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Articles Written July 2007


Wednesday, 18th July,  2,007.


More on Global Warming. Part three.


      It is so important not to buy the current fad!(Man made global warming, through carbon dioxide in Industry.)(Because it phoney!! And being supported for money,power, attention, etc!!)


      THREE possible scenarios exist:-

      Cooling globe. No change globe.  And warming globe.

      CURRENTLY, we have a warming troposphere. And a cooling strat!

      Satellites,etc. indicate mid level of troposphere warming.

      Land is warmest. Then sea. And last - the atmosphere!!(Heat rises not falls. And passes from dense to less dense, not less dense to dense!!!!)

      However surface checks indicate warming in lower trop, not middle.

      Temps have gone up 0.5 C in 150 years.

      Only a slight increase is showing up.

      There are also three explanations:-

      1.Sun spots. 2. Radiation from the sun. 3. Greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, particularly Man industrially.

     All hypotheses need checking out!

     Seek Truth, not your wish!!

     A marvellous parallel between sun spots and temps(later wild weather,etc.) exists. The graphs show.

     It is no good bull-dozing, railroading,  the world into the WRONG action via panic scares!!  Or the cure will be far worse than the complaint!!(The poor nations(Not their leaders who now surpass The West!!)

     We NEED the fossil fuels,etc!!

     And certainly the poor masses of the third world does!!

     Now the sun spots levelled out recently. However, temps carry on upwards.(But CO2 does not.)

     The important thing to find out is: Is it Greenhouse gases or not(the excess only of course or we would die!)?

     Contrary to raving hysterical popular belief Human caused(AND non human caused!)(via industry and otherwise) global warming IS NOT passing any tests!(The main supporters of man made global warming are simply making wild assertions to get the mob to continue to support Human CO2 cause!!(If continued, this will eventually prove fatal for us all!!))


     On the other hand, sun spots' source IS passing all the tests!

     Radiation,too,OPTICAL ex sun is failing tests too.


     But WHY the levelling out recently, while temps(allegedly!) continued rising?

     I can answer that.

     Sun spots are not the ONLY cause of Warming Globe!!


     The missing factors are at work!(If you were to add those to sun spots, we WOULD see the graph rising with the temperature!!)

      The situation is complex and we cannot alight on any one cause!

      As taken piecemeal like that, ALL causes will fail the tests!

      May I explain something that you are all missing!

      The solar wind,etc.(Now geometrically(harmonically is the new term) increasing!)(Do not be fooled by the recent lull!!)HAS BEEN electrically charging up Earth! The result is a magnetically(and electrically)charged Earth core, AND a negatively charged magnetosphere, which is COOLING the stratosphere!! The sun is now resuming its electric activity. Note the curent growing sun spots.(In the interim we had coronal holes. And they work disasters,too! But of course do it slyly!!)(The reason warming continued EVEN THOUGH quiet sun(Few, if any, sun spots.), has been The Earth's Surface Electro-magnetic Field. Which has simply continued to work despite little or no further support from the sun electronically(sun spots,etc.).  But note that the Monster cause is getting re-started!!

        The Earth's core HAS been charging up.(A new charging cycle has just begun.)  This has made the core much more magnetic(Sun and Earth have doubled their magnetisms.). The magnetic pull is dragging on the crust. It is also pulling down meteors(asteroids and comets)more and more! Via the iron,etc. IN the crusts.(And in the meteors!)

       Friction between lithosphere and asthenosphere(upper and lower crusts) is creating heat and electricity.  Electrons.  These are creating an electro-magnetic field at the surface of The Earth.  It is THIS which is warming land and sea, AND air. But in that order!!!  NOT the reverse.(Note that the reason the stratosphere is not warming is mainly due to a negative charge ex the sun on the magnetosphere. Plus the fact that there is very little for the sun's rays to alight upon in the thin and already cold stratosphere!!  Also, very little heat gets back up from the troposhere!! Stopped by the Greenhouse gases shield!!)


         Many cooling factors exist.

         An ICE age is coming. Via melting ices.(Thus ironically ex global warming!!)

         Cosmic rays PAUCITY cause few clouds to form, and thus more heat to reach the ground!

         CMF's also cool.(Along with many other cooling factors!)


         These same electrons are causing brain storms in humans and animals, thus exacerbating their already weak natures!!


     Earth, in keeping with the other heavenly bodies and field is HOLLOW(It is SOLID Earth,etc.which is ABSURD!!)!!  Albeit not like a table tennis ball!! There is a shell hundreds of miles thick. 800 miles thick I think.

    The core is plasmic. VERY magnetic.

    The consequence of a hollow planet is that the core is free not only to spin faster than the shell, BUT TO GYRATE(revolve, not just rotate!)!!


     The differential affords the magnetic attraction leverage! To pull on the top crust(and the meteors).

      The fight is between the well demonstrated(in theory and practice) ELECTRON Sun cause warming globe(!!), and the fallacious Human CO2 cause(Which exists along with non-human causes, PLUS through all the greenhouse gases!(Surface Nature: Volcanic eruption(under sea,too!), and lightning strikes causing forest and grass fires(along with arson and carelessness!!).).).


      Sun radiative wise will occur LATER.

      Temps rise at night, and in winter, more than by day, and in summer, respectively!!

      Which SEEMS to oppose the solar hypothesis!

      By day, the electrons,etc.(photons,etc.) from the sun RESTRICT the surface electro-magnetic field. Killing the EM effect. By night, and in winter, this shield does not exist!!


      Temps precede by hundreds of years CO2! A fact well supported by the graphs!!

      I have already explained why(see previous article)the feedback carbon dioxide is absurd.(For two reasons.)(First is postulated a small cause(proximity to sun) to produce a big release of CO2!  Which is NUTS.)(Second the graphs very clearly show a hundreds of years gap between the leading temperature plot, and the delayed carbon dioxide plot!!)


      It is EXTREMELY important the people do not get stampeded  into precipitous WRONG action exacerbating things!!

