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Articles Written April 2006 

Wednesday, 31st May, 2,006.


A list of SOME OF my articles.

I have done hundreds of articles upon scores of subjects.

I need your support.

E mail:


Astronomy, Astro-physics, Cosmogony, Cosmology.

Earth Changes, Global Warming, Coming Ice Age, Nibiru approaches. GEOGRAPHICAL Earth Inversion.

After-life, Spirit World, Re-birth, Re-incarnation.

Group dimensions, dimensions, planes, levels., etc.

See-upsidedown-o'scope and mirrors.

Latest news.

Technological devices.

Dreams. Astral Projection, Excursions, etc.

World situation.

Alien rule.



Seances,etc. Circles.

Lost continents. Ancient Civilizations.

The weather, including seismic.

Jesus Christ. GOD.

The GOOD life.





Vic Conway.


Wednesday, 31 May 2,006.


What is it all about? Part 3.

I need your support.

Or must close down!!

Space, Time, Orbital Vibration and Spiritual Density - are only four of many group dimensions.

Size is another. And Parallel. Sidereal. And Other.

Spirit Vibration. Link. Higher and Lower.

And there are others.

I will try to give you an analogy for what death involves.

Many people identify their selves with their bodies. Because of this(we are what we think we are!), we often have great trouble in The Beyond, making the correct identification!!

(On the subject of identity, I make the following observation: As Multi-culturalism and multi-nationalism spread, nations lose their IDENTITY. Identity is VERY important. In Australia, for instance, WHAT is An Australian? An Australian is one from SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!(He used to be an Abo! He was originally(the invaders were)(First France(driven off), then Holland, swallowed up; and now basically British(originally), but Britain dumped, and U.S. substituted!!) a deported criminal. Then Ned Kelly. Next he became a copy of a U.S. cowboy! And now WHAT IS LEFT OF BEING AN AUSTRALIAN, he is a tough, hard drinking, drug taking, aggressive type. What is left before being swallowed up by Coloured Skins. Muslims leading.) Pauline Hanson was right! We are being swamped by Asians,etc!! But being so weak a nation, we had to ignore Pauline, and throw our identity away!! On pain of invasion, WHICH WE ARE GETTING ANYWAY, albeit much more slowly!! So, now, an Australian is a cowboy mounted backwards on a bull, wearing a tin box; screaming for John Howard to get lost!! While admirers shout "Go Aussie!!". (Australians are so superb at sport. Let us hope that they are as good at WAR!!(We have been fooled SO FAR!! I think East Timor is going to be Australia's Waterloo!!!!)Howard will sneak off. Costello will try to take his place, but be VERY rejected, and then money squandering Labour, with their woolly headed lunacies, will see to it that Australia goes COMPLETELY down the drain.(Note: The Abo's still cry in protest against The Stolen Generation! However, there is NOW a cry to save the children from SOME parents!(IF it occurs, will that be the SECOND stolen generation?!)) I see Kim Beazley taking the reigns. Later to be replaced by Julia! Australia's first woman prime minister. Trying to do a Helen Clarke!! And there you have it(identity?)!! As Australia gets increasing ringed by failed states(and earthquaking volcanic eruptions)!! And Indonesia strains at the leash to make us ONE more(New Zealand,too.) island of The Archipelago under Indonesian's ruthless rule!!!!(With Corby leading example!!) Ah,yes. Ah,so. The price of being weak!!(You either perish or become a slave of the OPPOSITE philosophy!! AH, SO!!!!))(Now IS Australasia(Australia and New Zealand) the fifth continent, OR NOT??!! I was taught that it was. But many Asians are convinced Australasia is simply part of The Asian Archipelago!! Keating encouraged this. Which let Howard in. John(I think he is alienating The States. Now refusing to back a Liberal - National merger in Queensland!!) has saved us so far. And hopes to hand over to Costello. Alas, the Australian current majority does not approve of economic wisdom!! But is this spiritual folly??!!)

If you were in an old fashioned deep diving suit, drunk, I suppose you could easily mistake the suit you were wearing for your self(the occupant)!!

It is like that. Our bodies are IN THEMSELVES 3d SHELLS!!

3d objects can have 2d shells(albeit bent). We are unfamiliar with structures of more than 3d, and,so, have trouble accepting 3d SHELLS!!

At so called death we lay down our 3d shell. Which then becomes our corpse.

Let me try to give you a working analogy of the whole process:-

Seeing is not believing! Believing IS SEEING!!

What you believe becomes true for you!!

So if you like the idea, just believe me! It will be true anyway.

Believing becomes seeing when long and strong enough!!

With God it is true. And, since we are part of God, it is true for us. So, even if you did not believe, it would happen.(You would rise again(resurrect).)(First as a spirit, later(if necessary(which is usual))the physical body itself!!)(To re-grow as a super clone!!)

Clones are simply EXTENSIONS of their originals. Only instead of growing a new finger or whatever(like some small creatures), one re-grows from a single cell, - the whole body. Thus, it is AN EXTENSION of our current body!!

There is what is called The Permanent Atom. Resurrection is from that. Eventually. It may take many decades.

When our body dies, we(the soul) continue on. The two gametes of the zygote separate. One goes on in one direction. The other in another. (I realize that an atom is not a cell! But perhaps, The Permanent Atom is actually a cell!!)

They eventually re-unite. In the womb of a new mother. Possibly the same one.

Here is the working analogy. Descend(alone) in a submersible to the ocean bed. You descended at birth. At death, you come out through escape hatch, and swim for the surface. You then swim for the shore. A beautiful tropical isalnd, say.

The difference is profound of course.

Whilst in the submersible upon the ocean floor, you may have looked out through port-holes. You could also look around inside. That, you did, much more often.

You could have watched television.(That would correspond to dreams.)

Dreams are WITHIN your current vehicle.

Outside, all around you, is The Spirit World. Dark and gloomy at the level you are at, say.

Now the difference between watching a television programme, and enjoying your new-found tropical island life, is immense.

When we die we CAN enter a dream world for a while(view a portable tv as we swim up for the ocean surface). But it is NOT our life in the spirit world. That starts after we have waded ashore.(That wading ashore bit can take quite a while!!)

You recognize the place as the one you left to get born.

What a difference!!

The struggling up through the water, is an analogue of your efforts to rise from The Replica of the physical world - to The Spirit World Proper.

That thing called NOTHING, is not possible. And so it is impossible for you not to be concious!! And thus life continues. Even if at first you think you are dreaming.

Many do, at first.

It isn't that after death, we enter a dream world, nor an imagination one. But that(the reverse!), THIS NOW is the dream. Death is waking up from that. Though it is actually more complex than that. Inasmuch as what needs to wake up is your conciousness(mind)(A mere new BODY vehicle would not supplant that!!)!!

Otherwise, you will simply live in The Spirit World the way you do now!!

Shakespeare had it wrong. It is not "what dreams may come...", but what a dream(a nightmare for some) will go!!

In this lower physical world, we are all mixed up. The good live with the bad.

In The Spirit World, there is striation, different planes(5d levels). So that the good and the wicked are separate!!

At first, the bad to to Paradise! But steadily sink into Hell.

With the good, they burn off their lower natures first, then rise eventually into Paradise.(Our lowest components move to the outside. Except in the case of the wicked.)

So, at first we go to that place which suits our lowest aspects! If we are good.

With the bad, it is the opposite way around. They try to develop their best parts first, then gradually fall to their lowest aspects.



Vic Conway.






Tuesday, 30th May, 2,006.


What is it all about. Part two.

I need your financial and moral support to keep this site going.

e mail me!(Or must close site down. Is that what you want?!)

Any amount, however small, will help!!

I have run this site out of my own meagre pocket! I can no longer afford to do that!!


I continue from A1093:-

We are actually watching a 3d, all senses, television programme, run by God.

Currently we are tuned in to the physical realm. But that won't always be so!

The root cause of our view is the distance between 1. The protons and the nucleus of atoms. And 2. Between the electrons on the outer, and nucleus, protons included!

