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Articles Written August 2007 




31st August 2007


The Life after death question. Continued.


      IS there life after death?(Now DO NOT misunderstand!!)  Of course not. But people are asking the wrong question!

      The RIGHT question is IS THERE DEATH AFTER LIFE??!!

      People, many, are simplistic. And can only see in simplistic terms.

      However, the evidence is clearly enough A COMPLEX UNIVERSE, OMNIVERSE...

      For those with the EYES, open, TO SEE!!


      It is ONLY the thing that dies THAT IS(permanently) DEAD!!

      With horse and rider, if horse die, rider lives on!(But rider may be a bit "knocked out" for a while!!  Of course.)



      Use high mind, NOT low feeling!

      Use simple LOGIC.

      Not low emotions!!


      Those who WANT death to be the end WILL SEE NO SURVIVAL!!

      Those who want to survive will see SURVIVAL!!
      Do NOT look for your WISH, nor fear(!!), but FOR THE TRUTH!!!!

      There is little denying that when death comes to an entity, that it DISBANDS, into its individual components(of the former GROUP!)!  Like a disbanding legion or battalion. But are the individual soldiers dead, or even unhappy. Eh??!!


       The GROUP has come to an end. The individual components GO ON, now free!!!!


        THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DEATH!!!!(But there are such things as LIARS....)(Their KING is called The Devil.)


        Death is A TEMPORARY disbanding, NOT EXTINCTION!!!!


        The HORSE is dead.  NOT THE RIDER!!

         Analogues for the body is dead, - NOT THE MIND.

         MINDS  are not brains!!

         (In any case it is the HEART that rules, not the brain! Even physically. But emotionally too. And WILL, especially Super Will of God that is superior!!!!)


         The MENTAL side is top.

         The brain(and heart,etc.) are merely dispensers to the body!

          I know that the body dies.

          But is body the TOTAL composition!!(Of the former entity.)


          Brain, heart,etc. are obviously there, and dead too very quickly.

          The issue is NOT Is that which dies DEAD?  - But that the invisible(normally)component, the MIND, has EXITED its vehicle, NOT EXTINCTED!!!!

          We live in a universe,etc. of multi-dimensional levels IN A COMPLEX structure, not a SIMPLISTIC one!

          It is simple in principle, complex in the details!!

          The evidence, and even the logic, is more for this, than the other!!


          The mouse, see previous analogy, has taken the lift to a higher floor.  THAT IS ALL!!     Maybe found a cupboard there!!

           The simple minded can only see this as FANCY, even FANTASY,ETC!!!!

           But THAT is where they go wrong!!


          Their wish NOT to survive(and pay their dues), DRIVES them to NOT see HIGHER LEVELS!!!!

          We awaken to a higher 5d,etc. PLANE. A level of higher vibrations!

          Less tightly packed electrons in the nucleus!

          That is basically all it is!

           Higher levels of SUPER density(Higher density that is.) is possible too.  That is less tightly packed protons in the nucleus!!(And there is plenty of room for both electrons AND PROTONS!!)


           This is not fanciful escapism, but facing up to REALITY.

           It is THE MATERIALIST who is trying to escape THE TRUTH!!!!


           As I say Death is the birth!  It was birth THAT WAS THE DEATH!!!!


           It is simply not(ever!)possible for conciousness to PERMANENTLY end(or even temporarily!). Nor for it ever to have begun.(In other words, WE HAVE ALWAYS existed.  All creatures have!  All are evolving spiritually, via involutions!! In many worlds!!!!)


          It is oblivion that is the desired escape! But THAT never comes!!


          MULTI components!!


          I am stating proved and confirmed conclusions, NOT wild overnight pipe dreams!!

         Using simple logic THEOREMS!!!!


         Sorry to disappoint you defeatist ESCAPISTS!!!!


         What use surviving if IN HELL!!!!

         So WHERE is the escape?!

         THERE IS NO ESCAPE. AND NEVER will be!!

         The WHOLE world has GONE WRONG!!!!


         I am one of THE FEW who know!!

         Humans went wrong about a million years ago. Influenced by evil aliens.

         In this matter, and ALL other IMPORTANT matters!!!!



        It is you materialists,ETC. that are THE CONNERS!!!!

        Evil entities trying so hard to destroy Humanity!!!!




        Victor Conway.