      Clearly Human CO2 is a non-starter.

     And equally clearly ELECTRONIC sun plus Earth's surface electro-magnetic field are the two main mechanisms warming up the planet!!


      The Inconvenient Truth people are USING the Warming Globe issue for attention and wrath venting protests. Which PAYS big money to the groups(ex Russia,etc.) supporting it!!  DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!!!(The Activists have merely changed to a new hobby horse!!)


      Superficial examination is too shallow!

      You need rigorous SCIENTIFIC examination!!


      Two things may save us from the unalterable cataclysmic threat:-

      1. We MAY get a mild solar cataclysm(affecting Earth,etc.) this super solar cycle.(Which come every 6,500 years.)

      And 2. Friendly aliens who may protect us from The Earth and Climate Changes.

      Also helping us against The monster rogue planet Nibirus!!

      Thus making mass emigrations to Australasia un-necessary!!

      This can all be converted into a New Dawn Golden Age. IF we see through the attention grabbing and wrath venting fools!!


      And DO NOT aid THE VILLAINS!!!!



     Vic Conway.





Wednesday, 18th July,  2,007.


More on Global Warming. Part three.


      It is so important not to buy the current fad!(Man made global warming, through carbon dioxide in Industry.)(Because it phoney!! And being supported for money,etc!!)


      THREE possible scenarios exist:-

      Cooling globe. No change globe.  And warming globe.

      CURRENTLY, we have a warming troposphere. And a cooling strat!

      Satellites,etc. indicate mid level of troposphere warming.

      Land is warmest. Then sea. And last - the atmosphere!!

      However surface checks indicate warming in lower trop, not middle.

      Temps have gone up 0.5 C in 150 years.

      Only a slight increase is showing up.

      There are also three explanations:-

      1.Sun spots. 2. Radiation from the sun. 3. Greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, particularly Man industrially.

     All hypotheses need checking out!

     Seek Truth, not your wish!!

     A marvellous parallel between sun spots and temps(later wild weather,etc.) exists. The graphs show.

     It is no good bull-dozing, railroading the world into the WRONG action via panic scares!!  Or the cure will be far worse than the complaint!!(The poor nations(Not their leaders who now surpass The West!!)

     Now the sun spots level out recently. But temps carry on upwards.(But CO2 does not.)

     The important thing to find out is: Is it Greenhouse gases or not(the excess only of course or we would die!)?

     Contrary to hysterical popular belief Human caused(AND non human caused!)(via industry and otherwise) global warming IS NOT passing any tests!(The main supporters of man made global warming are simply making wild assertions to get the mob to continue to support Human CO2 cause!!(If continued, this will eventually prove fatal for us all!!)

     On the other hand, sun spots' source IS passing all the tests!

     Radiation,too,OPTICAL ex sun is failing test too.

     But WHY the levelling out recently, while temps(allegedly!) continued rising?

     I can answer that.

     Sun spots are not the ONLY cause of global warming!!

     The missing factors are at work!(If you were to add those to sun spots, we WOULD see the graph rising with the temperature!!)

      The situation is complex and we cannot alight on any one cause!

      As taken piecemeal like that, ALL causes will fail the tests!

      May I explain something that you are all missing!

      The solar wind,etc.(Now geometrically increasing!)(Do not be fooled by the recent lull!!)HAS BEEN electrically charging up Earth! The result is a magnetically(and electrically)charged Earth core, AND a negatively charged magnetosphere, which is COOLING the stratosphere!! The sun is now resuming its electric activity. Note the curent growing sun spots.(In the interim we had coronal holes. And they work disasters,too! But of course do it slyly!!)

        The Earth's core HAS been charging up.(A new charging cycle has just begun.)  This has made the core much more magnetic(Sun and Earth have doubled their magnetisms.). The magnetic pull is dragging on the crust. It is also pulling down meteors(asteroids and comets)more and more! Via the iron,etc. IN the crusts.(And in the meteors!)

       Friction between lithosphere and asthenosphere(upper and lower crusts) is creating heat and electricity. Electrons.  These are creating an electro-magnetic field at the surface of The Earth.  It is THIS which is warming land and sea, AND air. But in that order!!!

      These same electrons are causing brain storms in humans and animals, thus exacerbating their already weak natures!!


     Earth, in keeping with the other heavenly bodies and field is HOLLOW!!  Albeit not like a table tennis ball!! There is a shell hundreds of miles thick. 800 miles thick I think.

    The core is plasmic. VERY magnetic.

    The consequence of a hollow planet is that the core is free not only to spin faster than the shell, BUT TO GYRATE(revolve, not just rotate!)!!


     The differential affords the magnetic attraction leverage! To pull on the top crust(and the meteors).

      The fight is between the well demonstrated(in theory and practice) ELECTRON Sun cause warming globe(!!), and the fallacious Human CO2 cause(Which exists along with non-human causes, PLUS through all the greenhouse gases!(Surface Nature: Volcanic eruption(under sea,too!), and lightning strikes causing forest and grass fires(along with arson and carelessness!!).).


      Sun radiative wise will occur LATER.

      Temps rise at night, and in winter, more than by day, and in summer, respectively!!

      Which SEEMS to oppose the solar hypothesis!

      By day, the electrons,etc.(photons,etc.) from the sun RESTRICT the surface electro-magnetic field. Killing the EM effect. By night, and in winter, this shield does not exist!!


      Temps precede by hundreds of years CO2!

      I have already explained why(see previous article)the feedback carbon dioxide is absurd.(For two reasons.)(First is postulated a small cause to produce a big release of CO2!  Which is NUTS.)(Second the graphs very clearly show a hundreds of years gap between the leading temperature plot, and the delayed carbon dioxide plot!!


      It is EXTREMELY important the people do not get stampeded  into precipitous WRONG action exacerbating things!!

      Clearly Human CO2 is a non-starter.