Size decrease will be due to decreasing the gap between protons and nucleus.(Vide "Honey, I shrunk the kids!!". A television programe. In Australia, Channel 7, anyway. Clearly a U.S. production. It is not nonsense! If you decrease the gap betwen protons and nucleus, as the professor says, you will decrease the size of an object. If you increase the gap, you will increase its size!!

NO thing is impossible. To GOD. Or to YOU, if God is with you!!

I told my old man something of this. He said "You can't put The Civic Centre in a cup!!(But you CAN, if you reduce the atomic gaps SUFFICIENTLY!!!!) I had claimed that you could do it.

The spirit world and beyond, are simply the result of an increase in the gaps between the electron field and the full nucleus!!

The result of such changes in microscopia is to affect our VIEW of the world around us!!

Parallel universes similarly! As in the Australian Channel 7 programme "Tempting fate.". It is NOT nonsense!! But a most remarkable divination by the producers!!

With parallel universes, it is a molecular gap I believe. Changing of the gap!!

There are many Group Dimensions, each composed of FOUR dimensions!!

Space, Time, (Orbital)Vibration and Density are four. The more well-known four. Density, not of matter, but of SUPER matter!!

We live physically in a 3d(length, breadth and thickness) world, plus THE PASSAGE of time!! Space actually has four dimensions. However, we can only perceive three(at a time!). What we call time is simply ITS PASSAGE, not time, itself!!

Our sub and low concious minds are locked on to viewing The Moving Now as it traverses the time dimension(time,too,has four dimensions!)(Four is a basic number in nature.) Man's error is to ASSUME that what he is unaware of CANNOT exist!!(An ego trip. Not true!!)

It hurts his false pride to be found wrong! So he lets avoidance of egoic and egoistic pain overrule his honesty to self,even!!(Material Science is doing this en bloc!!)(After Christendom lost its top position because presenting too absurd a view of things to the people. However, Man is the root problem. Under idle speculation conclusions of Material Science, we are actually worse off!!(I say this though I am scientific more than religious.(I try to embrace all religions.) And more philosophical than scientific, perhaps!!!!)

An all(main) religions view is Comparative Religion.

The great spiritual law pays us back what we dole out! So it is wise to do more good than harm. As we WILL (sooner or later) get paid back(By Life)(Via the great spiritual law, called "The Lord"!!) Hence, "Do unto others...".

It is said that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions! This is not true. It leads to Heaven and Paradise. Even if you fail!! Even if your intention was wrong!

The results of what we ACTUALLY do, affects our KARMA(spiritual debt,etc.)!! This works out somewhere down the line, in another life!

The proper study of Man is GOD. Not Man, which Alexander Pope wrongly declared. This is our basic trouble. That we turn to Man instead of God! We need to unite spiritually with GOD. Not materially with Man(Sex)!!!!

God is invisible!(So is The Devil!) That does not make them non-existent!!

God and Devil(Demon, actually.) do not need to work DIRECT, but work via their off-siders, Peter Pan and PAN, respectively. Seldom do the top rulers(God and Devil) need to intervene!!

When we do wrong, deep down we know it.(Super-material universe.) We may know it conciously too!! Our super concious(our God Within) NOTES our observation, and this accrues extra soul weight!! Our spirit bodies,etc.DENSIFY. In proportion to the wrong.(If we have so thought!!) If we do (knowingly)more wrong than right(especially to God), then our spirit level will FALL!! Just like in water!!!! This is what takes us to HELL. AND Hades!!!!

This occurs REGARDLESS of that ASS of a thing, called The Law(Of Man)!!!!

Down here in the physical we only see one side of the tapestry. It is the other hidden side that MATTERS. And it is THAT which takes us to OUR PLACE in the beyond!!(We cannot see the results of our blind weaving, UNTIL after we die!!j)

It is the ACTUAL RESULT that determines our karma. This is why animals and fools can do wrong, and not suffer!!(As they are not aware of doing wrong, even if they have!!)(But even they do not escape scot free. But MUST pay karma in some future life!!) No creature gets away with anything!!!!

Only THAT way CAN we learn!!

The people of the world, in The West, anyway, ACT as though the pay back in THIS physical world is the ONLY pay back to worry about. Well, of course, as we WELL know, the wicked get away with so much, including murder, HERE NOW!!!!

This is because the dice are so heavily weighted in favour of the children(the wicked), that they may grow Scaffolding(upon which one day to build GOOD personality), so that they might have a chance to LEARN and progress!!!!

So the physical realm is not only materially heavy, but spiritually(mentally if you like),too!!

This heavy spirit locks down the good and high folk, making it very hard for them to do good and high deeds!! On the other hand, the children(the wicked), are sufficiently DENSE in their natures, to be AT HOME in such spiritual density. And so give the good, HELL!!!!

Good and high folk are regarded as threats to the wicked by the wicked. And so they attack the righteous and noble!! Out of envy, too.

Thus it is that the wicked prosper here now, and the good SUFFER spiritual pain, even agony(by the elect of God)!!

Now when we so-called "die", our conciousness moves UP(vibrationally) into the brain of the astral vehicle. The physical drops off, its energy field(double) gradually dissipating. The personality of the physical rots with the corpse. But the character and nature of the indwelling soul(higher personality) GOES ON. In this SUPER material universe that we live in!!(Note, not MERELY material!!)

An analogy would be to have flat creatures living in flatland on a flat surface. They are capable of observing things and events in 2d ONLY. To THEM, 3d is ABSURD!! Simply because not in their experience!!!!(Similarly we of 3 SPATIAL dimensions(plus the PASSAGE(not time itself!)) OF Time; may regard 5d, and beyond AS ABSURD. At least many of us do. Simply because not in the ordinary experience!!(The ASSUMPTION being "What I cannot see, does not exist!!". And that fatuous view is true WITHIN the spatial 3d(plus timeal passage!) CONTEXT. Or set of limitations!!

Let a 3d object somehow pass through the flat 2d surface, and the flatlanders get frightened, because they do not understand it!!(Seeing ONLY the 2d aspect of it, so mysteriously because detached from its FULL structure!!) Similarly when supernatural and supernormal events happen with us, we cannot grasp it, get afraid, hostile and go into denial!! THOUGH staring one in the face!!!!

4d and 5d objects and events DO sometimes pass through our 3d space(and timeal PASSAGE). Though about 95% of such(psychic) reports ARE erroneous!!

We live in a 3d space(plus timeal passage), true!! Of course. But our error is to ASSUME(out of fear of the unknown), that 4d and 5d,ETC. just CANNOT BE!! And some perceptive folk suffer badly from such ignorance!!(Especially children, mediums, channels,etc.)

The Supernatural and The Supernormal DO exist!! But they are not obvious.

And God is so big that we cannot see IT. Indeed is big enough to be our source, unawares to us, per se!!

It is NOT POSSIBLE to be aware of NO THING!!(To easy an escape folks!!)

Likewise of The Devil!!(King Demon.)

The truth is so hard to bear, that many go into DENIAL, anger, hostility and assault, rather than accept the psychic and occult!!(Occult simply means hidden.)(Not necessarily evil. Though it can be. And often is!! The thing itself is not evil. But the USEAGE that entities put it to, often is BAD!!!!)(We are very vulnerable to low spirits now here in the physical BECAUSE, RECENTLY departed spirits are so contaminated and corrupted. They still living on our level, albeit in The Replica world!!

So we create our personal philosophies according to how much we can BEAR!!

We simply HAVE TO do this of course. So do not judge the children!!

The LORD will do that.

You may suffer wrongly, but to retaliate will only incur you even worse retribution from The Lord!! Therefore endure and suffer it. Even if and when unjust!!! How hard to do!!

Once our conciousness(Taking our HIGHER personality, character, nature and ALL mental attributes WITH it!) is in the astral brain, we view the astral programme, having changed channels!! On God's television!!!!

Thought there is an interim period where we are betwixt physical and astral. During which time, we remain viewing A REPLICA of the physical realm. This gradually fades out,(or more often suddenly) as The Astral PROPER realm, cuts in!!!!

For a while many think that they have gone MAD!!

We live in a PLASMIC universe(vide Alven!). And an ELECTRIC one(vide Thornbull)!!

