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Articles Written December 2005  


Thursday, 29th December, 2,005.


Situation Report 1. 1 .6.

For the first day of the new year, 2,006.

Russia is re-activating its thermo-nuclear stockpile. And turning FROM U.S. and Democracy. Putin is proving to be the true Communist he is!! Freedoms being removed!!

George Bush, junior, could be doing the best thing under the circumstances. Staying on in Iraq as long as possible. They could win after this election. But Shi-ites and Kurds, bad lots!!

Sunnis, good.

Comparatively, of course.

Bird Flu: China has a successful vaccine!! Tamiflu(if taken within 48 hours of disease onset) may still work. Resistance to Tamiflu is only partial as yet. But I suspect virus in process of complete immunity to it!!(And Renzel). Remember,too, The Hungarian vaccine. Also successful, apparently.

Living via debt seems to be paying off. But it cannot be indefinitely.

Australian heat wave(in S.E. Queensland, anyway) continues.

Snow in North America and Europe. White Christmas in Britain.

Snow too in Turkey.

AND in Thailand!! Plus ice berg spotted in ocean!!

So what is going on? Is it Global Warming, or global cooling?? (2,005, hottest year in Australia. One of warmest, in world.)

The answer is complex:(I have given in more detail before.)

The heat is coming electronically from the sun. Warming rock, via warming magma and lava. Which, in turn, is warming THE SEA. Then, last, the AIR. The Troposphere.

The Stratosphere is cooling!

Heat produces snow and cold,etc.

The Stratosphere is cooling 16 different ways.

Overall, there is no warming or cooling!!

The heat is melting ice. Which, being fresh water(pack ice, salt water ice is ALWAYS melting and freezing) ice is slowing the Gulf Stream down.(It should finally stop.)(Within a few years.) Because cold fresh water pouring into The North Atlantic is dense(despite being fresh water), and sinking to the bottom, pushing the gulf stream down, and stopping it!!

North West Europe then becomes like Alaska WAS.

This creates The TRIGGER for the ice age!!(Now starting up. In full swing in about nine years!!)

Cold, snow, ice,etc. will advance towards The Equator, from both northern and southern ice caps!! This will change the world's climate all right!! Because no current to stop it.

I am trying to tell you all the truth.(Note my vision of the truth improves with time.) But VERY few believe me. In a world that only(in general) believe what it WANTS to believe!! Which is not the truth!!!!(Except when the truth HAPPENS to suit it!!)

So the world is going to be taken suddenly by surprise by a tidal wave of increasingly bad events. In all fields. Though some good will occur,too.

I am failing both the world, and myself. Through little fault of my own. So I despair!! Knowing(to a high degree of probability) what is coming!!

The world THINKS (hopes!) that everything will pan out all right. BUT IT WON'T!! Nor can you expect it to!!!!!

It is baffled by the deterioration going on, on all fronts. Human affairs, weather, volcanic and seismic,etc. I KEEP trying to tell you all that the cause is NOT Man(except to a very small degree, hardly measurable), but THE SUN, electronically!!

The Kyoto Protocol is a useless burden upon us all. 1. Because Man is NOT the cause of global warming. And 2. Because it is being too much ignored by too many countries!!

We STILL need fossil fuels,etc. AND nuclear power!!

Quiet Christmas. But New Year may not be. If only because Propaganda decrees it.

WAKE UP, world!!!! Before it is too late!! I'm afraid it already is. Been too late since you rejected Reagan(And Nixon before him!!)!!!!(There are worse things than Watergates!!)

And now Russia has reversed Reagan's victory(over Communism and U.S.S.R)!!

What is happening?? Islam is replacing Christianity(and all other world religions). THAT is what is happening!!

BECAUSE U.S is The (biggest) Terrorist!! Invading The Middle East(three times,now). Basically to get OIL.(U.S. was VERY NARROWLY stopped in its drilling for oil in Alaska, WHERE IT IS PLENTIFUL!!)(What a tragedy. For the sake of a FEW plants!! O you foolish people!!!!)

Of COURSE Islam is rising against The West(and the rest of the world). It is trying to defend itself against a U.S.etc. long since gone MAD!!!!(Though such course by U.S. is the LEAST bad way it can go now!!)(So Bush(etc.) is right. But for the wrong reasons.

IRAN is the big Muslim enemy! Not Iraq!!

Bin Laden and Omar, NOT Saddam Hussein,etc!!

And of course North Korea!!

The world is living increasingly in CLOUD CUCKOOLAND!!!!

And Appearances and Appeasement, rule. Along with complacency and even smugness!!!!

Each generation FORGETS(even ignores) the lessons learned by the generation before it!!

We are back (but a couple of thousand times worse) where we were in 1938!! Instead of Hitler, we now have Bin Laden!! Instead of machine gun bullets, we now face VIRUSES!!!!

And DIRTY radiation!!

Islam may save the world yet. From the debauchery,etc. of PLEASURE obsessed West!!

But Europa will stop them.

And Asia will stop Europa.

Finally CHRIST stopping the world. After the world attacks EVEN GOD!!!!

Sport has replace war.

And Sex has replace Love!!

Entertainment has replaced morality!

And Technology has replaced SENSE!!!!

Beware our advanced technology. Obtained from humanoid ALIENS!!!!

In exchange for more and more human fodder for THEM to experiment on.(NO pain killers!!), and breed with!!!!


But too many IDIOTS are STILL suppressing the truth about UFO's and Crop Circles,etc!!!!

Humanoids and Mongrels(humanoid cum human new species) are the tools of the even worse aliens, The Reptileans now invading Orion(Yes, we are IN the Orion group of stars!!) from a parallel universe and galaxy!!).

We are CATTLE!! Up for vivisection experiments. Before final devourance (body AND SOUL!!)by giant lizard monsters, The Reptileans!!(Like those seen in the film Independence Day,ETC!!!!)

Earthmen you are STILL fast asleep and DREAMING. Dreaming that you are awake!!

The humanoids are sorry for us. But they are the puppet tools of The Reptileans. I am allowed to TRY to wake you all up! Because the humanoids are SORRY FOR US!! A friendly lot(in general!). As friendly as farmers are to their cattle, UNTIL ready for the slaughter!! Got it??

The Crop Circles are messages TO US.

Humans cannot nor will not bear it, you see. So we all perish!!!!

I am TRYING to TELL you all!!!!

I might as well talk to a BRICK WALL!!!!

Materialistic Science is trying so hard to find alien life in microbe traces on Mars,etc! While aliens ex UFO's TRY again and again to find SOME semblance of sanity in our minds!!

Alien abductions are FAR MORE extensive than is thought!!

They LOVE our women!!(Lust!!)

But Humanity is FAR MORE interested in the latest fashions, and old traditions, than in THE INVASION currently taking place!!

WHY do you think(especially beautiful females) so many humans are vanishing?

Do you REALLY think that there is no life elsewhere? You NITS!!(That is what island chieftains thought during early colonialism!!)(It is so much cosier to think that there can be no competition!!)

Do you REALLY believe bodily death ends it all?? Ha ha HA HEE!!!!(We simply go to another land!! Not of THIS physical!! And even to other TIMES!!!!)

We believe in COMPROMISE, though not CONFORMITY. But slow compromise LEADS TO conformity!!

Many read my articles(a FEW of them), looking for scientific CRAP. But, finding awful truths, take to their heels!!

Have YOU been soled and heeled.(Souled and healed!!)

You heels!!

We look frantically for alien microbes. While humanoid and mutant humans BREATHE down our necks!!

We give our love to CORPSES!! Instead of SOULS before death!!

And we THINK we are SO good!!

For GOD'S sake!!

Belief and truth are NOT the same thing!!

No matter HOW HARD you believe propaganda,etc. RUBBISH!!!!

Yes, we are entering a new phase in our INDIVIDUAL evolutions!

The Media ETC. are pouring PROPOGANDA down our throats!

Yes, in any war, The TRUTH is the first casualty!!

We are getting(with important things) little but disinformation and misinformation.

WILFUL lies!! Especially out of The U.S!!

The United States? OF WHAT?? The United States OF the disunited states!! Ha HA HEE HEE!!!!


North and South, and CENTRAL AMERICA.

The U.S. is a small slice of land sandwiched between Canada and Mexico!!

Arrr.(Ah, drawled.)

But U.S. THINKS, not only that it is America, but The WHOLE WORLD!!!!

What a pity King George third was mad!(Britain WAS so much more sensible!(Law and Order!!)) But U.S. maimed Britain and ended their empire, back around 1943!! Mass bombing of Europe went to their HEADS. But Russia VERY NEARLY took the LOT!! And ONCE AGAIN threatens to do so!!

You MISJUDGE Hussein, Melosovic, Pol Pot,etc.

Within six months conditions become UNBEARABLE. For me, anyway!!

You have all lost your marbles!! BANANAS!!!!

Since when does evil doing WIN??(Only TEMPORARILY, you geese!!)

Yes! We SEEK Truth(Well, a few do!!) But CANNOT live with it!!!!

You readers(with SO FEW exceptions) PREFER to think me mad and bad. Rather than face HARD FACTS!!!!

Soon the whole world will be VERY sad and had!!

Has my life been in vain then?

Anyway, I found out the truth!!

But what a TERRIBLE loss for you, who refuse to believe me!!

You(most of you) prefer unhurt prides to destroyed SOULS!!!!

Poland is going to stay in Iraq!! BRAVO!!!! I go along with that!!(Now that Bush is "winning". Heck, if that is winner, I sure hate to see you losing!!

Japan is staying IN with The U.S.

U.S. stands for Useless.(Which is what United States has become. Unfortunately!!(Take the reins, McCaine!!) And US. (US dwindling FEW of The West. Aye!!)

Ah, how important words are. They SHOULD follow natures!!

And U.S.(except for U.K. and a few other countries of The West), is the best country going.(Now so nearly GONE!!!!)

Self control is a GREAT thing!!

NO nation can abandon God, and SURVIVE!!(Not for long!!!!)

Israel was given up to Babylon,etc.

And I see U.S.etc. being given up to THE POLITICAL EAST. Via Islam!!

Australian race riots?? Ah,yes, RACISM. But by WHOM(mostly!). By Lebanese apparently!! Arabs anyway. Well, Muslims!!!! But Howard is leaning over BACKWARDS not to SAY that!! In order not to OFFEND militant fanatics. Muslim!!

WHAT is the IDENTITY of Australia? It has BECOME anyone who is NOT an Australian!!

We are being SOLD OUT(Australia!!(And N.Z.) - ONLY to be devoured LATER!!!!

Oh,yes, there is racism all right!! By dark skins against whites!! Whites are outnumbered by coloureds by about twelve to one!!

Minority groups be darned!! (Sorry, DASHED!!)

Except when they are WHITE skinned??!!

You hypocrites!!


But Bush,etc. have pulled their fingers out a lot, lately. Not before time either!!(They HAD to!!)

Good people, no matter WHERE born, - WELCOME.

But mixing cultures and races is STUPID!!

Inviting trouble, which we are increasingly getting!!

But since when has Earth been the epitome of wisdom??!! Ha HA.

Notice how things INCREASINGLY go from bad to worse!!

Now I wonder WHY that is!! IDIOTS!!!!

Yes, there is racism! (In Australia(and elsewhere!)) Dark skins sour grapes JEALOUSY and ENVY of the superior English,etc!!

Best nations on Earth: Whites, (Sub Continent)Indians(bar Dravidians) and Red(skinned) AMERICANS!!!!

The world you see is ruled by THE DEVIL!!!!

But GOD will win!!

Mark my words.


Earth is UNevolved.(Earthmen.) THAT is the root trouble. Which is as it should be at this stage. No thing WRONG!!!!

But it explains so much!!

Two very STUPID groups on Earth today: 1. Orthodox religious. 2. Materialistic scientific!!

Utter CONFUSION. And Mix-up!!

THAT is what rules!!

Neo nazi-ism! WE NEED IT!!!!

Imperialism and Capitalism are not evil. (Not NOWADAYS!!) What is evil are Trade Unions, Thugs, Muslim fanatics, and crazy Chinese!! Plus brutal Russians,etc. And most life out of Outer Mongolia!!!!(Mongols and Huns!!)

Toss IN Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen and Sudan!!!! Also Jordan, Lebanon, Afghanistan AND The U.S!!(Especially The C.I.A!!)(FBI not so bad.) Now add in Mafia,etc!!!!

Conservatism and Liberalism are good!!

Sour grapes is what is wrong with world. Plain JEALOUSY and ENVY over the success of others!!!! Aye!!

To HELL with The Wahabe Sect!!

And to Limbo with The Fundamentalism of Christendom!!

Christendom is NOT Christianity!! Jesus begat Christianity, via Thomas and James, disciples. Etc. Via Dead Sea Scrolls,etc!! And through Origen and Gnostics,etc.(Constantine and Justin,etc. suppressed them at Council of Nicea!!)

It was Paul and Peter,etc. who brought in the IMITATION Romanism(And the weaker Easternism.)! Which is Christendom!! WAKE UP!!!!

Who will win? Those who do good, and high, and pure, and CARE FOR others(All others, because there are no evil people(bar a FEW). Only evil SITUATIONS and circumstances!! Conditions, and misunderstood environs!!)

No final victory for the good on physical Earth. Not until after death!!

Recorded history is ONE BIG LIE!!!!

Who wins is he who MOST works for OTHERS. BY GOD!!!!

We all try to live and survive. So we all are obliged to do SOME evil!! But keep it to a MINIMUM. As the doer DOES THE PAYING!!!! Aye!!

What shall it profit a man, though he gain the whole WORLD. But lose his VERY soul??!!

Since when has APPEASING the enemy paid off??

Appearances are SUCH LIARS!!!!

Of course I am angry. Tired of seeing villains punish FOOLS!!

And yet am I not the king of fools!!!!

Because I cannot SHUT UP!!!!

Too many humans on the planet!!

Too much traffic on the roads.

New game for children!! Get as near as you can to suffocation(or death, anyway!). To get a high. But slip up, and you DIE!!!!

The latest CHICKEN game!!

Whatever happened to GOOD SENSE??!!(WHY is it more acceptable to be brave. Rather than righteous. And why are people more attracted to lies THAN TO THE TRUTH!!!!

It is necessary that offences come. But WOE be to those THROUGH WHOM they come!!

Stop producing babies! The world is crawling with humans!!

And mothers, STOP doting on them!!(You are creating future monsters via their misunderstanding you!!)

Yes, I flog my tongue in vain!!

How much better had I stayed in The Spirit World!! Oh, I don't know!!

Is DIFFERENCE necessarily evil?

Does it REALLY matter WHERE you were born?!

Earthmen, you are STILL not ready!!

So you MUST PAY!!!!

As even GOD will not reward stupidity!

We all need to LEARN. There is no better way forward.

Than to see WHAT IS, rather than what you WANT TO BE THERE!!!!

Only GOD is 100% good!

I would that YOU save yourselves.

I would that I were a better person. But I have to carry it from where it IS!!

So what is the answer?

I think that depends upon the question.

O.K. so you don't believe me.

But Hell may not have stopped believing in US!!!!

Note: Regarding Bird Flu(Avian Influenza), the latest viral edition is H5N2.(Unknown to the majority.)(ON THE OTHER HAND IT COULD SIMPLY BE the MILD version of Bird Flu. I don''t know. The presented picture is rather confusing. Anyway, it seems that H5N2(which is mild) is the LATEST version of Bird Flu seeking HOSTS!!(Animal or human.) In which to increase its breed!!) H5N1 is bandied abroad as being the latest version. But the LATEST death rate suggests that the virus has mutated into H5N2. Probably(I think) in addition to the mild version.(The horrible thing is that vaccines are being READIED to fight H5N1!(Which seems to be already obsolete!!)(Clearly we are up against the latest MARK of Influenza!!(Which may well be the great expected FOURTH WAVE of Flu.(The deadly kind, I mean. Or it may turn out to be a mild version.)(Too many unknowns.)(Too many variables. And variants.) I just hope The Chinese vaccine works against humans!!(And The Hungarian vaccine.(Don't forget that one.)) On the other hand, the great EXPECTED fourth wave of DEADLY influenza may not have evolved yet. And PERHAPS, won't!!(But that is a pretty vain hope!!)(The virus is not interested in killing its host! As it means the end of the virus,too!)(By the way, an interesting point has arisen. Bird flu is particularly lethat to BIRDS.(Within about 48 hours!!)(So with MIGRATORY birds the great worry, HOW MANY are going to live(AND be fit enough to FLY!!) long enough to migrate very far??!!)(What is being suggested is that if the bird outreach is less than originally feared, then the human outreach MAY be less,too.(A vain hope, in view of air travel, IF bird flu goes HH(human to human)(Which it has not REALLY done AS YET!!)(Do not confuse the current CLOSE CONTACT cases with TRUE HUMAN TO HUMAN!!)

No. The biggest threat to humans currently IS HUMANS. Especially of the Muslim variety! And, I am sorry to add, the U.S. variety!!

Muslims, in general, are committed to converting or head removing(or blowing to bits) ALL humans who are not Muslims!(Preferably killing.)(If ONLY Islam WAS good!!)

Our leaders are of course WILFULLY blind to this. And are in desperate DENIAL!!(Noticed??)

The Muslim monotonous trump card is that ALL other humans are anti MUSLIM(which is not a bad idea I think, seeing that both Mohammed AND The Koran preach VIOLENCE(of the worst kind)!! So they are busy all out blaming ALL non Muslims with being ANTI Muslim.(Racist is the stupid spread TAR word.(With the understanding that RACIST only means hatred of coloured folk(especially Muslims). Which in fact is anything but true!! But their DECLARED intention is to have a MUSLIM world ASAP, no matter how FEW in number left!!!!(Anyone else for TRUTH??!!)

Islam is the great CANCER in society. Especially The Wahabe active fundamentalist sect.

They(The Muslims) are SPREADING out world wide, so to kill as many people as possible, and as horribly as possible. So much for Mohammed and The Koran!! AND the notion that Islam is a religion of love and peace,ETC. Like HELL it is.(Most parts of The Koran speak of love and peace,etc. But unfortunately FAR TOO MUCH is preaching VIOLENCE, and of the worst kind. Even against tiny tots!!!!)

Apparently Allah is not GOD, but The Devil!!(You could have fooled me, otherwise!!)

And THEIR Paradise(after death) is IN FACT, HELL!!!!(Where they are from, of course!!)

O.K. you SUCKERS who are welcoming these MURDERERS in with open arms!! Their idea of love is THE FOULEST MURDER!!!!

And our leaders are SCARED STIFF to admit it!!

For fear of OFFENDING the SWINES!!!!

WAKE UP!! Especially Australia(AND New Zealand). While you STILL have a HEAD to wake up with! Or a BODY for that matter, still in one piece!!

You multi-cultural FOOLS. IDIOTS!!!!

Appeasement leads to WAR!! Savvy??!!

STOP importing the SCUM. And deport them instead. Yes, ALL Muslims!! And in fact ALL those of Middle Eastern appearance!! In fact all non English!! Long live The Ayryans!! The blue eyed whites!!!!(I'm not confused!!)

U.S. began "Terrorism"!!(Too mealy mouthed to call the re-action what is going to lead to The Tenth Crusade. (But from EU. As U.S. will be finished. As will Britain,ETC!!!! Thanks to Muslim "LOVERS"!! Are you all BLIND or something??!!)

Both Germany and Japan are rising again.

Neo nazis are our only hope. Unless mad George unleashes atomic devices(small ones, at first)! But of course Russia will then, especially through its INDEPENDENT ACTIONING naval commanders(nuclear subs and all that!), attack U.S!!(RED China assisting, of course!!)

What a DICKHEAD of a world we live in!!