     And equally clearly ELECTRONIC sun plus Earth's surface electro-magnetic field are the two main mechanisms warming up the planet!!


      The Inconvenient Truth people are USING the Warming Globe issue for attention and wrath venting protests. Which PAYS big money to the groups(ex Russia,etc.) supporting it!!  DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!!!


      Superficial examination is too shallow!

      You need rigorous SCIENTIFIC examination!!

      Two things may save us from the unalterable cataclysmic threat:-

      1. We MAY get a mild solar cataclysm(affecting Earth,etc.) this super solar cycle.(Which come every 6,500 years.)

      And 2. Friendly aliens who may protect us from The Earth and Climate Changes.

      Also helping us against The monster rogue planet Nibirus!!

      Thus making mass emigrations to Australasia un-necessary!!

      This can all be converted into a New Dawn Golden Age. IF we see through the fools!!

      And DO NOT aid THE VILLAINS!!!!



     Vic Conway.














Monday, 16th July,  2,007.


The World Situation now.


            The Political East continues to rise up against The West. Now led by Russia. As Putin gets increasingly unpleasant.


    And Islam(actually the active fundamentalist sect called Wahabism) increasingly terrorises the world. Aim: To convert ALL to Wahabism!!(Or God help you!)

    The awful thing is - is that The West began it all!! By installing Israel without first getting permission off Arabs, especially P.L.O.(Yes UNO mandated it. But UNO dominated by U.S.ETC!!!!)


    And U.S. trying to subjugate world to Democracy!(Not all like it. Not ready for it!!)

    Yes, oil is the prime target. But better to do without oil(find a substitute!!), than to perish!! Never mind the plants! Get Alaskan oil!!


     Bush is bad, but there are worse.

     There is only one thing worse than not getting out of Iraq!

     And that is getting out!!


     Huge changes in the offing.

     He who knows most of truth will win!


      Join me!!

      To save the world. From dark and restrictive forces!!

       Man is so backward(spiritually).(Because so young in spiritual evolution.)

       And thus is bad.

       But we cannot afford Man versus Man!!

       On pain of self destruction!!!!(Look at the technology we have!!)


       Best hope is a new but GOOD Republican!!

       Bush is making EXCUSES to stay in Iraq.

       To protect Western interests.

        So Political East will increasingly rise. Led by Russia!!

        Our best hope is that the coming cataclysms will unite Mankind.

        And that good aliens will protect us enough!!!!


       The U.S. ETC. are bleeding to death in a losing fight in Iraq!!

        West needs to stop Iran!!

        AND North Korea.

        AND RED China.

        AND now Russia.

        AND Wahabism.

        AND Leftism!!!!



        Australia is facing massacre by Labour.

        The mob rules. And The Mob HATES progress!!


        Persia WAS good.

        But under clerics is BAD.

        Especially under Ahmad!!

        Russia out for revenge.

        And the old tyrannical days!!


        I think China has curbed Kim Il(very sick mentally).

        He would not surrender advantage otherwise!!


        And certainly Iran will not!!

        We now face nuclear,ETC. terrorism.


        Plus many natural CATASTROPHES!!!!(Including killer flu's and Bird Flu!!)

        We are ruled by bad humanoid aliens!!!!


        West's big mistake:  Stopping Saddam taking Kuwait!!

        And especially slaying him and his cronies!!(That was DISGUSTING.)(He wasn't that bad. Iraq,etc. FAR  better off under him. Now we have Iran ON TOP!!!!)(U.S. afraid to tackle REAL bullies!!)(So they have BECOME one!!)


        Kurds and Shi-ites, especially SHIA rule is very VERY bad!!!

        I expect chaotic Iraq to slide into Civil War. And then get carved up by Iran, Syria, Saudis and Turks. In THAT order!!

        U.S. is following Ancient Rome into DESTRUCTION.

        Via increasing DECADENCE!!!!


        I expect Euro,etc. to replace dollar!!

        The West is too deeply in debt!!


        Rising Dow BUBBLE a danger sign.

        Must burst. AT ANY TIME!!!!

        UNLESS we can qualify for good HUMAN ALIENS(e.g. From Venus,etc.) to come and rescue us!! Under GOD and Jesus,ETC!!!!


        I don't rate our future!!

        We need to rise conciousness onto a higher Parallel Time TRACK!!!!

         Aliens afraid of nuclear explosions. And who can blame them!!

         So I expect them to intervene. AND TAKE US OVER.

         We are a Space Farm!!


          We are cattle to them!!

          They experiment on us, most painfully!!!!

          After our genes(to replace their failing ones!).

          Mating with us to create hybrids!

          Via abductions.

           In exchange for advanced technology!!


           Man refuses to face up to endless life after death.

           AND to intelligent life almost everywhere throughout the OMNI-verse!!


           We cannot stop Warming Globe. Because we CANNOT control Sun,ETC. (Sun, not Man responsible for Warming Globe!!)

           So useless to try!!


           Read my BB39!

           For God's Sake WAKE UP, Mankind!!

           Or bad aliens WILL DEVOUR US WHOLESALE!!!!


           Those who raise their vibrations spiritually may escape onto a higher parallel time track. Oh,yes, it can be done!


           We can also returnt to Past, and change it for the better!!


           Man is not interested in these things unfortunately.

           Bar an extremely small few!


           ALL things are indeed possible.

           But not all things are probable!!!!



          Victor Conway.










Monday, 16th July,  2,007.


Warming Globe



            Most know this subject as "Global Warming".

      Apart from being grammatically incorrect, it is the GLOBE that is warming, NOT the air!!(Heat rises, not falls. And passes from dense to less dense mediums, not the opposite!!)

      So important to be as near right and true as one can get!!

      An Inconvenient Truth has been met by The Great Global Warming Swindle. Two books.

      It is important that people learn the truth.

      According to the current fashion, Man - through Carbon Dioxide, is causing "Global Warming"!!

      This is SHEER balderdash!!

      It is alleged that Greenhouse Gases are heating the planet.