The BASIC building blocks are vortices(Spirilla)!!

They exist at ALL size levels!!!!

It is electro-magnetism that rules, not Gravity!!

Note: There is a super gravity too, which operates at close range to objects(including The Earth), which is far stronger than gravity. It is ITS tides that will do the most damage, when the rogue eccentric orbitted object Nibiru arrives will create on Earth. Not JUST gravity tides!!

There is only ONE force, and that is ELECTRONS!! Via flow of numbers. Even "static"!!

The New Physics is coming out. The Super New Physics!!

Gravity(there are two kinds, NOT counting Hyperforce!!) is NOT a force.(Note that the tangential force which flings loose objects off roundabouts IS NOT centrifugal force!(Though it is commonly mis-named THAT!!) You stand on the edge of a whirling roundabout, and you will(if you are not holding on) GET THROWN OFF!!!! That force is Tangential Force.(Centripedal Force is not tangential, but orthogonal(perpendicular)!! Likewise with the weaker centripedal force, which sends objects near whirling centres FURTHER in to centre!!(Tangential force is 3d. Centrifugal and centripedal forces are 5d!! Ex centre of field concerned.)(Note that tangential force is not a force really. Merely the natural tendency of an object to continue on along the path it last had! With no thing to hold it, it has to let go of the thing which previously carried it along!!(But centrifuge and centripede ARE real forces!!)

Gravity is due to PRESSURE of gravitons,etc. exiting from WHITE holes!!(Note that what orthodoxy calls white holes are actually black!! And vice versa!!!!)

The OTHER kind of gravity is ELECTRIC in nature!!(Read The Electric Universe by Thornhill in Nexus Magazine!!)

Strong Force is simply the result of miniature gravity(and hyperforce) at the microscopic level! Weak force is simply radiation at the microscopic level!!

Actually Magnetism is the key force. Electron flow resulting FROM it!!!!(Not the other way around!!)

Two more forces proceed again from Electro-magnetism!!

It is the OTHER gravity(Gravity is a PUSH force by the way, NOT a pull one!!)(We see it the wrong way around!!) that holds the planets in orbit,etc.(Gravity, and even electric force are inadequate to explain solar system motion,etc. anomalies!!!!)

The Newest Physics. LOGIC. Etc. Affect Astronomy,etc; TOO!!!!

Truly Man knows very little. And what he does know - is BUNK!!!! He only knows the tip of the ice-berg!!(He knows a lot of little truths. Very few of the larger issues!!!!)

The Astral Plane is composed of finer matter, because the nucleus atoms are denser, though the electronic field is more spread out!!

This makes it possible to fly(unaided)in The Astral.

AND the spiritual weight lifts a lot. This releases the good and the high folk. The baddies sink (eventually!!) into Hades and HELL.(To some proportionate to the deeds degree!!). This causes a bifurcation of entities(creatures)!! Separating the good from the bad, the sheep from the goats.

The good go to Paradise, where they not only find no enemies, and a materially AND spiritually(mentally, if you like)lighter atmosphere(and objects). But, being free of the heavy mental weight, can now DO the things they have longed to in life, but usually found too hard to do!!!! And too resisted and opposed by enemies.

Conversely, the wicked, find themselves in unpleasant surroundings(perhaps not at once!!)(Indeed, the good go to Hell and Hades first!! But gradually, though increasingly ascend to pleasanter realms!!!!), and are among those of their own kind. So all attack each other, more and more. Whereas in Paradise, all help each other forward, more and more!!!!

So those of you banking on death being the end(Thus to show a profit, AND get out of it all THE EASY WAY, and thus an escape, ARE MAKING A MOST TERRIBLE MISTAKE!!!!)

Things are most definitely NOT like they are now in the physical, for ever!!

The wise realize this, pay now, but profit later!!

The wicked of course profit now, but pay later!!!!

Aliens took over our planet long ago.(And The Political East took over the world many years back!! The time to hit Iran was 20 years ago. Not now when it is too late!! Idiots!!!! You let North Korea get away with it!! They backed by RED China and increasingly re -red Russia, will lift Iran UP. Meanwhile The IMPROPER Palestinians will increasingly drive The Jews out again!!!!

Germany was Assyria!!

They migrated West.

Aliens are cross breeding us with themselves!! Creating The Hybrids.

The humanoid aliens are. The Little Greys,etc.

Though seldom by sex.

Between alien male and human female. AND between alien female and human male!!

We live in a universe of SUPER matter, not just ordinary matter.

At death, we awaken from a super dream TO a super life!!

Though those unready, will live in The Spirit world much as they do here now in the physical!!

Somewhere in Genesis, it says: "He hangeth The North over The Empty Place(or Space)". Something like that. I cannot find it now. Some one may know that whole or part verse. I am trying to say that there is Biblical support for the great polar entrances to The Great Within. For what it is worth, of course. Meaning that bad men have altered what good men wrote. And thus have twisted, bent, omitted,etc. some things!!!!

Did you grasp that though Supreme Being is impossible(since there is no end to going higher(nor an end to going lower!)!); however, there are certainly superIOR beings!!

I also employ divination, intuition, and instinct, insight, as well as intelligence. To root out the truths, which I prove by logic theorems, and correctly interpreted evidences!!

Re-incarnation is a fact. And so is re-birth. Two different things. Re-incarnation is where the soul puts down a new personality.(Humans can only re-incarnate as humans,now. Not anything else!!) Re-birth is when the PRESENT PERSONALITY goes back to the year of birth. And tries again. To sufficiently succeed in Life. Not material success as measured by the world, but by spiritual success - as measured by God.

(Another Jesus was The Political Reformer.)

I necessarily(how I received it) have to juggle with five or six subjects, and more, to put down some of what I want to tell you!!

Hence the jumble. But better I think than no thing at all!!!!

Ice ages last at least a thousand years. So will the next one. Due to start about a decade hence!!

Pentecostalism is the best of Christendom and Christianity. Where The Spirit falls afresh.

MAN wrote a book of books thousands of years ago. Partly by inspired men.(GOD speaks to all in their HEARTS and MINDS., rather than through books written by men, however inspired!!)

The Holy Bible.

Man is nearer to God in a GARDEN, than in many a church!!

I started gathering up great truths 74 years ago(Not 70).

First I found out what orthodoxy believes. Then what the truth is.

I proved and confirmed the truths of the important matters and issues of life.

I try to keep improving.

I made mistakes upon the way.

Only YOU can teach you. But I hope to HELP.

Democracy is becoming Anarchy. Because Liberty is becoming LICENCE!!!!

I believe God is raising up Islam,etc. To bring us(Of The West) to heel!! And try to save our souls!!!!

Men today are sacrificing soul to body. That is the route to Hell and Destruction!!!!

We are going to die anyway? The body dies, yes. But the soul goes on. What use surviving if you have ruined your soul??!! THINK about it!!!!

So many humans live expressing LOW emotions and low mind!!

Television,etc. of course expand that!! Continual maximal low indulgences. In the name of Realism, which it exaggerates out of all proportion!!!!

There are TWO BIG LIES:-

1. The Big Bang(Vide myself theoretically, and Eric Lerner, pragmatically in "There was no big bang"!!).

And 2. Jesus saves!!

We need to save OURSELVES. Our souls!! Jesus saved his! But ONLY his!!

Christianity is NOT a "Get out of jail free" card!!

CHRIST within will save us, IF we LIVE IT OUT sufficiently!!

We live by GRINDING upon one another, positively and negatively.

Mentally of personalities, rather than physically via bodies(sex).

How do I know all these things? I don't really know! They just come to me as grain ideas from spirits and I work them up!!

It is not from me as myself,so much; as from The Spirit within ABOVE.

I like to think I know some thing well enough.

For better or worse I give it out as best I can, and so far as I know, my view, of course.

Maybe Silence was best.

However, that was too hard for me.

One or two told me to give out.

But I want to give out ex God, rather ex my self!!(From The Higher, not the lower.)

I believe we all can and should help each other to advance.

Harmonize with the universe via my Astronomy, etc.

The more we harmonize with God,etc. The more God can reach us to guide!!

