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Friday, 15th April,  2,005.



            I think Corby was unlucky.  That will teach her to guard her bag when travelling abroad!(If only she is allowed to live!!)  Poor soul. 

            She may of course be guilty! But I don't think that is likely!!

            Threatening to kill Indonesians in Perth embassy indicates the strength of concern and feeling for Corby in that particular set. But it will do her more harm than good.  She is IN Indonesia(Bali). She has to abide by THEIR laws.  The convict funked revealing the name of the person who planted the drugs(And who can blame him. Facing likely murder.)  The Indonesians wanted his name. Any excuse to get out of having to be so hard on Corby.(So bad after the help Australia has given(A thousand million Australian dollars or more!!)at The Tsunami,etc!!)(Though such help should not of course be conditional!!)

            I am afraid we can expect little softness from Indonesia!! Who are a harsh and superstitious lot. Primitives, really. But we are wise not to offend them!  Similarly as is our case now with RED China!!(And Russia. And possibly India.)(No longer may U.S. protect us. Thanks to very sick Bush junior, they cannot afford more wars!! Fools.  And Britain of course deserted Australia(and New Zealand) many decades back!!)

            I expect Indonesia to find Corby guilty, and sentence her to death  by firing squard. I suspect they fear and hate really nice people(like Corby is). So I expect the worst. They will make an example of her. The bag opener lied.  But they will believe him. They dare not risk clemency, to avoid a back lash!!  And Australia is sucking up to Indonesia(and China,etc.) in many ways now. For fear of offending them!! But wise of Howard,etc.  Who has gained Australia many advantages.(New Zealand led the way long back on the  path to sell out.)(It is expedient now to throw in our lot with Red China and Indonesia!!)

            It would have cost an outlay of $10,000 to make $10,000. I don't think that type of person, and a beautician, is into drug smuggling.(Nor do I think ANYBODY should be severely punished(especially by death, and so unpleasant a death) for DRUG smuggling. They are not heinous!! May even do some good.)

            It MAY be commuted to life imprisonment(In view of Australia's assistance with The Tsunami,etc.)(And perhaps some transfer deal may be established, to get her transferred to an Australia prison. At great cost.  She would still have to serve long in prison, of course. Unless someone speaks up. Which is unlikely.)

            Her mental distress must be horrific.

            Drugs are dangerous to weak people. But I don't think they should be a felony!! Only a misdemeanor.(A good source of income to police and military incidentally!!)

            Don't know what will happen. Anybody's guess.

            The case should create quite a stir!!

            She might attempt suicide.

            I am really sorry for her. As no doubt are many.

            We have to be very careful.  She may be guilty!!  (Though hardly likely.) How about lie detector tests?  And we dare not offend Indonesia!!

            She could well be a sacrifice(dead or alive(And life in an Indonesian prison may be the worse evil!!) on the altar of good relations between Australia and Indonesia.

            If she does die(and I am afraid she well might!!), some Indonesians may be murdered. This could start a dreadful clash between Indonesia and Australia.

            It is clinically interesting to observe what happens!!





Friday, 15th April,  2,005.


Why Big Bang is unsound.(As a one-off.)


            Logic prevails. Through the Omniverse.

            1.  Local big bangs may occur. But even they are not the rule. Things occur gently. Even if they proceed violently.

            2.  A one-off big bang is absurd. How could an explosion occur without a cause?

            3.  What preceded that? Nothing?  But Nothingness cannot be.

            4.  Nor can Nothingness change into Thingness!

            5.(Similarly with Endless ends.(An endless expansion.)

            6. Nor could any expansion speed up due to a pull force.(Gravity is a push force anyway.)

            (A speed- up occurs via increasing energy along the birth placenta from the white hole at centre.)

            7.  (The fact is cosmologists are speculating wildly. But they are far from the truth.(I have found it. It is linear growth along spiral arms.)

            (The world insists upon Materialism. Both with orthodox science, And with conventional religion!!  But Mind rules Matter. Plus a Dualism! (Where Matter rules mind via the brain. But only in part!!))

            8.  Similarly with The Survival of bodily death question.  (We  believe what we like. And reject what we don't like. Then kid ourselves that that is true!!)(Only a few seek Truth to any extent.)

            Materialists reject survival. And accuse believers of wishful thinking.  Claiming that the desire to survive bodily death is due to an unhealthy wish to live on past one's time(With Survival however, we become young again!)  The truth is that materialists are in denial.  They fear to survive, in case they have to pay for their sins!! They cannot bear this, so reject Survival. They get very angry(even hostile) with Believers(In Survival), and will attack them. Give them hell at least. So that few can endure that. But they are fooling their selves!! And must face up to Survival sooner or later!!!!

           One group wishes to survive. Another group wishes not to!!  Only a few have found the truth. We survive, and become young again.(We live for ever. And have already done so!!)

            Materialists are good only at sophistry. And they fool many.

            This has to be for the sake of those who cannot bear the thought of living on! But it shall not always be unbearable.






Wednesday, 23rd March,  2,005.


Urine therapy.


            One's own is best. Will cure or prevent almost anything, including wounds. To some extent, I think, it makes you younger too. It certainly gives longevity to most, as a rule.  It can add twenty years to your life!! And keep you healthy.

            Apply it internally and externally. Drink about a cup ful a day. 3.30 a.m. lot best. Keep it for day. In three goes.

            You can bath in it, shower in it. Use on skin, up nostrils, in ears, in eyes, under tongue. Gargle with it.  A few negative side effects at first, until your system adjusts to it. Don't let those put you off!!

            Not my idea. Been around about 5,000 years. Used in Ancient Egypt. Kept secret because medical drugs that utilize urea pull in more money! Also because so nauseating!! Not exactly popular. Many people wrongly think it is waste and poisonous. It is not, but highly beneficial. Reason is that it contains so many good agents that body did not need AT THE TIME.  Anti-viral. Anti-bacterial. And anti-fungus. It sort of vaccinates you. Homeopathic.

            Punch in "Urine Therapy" on Internet, and you will get heaps of information from various sources.

            The amount of waste in urine is so small that it does not do harm. On the contrary, a small amount of waste stimulates the immune system.

            Urea is good for you.

            It is not waste but blood filtration!

            Mentioned twice in Bible. Drink waters out of your own system. Animals drink their own.  One man mentioned who drank his own urine.(Dung IS waste. So do not eat!!) Drinking one's own urine is repulsive at first. You have to force yourself.  You should sip it.

            Bill Thomas.



Thursday, 3rd March,  2,005.


How to tell if you are dreaming,etc.


     It is not possible to tell if you are dreaming or awake readily. Certain tests can determine.

            When we are dreaming, we think that we are awake. And when we are awake we think that we are awake!!(Some(many) who are dead, and in The Spirit World think that they are awake and inTHIS world,too!!)

            1. Do you wear a wristlet watch? If you do, chances are you will wear one in dreams,too. (Looking similar but not the same!!)  Take a look.  Now try to read the time. If you are dreaming, the second hand has blurred and vanished. Indicating that you are dreaming. Any time piece with a second hand will do. The minute hand may give problems,too.(Up to about over a five minute span.)(This is due to time not being so focussed in The Spirit World.(Dreams are very slightly in The Spirit World, via the aura!!))