      They are heating The Troposphere(The lower atmosphere).

       Did they not do so, we would become like the surface of Mars. Very frigid, all over the world.

      So let us give thanks to the marvellous arrangement by Nature. Which, via the gases carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, clouds, sulphurous dioxide,etc. - keep  our surface temperate. Bearably warm.  Via what is called The Greenhouse Effect.

      The rays of the sun get in, but not much gets out.

      Carbon dioxide, by the way, is good fro plants. Without it they would die.

      Plants could bear a much higher quantity of CO2 - and THRIVE!!!!

      C02 is NOT a pollutant. It is a FOOD. It enable plants to live.


       Without CO2 plants would perish.

       And without fossil fuels,etc. Man will perish!!

       Yet there is an increasingly HYSTERICAL clamour to stop burning fossil fuels,etc. And to use solar power, wind energy,ETC.

       It is the current protest fad.

       Thirty years ago it was Global Cooling scare.

       Plus an apolyptic end!!

       Is Religion behind these scares??

       Mrs Thatcher is the main culprit.(A good woman, but not perfect.)

       She ordered that funds go to fight global warming.

       I understand that Julian Huxley fathered it all.


       It is the so-called developing world(now ahead of the developed!) that will suffer most, in the dire poverty and deprivation of their masses!!

       But all this has more to do with Communism(Marxism, really!) stooges riding the new hobby horse of The Environment, in its fight against Capitalism. The special negative factor being the alleged Carbon Dioxide production by Man.(To excess of course, as much of it is necessary to keep us warm. And the plants ALIVE!!!!)

       The problem IN THE EYES OF THE ACTIVISTS ex Russia,etc.  is that small amount of Carbon Dioxide put out by Man via Industry. Which is a small fraction of the entire CO2 output of the planet!

        The Environmentalists and The Greens,etc. flog this horse to death.

        Pollution is the problem. Not CO2!!

        I agree that pollution and litter are bad.

        And that we do need a good environment! Of COURSE!!

        Greenery needs to be balanced against Urban greed!!

        Greening is a different thing. The doing good(to plants) by more carbon dioxide.

        HUMAN produced Carbon Dioxide is THE ALLEGED problem.

        The true problem is The Sun ELECTRONICALLY. Via Sun spots and Coronal holes. Via Coronal Mass extinctions and The Solar Wind.

        It has been found that there is  strong correlation between sun spots and temperature.

        And with rising temp goes wild weather!!

        Via increased(through heat) evaporation leading to more clouds, and great precipiation.

        Rising hot air is replaced by other air. Thus creating wind. Though it is the rotation of The Earth that produces much wind.

        Pressure changes according to the amount of air at some given place. This is always varying.

        More volume, more pressure.

        Low pressure produces cyclones. Rain,etc.

       High pressure produces anti-cyclones. Hot dry weather, etc.

        The Mob has voted in Carbon Dioxide. Especially that produced by Man industrially.


        Money in it, and so, power.

        Plus protest venting of feelings. Released wrath makes you feel better!! And while one alone might be too afraid, in a gang or group, dutch courage is obtained!!


         Methane, not CO2 is the main Greenhouse Gas. And Water Vapour and Clouds precedes(in rank) even Methane!!(Methane is produced by animals, especially farm(though even wild animals AND MAN, fart!!)(And belch) animals.)

         Carbon dioxide is the most well known gas among The Greenhouse gases.

         So it goes scapegoat.

         And melting ice is so impressive. True, its rate is increasing.

         Harmonically. The old geometric.(Progression, rate.)


         We have to PAY for everything. And Mrs Thatcher's improvements for society in Britain - is being paid for in The Great anti Global Warming protests.  With its so harmful results.


         There has been a growing correlation between carbon dioxide and temperature since about 1860, The Industrial Revolution.  This provides the key trigger, and modus operandi!!  In the minds of the superficial!!

        No doubt about it, the greenhouse gases WILL trap sunlight, and produce more heat in the troposphere!

        However, the AMOUNT pales to INSIGNIFICANCE when compared to what THE SUN, electronically, IS DOING!!!!


       Belching industrial stacks has blinded the masses against the overwhelming heat increase being caused by THE SUN!!

       Not(YET) optically, but ELECTRONICALLY. Via Sun spots and Coronal holes,etc. Magnetism outlets.

       A number of things cause our planet to get warmer:-

       1.  Day is warmer than night.(Via the absence of the sun's disk VISIBLY

       2.  Summer is warmer than winter. Due solar rays arriving at a steeper angle! And therefore more concentrated.

       3.  Earth's proximity to The Sun.  This varies on account of the current orbit around the sun being so circular!

       4.  The PAUCITY of Cosmic rays will warm The Earth creating tiny particles of moisture for clouds to condense upon.(The sun light gets reflected back out into space. Instead of(so much) passing through.)

       5.   Cosmic Rays apparently are fewer when Earth is in line with the centre of the galaxy(Milky Way galaxy., whch is ours.)

       6.   The Earth has long since lost its original central heat.

       7.   So since sun spot activity has only just re-started(In this sub cycle 23(expected to be very severe).), then(aside from coronal holes), WHAT is producing the still increasing heat??

        The answer is: Electrons,etc(protons) in The Solar Wind passing The Earth(which is a spinning electro-magnet(like the sun, and all heavenly bodies and fields). And thus CHARGES(electrically) The Earth, via cathode and anode(Magnetosphere and Core).

        At present this is very slight.

        However, a charged core spinning AND GYRATING faster than the shell of The Earth(Earth,etc. are hollow!), drags on the iron,etc. in the crust. Which creates friction as the lithosphere tries to pass over the asthenosphere(upper and lower crusts).  This friction is creating an electro-magnetic force field at The Earth's Surface.  It is the electrons from this that are heating Earth's surface(land and sea)(plus a little in the air). AND by passing through human and animal brains causing brain storms which are driving humans and animals increasingly mad and bad!!