India will join The Political Eastern bloc.

Bird Flu could be a blessing in disguise!! Wiping out the surplus MILLIONS(possibly BILLIONS) of humans who should never have been born, by right!! (Never heard of birth control?!)Thus enabling well set up Australia to lead the world through OPPORTUNISTICALLY! I don't know about New Zealand.

Are you READY for DIRTY RADIATION? Well, you had better be!!

And are you ready for bird flu,ETC?

Both Arabs and Jews are from another star! Deadly enemies of each other!!

Muslims are an Ismael EXTENSION!!!!

Democracy? Since when can EVEN Freedom(Licence, not Liberty!!) be enforced??!!(Especially upon a people who at least have the eyesight to see where it LEADS!!!!)

The U.S. Empire is reaching its limits.

And Russia is re-enaugerating ITS!!!!

Here is how I see it going(main stream): Islam destroys The West. Europe destroys Islam. Asia confronts Europe. Then CHRIST confronts Mankind. After it attacks GOD!!!! Winner takes all. Australasia, of course!!

You DIG? Well, WATCH it is not your OWN grave!!

Man has substituted The DEVIL for GOD!!

Neither exist of course (much, anyway!!) as an old stern strict white bearded man, OR a horned GOAT, or BULL!!!! But are in fact INVISIBLE POWERS, or forces. Of good SPIRIT or evil spirit, as the case may be. Locked in eternal war!!!!

The rest of us are puppets in the game!

John Howard is VERY astute.

Costello is wasting his time.

(Except as Treasurer!!)

Hanson is horse meat.

The old Labour Gang(Trade Unionists Left Wingers) are biding their time. Expect the woolly-headed cloudlanders BACK soon!!!!

Labour saw to it last time that only left wingers got imported!! Thus ensuring the vote!! And still living via DEBT to go with it!! I expect CREDIT to replace gold. And bonds to replace futures.

The Future? WHAT future? Don't be STUPID!!

We live in a world of confused IDIOTS and mixed up VILLAINS!!

And have for the last 300,000 years!!

Because we are not ready for GOD!!!!

Our last Christmas, I fear!!

It will be Ramadan next. You SUCKERS!! Got your mats yet? Hey!! Save on SHOES!!!!(And chairs!!) HO ho.

Hey! How many can see Beazley and his cronies leading us to better times. (Ever heard a horse laugh? Try a hippopotamus then!!!!

I still remember the intense NEGATIVITY of Simon Crean. The sanity and compassion of Mark Latham. The good losing ability of Beazley. And the apostacy of WHITLAM. Hawke was about the best.(Among hawks, that is!!) And I never forgot that governor general who let him in!!(Hayley or something.)

Australia(And New Zealand) for the whites. The Caucasians. Preferably The English!! The BEST race on Earth!!!!

Who needs the mixed up Europeans!! Always quarrelling amongst themselves!!

WE shall! To punish all Muslims!!!!

I expect Bush to get impeached. If he is not assassinated FIRST!!!!

Love ye one another!!

LOVE, I said. Not sex!!

But TODAY we cannot even distinguish between GENDERS!!!!

CHRIST for ever!!

And BACK TO HELL you wearing angel masks to hide your DEVIL natures!!

Who is the root problem?

Why me, of course!!



Vic Conway.




Vic Conway.(Last signpost out of HELL!!!!)(Last signpost THIS SIDE of HELL!!!!)

Ho HO!!!!



Monday, 19th December, 2,005.


After death, some more.

No thingness is impossible. Escape into oblivion - a vain hope! I am telling you!!

You may say, well what about during sleep. Aren't we oblivious then? Few sleeps are totally unconcious. But even in the rare cases where one is unconcious, we are NOT AWARE of being unconcious. And this is the point!!(We could go a million years like that and still think that the next moment was THE NEXT MOMENT IN TIME!! When it might be say eight hours later!!) It is IMPOSSIBLE to be aware of NO THING!!!! So you see, it is impossible EVER, to die!!!!

How men keep hoping for death eventually. But it never comes!!

Many who are dead do not know it.

More than that, many do not even know what world they are in!!

There are FIVE material worlds, all seemingly physical. Dreams. Life. Spiritistic world after death. Spirit World after death. And the fourth dimension OF SPACE!!!! Plus re-incarnation, re-birth(a different thing!), and time JUMPS!!!!

They all look similar!

I am trying to save you from confusion and worry after death:-

When we are alive we recognize the familiar physical. And tend to think that there are no other worlds!!

In dreams, we are usually convinced that we are awake in the physical life! Yet sometimes, when we check, we are surprised to find that we are dreaming!! Try it now!! You MIGHT get a shock!!

After death, immediately after, we enter the spiritistic world. Which is an almost perfect replica of the physical!! Thus when many die, they think they still live! And so they do. But their physical bodies ARE DEAD!!!! They just don't it!! Until shown their corpse or grave!!

Later, we enter The Spirit World(Proper). Which LOOKS like the present physical world!!

There is also the fourth dimension of space. A sort of parallel world to the normal 3d one!! Sometimes we enter that. But rarely.

Now, they all look alike. It is hard to distinguish.

When dead, we can dream, and think that all is normal! We can also day dream after death, and THINK that it is a dream!!

Furthermore, we can enter a world which is a replica of the present physical life world, IN the spirit world, AFTER DEATH!!!!

We can also re-incarnate, perhaps quickly, and find ourselves to be a new born baby, probably of the opposite gender!!

And we can get reborn back to our present birth!! But be able to live a VARIED life from the one we are now living!!

Another thing: Time- hops. It is extremely rare. But it is possible to jump from where we are now in time, to a different time. Either in our own life. Or in General Time!!

So, you see, things are NOT simple!!

So prepare for these possibilities, will you!!

To save you un-necessary worry.

And not for you to think that perhaps you have gone MAD!!!!

We live in a universe that is ANYTHING but what it seems!!

Take it in your stride. If you can.

MIND function you see! Not MERELY body in physical!!

In The Spirit World, though things may LOOK similar to now, they function VERY differently. By MIND,etc.

They do in the physical,too! But here it is hard to notice!!

Don't let it worry you. But just be READY for it!!

Things are not as they seem!

And Life is indeed an (usually) empty DREAM!!!!



Victor Conway.

Sunday, 18th December, 2,005.


Some minor points.

Correction: I said God was of self too. But I meant a higher self. God is completely FOR OTHER.

The Bird Flu virus we need to guard against is H6N1.(If and when it arrives. Not out yet. Current virus is H5N2.)

The main route for the virus once it gets on to you, is hand to mouth(yours). After others have transferred it to you via their mouth to hand!!

So one of the reasons for the face mask is to protect your mouth and nose,ETC. against YOUR HANDS!!!!

Also to protect yourself from coughs, sneezes, breath,etc. of others. Though basically to protect others from YOURSELF!!

Meanwhile I think biggest danger remains terrorism. Which is another name for The(latest) Great Islamic Uprising.(They call it Jihad,etc.)

Observe how Australian powers that be are leaning over BACKWARDS not to offend Muslims!!(They started it.(Lebanese attacking the two life savers. Attacking our men. And raping our women.)(Yes, this is all because U.S. invaded Iraq. Even the FIRST time!! Australia did not have to follow them. Nor need we keep on importing non Australians. But of course The People do not rule!! It is those faceless ones who have hi-jacked the human race who do that, and who have been doing that these past 300,000 years!! Aye.

Use Dust Masks(cheap(still!)), with peg to seal on bridge of nose, about half way up. Test out!

DON'T panic. Only makes things worse. Australia well protected, but NOT foolproof!!

Urine therapy MAY protect against Bird Flu. Via vitality shield!!

So,too MAY the anti cancer treatment I described a few articles back.(Liquid Selenium from Vets!!)(Selenium Drench Concentrate.)(Good against many nasty diseases, not just cancer!!)

U.S. has OIL in Alaska. Plenty there!

No need to plunder The Middle East!!

Ethanol may or may not partially replace petrol. In the meantime may I suggest DIESEL!!

I think Ethanol will do the job successfully enough.(Worry is that it will clog up engines.)

But the trend now is Hydrogen!! Which only produces WATER!!!!

Like I say, give yourself a break, and let GOD handle it. Simply co-operate WITH GOD!!

This applies per revenge,too. God will avenge(even you, if you have been hurt)!! YOU will only get yourself deeper into trouble if you retaliate!!(As it was God in the first place who has made you suffer to pay BACK for past wrongs you may have forgotten. Especially in previous lives!!)(You cannot outgive God, nor can you equalize with Him!!)

I am trying to help you by telling you THE TRUTH. Which I have worked out to a very high degree!!

I do it because I care. Especially for my self!!

No good listening to MAN. The Media is full of lies. Listen to GOD, only! WITHIN your heart and mind!!!!

STOP thinking that you are your body! That is only something we wear, like an old fashioned diving suit, whilst in the physical!!(You will always have some kind of a body vehicle. But for now it is the physical body!!)

We are in a great game of every creature for itself! This naturally produces FRICTION. That is how it is. Not wrong!! You will never get true real final perfection!! When will the world improve much? Not for 64,000,000,000 years! IF THEN!!!!

So live, and let live!!(We cannot save the world. It is FAR too stupid!! But by trying we MAY save ourselves. A BIT.)

The Golden Rule is the best way to go. Because Life dishes out to us WHAT WE DISH OUT TO LIFE!!(For whatever reason we do!) That IS the spiritual law. Whether we like it or not, or believe it or not!!!!

The Ten Commandments,etc. are a GOOD GUIDE.

Follow Jesus!!

Obey GOD!!!!

IF you would find some degree of happiness!!

AND best avoid Hell after death!!

Villains will end up beating their selves.

In the meantime just don't be A FOOL!!(Except for Christ's Sake!!)

What men call Christianity is actually only Christendom. Which is ROMANISM. (Catholic and Eastern,etc.)Installed via Paul,etc. Good FORM only. Came in via The Council of Nicea. Is CRAP!! Origen had the right ideas. Re-incarnation,etc. As had The Gnostics.

Fundamentalism, both Christian and Islamic, is BUNK.

You will live on after so called death(which is actually birth!)(Birth was the death!!), in a FINER body!! Get used to the idea. And stop fighting THE SPIRITUAL LAW, called The Lord!!

You WILL meet loved ones who died earlier AGAIN. Pets,too. And children. Even the aborted and miscarried!!

What a pity men don't bestow on the living the affection,etc. they give to the dead body(a mere 3d SHELL) after death!! It would be a different world!!(Women dote on children. And men dote on corpses!!)(Everyone to their taste!!)(Me, I'm for my self! Who do you work for?? EH????)

The ideas and ideals of men are UPSIDE DOWN!! And his values priorities BACKWARDS!!

I would far rather you hate me for telling you these things than be sent to Hell by GOD!!

God is a far bigger string puller than Man!!

I am trying to remove SOME of the IDIOCIES that humans labour under!!

We live for EVER. And already HAVE.

Even the animals do!!

Don't confuse sex with love!!

Nor possessiveness(with love)!!

Nor desire(with love).

Nor need(with love)!!

The trick is NOT to get involved!!

Man is confused and mixed up you see. He has confused his lower self with his higher self. And vice versa.(It is all in the mind. Yes. But WHICH mind is it in??!!)

He lives from his low emotions and passions, rather than his high MIND!!!!

He takes his self far too seriously. And takes too much notice of what OTHERS do!!

It simply is not worth it!! As we are only down here in the physical, in EXILE, for a short term(though it SEEMS longer!)!! Some of came here purposely to speed up individual evolution. And some came at this horrific time to experience and even enjoy the thrill of it all!(Yes, we are time travellers from Eternity(Eternity is Time TWO)!!!!)

It does not matter what happens to the body. It is the SOUL that matters!!

We are taking so called scientific and religious OPINION as FACT. When it is usually SHIT!!!!

TRUE knowledge is the great saviour! You WON'T find it in the world, nor at any school. Work it out for YOURSELF!! By logic!!(In the meantime just believe what I am telling you. And you should not go far wrong!!)

CHRIST(The spiritual(divine,actually) of God!) saves. Jesus GUIDES.

I only wish GOD, Jesus, Michael,etc. And even The Virgin Mary could rule. They SOON will!!(Because the only one men are beating is their silly selves!!)

The Devil, via Pan(The Earth god) has been chosen by Man, before God!! The Great Mistake. That way ONLY inherits misery now. And HELL after death!!!!

Women are paying for what Eve(this is symbolic!) did to Adam via the nectarine(called wrongly an apple). In other words SEX. And getting saddled with children, menstruation, abortion, miscarriages, drudgery,etc,etc!!!! Actually it wasn't sex, or even nudity, that was the mistake, but the putting of knowledge before life!!(Thou shalt eat of all trees fruit, except that of Life, and the one of Knowledge. Man chose knowledge.(Fool! All he had to do was obey God, choose Life, and LATER get true Knowledge,too!! Ah,well.(Try again now! As it is for INDIVIDUALS, not The Collective.(Humanity is not ready yet. But SOME individuals are!! Bah, how I waste my time!!!!)

And men are paying for listening to women and devil before God!! Via marriage!!

Eden is The Paradise we were in before birth. In The Spirit World!!

THAT was The Fall. And if we are not VERY careful, we face a FURTHER FALL, by re-incarnating on a LOWER planet!!

I don't care what men THINK. I go by what I KNOW!!!!

I am afraid The Islamic Paradise will turn out to be HELL for those who kill others, and their selves!!(By bombs self strapped and SLOW removal of heads with LONG rusty knives. But remember now, Islam is the most spiritual religion!! Well, all I can say, is God help the others!!(And remember that though Bush is an IDIOT, any other alternative is WORSE!!!!)

Get involved with ANGELS, not devils!!

Unless you actually WANT Hell!!

Do not confuse wish with fact!!

If you meet an IDIOT, there is no need to join him!

I invested in true knowledge at a very young age. And now it is paying off!!

I am far from perfect of course. There are also degrees of perfection(as well as freedom).

Live for self(Now DON'T misunderstand!!), not others. But BY GOD, not Man or Devil, or even Pan!!!!

I mean go for what YOU like, not what OTHERS like!! Or you are a fool!!!! An IDIOT, in fact!!!!

Each of us must accept responsibility and accountability(TO GOD) for our own actions. NO ONE else can!!

Why does God torture us? If God has all power, and loves us!!(Actually it is we who are torturing god, as well as ourselves, by being so STUPID.(God doesn't care about our silly mistakes!!)

To avoid EVEN WORSE, later!!

WE chose The Devil. We either have free will, and pay for our mistakes, the hard way if necessary. Or have a tyrant GOD. But one thing is for sure. WE CANNOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!(We cannot worship God AND Mammon!!)(Mammon is money,etc.)(You cannot have God rule us, AND let us do what The Hell we like, WITHOUT US suffering.)

The wicked have it good now. And the good suffer now. It does NOT follow that this set up continues thus AFTER DEATH!! It doesn't!! It REVERSES,then!! The point is, our present pain is NO THING compared to the joys and happiness, pleasures and BLISS,etc.we will gain after death(Yes! Pie in the sky!!)!! IF we do our best BY God, for others.(Do your best. And GOD will do the rest!!)

Hell is commensurate with evils done. And is only temporary!!

Therefore do not be A NIT, and make it worse!! Stop listening to foolish humans!! Whom The Devil is feeding with LIES, to mislead you!!!!(The Devil cannot hurt God DIRECTLY, so he hurts God's prize creation, Man!!)

If we do wrong(even to ourselves), we MUST pay!! Both God, and the victim!! REMEMBER THAT!!!!

Do NOT get FOOLED by Appearances!! They are LIARS!!!!

If you appoint another over you, other than GOD, then that is YOUR FUNERAL!!!!

Men HATE to be corrected. Too bad!!!!

Life is hard? Life is short? No!! The World is hard.(But HELL is harder!!) Life in THIS world is short. But our present life in the physical is ONLY a fraction of an INFINITE span!!!! Just a tiny bit of a vast tapestry. The front of which is hidden from us.(We only see its back!!(NOW))

We MUST learn FAR more Tolerance and Patience. Understanding. NOT misUNDERSTANDING!!!!

Wisdom is a GREAT thing.

Like you, I am only PART way up an infinite ladder. I,too,must heed what The Spirit speaks through me!! There IS NO top. But GOD is not a bad interim boss!!!!

We all know SOME thing. We all have A BIT of The Great Puzzle!! I am simply trying to contribute MY bit(however big I think it is), to assist all.

If that is wrong, then JUST what The HEAVEN is RIGHT??!!

All say different things, I know. So it is the luck of the draw!!

Go by the best book you can meanwhile.(Which is NOT The Bible!! Good though it is. It is The Word of Wise Men.(Some were!!). NOT God!!)

I am enjoying this. Why shouldn't I??


That is what it is all about.

Jealous IDIOTS are offended, you see!! So because evil rules(temporarily)on Earth, they take advantage and give us MISERY.(Only to gain HELL for themselves, LATER!!) They are of both scientific and religious genres. - As well as occult and psychic!!!!

The trick is to struggle free of all the false teaching rammed down our throats by villains posing as brother's keeper,etc.(Yes, even parents!!), before you die. So that after death, you can lead a more balanced and suitable life!!!!(Psst: Religion does not equal Spirituality. And there are no cemetries in The Spirit World!!(The World that awaits us all is NOT a religious one!!)

I wish I was wise!! But I can only BLAB!!!!

What is YOUR obsession??

There it is! And that is HOW it is!! Like it, or LUMP it. Yes!!!!

Of course OTHERS will try to get you into THEIR worlds! And we naturally try to get others into OURS!! That is how it goes! And gradually we all learn better!!

No one is his self. But all are the combination of parts of others!! Including television,etc.others!!

Yes, I enjoy pontificating!!(Don't you?)

My body was born in Swansea, South Wales. SO WHAT??!!

You may be from Mars. I too lived with my mother. For a short while.

Nottingham, I like. (England.) I prefer it to Swansea. Though London is best. Even if Sydney has to do meanwhile.(Note: I don't live in Sydney.)

Of course I am human. But I see you as part of GOD!!!!

I say again: If you want to go back and correct a mistake(but just watch you don't make things worse!!), you may do so after death!! Via memory and TIME. (Travel) Most do this after they "die"!!( How else can we all keep getting re-born in such good nick, if we fail to EVENTUALLY rise up out of Hell(after death) EACH TIME??!! Yes, THINK about it!!

I said to my old man when a child: We will survive death. Must be getting pretty crowded over there,then! He retorted.(It doesn't! Because of RE-INCARNATION!!!!)

Main trouble with world? Lack of control! Especially in sex and reproduction!! FAR too many people on Earth!! And likewise of traffic. Don't just keep bad vehicles off the road. Keep bad people off them,too!!

I gather Sirius(A)(A star) may be Sol's fellow binary!!(Sol is our sun. Stars, like so many other things go in pairs! Twin pairs!!)

Some of us are back here on Earth to atone for Atlantean sins!!

We went TERRIBLY wrong then!!

Yes! The Antarctic was Atlantis!! Ah,ha!!(Upside down and hidden under the ice. Because The Earth inverts periodically! Why do you think they call lower Egypt upper??!!)(And termite mounds in Australia face AWAY (south) from the sun! Think the ants are stupid?!)

And Greenland is The Second North Pole.(Little Antarctica is the second South Pole down south.) Every about 6,500 years, The Earth PHYSICALLY inverts.(Aye) Before it rocks back a bit, it accumulates ice. Got it??(Ice ages follow ELECTRONIC SUN caused global warmings. Via the stopping(EACH TIME!!!!) of The Gulf Stream, which TRIGGERS each ice age.)

