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Articles Written April 2006 



Wednesday, 25th April,  2,007.



A mixed bag.

On The world situation, now,

plus Astronomy, Sex, and other titbits.


     Interested, reader?  Where I am it is Anzac Day.  and my fellow countrymen(some, most?), are commemorating two world wars, plus Vietnam,etc.  The fallen.  Young and gallant. Who gave most of us in The West now, our freedom to enjoy a rather good life. Albeit materially only!!(Or mostly so.)

      Gallipoli has special mention. But why this heavy accent on a past LOSS?? Gallipoli was a terrible loss for The Allies, including to Australia,etc.  'Lest we forget!  Forget our present and future dangers. To indulge nostalgic sentiment for The Past.(Long past, too!!)

      I am all for remembering the heroes.  But I think our minds should be on present and future threats, not past ones. And certainly not upon awful losses(like Gallipoli, etc.)!!

      Australia(etc.) is a very brave, good, prosperous and optimistic land.  Flowing with milk and honey. But, alas, not WATER!!

     The trouble with the world IS MAN!!

     Man created God.

     Who's name is Devil!!!!


      As Drought increases its grip. Especially in South East Queensland. And north of Melbourne.(Especially those two.)

      I am not here now to talk about these lesser aspects, but the large ones.

      Though of course not forgetting the lesser ones!


       I am trying to find an opening thread. But in a confused and confusing world, this is not easy!

       The World Situation NOW:-(As at going to press)

       For The West, - Debacle!!

       For The Political East, VICTORY!!

       Bush(George) is in a (mental) box, that is shrinking more and more. His options rapidly reduce to zero.  He MAY attack Iran, yet!(A 50 50 chance, perhaps.)  But WHEN??(IF)

       (AND when Britain attacked Germany, in both first and second world wars!!)(I have lost the antecedent now!!)

       I think he missed the boat. FOUR YEARS back!!

       U.S. should not have invaded Iraq!


       And definitely not murdered its ruler(Saddam Hussein), and his colleagues(including his sons), and so HORRIBLY, when Iraq had done so much to help The U.S!!  He was punished for attacking Kuwait, and for his MUCH earlier sin of striving so hard for weapons of mass destruction.(So well given him by U.S!!)

       So they hand him OVER to THOSE WHO HATED HIM!!!!(U.S. does these things to curry favour with BASTARDS and SWINE!!!!)

       Iraq had to attack Kuwait. (Kuwait was once part of Iraq! But The British re-drew the maps to exclude it!  A mapping error I understand.)(In desperation(Iraq was at war with Iran.) they took Kuwait, a not exactly kindly nation, to get oil, a port and their land back!!)(But you don't offend U.S. and get away with it!!)

       And now in Iraq we have a mess and horror even worse than under Saddam!! As the country slides towards civil war.  To be followed by devourance by the big four surrounding countries: Iran, Syria, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.  Whom I expect to divide the former Iraq(created by The British)into four parts, to be absorbed by the surrounding four!!

        What is wrong with The U.S? WHY can't they consolidate the fast gained victory of five years back?


        Because of too few troops, and lack of a good ground plan.

        George is currently trying hard to remedy this. And now his window of opportunity is down to less than six months!!  However, he is making progress!  The losses to the seculars have been halved! Even if losses to the "spirituals"(well, religieuse!) have doubled and more.

         But Pelosi,etc. are dragging on his ankles!!


        The wall goes up. But unless they put electrified barbed wire on top, and broken glass in its sides, some will still get over it(probably many)!(They DO have ladders!!) And holes can be blown!!  But this is only for a few districts in Baghdad.

        The Surge is working, if you close your eyes to your head being in The Anaconda(giant snake)'s mouth, whilst observing that its tail is ONLY around your ankles!!  Ah,yes, you can dream!!

        The enemy wait for you to eventually pull out, and then return!

        The truth is Bush,etc. WANT to STAY in Iraq. To surround Iran more comfortably!(Iran between Afghanistand and Iraq. A lost or losing war in Iraq.  And soon to maybe go downhill in Afghanistan,too!)

         Why stay in Iraq? To support Israel!  And to keep Iran pinned down.(Sorry! I got that wrong. It is Iran(with Syria) that is pinning U.S. down!! For slow but accelerating devourance!! By an increasing Red Guard.)


