it shall not always be unbearable.




Friday, 15th April, 2,005.



I think Corby was unlucky. That will teach her to guard her bag when travelling abroad!(If only she is allowed to live!!) Poor soul.

She may of course be guilty! But I don't think that is likely!!

Threatening to kill Indonesians in Perth embassy indicates the strength of concern and feeling for Corby in that particular set. But it will do her more harm than good. She is IN Indonesia(Bali). She has to abide by THEIR laws. The convict funked revealing the name of the person who planted the drugs(And who can blame him. Facing likely murder.) The Indonesians wanted his name. Any excuse to get out of having to be so hard on Corby.(So bad after the help Australia has given(A thousand million Australian dollars or more!!)at The Tsunami,etc!!)(Though such help should not of course be conditional!!)

I am afraid we can expect little softness from Indonesia!! Who are a harsh and superstitious lot. Primitives, really. But we are wise not to offend them! Similarly as is our case now with RED China!!(And Russia. And possibly India.)(No longer may U.S. protect us. Thanks to very sick Bush junior, they cannot afford more wars!! Fools. And Britain of course deserted Australia(and New Zealand) many decades back!!)

I expect Indonesia to find Corby guilty, and sentence her to death by firing squard. I suspect they fear and hate really nice people(like Corby is). So I expect the worst. They will make an example of her. The bag opener lied. But they will believe him. They dare not risk clemency, to avoid a back lash!! And Australia is sucking up to Indonesia(and China,etc.) in many ways now. For fear of offending them!! But wise of Howard,etc. Who has gained Australia many advantages.(New Zealand led the way long back on the path to sell out.)(It is expedient now to throw in our lot with Red China and Indonesia!!)

It would have cost an outlay of $10,000 to make $10,000. I don't think that type of person, and a beautician, is into drug smuggling.(Nor do I think ANYBODY should be severely punished(especially by death, and so unpleasant a death) for DRUG smuggling. They are not heinous!! May even do some good.)

It MAY be commuted to life imprisonment(In view of Australia's assistance with The Tsunami,etc.)(And perhaps some transfer deal may be established, to get her transferred to an Australia prison. At great cost. She would still have to serve long in prison, of course. Unless someone speaks up. Which is unlikely.)

Her mental distress must be horrific.

Drugs are dangerous to weak people. But I don't think they should be a felony!! Only a misdemeanor.(A good source of income to police and military incidentally!!)

Don't know what will happen. Anybody's guess.

The case should create quite a stir!!

She might attempt suicide.

I am really sorry for her. As no doubt are many.

We have to be very careful. She may be guilty!! (Though hardly likely.) How about lie detector tests? And we dare not offend Indonesia!!

She could well be a sacrifice(dead or alive(And life in an Indonesian prison may be the worse evil!!) on the altar of good relations between Australia and Indonesia.

If she does die(and I am afraid she well might!!), some Indonesians may be murdered. This could start a dreadful clash between Indonesia and Australia.

It is clinically interesting to observe what happens!!




Saturday, 16th April, 2,005.


Hypnosis analysed.

In a situation dictated first by Divine Will, hypnosis is human will of operator. But the subject has to be willing!! Not normally possible against will of the subject!!

Power control. Or strength of will.(But subject must be willing.)

Tests first made with volunteers - to see if they will make good subjects.

That is: Are they controllable?

The hypnotist then puts the subject(or subjects) to sleep. Not an ordinary sleep. But an hypnotic sleep. An hypnotic trance.

This is done by distracting the subject through a device, like a light, or a strobe, or a spiral, or eyes of hypnotist. Or just the voice. Silence is necessary. And gravity(no levity).

To gain his or her attention. And keep it.

Suggestions of control are then made. And Go to sleep! The subject must co-operate.

A clash of will powers, with the weaker also complying!! Intelligence and imagination are needed. The subject need not be weaker in will, just WILLING(PERMITTING).

Animal magnetism passes first put the body to sleep. Via contact or not.

This persuades the subject that he is asleep.(His concious mind is. His sub-concious is now uppermost.(He may think he is awake.))

The operator now suggests certain things to the subject. Like Give up smoking, or some positive suggestion.(This will not work for long if the subject does not WANT to give up smoking(or whatever).)

For a while, the stronger will of the hypnotist prevails.

The subject is then awakened.

He can be made to forget what happened(by suggestion).

Fascination and mesmerism are also employed.

Fascination obtains complete control of the subject. By dominant power.

Mesmerism is deepening that complete control.

Repetition is necessary.

Finally(if a good subject)the subject is in an hypnotic trance. Concious mind asleep.(Actually under complete control.)

Thus subject may THINK he is awake. And is. But is under complete control. Resistance now is useless.

The subject's subconcious mind can now be suggested to. And he will do anything(Provided deep down he is not opposed!!)(Like in the low concious mind.)

Immoral suggestions won't work, unless the subject is willing!!

Actually, the body is asleep, but the mind is awake!!

The subject may think the body is awake. But it is not.

Next time is easier.(Too much hypnotic control is not recommended.)

ONLY the hypnotist can work suggestions. He can re-inforce the subject's wishes.(Stated beforehand.) Like to give up smoking. But the subject must REALLY want this!! Or it won't work. At least, not for long.

Hypnosis means sleep. But it is not an ordinary sleep. Except of the body. The mind is disabled!!

The body can now be made to do the most extra-ordinary things(Within its limits.)(Though asleep!!). And the mind can be sent travelling!! Even in time. Or at least Memory. Trance is simply a state of sleep where the mind is awake, and can leave the body.(In varying degrees.)

These events can be remembered or not, as the hypnotist chooses.

ONLY the hypnotist can get the subject out of the state.(Otherwise it will gradually wear off.)

In ordinary sleep, the body is asleep, but so is the mind!!

He may be dreaming. The concious mind CAN be awake.

Usually it is the subconcious.

With hypnosis, the body is asleep, but the mind is awake WITHOUT entering the dream world. Though this can be induced.

One can be made to travel in Vibration and Density. Even in space, as well as time. And Memory. AND IMAGINATION.

This demonstrates the GROUP dimensionality of the universe.

And the possibility of control.

Post hypnotic suggestions can be made.





Sunday, 17th April, 2,005.


Still more on Bodily survival.

Do we survive death? The only meaningful answer is no. It depends which component of the being you are referring to as YOU. Body complex. Self. Higher self. Conciousness. Four different components.

Technically the answer is no.

The body and all accessories dies, and stays dead. It rots to nothing. Returning to the great reservoir of matter. For use in further creations, animate and inanimate.

The waking self dies, but can be resurrected later by The Higher Self.

The Higher Self was never born that it might die. It simply continues on.

The same applies to Conciousness. The Conciousness concerned.

Expressively(in the sense that though the suit we are wearing dies, the occupant does not, except that it goes unconcious for a short period), the answer is Yes. The horse dies, the rider does not!!

Our body is the horse, a shell. A 3d shell, but still a shell!!

There is a good analogy of what happens when we die.

The Dreamer in Dreamland.

You wake up. Become The Waking Self. What happened to the dream self and its body?? Where are they now?

You were asleep and dreaming. Now you are awake.

Similarly, this life we are currently in is a super dream. From which we super awake at so-called death! A Super Awakening. To become The Higher Self.(Which we can also be now in this life.)

The Higher Self can at will enter a special kind of swoon, and resurrect the waking self!(Much as The Waking Self can now in this life go to sleep and resurrect The Dream Self, and its body, in a dream!!)

How do I know? It is the best explanation of what happens. The theory that best fits the evidences!

It is just about certain that this happens. It is so extremely probable.

Furthermore, we evolve to become The Higher Self, and higher. Without end. In turn, each self becoming self aware, and The Rider. The previous rider becoming the horse!!

This process goes on FOR EVER. And already has!!

Yet there is no disturbance, because each time we die, we forget what happened previously. Similarly with when we get born. Also when we consummate with God. Or fail to!! So it is not a case of knowingly going on for ever. We simply are aware only of our current self at any point. Which is a mercy.

We have no choice in the matter.



Tuesday, 19th April, 2,005.


The truth about Aids.

Here is a report that I am not the author of. I got this from Conspiracy Planet via The Internet. If it is true, then it is most definitely worth learning about. Unless you think it is hopeless(which it is(about))!!

Aids is a mysterious viral disease which suddenly appeared just before 1980. It attacks the immune system, and gives you cancer(Aids is a form of cancer.)(Or the opposite of cancer.). Many die of pneumonia. As you progressively weaken. There is no cure. 100% of those infected by HIV(which leads to Aids), die. Usually after some years.

It is a disease attributed to homo-sexuality. Through anal sex. Also through injected drugs via shared needles.

It supposedly originated in the little green Rhesus monkey of Africa. Which infected a human, and then spread through Central Africa, and beyond. Via Haiti to The U.S. It certainly got into blood banks,etc.

Dating back to the 1930's.

It appeared in U.S. Haiti, Brazil, Africa and Southern Japan simultaneously just before 1980.

The only individual defence apparently is the use of condoms.(What an advert for sex!!)

For the full report on the subject, look up Conspiracy Planet on The Internet. Of 18.04.05. WHO murdered Africa,etc. Get the evidently true facts on Aids. (WHO standing for World Health Organization.)

HIV cases double about every 14 months. No vaccine is possible. Drug cocktails can delay its progress, but that is all. The human race has about a decade left!

Aids was deliberately created at the suggestion of The WHO. To test the human immune defences! Accidently or deliberately used(via a small pox vaccine) to wipe out the blacks of Africa.(Deliberately, it seems.)

Condoms have numerous minute holes in them, and do not elimate the risk!

Mosquitoes CAN spread the disease!