                                                                           The World Situation. 29.08.07.


      The state of the world moves on ever deeper into doom and gloom.

           I expect it!  Convinced, as I am, that we are in the last days of the current Sun Cycle.


           I see 7 to 9 years to the end(of this current cycle).

           The U.S. is in decline. And the rest of The West,etc. follows her.

           Like with The Roman Empire this is in the natural order of things. I see the cause as being chiefly the acceleratingly declining Sun Cycle, only slightly(partially) due to decadence of life style!!

          The current state of ther world is almost unspeakable, and unbearable,  amid accelerating confusion and mix up.

          Naturally, few like to say it, but THERE it is!!

          RED China I expect to be the next dominant super power.

          With a RE Red Russia in hot pursuit.

          India trying to stalemate China.


          Australia(here am I!) trying FRANTICALLY to be friends with all. OR ELSE!!

          And New Zealand similarly.


          Latin America has gone almost totally Left.

          Iran rises.

          As does North Korea.

          The U.S. is struggling to make a losing game in Iraq into some sort of success.(Which is possible, but hardly likely!)(On the edge of civil war. A situation created by The U.S!!)

          We either stop Iran or they will stop us(The West).

          And with North Korea, too.


         Pakistan near to joining the party. As is Lebanon.

         Also Sudan,ETC.

         Many nations on the edge of becoming nuclear.

         I mean rogue nations.

         We are ruled by aliens, by the way.

         As cattle TO THEM, they look after us(so far as they can, as only so much help is allowed), to devour us(The Reptileans, anyway.) late!!

         Devour emotionally for the most part.

         But in some cases materially!!


         Islam rises, becoming via Wahabism(The phoney Islam.  Not that mainstream is that superior!) increasingly ferocious.

        Should we blame old Bushie?

        No. He is doing his best.  But is under the thumb of the fundamentalists of Christendom.

        Not to mention, increasingly, The Democrats!!


        Who is to blame. Me, of course!

        God? Which one??


        The Devil? Ah,yes, Pan's superior!!

        There you have it.

        A nail!

        But actually all is for the best TO THOSE WHO LOVE AND SERVE GOD!!!!(Who IS God? Higher Self. Spiritual Sun.  Spiritual Father of Jesus Christ. Universal Life.  Universal Energy.  Infinite Wisdom.  The higher universal Community.(God is Community. And God is Family. Father, Son, Mother and Daughter.)



        So what is going to happen?

        I think(probably will) things will get worse and worse - until, Bang, about half the world, and animals, DEAD!!!!

        A nuclear blood bath.

        Nature will do the worst though(topping even nuclear terrorists).

        Earth Inversion.

        Followed by Nibirus. That approaching rogue planet.(About the size of The Earth. The so-called comet of Nostradamus!!)


       These are some of the horrors that I see.

       And terrors,etc.

       See my earlier articles,too.

       The West does NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!

       And certainly old Bushie does not!!

       As evil sweeps all before it.

       Good shall prevail. IN THE END!!


       And those who work for God(or do good) shall reap their reward in Paradise after death.

       AND in future lives, via good karma.


       Minus the bad karma,etc.





        Victor Conway.                                                     








Thursday, April 27th, 2000.

Through walls. Latest. 27. 4.2,000.

After death we find ourselves,very often in the original counterpart of The Physical World. Bar a few anomalies like shapes and colours.

At first our spirit body, which(put simply)come out of the physical(which is what we call death is). And is dense. If we are VERY quick, we can turn the knob of the door!!!! Otherwise it will slip out of our grasp, as our hand goes through it. Since we are spirits.(Our corpse soon vanishes from view. It now lowering its vibrations!!!!)

If we try to pass through the wall or door or whatever, we shall find that it resists us in the normal manner. Simply because WE EXPECT IT TO!!!! And the subconcious over-rules our concious mind.

We had better learn to release our super-concious mind. And have it control our density, via our concious mind. We can then be dense or fine per desire and will. If dense, we remain trapped. If fine, we pass through the wall!!!! It takes calmness. And self control.

It is as simple as that.

This supercedes my previous explanation!!!!



Wednesday, 22nd August,  2,007.


Life after death question:-



     I use a logic theorem to try to answer this popular(or it was!)perennial question.