         The harmonically growing magnetism is also pulling down more and more meteors via the iron etc. IN THEM.


        (The Earth's core is plasmic. VERY magnetic.)


         HERE is the CURRENT main factor producing heat.


         Note that WHEN sun spot activity grows again, then the MAIN heating drive will cut back in. And electrons from the core will heat the lava more, and the magma,etc. Rocks and so on.


        A correlation has been found between temp and CO2, and graphed.

        1940 to 1975 shows a fall!

        When a rise would be expected IF carbon dioxide were the main culprit!


         However, there is a correlation between carbon dioxide and temperature all along!

         It has been found that CO2 lags behind temperature by 800 years! Thus ruling out carbon dioxide as a cause of global warming!

         Due to the sea retaining heat for so long!

         The more voluminous and warm, the more it will absorb. And, being so big and deep, takes hundreds of years to release that heat(back into the atmosphere)!!

         Graphs show temperatures rocketing from 1997 on.

         But CO2 is falling! A lot.

         This should produce the final coup de grace to HUMAN induced GW!!

         However, the increasingly shrill hysterical activists have gone into denial!!

         The pull of money is too much for them.

         Now I looked back through a graph. And found that The Little Ice Age(now denied by carbon dioxide obsessives) BEGAN to get really severe about 600 years ago.

         I think the figure of 800 years lag is not too binding!

         Consider: Colder sea PLUS less of it(due to much ice having melted since about 1400 A.D.) could account for the 200 year disparancy!!


        The Activists(those promoting the myth of man made GW) now deny The Little Ice Age AND The Medieval Warm Period!!

        Their DOCTORED graphs show  what is called The Hockey Stick.  A big J.  Which appears when you remove the cold spell AND the warm period(In The Middle Ages.).

         It is clear to me that the phoney human induced carbon dioxide explanation is a deliberate lie!

         To panic people into disruptive processes. Thus to overthrow Democracy via defeating Capitalism!(How CAN business prosper WITHOUT capital?!)

        Whence all the energy pouring into the sun?(Which, in dturn, flows to the planets(not just The Earth).

         Read my other articles upon this subject. Chronologically.


        It is from the centres of field and objects in space exploding.

        Fields and objects explode at the ends of their lives. As everything returns to centre from which it came!!

        Gravity emergu then suddenlty changes into radionic energy.  Via the gravitons getting crushed(by gravity) out of existence.  Matterthjen changing into energy!!


        Moon revolves around Earth.  Earth revolves around Sun.

        Sun revolves around ITS spiral arm(one of two). Not in galaxy, but in LOCAL CLOSED STELLAR CLUSTER. One of many in our local galaxy!!

        When sun is closest to spiral arm, then energy flowing into(and out of) sun reaches maximum.

        Stellar cluster revolve around galaxy(and so on).


        I have calculated that the sun will be closest to spiral arm in 2,012 A.D.(Nov.21, 2,011.A.D. really)(But you need to add 3 years due to old Julian Calendar being out that much.  So we have 7, not 4 years to when global warming PEAKS.(Note, not ends!!)(But it then goes down , taking years to reach normal.)

        The heat will cause an Ice Age AFTER first roasting us!!

        Via stopping of The Gulf Stream.(The Great Conveyor.)

        Currents in plasma, magma, rock(!!), sea and air,etc. are the intermediate cause of our increasingly bad weather.


        You really need to read my previous articles on this subject!!


        Go back to the first one, and read chronologically!!


        Meanwhile just accept what I say here.

        Believe me, I have proved and confirmed the lot!!


        The myth is HUMAN caused Global Warming.

         GW is indisputable.


          The Computer models are only POSSIBLE scenarios!

           We need to look at what is PROBABLE.


        The models may LOOK impressive.

         But of course are only as good as the data inserted!!


         It is the activists that are fudging the results!!

         Now so strenuously IN DENIAL!!!!


         The next BIG(all goes in cycles) SOLAR CYCLE will be mild I THINK.

          Kindly aliens will protect many from even that!!(I believe so.)


          So(correction)instead of Inversion, we only face increaded tilt. Possible Earth on its side.

          But Nibirus coming.(The comet of Nostradamus.   Along with The Great Islamic Uprising.)

          I hope friendly aliens will protect from this!!

         Or we are doomed.

          So mass migration to Australasia,etc. may not be necessary!

          Vic Conway.       



Monday, 9th July,  2,007.

More on What IS Death??



          People  may say to me: "If there is no death, what happens,then?".

    Death is a disbanding. Our corpses continue but at a lower level of individuals(Parts or pieces of the former whole.).(Molecules.)

     The Rider WHO IS NOT THE HORSE! Goes on in a finer body vehicle(already with us!), in ITS world. The Spirit World.

     Men THOUGHT that Death was the end BECAUSE the so obvious IMMEDIATE corpses are so ABSENTED by the former occupants.  BOTH energy field AND spirit(higher vehicle body) AND the personality - wrongly called SOUL!!!!


     Men look at the Outside you see!

     But the Occupant looks at The INSIDE!!!!

     Humans reason foolishly(in general).

     Big mistake: Thinking that the body IS the person!!

     The BODY is ONLY the DIVING SUIT!!(The now uninhabitable OVERCOAT!!)

      Which, on the departure of The Occupant - BECOMES a discarded 3d SHELL!!

      Notice something about corpses? Apart from being so finally DEAD.   Yes!  They are SO VACANT!! EMPTY!!!!

      You see. Men think(in general) in 3d terms. But universe is MULTI dimensional!! Ha ah!!!!

      They also think in SIMPLISTIC terms, but things are COMPLEX!!

      Overlain with the complications of FOOLS!!!!

      Which villains EXPLOIT!!!!


      When I say There IS life after death, I MEAN that though the horse(body) is dead, the RIDER is still ALIVE!!

      It is thus an EXPRESSION.(Not to be taken LITERALLY!!!!)(Which is the silly grist of materialists!!)