Russian and Chinese Communist Nationals instigated this.(To defeat The Non-Communist world.)

Hetero-sexuals also spread this disease. Women are twice as efficient as men at spreading it.(Vaginally, as well as rectally.)

The truth is denied by the powers that be.(Many horrors are perpetrated by humans. Aids is just one. Humans are self destructive. It looks like we may fail the technological crisis.) Numerous mass destructive agents are closing in upon us. Yet I think Mankind will regrow from a small number.(Which it does every 6,392 years.)

Is anyone interested?

I am here just giving a small insight into the horror of Aids. For the full report, I urge you to read the originating articles.

You will find a number of them on the subject.

Numerous claims(on Aids and other subjects) are made by various individuals. There is no doubt some truth in all.

Believe it, or believe it not. That is for the reader to decide, and to what extent.

Read Caldwell's report,too.

I think people should hear these reports, and decide for themselves.

Two accounts of Aids are in circulation: 1. That it began in monkeys or chimps, then spread to humans, possibly through a monkey bite. It then spread through Central Africa,etc. And thence to the world, via Haiti(where many Africans visit). They gave it to homo-sexuals from Manhattan, and it took off there, probably via a prostitute or prostitutes. Spreading also to Brazil, and Southern Japan.(The PATTERN of Aids which broke out about a year after the biological trials, exactly fits those innoculations,etc!!!!) 2. The other is that it began in homo-sexuals(rectums being religiously abhorrent)(Is the world suffering much more on account of TOO MANY FOLK AROUND or not??!!)(Even RED China is trying to reduce the number of births!!) just prior to 1980. Then spread via Haiti to Africa, Brazil, Southern Japan. And thence to the whole world.(Pigs,etc. especially in Haiti, also got in on the act. And haemophiliacs, of course. As well as blood banks,etc. )

Now did it originate in Africa or Manhattan homo-sexuals? Or pigs in Haiti? Or did it mysteriously emerge around 1830 in humans. Ex the animal world where it had lain dormant for ages. To appear now and again. In pigs,etc. Latest emergence was in Haiti.

Aids is a combination(It is a retro-virus.)(It changes the cell it invades.) of Bovine and Sheep cancer and a human cell. Melded together. A deliberate concoction. To test the human immune defence system. By destroying T cells it eliminates it and in about a decade the human race. How interesting! Genetic engineering experimentation by biologists. Who seem to have gone overboard. With intent. Ex Russian and Chinese Communist Nationalists.

Should we destroy the human race, or ACTUALLY TAKE STEPS to kerb the increasing mad biologists,etc??(Too hard for you??)

Anyway, homos, Haitians(via raw pig flesh eating), Haemophilliacs and whores are the four aspirate whipping boys.

Was the infection via the agent small pox vaccine in Africa,etc. accidental or deliberate? Evidently deliberate. To wipe out the blacks!!(Who are such a threat to the rest of the world! ?)

Did it begin in dirt, or soap??

A mysterious dis ease. Created by The WHO. And HOW!!!!

Experimentation gone mad. (Ah,yes. The TRUTH shall set you FREE!! I mean YOU!!!!)

I am simply giving a few bare bones here. I urge you to read the reports I got this information from.

We all differ in our views. And we all like to think that we have the truth, and only we!! Let everybody decide for themselves. Do you believe the truth, or what you want to believe?? And of course what we want has to be the truth!! Right? In most cases, anyway. Very few seek out the truth. We nearly all seek out what we DESIRE to be the truth!! The FULL truth is so unbearable. Lies are so much easier to handle!!

Aids came out in the 1970's. Polio vaccine delivered its deadly cargo in the 50's and 60's. Then Swine Fever. And now Aids. Via two polio vaccines. And two small pox vaccines. Blacks in Africa were of course choice targets.

The reason that young men in Manhattan got it, was because they(the medics) wanted to test out a Hepititus B vaccine.(It was laced with Aids, and of course they all got it!! That is how it entered homo's and needle sharers. A specially chosen group. Possibly crims with little to lose, who let themselves be guinea pigs.

There are now about SIX different Aids viruses extant. One originating back in 1830. One in Africa. One in Manhattan(New York). One in 1930. One in Haiti. And one somewhere else.

I am giving a ROUGH picture here. Go by the reports I got this very rough picture from! Caldwell is one author.

Half of the medic world sends the cure for Aids in the wrong direction. The other half cover it up!!

But why worry about Aids when we have Marburg(which kills about 90% of its victims via bleeding to death within about two weeks) and Bird Flu(Ex chickens in Southern China.)(This suffocates you, killing about one in four. In days.), to name but two of a number of horrors, including The Black Death Plague.(Now in Central Africa along with Ebola,etc.)(Do we NEED Terrorists to speed things up?? Also via suitcase nuclear devices.(Good time to be leaving the planet, folks!!)

Between The Comet(a monster thing, planet X) with its two deadly passes of Earth(a few years hence), The Cataclysm(only nine years to peak), world war/s(nuclear, of course), world civil wars, deadly viruses, and Terrorism(which is a mealy mouthed name for The Tenth Islamic Uprising, which nobody dare spell out). Apart from repressive religions, especially Christendom(but Islam is world champion!), who seem to have got it all wrong. Plus of course George Bush(so obviously ILL)(Yet his intent was good, and is even sound!!) now eyeing the elusive third term(What a shame Clinton couldn't stay on(But there is always Hilary!). OR IS IT????), it seems the human race hasn't got a chance. Yet I expect it to survive yet again, in the cyclic inversion of The Earth!!(Every 6,392 years.) Place your bets!!

Meanwhile humanity sleeps on. Though with big horrors due to start this year(July?), it is starting to stir A BIT. That tsunami of last Boxing Day, was just a ripple. Why all the fuss WITH FAR WORSE IMMINENT!!!!(Oh,yes. Expect it to get worse exponenially via harmonic progression until South is North, and North is South!!)

(Is it strange or not that my diagnosis for the future(immediate future!!) FITS The Book of Revelations exactly in the modern idiom??!!)(I have spent a life time studying the esoteric subjects.(I only hit 98% in my I.Q. assessment for The Forces.)

What can I do? Well I am trying to do it!! WAKE YOU ALL UP!!!!

As are A FEW others!!

I trust you get The Message?!

And we are eyeing The Moon and Mars. And maybe Venus!! Makes some sense!!

Disturbed? That is my purpose!

Not in vain, I hope!!

Of course world alerters like me GET MURDERED. Strange world!! Where sinners get promoted, and saints tortured TO DEATH!!!!

Father forgive them, for they KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!! (To THEIR OWN STUPID SELVES!!!!)

Get the picture? ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME THAT YOU DID??!! (In the town where I live(It's a secret. I THINK!!), THEY ACTUALLY STOPPED ME SPREADING THE NEWS!!!! I think the place has about one horse. Plus a few sheep.

Better have a good sleeping chamber!!(To sleep on in!!!!)

Any more for the sky lark??

Roll up, folks, watch Mankind in its death agony!!!! Nobody has a clue what to do. EXCEPT MAKE IT WORSE. Or become yet another mysterious "suicide"!!

You dig my drift?

YOU had better start digging, too!!

Safest places? New Zealand and Eastern Siberia.

Rapa Island, good.

Australia, not bad. Especially high up, and far from the coasts!!!!


Good job there is a life to come! NOW ISN'T IT!!

All the best,


Right, now that's off my chest!!

Pay now or later. Now IS THE CHEAPEST!!(Live now and pay later, OR pay now, and live later!! Yep, yep!!!!)

Tell me, folks, is he who tries to save as many as he can(especially the elect), more guilty or not, than he who puts his feet up and tries to PRETEND no thing is happening???? ARE YOU IN DENIAL, or just kidding yourself??!!

I am sorry, but if you think it is evil to be warned of coming horror,(Yet Man is BORED, and seeks ever more pain to keep him FEELING alive!!), then better make sure you head in the right direction, after this mad Earth dream, now fast becoming a nightmare, ends!!

Just trying to OPEN THOSE EYES, you chaps!!

In a world that is losing its last marbles.

Before it goes UTTERLY MAD.


For listening. IF YOU DID!!

Naturally what I am saying is DENIED!!!!(By the powers that be. Who STILL also deny UFO's,etc!! WHO do they think they are kidding??!!)

YOU going to write my epitaph??

WHY are people writing horror and terror stories. AREN'T THERE ENOUGH ALREADY EXTANT??!!

Did YOU know that some humans left for The Pleiades and beyond, many millions of years ago??

Now that is foresight for you!!


Thursday, 21st April, 2,005.

A735 (Updated)

The Kyoto Protocol and all that.

The idea of The Kyoto Protocol is to stop or reduce global warming of course. The assumption being that Man is responsible for The Increasing Greenhouse Effect. But it is just that. Only that. An assumption!!

The last thing we can afford is to reduce industry.

The SUN electronically is responsible for Global Warming. Almost in its entirety!! Not photonically, note, but ELECTRONICALLY.

Energy in the form of electrons,etc. is coming from The Centre of The Universe, and pouring down the spiral arms of groupings(like galaxies), which is composed of stars. Our sun, Sol, is simply another star, one with planets. So energy is pouring into the sun. This charges it up with electrons,etc. It overflows out of sun-spots, magnetic vortices, and out down to the planets, including The Earth, via The Solar Wind.

This charges up The Earth,etc. Heavenly bodies, Earth included, are spinning electro-magnets. The Earth is getting increasingly charged up via anode and cathode, magnetosphere and core. The electron flow is heating up the magma. This increase is exponential per harmonic progression. The consequence is a warmer planet. This, via the rock and ocean is the cause of global warming in our atmosphere!!