     Does it matter?   Yes, I would say that it does!   TO Two main groups: 1.  Those who want to survive. 2.  Those who don't want to survive.

     (I refer any readers to A772 for a general answer.)

     Group 2 are rather sure that we do not!(Though HOW so sure is a mystery!)

     Group 1 are more wishful thinkers.

     They HOPE that there is.

     I declare, though, that the important theme is not survival of bodily death, but survival in Paradise, or HEAVEN!!

     Not nice surviving in HELL!!(I am aware that Heaven and Hell, etc. are not believed in these days. Which is too bad, as Heaven and Hell STILL believe in them!!


     Those who do more good than harm may expect to qualify.

     In various articles I discuss the survival question from different view points.

     I speak with conviction after long hard study. Though finality is rather hard to reach!

     Let us be more specific with the question to start with:-

     Does the personality survive the death of the body?

     My answer is YES!!

     Let us note in passing that the answer to the question: Is there life after death  has to be an obvious NO!

     However, the popular question ORIGINALLY was an EXPRESSIVE ONE. That is: Does the MIND survive the body's death!!(NOT does that which dies survive like a zombie after the event!!)

     Many think that Mind IS Brain. I beg to differ.

     Brain obviously exists. A physical entity.

     Mind exists too APART from the brain.(I speak with my findings via logic.)(Mind is, basically,  awareness of things, which obviously exists. But I MEAN as a non-physical entity - apart from the brain.)

     And thus end of the brain is not end of THE MIND!!(The mind and the brain about equally influence what creatures do. But the entities(mind and brain) are very different to each other!!


     Group one, is the stance of The Materialist camp. They do NOT want to survive.(I suggest because having done wrong, they do not want to pay. Presumably Hell (where one pays back)CANNOT exist IF survival is a non starter!! Conversely, it can if we survive.)

     Not wishing to pay back, The Materialists decides on Permanent Oblivion.


     Note that both groups are via FEELING rather than logic. Group one wishes to survive. Group two via low emotion HAS decided that we do not!! To argue with such a BIGOT is to invite HELL, now. And even assault!!

     Argue with a survival wisher and they get gooey.  (Few are really scientific about it. Scientific in the sense of LOGICAL, not in the sense of The findings of Modern Science. Which returns an INCONCLUSIVE verdict, - suggesting EXTINCTION!!

     Argue with a non survival INSISTER(and few are not!), then you invite a MOST unpleasant sequel!!

     "I am going down THERE."(Pointing determinedly and viciously DOWNWARDS.) Grimly said one man to me.   Did he mean the grave or HELL??

       I think he meant the grave. (I was too nervous to pursue the matter farther!!(As his determination was plainly A SETTLED point. At least, to him.) Of course Hell involves survival!!(Which he MOST CLEARLY bore NO TRUK(survival, I mean) with. And DAMN any dissenter.  Bang.  BANG!!!!

      All dissenters are wished IN HELL, RIGHT NOW. And those who argue with such, CAN expect HELL, right now.


      So I shun such. As low emotion, not high mind, has already decided on the answer FOR THEM.(The "logic" of bigots is: I do not want this to be true, THEREFORE it isn't! Confusing wish with fact!!(There are many who do this!!)(With all subjects.) There is no doubt on the "value" of such an attitude!!

      Everyone to their taste - of course!!


      Death is the final end of entities. But ONLY of the entity CONCERNED!!

      If I am riding a horse, and someone shoots, but misses me, and hits the horse in a critical place, it will probably die. But  I expect to leap aside, and stagger away. ALIVE.

      Of course THE HORSE is dead. But need I be??

      I am speaking an ANALOGY. (HEREIN)  Horse is analogue for BODY.  Rider is analogue for the Mind involved.


      I define DEATH as meaning FINAL END.(But is the ASCRIBED meaning THE SAME as the actual FACT of what death IS?!)(In a colour blind world, the blue sky may look red, and is described so. But DOES THAT MAKE the BLUE sky RED?!

      Due to the fact that(Obviously corpses are dead  - and permanently so.  But the key question is: IS the creature its body(Or merely its body.)?!   People have decided that corpses are dead, and permanently(Hence the DICTIONARY meaning!!). And thus quickly conclude FINAL END!!(Which though plainly enough true for the corpse, NEED NOT be true for any formerly indwelling MIND!!)(If a creature IS its body, then the answer is simple: No survival! But if the creature is body PLUS MIND(or personality)(In the sense of some INDWELLING entity - WHICH DEPARTS AT DEATH(of vehicle) - NOT into extinction, but into a new life at a higher level, corresponding to its own level!!), then we survive!!  How many KNOW IN ADVANCE of careful study, the answer to that question??