      I speak confidently. Yes! Born of long hard deep study. AND experiences OUT of the body!!

      Can YOU unseat me??

      I wear no academic badges!

      Experience and long study of Truth are MY underpins!!


      Look!! I said that men(and women!) see THE OUTSIDE. But the Rider WITHIN he is seeing THE INSIDE!! Ha ha!!

      When we view a sleeper(no, no, not between railway tracks), they may be DREAMING!!  Aye.

      We can only see the OUTSIDE. A sleeping unconcious person!

      But he may be dreaming of climbing a mountain. BECAUSE he sees INSIDE, ONLY!!!!

      When we view a CORPSE, we again see THE OUTSIDE only!!

      What is The Occupant VIEWING??

      The Occupant has GONE. Yes!  But WHERE TO??!!

      Chuckle, CHUCKLE!!!!

      Oblivion? HELL??  For a walk?  Or non-existent!!(Ha HA.)


      For those who identify the occupant with the vehicle, then he does not exist.

      He is now a dead body. A CORPSE!!

      No, not to oblivion. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE CONCIOUS OF NOTHING(NESS)!!!!   Ah...



      Now no thing means what it says NO ENTITY.

      NOTHING can mean NO THING or NOTHINGNESS.  Or even No PARTICULAR thing(In a certain contextual environment!!)


      Usually it means NOTHINGNESS.

      Which existeth not IN TERMS OF THINGS.(Though yes it exists as a NOTHING!! Ah Ha!!!!)


      Yes. He(or she) may have gone for a walk. As the spirit world has A GROUND!!

      They may be walking there somewhere THINKING that they are still in the physical.(As The Spirit World APPARENTLY is as The Physical.  AT FIRST!!)

      Yuk. YUK.


      So where THE HECK has he gone?

      Maybe to Hell.(Meaning Hades.)

      But into The Spirit World. At the Original(as it is the PHYSICAL that is the replica!)5D level  of The Physical Realm. Hey HO.)


     So you see comrads... Well I hope you do a bit better NOW!!!!


     Hell is a state of soul and mind.  Hades is simply The Underworld. The lower part of The Spirit World.  Lower in the sense of 5d AND 3d!!


     Would I say it was if it weren't!!

     It is because I see it 98% SO, I tell you so!!

    SO!!  It is not death that men fear most. But LIFE!!


    Hating to pay back.

    And to drag on in the misery of the lower self!!(So many do.)

    Fearing the non-existent horror of an endless life.

    And/or not wishing to continue in a decrepit body! But YOU DON'T!!(Because you THEN occupy your new spirit body!!)(Some people leave their bodies temporarily whilst still alive. I have.)



     THINKING is SO important!!

     From the correct PREMISES!!!!


     Death is a phoney idea in the minds of men. Born of looking at corpses too hard and or too long!!

     Born of confusing riders with their horses.

     THROUGH confusing outsides with insides!!



     I am hated by many for speaking true.

     But which is more profitable unto you, truth or lies??!!

     The Devil does not like it!!

     But GOD rules!!!!




      Vic Conway.







Tuesday, 3rd July,  2,007.



What IS death?

Part two.


     In BB29, part one of this series, I said that death was a disbanding, not an annihilation of individuals, of a group.

     If we keep in mind the horse and rider analogy,(horse = body, rider equals personality), then my argument case will be easier to follow.

     Of course for those who believe that the rider IS the horse, there can be no understanding!

    Death is two things: 1. It is the disbanding of the molecules forming the horse after it dies.  And 2. It is the release of the rider from the saddle, to live on in its own world!

     So neither the rider, nor the horse actually dies!

     The horse disintegrates(equals the dis banding), via fast dying organs and cells into molecules. Thus returning the horse to the great reservoir, for use in the creation of future horses.


     You may counter that the INDIVIDUAL horse is no more!

     Yes, but is the former Rider too bothered??


      Unkind to horses?  Let us extend my analogy:  We are at a circus(and how!). A horse is riding around the ring, carrying a rider WHO IS IN TURN CARRYING A RIDER ON HIS SHOULDERS. 

      They trot around a few times, and then...

      A laughing clown draws a pistol and shoots the horse - dead. The two riders separate and hurriedly dismount. Both alive and smiling.  They bow, and depart.

      Not a fair analogy?  Would you prefer I had a horse(donkey, perhaps) riding a horse, with a human mount on the top horse!!


      Stupid, you see. My point is - that in turn, each rider is a horse to a higher rider!

      Horse,too, re-incarnate!!

      And humans even get re-born!!

      Remember that I am offering the non-existence of DEATH.


      The two riders paraded triumphantly around the ring.

      Meanwhile, after the dead horse is carried out, a NEW horse emerges from the wings. - Re-constituted from the reservoir of molecules!!


      I am saying that although INDIVIDUAL horses don't survive, individual riders DO!!

      And that IN TURN, the individual horses(equating with the bottom(lower) riders), ALSO return.


      It is a serial regress without end. So no horse or rider ever goes permanently out of existence!!

      I think it will now be easier to follow the ACTUAL case:-


      Joe Bloggs dies. His body rots, disintegrates back into the great reservoir of molecules for future assemblies.

     Joe Bloggs later re-incarnates, after a number of re-births, meantime spending INTERREGNUMS in The Spirit World.(Which is the world where our departed personalities take on spirit vehicles(bodies), a number of times, PENDING re-incarnations in the re-assembled(physical(as even higher vehicles are material bodies!) BODIES!!!!)


      How upset are you over your discarded old overcoat??



      There is NO such thing as Death!(Nor Birth!)

      There is simply a change of bodies(horses).

       And after a number of re-births, a new personality off-shoots from the old soul!!


       Yes. This IS what happens!!


       Look!  You go on a dive in an old fashioned diving suit.  Eventually they haul you up.  You remove the diving suit, and cast it aside(like an old overcoat!).


       You change into evening wear.