Neither Man, nor even Surface Nature is responsible for Global Warming.(Carbon dioxide is beneficial anyway!!(To plants)) Other than in negligible amounts!!

Carbon dioxide is NECESSARY to plants!

And The Greenhouse Effect is NECESSARY for creatures on this planet to survive!! True, we are only concerned with THE EXCESS greenhouse effect.(Every 6,392 years, the sun,etc. get charged up heavily with energy from The Centre of The Universe. This will lead to the Earth inverting in about nine years time!!)

Methane is far more greenhouse promoting, and noxious. Produced by animals and humans, in surprisingly large quantities!! Expelled gases.

The case for Man caused greenhouse gases is a superficial false one!

So DON'T spike our only hope, Industry!! Because it is not to blame other than
in extremely small quantities!!

Superficially it APPEARS that the increase in global warming and Industry co-incide.(Hey, presto, therefore Mankind is to blame!! ??) Both around 1840(Industrial Revolution) and 1940(The industrial surge after World War 2.). It is only superficial. Close inspection reveals no connection!!(Temperatures cooled after 1940!!)

It is true that greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide emissions have increased recently. Over a period of thousands of years!! Which is odd if Man is to blame, as Industry did not start burning fossil fuels much until The Industrial Revolution, about 1840!!

Neither is Surface Nature(Forest fires and volcanic eruptions(including under sea), mostly)!! Man is responsible for a minute fraction OF ONE PERCENT of greenhouse gases!! And Surface Nature for about 0.17%.

The cause has to be a natural one. One that is periodic.

To fit the warming periods(Which cover thousands of years, not just since 1840!!).

Models, via super computers, keep on being projected, forecasting so many fold increases in carbon dioxide levels. Which, if sound, would be alarming. However, it should be kept in mind that these DELIBERATELY chosen MODELS, and not trends related to Man(Or to Surface Nature)!!

How many people are aware that the denser mediums carry and transfer the most heat(of course!). So the heat flow goes from solid to liquid to gas, NOT from air to water to rock!! Heat also rises, not falls!!!!

The heat is coming from the warming magma!! Thence to the rock, then the sea. And finally the air!!!!(How could it POSSIBLY be passing from air to rock?! The air is warm, but the sea and land are warmer!!)

NOT the other way around, which is absurd, being contrary to physics and common sense!!

If Man is to blame(and he is, of course, to a negligible amount!)(How deceiving to keep showing us all those belching industrial chimney stacks!!)(But you need to keep a sense of PROPORTION. Whilst it does LOOK a lot, the amount emitted by the stacks,ETC. is MINUTE in comparison to that COMING FROM THE SUN(ELECTRONICALLY)!!!! Wakee, wakee!!)

The sun's production of electrons,etc. IS BEING PLAYED DOWN!!

Negative people are interested in sabotaging our last hope, Industry!!

It is easy to cunningly falsify graphs and consequent statistics. But thoroughly dishonest!!

The false Man caused case is sophistic crap voiced by an unhealthy large number of people with a vested interest in solar power,etc. Which unfortunately WE ARE NOT YET READY FOR. Besides, the amount of fossil fuels,etc. still in the ground is ENORMOUS. WHY WASTE IT??!!

The false case is shallow, designed to fool those with their eyes half closed!!

This is precisely what the sabateurs are doing.

Well done, U.S. and Australia!! CONTINUE to defy The Kyoto Protocol!!

Unfortunately world pressure is now in a position to stop that!!

HOLD to your course Industry, and don't let civilization be destroyed by the myopic!!

Such a world do we live in.

Open your eyes!!


Friday, 22nd April, 2,005.


U.S. to attack Iran.

It is probable that U.S. will attack Iran. And in June this year. Just a few weeks time.

They have to! Iran is going to open an oil bourse in March, 2,006.

An oil stock exchange. Shutting U.S. out of world markets via high prices TO THEM.

There is also the fact that they can go nuclear in six months.

Plus the necessity(to control The Middle East(For oil,ETC.)) of controlling Iran.

They may get Israel to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran. (Already being probed by The U.S.)Or they may bait them to attack the U.S. Fleet. In order to have a pretext for attacking!! After mobilization.

The idea is that The Mullahs will topple to The Seculars(whom they are priming) once U.S. undermine them.

Very dangerous, because if they don't, The Iran militia will throw them out. AND counter attack!!!!

The U.S. is hardly in a position to wage another war. Deeply in debt, sick Bush, despised and hated by world, tied down in Iraq and Afghanistan. With the U.S. record. State of the nation. It would be suicide. But the U.S. has no choice. It either attacks, OR GOES UNDER!!

They also need Iran out of the way so they can concentrate on North Korea.(And RED China, and Russia, as well as Islam of course(synonymous with terrorists, or should be!).)

If The Mullahs don't fall, then the U.S. will be obliged to use nuclear weapons!!(To survive!!) We are rapidly heading into a nuclear(later, thermonuclear) World War!!!! Plus chemical, biological, ETC. And all the rest of it!!

The U.S. MUST control the world's oil in order to stay Number One!! It has to control The Middle East. So it will TRY to spread Democracy(to promote freedom, or so-called freedom). Australia may end up on the side of the baddies. Especially now sucking up to RED China!(How things have changed. China is Communist. And has no regard for human rights. Suddenly they(China) have become attractive!! What has wrought this change? The rapid rise of China, and the rapid decline of The U.S!! And the U.K.)(Meanwhile The EU rises. And Germany is poised to rule it!! While Britain looks like getting out!!)

Australia is worldly wise to go in with China. But to stay with the U.S. too(until it collapses, which it must do within about four years), and U.K.etc. Also Israel.

Huge changes are occurring. World rule is shifting from The West(What is left of it, U.S. U.K.Israel. Etc.). To The Political East.(No bigger change is possible. Therefore collosal changes must occur, AND FAST!!!!)

The U.S. HAS TO fight(to have any hope of surviving!!).

The rest of The West will go down with them. (Unless we go in with the erstwhile totalitarian forces!!)(Which is what Australia IS doing.)(Very smart of Howard.)

The new consortium of China, Russia and India(Probably Japan, too, later.) will be too much(Plus Islam.) for The Western world. So U.S. has to strike now, before the rot goes any further!! U.S. will be compelled to rely on nuclear etc.weapons. But Russia has almost as many, if not more!! So world war/s is about inevitable. And soon!!

I urge you to read Nexus Magazine, April-May, 2,005.(Obtainable at SOME stationers.) It is the current issue. In it, read the article: Onward to Iran, and The War on Tyranny. By Richard Heinberg. From whence I got the information I am no relaying. Nexus Magazine(Which, like me, deals with way out(and way in) subjects.) is obtainable from Mr.Duncan Roads, Editor, P.O.Box 30, Mapleton, Queensland 4,560 in Australia.)

I am realist, not alarmist.

There are other reasons too for U.S. to attack Iran.




Tuesday, 26th April, 2,005.


Time Travel, etc. is possible.

A case of entering hyper-space, to achieve time travel, and vibrational travel.(Which takes you into The Spirit World.)

Time is basically orthogonal space. Going East West around the globe concerned, not North South.

Basically time travel is simply a matter of winding the clock backwards or forwards the required amount!! Or flying faster than The Earth rotates!!

However, you have to enter Hyper Space, otherwise you are simply travelling in space!

Hyperspace is a much greater globe, a cosmic one. An entirely new level. Not just a size increase. But a super level size increase.

By travelling in hyper space you control ordinary time and space(entry to any point in space or time). To enter hyperspace you need to travel at c velocity. Or its equivalent in vibration two.

Create a powerful enough electro-magnetic force field.(If you are intense enough you can travel without a machine. Much more easily done in The Spirit World.)

Simply rotate large metal rotors fast enough, and you create a force field.

Once past c or c equivalent you automatically enter hyper space.

Vibration(two) is, in effect, space travel on the spot.

By travelling in space fast enough, linear or on the spot, you descend the cosmic radial(the one you are on)(They exist one within another right up to cosmos size and beyond!!). Vibration is its radius. Space and time are group dimensions orthogonal to each other upon the surface. Density is a fourth group dimension. A second radius!!

If you pass c or c equivalent you enter The Spirit World.(If permanent, this is death.). Light velocity takes you to the centre of the field. From there you can travel up the required radial to any point in space AND/OR TIME.

You do it by visualization. You simply visualize(strongly and intently enough) the place and time you wish to be at. You then proceed there almost instantly. This is much easier in The Spirit World. It is usually too hard in The Physical. Because the necessary intensity of effort is so great. But it can be done!!

You have simply moved up the requisite hyperspatial radials!! In the cosmic field concerned. The one you are in and on.

You need to place yourself at the centre of the rotating rotor, and visualize hard and intently long enough.

We know by familiarity what space is. Time is simply orthogonal to that, upon the curved cosmic surface! Time is a form of hyperspace. Along with space.

Orbital velocity is Vibration One. The speed of electrons around the nuclear core of the atoms concerned. Different speeds take to different orbital levels. Which appears AS IF vibration, but is simply orbital velocity. By appearing to oscillate to and fro!

Many possible levels exist.(The Spirit World is simply the next level up!)

Density is different. It depends upon the sizes of the particles concerned. There are an infinitude of different sizes. Creating different size particles, as if air, water, sand, pebbles, rocks, and so on. One within the other IN THE SAME SPACE!! This is the secet of being in two places at the same time!!

Time is not some mystum thing, but is a REAL group dimension, just like space is. Inside of Hyper Space.

And The Spirit World is not some mysterious place existing nowhere, but is a very real HYPERSPATIAL PLACE existing at the next orbital level up. That is all there is to it!! Similarly with the different densities or finenesses.