      Deciding from THE EXTERIOR view, please note!(Can anyone SEE that the view of spectators is necessarily EXTERNAL. But the view of the creature now claimed to be dead(If it still has a view of course.) IS INTERNAL!!(As with dreaming sleepers.  Can YOU tell by looking at a sleeping creature WHETHER it is dreaming or not(Assuming for the sake of the argument that sleepers always dream!)??  All that can be SEEN(From the outside!) is A SLEEPER.(Sleepers usually dream SOME times.)(I am saying that NOT KNOWING OTHERWISE, IF death is some sort of super sleep, that ITS dreams may be REAL viewed FROM THE INSIDE by the creature!!)(I do not mean INSIDE OF THE BODY of course!!)(Shakespeare through one of his characters(In Hamlet) says: "In that sleep of death, WHAT dreams may come...".(To argue that corpses are dead, not asleep, is to miss the point entirely. For such PRE-ASSUMES that (i) WHAT WE SEE - IS ALL THAT THERE IS TO BE SEEN!!!!(We should not assume some desired END from the beginning!!)(It MAY be that creatures are JUST BODIES. It may be that they are not, but are BODIES plus MINDS!!(I mean minds that can depart into their own world.) THAT is precisely what WE ARE TRYING TO DETERMINE.(We CANNOT(rightly) take it for GRANTED IN ADVANCE!!))  AND (ii) That SOME ONE particular term within a SET - is more important than THE SET!!(See below!)

        In the case of creatures being(after death) BODIES with DEPARTED MINDS(departed into some real higher life), then LITTLE POINT studying CORPSES!! - Is there??!!

        Any more than studying the shell of a lobster(now departed), reveals much about the lobster!!

      How many have viewed a sleeping person? Now is he(or she) concious or not?

      We ONLY have the OUTSIDE view!

       If not dreaming, - then not concious.

       If dreaming, then TO SOME EXTENT - concious.

       Observing the parallel(analogy), materialists might sneer that sleepers can dream, but corpses CANNOT!!!!

       Which, of course, entirely misses the point(I NOW refer to point (ii)!)!!

       I am pointing to A PARALLEL, not to a LITERAL comparison between TERMS within THE SETS!!(Such being IRRELEVANT!!)(Thinkers know that. But I SUBMIT that materialists are not DEEP thinkers, and some DEPTH of thought is required here!!)(This is where I mean in reference to SEE BELOW earlier. Terms within sets are inferior to their sets!  So to argue about some particular TERM is clearly RIDICULOUS.


       I quite agree that corpses KNOW NOTHING!! I do not dispute that.

       However, with analogies, as this one is, THE PARALLEL means the requirement of replacing ONE SET of facts with ANOTHER SET, not with arguing with ONE PARTICULAR TERM inside of EACH SET!! Albeit connected terms!!


       I hope you SEE my point!!


       I am suggesting that whilst a sleeping dreamer is OBVIOUSLY alive, that A CORPSE's ERSTWHILE(!!)MIND may NOW be "elsewhere"(in some real, though non-physical place)!!!!(Albeit permanently.)

       The Materialist sees the trap(to HIM), and returns to low feeling!(MIND in him being an unborn entity. Albeit HIS brain may be superb!)


      The parallel is to TEMPORARILY departed mind(as in a sleeper's dream), as against PERMANENTLY departed mind!!(As in Spirit World of those who do not come back.)


      Consider for a moment, if you will: "What you see is NOT all you get!!".(MEANING body AND MIND!!".(Understanding that mind and brain are not synonymous.)

      Clearly a living body is all you get.  - Whether we have a survivable mind or not!!(Body on its own in The Materialist's case.  Body plus SURVIVABLE mind  in the other case.)

      But A CORPSE may not be!!(All that you get.)(Of the former living being.)

      Living bodies are body and mind combines!

      DEAD bodies are mere body SHELLS, minus their former minds. Not necessarily by absence per extinction, but absence per GONE ELSEWHERE(to some REAL, albeit non-physical PLACE)!!!!