            2.  Find some print. Try to read it. Read a paragraph or part of a paragraph. Then go back and read it again.  It will have changed. And it keeps changing.  The print will be in a state of slow flux.(It will read the same for a few moments. But that is all!!)

            You can only make these tests,really, if you are CONCIOUS(not sub-concious, as one normally is in dreams).(Concious dreams are rare, but they do occur.)(Check now - to see if you are awake or dreaming!!)(I once stayed concious in a dream for about forty minutes!(Going by my dream watch and sense of duration.)(Usually it means you are waking up. But not always!!)

            3.  Look at your hands, preferably the palms(a part you know well). They will look different, even peculiar.

            4.  Look at yourself in a mirror. You will look different, even peculiar. But usually young, or in the prime of physical life.

            5.  Hold your arms up as if in water and treading it. You will float off the ground!(If you are dreaming.)(Don't do anything foolish - like jump off a cliff, or out of a window. JUST IN CASE YOU ARE AWAKE!!)(Though some times the feeling that you will float in the air is so strong that you will, regardless of the normal fear!!)

            6.  You will find that people are looking at you more in dreams.

            (I have found these odd facts to be true.)

            7.  Grotesque sights.

            8.  Seeing wild animals walking around. Also strange creatures.

            9.  Try to draw. Your sketch will keep changing.

            10. Try (on paper) multiplying two two figure numbers together.  Check the result.   You will have a job because the figures will be constantly changing.

             Any of these things indicate that you are dreaming.

             11. Look at well known features.(Like the pattern on a curtain.) They will look similar, but not the same!!

            12.  Curious anomalies may be seen.

            13.  And strange colours.

            14.  The atmosphere will feel more bouyant.

            15.  Studying detail oddly does not indicate much, if anything.  I once studied a grimy brickwork in a wall lit by florescent street lighting at night.  I could detect NO THING unusual!!  It just looked marvellously normal!!

            (Dreams are supposed to be abnormal. I have not found this always the case. But just as in waking life!! Often they are quite natural and normal. As if awake. People act normally.  You try to steal an article in a shop, and find out the hard way!!)(It may be a private world, but it seems to be SHARED by others!!)

            I have found that meat looks redder than normal.

            KNOWN details differ peculiarly. But unknown ones look normal enough.


            Incidentally pinching yourself(the well known dream check) - does not work!! It will fee just like as if you are awake.  You won't normally wake up. Though the dream scene may change.  This often happens. Especially when your mind is diverted. As it is when pinching yourself.

            People act much as they normally do. So converse sensibly with them, or they will look at you askance!!

            I found things more accentuated though. Sharper. And more vivid.  But there are dreams AND DREAMS.  Some are flimsy and vague.  Others bright and clear.

            Treat things with the respect you normally do. Or you may be in for a rude shock!!(You may be tempted to be fresh with the opposite gender,etc.  Or play with wasps!! DON'T.  As they will treat you as they do IN THE PHYSICAL!!!!)(Dreams seem to be(often) a reflection of The Spirit World.)(Some dreams are caused(many) by passing spirits.)


            How to know if you are projected.(That is outside of your body, but in The Spiritistic World(That is a replica world of this physical world.  As distinct from The Spirit World, which is Earth like, but not the same.(Dreams are very similar. As are projections.)

            In projections, in The Spiritistic World, you need to go about things quite differently.  IT IS NOT A DREAM!!!!

            Find a mirror, and stand sideways on. Now look at your image.  Do you have a hump on your back?  If you have, it means that you are projected. But only TEMPORARILY.(Permanent projection is death.)(In THAT case, NO hump will appear(The hump is the silver cord and its base.))(Joining your spirit vehicle to your physical body.)(The image you see in the mirror is your spirit body.(Your physical body(or,rather, its original(a replica))(It is the the replica that is the original! The physical IS the counterfeit!!))

           Spirits look STRANGE.

           Strangely different in MANNER to their normal physical behaviour.


           Anomalies, like different colours, will appear as in dreams.

            The air is blueish. (In The Spirit World PER SE:  There is no sun. There are no shadows.) The sky is grey(at dawn or dusk anyway).  The stars are small discs, and coloured distinctly!!

            Electric flashes are common.

            And there is static.

            (This is due to the amount of electro-magnetism present in The Spirit World.)

            You may only be partly out of your body. Like sitting up out of it for example.

            Thought forms may occur. Like iron bars down your window(when they are not physically present!!).

            Thought forms look real, but are more flimsy than the ordinary objects.

            The Spirit World ITSELF is beautiful and lovely. Glorious and glamorous.(In the upper reaches.  The lower planes are the reverse of this!!)


            You will find things exaggerated and distorted in dreams. Not so in the spiritistic and spirit worlds.



            You can usually put your hand(or any part of your body or anything) through or into a wall,etc.(Permeation)

            Dreams are experiences in sleep. BUT NOT ALL EXPERIENCES IN SLEEP ARE DREAMS!!(Meaning that some are spiritistic adventures. Or even spirit ones!!)(And there are different kinds of dreams,too.)

           Once you know that you are dreaming, you can be freer and enjoy your own private world.  But like I say it often behaves as if it was the normal physical!!

           In day dreams we can do what we like.(And get away with it as a rule.) In dreams we can do what we like but not usually get away with it!!  As in Life.  In The Spirit World, we need to be very careful. Especially on the lower planes!!!!



            W.F.Thomas.(Victor Conway is a pseudo-nym.)








Tuesday, 1st March,  2,005.


Still further again on Life after death.


                 The hardest question going. And the most important.

            The best answer is Silence.  Finding that too hard, I do the next best thing, and say what I think!!

            I like to go the way of Logic. The Evidence side has been well dealt with. I refer to Psychic Research.  Although any individual case may no doubt succomb to criticism, the whole in total is rather impressive.  However, I don't regard it as conclusive enough.

            I have left my body about eight times, whilst remaining in this world. Ennumerable times visiting The Spirit World. Perhaps I should say CONCIOUSLY.(In The Spirit World one is Super-concious. Which, though superior to mere ordinary conciousness is too high to be of value!!)

            No thing is Certain. So I go for Probability. To my logic, anyway.

            Am I an authority on the subject?  Not that the world would recognize.(Much the re verse!!)  I can only say that (at my best) my I.Q. rated just above Einstein's.  And I have devoted a long life time to this most difficult of important questions!!!!

            However, all this is only my opinion, OF COURSE.

            For the record, however, I say these things. Probably I like to talk - too much!!

            It is so easy to rate our own view as one of the best, if not THE best.

            Still, as good as any other's, I hope. So here goes(for the umpteenth time):-

            An analogy is worth a lot.

            I claim to know the answer(well enough).

            But what is the question?!

            Is there life after death?  Try again!!  (Not specific.)  Does the personality survive the death of the body?  TRY AGAIN!!!!   Does the Higher Self survive the death of the lower?? Body and personality.


           I claim that there is no life after death(the technical answer) BECAUSE there is no death after life!!