What men call death is actually a birth. An increase in orbital velocity!!

So at a physical seance, it is possible to have a spirit materialize via the ectoplams produced by the medium, and be semi solid!!(Whilst the corpse concerned is in the grave!(Corpses are simply 3d shells.)) This in no way violates physics. Same as a lobster can have shed its shell, AND be anew at some new place. Without breaking any natural laws!! The only differenc is that lobster(etc.) shells are 2d, whereas corpses are 3d!!

Unfortunately Man thinks what he wants to think, instead of the truth.(We all do this to greater or lesser extent!)(As the full truth is unbearable!!) So those who cannot bear the prospect of surviving(and getting punished for his sins), simply disbelieve in survival of bodily death.

We all identify ourselves with our physical bodies to some extent or other. Until this identification is broken, we will die at death and stay dead. In practice one identifies with a higher vehicle to survive!! The instinct to survive being paramount.

Mankind has been taught MANY LIES by various powers who have a vested interest in keeping us ignorant of the truth.

I decided to find out what the truth is, and teach it to the world. I succeeded. But it takes a life time of hard work!! The hardest part is getting the world to understand you.

We live in a marvellous and wonderful complex universe created by God. Unfortunately, not knowing better, many simply believe the falsehoods told them, and suffer accordingly. It is a universe simple in principle, but complex in details. Simply complex, but complexedly simple.

There is no such thing as death!!

Death being a different degree of life.

Some believe in an endless end. Others believe in an ended endlessness!!

An endless going on.

Both Nothing and Infinity are impossible. Being simply MENTAL VIEWS.

What does exist is this endless going on!!

There is no life after death BECAUSE THERE IS NO DEATH AFTER LIFE!!!! In other words there is simply Life, in varying degrees.

You can either accept my findings by trusting my integrity and intelligence. Or, you can find out for yourself.(Which is a mammoth task!!)

I cannot convince you, because it is too complex to relate, and even harder for you to grasp!!

If it is true for me, then it is true for all. All creatures, not just humans!!

Hopefully it will start you off, if interested, on the great quest. Once going, you may switch to your own methods.


Saturday, 7th May, 2,005.

Death. And yet more again.


The key to life!! And greater.

Some men fear death, thinking that it is the end of them. Others embrace it. HOPING that it is the end!! Yuk!!

The most crucial, controversial and important question going.

Do we survive death?

Logic rules EVIDENTLY. So let us parse the question: Define WE. And define DEATH.

WE = Soul, DEATH = Permanent end.

Are we asking the question technically or EXPRESSIVELY??(Two divisions.)

Technically, we take everything literally, splitting hairs. EXPRESSIVELY, we really MEAN, Does the soul survive the death of its body??(Do riders survive the deaths of their horses? Do old fashioned deep sea diving suits suffer much when their occupants have departed? And do lobsters etc. get too angry when they shed their shells.(Corpses are three dimensional shells.)(To list a few analogues.)

But what is THE SOUL??

Permanent end we understand DESPITE IT BEING AN IMPOSSIBILITY!!

By SOUL, I mean that spiritual component WITHIN the body.(By finer body I mean that spirit component 5d within the body.)(Consider dream selves and their vehicles(bodies))

Are our REMAINS, us?? But dead!!

Remains implies that the real man has left!! The remains then are hardly the greater part!!

Oh, yeah??(Permanent end is impossible.)

Notice I am not flinching or ducking any questions. I tackle the lot(that I can think of )(I have dealt with this question many times before).

I am anxious to learn the truth of the matter, not my wish!! AREN'T YOU??(Answer that before reading on!!)

If death is the PERMANENT end, what a lot of trouble I am spared. However, I would rather live on, because I think ENDLESS ENDS is better than an ENDED ENDLESSNESS.(Temporary ends exist. E.g. Of days.)(Today ends, but tomorrow comes.)

Ends are not necessarily permanent.

Is it NOTHING, or INFINITY?? That we face at death.

If NOTHING, then the burden can never be known to suffer it. So why care much??

On the other hand going on for ever is DAUNTING.(Unless broken up into APPARENTLY temporary ends!!)(When, since we can NEVER know the HORROR of going on for ever(unless we are permanently on a good thing(which we are(though many know it not)!!)!!), AND ALREADY HAVE(been going on WITHOUT A BE GINNING!!!!)

I hold that NOTHING(ness) is impossible. And so is INFINITY.(A DEFINITE going on.)(As against an indefinite going on. That is GOING ON, but never knowing whether a permanent end will come or not!!)(For what is indefinite? The going on, OR, its length!!)

Which is worse, facing NOTHINGNESS, or facing INFINITY?? I hold that we need not worry, as neither occurs!!

In the event, NOTHINGNESS cannot be! Nor can end that exists BUT WHICH IS FOR EVER UNREACHABLE!!!!

So we have it both ways!! And suffer happily never KNOWING either HORROR!!

Have YOU ever experienced NOTHINGNESS? Think about it!! Every night in sleep(if you are lucky enough to have a perfect sleep!!)??


Well, I suggest YOU DO!!!!(Think)

So memory of what occurs in sleep is nothing? Or is it that we simply DON'T REMEMBER what happened!! Many ASSUME(naughty!!) that because we do not remember anything(given a perfect sleep), that THAT is NOTHINGNESS!!!!

I insist we cannot ever be aware of NOTHING!

NOR can we go on FOR EVER, trying to reach an end that is FOR EVER unreachable!!(In which case we have an end which exists, YET WHICH IS NOT THERE!!!!(Which is ab surd.))

All that we have ARE VIEWS.(I mean views of NOTHINGNESS and INFINITY. Chimeras in our minds, which exist not!!)(Note that unlimited and infinite do not mean the same thing!! Infinite means with endless end. Unlimited means with ended end!!(For example: A circumference is limitless, but is not infinite!!)(On the (fractals) other hand, the length of a coastline(say) has ANY length you choose!! Because the finer the resolution of the contour, the longer it gets!!)

And yet, in the last analysis, infinity and nothingness are the same thing. Existing only in the totality(which has no embrace because endless!!). The Great Nothing is of course The Great ALL. Which in totality CANNOT be. Yet partial alls exist neither!!(So clearly I have reached A VIEW, which exists in men's minds. NOT IN ACT UALITY!!!!

Suicides LOVE death!! No. They ASSUME that death means nothingness, and THEREFORE no pain. They honestly believe that NOTHINGNESS equals INFINITE BLISS(which would be unbearable ANYWAY!!). They hate death, but hate pain MORE!!!! Yielding to pressure. Often too much. But the wish rules.

Suckers(albeit of MUCH nerve), who are unfortunate enough to have swallowed the materialistic bait that "death is the(final) end!!". (That we may suffer and make the devil happy!!) But we only kill THE BODY. The soul goes on!!(Because if it didn't, it would know nothing WHICH IS IM POSSIBLE.)

Suicides end up with all the old problems that they are trying to FLEE. PLUS no body!! They have insulted God, but MOCK their selves!!!!(Unintentionally of course.)(Fortunately God cannot be insulted, only made SAD.)(At such idiocy!!)

To believe something negative(what is not) is foolish. To believe it ABSOLUTELY is STUPID!!!! (For unless one is God, HOW can you POSSIBLY KNOW for CERTAIN?? Eh?? (Since ONLY God knows all!!) So one needs to make the pathetic error of thinking one IS God!! How else can one judge what is true, from what is not true??!!)(Unless you know ALL, how can you know WHAT IS NOT??!!)(Hmm??)(On the other hand, unable to know what is not, we can only know SOMETHING.(If we are lucky.))

The soul is not the body, but THE IMPORTANT component WITHIN the body!!(Five dimensionally within!!) Though one can kill the body(if one insists!!), YOU CAN NEVER DESTROY YOUR SOUL!!!!

Much nonsense has gone out into the world. First via the religious, and now via the materialists. Both of which slave stupidly for THE DEVIL!!!!

First the EXPRESSION question: Does the SOUL survive the death of the body? YES!!

Second, the TECHNICAL question: Does the body survive its own death(NO THING survives its own death!!(In any MEANINGFUL WHOLE STRUCTURE sense of the term!!))

The soul survives BECAUSE the soul is NOT the body.(Though the shortsighted think that it is!!(Born of wish NOT to go on, thus escaping punishment of wrongs done!!))

On the other hand, the body DOES NOT survive the death of the body(which is its own death).

I am trying to cover both ways: 1. Soul as not body. 2. Soul as body.

Both conventional religion AND MATERIALISTIC science, - are wrong.

The Devil has INDEED deceived the whole world.

I can only tell you what I have found to an enormous degree of probability(in my opinion of course). The evidence is abundant IF YOU LOOK. On the other hand, fools believe THEIR WISH(survive or not survive), instead of TRUTH!! Mind you, NO ONE can PERFECTLY worship truth, as it is so HARD. Unbearable!!

I cannot(100%) prove or confirm what I am saying.


(This is only the route of LOGIC.)(I have MANY other assertions(methods of demonstrating) of survival.)

Those who INSIST on ABSOLUTISM can NEVER be confounded. NOR SATISFIED!!

There is an easy way to understand the answer to the great riddle. And that is via analogy. An analogue, using the dream self, with its dream body!

WHERE is your dream self now? And where its dream body?? Eh????

Are you too upset?

Do we survive death? If we are the body, - NO!! (It is simply so overwhelmingly PROBABLY against!!)(And yet at the last day, corpses shall yet again rise from their graves!!(This is really AN EXPRESSION. To mean after the RESURRECTION!!(Of the soul. For the soul does die, but RESURRECTS.))

Yes, we die, and stay dead. But only until THE RESURRECTION!!!!