This article is more dead than the preceeding one, because I am adding on bits and pieces, as well as trying to give out some extras.

I used to be able to write good literature.

But have descended into a more conversational style - so to better reach The Man in The Street!! As the subject matter is hard enough as it is. And the world is so off course!!!!

It is a struggle to live. To live GOD out, anyway!!

I find many are expressing The Devil, more and more!!

Which MAY suit them!!

But I choose GOD. Even if oft-times I express The Devil. Insofar as I do. Perhaps in ordinary life!!

We are all potentially equal. But not MANIFESTLY so!!

We are trying (or should be!) to RETURN to God, and Twin Soul!!

We exited as divine sub and low-concious sparks.

Are trying(or should be) to RETURN as concious and super concious FLAMES!!!!

The Devil leads us astray directly and indirectly. Through men,etc. And straight into our minds.

I see so many people frantically trying to make MONEY.

But you cannot take it with you!! However helpful it may be down here(in the physical)!!

I could use more, I know!!

The thing to be amassing is God's SPIRIT!!!!


The way to Happiness,etc? Give it away to others, especially those in need!!

Proper happiness, that is. Not any phoney kinds!!!!

Try not to retaliate or avenge. God via The LORD(The spiritual LAW), WILL avenge you, if you have been unjustly treated!! But we are in this world now to grow through suffering!!

We need to do our best for ourselves of course. Strike the happy medium!!

Carry what we can ourselves. Turn to God for the rest!!

Don't sell your body to your soul!!

You will need it NEXT DOOR!!!!

Today's technology is fine! What would we do without it?!

However, it is coming largely from aliens. And the price paid for it by the secret government and hidden faces, is OUR SOULS!! Especially via alien abduction LICENCES!!!!

So DO wake up, fellow man!!

Life is a banquet provided by God. Partake as you will.

But FIRST be SURE you can bear what you take!!(To eat and drink.)

Like in a shop, we can perhaps steal by shop lifting!!

But that way, when we get caught, the cost becomes MORE than we can pay. So we then get punished to balance us up!!

Death and Hell are great LEVELLERS.

All is illusion and delusion. But there are LEVELS of these.

If you are on THAT level, you are wise to be relatively and comparatively true to SUCH!!!!

Every level has a higher overseer!!

The thing is to keep true to your self! Your INNER SELF. Which is your god within. Your access to The Great God, also WITHIN.

There is no god without!!

You, yourself, ARE THAT!!!!(But via THE CHRIST SPIRIT within, NOT of your lower egotistical EGO!!!!)



Vic Conway.







Monday, 29th May, 2,006.


What is it all about?

I am referring to life(living), and the universe.

I am giving you the fruits of a life-time's study!! I, with a very high I.Q. And good integrity.

I tried to work it all out. It took me a long life time to get even a rough sketch!!

Why is this world so bad and mad??

Does God exist?

Why is living on Earth so hard?

Did Jesus exist?!

Questions like this.

The EARTH is beautiful. But THE WORLD is horrific! I mean THE WAY of the world!!

The Earth is the physical material component or aspect.

The World is the mental-emotional component or aspect.

So if I say that the world is bad, do not misunderstand me! I mean that the worldly WAY is bad. The Earth itself is good.

Nature is good. But our nurture is sometimes not!! Too many parents regard their off spring as EXTENSIONS of their selves!! But parents and guardians are IN CHARGE of off spring, not owners!!!! Not even by blood, as mother's blood does not become baby's! And though mother carries the baby, Daddo had a hand in it,too!!!!

Time is of the essence, as they say. So I am trying to compress about five different articles here in. Into this one article!!

I observe that nearly all my readers are from The U.S. New York stands out.

I get a few from outside U.S.(I live in Australia) Canada, Britain, Australia, and sometimes Middle Eastern and European countries.

The general interest of THE VERY FEW interested in esoteric and odd subjects is, I find, in line with what I have studied.(I speak little on UFO's and aliens, and sex, drugs, dope(medicinal drugs)etc. - Because so much better dealt with qualitatively and quantitatively elsewhere!! This applies to Alien abductions, experiments and cattle mutilations, also crop circles. So I say very little about them. Because others speak amply about them!!)

Does God exist?! It depends upon what one means by GOD. How do you define God? God has so many aspects that it is impossible to do the subject full justice!! God as Supreme Being? However, it is not possible to point to one being superior to ALL the rest(all the other entities)! Simply because The Hierarchy of the gods, is INFINITE!! No end to how far up you can go in godly rank!!(Likewise downwards of demons and devils.)

God means superior being.(This is the most common definition.) There are MANY superior beings.

Men of long ago spoke of "the gods". They were speaking of spirits and aliens, for the most part. Spirits being humans who have passed on into The Spirit World. The wise high spirits in particular. Aliens are from other planets,etc. Also from both WITHIN and inside of The Earth. AND from within the ocean!!

Why do I distinguish between WITHIN and inside of??

Because they are two VERY different realms!!

WITHIN is EXTERIOR to The Earth's SURFACE! Inside of, is BELOW The Earth's surface!!

No. It is not absurd! Few are aware of the shape of The Earth! Once considered flat, endlessly. Then limited. Today we say that The Earth is round. Spherical. Which is ROUGHLY the APPARENT shape. The Earth is more pear shaped, with its bumps and lumps. But in general, round. 3d round.

The shape of The Earth, AND of all the heavenly bodies, and all bolides( SOME objects shot out of volcanoes.) , is spherical with a hollow interior, plus a lump in the centre. THAT is also the shape of The Earth, ETC!! More exactly, it is a DOUBLE REVERSE HELIX!! The shape of DNA and rna. The basic shape of ALL whole natural objects!! From super clusters of galaxies and universes, down to DNA and rna.(Spiral to plan view. Wedge shaped to side view.)

ALL natural whole entities. Regardless of size!!

Understanding "below surface" is easy. What is hard to grasp is THE GREAT WITHIN!! How can it be within, and at the same time, ON THE SURFACE??!!

The secret lies in the fact that GRAVITY points downwards ORTHOGONALLY(perpendicularly, 90 degrees) from ALL surface points!! Down, is not down from any given observer! It is perpendicularly downwards from ALL surface points!!(Down was once considered down ONLY from the observer.)(Were that so, the people,etc. on the opposite side of the globe would TRULY be walking upside down! But this is NOT so!!)

Actually the surface of The Earth APPEARS to be an endless flat!!(We know that because it is a sphere in GENERAL shape, that it is not endless, but limitless!! You see the distinction? A line or surface can be ENDLESS, yet be limited!!(You can proceed AROUND globes as many times as you like. Thus it is ENDLESS!! However the length of the line of a circumference, and The AREA of a globe's SURFACE, are both LIMITED!!!!)

The REAL shape of The Earth, and of all natural globes and bolides, is a challenge to the imagination!! Visualize a HOLLOW sphere. Not like an egg shell or ping pong ball, but having a SHELL of some appreciable thickness. In the case of The Earth, that is about 800 miles.(You can go down 400 miles. Beyond that you start coming UP again, the next 400 miles, INSIDE OF The Earth. THAT THERE is The Great WITHIN!!!!)(Words fail, you see! And visualizations are boggled!!)

Now visualize two great funnel tunnels at each pole, leading downwards vortexially!! PLUS a small PLASMIC sphere AT CENTRE of Earth!!

SO HARD to notice because GRAVITY always points downwards at 90 degrees, REGARDLESS of the shape of the surface!! So you could step over the edge of a precipice, and NOT KNOW it!! Feet would not know it!! Though eyes would be baffled!!!!

PLUS so hard to SEE, because cloud and haze usually obscure both polar caps!!

WHEN free of cloud and haze, a great BLACK circle is seen! But this is extremely rare. Yet, if you peer down from the polar RIMS(!!), you SOME TIMES see a small inner red sun!! About 50 miles, perhaps 25, in diameter!! LOOKING about the same size disk as the EXTERNAL SUN.

Absurd? Not at all!! It is SOLID natural globes that are stupid!