       Later, next day, you put on a fresh diving suit.

       And so on.

       AND ON.

       Without beginning or end!!

       You don't get mentally weary, because you FORGET(each time) your previous diving expedition!

       AND each time you don(next day) your FRESH diving suit, you cannot recall it being other than your first dive!!


      Meanwhile you proceed through various suits during the evening.

      Death(and birth) is an IDEA invented by humans to explain corpses!!(But corpses are MERELY shells!!)

      Corpses are simply discarded 3d SHELLS!!!!

      How many lobsters have nervous breakdowns over their discarded shells?

      How many snakes go into convulsions when seeing their old skin?!

      Lobster,etc.shells are 2d. As are snake skins,etc.

      But the analogy holds for 3d parallels!!

      So WHAT IS Death??!!

      It is NO THING more than a FALSE idea passed on in the minds of MEN!!!!(And women, of course.)

     Permanent end is the FALSE meaning!!


     The TRUE meaning is simply TRANSFER!!


     In the case of the component molecules from group to disbanded units.

     In the case of the rider dismounted from his horse(or a car driver exited from his vehicle!!),  it is a change of environment!!

     Like that of the deep sea diver who was formerly IN WATER, but is now in AIR!!!!


     Look! If YOU don't want to survive, that is all right with me!

     Everyone to their taste!!

     You want to lie as a corpse in the clod FOR EVER, - that is your affair!!

     I'm for the STARS, myself, VIA THE CLOUDS!!

     I am saying that (ALL) personalities survive in a finer MATERIAL world, awaiting re-call!!(The Spirit World has many levels. 5d levels!!)

     One day we all qualify NOT to be re-called, but to remain in the much lighter and easier Spirit World!!

     AND all souls mount higher and higher, eventually, towards the STARS...AND BEYOND!!!!


     You hate the idea for a number of reasons:-

     1.  The idea of an after life scares you. Because eventually cheats must pay back those they have robbed!!

     2.  The idea of continuing to live in a decrepit body is repulsive.

     Of COURSE it is! But THAT is what we DON'T DO!!

     We shed the worn out shell, and enjoy a new environment for a while(an easier one). Pending recall into those heavy diving suits(bodies)!!


      Or you may simply hate the idea of living on and on FOR EVER!!

      Well, you ALREADY HAVE!!!!

      Bored, yet??!!


      So why should the endless future pall??

      Wishful thinking on my part?  THAT is what YOU think!!!!

      Neigh, neigh, comrade(pun intended)!!

      The wishful thinking is ON THE PART OF THOSE WHO DO NOT wish to survive.(For various selfish, but false reasons!!)

       I go by what I KNOW, not what others THINK!!

       But do I know? And HOW??

       This is where we came in!!

       Drat it! I KNOW.  KNOW KNOW KNOW KNOW...

       Via long hard deep study.

       AND via REMEMBERED exits from my body, plus memories of previous incarnations...

       If at this point you STILL insist upon going six feet under(and or deep(into Hell)), then you go your way, AND I'LL GO MINE!!!!

       Here is another analogy: Insect metamorphosis(O.K.  I know that we are not insects!(I know. You could have fooled me,too!!))


       The analogy is MENTAL. Not material!!

       Cell.  Grub.(Larvae) Caterpillar. Butterfly.(The stages of butterflies.)(Parallels for flies,etc.)


       Cell(in egg or sac)...Foetus...Fully developed

       In other words, now as mortals. Tomorrow as spirits. 

       For personalities inhabiting souls!!!!


       We are currently worms in mud upon the sea floor!

       Later, we shall be FISH. Swimming in the ocean.


        Later still, birds flying in the air.

        AND SO ON...


        If you think that we ARE our bodies, then after death you will sleep until your CHERISHED idea gets exhausted!! And then you wake up...

        But forget the physical.

        Indeed you will think that you are STILL IN the physical!!

        Until you wake up MENTALLY...


        Do you MIND??

        John Brown's body(lies a moulding in the grave. but his SOUL goes marching on...)

        You don't believe it??(No. Because you DON'T WANT to!!)(But existence is ruled by LAW, not by short sighted wishes!!)

        Heavens!! Death WAS NEVER born!!


        Many men hate having to pay. Which is WHY(main reason) they do not want to SURVIVE so-called Death!!!!

        So reform NOW, to avoid paying back THROUGH THE BLOODY NOSE!!

        There are NO exceptions!!


        Live now. Pay tomorrow.

        Or pay now, LIVE tomorrow!!


        Since tomorrow is in a better world, it IS wiser to pay NOW!!!!

        Is YOUR mind ENSLAVED by Materialism??

        Via guilt.

        Then reform, and TRY AGAIN...


        Slay the two monster lies:  1. That death is the end. And 2. That HELL awaits after death!!

        Death is higher birth!

        It is Paradise that awaits so many.

        And HEAVEN now and then for the wise!!

        It was BIRTH that was the death!!

        Wakee, WAKEE!!!!


         Do not be deceived: There IS a HELL, obtainable now.  And AFTER, if you insist!!


         And there is a Hades!!

         But they are ONLY commensurate with your wrongs.

         And have NOTHING to do with Phoney Church edict.

         NOR with Jesus dying upon a cross!!


        The Devil said: If you eat of The Tree of Knowledge BEFORE The Tree of Life, you will not surely die.

        So Eve did eat, and shared with Adam, her husband(common law).

        The Devil spoke in Material terms.

        GOD speaks in Spiritual ones.

        Material terms apply to BODIES.

        Spiritual ones to SOULS!!!!


        They died SPIRITUALLY!!


         BECAUSE they ate of Knowledge BEFORE gaining Eternal Life!!

         Jesus died for HIS sake, NOT OURS!!

         When his murderers(the priests, not Pilate(so much)!!) slew him SO cruelly, it was to KEEP the world in MISERY, which was fruit to the worldly.


          Father, forgive them, for THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!!

          Yes, to THEMSELVES. Not to Jesus!!