When the personality gets absorbed(telescoped)into the soul(or higher self)!!

To put down a new body AT WILL!!!!

Now come back to the dream analogy:-

If you hanker after the dream self(and body) so much, you can simply go back to sleep, and dream again!! That is a resurrection!!

In life, we are SUPER dreaming, and shall awaken to a better world, after SO CALLED death.(Though whether we shall be happier depends upon whether our good deeds exceed our bad or not!!)

In sleep we are dreaming, but shall awaken back to life, TELESCOPED into the WAKING SELF!! Which is even more US than the dream self!! Conciousness(mine) is the important thing, not the particular expression current at the time!!

Similarly, in parallel, WE ARE EVEN MORE OUR HIGHEST SELVES when we are telescoped into the higher!!(So what is the problem, but a false shadow in the mind? Implanted by villainous fools who hate to see you happy, when they are not(because of wrongs done!!)(which they refuse to face up to!!).

It is true that I cannot be ABSOLUTELY certain, but then no thing in life is!!

I try to go by PROBABILITY!!

The safest bet!!

It is also true that when my current waking self has been absorbed into my higher self, I SHALL BE MORE ME, than EVER!!!!(Therefore I shall not get unduly upset!!)(Simply because I am no longer my waking life self, but my SPIRIT SELF!!!!)(When that, an even higher self comes into view!!)

How do I KNOW? I DON'T. I am only telling you what I HAVE FOUND TO BE MOST PROBABLE after a long life-time's study.(Hopefully, my 98% I.Q. is misleading neither you nor I!!)

Where is the dream body now? What else but dead??(If death has any meaning.)

How sad. Shall I commit suicide??(And FACE THE FACT that I DO survive.) Hmm??

Death is actually a birth!!

Absolute conviction can only come WHEN I have experienced it. Of course. So far, I haven't died!! So I must get TOO COCKY!!!!

Death is simply PERMANENT EXIT from the body.(Dreams,etc. are temporary ones.)

The BODY is dead all right(as I view any corpse)! But to infer from this that that is the end of ME, is to BEG THE ANSWER!!!! (Will you be dreaming tonight? Or when you turn in.)(Similarly, how foolish of the dream self to decide that once the dream body is dead, that IT is too!!)

Yes, I hope to live on(not old of course, but with a BETTER body, super physical). Is that so un-natural?(You think it better to hope NOT to??)

Consider: If I am wrong(and death is the final end), I shall never be concious to know otherwise, and so, suffer!). If I am right, I can rejoice in the knowledge of survival!!)

The Materialist on the other hand, loses both ways. If he survives, AND KNOWS IT(and many DON'T!!)(I mean that many now live in The Spirit World, BUT KNOW NOT THAT THEY ARE DEAD(Their ERSTWHILE PHYSICAL BODIES ARE.(They aren't.))), then he will terribly upset to think that now he must PAY for his wrongs!!


Now either I am right, or you(if a materialist) are. And if heads I win, tails you lose; then clearly you are going by FEELINGS not THOUGHT!! For if you THOUGHT IT THROUGH, you would SEE that an end is absurd. So you are angry.(If a materialist.)

The only thing that is obvious is my wish to survive(Because I labour the points so!!). But WHAT DO YOU WANT???? FINAL END????)

I was once told by a large group of men(and others), that they did not mind my believing in survival!!(Jolly decent of them!!) But I DID MIND their not. Not for my sake, so much. But for theirs!!

They must have been psychic. Because I had not said a Dicky Bird!! And if psychic, then it is Mind over Matter, anyway(and therefore survival)!!!!

The disbelievers(in survival) are angry and irrational. Thus to beat you down, and continue fooling their selves.(One is advised not to be insistent to their faces, or you risk getting hurt, if only your feelings.(They CANNOT BEAR to think that they may survive!!('Lest they get punished in HELL, for their sins!!))(Pay now and live later, or live now and pay later is such a hard choice!!)

We ALL have to PAY for our errors!!

There is no escape. NOT EVEN IN DEATH!!!!(Especially not then!!)

It is impossible to ever be aware of NOTHING! For that is tantamount to saying you as nothing are aware of nothing(and therefore LOGICALLY) you must be thing aware of thing!!(THINK about it!!) Even as thing is aware of thing.

We must always be aware of SOMETHING. Even as we now are.

There is no life after death(until after the resurrection!!), BECAUSE THERE IS NO DEATH AFTER LIFE!!!!

Death simply DOES NOT EXIST!!(No hard feelings!!)

Death is actually a MORE vigorous form of life!! EVEN FOR THE BODY!!(Because more disorganized, and therefore more rampant!!)

Certainly it is more life for the soul!!

By personality I mean your lower self. Which, though it does die OF COURSE, stays dead ONLY until YOU BECOME A GREATER YOU as your higher self!! Or even a lesser you(like you now are) AFTER THE RE SURRECTION!!!!

5d inside of your soul is your personality. AND 5D inside of your physical body(like now) is a FINER VEHICLE!!

I expect to be loathed by materialists of course(and the modern religious!). But I do trust I am not alone in wishing to LIVE ON!!!!(We have no choice.)

Let us not judge hastily and foolishly by APPEARANCES.(The corpse!!)

But use the old nut. AND THINK a bit!!

Realizing that in a logical universe, anything against logic cannot occur!!

There are many ways to prove and confirm survival. Psychic Research for instance.(Not by any one case, but by a totality's EXTRA point!!)(For the total exceeds THAT WAY the sum of its parts!!)

Of course I had to work it all out sufficiently FIRST.

Before(since what happens to one, happens to all) trying to comfort others.

The existence of one (or two or even more) dud coin DOES NOT nullify the possibility that not all coins are duds.(For whence the idea in THE FIRST PLACE??!!)

Negative people will come up with negative ideas. Against such THERE IS NO REMEDY!!!!

I see no sense in being negative. So I try to be positive!!

We all believe what WE WISH.

Even if it is in FINAL ENDS.

The answer is complex. Not simplistic, as many assume.(And this is the crux of the matter.)

Group dimensionality is the answer. To which I know the non believers shriek FANCIFUL FANTASY,ETC!!!! Or to put it over simplistically: Multi-dimensional is our universe. THANK GOD.

I hope you did not find that too painful.


Saturday, 7th May, 2,005.


Some more again on anti-gravity.

Gravity keeps things down.

Pulled down, or pushed??

There is no such thing as a pull force! Invisible hooks??!!

It has to be PUSH, you see.

Gravity waves or gravity particles?

Gravity particles. Gravitons. Out of white holes, and down black(yes, even the SMALL ones that planets have).

Like as if in a bath(the universe is)with many taps(white holes), and many plug holes(black holes). A FLOW of radions. Which are called gravitons at the receipt end.

There is no such thing as suction. It is PUSH.

From the other side, of course.

Suck is another one of those idea chimeras that we embrace!!

We simply create vacuums. And then air(or whatever) PUSHES in from the other side.

It would be very inconvenient to have things floating around.


Since gravity is a push force, then that force CAN be countered!


If you create a powerful enough electro-magnetic field, you create a barrage of particles from the centre of that field WHICH COUNTER THE INFLOW OF ALL OTHER PARTICLES!!( Sonar, radar, micro-wave, optical, gravity,etc.) First, all goes silent, as sonic waves get blocked from reaching the ears concerned. Then radar. Next micro-waves. Then optical(so that one can no longer see the object being reflected(by light,etc.)from. And finally gravity. So that everything within the EM field, FLOATS!!(As in The Philadelphia Experiment, Mantouk, The Phoenix Project,etc.)

No. It is not impossible.(All things are possible.) But necessary!!

A sort of umbrella. Against the rain concerned!!

Create an electro-magnetic field in (say) a room.(By rapid rotation of a metallic rotor)(And sit in the centre).

Note that vibration is rapid motion on the spot, and serves as well.

Objects within that field lose their weight.

So that they can be moved more easily. Directly, or by psychic pods.(Levitation requires immense force.)

This explains what happens at psychic physical seances.

Spirits(unseen or not) use psychic pods to move objects. OR can move them DIRECTLY.

I have written on this subject previously.

If you reach c, or c equivalent(with vibration), you enter hyper-space. Once in that, you can travel ANYWHERE in space or time(or rotational vibration or density).(By diving or jumping over the side of the field. From a ship, or whatever.)

Creatures have EM fields. Humans for example. These vary in strength from individual to individual. If strong enough(as with children at puberty, perhaps), they can influence objects within a certain range of them. Here is the secret of one David Copperfield(The Magician, not the fiction character.). Because walls,etc. also become permeable to them. He can do the most astounding things. It is not a trick. He calls it a trick to hide the secret. It is a fact.

Anyway, physical psychic seances are thus explained.


Saturday, 7th May, 2,005.


More on Dew Containers.
Or Convert your septic tank into a Dew Tank!!

In drought regions, like Australia, we need to know how to make them! I have already written on Dew Ponds.(Idea obtained from Nexus Magazine.) But these are mucky and complex. So I prefer Metallic Dew Tanks.

Three more years without rain(In Australia, where I live.) will be disastrous without them.

What is the use of having septic rainwater tanks, IF NO RAIN FALLS where you are??!!

Why has it been assumed that the drought is only in catchment areas??

The drought can be anywhere. So householders NEED Dew Tanks!! Convert your Septic Rainwater Tank into a Dew Container Tank!!

You need to have sloping metal sheets running into their tops. Many layers of these.(Glasshouses,etc. can serve to convert moisture water vapour in the air into dew.(Dew forms overnight usually when moisture(usually some around)condenses upon cool surfaces, and changes into water.)(So arrange collection devices.)(Visualize a glass house with many layers of glass. But use metal!!)