Wise men get to The Pleiades, AND beyond, after death. As this Earth is going through a very long BLACK AGE.

The Reptilean ALIENS devour Earth folk. Which the humanoid aliens, and the mutants(combo's of humans and humanoids, by sex,etc.), give, like cattle, to them!!!!

Souls, and all. Yes!!

(We eat cattle,etc!!)

And even as we experiment on animals, so aliens experiment on us. Our pain means NO THING to them!!

Trust me! Go to The Pleiades!!(The Seven Sisters. A group of(main) seven stars. Well, six. O.K., five.

You can listen to me, or you can listen to Aunt Jane up the road. TRY listening to YOURSELF. Especially God. In the meantime, I hope I can guide you along, A BIT.

Thank God I am not the boss. The burden would be terrible!!

I wonder how Adolf is doing?

Some say he will be encased in ICE for a few thousand years.(In The Spirit World.)Yes, dear reader, Hell is not hot. It is COLD!!!! Personally, I think he did well. He tried. And he tried to carry on where Jesus left off!! He messed it up.(Too weak to counter evil forces, so he stupidly reversed The Swastica.) So now I am trying! Or,rather, Melchisedek in me, is! I HOPE!!

We all have our different views. Who is right? And who is to SAY who is right??

Like I say, do not confuse truth with what YOU hope is the truth!!

Aw, shut up Thomas!!

You twit!!

I am getting NO feed back.

Drat it! Am I wasting my time??!!

Eat bananas!!

NOT lemons!!!!




Victor Conway.(Not last of The Mohicans. First of the neomen!!)

Friday, 16th December, 2,005.


This and that. Mostly THAT!!!!


Ah, thought I was done did 'yu?

Get your nuclear suitcases on the left. Bird Flu syringes on the right!!

We are all LOSING IT.(Our marbles!!)

Sorry. No future THAT way!!!!

2,006 is at the gates. The year things STARTED to REALLY go wrong!! I give it six months AT THE MOST!!!!

Now WHY are we all going BARMY??

Didn't you know about all those ELECTRONS coming from THE SUN??!! Hitting human and animal BRAINS. Causing brain STORMS??!!

Psst! Never heard of GOD? Don't believe in Hell? And an after life. Nor Re-incarnation and Re-birth?? Tut tut. Such ignorance!! Get CLUED UP!!!!

LET God handle it!!

Just because some DICKHEAD says there is no god, DOES THAT MAKE IT TRUE??!!

Science, be damned!! Materialism you mean!!

Religion?? Just RELIGIEUSE SHIT, my friends!!

Some invest in Heaven. And some in HELL!! (Psst! Leave it to yourself in your next incarnation!! Ho HO!!!!)

As the wit said, if I can't take it with me, I'M NOT GOING!!

It is going to become VERY clear, just WHO is causing the trouble!!

A straight toss up between Trade Unionists and FANATICAL Muslims!!

Heads or tails? Put them both together. Ignite the fuse, and stand back!!

Seriously! I have met JESUS. How dare you say he didn't exist! I met him in his spirit body!! VERY real!!!!

ALL religions, and all good leaders are necessary.

Unfortunately, so are the bad!

It DOES take ALL SORTS to make a world.

Naturally we all stand for our own interests!! Heck, what ELSE is there??!!

Of course we should all work for SELF!!

Even GOD does!!

But of course there are different LEVELS of self!!!! Ho HO!!!!

How to stop evil?

What riots??

We all live in our own worlds. And see ONLY THEM!!!!

Worlds of WISH. And sometimes fear!!

Back fifty years ago, it was Communists. A RED under every bed!!

Now it is Muslims. And Chinks.(Chinese.)

In 1962, we came within AN ACE of a THERMO nuclear crisis!(No, not Monica SELES' ACES!!) Back during The Cuban Missile Crisis. Remember that diversion??

The truth is most of us are bored stiff. Bored TO HELL(Literally!!) So we(having long lost our taste buds of sensation via "realist" television), NEED artificial stimuli NOW. Like a nuclear war, bird flu, Jihad, and an Ice Age!!!! Any ADVANCE??!!

If you go into the crater of a live volcano, you will have problems!! If you lie in the gutter, you WILL encounter FILTH(Even if it rains!!). If you try to punch a THUG in the gut, you can EXPECT a spell in hospital(or even THE GRAVE!!). And if you even DARE criticize any Muslim, EXPECT to shortly be HEADLESS!!!!

The trick is TO HAVE SENSE not to get into such situations!(Ah, if only we had THE CHOICE!!!!)

My friends(and enemies!!)(Ho HO.) Now non-existent!!(Because I love GOD and Truth!! Etc. ETCS.)(Well, that's my story!!)

Harken YE, a little while!!

There are two main classes(BASICALLY) on Earth. 1. Villains. 2. FOOLS. The foot pads of the BASTARDS!!!!

If you fall in love, EXPECT Marriage.

If you have SEX(wow!), EXPECT off spring!!

I learned such obvii at Mother's knee. And Dadda's FIST.(Actually he was a good man. But I STILL prefer my Heavenly FATHER!!!!)

Actually I have had a VERY easy life.

Don't worry you hating envious ones. My future will shortly address the balance!!

MOOD rules.

Power comes out of the barrel of a gun!!

And GO HERBS, man!!

I learned the last two in New Zealand.

The only thing that spoils a country, IS ITS PEOPLE!!!!

A great country. Especially in the bush!!

But Australia is greater.(Sorry! WAS!!!!)

He who lives by the sword, DIES by it!!

As you live, so ALSO will you DIE!!!!

What is the most precious gift of all? Life, of course!!

Ah,yes,we must save our souls. Even if we lose our bodies!!


We have never had it so good. At least that was true just over a month back.(In Australia, I mean.)

Love is like happiness, you don't know you have it, UNTIL YOU LOSE IT!!!!

And each generation LEARNS AFRESH the elementary lessons of life!!

Like nip it in the bud. How many remember Hitler? Mussolini? Tojo?(Franco was a good man!!)

Cheats get cheated!!

In the next life!!

O.K. So we are all about to DIE. What next??

Well, then we GO HOME!!

We ARE in exile down here in The Physical you know! Well, isn't it TIME that you did??

After death, we quickly make our way to HELL!! (At first.)

Where we REALLY learn to appreciate Physical Earth!!

Then we spend our after lives STRUGGLING to get back up into Paradise!!

GOD is not dead!! MAN hasn't been BORN yet!!!!

(I wish I was a dog!!(God, I AM!!!!)

What is the moral?

Bow down towards Mecca?? Sorry, but I am afraid Muslims will NOT buy that!!

I just hope The Chinese are not Muslim supporters.(Alas, THEY ARE!!!!)

Who is for Mars? (Well, how about Venus??!!)

Now she was a woman!!

It is very serious!!

And there is no thing we can do about it!! EXCEPT MAKE IT WORSE!!!!

Heck. I hope The Devil has a cosy attic. Or even cellar!!

So you see fellow humans, the only thing to fear is FEAR ITSELF!!!!(If ONLY that were true!!!!)


You low indulgent TURKEY eaters!!

Have some more PUD. You haven't had any yet? Well at least you can't have less!! (Don't make me SICK!!!!) Pass me THE CHICKEN!!!! How else can I deny myself?!

So you were born in Timbuktoo.

And I was born in Tipperary.

What does that make US??


If we do NOT what we like. - Then we MUST like what we do!!(The wise quote of a long ago landlord of mine, called Joe.)


Talking to my two (ha HA) images in THE LOOKING GLASS, Alice!!!!(Hold your tongue Albert(Einstein)!!)


Duck!!(TRY to!!!!)




Vic Conway.

Friday, 16th December, 2,005.


Race riots in Australia.

Banner headlines world-wide!!

This seems to be Terrorism!!

A very confused and misunderstood situation. I will tell you why:-

Apparently sparked by Lebanese youths attacking two Sydney life savers.

Australia countered with an attack by 5,000 youths in car convoy. Caloondra, Marouba and Lakemba. Highlight. I think inspired by race riots in France.(Gangs and criminals is not the cause. Though of course gangs and their leaders ARE involved!!)(From both sides. When there is only THE ONE side. Australian!! Better get the act together right, chaps!!!!)(Or, soon, NO Australia. Just ashes and RUBBLE!! Aye!!!!)

Now who is to blame? Well this particular incident was started by the trouble making Lebanese youths, who have a yen for raping white Australian girls!! And attacking whites. A small group. Arab, of course.

There is only one thing worse than tarring everybody with the same brush, and that is not tarring ANY BODY!!!! Which is what is being done now!!(Australia went into denial. And now has gone into SILENCE!!) As the VERY astute John(Howard) TRIES to save us. AND the region. Including from Bird flu,ETC!!!!)

As a Muslim youth leader wisely said(In Australia.): Australia is going into denial. We should not do that. But admit that Racism EXISTS in Australia. It is widespread!! And strong!!!!(From BOTH sides!!)

Half a mo! What IS racism? Racism is where you hate and attack those of another skin colour. SIMPLY because they were born somewhere else!!

Ah, but which race is hating what race? The Muslims claim that it is whiteys hating all non whites. What do the whites say? Well, the Australian whites have little trouble in identifying the culprits! Lebanese youths. Lebanese, anyway. And another attack has been called for. More of the same. Same place!! Text messages. From both Australians AND Muslims!!

We now have one in four Australian residents as immigrants. Of many races. The Lebanese are 0.9 per cent!! Now why are The Lebanese in particular so anti Australian and anti white?? Good question! I haven't got a clue!! Anybody know why?? Let me know please!!!!

So it is being argued(by Muslims)that they are hated by mainstream Australia because of their religion, culture, race and skin colour.

Is Multiculturalism failing?? What NIT expected it to succeed? I mean the mixing of different cultures, religions, races, skin colours!!!! If you mix oil and water you are going to get a MESS. In this case, EXPLOSIVE!! That was OBVIOUS to me about 25 years back!!

So why is Australia now the most multi-cultural(and best) nation on Earth? (They used to be pro English. Later, just pro white. Now pro everyone who was not born in Australia!! How daft can you get? What about Australia's IDENTITY? What IS it? It used to be Aboriginal. Then (after Cook,etc.) it became English.(After a short spell Dutch, followed by a French attempt!) Now it is Australia born. (I could have sworn it was any one NOT born in Australia!!)(Hence the IDENTITY crisis. What The HELL did you expect??!!)(Of COURSE our youths are confused and mixed up!! We are FAST losing our IDENTITY!! I am tempted to cry IDIOTS(of our leaders)!! But I won't, and for a very good reason. WE ARE STILL IN IRAQ!!

You could have fooled me. I get the impression that we are a U.S. STATE!(Part of U.S!!) We used to be a British dominion!! Australia sucks up to U.S. because we are very weak(comparatively), and THEY are World Power Number One(sort of(Were once, about 25 years ago!! Ha ha!!!!)!). Britain abandoned us many decades back. The home loving British!! What an opportunity they missed!!!!

Good old Howard does whatever U.S. does! ANYTHING not to offend The Yanks. In the VAIN hope that if The Asians, especially The Indonesians and Chinese(and Japanese!)(And Indians?? REALLY got aggressive, U.S. would defend us!! Pardon me while I horse laugh up my sleeve!!!!

I would quickly call Australia IDIOT, were it not for the fact that we are STILL IN Iraq!! What THE HELL are we doing there? Sucking up to The U.S. of course!! Australia, The Deputy Sheriff of U.S!!!!(Time WE got on the side of RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!! Or EVEN GOD will turn against us!!!! Oh,yes!!!!)

Now let us face one simple fact: George Bush the second is MAD! Furthermore, he is IN DENIAL. As he desperately tries to turn an idiot Iraq invasion error - INTO righteousness and Democracy spreading.(U.S. Empire building!!)(Might is right. And Licence(called Democracy) is the way to go!! U.S. psychotic and paranoid so called foreign policy!!!!))

"To HELL with what others WANT. They gotta have FREEDOM, AND like it!!".(If only it was freedom!!)

Bush 2 is mentally deficient. That is VERY clear!! (Bush 1 was worse! He was a VILLAIN!!)(The last decent(comparatively!) U.S. leader(president) was Ronald REAGAN!! But he was so decent(defeating Russia and Communism(temporarily!), and all that), that the U.S public threw him OUT!!!!(And THAT was the big U.S. MISTAKE!!)(Carter was no good. And Clinton was worse than no good. Though he did amass an enormous surplus!!)

Of course it is not so much the very divided U.S. public, as the evil faceless ones of The Powers that be, AS USUAL, who DECEIVE the public!!

The West(which seems to be The U.S.) made two gigantic mistakes: 1. Installing Israel back into its Homeland(!!)(Bible says so, so THAT'S IT!!), WITHOUT consulting "The Palestinians". AND invading Iraq, EVEN THE FIRST time!!!!

New Zealand got out of it. Very wise!! Britain, Australia,etc. just DIVED straight into THE SHIT, after The U.S!!

Keating saw the danger, and started sucking up to The Asians.(Which by the way does NOT include Australasia(Australia and New Zealand)(That is A SEPARATE CONTINENT. VERY different!!)

So Keating displaced Hawke(Whitlam got thrown out earlier.). But John(Howard) saved the day!! He has now reigned Australia for ten years, about. But is still struggling to recover from the MASSIVE debt that Labour left us(Australia)!!(Fortunately, Australia has two great assest. Mineral,etc.resources. And of course immigrants!! If only they weren't Muslims! (Well, Lebanese!!)

There is no doubt about it. John saved Australia. And is STILL doing so!! Fortunately Australia is a wealthy nation!!

(U.S. is living VIA debt!)(Gold is coming back in.(Could rocket to $1,000, and even $2,000!!) But second to OIL, thanks to Iran now controlling THAT!! And going nuclear. Along with North Korea!!)

(U.S. is in the birth pangs of TOTAL COLLAPSE!!!!)(John sees this and is embracing China, Indonesia,(better throw in India and JAPAN,too, John!!)

The second TRAGIC mistake The West(Sorry, U.S!!) made was to attack(third time,now!!) Iraq(IRAN was, and still IS the enemy!)(Along with North Korea.) Why?? It was over Kuwait, remember?? Kuwait, now independent, ONCE was PART OF Iraq!! But The British immediately after World War ONE, made a mapping error.(With the collapse of the old German-Austrian Otterman Empires.) And excluded Kuwait from Iraq!! Now Iraq was DESPERATELY trying to hold off Iran!! So NEEDED Kuwait(and access to a good seaport) back AT ONCE. So they took it. They invaded Kuwait.(Kuwait was not exactly angelic!!) And of course U.S. Foreign Policy saw to it that the good and great Saddam was removed(shortly to be executed(probably!!)), and Iraq destroyed. For rebuilding along U.S. Empire lines!! FREEDOM for ALL!!!!(You MEAN licence!!)Which process continues via the PUPPET Iraq government now trying IN VAIN to establish itself!!(TRUTH does not rule among MEN!! PROPAGANDA does!!)(We are what we EAT. And MENTALLY we are eating Propaganda!! Especially via The Media,ETC.)(One VERY BIG pack of LIES!!!!)

Iraq is a lost cause! And has been from the beginning.(Afghanistan is an entirely different matter. The U.S. created Taliban there had taken over, and were destroying Bhuddism there. Tyrants, so anti female,etc!!)

Afghanistan was invaded to destroy its POPPY industry(The ONLY industry by which the peasants could survive!!).(Thanks to Western ANTI drug MANIA!!)

Iraq was invaded to get its OIL!!(And eliminate Saddam Hussein,ETC.)

There IS NO Palestine nation!!(Israel was CALLED Palestine after being DISPERSED(they were so WICKED), by Babylon,ETC.) The ROMANS, who occupied Israel at the time, hated The Jews. So they mocked and insulted them by giving Israel to The Palestinian NOMADS!! Calling Israel Palestine!!

The "Palestinians"(whoever THEY are!) were from Jordan!

Syria and Lebanon, stooges of Iran, is the threat now. With Saudi Arabia(And The Yemen,ETC.) LEADING!! Bin Laden, along with Omar,etc. has long been working in with U.S. policy!! U.S. wasn't interested in Bin Laden, ONLY in Saddam Hussein!! Laden keeps the pot boiling!! The excuse to keep U.S. there!!!! Saudi Arabia and Pakistan(despite its convenience seeking leader!) are the chief villains!!(I expect U.S. to attack Iran via Israel before March '06. And Japan to attack North Korea. Or am I wishful thinking??!!)

The Israeli cause is JUST. They are simply trying to re-establish Israel in its Homeland!!(The Palestinian cause is NON EXISTENT!!)(They are Jordanians!!)

Iraq is quite different. Saddam was, and IS, right!! Kuwait belongs to Iraq!! We have not seen the last of Saddam! Nor of The right thinking Sunnis!!(Melosevic,etc. And The Khmer Rouge were other scapegoats!!)

So the situation is half right, and half wrong. An impossible mix, and a HOPELESS MESS!!!!

I am not Muslim!!

Wahabeeism is no more Islam, than Christendom is Christianity!! Both are idiotic fundamentalist!! Christendom is passive. Islam VERY active!!

Jihad, and all that BASTARDRY!!!!

So what is the solution. Especially now in Australia?!

Well, it is not war!! Though THAT is the only way IT CAN GO!!!!

The best route for The West is to grovel in the dust, and hope that it will go away!!

Islam is spiritual. Christendom is simply an extension of Roman OPPRESSION!!!!

Mohammed was bad. And The Koran is misleading. But Islam, IN GENERAL, is not evil. We are ALL humans. I THINK!!

What is bad is the extremist FUNDAMENTALISM IDIOCY!! In BOTH camps!!!!

Observe how Muslims are CONVINCED that the root cause is Racism(defined as whites versus coloured skins!)(In actual fact, it is REVERSE racism, with coloured skins psychotic and paranoid AGAINST all whites, now.(In revenge for past colonialism.(Which went out LONG back!!)(It was The U.S. which destroyed what was left of British power!!)(Likewise with THE MOB, which is STILL living in The NINETEENTH century! Right Wing oppression ended over a century ago! But any excuse will do?! Ho HO!!)

So Muslims censure whites. While whites censure Muslims!!

What we HAVE is yet another Islamic UPRISING!!

To be followed by The TENTH crusade!!

Which the eventually rising Europa(EU), will effect!!(Destroying Iran ruled Islam Jihad,etc!!)

Egypt once owned(rightfully) The Ark of The Covenant. Not Israel!!

Europa will resurrect YET AGAIN(Charlemagne last time!!) The Holy Roman Empire. Along with Inquisitions in the worst reign of terror EVER!! Because Germany will rule Europe, not Britain, and bring it about, via the next pope, the most evil pope. The Beast, 666, is Europa, not particularly any one individual!!

As North West Europe plunges into The Next Ice Age!!(Because The Gulf Stream IS stopping!! Already slowed 30% in a few decades. At HARMONIC(the old geometric) PROGRESSION rate(MULTIPLICATIVE, NOT additive!!), the next four years will see the remaining 70% VANISH!!!!) So, North West Europe, LOOK OUT, as your climate becomes like Alaska's is! While Alaska become like Britain is!! As Far Northern Australia enters The Monsoon group. AND terrible drought stricken regions replace the old Monsoon areas!! It IS coming!!!!

Stopping of The Gulf Stream is the trigger for the periodic ICE AGES!!(Root cause Global Warming. ELECTRONIC Sun, NOT MAN, induced!!) Every about 6,500 years!! YES!!!!(Truth does not rule! WISHful thinking does!! IDIOTS!!!!)

So where are we? In an utterly confusing MIX UP!!!! With almost total destruction, the only route through!!

But I THINK Australia will come through best. And become World Leader Number One! Because of the coming Avian Influenza epidemic!! Australia will be able to supply the rest of the world.