          Now, reader, if you can understand what is being said,

          BIND IT upon your heart,

          and SEAR IT into your mind...

          For it is God who wins, eventually.

          And God is NOT a disappointment!

          The Devil(DEMON) was a LIAR from The Beginning...

           I speak true, and know it...

           Via Phoney Science, AND phoney Religions, The Devil CONTINUES via Pan to enslave fools.(The suckers who doubt God!!)


            Evolution of The Soul is what counts. The body is of little value!!

            You know what I am talking about?

            Good! NOW YOU TELL ME!!!!



            God bless.



            Victor Conway.(King of The Truth Frontier!!)

             I know that I am HATED for speaking true.

             But it is better to be hated and persecuted by MEN.

             Than to be burdened with the karma of GOD!!!!


             I love ALL creatures.


             I KNOW that The World HATES me.(HOW could I fail to?)

             Out of pure ENVY.

             However!  Far better to learn of my way, than to die in yours!!

             I know not all of my readers are wicked fools.

             But too many in the world are.

             And THEY entrusted with our salvation and happiness have betrayed us HELL.

             BY Both so called Church.

             AND so called Science!!

             In all nations.

             Throughout the entire Earth!!!!


             Ali Luja!!

            Cheers! COMRADS!!!!









Friday, 29th June,  2,007.


World situation.  Latest.


            Many horrors imminent or in the offing!!


     1.  Warming globe. (Note; Not global warming!!) And the false counter!!

     2.  Fry up. The sea could boil off...

     3.  Burial in water,etc.  Amidst the fires!!

     4.  Ice Age.

     5.  Jihad.

     6.  Nibirus!!

     7.  World War 3.

     8.  World War 4.

     9.  World Civil War.

    10.  Mass migrations.

    11.  Bird Flu.

    12.  Panic.

    13.  Earth inversion!!

    14.  My rise to Number One.

    15.  Australasia!!!!

    16.  Pandemonium.

    17.  Sub cycle 23. Bad.

    18.  The big solar cycle.  Most severe.

    19.  The winds of change.

    20.  Sex mania.

    21.  The Return of GOD.

    22.  The economic and political collapse of U.W. And U.K.

    23.  The West was at bay. Now in decline.

    24.  Political East marching forwards. Fast and hard.  Persia rising. And returning Communist Russia.

    25.  Left wing ruining West.  Ruling elsewhere.  Public deceived.  Goint the wrong way!!!!


           Huge changes coming in fast.

           Confusion and mix up.

            All is as it should be.  All part of Great Plan.


            Solar quarter cycle of 6,500 years ending in seven to eight!!

            Refusal to listen to me will hasten world's end.

            Not so stupid Bush.  Wrong move removing Saddam. And attacking Iraq instead of Iran.  And Saddam instead of Bin Laden!!

            NOW LOOK at mess. U.S. worst evil.

            Because rulers not clued up!!

            Need to get out of Iraq!

            But even worse to do so!!

            West crawling to Iran Ahmad to save Iraq. Thus serving up Iraq on a plate!!

           World appealing to Devil to save them!

           But Demon opens wide its jaws!!!!

           Political correctness,ETC. destroying West.

           NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party!!!!

           As man rises against man.  And nation against nation. ETC!!!!


           I will  take over now.  Or you WOULD lose!!


           Under GOD.

           Pan's ARSE to be booted out.

           World! WHY did you not listen to me??!!

           Now you must reap the whirlwind!!!!

           Do you honestly believe bowing ot Old Nick will save you??!!


           Come on! Get WITH IT.  The RIGHT IT!!!!

           Julian Calendar is three years too advanced on Gregorian.   POSSIBLY four.  It is only 2,004, maybe 2,003. A.D!!


           Harmonic(old geometric) progression is how fast it will go!!(Slower than Arithmetic(Progression) AT FIRST.   World. Do not be DECEIVED!!!!

           Industrial Revolution and the bad weather due to common root in sun ELECTRONICALLY, not Man!! You nits!!

           Listen to ME!!  I know full picture very well.


           Beware of false Global Warming scenarios!!  ANTI spiritual investments.

           And prepare for machetes(to chop up your bodies!) and beheadings with rusty knives by Muslims!! You fools!!!!

           For letting the worst elements in!!

           U.S. being invaded by one million destroyers annually, through Mexican "fence"!!

           Via Latin America LEFTISM!!!!


           Russia, The Cold War ended decades back!!

           You are paranoid trying to make West defend itself!

           Rise up good souls of Persia. And REMOVE your evil clerics, and their minions!!

           I think Rushtie evil.

           Good Muslims DON'T BUY Wahabian SHIT!!!!

           Better wake up, Israel!!

           U.S. Democrats just waiting to hand Iraq over to Iran!!

           RED China going too fast.

           Elect John again, Australia!!

           And then Costello!!

           Well, it's better than selling out to Unions!! AND the invading immigrants!!

           Oppose union bully boy THUGS,

           AND the fleece the poor big Corporations!!

            The drought is not over!!

            El Nino ex undersea thermal vents, including volcanoes!!

            La Nina due to melting ice bergs!!

            Galaxies separating, not merging.

            Ex white holes, not black!!

            Black holes not bottomless pits.

            Big bang BANANAS!!

            Linear extensions not expansion!!

            Curved surfaces of fields NOT expansions!!   IDIOTS!!!!

            Bring back sex, churches, you foolish prudes!!

            Women stupidly excessively concious of sex!!

            Men in the dog house!!

            EVERYTHING goes in pairs, close and distant!!

            Two simultaneous super novae in galaxy!

            Once in a century events for even one!

             But fact is energy umbilical cord LINKING close identical twin member


             Turn BACK from pit!!

             Jesus, not Pope!!

             Christianity, not Christendom.

             World going into melting pot!!

             As THIS dispensation ends!!


             Who moves hearts and wills rocks world, not so many cradles!!


             Boo, ya!!