You will need a cover by day to prevent it evaporating away. At night,too. If you have your sloping metal sheets running into the edge of the tank, underneath the cover.

I suggest insulate around the tank with straw or some-such, to keep it cool.

Have tap or taps at bottom of tanks. Draw off as desired. Pump away to storage tanks if you wish.

The larger your catchment metal sheets(keep glasshouses in mind)(but use metal, as high conduction materials are best))(to get the coolest surfaces).

Boil and/or filter the water!! (Dew will be like rainwater, about the best water you can get.)

However, dirt will get in. Which needs removing.

Filter it first, and then boil it. Suggested.

It will be a dry night when dew does not collect!

But with rain catchment, you would have to be very optimistic IN A DROUGHT!! Which, with El Nino starting up probably, could go on for years. Three or even more.

So don't rely on your septic tank for rain catchment!! It might not fall much where you live!!

There are many ways to obtain water. Dew is I think the best.

Cheap enough, too.

You should get enough water for essential purposes for yourself, family(if any), etc.

Water is worth as much as petrol!!

The way things are going, we will soon be PAYING for it!!

So prepare now. Take precautions!!

Good idea to also make your own auxiliary electric power unit!!


Sunday, 8th May, 2,005.


The Current World Situation.(8.05.05.).

Is so bad, that it is almost unbelievable!!

It is hard to know where to begin to paint the picture.

Australia seems to be entering a new El Nino. That means probably three years of drought. At least. And currently we are one year from being completely out of water!!

Tony Blair is back in with Labour in Britain, but with a reduced majority. He is already struggling. And hardly knows which way to turn!!

John Howard of Australia's position is the reverse. But Costello is desperate.

Iraq goes from bad to worse. Corby looks like spending a life time rotting in an Indonesian prison. Wood MAY get out of this alive. The Australian nine could well be shot.(Firing squad.)

RED(Everybody forgotten? They are also against Human Rights.) is peacefully devouring Taiwan. Who are being intimidated into surrender!!!!

Russia is turning against The West.

Germany is taking over The EU in Europe. Displacing Britain.

Aids sweeps on, and is unstoppable. Along with other deadly viruses now rising up.

Global Catastrophe marches on. Which will end with global inversion(geographical and magnetic) in about 9 to 12 years.

The huge comet approaches.(Russia is tracking it.) It will pass Earth closely twice. Wrecking havoc. Especially the first time.

Aliens abduct us at will.

The Reptilian aliens are also advancing.

Bush junior continues to wreck The U.S. The West, and The World. As he advances us ever closer to world war's, and world civil war.(Mind you, Bush had an unenviable task!)

The U.S. Economy must go bust sooner or later. That will wreck the world.

The trouble is the oil shortage. But U.S. cannot afford to wage further wars!!(However, Iran is going nuclear, so it is either U.S. rules or Iran does. North Korea is already nuclear.)

Sudan problems continue.

China, India, Russia are uniting. Japan may join later.

The world is still largely ignorant of what is happening.

When it finds out panic and pandemonium will join the list!!

Australia could well become a key player soon.

The Kyoto Protocol people have raised a specious case blaming Man for The Greenhouse Effect.(But it is THE SUN, ELECTRONICALLY, that is to blame!!)

The world remains in the grip of lies told it for millennia!!

Christendom leads these lies.

(Christianity is all right.)(Christendom is the phoney version.)

By July we could well be at the very start of horrors.


Monday, 9th May, 2,005.



Extending upon my A741 article, on Dew Containers.(To help beat the drought.)

These traps could be made of any size. Maybe insulation around outside(straw or whatever) not necessary. Convert existing septic rainwater tanks. Good business for the tank makers!!

I was thinking.(I do it sometimes.) Hook up to sprinklers. Have them all over the place. Save the crops,etc!!(Solving the farmers drought problem. Like with pea-nuts,etc!! On television last night.) Via pumps. And pipes. Gravity feed, man. GRAVITY FEED!!(Utilize the air pressure too via SUCTION starts for the flows!! You know. Up to FORTY FEET water level above flow out!!

We need to do something! Big business chasing money needs to broaden its horizons! Sea water distillation is expensive. And sewage water re-use is not healthy ethically, besides putting many people off anyway!!

A hook up with the tank making firms may turn up some-thing. They will be interested of course!! An enormous boost for them. Also INDIVIDUALS can take advantage, especially farmers and market gardeners,etc. By having these dew traps where-ever water is required. Which must be all over!! Cheap solution. Also convenient, as if individuals can tackle, will save big government projects!!(This is for everybody, not just leaders!! YOU NOTICED??!!)

In droughts, people in general naturally think in terms of RAIN water. Dew is seldom thought of! Dew collection is infallible and easy. The atmosphere usually contains SOME water moisture. Water vapour!!(You can't see it. BUT IT IS THERE!!!!) Does not depend upon rainfall,etc. All you need is something for the dew to condense upon! Metal sheets(especially in multiple level layers) sloping into the container(trap). (Ice-bergs towed up from The Antarctic is another big solution.)(Sell to the Arabs,etc!!)(THINK!! Let us make Australia NUMBER ONE nation, and lead the world!! Our chance is NOW. With U.S. soon to PLUNGE!!!!)

At night, especially in cool seasons, the temperature drops sufficiently to pass the dew point! Dew then condenses upon the metal slopes, and gravity causes feed run off into the traps!!(Remember to COVER the containers during the day(and night, if you can arrange for the run off to flow into trap below the covers!!)(Taupalins cover, to stop evaporating away!!)

Tapping into table water, wells, and artestian wells are other solutions. We MUST do something. Now. Fast. Not wait for El Nino to confirm itself!! And dying babies to make you weep!!!! THINK NOW!!!!

Especially as many people are not going to take kindly to on the spot fines for doing tasks they may see as essential!! So will avoid trouble!!

Remember to FILTER and BOIL.(For drinking purposes.)

We don't want to be reduced to WATER CARTS!! And the air-lifting of water!!

OR purchasing water!!

Terrible droughts lie ahead in a number of places(countries) throughout the world. With Australia leading.

NOW is the time to act!!

Drought leads to famine, remember!!!! Without water, crops and grass,ETC. DIE!!!!

Especially in the hot conditions of El Nino!

Water sprinklers could work on atmospheric pressure principle.(Once started the flow just keeps going!!)

(To save the cost,etc. of pumps!!)

We must drink. And we must eat too!!!!

Toowoomba may be interested, with its pea-nuts,etc.

Get those pipes laid!!

We will have to cut through the red tape AND BLUE PAPER(paper work), that's all!!!!

Getting the ideas??

WATER is IN the air!! Tap into it!!

Thirst and hunger are marvellous incentives. Plenty unemployed!!(Pay them, of course.)

So fingers out!!

And get stuck in. NOW!!

Petrol is short. Water is getting SHORTER!!!!(Than petrol, I mean!!)

Get Australia(etc.) GREEN(this way), and advance into the barren areas!!

Chop, chop!!!!

By having current septic rainwater catchment tanks which are high up, you have the gravity feed!!

Meanwhile, NO flush toilets, no long showers, no running taps, no watering lawns, no washing cars, no water cleaning drive ways,etc!!

Re-use water, too!!

IN ONE YEAR, EVEN WITH WATER RESTRICTIONS, OUR WATER SUPPLY WILL BE OUT(GONE)!!!! You DIG? Soon we may have to, even if it is our graves!!

So try DEW. And try ICE, too!!(Ex Antarctica!!)(Once tow moving, they just keep going(as heading towards Equator comes naturally to THEM).)(The trouble with the world is less head THAN HEART!!!! People need to get eye off MONEY MAKING, and ONTO GOOD SPIRIT MAKING. Yuk.YUK.)

Electric acid batteries are easy to make too!!

Trouble is going to be VESTED INTERESTS opposing. For the sake of MONEY.

So what is it going to be? Hmmm??

I just want to keep drinking. AND EATING!!!! Don't you??(You keep your paper money. GIVE ME SUB STANCE!!!!)(Money is going to become worthless. But essential commodities are SO NECESSARY!! We live in a very artificial world. As this collapses, we must revert in local communes to THE BASICS OF LIFE. And I include SPIRITUAL VALUE basics!!!! Hate and money-grasping are only temporary stop gaps. So get with the RIGHT IT!! It is all in the mind, but WHICH MIND is it in?? EH??

By having the tank traps really high up, you can cover large areas by self-operating SPRINKLERS.

Via pipes.(Get the pipe makers tuned in!!)

If you are not familiar with gravity feed metal sheets, consider glass houses and roof tops. Think of the rain(when it falls, ha ha) running down roofs and greenhouse,etc. roofs!! IT DOES THE SAME WITH DEW!!!!(You could of course utilize all roofs, including glass(but metal is better, as conducts heat away faster, and you NEED cool surface to get below dew point and condense the water vapour which is everywhere there is air!!!!)

Are we with it?

We ain't got the dough to chuck around, SO USE GOOD SIMPLE IDEAS INSTEAD!!!!

Discuss, and vote.

Enough said??

Bill Thomas.(On a mountain top, but not Tennesse!!)


Wednesday, 11th May, 2,005.


Dew Traps. Finer points.

Septic tanks all shapes, all sizes, will do for a start. If you place sprinklers all over the base of the tank, and put it all on stilts(you may need a motor), and wheels, you should be able to fill the tank with dew water, and then run it over lawns, crops, whatever, spraying as you go. Regulate the rate of outflow. Maybe run it over car. Do for cold showers,too! The mind simply boggles at the possibilities.

This is the basic idea. No doubt you will improve rapidly on what I have said.