           Which, of course, is too subtle.

           There is no life after death for THE BODY. That is about as sure as anything is!!(Barring zombies, of course!!)

            Most corpses are well confined!!  Many have been found to have moved.  Either from premature burial.  Or zombie-ism!!!! Though of course we cannot rule out earthquakes, later disinterment, electro-magnetism, and pure magic!!!!

            By and large, THE BODY, does not live again. Not as the original individual. Only IN PART, as another life form, from the primeval mix of molecules!!

            The mind does not survive either. Imagination, OR perephereal brain!!

            What about The Personality?? Low and/or high.

            Aside from the fact that it is impossible to be aware of nothing. OR to come from, OR GO TO nothing, I continue:-

            I submit that conciousness CANNOT be aware of NO THING. Therefore it must always be aware of SOMETHING OR OTHER!!!!

            Any one's conciousness.

            I submit that the lower personality gets absorbed INTO the higher personality, to be emitted by the higher as and when it chooses. The higher personality is different again(Though I say that conciousness is even more YOU, the higher it is!!)( Otherwise I-ness doesn't make sense!!).

           If, then, the lower personality BE PART OF the higher personality, then it still exists none the less for being PART!!

           I am trying to reason my way to the best answer.

           Which I hold is the most coherent theory that is compatible with the correctly interpreted evidence.

            Am I fudging?  It is easy of course to cry bull-dung!!

            Words have meanings  - via their power. Or vice-versa.

            I think you may find the analogy much simpler:-

            Let us suppose that you and I are DREAMING.(Which we could be!!)  Dream sharing. Or at least(in case you don't believe in dream sharing), I am an image in your dream. But one that is conversing with you!!

            You say to me: "Is there life after death?".  I give you the theory answer I have just stated.  You say Bull-dung!!  So I suggest to you that we may be DREAMING. Whether a shared dream or I as a mere conversing image in a dream of yours!!  The idea is to make you THINK!!!!

            I suggest to you that we are dreaming.(We could be!!)  But I MEAN not in the ordinary sense, but SUPER DREAMING.  Meaning that this life is but a dream in some still higher scheme!!

            At that moment, a sniper comes along, and just for kicks, he picks me off. AND THEN YOU. Both our dream bodies drop down dead.  IS THAT THE END OF US??!!

            We wake up(of course), in our beds.(Let us suppose that we are sharing a room. As luck would have it, we each remember that shared dream. We look at each other.   Well, I snap, DID you survive? We were both shot dead in that dream.  DID OUR PERSONALITIES SURVIVE??!!

            You laugh.  Of course we did. We were dreaming. By co-incidence(phew!!) each of us a conversing image in the other's dream!!

            Ah, but you miss the point!  Our dream BODIES are dead.(Shall we hope they get decent burials??)  What happened to our dream SELVES??

            The concious selves now discussing the matter ARE NOT the dream selves!!(So what happened to them??)

            The DREAM selves are WITHIN our Waking Selves. Right?? Mentally within.

            When we fall asleep, say tonight, our dream selves(along with our dream BODIES) will RESURRECT. Thus living again!!

            It is an ANALOGUE.  An Analogy!!

            I am suggesting of course that in PARALLEL fashion, after we "die", our Higher Selves will SUPER AWAKEN in The Spirit World. And THEN at some point, we will mentally tire, and LOSE our super conciousnesses, to BECOME, via the ORDINARY CONCIOUS SELF exiting for a while to live in an ordinary waking state. Albeit in The Spirit World!!

            Later, to return Home, to The Super Life!!  Did you get that??


            I am saying IT IS POSSIBLE.  In fact I say PROBABLE.  Because for there to be no thing beyond ordinary conciousness and its world is to create an impossible vacuum.    Inasmuch as that vacuums are ORDINARILY impossible!!

            We awaken after dreams in SLEEP(our dream bodies died(what else??)) to become conciously awake in a higher world.

            We COME TO after day dreaming in a REVERIE, to become conciously awake in a world two removes above.  OR, (one remove above) awaken into a DREAM, from which we day-dreamed!!

            AND WE AWAKEN after SO CALLED death in this life to a Super Life, Super conciouse.  In The Spirit World. 

            Quite different, albeit MORE US, than ordinary waking conciousness in Life!!

            To RESURRECT, at some point, probably,  our lower self, in some super reverie, in a new session of Life!!!!(I mean apart from Re-incarnation!!)


            You follow me??

            Ah, you may say, but when body dies, brain rots too.  And NO ENTITY can survive!!

            With due respects, HOW DO YOU KNOW that?!

            How do you know that Nature is not fanciful and fantastic(as many call it), and that Reality IS supernatural and supernormal??!!

            Perhaps The Universe IS complex. Simply complex in details.  Albeit Complexedly Simple in Principle!!

            Has orthodox so called Science BLINDED YOU to the possibility?  Brain-washed and conditioned by THE WORLD.

            A chieftain on his island DOES NOT KNOW that there are not other islands.  So in his PRESUMED sightedness he proclaims that bigger islands JUST DO NOT EXIST to visit!!  What arrogance!!!!

            Maybe multi-dimensionalism and even GROUP DIMENSIONALISM does exist.  DO YOU KNOW THAT IT DOES NOT??!!

            You see my point? Do you see??  Mentally, I mean!! OR CAN YOU ONLY SEE PHYSICALLY? And not too well at that!!!!


            Nature is re-nowned for PARALLELS.


            And humans for short-sightedness!!!!

            You see, MIND is Higher Matter!!(Though mind is mere imagination.)

             There is lower mind, and HIGHER MIND.

             Still, one thing is evident. I WANT TO SURVIVE!!!!

             Will you spoil it now, and insist you DO NOT want to survive??

             Why else would you cleave to absurdities??!!

             Bah, your eyes are not just closed. THEY ARE NOT THERE!!!!   YOU put them out, in order not to see anything that might offend your wish NOT to survive.(In order to escape your sins!!)  You did it when quite young!!  Remember??!!

             (Nor can any body prove NEGATIVES.(You cannot PROVE non-survival!!)(Unless of course you make out to be God AND KNOW IT ALL.  Therefore then knowing WHAT IS NOT. Which you CLAIM!!!!)(Else you could not argue as you do!!)


            Please note that with ordinary dreams, we descend to a lower(auric)world 5d encasing our physical bodies.  But when we get born(at death) into The Spirit World, we GO UP to a higher realm.  Death is not a falling asleep, IT IS AN AWAKENING.  This NOW is the dream!! Albeit a super dream!  (It could of course(briefly) be an ordinary dream.  The point is you could escape the fact that you are dreaming.  HOW MUCH MORE THE FACT THAT WE ARE SUPER DREAMING!!!!)("Death" is not a falling asleep. It is a WAKING UP!!!!)

           Birth was our death!!

           Nor need it(nor does it!!) end with our awakening into a higher life in a higher world, but that WHEN THERE,  we eventually find a still higher world to enter. And so on ad infinitum!! As has already been the case!!

          THUS, we(the rider of the horse(body)) keep ahead of our horses(which also(via (if necessary) re-incarnations), climb ever higher!! And this FOR EVER.  As we have ALREADY DONE in our infinite Past!!!!