Phew! Have I missed anything??

Yes, dear reader! Let us get the facts RIGHT!!!!

I think I am on the right track!!

As I make my frantic effort to paint the most true picture!!!!

Ho HO!!!!

Psst! Got any chum, gum????

Hey! It's Christmas, not Ramadan!!

Yes, they are trying to WRECK this Christmas, to sink Christianity!!(Well, Christendom!!!!)(The whole world is a STAGE, and we are its many acting. All playing our ROLES!!!!)


Bugs BUNNY!!!!




Victor Conway.


Tuesday, 13th December, 2,005.


Situations' Report. Salient points.

I expect the following to occur, some at least, within the next six months!

1. The assassinations of Bush, Blair and Howard!!

2. Bird Flu Pandemic starts among humans. Human to human.

3. Terrorism with WMD's.(Weapons of mass destruction.)

4. U.S.ETC. starts to leave Iraq. Having lost!! Afghanistan,etc.probably follow!!

5. The Gulf Stream IS slowing down, and freshening because of all the melted ice pouringinto The North Atlantic. It has slowed 30% recently, and is proceeding per Harmonic Progression!(The old Geometric Progression. Multiple, not additive!!) Beginning The Ice Age. Similarly in the south,too!!(Southern Hemisphere.)

6. Race riots in many Western Countries including Australia. Following France Paris,!!

7. Australia really starts becoming temperate. More like Britain IS.

8. RED China takes Taiwan. U.S. does nothing.

9. Israel attacks Iran nuclear sites. (Secretly backed by U.S.)

10. (I don't think North Korea will be far behind.)

11. Alien abductions proceed, increasing, harmonically.

12. Crop Circles(Communications from aliens!! The Humanoids.) increasingly more complex. Including some going simple(starting lessons again).

13. Earth Changes cataclysm really starting up.

14. Rogue Planet Nibiru getting closer!

15. Big asteroid on collision course with Earth. Due 2,029.A.D.

16. Our last Christmas,etc!!(As Political Correctness,etc.get ridiculous, deliberately.)

17. Gold rockets!!(And Silver,etc.)

18. As The Dow goes through 11,000 and eventually 12,000. Before it finally collapses. In The Next Great Depression.

19. Oil prices steadily increasing. Controlled by Iran. Etc.

20. Bush and Bin Laden in a sort of collusion. To promote Martial Law!!

21. World Civil War breaking out in many countries.

22. Much closer to World War 3,ETC.

23. Rise of The Slobs. The MOB.(Trade Unionism and Left Wing Labour Muscle!!)

24. Australasia increasing invaded(by immigration and North Coasts infiltration)!!

25. First terrorists strikes in Australia, Britain and U.S. New Zealand won't be spared.

26. Increasing panics.

27. Things start to get unbearable!!

28. Hurricane,etc.increase PROCEEDS.(Later, in season.)

29. Religieusity increasing. New Inquisition, Great Tribulation, Reign of Terror coming!! With next pope!!

30. Torture increasing.

31. Viruses advance.

32. Western economic decline beginning.

33. Alien(Humanoid,etc.)invasion ON!!

34. Many strange things start to happen and harmonically increasing!!



Victor Conway.


Sunday, 11th December, 2,005.


Extracts from a forum on Bird flu and Urine Therapy. (Done by me on 11.12.05.)

I personally recommend Martha Christy's *Your Own Perfect Medicine* for scientific evidence. Coen van der Kroon's *The Golden Fountain* is a clear guide for personal practice, as is John W. Anderson's classic, *The Water of Life.*
Once you "dip in" to the information that's available, you will realize that there is nothing to fear with bird-flu or literally any other coming plague.
Quick and dirty advice for the general public: as soon as a pandemic breaks out, cut red meat from your diet (to make urine palatable), and maximize fruits and veggies, while drinking an 8 oz. glass 3 times a day. Should you acquire any given virus out there, don't panic: promptly eat only raw fruits and veggies (and cooked grains), and drink all the urine you pass until symptoms are gone.
I know this sounds absurd, but the evidence is published and out there, despite the efforts of big pharma to discredit it so as to keep rolling in profits.
Oh, and: your urine can't hurt you. It can stink, but it can't hurt you. It's sterile and does not contain waste products from the body, contrary to popular opinion.
Walk in health and confidence.
Posted by: Anonymous at August 7, 2005 10:01 AM
I'm as willing to consider fringe medical techniques as anyone else.
Saying urine can't hurt you is stretching it though.
Posted by: Daniel at August 7, 2005 06:15 PM
You could also check for some debunking of this urine therapy hoax.
It may not hurt you, but there is no statistically proven benefit either.
I think if anything it is probably a placebo effect, and if that is the case, I would
rather try Ice Cream Therapy. :)
Posted by: Euthydemos at August 8, 2005 05:59 AM
I can understand why people would shoot urine therapy out of the water at first glance. I sure did. So I suggest you check out the resources I've listed above for yourself and do some research. Find out why millions upon millions of Chinese, Indians and untold others have traditionally used this completely safe form of auto-immunization.
I'm not saying anyone should start drinking their own urine right now. I'm just offering what I have found -- through years of my own experimentation -- to be an amazing back-up in case we suddenly find ourselves plunged in massive and widespread panic.
Don't panic. Drink your pee instead. Sounds disgusting, but it's better than sweating to death in agony from a virus for which a vaccine may not be available.
Posted by: Anonymous at August 8, 2005 06:23 AM
Urine contains serotonin, the core neurotransmitter involved in depression. Thus, urine is a mild anti-depression medication.
But having your president drink his own is just plain wrong.
Posted by: Craig Shergold at August 9, 2005 03:11 PM
So a dead Indian Prime Minister and a whole lot of dead Indians and Chinese have drunk it. Must be good!
Posted by: Peter at August 11, 2005 10:42 PM

If you punch in Bird Flu Urine Therapy(Or Urine Therapy Bird Flu.) for Internet Search, you may find that it prevents(possibly cures) Bird Flu. It is a HOPE, anyway. (I THINK it charges up one's energy field, which then acts as a screen. But I do not see how it can create the relevant anti-bodies! Also I do not see how anyone can know as so few have had Bird Flu - to find out!! Any shot is better none!! Editor.(Note ONLY the bold black is done by me. These are simply postings from a forum in U.S.)(Go to Google 2. It is last entry. Via punching in Bird Flu Urine Therapy. That is the forum I quote from.)

Vic Conway.


Sunday, 11th December, 2,005.


Space time is one. Or IS IT??

Is Movement basic??

This is a strange one.

There is this thing called MOVEMENT, right?!

What causes it?

I know that films,etc. are series of stills. And that motion there is born of the fact that the eyes' retinas' stereoscopic image is held on to for a fraction of a second. A 26th of a second, I believe. Something like that. Creating the illusion we call motion.

Is reality like that? Supposing we chopped time up into smaller and smaller units. When would movement be no more? I think NEVER!!


Because Space time is ONE unit! And motion is inbuilt into that unit no matter how small the units become!!

Otherwise we would eventually reduce to a spatial length where everything was stationary! Which is absurd. (Or IS IT??!!)

On the other hand, what is time? What we CALL time is but the PASSAGE of time. (Which has nothing to do with SPACE. But which we MEASURE spatially!!) Or,rather, OUR minds' attention focus PASSAGE along the dimension of TIME!! Which means a stationary pattern. Motion being born, as with cinematographs, of the pattern's images being seen too quickly to observe as a series of stills. And we call the merging of the stills - motion. An illusion. (At our world level!) The secret of cinematography!!

In this case, motion (even in Reality!!) is an illusion. One of our many illusions. AND DELUSIONS!!!!

Not absurd then to have NO MOTION!!

And space and time are not actually one.

I think it is a level of perception. At the lowest level, there is just a stationary pattern embedded in space. As a series of stills along the Time dimension.

At a higher level, we have motion. Where it is unthinkable to have say atoms, not moving!!

At the lower level space and time are not one. At the higher, they are one!!

At world level one, space time one, we have the illusion of motion.(This is the view of our BODIES.) At world level two, or space time two, space and time as separate entities are actually static!!!! (This is the view of our MINDS.)

The two levels need to be kept separate!!

Wait a minute! Which is it? Is space time one the illusory motion world. Or is it space time two?!

The lowest level of complexity is level one. Where everything is spatially a static pattern.

The higher level of complexity is level two. Where there is motion.

Our bodies view motion. What I call space time one.

Our MINDS observe that it is actually a STATIC pattern!!

What I call space time two!!

So we have two different kinds of level here.

Keep them separate!!



Victor Conway.

Saturday, 10th December, 2,005.



I understand that there is a cure for cancer out. What is the name of it?

Meanwhile, I have obtained what seems to be very effective treatment against cancer AND other ailments from Nexus Magazine! (A different cancer cure.)

I refer any readers to (Australia) Nexus Magazine Volume 13, Number one. December(05) - Jan. In Global News. Page nine of that issue! Block article.(Obtainable at SOME newsagents.)

Got cancer?(Any kind!) Or know of anyone with cancer? First find out if they WANT to be rid of it!! If so, may I recommend the following treatment(Not mine, but that of a Western Australian farmer.):-

The alleged cure is called Selenium Drench Concentrate. Obtainable from veterinary product suppliers. In Australia, anyway. Anyone can purchase it.(On sale in Western Australia, at any rate.)

Though Selenium is prohibited for humans, it is used to treat animals!

Some say that humans are animals, so would there be a problem?(Even though I know humans are NOT animals. Though in some cases that can be queried!!)

It seems to work.(It cures.) Takes several months.

It has been taken by humans with no side effects. Even after several years. So I think it is worth a go!

It may also PREVENT cancers,etc.

It is liquid selenium.

The active constituent is 10mg of selenium per ml. as sodium selenite. The dosage is one teaspoonful to two litres of water, of which mixture you drink 226 ml. or two thirds of a 400 ml. breakfast cup, each morning on an empty stomach. Expect it(but no guarantees(not from me, anyway)!) to clear up the cancer(it has worked for bowel and prostate cancer, and skin cancers) in several months.(As worked out by The Western Australian farmer.)

(Source: E mail from Keith, dated February 26, 2,004, sent to NEXUS Magazine in mid 2,005.)

It has worked for a whole series of cancer sufferers. But I suggest, if interested, that you read the short article!!

It would be strange if it did not also prevent(as well as cure)!

Too good to be true? Well, I can only report what I have read.

For years the sale of selenium for human consumption has been prohibited. (Note, not the TAKING of it!) Selling it for ANIMAL consumption is not prohibited. If you are suffering bowel or prostate cancer, or some skin cancer, or ANY kind of cancer, or other serious ailment, will YOU quibble??

We look after ANIMALS. But not humans. Ostensibly because the money bloated pharmaceutical companies and medics will lose some if it gets known!! Their profit lies in keeping humans sick! So they do everything possible in that direction. And MOST successfully.

Anyway, dear reader, I thought I'd tell you!!



Victor Conway.

Friday, 9th December, 2,005.


Complex universe.(More so, after death, in The Spirit World!!)

Man thinks that we are simply 3d bodies in 3d space, with a mysterious thing called time!

This is only a small part of the fuller picture!!

What Man calls Time is actually only the PASSAGE of time! Which Nature and he measure spatially.

The universe is composed of much more than four dimensions! There are SCORES of dimensions. And at least a dozen GROUP dimensions!!

We are MINDS in a vast, infinite, complex MIND(Called GOD.), and universe.

During life we are inside this 3d shell, our physical bodies. After ITS death, we function as spirits in The Spirit World. What dies at what we call death is our physical body, not our spirit! Nor our soul, either.

Sometimes we leave the physical body temporarily. Mostly during sleep. Dreams are auric imagery. But projections and excursions are NOT dreams!!(Though we often call them that.) Dreams and exits from the body are two completely different things. In dreams we view our auric imagery. During projections and excursions we COME OUT of our physical bodies.

There is a vast difference between the spirit world and a dream. A dream is an experience in sleep we may leave to wake up into the physical. Death is the opposite of that! THIS life in the physical is the dream(comparatively)! A SUPER dream. From which we awaken in The Spirit World after death!! Coming out of dreams is a rising UP TO the physical. Death, and temporary exits from the body is a rising FROM the physical, into The Spirit World!!!! Going UP much farther. Dreams are below our normal waking state. The Spirit World is ABOVE it!!

In dreams we are INSIDE OF our auric fields(auras). In death we are OUTSIDE of our physical auras!!

The two experiences, though superficially similar, are quite different.

Projections are exits (partial) from our physical bodies into the ORIGINAL of the physical world.(Which LOOKS like a carbon copy, almost completely!!)(I call that world The Spiritistic World.) Excursions are exits from the physical body into The Spirit World PROPER.(The Spirit World.)

When we "die"(leave our physical bodies permanently!), we remain on Earth. But rise to a slightly higher plane of it. Planes are fifth dimensional levels. (Orbital vibrations.)(Not actually vibrations at all. But ORBITALS!!)(They merely LOOK like vibrations.)

It is a MINOR thing, and there is NO BASIC change in our perceptions.(There is still sense data and motor impulses. We still see trees, houses, mountains, flowers, and so on.)(And is RELATIVELY physical! It is A material world!!)

It is NOT the big deal WE make of it!!

We do it after every life time. Have done it countless times before. It is but an INCIDENT!!

We simply return to the world we left at the birth of our bodies!

What we call Home.

(Currently we are in EXILE, down here in the physical.)(Down here we are able to evolve much faster.)(Because the hardness of the physical life drives us to pull out all the stops!!)

The Spirit World is NOT an imaginary world. It is far more real than this physical realm!

There is a vast difference between Mind and Imagination! Mind is Super Material. Imagination is merely imagery in our mental auras!!(It is like trying to equate clouds with MUD!!!!)

Immediately after "death"(It is ONLY of the body!), we are in the spiritistic carbon copy looking world. Though dead we are still in THIS world!! (Not JUST on Earth!!)We need to COMPLETE the journey! Upwards into The Spirit World PROPER!! That can be hard!!

"Death" is simply a rise in(orbital) vibration. At first a very slight rise. But we need to make the second and larger rise in orbital vibration to get us into The Spirit World PROPER. Otherwise we are still not Home!! We NEED to get back to the comforts of home, and NOT stay with the perils of the half way world, the spiritistic world!!

How does one do that? We need to do TWO basic things: 1. Ascend into the sky far enough into, and perhaps even above, Cloudland. 2. We need to raise our orbital vibration. / Ascending into the sky FIRST is probably the best way.(Doing one OR the other, is NOT enough!!)

It is done by Prayer, Meditation, deliberate attempts to raise our vibrations, etc. Heading for The Light.

You may enjoy The Spiritistic World! But remember that you are not where you should be!!(And are losing time!!)(Whilst exposed to various subtle dangers.)

Ask mentally for help if necessary!!

So rise into the sky higher and higher, praying intensely as you go!! Heading for The Light. Glad of any help to get there!!

Climbing into the sky ONLY, will not be enough!! All you will find are CLOUDS.

That is NOT The Spirit World.

The reason is very simple. There is a series of concentric Earths(and everything else!!). Concentric FIVE dimensionally!!(But this includes materially!!)(Cross sectionally!!)

The Spirit World Earth is larger than the physical one. Consequently to pass from the physical surface of Earth, to the Spirit World Earth's surface, you need to go UP 3d wise. AND 5d wise!! Simultaneously.

If you don't climb 3d wise,too, you will find yourself in the bowels of The Spirit World Earth, which you may not like!!(Rather like being perhaps a hundred miles below the physical Earth's surface!!)

If you ONLY climb 3d wise, you simply find CLOUDS!!(And above.)

DON'T go the other way!(Down) Or you reach the unhappy land instead of the happy one. Hades instead of Paradise!!

There is no thing magical about it! It is all very scientific and logical!!

You will be able to float and fly(without wings), so it will be no problem!!

You may or may not get help. Many get help even without asking.

The hard bit is raising your (orbital) vibrations.

Much like tuning into a radio station at a higher frequency! Only the receiver IS YOU!!(Your mind so to speak. So raise the vibrations of your mind 5d. AND raise your spirit body up into the sky 3d wise!! That is all there is to it!!)

Now many die and don't do this. (Usually out of ignorance.)Consequently they wander about Earthbound for an indefinite length of time, which can be centuries!! Between two worlds. Usually confused. And suffering.

(It is strange how Man often rejects two big facts: 1. Life on other planets. 2. Life after death. Yet both are really to be expected. No big deals!! Different countries, basically. That is ALL it is!!)

In life our conciousness is hooked on to a particular atomic orbital level.(This is the orbital vibration bit.) All "death"(and projection and excursion) is, is our conciousness hooking on to the next orbit vibration level up! Very hard to do!! Lots of space inside atoms, so plenty of higher orbits available!!

WHERE is The Spirit World? Well, for a start it is NOT anywhere in the physical!! Rather, the physical is inside IT!!!!

(It is MERELY that THE SURFACE of The Spirit Earth is higher up 3d wise, simply because it is a larger planet form!)

We have been living in a POND.(As a fish.) And death is analogically coming up out of that pond, and living in the tree tops!!(As a bird!!)(So trying as a bird to swim about the surface of the pond, is not exactly the name of the game!!)

You will not find the trees ANYWHERE inside of the pond! So it is no good looking THERE!!!!

When we die, the first thing that occurs is the slight change to the energy level of the physical. Later, we rise to the SPIRIT level!! At least we do if we have enough sense!!

You see, these things are really small fry facts!!

Going to another country to live is not exactly a world shattering event!

Important, but not everything!!

Just picture seven or eight Earths(Etc!!) one inside of the other. 5D wise!! ONLY CROSS-SECTIONALLY is it 3d wise,too!!

The Spirit World isn't just up in, and a little above, Cloudland, but stretches ALMOST to The Moon!! A very big place indeed!!

Mindlets living inside of MIND. GOD.

The bodies living in space, with time, bit is a mere trivial ADJUNCT!!

Ghosts are simply spirits trapped in The Spiritistic World(Earthbound), which NORMALLY only clairvoyants can see,etc. But who(ghosts) sometimes DENSIFY their spirit bodies enough for them to become visible, ordinary mortals!!(They may do this conciously or subconciously,etc.)

They are spirits who once live in the physical, on Earth. Lost and confused. They need help, including ours!! They need to be informed of their true state. And directed upwards towards The Light!! As simple as that. They may not even know that they are dead.(What the world CALLS dead!!)

They are then partially visible,etc. Because half in the other world, and half in this one!!

Their behaviour is often bizarre because they don't know what they are doing!! Plus have a very different kind of body!!

They should not be feared!!(They once lived among us!!)(With a physical body. The only change has been LOSING the physical body. But the physical body is simply the outermost garment that we wear. They are now in their next finer body up, the spirit vehicle!! They have bodies. But not physical ones!!)

They will be benign or malign, just like they were when alive!!

They naturally hang around their old homes,etc. And graves. Because they STILL like their homes!(Some hang about their graves, because they hanker after the physical body, now a CORPSE!!!!)(After death, you too may still consider your house, your abode!! And linger in it!!)

If you cannot handle it. Get a medium to speak to them!!

I have left my body, AND seen ghosts.(They are real all right!!) Many occasions.

Between personal experience and long intense study, I know the facts very well!!

The world is largely ignorant, and many disbelieve in these things. Therefore, I speak out!!

Dying should not be feared(when its time comes, I mean). But enjoyed, if possible!! You are going home. Your tour of duty is over.(You came here for some purpose(or purposes) or other. Now hopefully achieved. And you can go home!!)(It is as simple as that. Definitely not the end of YOU!!!! ONLY of your physical body!!!!)