The amount of water you will collect will depend upon many factors. I have an equation of factors for you: A(Amount of water produced.)(You can get it on factory lines if you like, and mass produce(water)!!) = (You must be at dew point or below, of course. This will vary with temperature and relative humidity.) S(total surface area of the metal sheets) x C(Temperature inverted.)(Coldness) x T(Length of Time exposed.) x c(Conductivity of the metal being used) x RH(Relative Humidity) PLUS if the humidity is at Saturation Point or above, you will naturally get extra water!(Even in the form of rain(ha ha).) On the average you should get enough water to justify doing this!! High up keeps it away from animals, and some humans, too. So the equation is: A = (S x C x T x c) + any saturation with plus.

Not necessary to insulate the container.(Remember to COVER it, and keep it covered. Stops evaporation. And dirt infall. AND animals,etc.)

Get the unemployed plus volunteers on this. Pay them of course.

Just let your imagination run riot, as to uses of the tanks.

You can drink bottled water from shops,etc. But there is expense involved.(Water is really being charged for now. Or soon will be!!) However, it saves filtering and boiling. Water for other uses will rarely need filtering and boiling.

Normally water vapour moisture condenses on tiny particles in the air. To form clouds, which can form rain. All that is done with dew condensation is the replacing of the tiny particles in the atmosphere with metal sheets. Any cold enough surface.

With water vapour(which is a fine gas), it is everywhere in some degree or other WHERE-EVER there is air. Readily ACCESSIBLE. And in CONSTANT supply.(Unlike rain which is about totally absent during El Nino's, and need not fall in catchment areas(dams and your septic tank!!). You may have noticed.)(El Nino's are hot and dry.)

Expect fierce resistance from Vested Interests (who are more concerned with their profits than your survival!). Also the authorities, who simply love to restrict our activities. Plus Red tape. And Blue Paper(filling in of documents in duplicate,etc.).

Now let us consider WHERE MOST water is found:-

1. The sea. But this is salty. And the salt contains iodine, which needs removing., not leaving in! This can be done by distillation or flux. Either filter out the salt. Or, boil the water and re-condense. 2. In ice. Most is found in Antarctica.(Note: Ice in Antarctica is usually fresh.)(So why not tow ice-bergs up. They are already drifting north.(In The Southern Hemisphere.)(Northern bergs contains salt.)(Due to prevailing winds and ever shorter Earth girths.) Tugs can manoeuver them. Ships can pull them along easily if slowly. Moving masses can very slowly be speeded up! Not all will melt if you tow fast enough! Tow into dry docks and suitable reservoirs. Sell any surplus to The Arabs. In exchange for oil. (Or hostages!)) In Australia, water is now as precious as oil! 3. In the ground, under the surface upon table lands. Drop bore wells, or try artesian ones where suitable. 4. Sewage water is not really ethical! Even if one can drink it.(Tap water is questionable too.) 5. Individuals can find their own methods(if they wish!), as well. 6. You COULD burn hydrogen in oxygen, or even air, and drive your car or whatever in the process! 7. Seed clouds. 8. Prayer may help.(But, chaps, let us not wait to the point where we are fighting one another to drink each other's BLOOD!!!!) 9. Strict water restrictions may be eased as other methods cut in. 10. No long showers, no running taps, no flush toilets, no watering lawns, driveways, or vehicles. No wasting water! 11. Re-use water.

Water is not the problem. It is MAN!!!!(The other man wants your share as well.(And not only of water!!))

(Note that there has to be a reason for everything. From the result the cause can be worked out. Or, knowing the cause, the result can be! Causality. Cause and Effect.)

My aim is to give you the basic ideas.

Water carts and carriers will hopefully be avoided.(Though better than the death carts!!)(Authorities: Get weaving!! As the instinct to survive WILL over-ride the slavish obedience to petty rules!!)

One may also make auxiliary power units. Big acid accumulators joined up, for example. D.C. works very often.

We live in a world that is deliberately arranged the worst possible way. We need to stop this practice!!

We should not have to pay for water.

It is ludicrous to be obliged to PRAY for water! A substance so many hate because it is so copious(or was!)!!

Let us convert this failure into a great gain. Not only keep Australia green, but spread the greenery gradually over the entire continent!!

Via my mobile dew containers of course.

Good luck!!



Saturday, 14th May, 2,005.


Death, some finer points.

This is a subject I have studied all my life.(77 years.)

It must be the world's hardest riddle. One that the world THINKS it has solved. It thinks death of the body is the final end for both body and soul. It is thought by the dominant world that death is the FINAL END. You go out like a candle flame, and stay out. But I submit that you cannot compare a candle flame,etc. with a DISCARDED SHELL.(Albeit a 3d shell!!)

Aside from the re-incarnation belief(held by MANY in The Orient,etc(Middle East)), religion offers little support for survival. Christianity USED to. Via Jesus(and a few others) rising from the death PHYSICALLY. Christendom(Which is Christianity in its worst face, being official and formal(as if some thing like religion could be official and formal. Not to mention objective(when it is often SUBJECTIVE).)(However, the world has buried Jesus. ALONG WITH GOD.(Or so it likes to THINK!!!!))

Psychic Research offers much evidence for survival. But many people lump much discredited religion(Simply because it is often taken by man LITERALLY and SIMPLISTICALLY, comprehensively and PHYSICALLY!!(But it is symbolic and mental rather than literal and physical!!)(Also subjective very often, and personal.)) and the esoteric(things superphysical(which is not SUB physical!)) with things superphysical, supernatural and supernormal!(This is like trying to mix LANGUAGES and modes of expression. You can't properly do it!!)

It boils down to the Mind or Matter? Are things material or mental, OR BOTH??

The survival of death question is not as simple as it looks.(Indeed, it is very complex!)

Is the brain and the mind the same thing? Or is mind a parallel but different reality? Or is it BOTH??(The fact is - mind influences brain. And brain influences mind. And even Confucius has problems!!

This is like a ball of wool with many loose ends. Where does one begin? And where end? Maybe all the different beginnings and ends are valid!! Just different aspects!!

Why all the concern? Well, apart from it being so interesting, even scientifically, I think it is nice to contemplate GOING ON.(Though WITHOUT an old or sick body!) The question IS a challenge to the mind. It is also of supreme importance. If one goes on, then the urgency to fulfill all desires NOW and HERE loses its potency!!

IS IT unhealthy to want to survive death?(Is it unhealthy to want to dream during sleep. And to live again tomorrow??) I don't think so. But with the physical material given such value in this world, it is widely considered worthless to think of possible survival! And even of no utility!(Note the huge distinction between living after the physical, and a NEW life IN the physical!! Hey ho.)(Also the distinction between survival of THE MIND or psyche, and survival of THE BODY!!!!)

Admittedly the desire to live on in an old or sick body is not so utile(or practical)(shall we say). It is often only the survival instinct and the desire not to be parted from loved ones, plus fear of the unknown(Ah, how comforting to stay with WHAT WE KNOW, rather than embrace possibilities we may be ill-fitted to tackle!!)(Drat it, Hamlet(Shakespeare), don't be so meally mouthed!!)

Comfort is, or should be(I think.), the whole point of religion. Hope for life to come, and love,etc. Why is the subject embarressing and infra dig??

It is because of Materialism! The belief in the finality of death. The view which has gained so much prominence in the world, now that so many think religion dead and buried. God,too!!(Man will bury his self next. THAT is the last thing he will do!! Ho hey!!!!)

Yes, by all means let us bury superstition, and promote science. But let us solve the Mind or Matter question first!

The West rules the world. So the widespread belief that survival dies with religion, has imposed a tyranny WHICH SHOULD NOT EXIST!!

Ah, how SMART to believe that ONLY 3d matter, especially SOLIDITY(Study the fist, boys. How paralysing that clenched fist. Ah,yes. So fear makes LIARS of us all!!!!), is real!! How foolish and despicable to dwell on flimsy things(airy fairy, perhaps), like mind!(BUT MIND IS NOT IMAGINATION!!). And maybe levels of reality that SEEM airy,etc. do exist! PERHAPS the universe IS complex, and the simplistic affair so beloved the superficial hasty world!! Perhaps things ARE THAT WAY!!!!(WHAT god is it that Man has so easily disposed of??!! Hmmm?)

Poor God! How GOD has sacrificed even ITSELF that its creatures might live!!(Where is God? Why is God so HIDDEN?? Why does God allow suffering, especially SUCH suffering!!)(To make us GROW!!!! And to learn needed lessons.) Oddly enough, no creator exists!! ONLY CREATURES. With even the gods being CREATURES!!

You begin to see how many loose ends present themselves from this ball of wool?

Does it matter? Not if you have sins to pay off! No. Survival and pay-back being dangerously linked! How nice to dodge settlement!!(I hate being in debt, don't you?? How awful to have to pay in the interim AS WELL AS AT DUE DATE.(Brave men only die once!!))

What of those unfortunates who actually WANT to live on after death! Are they weak minded? Do zombies exist? How can a corpse live!! Corpses are simply SHELLS.(Like lobsters' discarded shells. And spiders',etc.) The fact that corpses are THREE DIMENSIONAL, does not make them absurd!(For who knows that multi-dimensionality does not apply??!!)

Shells can be re-animated by their owners, AND by other creatures. Hermit crabs for example. So zombies are possible. Even by original owners!! But it is hardly HEALTHY!! After death we should move on to the better MATERIAL world that awaits ALL creatures.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

And short-sightedness(and superficiality) is not to be recommended.

Guilt and shame blind many. And the MANY rule on this backward planet. In this low world. Where low desires are promoted!!

Sin and wrong tend to incur guilt and shame,etc. Selfish humans naturally seek a cheap escape. An easy way out.