          Did we not do this, our horses would catch up, and we AS THE HORSE, would perish. But that does not happen!!


            When we are dreaming, we think we are awake. And when we are awake we think we are awake. We can know that we are dreaming.  But we cannot know that we are awake!!

           To know you are dreaming(if in doubt), try to read print.  It keeps changing!!

           After awakening from a dream, where is the dream self? Are you bothered??

           So if a parallel thing happens after death, why will it bother you if your current concious waking self has become part of the higher self you then find yourself to be?? It is also more YOU than your waking self. So why be bothered??












Wednesday, 16th February,  2,005.



Additional notes for my own benefit.(To A724 and sequel A725.)


            (People are like ice-bergs. Only one ninth is visible!!)

            Mind(not imagination!!) is Super Matter!!!!

            (Each creature is an experiment of God.)

            Belief determines the truth! We believe what we wish to believe!!  Which then becomes the truth to us.  At least until The Higher Self over-rules the lower!!

            When Pilate asked Jesus What is Truth, Jesus was silent.

            There is no truth but your own view. Though one view is higher than another. The thing is to get the highest view. We can modify from there.

            Corpses are but  SHELLS. Ask any corpse!!

            Brain is telephone exchange, NOT GOVERNOR!!!!

            There is Death, The Incident; and Death, The State. Do not mix up!!

            After Death, The Incident; the body ends finally.

            AFTER DEATH, THE STATE, The Psyche gets absorbed into The Higher Self. The higher mind goes with it.  The lower mind dies.

            Russian dolls have dolls within dolls. Vehicles within vehicles!!

            Chinese boxes, are connected. They contain selves within selves.

            Beauty is The Father of Truth.

            By wrestling with the great question, many insights fell out!!

            Wrestle with The Lord. THE GREAT SPIRITUAL LAW. But don't defy it. Then you will learn!!

            We don't believe the truth.(That is too hard for us!)  We create truth by believing our wish!!!!








Tuesday, 15th February,  2,005.


Sequel to Survival question, A724.


            I have more to say.

            Decided to do a sequel.

            I can see the answer well enough, now.

            After a life time of hard study.

            No entity can survive its OWN death!!

            There are LEVELS of meaning.

             Consider: Bottom level: Who is bothered(whether we survive or not)??  Level 1.

            Then we have the shallow superficial view born of guilt: Level two.  Death is the end.(Final)  After death there is no thing!!!!

            Truth is not a determinate thing!! Truth is RELATIVE to the beholder. All levels below that go by what the viewer WANTS!!!!

            In practice the higher self over-rules the lower self's wish NOT to survive, and sooner or later, one awakens at a higher level of Life.

           There is no such thing as death!  Only different levels of LIFE. Thank you.


            Level three is The Russian Dolls andThe Chinese Boxes,etc. level.  Where the lower self gets telescoped into the higher at what we call death, WHICH IS ACTUALLY A BIRTH!!!!(Russian Dolls contain lesser dolls within them. In reference to the body vehicle USED BY the THE BEING(concerned and relevant). Chinese Boxes are THE SELVES.  Boxes and dolls are linked respectively.)


            The common worldly view is that the body IS the soul.

            However, this is not so. We are entities WITHIN(five dimensionally!!)(It is a universe which is simply complex in details, though COMPLEXEDLY simple IN PRINCIPLE!!) vehicles. Our bodies.  We are not our bodies. But the ignorant IDENTIFY their psyches with their bodies. And we ARE what we identify ourselves with.  AT LEAST UNTIL THE HIGHER SELF OVER-RULES. Which takes time.

           When a materialist dies, the rule is that he SLEEPS in his astral vehicle(the physical body having died), UNTIL his weak higher self BREAKS the spell imposed by his strong lower self. Then he wakes up.  Though usually(because The Spirit World LOOKS so much like the physical world(but functions very differently)) the(physicality is a relative thing)(Even The Spirit World IS PHYSICAL to the self WHEN THERE. Rather like a radio station or television channel. We SEE the vibration we are attuned to AT THE TIME!!!!) the observer gets fooled into thinking he is still in the CURRENT physical world!!

           The fact is WE DO NOT DIE. Though the body does!!  No thing dies!! And even the body resurrects EVENTUALLY.  (I am not referring to re-incarnation!!  I MEAN that IN The Spirit World, WHEN the higher self, the super ego, wants a REST, IT RESURRECTS the lower self, the ego, by lowering out THAT chinese box. ALONG WITH the physical vehicle that is linked to it!! (It lowers out the appropriate Russian doll!!) DO YOU FOLLOW??

            It is very important. The whole issue is so complex!!

            The lower self's wishes get denied(as a rule). Whether it wants to survive or not survive!!

            All wishes of the lower self get denied. UNTIL we relax our wish sufficiently for the higher self to over-rule!!!!  The more you chase something, the MORE it will be denied you!! No matter what it is!!!! It is when you STOP chasing your wish, and pursue HIGHER SELF'S wish(though not by lower self!!), that God(the gods) has A CHANCE to give it to you!!!! (We are our own worst enemies. Kicking up so much dust!!)

            Fortunately the same applies to our fears!! They too get denied. Until we STOP  FEARING whatever it is that we are so afraid of!! ALL attractions and repulsions are under this SPIRITUAL LAW!!!!

            No matter what world we are in.


            We have rider and horse. The rider is THE ENTITY or PSYCHE WITHIN(Note: Not 3d within!!).  The horse is the vehicle. Currently THIS physical vehicle so many THINK is US!!!!


            The previous rider becomes the next horse AT THE HIGHER LEVEL!! (When the time comes.)

            Let me explain: We have four selves. (Our conciousness is an off-shoot of God's conciousness. The gods' conciousness.)  There is the lower concious self. Next up is the sub-concious self. Then comes our normally current ordinary conciousness. The waking self!!(We know so well. OR THINK WE DO!!!!) At the top is The Higher Self. Our personal god within.(The spiritual solar logos is our IMPERSONAL god. The spiritual body of the sun. Which is actually only AN ELEMENTAL(despite its size compared to our bodies!!).  Our true immediate rulers are what we know as Jehova and Jesus CHRIST.(Or Christ Jesus). Personal gods.  The impersonal elemental gods are bigger quantitatively. But way down QUALITATIVELY.  Whereas Jehova and Jesus  are far superior.  This is hard to grasp!!(THEY live in The Spirit World.)

            Jesus is our popular guide. Even higher exist. But his way is suited to The Man in The Street.

            Similarly at a higher level WITH JEHOVA.


           There are many Jehova, MANAGERS.  Above them are the owners, THE ELOHIM(ALIENS)(Who early men called GODS.), who begat us.(Genetically, by joining their bodies with those of THEIR animals. Producing a hybrid.  This occurs in many parts of the universe.)

           In about nine years time our owners will visit us. TO SEE HOW WE ARE GETTING ALONG!!(Unfortunately so badly THAT WE HAVE TO BE DESTROYED  
YET AGAIN!!!!)(We have been destroyed many times before.(Jehova seems to have made a mistake!!  Or rather The Elohim who own us. The Jehova(plural) are only THE MANAGERS.))