      It is SO hard to settle for truth. I doubt anyone does.  We all (to some extent or other) embrace our wish(or fear!), and not the truth!!


      Do you see the series of fatal pitfalls that materialists AND survivalists fall into?!(Being neither intrinsically I TRY to go for the true answer, REGARDLESS of whether survival or not!!(I said TRY.)

      The Materialist ASSUMES that corpses are(pluralistically) body INCLUDING dead brain.(Which brain he necessarily equates with MIND.)


      The Spiritualist HOPES that corpses are mere 3d SHELLS, NOW empty, by reason of departed ELSEWHERE minds.(Though, to be sure, the brain is dead,too!)
      Departed not just by life force and vital double, but by the MIND formerly WITHIN!!


      Departed by MERE CHANGE of location, NOT extinction!!(Please note!!)

      Many assume that Death IS The final end.(The fact that lexicons(dictionaries) MAY SAY death means FINAL END does not make it FACTUALLY so!!(A VERY important point!!))


      I have to labour the points because of the strength of feeling of Materialists WHO RULE THIS WORLD!!!!

      Not realizing that the IDEA of FINAL END was born of DECIDING(IN ADVANCE!!!) that corpses have dead brains, not DEPARTED ELSEWHERE minds!!


       Corpses came before THE IDEA that death means FINAL END!!(MEANING that we should not DECIDE in advance that though it has a dead brain, that the OCCUPING MIND has departed into EXTINCTION, rather than TO THE SPIRIT WORLD!!!!)

       Albeit by MANY PEOPLE!!


       Few people REALLY THINK!!


       It is hard work. And involves responsibility and some startling FINDS!!

       Few people can be so brave!!


       The EVIDENCE is overwhelming that the universe is full of MINDS, not just dead brains inside of dead bodies!!(Study Psychic Research and Parapsychology!!)

       I doubt The Omniverse could function properly without such MINDS continuing to exist!!(Study Astronomy,etc. And Physics,etc.)

       In fact it is becoming daily clearer that entities go OUT, only to RE-EMERGE later.(By studying Heavenly Bodies and FIELDS.)


       On the other hand, there is no such thing as(absolute) truth.  All is relative(and comparative)!!


       All ideas held are true(to their holders, at least).(Whether factually or not.)

       Life would be intolerable otherwise!

       I HOPE I have thrown some light upon this question.

       But now go to A772!(Not omitting my other articles on this subject.)


      It is a grave human failing to think that ONLY the one possibility is true(Namely, the ONE we(individually or group, even Society),   THINK is(true)!! Such ideas are held with COMPLETE ABANDON.


      Consider the idea of a HELL existing(I mean beyond the grave.). It is SIMPLY SUPPOSED OUT of the question(for it to be EVEN CONSIDERED SO these days)!!(I am referring to Western Society.)

       Polar bears don't exactly walk our footpaths, but it would be absurd to conclude THAT THEY DO NOT EXIST!!


       WHO is an Authority on this subject, or upon any subject??  Is it the very materially biassed so called Science?  Or is it some one(or group) who has STUDIED(hard and long) the subject??

       I hold no badges of merit(degrees,etc.).

       But I have studied this subject long and hard.(Albeit my mind is SIMPLE!  But per principles, so is the subject!! Else I could not have dealt with it so!!)


       Do you go by pretensions(however prestigious!), or by facts?

       Does a prospective employer go by the claims of a would-be employee(in particular his references,etc.), OR by his actual observed value??

       Degrees and diplomas,etc. are sometimes not worth the paper they are written on!!

       Would YOU go to a Socialist for approval of Big Business??

       We live in a very materialistic society. Because it so slavishly adopts the views of so called Science!! Which does not exactly embrace Survival(of death),etc!! But is VERY DEFINITELY materialistic in its pronouncements and findings. However it couches it!!

       It MAY be that death is the final end. But IF SO, then there is an awful lot of EVIDENCE, and good theory, pointing otherwise!!

       Though, of course, there is an awful lot of strong MERE opining that death is the end.(As if so intensely desired so!)


       An intellectually AND emotionally difficult subject to write on!!

       Always two sides to a question

       NEVER limit yourself to your OWN persuasions!!

       You JUST might be wrong.




       Vic Conway.