I give you two startling reasons for this: 1. A fluid spinning in space, WILL cool down and solidify in the shape of a double reverse HELIX. Or vortex!! Simply because of centrifugal force(Which sends all the molten material TO THE SIDES!!) Centripedal force, a much weaker force, will send A LITTLE material to the centre!! AND because the spin is 2d not 3d, you get a gigantic HOLE right through at each end!!

Note: In addition to these two 3d vortexial holes, there are about 16 FOUR DIMENSIONAL holes. The Bermuda Triangle and The Devil's Sea off Japan, are two examples!! So The Earth, ETC. is actually FOUR DIMENSIONAL, as well(or, TO BOOT!!)!!!!

I am telling you GREAT SECRETS. Which THE FEW, I hope, will be READY for, and APPRECIATE!!!!

We can now understand WHY The Earth was thought to be an ENDLESS FLAT!!

Going by your feet, you see, GRAVITY would ALWAYS be pointing STRAIGHT DOWN! And,so, it would be very hard to notice that YOUR EYES are telling a very different story? Savez??

Going by your eyes, you might question your own SANITY!! You would SEE the vortexial DOUBLE HELIX shape, plus the trimmings!!

2. TWO, independently of each other, one British, one French, I believe; CHECKED on the shape of The Earth by dropping two MILE LONG non-magnetic(TO RULE OUT ANY MAGNETIC IRON ETC. AFFECTING RESULTS!!)plumb lines straight down from the surface, about a mile apart!! The reasoning being that if
The Earth really was HOLLOW, then there would be more material above than below, as one went down!!(It being only A SHELL that one was penetrating!!)

Now, because The Earth is round, then the deeper you go, the smaller the CIRCUMFERENCE at that point!!(Visualize concentric circumferences, each one shorter than its predessor above!) And,thus, it can be worked out, per depth, how great a separation existed between the BOBS(at the ends of the plumb lines) was! Of course!! A mile apart on the surface. A certain amount LESS than a mile apart down below!!

The investigators EXPECTED(naturally!!) to find say a four and a half inch DECREASE in the distance between the two bobs!!

Imagine their astonished surprise when they found not a four and a half inch(or whatever it is) decrease, but a four and a half inch INCREASE - in the distance between the bobs!!(This caused one man to sign the pledge! And both organizations NOT to check again, believing they were insane!! Scared stiff!!!!)

Were we dealing with a SOLID sphere, then, YES, a small DECREASE would be expected from the smaller, shorter, circumference down below!!

WHAT does a small INCREASE tell us? That Earth's circs are getting longer as we descend?! That would be absurd!! Of course. So WHAT DOES the INCREASE tell us?!

The cause of the difference is GRAVITY, sideways, of course. Now, if The Earth actually is HOLLOW, then, as we descend, LESS material will be found BELOW US!! And so less of a pull upon the bobs!! Which, consequently, INCREASE the gap!!

The pull from above gets more. That gravity from below gets less!!

The BELOW gravity thus decreasingly exceeds the above gravity!

I mean in THE SIDEWAYS' aspect.(Were it the VERTICAL aspect, then there could be NO effect!!)

As we go down, the amount of matter to the sides is DECREASING, and so RELATIVELY to higher up, there is LESS pull between the bobs! This can only show up via reflecting a decreasing gap! And, so, the bobs COMPARATIVELY are further apart, EVEN to the extent of over-powering the decreasing circumferences!!

Oddly enough the INCREASE in the gap is EQUAL TO the decrease in the gap, WERE The Earth SOLID!!!!

This is because the proportion of sideways' gravity decreases DOUBLY and INVERSELY to the shorter circs in the SOLID EARTH case!!

The centre of gravity per Solid Earth is 400 miles below. The centre of gravity per HOLLOW Earth is 400 miles above The Earth's SURFACE!! - Were we to reverse the situation!!(And visualize a solid Earth UPWARDS. To account for the INCREASE in sideways gravity caused gaps between the plumb line bobs!!!!)

The engineers could not be expected to know all this in advance. So they understandably dropped tools and FLED!!!! One abstaining from DRINK henceforth!!!! That is so.

You understand, reader?? That PHYSICS requires a HOLLOW Earth.(Via Centrifuge and Centripede.)(And a TWO pole hole funnels structure at each end!!) And that in RETROSPECT, it is only LOGICAL that the plumb lines grow INCREASINGLY apart!! Even as much as they were originally EXPECTED to decrease in bob gap sizes!!!!

I will leave it there. It is hard to put into words. Even harder to visualize!!

Thus both Physics and Logic, far from being abrogated(!!) are, in fact, vindicated!!

So why do the vast majority of people FIRMLY BELIEVE that The Earth,etc.etcs. are SOLID. AND nearly all materialistic scientists ALSO believe in solid Earth,etc. THINKING hollow Earth - to be nuts!!!!

BECAUSE of their faith in the latter!! (There are about 500 indicators that The Earth is HOLLOW!!!!) (NOW we understand what the polar explorers told us. (The many strange anomalies.)They were not sick or mad. But faithfully recording the quite logical and physical explanations!!)(Their eyes spoke true, but their FEET lied!!)(Understand??)

MOST people NOW go by the dictates of Materialistic Science. NOT orthodox religion!! Thus explaining the APPARENT absurdities!!!!

In The Old Testament of The Holy Bible, it will be found a strange statement supporting HOLLOW Earth!!(I forget now exactly where. But I think it is near the beginning of Genesis.)

I had to digress to explain that oddity!

God is All. All Society. Including entities beyond The Earth.

God is The Infinite. God is thes spiritual aspect of The SUN. God is Universal Spirit. The Great White Spirit...

There is no Creator! Because though there are "creatures", there is no top or bottom creature!! Things have ALWAYS been. And will always be!! The creator is the observer. Who necessarily sees an ENDLESS reach!!!! Our views are necessarily not indefinitely limited, but DEFINITELY limited!! But view and actuality are two quite different things!!!!

Many people today think (God is not dead. Just not born YET in the minds of men!) that Chance Co-incidence rules. But were that so you would need an AWFUL lot of monkeys typing away to write the complete works of Shakespeare!!(They would need to type for "ever"!!)

What I am saying,is, that though the odds are great with a universe logically designed(Intelligent design.), they would be "infinitely" greater were chance co-incidence the rule!!

Who is right? Vatican or Da Vinci code??!!

We are hearing a lot about The Da Vinci code, from book and film. And HAVE down the centuries heard a lot about the divine Jesus. WHO is right?

Neither!! There were TWO Jesus'!! One died upon a cross, but MATERIALLY resurrected. The other came down, was revived, and married, bore children. Travelled to Britain via India and Egypt,etc.etc. Mary Magdelene, possibly.

There were FOUR Jesus'!!!! Now Jesus was, and is, a common name with Jews and Israel. (I personally know Jesus existed. Because he(his spirit) visited me when I cried out to him for help, when contemplating suicide, being so depressed!!)

We have these stories about Jesus: 1. He never existed. 2. He was the son of god.(Though he repeated told us he was the son of man!!)3. He was revived, married and had off-spring, and lived to old age. 4. He was homo. 5. He was The Teacher of Righteousness. 6. He was a political rabble rouser. 7. He was a zealot. 8. He was an Essene(A member of a secret occult sect.). Now which was he??!!

Via about TWELVE different Jesus', he was all of them!!!!

9. He was a god, the Divine Christ. This is The Vatican Jesus. A mythical figure!! Created by Ancient ROME!!!!

10. He was a pharoah!!!!

11. He was a Venusian!! From WITHIN Venus!!!!

12. Any advance??!!

They all existed. There was no non-existent one!!(Bar The Roman one, and the homo one.)

Let us get a few facts STRAIGHT!! God is god. Man is man!!!! NO MAN is GOD!!!!

Jesus spoke of his being the son of Man. He also spoke of The Son of GOD. His personality and body was Man. His INNER COMPONENT, was THE CHRIST spirit, AND The Great GOD becoming him!!!! THAT was The Son of GOD.

He was BOTH components. One within the other. Many have CHRIST spirit within them! But what made the divine Jesus so remarkable was THE DEGREE of CHRIST SPIRIT that was within the man!! Son of God was His Inner Component!!