        Then while attention is withdrawn, North Korea teases The U.S. etc. into further concessions!!  AND, Ahmad,ETC. hasten on with atomic device production!  Ah,yes!!

         The cat is playing with the mice. The mice is U.S. and the fast dwindling allies!!

         Soon Bush and company will be out of the way.

         Hope for a Democrat (those appeasers and seller outs) victory, and then cash in - AND HOW!!!!

         Playing the WAITING game. Having a little nibble here and there in the meantime. To keep the mice occupied!!

         No wonder Ahmad is smiling(Ah, mad? Mad with joy.  At Western(U.S.) IDIOCIES.). And Kim(Jong)(Dear Leader) ill(Sick Kim?) watches with his crafty eyes...

         What is wrong with The U.S?  WHAT IS RIGHT??!!

         The Allies made a mistake. By installing Israel IN THE FIRST PLACE. Without consulting Arabs, especially Palestinians, AT THE OUTSET!!(Who ARE The Palestinians? SOME OF YOU MAY RECALL that Israel got booted out of Palestine, 2,000 years ago. The Dispersion.)

          The Promised Land was taken over fully by The Palestinians. After 2,000 years, they are naturally loathe to share it with Jews!!(Whom they hate SO intensely.)

          The Old Hebrews.

           They sinned so much.  So God raised up Arabs and Romans,etc. to kick them out of their home.

            The Romans HATED The Jews. So they called the land Palestine to INSULT them.(Pilate did not kill Jesus!  The Old Hebrew Priestcraft simply rode on the wishes of The Mob!!  Pilate would have lost his job had he spared Jesus! So reluctantly he delivered Jesus up to the MOB.)

             (There were four IMPORTANT Jesus'.  One rose from the dead.  One survived the cross, married Magdeline and travelled to India, Egypt and Britain,etc. Also had off spring.)  One was The Teacher of Righteousness. And the fourth was The Political Reformer. The Zealot.  The best of The Apostles was Thomas!  And it was The Dead Sea Scrolls that spoke truest!

               A big lie was propagated by The Catholic Church via Saint Peter!

               The Catholics later splitting into Roman and Eastern Orthodox.  Especially The Jesuits,etc.   Protestants sprang from them. Along with many splinter sects.

                Another big lie came through Saint Paul. Giving us The King James corruption of the truth.  And - eventually - Protestantism.

                The Gnostics, and The Cathars,etc. were good groups!!

                 Origen got disposed of, along with his views. Origen was a good man. And Re-incarnation,etc. ARE TRUTHS, not lies!!

                 Emperors and popes distorted Christendom more and more.

                 Jesus begat Christianity.

                 But today we have Christendom. Which was nearly Mithraism.


                 Christendom is equivalent in kind to Judaism. Though Jesus was a Jew, he fought against Judaism!  And taught a SPIRITUAL movement.  But wicked men gradually restored FORMALISM!!!!

                 Pentecostalism today is the best SPIRITUAL movement.


                 Abraham begat Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

                 Three very different religiions.

                 Christianity became the formalistic Christendom.(Which is the opposite of what Jesus taught!!).  Islam in danger of becoming Wahabism. A narrow evil sect.  While Judaism did produce a spiritual off shoot.   The three via Bible, Koran and Torat(spelling wrong, I know).

                 Via Jesus, Isaac and Mohammed.

                 While Bhuddism and Hinduism swept The East.

                  Suffism is good. A mystic faith.

                   Today, we have a very rapidly rising Islam, twisted as Wahabism. Plus a good formalistic Catholicism. And a more spiritual form of Judaism!!!

                   Christendom is passive formalism.  Islam is active militancy spreading and taking over the whole world.

                   With Israel in the middle.

                   I am not clear whether The U.S. is behind Israel. Or whether The Jews are behind U.S.(Jews are good at cornering MONEY.)  U.S. is good at(it was!) enforcing freedom(That increasing Anarchy called Democracy!!).  Probably both.

          We live in a world that is technologically doing well(Thanks to aliens in exchange for human and animal fodder for genes, mating, experiments, with NO regard for pain caused!!!!(With their love of ORIFICES and insertions.)).


                   The Middle East IN PARTICULAR does NOT like freedom(far from ready for it yet!)!  THEY welcome being ruled! As they know they NEED it!!


                    And the whole world increasingly HATES Yanks. (The Americans).  The folk who live in The United States, which is JUST ONE country in A CONTINENT called America!!  The USANS think that U.S. IS America.  And many think that is THE WORLD!!!!