The paramount thing, though, is not simply Survival(after death), but survival in Paradise!! (I assume you like pleasant things, not unpleasant!!)And that depends entirely upon HOW YOU HAVE LIVED DURING LIFE!!!!

So get WELL away from your now(then) dead physical body!! That was never YOU!!

Just a garment you wore to contact the physical!!

Naturally conditions are very different in The Spirit World. But you will in time learn the ropes!!

All it is is a finer grade of Matter!!(It is STILL material, but not PHYSICAL material!!)(Though it will SEEM physical!!)

And life goes on MUCH the same!! Little change.

Loved ones met again.(I mean those who died while you were alive!!)

Animals too. So you can see old pets again, TOO!!!!

I say these things more as a matter of FACT, rather than to comfort. Though naturally I am glad if you are comforted by these things!!

Men fear death, in particular because they THINK that it is the END of all they knew and loved. But, you see, IT IS NOT!!!!(Note: Death ITSELF is not painful. But the terminal ailment(or whatever) that led to it very often IS!!)

I suppose one also fears HELL. As few of us get through life without making SOME mistakes, and doing SOME sins!!!!

Hell DOES exist!! But it is not the kind that used to be painted so dismally by Christendom!!

If our evil outweighs our good, then we will go there.(Sooner or later!!) To some appropriate level. Temporarily. Once we have PAID our debt, we can go free, and ascend into Paradise!! Though not the orthodox Hell, make no mistake about it it is VERY unpleasant there!!

I say this again now, because I NOW have a much clearer picture of the facts!!

I hope this helps you.



Vic Conway.

Thursday, 8th December, 2,005.


Bird Flu. Best defence.

Did I say no handshaking? Well, no handshaking! No contact with others WHATSOEVER. Not even their clothing. Also keep well from them. At least 40 feet!!(This is WHEN a pandemic breaks out in your country. Move FAST, then!!)

H5N2 I believe is the current strain. It is H6 series we need to beware of!(Sorry, I got the numbers around my neck. Have I got it right now?)(The latest strain, H5N2, changed on Sept 27th, 2,005!!)(Kills far fewer, but hits many more!!)

Wear surgical masks? Yes, IF you can afford them.(Very expensive!)

Wear DUST masks. Cheap(so far!!). You can use a peg high up the nose bridge to seal off the small air space at the top. A pretty good seal, THEN!!(The Poor Man's solution!!)

ANYTHING that keeps the air OUT! The masks are designed basically to protect OTHERS, if and when YOU get Bird Flu, or any other nasty virus! However, use dust caps, with peg, and you SHOULD be well enough protected against OTHERS,too!!

No thing is fool proof. So use ALL care!!

A very good reason that the authorities appear lax - is that the full true facts are so slow to emerge. They want to make sure enough that they have got it right FIRST!! Of course. (They need to second guess right FIRST time. Tricky, as all strains of virus mutating at top speed!!)

A clear definite picture is long forthcoming!! Because of cover ups,etc!

Even so, many authorities are still VERY unprepared!!

You need to MONITOR this thing daily, at least!! Keep the closest eye on it!!

I know that many of you out there, world wide, are becoming rapidly increasingly anxious and alarmed. So I am evolving some sort of a DEFENCE against Bird Flu,etc.

I have already said much on the subject of individual defence, but I am going to list what I think is the best defence here:-(Prepare, but do nothing much UNTIL a pandemic has broken out in YOUR country!!)(Do all you can in preparation, of course!)

So stock up NOW with dust masks, rubber gloves, virus,etc.killer sprays, and(as soon as you can) get primer vaccines!!

WHEN Human to human bird flu strikes, act, and FAST!!(As it will be around the world within 24 hours!!)(And spare no one!!)

I said one in twelve can expect to get it. I was going by Spanish Flu figures. I was wrong. It is 25 to 33 PER CENT!! Will get it!! So, out of every three humans(and animals), EXPECT ONE to get it! If you get it, expect to die!! And horribly.

Here is the defence.(I am repeating myself, but no apologies!!)

The disease will spread by contraction(As with Aids, if infected body fluids get into your blood or lymph streams!!), contagion(TOUCH!!) AND infection(Air bourne!!)(Ex coughs and sneezes AND breath!!. Particularly avoid(big distance from!) faeces and mucus!!(Sorry but sex and kissing,etc. will be OUT, or expect to die FAST!!!!)(Unless you are a carer(doctor, nurse,etc.) steer well clear of the infected, including CORPSES!! It will be SUICIDAL!!!!)(Forget sport and entertainment,etc. Concerts and the like. Read some good books!!)(War and travel, all movements, fatal.)

1. (As SOON AS that pandemic breaks out in YOUR country!!) Either flee into the wilderness(where survival is viable!) well equipped with food and water getting equipment!! Etc. OR, lock yourself up in your home. You will need to do this for at least TWO YEARS!! Have (and enough batteries!!) a radio so you can listen to the news. (So you can return home ONCE it is safe!) You must NOT go near ANY other humans. And avoid ANIMALS,TOO!!!! You lock all doors.(And CRACKS surrounding them!!) Close all windows!!(Don't go anywhere near the CORPSES!!)(Will need deep burying or BURNING!!!!)(Like The Plagues!!)

2. Get food DELIVERED!! Canned or bottled,etc. Still SPRAY it when it arrives!!(Spray outgoing stuff too. For others' sake.)(Spray all mail (letters, telegrams, parcels,etc.) WELL.(As everything else.) DO NOT GO OUT!! At all!! (It will spread like colds and ordinary influenza. (Once it is human to human.(HH)!!)) Let us hope TAP water remains safe. Otherwise get BOTTLED!! Reduce going out to AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM!! Anything that is SELF-moving will be dangerous!!(Humans and animals.)(I hope not insects and arthropods!!)

3. Exercise ENOUGH!! To charge up your energy field!!(THAT, I think, will be your best defence. Because it provides the ammo for the body's guns!!(This is why I THINK spiritual healing will help! (As it charges up energy fields!!) I know that immune systems will be USELESS(Because a NEW virus. Body defences have NOT learnt to regard it as an enemy!! So, will LET IT IN!!)(However, energy field surrounding you MAY act like a SCREEN, and keep the worst out. That is what I am HOPING, anyway!!)(Interesting note: Good cure for asthma. Prolonged deep breathing. So go SWIMMING!!!!)

4. Drink your own URINE!! About 500 mils per day in 3,4 or 5 sessions. Sip!! Brace yourself against gall like taste!! It MUST be your own!! It is the best health therapy going!! Because it contains ALL of the body(temporarily rejected) EXCESSES of minerals, vitamins, hormones, proteins, herbs,etc. Urine is NOT waste or poisonous(despite being deadly to plants!!) It contains SOME waste and acid,etc; yes. But USUALLY not too much for the body to cope with!!(Do not drink TOO much.(Or waste and acid will start to harm you!!) But drink ENOUGH!! Apply some under tongue,too.(Goes straight into blood stream!!)(You can apply it anywhere. Including enemas.)(What the body reject(too much for it)TODAY, it will accept TOMORROW. So collect and use DAILY!! Bottle it!!)(It says Drink living waters out of your OWN cistern!(Holy Bible.)) Been used thousands of years. (Study it, and Bird Flu,etc. on INTERNET!!!!) Will, on average, increase your HEALTHY life expectancy about twenty years!! It takes three months to get noticed(the effect). Six months to get REALLY noticeable. Nine, to get going well. And about a year to peak!! So be PATIENT!!!! It will not make you younger. It simply SLOWS the ageing process.(Provided within your biological clock time!!) AND will kill MOST diseases!! Including SOME cancers.(It will kill gangrene!!) Good for the skin. Bathe in it. Good stuff!! Do anything you like with it. Safe!!(As a rule. It works in 3 out of 4 cases. Some people suffer temporary side effects. Ride those out!!)(Until your body system gets USED to it!!)(Take it easy, as own urine drinking will EVENTUALLY make you surprisingly strong and energetic!! You will see, in TIME, if you start it. BUT YOU MUST KEEP GOING. No stopping, AT ALL!!!!

5. Take every therapy going!!

6. Remember spiritual healing!! Because THAT charges up your energy field. Which I THINK is the best SCREEN against viruses,etc!! (It will not kill, merely STOPS the worst getting through. I THINK!!)(This is my hope anyway.)(Picture a field keeping everything out, without killing anything!!)

7. Take the cocktails of vaccine primers!!(In the HOPE that the body MAY recognize some component in the primer, and kill ALL relatives!(The Bird Flu virus is evolving from older strains! What I am saying is that your immune system MAY kill ANY strain at all resembling the current strain!(Because evolved FROM the older strains!!)) Tamiflu and Renzel no good,now.(Virus now resistant to both drugs. Because Chinese, since 1997 been using them against chickens,etc!!) (Read all my articles on Bird flu, chronologically!!) But CHECK!!(Authorities are only readying to make vaccines against the previous(pre 28th September 05) STRAIN. But the current strain has mutated since then!!(To be effective you need to attack the CURRENT strain, not older ones! Though older ones better than nothing!!)

8. Chase up The Hungarian vaccine! THEY(Hungary) declared it effective against Bird Flu!! But we are up against pride and profits as usual. So it is being ignored!! So really make a noise about it!!

9. The Pharmaceutical companies are naturally interested in the biggest profits. But making anti bird flu drugs DOES NOT PAY!!(Furthermore they want to avoid liability litigations!!)(In the unavoidable cases of failure!!) So COMPARATIVELY little is now being MADE!!!! You follow??(They will need subsidizing. AND protecting against liability suits!!)(But as I say, these drugs are useless NOW. But CHECK!!)

10. Remember it is not a case of IF, but WHEN!!!!

11. Use the Internet as much as possible! Thus reducing physical contacts!!

12. Spores coming down from ABOVE!! So into air. Therefore keep air OUT!!

13. It is tough, but infection will be TOUGHER!!

14. Do NOT panic!! It will only make things WORSE!!!!

15. Martial Law will be in force!!

16. Bird Flu is spreading among birds,etc. And the more cases of that, the GREATER the chances of it becoming HH, human to human!! Of course.

17. ISLANDS, best!! Easier to control borders!!

18. Don't trust mosquitoes,etc!!

19. Nor flies,etc!!

20. Own garden, good, if not necessary!! Less contact by others with your food!!

21. No, I am not exaggerating!!

22. If anything, understating!!

23. Avoid to maximum ALL other life forms!!

24. I expect the virus to attack those creatures with the weakest energy fields!!(ALL immune systems, useless!!) Exercise is the secret of charging up your energy field!! Swimming best. But danger of virus in water from others!!!!(This is good against Asthma,etc.TOO!!)

25. Otherwise it is the luck of the draw. Some will be lucky. Many will not!!

26. It will be hard all right. ALMOST impossible!! But it has GOT TO BE done!!

27. Strictest hygiene!!

28. Spray EVERYTHING!!!! Daily, at least!!

29. All the defences you are reading about IN GENERAL, are no good!!

30. I have taken the trouble to root out the real facts!!(No guarantees though!! YOU must take responsibility!!)

31. Masks will block off coughs and sneezes BOTH WAYS.

32. Don't leave it to the last minute, as everyone will be going FRANTIC then. GET your supplies NOW!!!!

33. EXPECT riots!!

34. And mass protests.

35. Economic and infra-structural disasters!!

36. False propaganda is RIFE.(Only makes you FEEL good. Not actually beneficial. Even harmful!!) This is true in all fields. Including the biological.

37. Wait until you see the whites of their eyes!! THEN act!! FAST!!!!(Top speed!!!!)

38. Awful,isn't it! But THERE it most certainly IS!!!!

39. DON'T be fooled by current quiet on the subject. You should have EXPECTED that!!

40. Remember terrorists. They have already vowed to use Bird Flu, ETC. As soon as available!!


Just act coolly, calmly, quietly, and EFFICIENTLY!!!! Keep composed to the maximum. All others will be VERY anxious and afraid JUST LIKE YOU!!!!

Best defence I can think of.

Remember!! Authorities,etc. are playing a waiting game! Until a clearer picture arrives!! Many are completely unprepared. And some are following the line of IT IS HOPELESS. And there is a lot of sense in that. Understandable, anyway. But FATAL!!!!

Am I coming across clearly enough??

Put insect meshes on all windows!!

No pets!!

Kill ALL birds.

Keep children INSIDE!!!!

You dig? - Well just watch that it is not YOUR OWN GRAVE!!!!

(You want to live? Then DO what I say! To the letter!!)




Vic Conway.

Wednesday, 7th December, 2,005.


Human Nature.


Humans, in general, are so negative! This is the stage they are at of course. But we need to IMPROVE. Learn!! Not just accept our current state!!!!

I mean negative in their goals, as well as their thinking!!

Television programmes illustrate this so well. Through being PUT ON, distorted, played up, and exaggerated greatly.(SELECTIVE television may be all right.)(VERY educative!!)(So many of these people are NOT acting. They are being THEMSELVES!! Which they ENJOY parading before us all!! Notice how often THEY watch the camera. Watching US, of course!!!! So that television,ETC. and the real world are merging into one! One big sewer. At least that!!)

What is the usual fare on television,etc. Murder, rape, war, everything unpleasant it can rake up. Torture. Evil. Inventing it, if necessary. Crude sensationalism to appeal to the mob to gain support, money,etc!!!! But it is not what the majority either want or need!! If it not downright WICKED. It is kitchen sink and melodrama. Parading base and low emotions nearly all the time!! We don't NEED realism! We NEED Idealism!! To set an example. Not more of the same SHIT!!!! We cannot AFFORD to be dragged down for the sake of a few depraved people!!(Yes, MANY, I know!!)(If it is not that we are regaled so often by women doting on their children. And men being their stooges!! And all those people kissing and screwing.(The LIPS have it!!) Haven't they heard of better things??!! Do these idle rich do no thing but LOW indulge! Smoking. Drinking(boozing). If only tea and coffee!! Eating. Dancing. Dating. Screwing(did I say that before!!). Sitting on the pan.(How uplifting for us all. I DON'T think!!) Talking. Herding together. Getting married. Producing children. Heaven!! What is wrong with uniting with GOD. And dwelling on lovely and beautiful things!! And good signs and significances!!!!(As the reader may guess, perhaps I am watching too much TELEVISION!!!!)(Where the most unlikely is constantly paraded before us UNDER THE NAME OF REALISM!! You IDIOTS!!!!)(Yes. VILLAINS. We live in a world chiefly of villains preying upon fools!!!! And this is CONSTANTLY paraded before us!!)

In a wicked world, we can expect this of course. Television,etc. REFLECTS the human condition!! As those who would profit pander to THE MOB!!!!

I like drama, comedy, melodrama, if well done and true. And documentaries. And True Science. Even true Religion,etc. But most stuff today is so bad, and done from amateur videos. Often not acted, but filmed BEING THEIR TRUE SELVES!! As if we need that PARADE of ALREADY SO MUCH RAMPANT IN WORLD, CRAP. Yes!!

The world has A PROBLEM. It is learning!!

Much is so poorly and even BADLY performed today.

Of course as this current solar cycle nears its end(nine years hence!), this MUCK will get worse and worse, faster and faster.

I have no doubt The Queen(Of England), sits on the pan some times, though seldom a throne!! And I THINK Jesus,too, actually went to the lavatory, at times!!(In THOSE days, 2,000 years ago, in Israel, they had(what DID they have?).(It was the Romans who brought in lavatory pans, I believe!!....)

We are treated as if we had NO minds. Were imbeciles. Knew no thing about life.

Had never heard of sex and filth!! Reproduction, and the excretions. And the body functions,etc. Good GRIEF!!!!(So THAT'S how it's done!!)

WHY wallow in the gutter and the sewer??!!

WHY drag us ALL through all this SHIT and PHLEGM?? Vomit and all the rest of the unpleasant excreta, we are all SO FAMILIAR with FROM BIRTH!!!!

We know it EXISTS!!!! We are not fools. Or idiots!!

Some are beyond that sort of thing.(It isn't that they have not been through that stage!! You morons!!) And most of us grew up when our bodies were YOUNG!!!!

Everything is made out to be A LAUGH.

EVERY sacred thing gets DRAGGED through the MUCK and SLIME!!!! Even GOD is no longer safe!!!!

Does the reader know what I am talking about??!!

We are being DELIBERATELY dragged down, BY VERY EVIL forces out to destroy us, spiritually and materially. So to hurt GOD!!!!

Personally I like high and beautiful things. Good and lovely,etc.etc.(How SELDOM seen, even in the world, let alone TELEVISION,ETC!!!!)

Instead, driven to watch television, I am obliged to watch the low and ugly, unpleasant and downright SICK things, nearly constantly!!!! So bad and mad!!!!

What is the matter with you MOB??!!

Didn't Mammy change your dirty napkins enough as babies??!!

Anybody else SICK of it??!!

Those who are doing it need to improve vastly. Or perhaps be sent TO ANOTHER PLANET!!!!

Are we ALL becoming GHOULS??!! So hungry to devour ROTTING CORPSES!!!!

How exciting!! Females have four orifices. And males three!!!(IF we do not count nostrils(two), ears(two), eyes(two), and pores of the skin!!!!)(In other words the main orifices, digestory and/or sexual, reproductive and excretory!!!!)

Ho. HO!!!!


How about some POSITIVE fare? If only for A CHANGE!!!!(Though Christmas usually improves the fare for a few days! Hey!! Christmas has TWELVE DAYS(It is not over until January 6th, every year(get with it!!)!!), not one! How hurriedly the mob dispose of Christmas as soon as it is midnight Christmas Day! If not Christmas Eve!!

But of course, no chance. Only of acceleratingly worse!!

How thrilling for SCUM to drag the faces of those trying to improve, through gutters and sewers, ALL of the time!!!!

Those of you who haven't already learned so, are going to get it firmly understood, that dung goes down lavatory pans. And garbage,etc. passes along GUTTERS(where you should SPIT(when necessary)!!!!

We SO MUCH need THE OPPOSITE of these things.

O.K. So I now know that babies come out of vaginas, ex wombs!!(As a child I thought it was either out of navels, or out of urethas. I spent years trying to work out which!! And dung ex rectums!!(NOW I know what those balloons found on pavements,etc.some times, filled with sticky grey fluid mean!! Good GOD. How ignorant I have been!!) So it was not because I hugged Mary!!(I didn't even kiss her!!)

I used to think that kissing women made them pregnant.(Thanks! I know differently now.)

I even believed the anus went NOWHERE. (Even at 19!!)I know better now!! (Unbelievable, and amazing, I KNOW!!!!)

Anyway, fire ants are on the march.

And, in some parts, locusts.(At least they know how to push it in one end!!)



We NEED to be pointed UPWARDS, towards at least the sky, if not the stars. Not down into graves and HELL!!!!


I had to get that off my chest(??)!!!!

Anyway, Merry Christmas, all.

And A Happy New Year.

So far as you can, anyway!!

Getting rid of Christmas, are they!!

Oh,ho, HO, HO, HO, HO!!!!

EVERYTHING is in its place, my friends.



Now perhaps I can learn where FOOD comes from!!!!




Vic Conway.

Wednesday, 7th December, 2,005.



The body will heal itself as a basic rule. If you let it!(Also give God a chance!!)(Always let God have a go, FIRST!!)(Directly and indirectly!!)

The important thing is to keep your energy field(surrounding and interpenetrating your body!) CHARGED UP. With prana and electricity.(Prana is higher electricity.)

Via the chakras.(Vortices in the energy field.)(Which correspond with the glands that need bolstering!!)

God heals, not humans! God heals THROUGH humans, sometimes. And sometimes DIRECTLY.