            "Let US make Man in our image!!" (Plural!!!!)


            Digression over.  Back to the four selves!!


            Selves dwell in bodies.(5d wise!!) And each self has its level of conciousness. Plus its higher self.


            WE ARE NOT JUST BODIES!!!!

            Let us begin with the dream self. It has a body. The dream body. WITHIN is the sub-concious self. With its own mind and memory!!(Which is WHY we forget dreams so easily!! USUALLY.)(Unless we become concious so fast, that our concious mind can get a glimpse of the dream mind BEFORE ITS DOOR CLOSES!!!!)

            When the concious waking self wants a rest, we sleep and dream.

            We dream periodically. NOT CONTINUOUSLY.

            The dream world is IN OUR AURAS. These are five dimensional fields which permeate the physical!! Dream imagery is within that, with ONE CENTRAL dream body image. All is related to THAT.(During the dream.)

            There is a self below this. Our DAY DREAM self. Created by our concious self(or even by the dream self!!)(I have become concious in a dream, and deliberately day dreamed, thus living at three levels simultaneously: Concious, Sub-concious and low concious!!!(The INHERENT conciousness of the day dream self PER SE!!!!))  Along with our day dream body. Conciousness is low, but our concious mind CONTROLS IT!!!!

            Each world is real to the self concerned!!

            Normally when we are dreaming, WE THINK WE ARE AWAKE!!

            The exception is the day dream self. We know(because conciously controlled usually) it is an off-shoot.

            When we awaken from some dream, the dream body AND THE DREAM SELF, vanish. THEY DIE!!!!  PERMANENTLY.(You may argue with that and say it is not permanent, because next night, we dream again, AND OUR DREAM SELF AND DREAM BODY GET RE-CREATED!!  RESURRECTED!!!!)(Which is PRECISELY what happens to our new horse(the former rider!!), WHEN IT DIES(I am referring to our current concious self, AND ITS BODY!!!!)!! As all must sooner or later!!!!)

           If you argue that the dream self(and its body) DO NOT die permanently(Because they RESURRECT next night!!), THEN WHY ARGUE THAT our current self and body DO DIE PERMANENTLY!!(Because they too RESURRECT once the higher self(new rider) wishes it!!!!)  We either die permanently, BUT RESURRECT.  Or, we only die TEMPORARILY.  You cannot have one law for the dream pair, and a different one for our current concious ego self, and our current physical body pair!!!!

          Because each former rider, BECOMES THE NEXT HORSE.  Clearly there is A LAW running right through the lot!!

          I agree with you, our end is only temporary! Whichever horse we are quitting!!

          Or, if you don't like that, we can say that WE RESURRECT after PERMANENTLY dying,   later on!!!! Usually. As a rule.(It depends upon WHAT CONTEXT you are within!!)

          If this applies to the dream pair, WHY NOT TO OUR CURRENT PHYSICAL PAIR(of concious ego self and our current physical body)??!!



            The materialists, who are so guilty of wrong doing, desire the un-natural reverse(THEY DO NOT  WANT TO LIVE AFTER DEATH!!!!) (BUT It is NATURAL to want to live again!!). Which is PERMANENT END. But they are VITIATE TWISTED to try to avoid HELL!!!!(Which deep down they know they qualify for!!).  Do you follow??(However, it is fortunate that THE TRUTH ignores our wishes, AND OUR FEARS!!!!)


                        DO YOU SEE??!!


            OR, are you SO BRAINWASHED AND CONDITIONED by Materialism(plus guilt) THAT YOU ARE BLINDED??!!


            Religion once supported survival(It does not now, having become materialistic like our current so called science!!!!). 

            Those nearest the truth ARE THE SPIRITUALISTS!!!!


            However, I am not concerned with THE OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE here.  But with THE THEORY.

            I have a COHERENT THEORY. Supported by CONSISTENT EVIDENCE!!!!


            The highest level of all is: WHO CARES.  Which is a healthy attitude.  Rather than be obsessed all the time with whether we survive or not!!!!


            WE SURVIVE WHETHER WE WISH TO OR NOT. We have NO CHOICE  in the matter!!!!  OF COURSE.


            So it is not that we come to a final end WHETHER WE WANT TO OR NOT!!  But that we LIVE AGAIN - REGARDLESS OF OUR PERSONAL WISHES. Or those of others!!!!


            Mankind has gone SO WRONG OFF TRACK, that he actually is CONVINCED of THE VERY REVERSE of the truth!!!! In ALL important and serious matters!!!!  This is because Man is so unevolved. - That The Devil cheats him!!!!


             Notice how the guilty materialists(who are trying to reduce surface appearance(physical body) to REALITY), REJECT OUT OF HAND, THE VERY CORNER STONE OF THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER!!!!  Because they REJECT THE COMPLEX TRUTH, dubbing it "Fancy" and "Fantasy",  THUS disparaging it so that they can CAST IT OUT.   And would from the whole world IF THEY COULD!!!!

            REALITY is MULTI dimensional(GROUP dimensional actually. Of many planes and levels. COMPLEX!!), not just 3d and physical sense data!!!!



            This is the sneering materialist jibe!!

             What they are really saying is: WHERE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD is The Spirit World??!!

              But who has said that it IS in the physical world?? THAT IS JUST IT.  It is NOT in our physical universe AT ALL!!!!

            AND who has said that the universe is SIMPLE? Not complex.  (Only the wish of the denier!!)

              You WON'T find it ANYWHERE in THE PHYSICAL!!!!


             SO(if it is real), WHERE is it??

            The answer is strange. IT IS INSIDE OF ATOMS!!!!

            Yes, Quantum Mechanics holds the key to the solution of MANY mysteries!!!!

            The fact IS, Man is so AFRAID of anything beyond sense data and three dimensional "solid" physics!!!!(He has taken refuge WITH LIARS!!!!)

            But taught so long AS TO BE ACCEPTED AS GOSPEL. His only STRAW out of the UNBEARABLE TRUTH!!!!

            Plenty of space inside atoms!!

            Electrons orbit within atoms. Our reality changes, gets re-created ACCORDING to which LEVEL of orbit we are perceiving!!   (I AM NOT REFERRING TO PHYSICAL ELECTRON LEVELS. Jumping up or down, releasing or receiving energy accordingly. Field or nucleus!!)(I am referring to THE GREATER COMPLEX WORLD'S orbital electrons!!!! (Our physical jumping or dropping electron orbits is simpy ONE of the type. But which is limited to our PHYSICAL PERCEPTION!!!!)


            The Spirit World is ALL AROUND US, cry The Spiritualists!!

            So it is! But NOT in our physical universe AT ALL!!!!

            We need to take our negatively bewitched eyes OFF of LIMITATION of the 3d physical sense data tangibility realm!!  And GET THEM onto the UNLIMITED INFINITE COMPLEX(in the details) universe that WE DO live in!!