                    U.S. folks are very great hearted and generous. Easy going and feet uppers,etc.etcs!!!!

                    I welcome that. But not ALL do!!

                    There are those many who JUST LOVE oppression, pain, prison bars and all sorts of restrictions!!!!

                    Well, they do subconciously!!

                     At least that!!


            I picked up a thread, but it is very wide!!


            The Developing World is now The Developed World. And The Developed World is now in decline!!

            RED China races ahead. While Russia goes into enforcements via Putin.

            China is behind(secretly) North Korea.

            And Russia is behind Iran!(Though even they are hesitant now thanks to Iran's reluctance to pay up!!)


            India joins them.  While Pakistan is sitting pretty.


            Nervous Japan gets ready to re-arm!!


            SCARED South Korea concedes to North!!

            And Taiwan continues to hold out against Mainland China.


            Yes, two big threats: 1.  Islamic Militancy.  2. Nuclear Proliferation!!(Amongst many.)


            Bird Flu waits in the wings.(Preparing to reduce world population by anything from 50 million to 500 million to thousands of millions, via internal suffocation(drowning in your own blood,etc.).


            Enjoying this, reader?!


            Hang in there! It's not all thorns!!


            Of course this is only the tip of the very tip of the ice berg!!


            As Warming Globe(Note: Not Global Warming!!) is racing us on into The Next Ice Age!!!!  Ah,yes.)


            Now WHERE was I??..


            Ah,yes, Old Bushie sits upon a fast shrinking ice floe!!


            He has a choice: He can either fade away(not his favourite pastime!), OR, he can hurl his remaining might at Iran, and hope for a success that will also solve Iraq!!

            The U.S. has a choice: They can either HONOURABLY face a non nuclear Iran NOW.  Or, they can wait until it becomes NUCLEAR!! (Which will be any time.  And don't forget that North Korea is not above sending Iran nuclear weapons!! Not to mention giving them, via Iran, to The Terrorists...)


             THEN, Iran,ETC. will waste NO TIME in showing The Yanks who NOW rules The Earth!!

             First to the sword will probably be Israel. Quickly followed(if not ACCOMPANIED) by The U.S...

             U.S. FINALLY forced to fight, will THEN attack Iran. BUT TOO LATE!!

             U.S. (You may have noticed...) confused Iraq for Iran, and Saddam Hussein for Bin Laden,etc!!)


             Yes, especially via deliberate falsehoods, The U.S. is surviving BY BEING MORE EVIL THAN THE REST!!(A position almost impossible to maintain!!...)


             Uncle Sam can be a bastard. But is not A SWINE!!


             And so U.S. will finally give up the evil stakes(to feed the corporations). Fight Iran,ETC. TOO LATE.  And get wiped out.(By Terrorists armed with nuclear devices...  Plus biological weapons. Plus YOU NAME IT!! )

             So you see Bush is very right.(And McCain)

             And Pelosi,et al, are VERY WRONG!!


             There is only one thing worse than invading Iraq(even the first time!), and that is pulling out!!


             Leaving a VACUUM, Iran and Syria are just ITCHING to fill!!

             Then using Iraq as a base for terrorists, we(the whole world ) will SOON FACE Terrorists armed with nuclear devices, bugs, poison gas(chlorine is the most pleasant!), and the most horrible CHEMICALS. All plus conventional methods WE KNOW SO WELL now!!


             Ever tried to talk a bully out of bullying you?  Don't!! THEY JUST LOVE IT!!!!


             So just how many of you SUCKERS really THINK that getting out of Iraq will solve everything??!! Ha HA.

             The Democrats are a godsend to The Political East. Particularly to Iran and North Korea!!

             WAKE UP!!!!


             You don't win by
Apeasement and Pacification!

             That is RED RAG to RAGING BULL.


             And nearly ALL seek to massacre Jews and Yanks!! Be ASSURED of THAT!!!!

             Forgot Hitler and Chamberlain did you??


             You never knew??!!


              ONLY strength will STOP strength!!

              Love will defeat evil, yes!!(IF enough!!)

              But, you see, lying down to the enemy IS NOT LOVE!!!!


             So Ahmad and Kim are now probably in orgasmic DELIGHT at what The West is doing!!  RUNNING AWAY!!!!(Mentally AT FIRST...!!)