Jesus died to save his own soul, not ours!!(He SAID: "Save yourselves!!")

He was a man. But Rome DEIFIED him!!!!

He was a CHAMPION, the best one, to date, among men. By so VERY FAR,TOO!!!!

He became a SUPER MAN. The first of many!!(IS Saint Germaine the new super man?)

Christianity is what the divine Jesus taught. As conveyed to us via The Apostle Thomas!(Peter taught Formalism. ChristenDOM.)(Paul taught Paulism, which is what the fundamentalists teach us, watered down,today!!)(Rome, now The Vatican, created the mythical monster Jesus.)(The Protestants created via numerous sects, Paulism. Fundamentalism.)

I believe that three of the gospels are a copy of the fourth. I think that fourth is Mathew's gospel.

Saint John The Divine was not the apostle John!!

Augustine and Constantine, deformed Christianity!! Via The Council of Nicea,etc. When they threw out Origen, along with the great truths of CHRISTIANITY(Re-incarnation, Unity,etc.)(What the divine Jesus taught!!(Note, not the mythical "divine" god monster created by Rome!!))

GREAT is confusion and mix up,etc. upon The Earth. And not just in respect of Jesus!!

Paganism had altar blood sacrifices. A disgusting business.

This was the source of Jesus(The homo Jesus did not exist either.) being sacrificed to The Devil in propitiation for the sins of all men. Upon The Cross, the blood and broken body sacrifice. - This is Paganism! A disgusting revolting MYTH!!!

Jesus does not save. Jesus guides. (i) Via his Bible words. (ii) via his Living Spirit. It is CHRIST spirit AND BEING that saves. WHEN accepted into one's heart and mind!!!!

Religion teachers how to get to Heaven.

Science teaches how The Heavens go!!

Both are necessary.

The wages of sin is death!! Not material death. (For ALL creatures survive death!!)Spiritual and soul DEATH!!!!

The way to Heaven(spiritual) and Paradise(material, albeit finer, after "death") is by GOOD DEEDS(which must outweigh the bad ones!!). Not SIMPLY by having CHRIST SPIRIT within(though that provides HEAVEN)(the entrance), but by following Jesus, and DOING GOOD!! More good than evil!!!!

There is NO cheap and easy route to Heaven!!

Nor even to Paradise(after death)!!

Note, Heaven and Paradise, Hell and Hades are PROPORTIONATE to the deeds!!(The Hell of Christendom does not exist! Except in THOUGHT FORM, which forms can become very real after death! So beware that you do not fear the religious Hell too much, 'lest it materialize around you!! And you be fooled!! By your own mind!!!!)

Intent(good and bad) is the road to where you go after death. In balance.

Deed,etc. is the road to KARMA!! Which is what gets doled out to one in FUTURE LIVES!!!!

Of course there is no life after death! - There is no death after life either!!(Work that one out!!) There is no life after death FOR THE ENTITY CONCERNED!! There is no death after life FOR ANY CREATURE!!

How the religieuse(falsely religious) round and condemn spiritualists,etc., quoting their much beloved "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.". Hypocritical HUMBUG!! Pagan themselves via blood sacrifices TO THE DEVIL, EVEN OF JESUS!! - They DARED to burn witches at the stake, and so many lovely ones(ladies and babies,too, and virgins(In Black Magic Dark Arts covens. A FAR worse lot!!))!! Out of envy of course!! AND they have it wrong, as spiritualists are not even spiritists, LET ALONE WITCHES. Besides you can have GOOD witches, as well as bad!!!!


As with Vietnam, The West lost the war in Iraq, after FIRST WINNING IT!!

Why would Bush and Blair, care? They can jump ship via their riches when all goes right down the drain!! As Russia said: If you attack Iraq, you will get bogged down. Winning the war, but losing the peace. Even more so with Iran!! Only one thing worse than letting Iran(and North Korea,ETC.) make the bomb,etc. And that is trying to stop them!! I THINK THAT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!!

World suicide for letting North Korea and Iran,etc. make THE BOMB,ETC!!!!

I think oil was an excuse!!

Avenge Democracy and spread Democracy(Another name for Licence and Anarchy!!)(Islam will save the world, by destroying it!!)(They will destroy The West, but Europa will destroy them. Led by Germany!!)(Via nuclear weapons.)

What is my authority for saying what I do? None of the worldly letters of merit kind!! Just STUDY, sense, common sense, sensibility and horse sense!!!! Plus experience.

YOU, dear reader, must be the judge. But final judgement must rest with GOD!!!!

What IS Truth? Truth is that which is in line with GOD!!(Truth is a spiritude and RAY. Like Love, Beauty,etc. are.)

What is the truth? That is what I am trying to give you!! The way it IS, of the great important facts and issues of life.

WHO can bear the FULL truth? No one!! It is so awful, terrible, wonderful and marvellous!! Aye!!

So great and unbelievable. Yet true!!

By the way, read and study my Astronomy and Cosmology, Astro-physics and Cosmogony!!!! There is, nor was, any Hubble Law Expansion!! There IS a 3d five inflations expansion (and contraction) in repeating pulsation oscillations!! ALL fields expand and contract repeatedly.

There was no big bang! It is idle "scientific" speculative rubbish!!

There is NO SUCH THING as Optical Doppler's Effect. Though I know that there is an auditory one!

Auditory is linear. Optical would be depth wise. But the spectroscopia are linear, not depth wise!!

I speak from 70 years hard study and thought.

The Cosmological Red Shift is the angle of view ACROSS(not around!) the circumference of the field concerned!! It is only a velocity for objects WITHIN that field! What we are looking at is The Cosmic HORIZON, not an expansion!! Might as well say that The Earth is expanding, simply because it has an horizon(surface curvature circumference!)!!(Objects within fields move, that is the point.)

Orthodox cosmologists denied and buried the two to one(velocities against magnitudes). Yet TWO different 2-1's exist!! One is in the spectroscopic device,itself; the other is due to the fact that VIA HUBBLE'S LAW(In ALL FIELDS have crs, cosmolgoical red shifts, not just the galactic,etc!!), MAKING us MEASURE, though not see, right around the universe or field concerned. Whilst magnitudes(apparent) are ACROSS the round field. This via not being able to go past half way using that method, we get "vels" appearing as TWICE mags!!!!

That was my greatest FIND. The biggest scientific find ever!!

My second biggest(now read closely!), is the FACT that The Earth will GEOGRAPHICALLY invert 8 or 9 years hence!! Yes.

Apart from Man versus Man, and animals against Man; our greatest disasters to come are 1. Global Warming. And 2. The rogue "Planet X"!!

These two have two quite different cyclic periods. 1. Is due almost solely to the ELECTRONIC component of THE SUN. Not man! Not even Surface Nature(Volcanic eruptions and forest fires)!!

The melting ice will cause a crustal displacement, which will LEAD TO an axial tilt, which develops into The Geographical(not just magnetic!!) INVERSION of The Earth!!!!

The rogue planet Nibirus or its alta(opposite) planet, passes very closely to The Earth(it could hit us!)(It is about the size of Jupiter!!),and almost destroy us via the huge gravitational TIDES!!

Its period is 3,600 years.

The solar cycle is about 26,000 years.


THIS time we not only have about the biggest solar cycle event yet, due in 8 or 9 years time, but Nibiru the rogue planet due in about four years time!!

Note there is Planet X, Planet Twelve, Nibiru, and Wormwood. All different objects!!

Planet X is The Tenth Planet out from the sun, of The Solar System. Newly discovered.

Planet X11 is the twelfth planet out from the sun.

Nibiru was a planet that once existed between Jupiter and Mars.(I expect Nibiru to be suitably sized as planets increase outwards up to Jupiter, and then drop down.)

Wormwood(ex Bible) is the planet opposite to Nibiru. So it may not be Nibiru but Wormwood that passes so close to us in about four year's time!!

Anyway, some big planet,now off its normal course, is due to get AWFULLY close to The Earth. Only a few years before The Earth inverts. And either disaster is capable of wiping us out!!

The Russians,etc. are TRACKING the rogue planet.(The West is in denial, via NASA. As they are about many a great truth!! Teaching only the opposities!!!!)(Nasa was first to discover it, some years back!!)