Personally, I prefer physical contact. It is more convincing(to self, and patient)(It then acts as a CRUTCH.). The thing is to contact the energy field or aura surrounding the body!!(Crutches can take the form of talismans, lucky charms,etc.etc.)

When done at a distance, it is usually done by spirits,etc. who pick up your intent and help carry it out!!(Spirits can charge up energy fields,too!!)

Avoid all surgery.(Use only as a last resort. Not a first one!!)

Avoid all hospitals and clinics,etc!!(That is where you GET diseases!!)

It is not absurd. Because prana and electricity come through healer from God! And go into patients, via chakra in their auras!!

Quite scientific and logical!!!!

Things are complex, NOT simple.

PRINCIPLES are simple, basically. Details are not!!

Psychic surgery is done (usually) by spirits possessing the healer(agent). They CAN materialize(sufficiently) various tools. Which are then used upon the patient's body. Pain is usually neutralized. They invariably know what they are doing!!

They are able to enter flesh,etc. And effect the necessary surgery!!(Far superior to medical kind!!)

The human medical kind is sometimes necessary. But only as a last resort!!

To HELL with jealousy and envy. Especially professional jealousy!!!!

There are several main groups of conditions. Not ALL can be healed. Nor is it done by "magic"!!(I mean ABSURDITY. As magic(and miracles)exist!! Pure and applied!!!!)

1. Some unhealthy conditions are karmic. A still continuing punishment debt by the spiritual law. This CANNOT be abrogated!!

2. Some people get possessed by demons and devils, and low and evil spirits. These have to be cast out. Exorcised. Not easy!! Also dangerous, as can swop(switch) to healer!! Prayer and fasting may be necessary!!

3. Some have unhealthy life styles. Including smoking, drug taking,etc. Until those things are FIRST remedied, there is no hope!!(Some drug taking is helpful. Provided not to excess!!)(Avoid nicotine and alcohol!!)(Even passive cigarette,etc.smoke!!)

4. Some do not WANT to get healed. A matter of PRIDE!!

5. Some DISBELIEVE. Disbelief INHIBITS the flow of the power!!

6. Some have taken on the condition for some special reason!!

7. Some are hostile to spiritual matters!!

8. Spiritual healing can be reversed. Draining energy instead of backing it up!!

9. Some have weak energy fields. These can be charged up.

10. There is also wrong or bad diet to consider!!

11. Some conditions are genetic!! Cannot be touched!!

12. Some are malingering. And don't want to stop!!

13. And some are lying.

14. Some are psychological conditions, basically. The physical disease will go WHEN the psychological reason behind it goes!!

15. Some are just testing you!!

16. And some are anti-self. Sort of punishing themselves for some reason or other!!(Including in self pity spite!!)

17. Some do not deserve healing. The wicked!!

18. Healers cannot heal their selves.

19. Fear,etc. will inhibit healing.

20. Some actually WANT the ailments. For various reasons!!

Healers FIRST need to determine which group(and the list is not necessarily complete), before even considering healing.

NO charge should be made!

As with knowledge,etc.given. Must not be done for self or profit. Though if the patient REALLY WISHES to donate something, that can be allowed. But NO WAY, can these things be BOUGHT!!!!

Minds can be healed.(Or,rather, EMOTIONS.)

The patient actually heals their self!!!!

Not a question of time. But of intensity of contact. Contact of aura. Including passes, and hypnotism,etc.

I now want to go in for mediumship, channelling, prophecy, healing(all kinds), loving, divine willing, caring,etc. As well as teaching and preaching. Some academic subjects too. But with true science, not the materialistic kind! Nor materialistic religieuse kind!!!!





Victor Conway.

Wednesday, 7th December, 2,005.


Percentages. Etc.

My estmated percentage figures for Bird Flu.Human pandemic.

10% it will not arrive. 90% it will.

10%. it will come this year!

70% it will arrive next year.

10% it will arrive later than next year.

Will flies,etc. be able to carry the virus?(Inside or out!!) I fear so!!

Pens! Dangerous using other people's pens!!

No swimming! Not even in sea!!

Spores will be in the air. So keep out most air!!

Spores falling from sky above! Ex space. Ex asteroids and comets. Ex the planet Nibiru!(Mostly)

There is no 100% protection.

I THINK one's energy field MAY be a defence!!

It seems to be in spiritual healing that by re-charging people's energy fields, it provides protection cover so that people's own defences can effect cures!

Therefore, best defence against Bird Flu is to get your energy field right up. AND take cocktails of primers!! Plus all the other defences!!!!

Many(mostly) young people(20's and 30's) got Spanish Flu back in 1918/9 because so many of them(mostly soldiers) were on the move immediately after The First World War. Thus increasing infection chances enormously.(They would give to their young girl friends.)

How do you get your energy field charged to maximum? By exercise. Aided by therapies. Like herbs,etc. And Own Urine imbibing(plus under tongue)!!(Drink about 500 mls per day. Do it in about three sessions. Sip!! Like wine. Tastes rather a bit like GALL. But once you see benefits.(Takes about a year to PEAK.) You will see how worth while!! Though definitely not lemonade!! You get used to it. But always the need to steel yourself to drink it!!(It works in about 3 out of 4 cases. With some, there are unpleasant side effects at first. You need to weather these!!)

Otherwise get to a spiritual healer!

People without charged energy fields surrounding their bodies, are like having armies with guns, but no bullets! The energy field provides the bullets!!

Now, though it is true that Bird Flu(Sorry(correction), Number is N1H5, I believe.(Not what I said earlier.) Latest strain.(N1H4 one before it?)) is a NEW virus, and therefore our immune systems do not recognize it as an enemy; our CHARGED energy fields MAY keep it out!!

Now for the sake of exercise,etc. Plus therapies. Particularly own urine. I think it is worth that!!(It says in Holy Bible(Christian). Drink waters out of your own cistern!!)(Body can cope with waste and acid,etc!!)(Provided you don't drink TOO much of it!!)

I am telling you what is probable. Not what is certain!!

Wear rubber gloves(once pandemic breaks out in YOUR country) at all times. And surgical masks,etc. etc. Spray the gloves, inside and out daily.(Or change for new pair.)

Follow up Hungarian vaccine. Hungary claimed very successful!!

Don't forget those primers!!

I cannot guarantee ANYTHING!!!!

I can only advise. YOU must take the responsibility!!

Read ALL my bird flu articles!!!!

Check all I say!!


Victor Conway.

Tuesday, 6th December, 2,005.


Some more on Bird Flu.

I said that the actual, number of infections and deaths, was about ten times higher than reported. It is quite possible that it is a 100x higher!!(As some report.) When you consider the concealments, and cover-ups, the negative results that were really positive, and the fact that many out in rural areas, and among the poor, MANY will not get to hospitals! then yes this is quite possible!

China is usually the source. Also it has a huge population, especially compared with countries like Vietnam. Therefore it seems surprising that only three deaths have been reported there. They hid Sars as long as possible. The report of 300 deaths(In China) is not an unreasonable figure!!

Anyway, Bird Flu is hitting far more people than is being reported! Despite still not being HH, human to human!!(Except in cases involving long close contact with sufferers.)(That has been occurring all along.)

Meanwhile it continues to spread in animals.

Graphs are still only linear at present. Indicating that it is not HH.(When a pandemic breaks out results curve increasingly upwards. So far just a straight line.(An upwards curve can only mean HH.))

If and when(it is just a matter of time) a pandemic does break out, hospitals WORLD WIDE will be overwhelmed quickly. Necessitating the immediate possession of many large buildings for quick conversion into hospitals.

There will be enforced quarantines and hospitalizations. By the military under martial law. People will not be allowed to move around much. Naturally we can expect this to cause great resentment among the mob. And I expect rebellions arising from massed protests, with much severe rioting. France like conditions can be expected!!

Ever handled MONEY with rubber gloves? Rather tricky!! Obviously money(bank notes and coins),etc. is going to be VERY infected! As it goes from hand to hand.

So is mail,etc; including parcels, PLUS contents!

All door knobs and straphangers, public ones anyway, will be contaminated!

You dare not keep pets.

Consider children: How they love to play and run about outside with other children! They will have to be forceably confined!

Think of the lunatics going around deliberately infecting others, directly and indirectly!!

Houses with infected people inside will need to be CLEARLY MARKED. On the outside doors,etc. Houses with DEAD inside waiting to be removed may perhaps have a large CROSS marked similarly.

Corpses all over the place will become numerous. Deadly to touch!!(Bird Flu is already IN rats!!)(And rats just love CORPSES!!!!)

They will need burning or burying as quickly as possible.

Mouth to mouth rescusitation will have to be banned. Because it will be suicide!!

I think the best AND ONLY defence will be PRIMERS. Cocktails of primers! (Primers are vaccines made from OLD strains.(Old strains will also be mutating!)) The hope is that since the latest strains came from the old strains, that the body will LEARN to oppose that type of virus! It MAY at least reduce the risk of infection, and where caught cause it to be less severe. These are only HOPES!!

Most business will shut down.

Vaccines need to go to the carers first!

This should produce many carers!(Many of whom will not be!) Most of whom will have to be volunteers. On suicide missions!!

Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918/9 will be nothing by comparison! It only killed 2% of those infected. Bird Flu reached 50 to 70% death rate among the infected!!

What if it gets into our water supplies?!

Between lunatics and terrorists, the ignorant and careless, I don't rate our chances!!

In reservoirs.

Islands of course will be safest. As you can close the borders. - Except to BIRDS!!

The massacre of all birds will become necessary!!(But how hard to annihilate all living creatures, to protect living creatures!!)

Surgical masks will help. Both in defence, and to protect others from you, if you get it.

Surgical masks are special masks made for the job. Ordinary medical masks and dust masks will be no good.

You will need to keep WELL away from anyone coughing or sneezing,etc. Or(and I draw a finger significantly across my throat) else, LOOK OUT!!

How do you isolate yourself for two years?!

The symptoms of bird flu are present in ordinary influenza and other diseases. This will create confusion by compounding situations.

There is also now a mild flu going around among children very extensively. What do we do? Quarantine EVERYBODY with possible bird flu symptoms? Also remember the incubation stage when even the victim does not know that he or she is carrying it!! It will spread then, all right!! I think we will have CARRIERS, anyway.

Wait FIRST until a pandemic has definitely broken out in your country!! THEN take ALL necessary precautions immediately!!!!

The big solution is to go into the wild, and live off bush tucker, as The Australians call it. Alone, of course. And avoiding ALL humans to the maximum!

Animals are getting infected. So steer clear of all animals,too!!

I do not see why it would not get into INSECTS, and arthropods(spiders,etc.). In which case, what hope has anyone got? Naturally avoid ALL infected areas!! Consider mosquitoes,etc!!

Therefore our prospects are most GRIM.

It is not hard to lock yourself up in your apartment alone. But how to survive two years or more like that should prove VERY difficult!!

Shut up all doors and windows. Cracks under the doors,etc.too!!

But we have to breathe!

So put meshes up.

Get food delivered. Drink tap water.(Hopefully safe enough.)

Social life will end!

No gatherings.

Goodbye sport and concerts,etc.

No meetings.

No crowds.

Police and military patrolling the streets. Disobeyers shot, on the spot.

Also going door to door, to see what the position is with those in your house! Some will get locked in. Barred up.

Life will become next to impossible.

The economic impact will be COLLOSAL.

Need to learn HOW they managed back in 1918/9 during the Spanish Flu onslaught. Use many of their tips!!

No travel. No tourism.

No trade!!

I need hardly say how AWFUL it is going to be!!

Tracheotomy tubes will need to be inserted in victims.(Hole made in throat, windpipe.) So they can breathe!(A bit longer.)

Some authorities very unprepared.

Many people are very ignorant of the possibilities, if not probabilities!!

Panic could be worse than the disease!

How hard to avoid panicking!!

So anxiety rockets, in SOME quarters!! In general it does!!

So the thing to do is to make as sure as possible it does not get into your area.(This is for the authorities.)

Antibiotics are becoming useless against diseases!!(Another thing to ponder!!)

We have the terrorists of course! Who will not hesitate to infect as many as possible.(They have declared this.)(En masse!!) Yes, invading Iraq was a most tragic mistake!!

Old Bushie is going to fight to the last soldier! Despite huge and growing debt. Plus a very thin force!!

And Iraqui child!!

Iraq should not have been invaded EVEN THE FIRST TIME. Kuwait was theirs until a British mapping mistake took it from them!!

They had to defend against Iran!!

So U.S. attacked Iraq instead of Iran. And of course has to punish(kill) Saddam Hussein, the man who was holding The Middle East together!!!! While Bin Laden and Omar escaped. Bush had Saddam in mind, not Laden!!

The mind simply boggles at our situation.

Meanwhile laugh it all off seems to be the policy of television people!!

And things are so bad, that ignoring things(the policy of so many, anyway, and all along!!) may now be wisest course!!(Not really!!)

Australia could well come out of this as World Number One. Being an island. I think they will. New Zealand two.(Two main islands.)(Along with their numerous island surrounding nations(Friends, I hope!!).)

Australia can export to a dying world!!

(Australasia is Australia AND New Zealand.)

Thank God John is at the helm, and not Beazley!!

The fast ageing Howard is going to become displaced soon by Peter Costello. He has proved a good Treasurer. He will be most unpopular as prime minister of course. Because he is so strict. The mob don't like that. Hate it!!

Don't let Labour back in!!

The first need is to get OUT of Iraq, as quickly as possible!!

Bumming up to U.S. is fast becoming a lost cause!!(So of course Australia is now more and more making it China and Indonesia!! THEY won't be fooled of course!!)

I see U.S. going nuclear as a last desperate defence!!

Which of course will bring in Russia against us with its HUGE nuclear and thermonuclear arsenal,etc!!(Russia has many naval commanders just itching to attack U.S. THEY are authorized to make solo decisions!!!!)

I am being careful not to overstate things!!

I see things becoming unbearable(starting to) within about six months!!

Why is all this happening? Because UNO is worse than useless like The League of Nations before it. And because U.S. is no exception to the empire building rule of top nations!!

The West is forgetting to enforce LAW AND ORDER!!(As everybody is increasingly afraid to look nasty!!)

With the obvious(to be expected)RESULTS!!

People have not changed that much. They always WILL do what they can get away with!!

It is human nature to promote yourself FIRST.

I am sorry folks, but this is the situation very truly!!

In Australia, if you don't like John, it is for sure you will LOATHE Costello!!!!(You already do, and have done all along, of course!!)

The old colonialism became taboo. So Britain and France,etc. had to abandon their former colonies!!

Yes, it is a very good time to leave the planet!!



Victor Conway.


Monday, 5th December, 2,005.


Some remarks.

I have said some terrible truths about Bird Flu.

And amazing truths about many other things. Done thousands of articles on hundreds of subjects.

What is astonishing is the lack of interest. And the almost total disbelief of what I am saying.

This is really disheartening, as the world so badly needs it.

I have done my best. I cannot of course make you believe.

Anyway, most of you seem to be interested in the top subjects: Death and Earth Changes.

Plus maps which I think most of you thought were maps of Earth Changes. No, they are not. They are special maps done by a good German man. Re: Various angles and lines on Earth axial tilts,etc. And Pangea and the old lost continents. Also how The Great Pyramid at Gaza just outside Cairo in Egypt is the centre of the old world. How everything seems to revolve around IT!!!! Plus the cosmic grid. And the mathematical and geometrical grid upon the surface of The Earth. All linked to the centre of our galaxy, and each other!! And 10,500.B.C.

I don't think I can say much, if any, more.

I want to get shot of this now.

I daren't say goodbye, as some new article is almost certain to come up!!

It has been good talking to you all.



Victor Conway.

Sunday, 4th December, 2,005.


Bird Flu, still continuing.

I want to give you all the FALSE popular view of Bird 'Flu:-(I have given the picture I find to be true enough in A1026,etc.)(Which see.)

I will do it in red, to distinguish:-(I shall put the truth in blue in brackets immediately afterwards.)

Bird Flu has now reached 69 dead. With only a few survivors.(A TRUER figure is about ten times this!(Exact figure unknown, but much higher than official figures. If only because official figures are HOSPITAL cases, and only CONFIRMED ones!!)(But MANY, especially in rural areas, are too poor and/or to remote from hospitals to go!) China, Vietnam,etc. are hiding the true picture.(In Vietam, a different group has checked results. Many negative cases have been found positive!(So much cheating going on!))(The battle against Bird Flu is very disorganized in Vietnam.) Being played down, concealed, under-quoted. Lies and denials abound. Some claim it is about 100 times this! But I think that is an exaggeration. China already has 300 dead.(These are human figures.) Rioters razed three villages to the ground(In China.) after attempts to quarantine some!

A vaccine will take six months to a year to make, from when a pandemic starts.(Provided the correct strain is countered! However, currently the authorities are readying to counter the old 2,004 Bird Flu.(The current 2,005 strain, which manifested on September 28th, 2,005, is the latest mutation. It is NOT being prepared for.(But note that no one can prepare a vaccine UNTIL, if and when, a pandemic breaks out, and we can best second guess the latest strain!)

In the meantime the drugs Tamiflu and Renzel should greatly help!!(Both of these drugs will now be useless. Because the latest(Sept 28th, 2,005 mutation.) strain is resistant to both drugs.(Or soon will be!)(That was as of a few months back!!) The Chinese used the original formulae of the drugs, and gave it to their CHICKENS. Thus giving the virus the opportunity to become resistant to both drugs!! It started to do so some months back. By now, as it is so fast and efficient, it should be fully resistant to Tamiflu and Renzel.(We were going to rely upon these until a vaccine was mass produced. No good, now!!)

H2N5 is the current strain. With a death rate of from about 50 to 70%.(This was true of H2N4 which broke out Feb, 2,003, after initially appearing in Hong Kong in 1997.(And Holland same time, I think.)(The current strain H2N5 has a death rate of only 10%(Because the virus, which is very fast and efficient, has learned how not to kill the host, which was counter productive, because if the host dies, the virus dies,too!!), but it infects MANY more than the previous strain!!(This is actually bad news, as Bird Flu can now spread MUCH faster. Though the new strain only kills 10%, future mutations of the latest(2,005) strain, will AT FIRST, kill a much higher percentage(Until THAT then current strain LEARNS how not to kill the host!)

A pandemic in humans CAN occur at any time. But it cannot do this unless and until it mutates.(Current human infections and deaths are simply due to people getting too close to chicken faeces and mucus!(Eating chickens,etc. and eggs is safe ENOUGH!!)(Provided not infected.) It is not yet going human to human(HH). The few cases where this HAS occurred are due to close prolonged contact with victims.(It can go human to human under such extreme circumstances.)(This will be VERY discouraging for nurses and doctors,etc. treating the infected, and of course friends and relatives who will naturally get very close to the unfortunates!)(As up to 70% of the infected are still dying, it is almost a death warrant to get near to them!)

The virus does two major things: 1. It swops genes with other infections in the same host.(Thus if the host has ordinary influenza AND bird flu at the same time, it can take on the nature of both diseases!)( 2. But NO thing can happen until the gene CHANGES, not just swops.)(That takes time, if at all.)

Because RNA which is very unstable the virus re-assembles itself and RE-COMINES its components VERY rapidly.(This is the menace with influenzaS, that it keeps CHANGING its strain. Plus has multiple strains. It thus is not so easy to second guess to prepare a vaccine. With Bird Flu, it is very much faster, and has many more different strains.(A different vaccine being needed to counter each one!) We could EVENTUALLY produce an effective vaccine, only to find that a new strain is current! And so on, indefinitely. Which, in effect, means that no vaccine is practicable! With both drugs(Tamiflu AND Renzel now probably completely countered by the virus, it means that we are completely defenceless. - Apart from the small and partial hope in primers.(Vaccines against earlier strains of Bird Flu, which MAY be effective to SOME degree against the latest strainS.)(Better than nothing sort of thing.)(There is also the slight risk of getting infected to some degree THROUGH the vaccine!)