             What is The West's best option then??

             Well, if you cannot love hard enough, you have ONLY one option. WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!!

             But they WILL NEED to be more destructive than the enemy's!!

             That means NUCLEAR!!


             It is either that or have your throats cut, and then your heads hacked off!!(Preferably with a long rusty knife. Even if slowly...)

             I just HOPE you do not have TOO MUCH difficulty deciding!!!!


             Diplomacy, MY ARSE!!

             You don't reason with THUGS!!

             They will only kill you with greater GLEE!!!!

             But Russia and China, AND OTHERS.... ARE NOW behind Iran and North Korea.  And Venezuela and all the FAST GROWING REST!!


             Don't forget Pakistan!!

             Remember Khan??!!


             West! You are simply REPEATING ALL THE OLD MISTAKES!!!!

            So NOW cometh THE THIRD WORLD WAR, which WILL make the second look LIKE A PICNIC!!!!


            We are 30 years too late!!

            Our (only!) best hope NOW is to flee to the hills, and just hope no enemy finds you!!

            That or suicide!! Please yourself!!

Where did The West go wrong?  When George Third failed to back The British against The French Navy!!(Which turned U.S. from a British Colony into the second most powerful nation on Earth!)Russia is stronger nuclearly than U.S.  But has WILL.  All U.S. has is Idol, and feet up with mobiles. Plus much fast food. And sin, sex and INDULGENCE...(Along with MUCH more of similar category.)


            Britain and France,etc. survived  by turning over world rule to The U.S!!

           Along with Hawai!!


           To leave Iraq now will be the worst mistake of all!! But THAT is the most likely route ahead!!

           And to attack Iran now, will be like sticking your head into a lion's mouth!!


           TOO LATE, chaps!!

           And bombing Kim, will be like setting a whole zoo loose, while you try to run for your life!!(Via China attacking us.)


          Like I said. ONLY hope now is FLEE TO THE HILLS!!!!

          How long we got?  Oh, about six years.

          MAYBE six months!!...


          Ah,yes, one hope to delay things PERHAPS: Assassinate Ahmad and Kim!!

          OR assassinate Bush and Pelosi!!

          Or all four!!!!


          A hard choice I know.

          OR jump off the top of The Empire State Building...


          Facts is facts.

          And rotting fruit SIMPLY CONTINUES TO ROT!!!!


          Bird Flu?

          SOME TIME!!(Probably next year. IF NOT THIS!!)

          Actually it is Spanish Flu, mark the latest!!

          I see it killing 500 million. At least!!

          It does have a(lungs) USE BY date!

          What kills is not the virus.

          But your own body's immune defence system!!

          Which goes into overdrive.

          So the weaker that is, THE BETTER YOUR CHANCES!!


          H5N1  is now being overtaken by H5N2 and later!!

          It is H5N2 or later that we can expect the onslaught from.


          Thus the elderly and infirm will outlive the young and healthy!!(Many will.)


          Tamiflu has nasty side effects.

          AND the bug is long since wise to it. Thanks to The Chinese using Tamiflu on chickens!!

          You get my drift??

          Tamiflu is probably already(long since)useless!!

          And there is no thing else!

          And no vaccine for TOO LONG!!...


          So what does one do? Weaken your immune system!!


          Avoid all humans?

          AND all animals!!

          An almost impossible task!!

          Either commit suicide(when you get it), OR before you get it!!


          UNLESS you can weaken your immune system ENOUGH!!

          How to do that? Grow old, and or sick!!

          I am sorry! Just take your chances on suffocation. Only one in six will die.(Though about UP TO 95% of those who get Bird Flu will die!)(Just hope you don't get it. Isolate yourself. In your home. Or out in country side!!)(One in six will get Bird Flu.  THEN 95% of THEM will die.)

           Spanish Flu had a 6% death rate. Current Bird Flu is hitting up to about 95%. In humans.

           Best hope is isolation.  Not fast human to human.  YET...

           Better still: Quarantine. IF you can get IN, BEFORE picking up Bird Flu.

           On the other hand, you meet many WITH Bird Flu,then!!


           The asteroid Nibirus!


           Will probably whizz by us about three and a half years hence.

           It is as big as Mars.

           Some say as big as Jupiter.