             Even animals are more psychic than we humans NOW are!!  We lost it!!  Because we stuffed ourselves so hard and long on MATTER!!!!(If you eat wood or straw, etc. you may cure your hunger, BUT KILL YOUR SELF by starvation!!!! UNAWARES!!!!)


            Naturally we look INSIDE OF the physical world, because we have become SO CONDITIONED to THINK that that is ALL THAT THERE IS!!!! (When it is only one plane of the complex unlimited INFINITE UNIVERSE!!!!)

            Materialists are irrational. You cannot debate anything LOGICALLY with them!!

            And if you try, YOU WILL GET HURT!!!! Killing you if necessary. They kill the spirit first!!!! BY GIVING YOU UNBEARABLE HELL.  And this is how they get away with it!!!!

            They are IN DENIAL!!!! Constantly.  UNTIL the force of their denial dies!!(Which can be VERY LONG.)(Even MANY LIFE-TIMES, as they keep DELIBERATELY not seeing THE POINT(OF COMPLEXITY))!!!!(Their world being so simple, you see!!!!)


             They are mentally ASLEEP.  But will awaken WHEN THEY ARE READY. Not before!!


            Meanwhile we WHO HAVE TO SUFFER THEM, live in our current nightmare!!


            Now let me take other tacks:-

            OF COURSE there is no life after death!!(But there is no death after life either, AND FIRST!!!!)

            Obviously I very much want to live again.  BUT ONLY IF I DO NOT QUALIFY FOR HELL!!!!

            So I have built up A POSITIVE CASE.  But ONLY GOD knows the(full) Truth!!!!



            Death is the final end!! BUT ONLY OF THE ENTITY THAT DIES!! And WHAT is that??  The physical body OF COURSE!!!!

            But the self WITHIN,too!! TEMPORARILY!!!!   That is until the NEW rider RESURRECTS that horse!!   Just as our concious waking self ego RESURRECTS the dream entity and its dream body NIGHTLY!!!!

            The overwhelming CONSISTENT EVIDENCE(correctly interpreted) SUPPORTS the coherent theory.

             Probably(but almost CERTAINLY), THIS IS THE TRUTH. But one can never claim it 100%.  Which point materialists take full advantage of!!

              They argue, that since we are not FULLY SURE, it may be that the truth(of non-survival) wins! And that little change alters the whole complexity of the case!!!!

             The FACT is, of course,  THAT DEATH IS THE END!!  The trouble is: WHAT IS IT THAT DIES??!!  The body, plainly!!  And TEMPORARILY the current rider!!   However, if the higher self survives(because never in matter in the first place),  
it has the power to raise again(resurrect) the lower whenever it wishes!!!!

              Corpses describe death very well.  But what is THE DEFINITION of DEATH??!!

              Whether temporary or not IS THE VERY POINT WE ARE ARGUING!!!!

              So who dare define WHAT HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED!!!!


             The vacated vehicle(the corpse) is VERY dead, OF COURSE, BECAUSE NOW EMPTY!!!!

              Is YOUR definition of death FINAL END??  Naturally those who reject survival define death so.(Including the world's definition.  BUT ONLY BECAUSE RULED BY MATERIALISTS!! Who currently rule even religion!!!!)(I prefer TRUE SCIENCE myself!!!!)

             So we CANNOT pull out a dictionary or encyclopedia and go by that!!

             Simply because DEATH HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED one way or the other!! SO CONTROVERSIAL is the argument(Do we survive death??)

             Analyse it!!  DO CREATURES SURVIVE DEATH????

             No. The answer is not negative. Nor is it inconclusive!!(Except in the eyes of those who WISH SUCH!!!!)

             As the computer says: The question is not specific enough!!  Does the human personality live after death(I mean long term!!)??  The lower personality does not.(Along with the body.)  The HIGHER survives. And FOR EVER.  AND ETERNALLY,  ETC. ETC.

            The fact is that what we believe IS the truth!!

            Truth is created by our belief!! Because OUR BELIEF decides what it lines up on!!!!

             However, The Higher Self, SOONER or LATER over rides and overpowers the lower. Thus changing its belief!!!!


            Does the mind survive the death of the body??  By mind I DO NOT MEAN IMAGINATION.  I mean PSYCHE!!!!

            Now we are getting down to BRASS TACKS!!!!


            Yes, it does. (Because THE EVIDENCE is screaming such AT US!!!!) And if you say that telepathy is the explanation, then because telepathy requires MIND, you have ALREADY made MIND superior to Matter.  And thus solved the survival question THAT WAY, ANYWAY!!!!


            Logic rules. And Physics in a COMPLEX universe IS actually SUPER PHYSICS!!!!

             We all see OUR reflection in Life's Mirror!!

             WHO is to say??  ONLY our self!!!!

             Bibles(The Word of Man, NOT God!!) do not give the answer. Nor is it written in the sky. SO WHO IS TO SAY YEA OR NAY??!!

             It is written ONLY in your own heart and mind. YOUR WISH. Whatever that is!!

             Bit lame. As I plead my own case.  Trying to fudge it.

             BUT THEN WHO DOESN'T??!!


             Flowers give the answer!!

             Because they reflect THE HIGHER.

             End of the digression!!


              Yes, theoretically possible.(The Materialists' case that because we do not know all, that some overlooked point, however small can change the whole context(I don't think so!!)  BUT THEN THE SAME ARGUMENT APPLIES TO THEM!!!!  But they WON'T(they cannot bear it!!) hear of it.  You see!!


              What IS a theory?  A theory is simply AN EXPLANATION.


              There are four main levels:-

               1.(Top, in this case.) Higher mind.

               2.  Conciousness.

               3.  Mind.(The current rider.)

               4.  Body.(The CURRENT horse.)


               Who is the rider when you are dreaming?? Your present body, of course. Because DREAMS are 5d within the physical body!!  (Yet can PARTIALLY BE(auras can) OUTSIDE of our physical bodies!!  5d concentric. Not 3d concentric!!!!)


               The best current explanation should win. Until(if and when) a better one arises!!


                The positive wish of the lower self meanwhile wins.(In the individual concerned.)

                I cannot be perfect in my delineation. Owing to Nature's imperfections. PLUS MY OWN SHORT-COMINGS.  But I have done my best.  The point is CAN YOU DO BETTER????

               The BOTTOM LINE is that we believe WHAT WE WANT TO BELIEVE!!!! All of us!!!!   And disbelieve what we fear(which we then do not like!!).


                The FULL truth is too hard for us.

                Even God does not see it ALL!!!!

                But enough for us!!!!


                Levels of view!!


                COMPLEXEDLY simple in principle.

                But SIMPLY Complex in the details!!!!


                Your view(whoever!!) will differ from mine of course.

                The question is WHO IS NEARER GODS'(sic) VIEW????


                Most of us like to think OUR VIEW is the best one. Whoever we are.

                We have to stay within VIEWS WE CAN BEAR, or life gets too hard for us!!    

                Alternatively, and/ or ALSO,  WE ARE OBLIGED TO  cleave to our wish BEFORE TRUTH, OR WE LOSE THE LOT BY BECOMING TOO NEGATIVE!!!!

                So there you have it.

                There it is!!