Note: Even our latest antibiotics are new becoming(or become) useless against the latest mutations of the pathogens!!

We are up against a VERY intelligent life form(the virus).(And new ones are arriving in spores from space(ex asteroids and comets)continually!!).(Most of them from the old planet Nibiru, the surface of which got blown off in a war on on that planet 65,000,000 years ago.(This is the planet that WAS between Jupiter and Mars(where the asteroids now are). But is now on an extremely(3,600 year period)irregular orbit around the sun. Because Earth is so comparatively near to the sun, this rogue planet(about the size of Mars) passes VERY close to us(every 3,600 years). It grazed us at first, creating our moon. It could hit us(In which case, ALL over!!)(And each close pass kills thousands of millions of humans, and animals)(Via gravity tides, poisonous red dust(iron oxides), burning air, boulders crashing down,ETC.)!

The trouble with learning the truth, is that one may learn things which are unbearable!! What do YOU think, re the unbearability?(If death were the final end, maybe. But death is NOT the final end!! After death, we have Hell to consider!!)(Plus karma in future lives!!)

As many elect NOT to learn great truths, these people go blithely on in a Fool's Paradise. (Which is this planet world's current position.)But which is better? To know of some likely death producing disaster, or not?!(I think better to know. You might avoid it. In any case you can make your peace with God!!)

A pandemic(epidemic) is highly probable! It COULD be at ANY time. Exactly when is not determinable(by us).

Australia, being an ISLAND, and with good technological tools, plus a good infrastructure is well placed to escape the worst of it.(What an opportunity for Australia to improve trade with the world. And even become Number One country!!)

Individually, there are two defences. Either go off with hunting,fishing, shell fishing, sea weed, for a couple of years(at least), plus radio and batteries to keep track of things, ALONE, and to an ISLAND where there are NO humans. You then have only birds and animals to worry about.(Better, go vegetarian. Wild foods!)(As animals are getting Bird Flu,too!)(I don't think it affect PLANTS,etc!!)(Sea creatures should be safest!!)

OR, shut yourself up in your home, preferably alone(as who can you trust not to get infected?!), and not go out(or as little as possible!). Get food delivered(if possible). Equip yourself with surgical masks and rubber gloves. Apply the strictest hygiene. And have a spray gun(to spray any mail in, and deliveries, AND everything else, anyway!!). You will need to do this for about two years. Perhaps years more!! So it won't be easy!! If and when you go out, you MUST avoid ALL people, AND animals!! NO contact! Don't even go NEAR people!!(Or animals!!)(Especially birds.) All this is if and when a pandemic breaks out!!

Survivors can expect damaged lungs and some breathing difficulty for the rest of their lives!!

The virus attacks the lungs. Giving you double pneumonia of the most extreme form.

Do NOT commit suicide, as you only kill your BODY. You live on as a spirit in The Spirit World, with the sin of having killed yourself! Plus all the disadvantages of having no physical body!!

Collective counters by the authorities:(Some(counters) of them.) NO trade with infected nations. No travel to or from. No crowds.(Keep FAR from such!!) Wear surgical mask at all times. Strictest hygiene. Rubber gloves. Islands safest, of course. Birds get everywhere, so kill them ALL!!!!(FIRST move.)(I include chickens, ducks, etc.) Especially WILD birds. No pets!! You must not even touch ANYTHING touched by another human! Like strap hangers and telephone receivers!!(100% sure defence is impossible. But you can certainly improve your chances!!)

It seems capable of getting into ALL life forms(which are animal and human)(Fish,etc.safest, I would think!!). My question is: Can and will it get into INSECTS, and arthropods(spiders,etc.),etc?? If so, GOD help us. It will be carryable PROBABLY by mosquitoes,etc. ANYWAY!!!!

One in twelve can be expected to get infected. With a good chance of dying if you do!(The Spanish Flu suffered a one in twelve hit rate.)(With today's much bigger population PLUS so much air,etc.TRAVEL, and TRADE, it should hit VERY many more. Though there is the fact that today we have a much better technology, and knowledge.)

If and when HUMAN Bird Flu comes, it will spread with terrifying rapidity(So don't get complacent AT ALL!!).(Just like ordinary flu and colds!!) Be all over the world within about 24 hours!! It will ALMOST CERTAINLY come! As to WHEN, that is uncertain. Could be ANYTIME. Or PERHAPS not for some years(Number, UNKNOWN.).

It is a NEW disease. So NO human or animal immunity from it EXISTS!! Immune systems will be completely useless!

I'd be READY and PREPARED(As soon as, and IMMEDIATELY,a pandemic breaks out(so stay glued to news of IT) to vanish into the bush(or some viable environment) for a couple of years! Or, ready to lock yourself up in your home, preferably alone(unless you can MAKE any companions STAY IN), for at least a couple of years!!(Spanish Flu lasted a year or two(1918/19).) NO ONE will be safe. No matter WHERE you are!!

The physical and economic consequences will be HORRIFIC.(Even apart from the disease ITSELF.)

Do NOT panic. It will only WORSEN your chances!!

ALL humans(and animals) will be defenceless against it! Age, strength, energy, gender,etc. WILL MAKE NO difference!!

Most vulnerable will be the elderly, very young, infirm, Aids cases, and the like.

And Bird Flu is only ONE of a host of horrible diseases.

What a weapon for enemy countries and terrorists!!

Anxiety is running high and higher. Of course.

Rioting can be expected.

Martial Law, anyway.

Restricted movements, quarantines, hospitalizations,etc. ALL enforced. Goodbye Sport and Entertainment,etc.(The Re-Action by the mob should be AWFUL. Plus backward types!!)

Travel and War will greatly increase the chance of infection!!

Yet most humans go blithely on.(Certainly television programmes do!)

And the authorities are still LARGELY unprepared for it!

AND where they are, they are preparing for the wrong vaccine!

As I say, the only two good drugs, Tamiflu and Renzel, are now probably completely useless. Virus by now almost certainly totally drug resistant!!(But check of course!)

It is so bad, it is ALMOST better to remain completely ignorant, and do nothing!!

And I am presenting the BEST face on this thing!!

When are reasonable scares scare-MONGERING??

Close CAREFUL acute study by me is revealing these things.

Humans just ignore bad news, and most strenuously deny it; and then when it cannot be denied, GO MAD and BESERK.

I don't rate our prospects!

It could wipe us(humans and animals) out COMPLETELY.

I expect it to!!

In just a few short years. Bird Flu plus the other nasty pathogens. And all the other horrid things NOW imminent!! Add in enemy countries and terrorists, and you get a glimpse of our immediate prospects.

This should be our last Christmas.

Even IF we make it to this one!!



Victor Conway.


Saturday, 3rd December, 2,005.


SPECIAL. Bird Flu, continued.

There is more!

I continue the grim report.

Our biggest threat is biological. The viruses are at war with all animals and humans. I wonder if that includes insects and arthropods,etc?!

They are defeating even our best defences. (Antibiotics,etc. Even the latest ones!!)Becoming immune to them!(Keep spiritual healing in mind!!)

We have no answer!

Consider this: Life arrived on this, and other planets, ex spores from space!

This is where the viruses are coming from, too!

From off of asteroids and comets!! Most of which are from the planet Nibiru. The surface of which blew off 65 million years ago. Grazing Earth, creating our moon. Now on a very eccentric 3,600 year period orbit. Due to round the sun, and narrowly miss(POSSIBLY hit!) Earth(Twice). Nibiru is slightly smaller than Earth.(Five years hence.)

Nine years hence The Earth is due to invert again.(No connection with the planet Nibiru, which passes us closely, TWICE.)

It will be the virus, not the ant, that is the next ruler on Earth!!(Improve your life-style, Earthmen!!)

I said that the new 2,005 strain only kills one in ten. How come it will almost wipe out all animal and human life on Earth?(Which I forecast.) It kills one in ten, leaving 9 out of 10 with damaged lungs, and trouble breathing no doubt, for the rest of their lives.

The answer lies with those genetic engineering groups who can alter its genes so that it kills 90% of those it infects. In liason with the increasingly rich terrorists. (Who seem to be Islamic militants and suicidal(kamakaze style) insurgents.) Plus the fact that the most dangerous strain(so far) is not the old 2,004 one, but an older strain(H1N5 or H2N5(Or both.)?). This and the the next strain of the current 2,005 virus.(Note that two things must happen before the sixth wave hits. It must swop genes with ordinary influenza in humans. AND it must CHANGE a gene(mutate). Hopefully, that will take a while. It could happen soon. Or years down the track. But it is coming! Probably.

I have a theory that our main enemy is Influenza. And that it is evolving in stages and sub stages. Now bird flu.(Which is a VERY unpleasant form of double pneumonia!!) Has it evolved from chills, through common cold to Influenza, and now Pneumonia?!

Note that Bird Flu is RNA based. Very unstable. Which is why it mutates so fast and SO VARIEDLY!! It is evolving VERY rapidly.

Now one in twelve can expect to get infected. (In the coming sixth wave.) And eventually about 90% die, slowly internally drowning. Slowly suffocating on fluid and blood in both lungs!!

So, world wide, about 450 million humans should die. And many animals, too.

However. Bird Flu is only one of many nasty viruses. Now straining at their leashes. The Plagues(pneumonic and bubonic). Anthrax. The new worst one of all. M something. (Marburg!) Bird Flu, Sars, and many more. And, of course Ricin! All so amplifiable by terrorists, soon!! Our prospects are hideous. And I see U.S. BILLIONS(That is thousands of millions.) of humans dying. Similarly with animals.(Subjects in group experiments have been age PROGRESED hypnotically to the year 2,012.A.D. They report(most of them), that the world is VERY quiet. Hardly any people or animals. Now the only events that could produce such an end are 1. The Neutron Bomb or device. (Considered to reduce population, once!) 2. Biological slaughter!!(The Neutron Bomb(or device) kills creatures, but does no damage to buildings,etc.)

I see perhaps a few million creatures surviving. Plants probably impervious to the two grim threats.

All right. What can we do about it? (In the short space of time we have whilst awaiting the coming horrors(I see six months.)

Note,too,that it will take six months to a year, at best, to make a vaccine.(Once they can work out WHICH strain to ready for.(Strains are many, and changing fast all the time. This is the trouble with influenza. You have to second guess it all the time, in advance. And it keeps CHANGING!!

Currently, the powers that be are working on the old 2,004 strain.(That is the wrong one, as the virus has now mutated to the new 2,005 strain.)

Frankly, our best hope, I think lies 1. With The HUNGARIAN vaccine. 2. With primers.(That is dead old strain viruses. In the hope that innoculations with such will at least reduce the intensity of the infections! Though not stop them!!)

We are up against a most deadly efficient creature killing machine. It is trying to avoid killing the host, as that is counter productive. If the host dies, IT dies too!! This is why it has now evolved to the new 2,005 strain. And is killing only 10% of those infected!!(The continuing high death toll is due to the OLD 2,004 strain still hanging on!)

The virus just loves the lungs of animal and human hosts. Its home!!

Note that I try to analyze what the scientific experts are saying.(And The WHO, The World Health Organization is VERY worried!!)(The WHO declared back in 1960, that we had beaten diseases. How WRONG it was and is!!)

I analyze using my very high I.Q. And extensive knowledge. What I do is get onto forums, and, since they are so good(smart), and brutally honest, I am able to get the most advanced scientific knowledge on the subject converted very conveniently to simple form(For example: HH means human to human.)(Not arrived yet.)(Though some humans are getting infected currently, this is due to contact with the faeces and mucus of CHICKENS.)(There IS a very limited amount of human to human spread. Due to CLOSE contact for some time. But this is NOT due to GENERAL HH spread!! YET!!!!)

Mostly occurring along the migratory wild duck,etc.immigration routes.(Of course, once it gets establishe, then OTHER bird migratory routes(they go everywhere), will get infected!!)

It began in China, spread into neighbouring Asian countries, then into Russia, and now reaching Europe and Africa. Knocking,too, on Australasia's door. Only the continent of America has escaped SO FAR.(Bar Canada!)(Which has a weak strain.)(So you can say it is already world-wide!!)

Now it is hard to distinguish AT FIRST between ordinary flu,etc. and Bird Flu! Also to compound things further, there is a very mild version of flu currently hitting many children and(I believe) some animals. The early symptoms of which resemble bird flu!

Another disturbing fact is NEGATIVE findings. Some negative results have been checked by other groups, and found to be POSITIVE!! There is also much cover up and concealment!! In China, Vietnam, and one or two neighbouring countries.

Plus the fact that it is only HOSPITALIZED and CONFIRMED cases that are being recorded! The true figure is probably about TEN TIMES the stated figure.(Some estimates put it at 100x the stated figure, but this is probably wrong.)

Many people will be too poor or too remote(rural) to go to hospital! Which will account for the need to multiply by about TEN.

Panic could be the worst danger. And of course economic blows should be terrific.

Therefore let us look at ways to fight this BEFORE it arrives. Collectively, and individually!!

We just cannot afford to entertain this guest, Bird Flu!!

IF it can infect INSECTS,ETC., then mosquitoes,etc. can carry it!

There are three main ways to transmit diseases: 1. By Contraction. That is by allowing your main body fluids to get contacted by the infected body fluids(and faeces,etc.) of others!(This is how Aids spreads.) 2. By Contagion.(That is basically, TOUCH.) By physical contact with infected humans and animals. Including(for a time), indirectly, via strap hangers on buses, telephone receivers, including mobile phones and cell phones,etc., and ordinary microphones. 3. By Infection.(Which is AIRBOURNE. Via coughs and sneezes, breath, etc.)(Note: The first wave was by Contraction. 2. The second, by Contagion. 3. The third will be by Infection.(The fourth by mosquito injections!!)

The prospect of Bird Flu spreading like ordinary Influenza is very daunting!! But that IS what we face!

It will spread eventually along all three(four) routes!

Incidentally, Aids will EVENTUALLY do that too!!(Plus mosquito carried.)

Don't panic. There ARE things you can do. Or be ready to do as soon as a pandemic(old term was epidemic)breaks out in your country.

((Islam will be able to blackmail West soon!!)We need to get OUT of The Middle East, ANYWAY. And as quickly as possible. The U.S. allies and friends do. We went in principally for OIL.(Especially to punish Saddam. FOR DEFENDING HIS COUNTRY!! Who are WE to sit in judgement?! He was doing a magnificent job!!)(Look at Iraq,now. With Iran splitting its sides laughing!!)(And supported by Russia!!!!) We should never have attacked Iraq, even the first time!! It(Withdrawal) is a sign of sensible strength, NOT of weakness.(Though no doubt some will misconstrue it as weakness. It will STILL be better than hanging on, at great cost in lives and finance! Dire threats, and world and civil wars,etc.) Not ALL withdrawals are stupid! Bushie,etc. NEED to recognize that. They will be able to blackmail The West. But will they stop there?!(I mean even if The West does withdraw!))

Bird Flu will hit elderly, very young, infirm, and those with weak body defences(Aids sufferers for example.).(Though note that as it is a NEW virus, NO bodies will be immune!!)


We need to act NOW, and FAST!!

1. Kill ALL birds!!(This is where it began.(The fourth wave began in 1997(the second wave began back in 1959), in Holland and some other country(I forget its name now.)(Hong Kong, I think it was.).)

2. Stop trade and travel to and from the infected countries. Immediately.(And continue that process into the future as it hits new countries!)

3. Watch and monitor this thing MOST intently!!

4. Heed The WHO,etc.


1. You can(this is as soon as a pandemic occurs in YOUR country) of course shut yourself up in your home, alone or with others(but they too MUST stay in(I would not risk trusting OTHERS!!)). Surgical face masks. Rubber gloves. Strictest hygiene. And DEADLY(to the virus) SPRAYS. You will need to spray ALL goods received. Will need to be tinned foods, then! And of course ALL mail,etc.received!!(Do this until the danger is OVER.)(We can expect it to last a year or two!! Possibly years!!(I think until The Virus takes over from Man!!))(How many can stay indoors THAT length of time?!)(We will have to go out some times. But keep it to a minimum!!)(Surgical masks protect you against others, and others against you(if infected)!!)

2. Best route(once a pandemic breaks out, keep watchful(!!)): Go bush! Take gun and ammo; fishing rod and or net, or live off edible sea weeds,etc. Shell fish. And wild fruits, veg, nuts,mushrooms,etc!! Go for a years long vacation!! Return when DEFINITELY safe.(If it ever is again!!) Islands best! But avoid animals and especially BIRDS!!(Fish, safest!)(As the virus may get into many animal species. Though on islands it should be last. If only BIRDS did not spoil everything!!) Avoid ALL humans!! This is your best chance.(Australia is an island. And is well placed to defend against Bird Flu,etc. Though of course it depends how fast it strikes, and how well monitored its progress is!!)

3. Have a radio to keep up with the news.(Plenty of batteries.)

4. And the best of luck!!

Collectively we shall of course need to keep BUSINESS going!(With The Spanish Flu, 65% stayed home, not going to work!!)(Which makes trade rather difficult.)

We must be ready to change our life styles MOST RADICALLY!!

The old days have gone.

However, many are still living by old traditions. Old long outmoded techniques are being applied. By most authorities. Most, by very far!!

5. Steer clear of hospitals and clinics. That is where you GET diseases!!(Unless you fall a victim. You will then be forced to go in!!)(Use Alternative Therapies(and alternative news sources), and Spiritual Healing,etc!!!!)

6. Quarantines.

Rioting is going to occur. And of course Martial Law will be in force. Police and military will have to deal with mob uprisings.

Whatever you do, don't panic!!

Anxiety is rising. Though many realize that the sixth wave has not yet begun!!(Nor has the NEW old strain surge begun yet.) H1 and H2N5, I think. THAT is the big threat!!

Fear, of course. So paralyzing!!

A VERY depressing time.

I hope to get this and my earlier article(A1025) vetted by forums,etc. To try to eliminate any errors. And polish up a bit!

I am usually VERY right.

In all of my articles.

Not just with Bird Flu.

Observe that what even most authorities, as well as the public, currently believe is so very wrong!! I point out some of the fallacies: 1. We are still fighting with outmoded techniques and even equipment. 2. Vaccines against the old 2,004 strain will be no good. 3. Tamiflu and Renzel, drugs, are now useless!!(Thanks to China using these drugs on chickens and ducks,etc. The virus is now immune to both drugs(Which are chemically much the same.)!!) 4. The current 2,005 strain is now only killing one in ten.(The only bright spot I can report!) Because of the goals and efficiency of the virus!!

Another thing: It can RECUR, indefinitely!!

Because so many strain variants!!

The virus re-combines or re-assembles itself, repeatedly, and very quickly!! Constantly changing its variant forms. So. Not only is the current strain mutating very quickly. But OLD strains are,TOO. Which means that we are not safe EVEN from PAST versions!!

Greyhounds being hit.

Many Mystery illnesses now readily explained!!

Do NOT commit suicide. You will simply survive(In The Spirit World!!) MINUS body, worse off than ever!!

Sorry about all that.

Better, I think, that you KNOW these things!!

Wouldn't prefer me to LIE to you would you??

The horrible thing is is that there is a lot of wisdom in the media,etc.policy of paint the rosiest pictures possible about everything. But lie greatly about things that affect only a few!!(Aim, ostensibly to avoid panic. Actually to retain CONTROL over the masses!!)


What an exciting time to be alive!!!!

It will solve the excess population problem!