           Let us not squabble via quibbling, a near miss should kill thousands of millions via gravity tides,ETC.(Falling boulders, killer red dust(iron oxides), burning air(!!), and dying of starvation and or thirst.(Get into sealed cave or somesuch.)


           It MAY hit us. First trip(one every 3,600 years) it DID hit us. Created our moon.(Niribus is a rogue planet. It was a planet where the asteroids now are.  Not to be confused with Planet X, The Tenth Planet out.(NIbirus was planet FOUR out. Different object.)


          ICE AGE.

          Yes. Via the stopping of The Gulf Stream!

          As increasing fresh water ice melt pushes Gulf Stream down until it is blocked.(Already WELL advanced!!)


          Noticed the accelerating increase in temperature?

          Greenhous gases?  My big toe!!

          Don't listen to THE CLOWNS!!

          The heat is coming from BELOW!!(Heat rises not falls. And passes from dense to less dense!!  THE IDIOTS!!!!)


          Ex warming MAGMA!!

          Warming rock and sea. THEN the air!!

          NOT the other way around!!


          Why is Earth warming WITHIN??

          (That is why it is called Warming Globe instead of Global Warming!! NOW.  Global Warming is associated with Man made Greenhouse gases.(A big lie!)  Warming Globe is caused by SUN(heard of it?) ELECTRONICALLY.  How??


           Every 6,500 years, the sun starts a new cycle. Accompanied by a number of subsidiary cycles.

           The current solar cycle ends in about 7.5 years. Seven and a half YEARS!!

           I have a very high I.Q. and have spent a lifetime(long one) STUDYING these things...(First I learnt the taught lies.  And THEN worked out(God aided) THE TRUTH!!!!)


          Electrons,etc. flow en masses from the sun electronically and charge up The Earth(etc.) via cathode and anode(magnetosphere and core).   Electrons create heat.  So magma heats up more.

         Passes to rocks and lava, land and sea.

         THIS is what is warming up the air!

         About a thousand times(and some) more that the greenhouse gases are doing!!


        By all means keep the monster out of the back way. AND Surface Nature(volcanic eruptions and lightning caused forest fires,etc.)., but PLEASE DON'T ignore THE ARMY smashing down your front wall!!(Of house)

       Do you follow??

       Yes,yes, of course we have a nasty man at the back door(greenhouse gases), and another at the window(even worse a man)(Surfce Nature).

       BUT WHY DO YOU IGNORE THE ARMY of MILITANTS smashing down the front of your house??!!



       Penny dropping??


      The CLOWNS are mesmerizing us via a FALSE PICTURE!!

      Smoking industrial stacks.

      And rigged graphs.



     Stop buying their CRAP!!

     Or they will saddle us via Kyota Protocol with economic strictures which will break us EVEN BEFORE the SUN does!!




     Vested interests for them!!


     THEY work through PSEUDO scientists via stooge reporters!!

     The Industrialists are not entirely blinded by Big Profit!!

      Read my earlier works on Climate Change. BB14 especially. And BB15.


      The sun is feeding us electrons(and protons,etc.) via Solar Wind, Coronal Mass Emissions, etc.


      Currently no sun spots. But now AT PRESENT we have Coronal HOLES!!

      Which periodically do increasing damage...(They did quite recently.)

      Undersea volcanoes and thermal vents create El Ninoes.

      La Ninas created by ice infalls.(Giant ice bergs melting.)


      In season cycle the sun spots will return WORSE THAN EVER!!


      THE EARTH WILL TURN UPSIDE DOWN about 7.5 years hence(seven and a half years).

      Get to the NODES(SWIVEL POINTS) in good time!!

      WHERE are they??

      The Great Pyramid and mid way between Rapa Island(South Pacific) and The South Island of New Zealand.

      I think you will find New Zealand more accommodating that Egypt!!

     So get as close to south end of South Island in New Zealand.

     But get high up to avoid COLLOSAL TSUNAMI!!

     Bit cold in N.Z.

     So go to Australia.

     Best place: On top of The Great Dividing Range in South East Queenlsand.


     Get up at least 3,000 feet. The Tsunami will be monstrous(up to two miles high). But if you get hundreds of miles inland AND high up, you should be safe around 3,000 feet!!

     You have to avoid colossal waters AND WINDS!!


     In Australia winds up to 50mph not so bad.

     High up. Far inland!!!!


     Yes.  Sin, sex, suicide and so on will become VERY fashionable!!