But as with worldly debts, THERE ISN'T ONE!! We have to pay. IN FULL. Sooner or later. The sooner the better, because of interest, compound!!

I am of course speaking with hindsight from the fact of survival. A survival with the law of pay back built in!!

Many misconceptions exist, which have blinded many!!

The world HATES survival,etc. And those who hold such views. Because of the danger of having to PAY BACK!!

Those who speak on such subjects are in danger of "BEING GIVEN HELL", even assaulted(and which is worse??), if they happen to be vulnerable. Especially defenceless.

You see the ramifications?

The great complexity. With complications OVERLAID!!

After a long life time wrestling with this subject, I still remain unauthorized and unqualified IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD, to even utter an opinion!!

Yet I invite any one to try to flaw my logic. Not with IRRATIONAL anger(born of feared to be faced GUILT, but with LOGIC)!!(WHO are the most stupid, those who hanker to survive, or those who think that death of the body equals death of the soul!! HA HA.)

Science(I refer to orthodox science, - which is materialistic.) is more than a body of knowledge. It is - or should be - knowledge born of LOGICAL STUDY, assuming nothing(including materialism!!).

So we see WHY survival question is so taboo!!

When it should be first and foremost!!

I am hated for it and similar beliefs. Should I care? Not when I have the least hope of providing COMFORT for even one individual! I think there is enough negativity loose in the world. How about positivism? If only for a change!!

The question is not Does Imagination rule, but does MIND rule?? By Imagination I mean loose wild thinking. Mere speculation, especially idle!! By MIND, I mean SUPER-MATTER!! I hold that the universe is structured by multi-dimensionality(group, actually)(E.g. Length is a dimension. But Space is GROUP!!). A SUPER matter!(You see how different in meaning from mere imagination??!!))

So MIND has been grossly MISUNDERSTOOD!!

We are not (merely) 2d(to give a parallel) creatures living on the surface of a sheet of paper(though we are that,too!), but 3d entities stuck THROUGH such paper!! Get a sheet of paper. Thrust a nail through it. Now any 2d creatures merely see the hole! But the nail is BEYOND holes!!

I submit that in parallel at a higher level we are 3d creatures living in a MULTI -dimensional(To OVER simplify,note!!) universe. What we call death is simply taking the lift up to the next floor above!! Where exists a SIMILAR set of rooms, AND FURNITURE(!!!!) of a FINER material. So as not to smash our minds!!

Now observe that death is of the body(no argument about that)(but the dweller WITHIN(the mind(which is NOT brain!), is merely ECLIPSED. We call it death, and SAY "He is dead". But we REALLY mean THE BODY! The complexity of the subject, in addition to its taboo label, renders it so difficult to discuss!!

We ASSUME that death means final end. But have we THE RIGHT to make such an assumption, BEFORE determining whether the MIND goes on, or not??!! I don't think so!!

The BODY is so obviously, in any MEANINGFUL sense, so DEAD.(I am not disputing that!!) However! There is such a vast difference between a hole in a sheet of paper, and THE OBJECT that CAUSED SUCH HOLE!!!!(Unless of course your guilt condemns you NOT TO LOOK!!)

With the industrial revolution(In The West,anyway.) came Science.(So called, because orthodox science is actually Materialism!!)(And conventional religion is ALSO materialistic! Especially trying to curry favour with Science.(To fill the pews, and MAKE!! Right, pastor??!!)

Conventional religion is not interested in truth, but in fantasy. Easy comfort!!

Science(so called) is not interested in truth,etc.either. But is the new religion!! A religion of the researcher(though researching is good), as against the old priests,etc!!

Men cannot BEAR truth(in important areas)(in its fullness). So we keep advancing grand escape ideas. You see, it is not The Devil we flee from, BUT GOD!!!!

Jesus would that all men be as he.(How wise IN THE EVENT!!) I suppose GOD does likewise. And in fact all creatures do. Most,anyway. Most humans want others to be like them!! However, I submit that we all need to be OURSELVES, and not others!!

By GOD I mean THE GODS. And not a non-existent CREATOR!! The gods being super human entities.

Creatures are obvious. They exist everywhere. But any creator HIDES! And, like pursuing zeno's arrow, we can seek FOR EVER, and still not find THE CREATOR. It is a mental view you see! We live in a universe of views, not realities.(Realities are sub-levels WITHIN such views.) By VIEWS I do not mean opinions, but extant outlooks BY THE GODS, shall we say. Who IN TURN are but higher up creatures!!!!

So we never hold a truth. We just PROVISIONALLY hold A SUPER VIEW which we take refuge in, until we can better it!!

PROBABILITY rules. Not the plausible. - Provisionally of course.

I go by the scientific method. Yet many think I am superstitious! Because I go for what LOGIC undigs, rather than what KNOWLEDGE is current!!

I WOULD that I harken to the gods. And not to my terrified wishes and fears!!

Yet I too fail and fall at the CURRENT last outpost!!

Gods?? Try aliens!!

Or at least super humans!!

Ah, to plumb the depths of thought!!

Or try to!!

The world loves mystery. It prefers that to SOLUTION(Because mystery binds more! You hogs!!).

I like solutions!!

Yet, I am providing questions, not answers, here!!

Naturally you will fill in your OWN answers.

To think is such foolish wisdom!!

But we have to do SOMETHING. The gods will have their little games!!

You are as wise as ever. I know.

I am giving you the answer I LIKE.

Yet I find lesser answers EVEN MORE DIFFICULT to deal with!!

For which is easier? To believe in GOING ON. Or to believe in coming to a FINAL END!!

So we all take refuge in our wishes(or even fears!!), rather than try to embrace truths which might burn us!!

Going on invokes INFINITY. Coming to a final end invokes NOTHINGNESS. Which(if either) is king??

Neither can be!!

So INDEFINITE GOING ON versus NOTHINGNESS is the challenge.

Now that is different!! Anyway, nothingness is so hard to find!! Let me know if you find it!!

We don't THINK, you see. We usually emote. Especially if it concurs with the herd's view!!

If only to stay alive!!

How hard to leave our customary mental grooves.

Anyway, I am not saying that dead horses(shells) rise again, but that stunned riders(indwellers) do!!

Fearful low emotions rule so much. But logic clamours attention!!

There are levels of truth,too.

If only truth existed!

Of course THE THING THAT DIES STAYS DEAD! Dead horses!! But we always keep one jump ahead in The Great Circus, where yesterday's riders become today's horses!! I mean that this current mind shall become a horse in turn to a greater rider. And so on ad infinitum.

However, need the rider stay dead too? No he resurrects, telescoped within an even greater rider(the higher self).

We are SUPER dreaming. As we await a higher life, in a better material(albeit finer material) world. Just the next floor up! Though as to whether better spiritually. -That depends upon the excess of our good deeds over our evil.(Or the other way around.) THAT qualifies us for Paradise. NOT the death of a MAN, however great, who is not us!! (Is Jesus God?(Emotionally,yes.) Was Jesus human??(But GOD is not!!)

Just as asleep in dreams, we are the dream self, and have the dream body!(An analogy, parallel.) We awaken, as the dream body dies(what else?). But the dream self is now - WHERE????

Not your current self, is it? God forbid! So why all the fuss about a Higher Self, after our old horse finally expires?!

THOUGH such higher self IS NOT our current ordinary waking self, it CONTAINS(even as our waking self contains the old dream self UNAWARES) the old waking self TELESCOPED within!! Now tell me, which prefer you? The old dream self OR your current self?? You see what I mean. Your current self IS MORE YOU than the dreams self. AND SO SHALL IT BE AFTER SO CALLED DEATH!!!! That your higher self, THOUGH not your current waking self, IS MUCH TO BE PREFERRED, and even MORE YOU than the former YOU(whilst alive)!! Oh,yea!!!!


The one within.

Note: The BODY goes down and passes through death. BUT THE MIND(After it recovers from the temporary swoon.) goes UP, and passes into a HIGHER BIRTH!! So do not confuse death with birth!! But observe that death relates to NOW LEFT body. While MIND relates to VASTER REALM then entered!!!!(The exact opposite of what happens at physical birth. When YOU DIED, but got born inside a cage!! As a body!!!!

If you so hanker after the old self, then go back to sleep, and dream. THAT WAY, it resurrects!! Any problems?? Ha ha.

I may be wrong! I MAY BE RIGHT,TOO!!

For sure I know not 100%. But how many bridges do you cross that have NO DANGER of collapse?? Think, now!!

Yes, I hope to live on. Provided not in HELL!!!!

You want to die AND STAY DEAD, EH??

That is wishful thinking!!

Those who wish to live again are the wisest!!

I go by probability!!

The evidence comes down most heavily in favour of survival!

Once you take the blinkers off!!

Provisionally then I shall go by the probability of survival! And not let guilt condemn me stay in the grave!!

Inconclusive shrieks materalistic science. With a careful eye to its flock..

With its head in the mud of the new RELIGION!!

Impossible cries kow-towing religion!

With its arse in its mouth!! Oh,yes.

The world has buried the misunderstood myths of yesteryear.

And now embraces, ever more, NEW ideas. Which are actually the old dressed up!!

Witches have gone. But now it is time travel, and parallel universes.


But does changing the name change the reality?

Nay. It only placates the fearful!!

Do we survive? WHO the heck cares? I live NOW. That's good!!

W.F.Thomas.(To make you THINK!! If ever so possible!!)(The old self ever seeks justification! But the new self swallows it. Only shedding the old tail.)

You begin to see why this subject is so avoided!!!! I sit upon the edge of a vast ocean. While the mud crabs listen not!! Now has ANYBODY got a better solution?? There is nothing new under the sun.