It is either Nibiru or Wormwood. Though Wormwood may be The Biblical name! Possibly TWO planets. Anyway, one will almost hit us. Perhaps HIT US!!!!

The so-called Comet of Nostradamus!!

It is huge. Somewhere between Mars sized, and Jupiter sized. Say half way between, expectancy!! Following the law of planetary size increase, coming out from the sun.(Nibiru had its surface blown off during a thermo-nuclear war between two desperate rival factions. The surface blew off becoming the(land lumps)asteroids, and its ocean became(in water masses) comets!!) The main body of the original planet shot across the orbit of Mars and GRAZED The Earth, producing our Moon.(The moon is a chunk of Earth COATED WITH some of Nibiru!!) Nibiru itself sped on in an eccentric orbit of 3,600 years. So LOOK OUT!!!!

Global warming is melting the ices! Global warming is caused ELECTRONICALLY by THE SUN!! NOT by Man!! In any case carbon dioxide is food for plants!! Not poison!!!! The alarmists are short sighted profiteers!!!! Who are presenting the false SUPERFICIAL picture, via distorted graphs,etc!!!!

Solar winds! Which also affect the brains of animals and humans, causing brain storms!! Accounting for much of the worsening of animal and human behaviour!!(Via disturbing the electro-magnetic field upon the surface of The Earth!! A secondary effect!!!!)

Every about 26,000 years, the sun, Sol, reaches a peak in its cycle, when energy flowing down the chains of the stellar,etc. spiral arms maximizes! This overflows via sun spots(magnetic vortices), down the planets. Of which Earth is one., of course!!

The precessions,etc. are caused by The Sun in its 26,000 year circuit of the spiral arm, stellar cluster, it is UPON!!

Global warming will accelerate and peak in 8 or 9 years. It will be followed by an ICE AGE!!!! (After The Earth inverts.)(Precipitated by the cooling Gulf Stream, and aided by about 12 cooling agents NOW at work!!(Not the least being the fact that we have entered a dustier more debris filled part of The Milky Way Galaxy!! This will cool things down a lot!!!!)

Global warming increases precipitation, some of which falls as SNOW,etc. Thus increasing the amount of ice in some parts. While much other ice melts, in other parts!!

Ice melt at the base of the ice provides the GOO lubricant, for the ice to slide down hill, aided by ferocious winds(both poles) down into the sea!!

What men do not understand, is, that solar winds are charging up The Earth's core., causing it to spin and gyrate acceleratingly!! It, much more than iron,etc. creates magnetism. This magnetism is pulling upon the iron,etc. in The Earth's crust!! The only thing stopping this pull from moving is 1. The Ice is acting as A BRAKE currently. And 2. The crust cannot move YET - because there is insufficient LUBRICANT for upper crust to slide over lower!! But when the goo beneath the ice obliges all of the ice to slide off; THEN, with brake gone, via melting and moving towards The Equator, the magnetic Earth's core, will INCREASINGLY, per harmonic progression, cause The Upper crust to move, ONCE enough lava is pushed up from below. And it WILL BE!!!!

Global warming is ex ocean, ex land, ex magma, ex solar winds(NOT the reverse!!)!! Which forces go to the anode and cathode of The Earth!! That is via magnetosphere and core!!!!

The sudden jolt as the asthenosphere slides over the lithosphere will cause an axial tilt. This will change the centre of gravity of The Earth, via its core(Hollow interior!!), moving way out from centre, AND spinning much faster, TO DRAG the top crust over the bottom one!!!!

Use your imaginations, physics and logic!!! NOT tradition!!!!

It is something that MUST occur. Various past records SHOW it has happened in the past, every 6,000 odd years!!

Now add all that lot up, and you have the WORST TIME ever, since the creation ON EARTH!!

Thousands of millions will die!! And many animals.

Would you like it spelt out IN BLOOD?? Well, that is COMING UP, fast!!!!

In the meantime, men will most cruelly and horribly kill men(and women, AND CHILDREN). Especially The Muslims will!!(Mohammed was a criminal. And The Koran teaches VIOLENCE!!) Soon the crafty wily Muslims will be all over The Earth. Sawing off heads slowly with dirty rusty knives!! Good Muslims. No!! All will become BAD. On pain of head removals!! Thanks to the idiotic Wahabee SECT!!!!)

Nostradamus said "The Great Islamic Uprising"!!!!

Enough to keep you going??

Get other big facts, and details, in earlier works of mine!!

The West is on the way out, faster and faster!! BY four or five years time!!

Political East taking its place!!!!

Islam will destroy West. Then Europa destroys Islam.

Next, dreadful confrontation between Asia and Europa. Israel in the middle.

Just as all is about to be destroyed, CHRIST arrives. Yes, The Second Coming.(Not the one on television recently!!!!) Stops them warring. And then conquers them both!!!!

And THEN GOD will take back over!!!!

Thanks be to Allah!!!!(Or is it Allah takes over. Thanks be to GOD!!!!)

The West has become too decadent!!

All U.S. presidents since Reagan, have taken The West deeper and deepere into the pit!!!!

The best of us may expect to be rescued by aliens!!!!

We are cattle to them!!

To eat us body AND SOUL at some future date. The Reptileans will do that. The humanoid and mutant slave aliens will gather up the cattle!!(Same as farmers take their cattle(the best of them) WITH THEM, when forced to flee some disaster!!)

Plants feed on soil nutrients,etc. Animals feed on plants. Humans feed on animals. Aliens feed on humans...

Be reasonable now!!

Wise humans shot off to The Pleaides and beyond, millions of years ago. SEEING what was coming, as humans sank more and more into depravity!!!!

Wise present humans may do so from The Spirit World!!

Death is birth. Birth was the death!!

We are super dreaming. But shall awaken to a super life. Not by death of body. But by death of EGO!!!!

You dig??!!

NOT Noticed??!!

- You guys!!!!

I need your support TO KEEP GOING.

Financial and moral!!

E mail me on <>.

If you want to donate - to save us all, then e mail me, so I can give you my banking details! You then pay in to my account your donation. I suggest a minimum of at least $20. To keep this site going!!!!

You don't have to!!

But if I go under, the whole world will follow!!

Because the true facts I spell out CAN SAVE IT, EVEN NOW!!!!

Which shall it be? You let me go under, and the site close, OR, you donate as much as you can, and we ALL survive!!

I leave it with you to chew on!!!!

Buddy, can you spare a dime!



Vic Conway.




Sunday, 7th May 2,006.


Concious dreams. Part two.

Read Concious dreams(part one)first.

The strange thing that arises after having concious dreams is: Are there three realities? Waking life, dreams and the spirit world! Are they all equally substantial?(Real).

The Physical World and The Spirit World are decidedly real. With dreams, it depends what kind you are referring to. What kind of sleep experience! If departures from the body into The Spirit World replica and The Spirit World Proper, then they are real. If auric and mental imagery,etc; then no!!

The truth of the matter is, that dreams(auric images), waking life and the spirit world are not equally real. Dreams, meaning auric imagery are flimsy. The physical world is real. The Spirit World is SUPER real!!

We don't have three equally real worlds. They differ greatly in their degrees of substantiality(reality). Dreams, least. Spirit World, most!!(Some of what we call dreams, are projections and excursions into The Spirit World. These are super real!!)

Dreams are 2d. The Physical World is 3d. The Spirit World is 4d.

I mean OF SPACE.(I do not mean by 4d, time. I mean a fourth dimension of space!!)(Hinton's fourth dimension. Not H.G. Wells'.)

That is hard to visualize, isn't it!

Well, The Spirit World(where we go at so called death)(which is where we came from at birth) is like that. It is what oobes are. Super real.

How would you explain the 3d world to a 2d creature? Well, that is the problem we of this 3d physical world have in trying to understand what The Spirit World is like!

In that world, the most amazing things happen. Coming from the fourth dimension of SPACE!!

There are worlds higher than The Spirit World. They are even more complex. But not as 5d, 6d, 7d, 8d,etc!! No. In super 4d ways!! Etc.