                There is a cataclysm(Earth inversion) coming. Plus two passes by "comet"(Planet X, Niribus.).

                What connection has that with Do we survive death?

                So many (humans, animals, plants) will die(thousands of millions per EACH), THAT the survival question will NEED the best answer possible!!!!


               Your witness.

               MY CASE.

               Which now rests.

               Pending the usual denials!!!!



               Any comments????

               Alas, we are wilfully blind to our own shortcomings.



               The truth is everything AT SOME LEVEL OR OTHER!!!!

               Have you understood MY CASE?(The Truth, of course, is another matter.)

               So I have to say PROBABLY(To the survival question.).

               Not 100% proven.

               Yet emotionally OVERWHELMING!!!!

               I am convinced enough, and satisfied enough.

               But then I don't pay your rent, DO I????


















Monday, 14th February,  2,005.



            IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH????   


          Now there is a question!  THE WORLD'S HARDEST RIDDLE!!!!

       I have tackled this many times before. Each time I get a more profound answer. A more indicative answer.

            It looks a simple question, but it is actually most complex!!

            Some say yes, some say no. The majority of people believe in life after death. In some form or other.

            Shall we tackle the theory, or the evidence?

            Most go for the evidence. Here, I shall go for the theory side.

            Using LOGIC.

            It is the most important question going.

            And the hardest.

            What is life?  Self-Activity in an organism.  What is death? Its absence. 

            Where most analysts go wrong is in treating death as an incident rather than a state.

            Certainly there is no life after death the incident. TO THE THING THAT DIES!!

            What dies? The physical body.  What happens to the conciousness?

            What does the word death MEAN??  It means FINAL cessation of life(in the organism concerned).

            Are we speaking LITERALLY, or EXPRESSIVELY??  By expressively I mean that though the body dies(obviously), the SOUL need not.  If a horse with rider drops dead, NEED THE RIDER??  Of course not.  So death of the body does not necessarily mean death of the soul(or personality, or psyche)(simplifying to assist understanding)?  Who cares about the suit of clothes I happen to be wearing, so long as I survive!! Perhaps in better apparel.

            After the body is dead, it does not cease to exist!!

            It simply enters a lower form of life!!  Division of the whole occurs. Disorganizatiion!!   But life continues - AT A LESSER LEVEL!!  So death is still life(I mean death, the state.). Just a lesser level of it!!!!

            There is no such thing as death!! ONLY LIFE!!!!

            Same as there is no such thing as nothing.(Though there is such a NOTHING, as nothing!!)

            The BODY dies of course. And even the mind dies.  Certainly THE SELF dies(comes to a final end), in the sense that EGO permanently ends. We now are ego, in conciousness.

            The mind is not just perephereal brain.  It is a higher entity!!

            Our conciousness dies as EGO. But gets absorbed into SUPER EGO.  (A larger entity of one's being.) However!!  Ego can RESURRECT at the will of Super Ego, at any time!!  (COMES THE RE SURRECTION!!!!)  IF IT SO CHOOSES.  AND IT USUALLY DOES!!!!

            Same as libido can resurrect at the will of ego, ANY TIME IT CHOOSES!!!!  By simply putting the physical body to sleep!!  Libido, as subconcious then RESURRECTS in a dream!!!!  In other words, what happens, is that the lower conciousnes gets absorbed into the higher.  We survive as part of a LARGER WHOLE!!!!

            Libido as subconcious.(Id  is unconcious.)  Ego is ordinary concious.  Super ego is SUPER CONCIOUSNESS.

            So it is with this higher DREAM we call LIFE!!  We die bodily AND MENTALLY in the dream.(We wake up!!)  So it is with this waking life. It is a higher kind of DREAM.  Death is simply our awakening from it!! To HIGHER LIFE. Of the Super Ego.(Death is actually birth.(Birth was our death!!)

           We die not, because there is no death after life!! Not because there is no life after death(Because that is absurd!! By definition.)(But what is MEANT is that though the BODY has come to an obvious end, THE PSYCHE HAS NOT!!!!)

            So though both body AND MIND do die(come to a final end). We resurrect as part of a greater being or whole. THEN, it is FROM THAT HIGHER, that our current lower(both mind AND BODY) can resurrect!!!! Whenever we choose!!!!

            Keep the dream analogy in mind!  We enter dreamland every night.  When we awaken to the physical world, our dream body AND THE DREAM SELF, with its mind and memory, come to an end. Death!!  The dream self, subconcious mind, BECOMES the waking self, concious mind!!!!(We BE the lower self. BUT BECOME The Higher!!!!)

            When we DIE, both body AND PSYCHE come to a final end!!  BECAUSE ABSORBED INTO THE HIGHER!!!!(When we ask the question WILL I SURVIVE DEATH, we are referring to our concious ego!!  The answer is no. It comes to a final end.)

            However, eventually(usually), the super ego in The After Life IN THE SPIRIT WORLD, needs a rest, and enters a stupeified state, wherein the PART we now know as the concious ego, RESURRECTS(even as sub-concious dream self resurrects when ego chooses to sleep in the physical body!!) for a while!!


            Can you follow the parallel??

            The Analogue.

            You may ask, if resurrection occurs, how was it FINAL end??

            It is FINAL END  of this CURRENT LIFE ONLY!!!!

            That is(can only be!!) what we mean by FINAL END!!!!  We are referring to our current life!!   Since any other life is NO LONGER OUR  life, being a HIGHER OTHER!!!! And THEREFORE not US,  in the only possible sense WE CAN MEAN AT THE TIME!!!! And AT THE TIME is all that counts!!!!

            We(ego) are PART OF a greater whole(super ego).  But to the ego, THAT IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT.  And therefore not meant by Do I survive.  BEING A DIFFERENT I!!!!

            The subconcious dream self knows NOTHING of the concious waking self!!

            Similary this(current now, a part) concious ego know NOTHING of the SUPER CONCIOUS SUPER EGO!!!!

            However, THAT(super concious super ego) IS WHAT WE BECOME WHEN WE DIE!!!!

            Albeit what we CURRENTLY ARE(concious ego), is A PART of that greater whole.(Even as subconcious dream self is a part of concious ego!!)

            ONCE resurrection occurs, our conciousness BECOMES the limited form!!!!

            Note that EVEN OUR PHYSICAL BODIES come back to life!! 1. In the general sense that all life forms revert a lower form of life UNTIL NEW FORMS ISSUE FORTH!!!!   AND 2.  The gametes of The Zygote separate, cycle around in space, through time, until they(so long as The Permanent Atom has not withdrawn!!) re-unite in some NEW MOTHER(given re-incarnation, which USUALLY occurs)!!!!

           So NO THING dies!! All is LIFE.

           Our subconcious dream self EXISTS NOW in our ego's waking life. But in LATENT FORM.  Only when it RESURRECTS in dreams, can IT say I SURVIVE!!!!(But only IT. And that is the point. As THE SELF is not interested in its lesser parts!!!!)

            What men have called "fancy" and "fantasy" IS, IN FACT, how things are!! THE WAY IT IS.  Because Nature abhors a vacuum!!!!