     Sex to divert the mind. Sin in SHEER DESPERATION.  And suicide will become EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE...

     As men in gangs will be rampant drinking blood, eating flesh, EVEN OF THEIR OWN FAMILIES!!!!(Raving mad with hunger and thirst...)

     As the rocks crash down.(The growing magnetism of an increasingly charged Earth will pull down more and more asteroids...)

     And the growing magnetism of the iron in the crust(and the plasma at the core) will eventually drag crust via ice THOUSANDS OF MILES!! That is what triggers Earth Inversion.(I have worked it all out!!)

      No. I am not making all this up!  I have worked it all out in detail!!

      AND proved and confirmed what I am saying!!


      We have been CONNED by FOOLS!!!!



      Man's favourite pastime!!

      Though drugs are better!!

      (Power best of all!!!!)

      Sex is a low biological urge.

      About equal to survival instinct!!

      It should be overcome.

     But that is a little hard for most of as yet...


     Now let me tell you something:  The Church has reduced sex to the means to produce more fodder for the pews...(So they get more money and adoration.)

     The Ancient Greeks knew that sex between males was best.

     (And between females...)(Though rather more difficult.)

     What has happened is that many women are now obsessed with marriage and producing children(so they can dote on them)(Doting is loving to love, which can be stifling for the loved.)(Moderation in all things.)

        And many women think sex is evil. Especially outside of marriage.

        Consequently they take every opportunity (in general) to deny their mate. And even themselves!!


       As a result many men are sex starved. And seek gratification elsewhere!!

       Through prostitues and rapes if necessary!!

       Not all can afford pros.

       And so we have so many rapes!!

       Some men have solved the problem(masturbation is not mentally satisfying enough) by turning to other men!!

       Which pleases only a few.

       As same gender is not natural.

       But better than raping.


       I am simply saying. I am not advocating anything.


       Unfortunately men don't have vaginas.

       And women don't have penisii.


       Which presents a problem.  For both genders who are homo.


       Women need penisii.

       Men need vaginas.

       Yes. I know. A compromise often gets struck.  Dildos with woman to woman.

       And rectums with man to man.


       (I worked it out.)


       I think you are(both genders)missing a trick...

       (True, there is oral...)

       Yes, I suppose clit to clit occurs to women.(A bit tricky in practice.)

       But p to p seldom occurs to men!!


       I leave these innovations with you.

       As we should be rising ABOVE sex urge, not extending possibilities!!


      My idea is to prevent some men from rape. as male rectums deter many.


      Women can bear to live without sex much more easily than men.


       Kissing screen lovelies usually drives one to masturbate.

       Snags in all directions. But which is the least??


      And now to Astronomy.

      I include Astro-physics, Cosmology and Cosmogony.

      Physics is stuffed, by the way!!

      We have got it all wrong.

      There are FOUR gravities!!

      And hyperforce.

      Also hyperspace,etc.

      To mention a few fascinating items.


      Huge changes lie ahead.

      As the sun approaches the start of a new cycle. WHICH BEGINS WITH A BANG!!!!

      No. It is not a Judgement of God!

      Only partially so.

      There is no SUPREME God, or Devil.



      Islands in space, inhabited are many.


      And as for survival of death, - of course not!

      But death is only the end of the entity that dies!!

      Horse and rider(Body and soul).

      When horse dies(body).

      Does rider??


      There is no life after death.

      But there is no death after life either!!

     In other words DEATH NEVER COMES!!!!


      I urge you to study my Astronomy finds!!

      To become unconcious permanently IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!


      In other words, you CANNOT(EVER) die.(We had no beginning,too.)(No thing did.)


      This world has got everything all wrong!!


      We are meant to enjoy THE GODS and The Universe!!!!

      Even down here in the hard physical.

      Living is to be ENJOYED...


      But many are not able(not evolved enough yet) to do that.

      So instead they HATE those who DO enjoy life,

      And try all out to prevent others from enjoying what they cannot(yet)!!!!


      This is what the religieuse do!!

      There IS a Hell(after death).

      But it is not The Hell as described and defined by the so envious religieuse!!!!


     I know that FEW will like what I say. Very few.

     Even among those who read what I say,

     VERY few are in the least interested in what I am saying.


     Yet until we DO learn the important truths,

     we have so little hope of fulfilling ourselves...




     Victor Conway.