There are worlds below dreams. Visualization. Imagination. Memory. Ideas,etc. Thought forms. Thoughts.(In descending order of substantiality.)

In The Spirit World, we are able to create THOUGHT FORMS. Which may or may not be visible to others there. In dreams, too; we can create thought forms.

2d thought forms are easy. But we can also create 3d ones, which we call Fantasy. 4d ones are harder. Are surreal.

These thought forms often get mistaken for the real thing.

I hope readers understand dreams,etc. even better now!!



Vic Conway.



Saturday, 6th May, 2,006.


Concious dreams!!

These are more generally known as Lucid Dreams. But as lucid essentially means VIVID(bright and coloured), which need not be concious, I consider the appellation poor! Concious dreams can be controlled.

At least you CAN control what you do. Less easily controlled is the environment!!

What are dreams? Broadly speaking, dreams are experiences in sleep. More particularly, they are auric imagery viewed(as is usual) during sleep. The aura is an EGG shaped structure(of exceedingly fine matter) which encases the physical body. A 3d structure. So it is not just a shell!!

There is the oneiric aura, and there is the mental aura, which is an egg shaped structure concentrically outside of the oneiric egg.

Oobes are out of the body experiences. These are NOT dreams(not in the narrow sense of the word).

NDE's are Near death experiences, which is a particular kind of oobe.

These are NOT dreams, either!!

Basically, we have three realms, the physical world, the dream world, and the spirit world.(The spirit world is where all creatures, not just all humans, go, when they "die". Oobes are temporary exits, death is a permanent one!(What dies is the physical body. The energy double dissolves slowly afterwards. The spirit goes on. The spirit is YOU!! And lives in The Spirit World. PART OF the spirit world is a replica of the physical. The rest is a new realm altogether.))

Dreams are easily distinguishable from exits(projections and excursions(projections are exits to the replica of the physical, excursions are exits into the world beyond that replica). The first problem that confronts us when we "die" is to get out of the replica of the physical realm, and into The Spirit World PROPER!!

One can get trapped in The Replica for any length of time. Just pray, and seek The Light!!

Note that the brain and the mind are two different entities. The brain is inside of the mind. But the mind is not within the brain!!

Materialists of course will not agree.

However, since when has Materialistic Science held a monopoly of Truth, being, as it confessedly is, based upon speculation!! It is a SEARCH FOR truth, not the truth itself(necessarily). It is vital to keep in mind that there could be a huge GAP between the two!!

We naturally like to think that our speculations are correct, but not knowing it ALL(or do YOU think you do?), how can we possibly KNOW for sure??!! If we do not know for sure WHAT IS, how can we POSSIBLY know what is not?!(Which is necessary to KNOW, before we can dare proclaim WHAT CANNOT BE!!)

All scientific ideas are provisional. Let us not forget that!!

I am not quoting from Materialistic Science, but from Esoteric Lore accepted for thousands of years!(How long has so called science been digging? Only a few hundred years!!)

I am quoting my own findings BASED on the esoteric lore.(Which is NOT myth!!)

Which I have proved and confirmed via logic theorems and sound evidence.

Both The Physical World, and The Spirit World appear VERY real. The question arises: Which is the more real?!

Answer: The Spirit World!!

Real in the sense of substantial!!

So! As Confuscius noted: "Am I man who dreamed he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that it is a man?!".

And the answer is a butterfly(spirit)!! In this dream we call Life!!

So, if you do happen to have an out of the body adventure, do NOT assume that it is your own private world to do what you like with!! Those are REAL people in there. Spirits of the departed, ETC!!

It is something like a television programme. There are more than one! WHICH one is THE one? Of course, with television, they are all equal. But do I make my point?! I mean that there are different channels.

Man's television is 2d.(Dreams are 2d.) GOD'S television is 3d. Note that oobes and NDE's are 3d, like the physical world. Dreams are flat. The physical world is 3d. The Spirit World, comparably is 4d!! Am I getting somewhere??

In DREAMS(oneiric auric images) we ARE in our own private world. But the spirit world(oobes and nde's) MOST DECIDEDLY is not!!

Dreams are hallucinations DURING SLEEP!!

It depends upon which definition of dream you are using: 1. Auric imagery. Or, 2. Experiences in sleep!!(Which can be oobes!)

There are many channels, not just this physical one!!

Dreams are simply inside of our auras. The Spirit World is EXTERNAL to our physical body!! So there is a vast difference. When we awaken from a dream in sleep, we are making a step comparable to passing from the physical to The Spirit World!! Except that the latter is a much greater step! Truly, when we awaken after so-called death, we find that physical life was but a SUPER dream. And that we now(then) find ourselves in a greater reality, which presently we cannot even IMAGINE!!!! In a SUPER life and world!!!!

There you have it.

Many are confused re-garding that great key to everything, dreams. In dreams we are inside. In oobes we are OUTSIDE(of our physical body)!!!!

When we awaken from dreams, we take a small step UP.

When we awaken from Life, after so-called death, we take a much bigger and higher step UP!!!!

We can still dream in The Spirit World!!

But in Life we seldom enter it(The Spirit World). Some enter it now and again during sleep. And wrongly call these incredibly real experiences, - dreams!!!!

We live in a Greater NOW, where all past and future PRESENTLY exist!!

And however much it may seem to the contrary, GOD has not gone anywhere!!!!


Vic Conway.


Saturday, 6th May, 2,006.


Best Sex. Part two.

The reader will need to go back a little way and find "Best sex",(about a month or two, I think, maybe a little more) and read that first. In it, I advocate moths. But find them too feeble.

The trouble with flies is the danger of disease. So it is ESSENTIAL not to let them come in to contact with the uretha(entrance). Or you risk infection. And if you get your uretha blocked and/or your prostate gland infected, you will have problems!!(I should know!!) Inability to urinate is not exactly amusing!!!!

I think I have the solution. Get a condom, and put it on your erect penis, tightly and right down. With a marker pen trace out the connector. That is the piece of tissue joing urethal entrance to foreskin. The most sensitive part of the penis.

Draw the pen from the top of the connector, to the bottom. Maybe about an inch or so.

Take the condom off. Now with a scissors cut off(out) the thick black line! Put the condom back on. You should have JUST the connector exposed. NO portion of the uretha!! WHATEVER you do!! Catch a fly. Insert it alive into a bottle which will JUST accommodate the penis. Now insert your penis WITH THE CONDOM ON into the bottle. Have your favourite pornographic piece(video or whatever)(video played slowly perhaps!). Then leave the rest to nature!!

The fly, which is not stupid(likes nice feelings too), will be drawn to the connector, and walk up and down it. The feeling should be quite exciting!! Better than any vibrator!! The risk of infection is greatly reduced PROVIDED NO CUTS,ETC!! I should have said FIRST apply Paw Paw ointment over the slit of flesh exposed through where you cut out the thick black line. Let it first harden (the paw paw ointment I mean). Do this before insertion of penis into bottle. The hardened ointment providing a thin film of protection. Which should be too thick to spoil the pleasure!!(It may take a while to dry into a hard film.)

For extra protection, you could take an anti-biotic(advised) IN CASE of infection!

You should then be safe enough.

YOU must make the final decision! I absolve myself from ALL responsibility and accountability!! If you get infected, don't blame me. I have warned you of its possibility!! However, if you do exactly as I have said, the chances are greatly reduced!!!!

You could, and perhaps should, put some of the paw paw ointment over the top of the urethat,too. And let that solidify. Just a thin scale should form. JUST IN CASE the fly gets under the cut in the condom, and to the urethal entrance!!

You won't need to masturbate. Let the fly do the lot!!

You can have intercourse INSTEAD of inserting into a bottle! But take care not to hurt or kill the fly!!

Women can do it too.(In masturbation. Far superior to a vibrator!!) On the clitoris. Using a small cap(with the live fly inside). Just hold the cap in place. Use the paw paw gel. On the urethal entrance,too. Don't forget the anti-biotic.

I haven't worked out how they can keep the fly under the cap during intercourse! So I regret that for intercourse, they will have to forego the fly!!

Happy times!!



Vic Conway.