            Mankind has LIMITED The Universe.  Blinded by his foolish WISH.  However, it so happens that things are UNLIMITED.  But Humanity is limited!!!!

            Some humans wish to live again after death.  AND SOME WISH NOT TO!!!!(Because of sin and wrong, etc. They fear(because deep down they know) to live on, expecting to be punished.  In Hell,etc.   So they take refuge in the erroneous belief that death is the end.  They will attack you IF YOU INSIST OTHERWISE TO THEM.  Because they cannot bear it. Not having evolved enough!!  BUT ONE DAY THEY WILL UNDERSTAND!!!!)

            Many die BUT KNOW IT NOT, not because in oblivion,  but because the next world LOOKS so much like this one!! - That they get fooled!!!!  THEY SIMPLY CANNOT BELIEVE IT.  But it is so!!!!

            Vacuums find it hard to exist. Similarly, it cannot be that this physical plane IS THE ONLY ONE!!!!   The Spirit World is SIMPLY the next plane up in orbital VIBRATION!!!! That is all it!!!!  THERE HAS TO BE A MORE, YOU SEE!!!!  It is more sensible for things to GO ON FOR EVER, than for them to come to a mysterious end.(Though TEMPORARY ENDS do exist.)


            Have you understood??

            The EVIDENCE for survival IS ENORMOUS!!!!

            But not all can accept it.  So I have gone the theory way to show you via LOGIC, how it is!!

            So you see THE COMPLEXITY of the situation is. And hence why such a controversy in the world!! It is so hard that it is practically unsolvable!!

            Many people are happier with LOGIC than faith!!  Super logic is simply logic applied to higher worlds.  TRUE FAITH is super logic.  However the faith of many is but BLIND belief!!  I prefer to KNOW.  Which is only possible SCIENTIFICALLY!!!!

            You follow??

            One day, we shall pass from even the highest plane of this realm, to enter via Consummation with God and Entry into Higher Schemes,  EVEN GREATER REALMS.  And so on WITHOUT END.

            Which is better? To come to a permanent end.  OR, to live for ever!!  We have no choice. We live for ever, AND HAVE ALREADY DONE SO!!!!

            Both lines have their problems, but living is best.  And that is what happens!!


            Eventually we shall build AND INCREASE our Happiness. By living aright.  A most difficult task.

            Is there a God? Many!!

            Whose ranks we shall one day join!!

            Thank you.













Thursday, 10th February,  2,005.


The Firestorm Sparking Plug!!!!


                 Here is an article not of my invention. One of the few that are not.

            With the price of oil set to double over the next two years, it is extremely important to reduce petrol costs! Or we won't make it, through.

            This can bridge the gap between oil AND WHATEVER IS GOING TO REPLACE OIL!! 

            Now I cannot do justice to the ingenious article done by Robert N. Stanley in Nexus Magazine(Issue(current) New Times Volume twelve, No.2.  February - March, 2,005.  Article written(copyright) in October, 2,004.

           So I refer readers to it.

           Nexus magazine is a way out magazine, which comes out every two months. It is sold at SOME newsagents(not most). But will be well worth the attempt to get it, EVEN WITHOUT the inducement over The Firestorm Sparking Plug.

          I am no motor mechanic! But I saw the value of this sparking plug.(Patented. Copyright. By the inventor, one Robert Krupa of Farmington Hills, Michigan, U.S.(One of the racing fraternity).)

         No one produces the firestorm sparking plug, bar Mr.Krupa's own company. The reason for this is Big Business monopoly on sparking plugs.(Mr.Krupa's sparking plugs DON'T WEAR OUT!!)

         They improve internal combustion engines 44-50% in m.p.g.   Plus more horse-power.  With a dramatic increase in emissions.(A very important factor.)

         Needs eliminated are 1.Smog pump. 2. Catalytic converter.  3.Radio frequency Interference and the use of resistors in the centre elecdtrode. 4. Gap growth. 5. Exhaust gas recirculation systems. 6. Misfire,hesitation,detonation,stutter and stumble.

        The idea is you purchase firestorm sparking plugs from Mr.Krupa's new company(the only one producing such sparking plugs), after satisfying yourself of its feasibility.(Proof is documented.)  He knows it works. And is going ahead.

        This is a PLUG for NEW Firestorm Sparking Plugs.

        I hope all concerned will suffer this on my part!!

        I simply want to see the world bridge the gap between oil and whatever follows.(Back to electric power. Batteries. Solar Power. Hydrogen power. Whatever!!)

       Get the picture?  Here is a way for all internal combustion engine users to SURVIVE the oil crisis. Via the sparking plugs!!

       Big business, corporations,etc. HATES it, OF COURSE. Means loss of money for them. But the idea is not to buck them, but to show THEM TOO their opportunity. And get into The New Firestorm Sparking Plug business. Which is tricky seeing they don't wear out!!!!

       How do they work? The technical side.  Now I am not up on this at all. But I do see the sense of Krupa!!

       Krupa's Patent Number is 5936332. Date of patent: August 10th, 1999.

       U.S. presumably. But not sure.

       Robert Krupa, the inventor,
 can be e mailed at <  Visit The FireStorm web page at

       The writer of the article is Robert M.Stanley(writer and researcher), specializing in technology trends.  His article on Robert Krupa is copyright C 29 October 2004, UNICUS, 1147, Manhattan Avenue number 43, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, U.S.  Robert Stanley can be e mailed at <

       I am simply a concerned person.

       Now I have read this article twice. I am able to follow(just) the general picture.  The key seems to be a split electrode, like a snake's tongue. Which permits the residual ionization TO BE GOT AROUND, thus overcoming it!!  This in conjunction with an inverted DOME SHAPE, plus a few other improvements, plus improved engine tuning; permits the standard 14.7:1 air to fuel ratio to improve an incredibly lean 24:1. Improving efficiency greatly, without increasing heat!!

       Krupa's company is CDI, Limited.(In The U.S.)

       The Firestorm spark plug has received rave reviews from a major spark plug company.

       You need to read and study the article!!

       This is way off my normal track.

       Another key figure is the legendary Henry "Smokey" Yunick of Aaytona Beach, Florida., U.S.(We are into racing and hot rods,now.) Friend of Krupa.

       CDI is short for Century Development International Limited.

       They made 63 U.S. million in 1993, out of the new sparking plugs.

       So it must have something going for it!!


      Put a half loop on the ground side, after removing the grounding.

      This is for the motor mechanics.

      There are a number of other technical details.

      The idea is to get you to MAKE a few firestorm sparking plugs yourself.(To convince yourself that they work.) Or buy them at a higher than normal cost from CDI!!

       What more can I say?

       All the best.

       Bill Thomas.(I am not in this business(primarily).  The Esoteric is my business. Same as Nexus.)(Similar to. Though I don't agree with all they say. Not by a long straw!!)  Any problems, contact me.



Thursday, 10th February,  2,005.


                    Sea salt!! 



            Sea salt is superior health wise to table salt.  (And we do need salt!!)

            Sea salt will dissolve in water only if it has not been iodized.(It is the iodine,etc. preservatives that won't dissolve. Whether sea or table salt.)