I note that there are only so many souls in existence. About half of them incarnate. Nature has to do SOMETHING!! (If we can't or won't use birth control, then Nature must!!) So it is very drastically about to reduce the number of bodies available for THE LIMITED number of souls still in The Spirit World. Can't have bodies without souls!!




Victor Conway.

Friday, 2nd December, 2,005.


Bird Flu. Special!! Latest.

I believe the situation is easier. Bird Flu is going well! That means that it is learning how to cause far fewer deaths! In humans, anyway. 10% at present. Down from about a maximum of 70%.

What it is is this: A new strain has evolved. It WAS 2,004 bird flu. Now it is 2,005. (2,004 version killed up to 70% of humans. 2,005 version is down to 10%.) However, it is evidently far more widespread(in humans) than was at first thought!( Wave one: H5N1 was Spanish Flu. 1918/9. Wave two: H2N2 was the 1957 Asian Flu. Wave three: H2N3 was the 1968 Hong Kong Flu. Wave four was the 1997 Hong Kong Outbreak. ( Wave four continuing: H2N4 in Feb.2,004. Also in Hong Kong.) And now Wave Five: H2N5 from about September 2,005.

Note: Figures are from confirmed hospitalized,etc.cases ONLY!!!!(What about all those that don't go into hospitals? They must be at least TEN times as many more!!

Consider too the covering up and denying being done!! As some countries believe in trying to HIDE infections!!

Diseases are most infectious during their incubation periods. That is when you don't know you have it!!(Whatever it is.)

China is hiding the truth.(As it did Sars.)As long as possible.)) What is worse, the unofficial(and true) Human Bird Flu figures for China was about 300 NINE MONTHS BACK!! (Deaths)(Human). In one place rioting by the public razed three villages over attempts to force quaratine.

Rumours abound. Some false. Some true.

A VERY confused increasingly chaotic situation. So hard to make sense of!!

However, though it kills only one in ten, now(Understand! I know the figures are showing a kill rate of up to 70% still, but that is because 2,004 Bird Flu, though falling off, is still raging!!); it will be FAR more widespread than was feared!(So VERY many more ARE getting infected, but deaths are far fewer!!)(Even survivors, some at least, survive with damaged lungs.)(For a life time. Or what used to be a life time!!)

The danger will be from Wave Six. The question is: WHEN will that come? (Note: The virus has to change, not just swop, a gene! Before it becomes a new strain.)

It is not so much a case of many authorities not caring, but a case of them LACKING a clear ENOUGH picture of JUST what is happening!! Many possibilities. Few probabilities. So little is DEFINITE!!!! Therefore many wisely procrastinate. Though many MORE procrastinate UNWISELY!!!!

Spanish Flu killed 2%. I think in time Bird Flu kill rate(in humans) will come down to something like that.(98% getting it. 2% dying. It definitely won't be funny!!)

Economic losses will be collosal. World may not recover.

The big threat is from people trying to avoid catching the disease, and staying indoors! Hitting about 60 to 70% of the work force. Which will of course awfully disrupt business life. Which we all depend upon!!

DO prepare, NOW, for this coming sixth wave. Could come any time, OR be still some way down the track!!

Now,then, regarding remedies: Vaccines and primers. In the meantime, Tamiflu and Renzel.(Drugs) That WAS the good news. The bad news is that NOW, both Tamiflu and Renzel are PROBABLY ineffective(or SOON will be!)!! Vaccines are no good(I don't know about The Hungarian one.(Claimed successful.)(But now not heard about!!)). Because they are being readied to deal with the 2,004 Bird Flu version(NOW obsolete!!), not the 2,005 one. In other words it will be useless. Worse than that some will get the disease to some degree from the vaccine!!(The deadly kind.)

Even so, re: the new 2,005 strain, and the still(though falling back)rampant 2,004 verstion; are NOT the main threat!! The biggest danger is from an OLD strain of bird flu.(I forget now what its number is.(H2N2, PERHAPS...) That it will mutate into a really BIG human killer.

There also exist genetic engineering groups who will seek to change bird flu genes so that their kill rate is 90%(of those infected)!!!!

Think of the rogue countries! Consider China, Islam, North Korea, Iran,.... The hatred of U.S. and all things Western is so great, that believe me, NO THING will be stopped at!!

The final U.S. ETC. defence is going to be nuclear(AND thermo-nuclear!!). And they are going to use it!! Once the militants and insurgents REALLY get going!!

Bush is staying in Iraq. Yes, it is wise now. For Iraq's sake. I note Putin was right. He said Don't attack Iraq, you will only get bogged down!! Now he is saying(so rightly) GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST!!!! U.S. won the war officially, but is LOSING IT, unofficially. But Bush is more concerned with his personal pride than common sense!!!!(He once had a good reason for invading The Middle East.(To STOP Iran.(And, later, North Korea. And maybe China. ETC.))) NOW, they are lost causes. Not one for giving up, but for fighting to the last soldier, Bush will finally go nuclear. Or someone will!! That will bring Russia back in, with ITS huge nuclear(and THERMO nuclear) arsenal. Even if we leave out of account all the other methods of MASS destruction. What a world!! How can ANYONE possibly THINK we humans are advanced??!!

Primers are vaccines which CAN be quickly prepared against OTHER strains of bird flu, but which MAY have some defence against the fourth and fifth waves now current!! Expensive and rare, but a chance for those in rich countries. What chance have the poor got? And the third world nations!!

WHY are Tamiflu(Osectamvir) and Renzel(chemically about the same)(Zanamiver) PROBABLY useless now?(Or soon will be.) Because, I think, China was naughty(Downright CRIMINAL and ROGUE nation!!!!). And USED these drugs, or their common base Amantadine, on their BIRDS! Thus enabling the virus to become resistant to them, WHICH IT PROMPTLY DID!! Only partial about nine months back, but by now should be total resistance!!

Primers will be no good at neither 2,004, nor 2,005 strains, but MAY provide SOME measure of protection. Possibly easing the severity of the attack.

In other words, we are totally defenceless. Also we are VERY unprepared, in general. Some parts are preparing well. Many other parts ARE NOT!!(By WE, I mean THE WORLD.)

When it strikes, there will be virtually nothing we can do to avoid catching this disease. Though no doubt it can be great reduced by staying indoors, avoiding all contacts, wearing special face masks and rubber gloves. Strict hygiene. And quarantines. Including SELF-imposed. As hospitals, including many make-shift ones, will quickly become packed to overflowing!!

It will mean martial law, of course.

We can expect riots.

Anxiety is rocketting. And fear.

We will face EARLY martial law if panicking sets in.

Avoid all movement, and travel. Avoid all gatherings. Etc.

"Terrorism" is a horrid thing. But consider terrorism and bird flu(ETC. ETC.) combined!! Terrorists have already told us that if they can get the means to use bird flu(and all the other biological horrors,ETC. ETC.), they will do so. In which the whole world will face annihilation!! As it will be easy for lunatics, criminals, terrorists Islamic (and OTHER)militants and insurgents to infect themselves and then infect as many other people as they possibly can before they die(or even if they don't!)!! Mothers with their children are going to wish they had never been born, and not had children!!

Will we HAVE a Christmas this year, is the question!!

I give this world(considering all descending terrors), about six months before things start to become UNBEARABLE!!!!(Good time to leave the planet!(Die!)(Though DO NOT commit suicide, as you ONLY kill your body!!))

So you see, we are in for QUITE a ride. Which I'm afraid will end up with about nine tenths of all animals and humans DEAD. In about nine years!!

Yes. It is hitting animals. Horses, dogs, pigs, rats....

So get rid of pets!

Who will be most vulnerable? The elderly and those with weak immune systems.(Though being a NEW disease, immune systems can be strong and still fail!)(Except perhaps against primers.)

It killed mostly young people in 1918/9 because of MUCH movement after the first world war!!

What it will do today with jet air travel,etc. should not be too hard to imagine. It will be(once a pandemic breaks out) around the world like GREASED LIGHTNING!!

Yes, we should stop all trade and travel to China!!(And Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Hong Kong(Which is China, really!!) and Indonesia,etc.(Canada? Singapore??...))

Should have done nine months back!!

Vietnam has no grip on it!!(I don't know about Thailand and Cambodia. I know Indonesia is one big chicken farm. Which trade the country relies on!!) They are doing virtually nothing.(At least some months back, that was the case. They are no doubt trying hard now, but little has changed.)

Vietnam may be the bad front for China!!

At present the disease spreads through getting too close to chicken faeces and mucus.(Though both chicken and chicken eggs are still safe enough to eat.)

Bird Flu attacks the lungs. Causing pneumonia, and internal drowning(The lungs filling with fluid and blood slowly stopping all breathing.). Unless you can beat the slow suffocation!!

This is quite a picture, isn't it!!

This was the situation some months back!! What it is NOW, I tremble to think. But there is that bright spot about it NOW only killing one in ten(humans).

Also the primers' hope.

And, if I may say so: The Hungarian Flu Vaccine.

What is the good news? THAT(what I have just delineated crudely in this article), IS it!!

The bad news is that Bird Flu is only ONE of many biological monsters now bursting at the seams!! And biological horrors is only ONE of MANY kinds of horror now descending upon us ALL. And all the animals.

Besides war of all kinds, we have ACCELERATINGLY bad weathers of all kinds(seismic and volcanic,too!!), and the two cataclysms due within NINE years!!(From planet Nibiru(Five years hence), TWICE; and The Earth Inversion!! Nine years ahead!!)

I advise drawing a discreet veil over the fate of humanity AND the animal kingdom, within nine years!!

It should be indescribable, UNimaginable, and the worst ever, including the worst EVER TO BE!!!!

There is a lot to be said for dwelling as long as possible in a fool's paradise.(That is listening to THE PROPAGANDA spouted so confidently by the media,etc!!) But I think it is better to FACE what is coming, HOWEVER BAD!!!!

The world goes gaily on.(Gaily on television news,anyway.)(At least, in Australia!!)

So ignorant of the awful fate NOW engulfing us all!!!!

No, I am not scaremongering. Just putting it to you NEAT and STRAIGHT!!!!

I would like to wish you all a good Christmas and New Year. But I haven't the heart!!

It would be AN INSULT.

What shall we do? Carry on as usual, until we drop, I think!!

Any other route simply prolongs the agony!!

So our birds are at long last coming home to roost.

The RECKONING is NOW bursting upon us all!!!!

The result of ignoring advancing evil so fully, and for so long!!(Even if you did not engage in it much!!)

Sars can be expected back too, some time, as it lies dorman somewhere, WAITING. A sort of "pleasant" diversion!!

What should the authorities do?

Be ready to stop trade and travel, especially by AIR.

Stop all gatherings.

Have the military ready!! As people are going to go BESERK.

Draw up a will? Leave it to yourself in your next incarnation.

Few will be ATTENTIVELY around long enough!!

Could I be wrong? I don't THINK so!!

I have probably greatly understated the situation.

There is no escape. No where TO GO!!!!

Meanwhile the birds (wild fowl,etc.) continue to migrate.

You see! Aids will get beaten to the punch!!

(It would otherwise have wiped us all out by about 2,036.A.D!!)

Too bad.

If you wish to learn more, and perhaps confirm what I am saying, search The Internet for both Bird Flu(common term) and Avian Influenza(posher name).(Same disease.) You will find the truest information in and THROUGH the forums. They are very interesting. Lot of sense in there!!

It is so bad, that even I HESITATED before doing this article!!

On the grounds that if you are soon going to die horribly, maybe better not to know it inadvance.

On the other hand, many can make their peace with God.

Don't blame God!

Blame OURSELVES for not being able to change this STINKING world FOR THE BETTER!!!!



Vic Conway.

Thursday, 1st December, 2,005.


What is wrong with Mankind??


Actually there is no thing wrong with Mankind. It is at a very early stage in its evolution. It is learning, slowly, hopefully!! In the interim, everything is as it should be. Live, and learn!! (The hard way of mistakes if you will not learn by reading,etc.(Precept.). Earth is a very backward planet, spirituality.(Spirituality is what counts!!)

Man is learning to rise from lower self to higher self.

That is basically about all it is.

Evolution is the name of the game. Personal evolution, especially!!

Evolution of the mind,etc!!

God is not angry, nor punishing us. But if we break laws, we must expect to suffer. There are NO exceptions!! Nor is anyone immune!! Spiritual as well as physical material laws!!

God is so much bigger than us, that we cannot see IT.

Bad religion is largely the result of the baddies grouping together, and lording it over the rest of us!!(Naturally they POSE as goodies, out to help you! In a world SO unevolved and backward, is it not REASONABLE to EXPECT the baddies to group together and work to destroy us so that they may benefit?!)

Consider The Council of Nicea. About 525 A.D. The Church(Of Man!!) cast out the wise Origen. And rejected the sound tenets of re-incarnation,etc. Unpleasant emperors and popes ruled cruelly thereafter. The Church begat by Paul,etc. is NOT the church begat by Jesus CHRIST!! THAT was continued best by the apostle Thomas,(the disciple Jesus loved?) and The Dead Sea Scrolls,etc!!

Which is the best religion? I think Christianity is. But actually all the big twelve are simply re: different aspects of High Life. And equal!!

Men tend to think of GOD as a super man. One devoted to pampering us!! Man made God in his own image!! If God does not oblige, too bad for God!!!!(Man needs God to COVER for him!!)

How foolish. It is not like that!!

God is a POWER, rather than a Being. Impersonal. Universal. Way above human concepts. Not really interested in our follies!! A sort of SUPER energy!!

Pure Spirit.

Embracing all things. Out of which Mankind, and all else came.

True, there are lesser gods! And certain powerful individuals have got us to worship lesser gods. Which some times is necessary(as an adjunct)!! But the highest GOD must not be forgotten!!

Christianity sort of includes Judaism because Jesus was a Jew!(But there is no real connection between the two religions.)

Jesus was a man, who rose to become a super man. Not his self, God; though God certainly indwelt him, and so fully!! God indwells all humans, and all creatures for that matter!!!!

Humans make the common mistake of ending up promoting the vessel, instead of the contents!!

Humans are so short-sighted.

Today, Humanity is being raised to a higher level. It involves necessary risks as sometimes quite different paths get confused for higher levels.

The only one who can raise us up, IS us!! How nice to think and hope that God will do it FOR us!! God will HELP, but not do it for us!!

Things do not just happen by chance. They have to be worked for, and the rules adhered to as strictly as possible!!

If we would rise on evolution's ladder, and be more successful.

Alas, men live as if matter and money were the most important things, and that there is no tomorrow!! A most tragic mistake. BECAUSE they wrongly think that THEY ARE their bodies!!

The Devil, who wishes to destroy Mankind, to hurt God(his arch enemy); naturally works all out to drag humans down to the lowest possible ways! (The Devil is another collosal entity too big to be seen!!)

The trouble is Materialistic Science has taken over from a religion gone too absurd for most people. But now we are throwing out the baby with the bath water!!

And gone to the opposite extreme!

So we reject(many of us do) any after life, and Heaven. And more and more just do what our lower self and body like!!

The end can only be destruction!

Actually, what most of us are doing is simply going by what others do. With television,etc. misleading us more and more. Consequently we are becoming increasing confused and lost!!

What others do should not be the guide! But what GOD says to do!!(Though all go to Hell, do I need to?!)

This is paramount!!

It is rather too late in Hell, afterwards!!

The Church,etc. long since having gone materialistic itself!!

So we have the blind leading the blind. And both destroying their selves.

I observe Mankind thinking that somehow everything will be all right. But it won't be! (Much the reverse!!) Only WE ourselves can change the situation!! As everything has to obey the basic laws!!!!

Humans(so many) are thinking that everything is going to turn out fine no matter what we do! Because it always SEEMS to!!(It has in the past. But that is because of God's great patience and tolerance!! Not because it is never going to happen!!)

We are of course being constantly brainwashed by the dominant powers via the media! To believe that everything is all right, WHEN IT COULD HARDLY BE WORSE, and is acceleratingly WORSENING!!!!

The public are becoming increasingly uneasy. THAT is most understandable!! But of course the politicians keep playing anything unpleasant DOWN, and painting the rosiest picture. The result can only be eventual DISASTER!!!!(By which time THEY can vanish and take their best very enhanced chances!!)

Somehow, despite plainly worsening weather,etc. And rapidly deteriorating human affairs. Somehow, things are going to pan out all right!!!!

Those who speak true, and who are constructive, are shut out as much as possible!!

BECAUSE so many humans, who dominate, are listening to things that promote the lowest MENTAL conditions. Because such suit their tastes! And thus The Devil, via Pan(The Earth God) is winning HANDS DOWN!!!!

So what do we do?!

Collectively, it is about as near hopeless as it can get!!

INDIVIDUALLY, any and all CAN save their selves! IF they immediately and ALL OUT apply certain rules to their conduct!!

We need to save ourselves. Not just materially, but SPIRITUALLY(ESPECIALLY that!!)!!

Because Heaven and Hell DO exist after death. And these ARE related to our actions!! Individually!!

It is just too bad for the body, sooner or later, anyway. But we CAN make it as painless as possible for our SOULS!!!!

The necessary saving feature is basically to do all that we can to help others. By God!!

Not of our self!!

In other words by the higher self, not the lower!!

At the same time, to best achieve this goal, also try to save the body. By best dodging the fast growing woes!!

To best do this, individuals NEED so badly to be well informed of THE TRUTH. Not the rubbish so much spouted by THE MEDIA,etc!!!!

I go down struggling to the best of my ability to help you, and thus myself, achieve these things!!!!

Of course it matters. It matters so much more than ANYTHING ELSE!!!!




Victor Conway.

Thursday, 1st December, 2,005.


Some falsehoods clung to by Mankind.

There are about fifty main big falsehoods that Humanity treats as true or sound, with consequently bad results.

I ennumerate as follows:-

1. No God. Nor Devil.

2. No life after death.(No life for the mind after the death of the body.)

3. Love, weakness.

4. Magic and Miracles are phoney.

5. Jesus myth.

6. Matter is superior to mind. And rules it.

7. Goodness and Highness are foolish.

8. No life before birth(before conception too).(No life for the mind before birth and conception.)

9. Sex is the thing to live for. Just go for all low pleasures and joys!!

10. Big Bang.

11. Expansion.

12. Dark Matter accounts for 99% of the universe.

13. Dark Energy accelerates the expansion.

14. Religions are superstition.

15. Live for lower self. And body.

16. Money and possessions above all.

17. No Hell or Heaven.

18. No Paradise or Hades.

19. (Materialistic)Science is the thing. And Technology.

20. Eat, drink and be merry.(For tomorrow we die.)

21. War!(Use force to get your ends.)

22. Alcohol is great.

23. And nicotonic smoking,etc.

24. Drugs.

25. Sport.

26. Entertainment.

27. Power,etc.

28. Avenge!

29. Marry, and produce children!

30. Compulsory education.

31. Compulsory voting.

32. Compulsory trade unionism.

33. Anarchy!

34. Live in debt.

35. Sin.(Disobey God.)

36. Live any old how.(Make mistakes.)

37. No fairies.

38. No UFO's.

39. No aliens.

40. No angels.

41. Avoid work.

42. Let it all hang out!

43. Live now, AND don't pay later!!

44. No life on other planets,etc.

45. No wonders, marvels, signs or significances.

46. Spirituality is stupid. And so is Philosophy!!

47. No birth control!!(To Hell with it!!)

48. More and more traffic. Stuff the roads right up!! Until grid lock!!!!

49. Be lawless, if you can get away with it.

50. And all other things like this(The preceding 49.)!!

51. To Hell with The Ten Commandments, and all the others!!

52. Disobey all Authority.

53. Disregard LOGIC!

54. And all sensible things like that!!


Recognize any?




Victor Conway.