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Articles Written October 2007 



Saturday, 27th October,  2,007.


The world situation, now.


      Confusion and mix-up seem to rule.

       In a situation so fluidic and volatile.

       Now The Southern California wild fires hit U.S.  Reducing me to tears!  As I TRY to forget my sister!!

       U.S. in shocking debt, and Bush trying to go deeper.  Stuck in Iraq.  With Afghanistan even worse!!

       No will to fight. Too hooked on pleasure.  Over stretched. Being financially bled to death.  Falling shares.


       Ancient Rome over again!!

       So DECADENT!!

       U.K. close behind, but prosperous.

       Invasions by immigration go on.

       Amid stupid political correctness,etc.

       North Korea playing with us, but only as far as China will let it.

       Iran up against increasing sanctions.

       Russia, with mad Putin, is backing Iran!!

       India siding with China and Iran!! And Pakistan.

       Alien Space time portal in Iraq main reason for invasion!

       Neither U.S. nor Israel can afford to attack Iran. Yet not to do so IS EVEN WORSE!!!!

       West slowly being forced into World Wars!!

       Via Civil War, starting in Iraq.  Now with Iran, Syria and Turkey leaning more and more(On Iraq).  And Saudi Arabia via Sunnis(Iran via Shi-ites), too!!


       Bush is stumped.

       Cheney is powerless.

       EU taking lead over dollar.

      China soon can destroy dollar!!

       Russia has EU stymied.

       As it lays claim to The Arctic!

       Iran has BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. Had them a long time!

       This, plus Russia, plus Iran's OWN powerful counter strike potential AND RED China, AND Pakistan,ETC.  Have stopped U.S. in its tracks.  Perhaps just as well.  But at expense of total loss for West WITH DISHONOUR!!!!

       If we attack Iran(which we must do - or suffer far worse!), they can unleash the most horrific biologicals(AND nuclear SOON!!), artificially promoted and combined!!  THEY welcome suicidal sacrifice TO ENTER PARADISE AFTER DEATH.  - Or so they THINK!!!!


      I think that Bird Flu will break out in a year or two, and cool the world fever A BIT.  Thin it down a few thousand million!  Especially via IRAN and Terrorist artificially spliced and multiple combined DEADLY Ebola,etc.type viruses!!!!(All because Bush OVER RE-ACTED to its own set up second attack upon The World Trade Centre!!  We are MAD!!!!

      Bird Flu via Pig,etc. Flu.  Which, sooner or later, will permit ordinary influenza, now inceasingly deadly, to exchange genes INSIDE pigs,etc!!  And hit humans, via human to human.

      I THINK Australia will become best placed(being an island, and so smart) to counter it.  As will be New Zealand,too.


      Australasia could rule a bird flu, ETC. reduced world.

      So badly needed on this over populated world!

      Conservative vote up, after Brown postpones election.

      Meanwhile the mixed race of Tan grows.

      Japan growing increasingly disenchanted with U.S.  - Who isn't?!

      While TWO natural cataclysms approach!  1. Earth Inversion.  2.  The close passing of the big comet planet Nibirus!  About the size of Mars. And of similar composition.

       I see thousands of millions perishing horribly, plus animals and plants.

       I cracked all the cosmic codes. The simple key is 6,500(years) x 2 x 2.  And this will open up all sectors via my accurate distance and mass finder!   Done basically by going x2 x2!!

       Via a GREATLY corrected bang and expansion!!


       You are urged to study my Astronomy School Section!!


       And my Earth Changes!!

       As we enter The Next Ice Age VIA the big heat!!(The big fry up!!)

       Caused by THE SUN, electronically, NOT Man, - not even Surface Nature!!

       THIS is the cause of climate change!!(Only the tip of the very tip of the ice berg!!)


       Humanoid aliens are doing their best for themselves. And this includes protecting their cattle. - US!!!!


       It is humanoid aliens that are saving us now. Not because we deserve it(we DO NOT!!), but because they need their CATTLE. - US!!!!


      The horrible Reptilean Aliens are behind them!!(Via The Secret Government BEHIND The Governments!!)


      All in the great devouring game, emotional and partly physical!!


      The sea will rise about 440 feet.

      Current small sea rise is thermal.

      End of the current 6,500 year quarter solar cycle is only 7 to 8 years away!!

      It would have been only five, but the true year is 2,004, not 2,007, A.D!!(And 1.01.2,001(now 1998!) began the millennium!!)(Jesus died before he was born. According to Gregorian stuffed year dates!!!!)


      Ozone is ex polar holes!!

      Man has everything completely wrong.

      The very opposite of the truth!!

      What I know could save us all.

       However, Mankind is NOT interested.  Much the reverse!!

       I, myself, am stupid.  But those using me ARE NOT.

       I can save, by God, politically and economically.

       Via becoming first president of Australia.

       And, later, of world.  Via the bird flu,etc. exterminated masses!!

       The West is a SITTING DUCK.

       EU is going nowhere.

       China not doing so good at moment.

       But Russia takes the helm. Using Iran as pawn!!

       U.S. has IDIOTICALLY left it 30 years(at least 25) TOO LATE, to deal with Iran!!(It took out Iraq, and the GOOD Saddam instead!!(Instead of Iran and Bin Laden(and Omar).  IDIOTS!!!!)

       In the name of Political Correctness!!

       They are financing the evil doers, and have become top evil doer. THIS is how they survive.  But it CANNOT continue much longer. I see six years, at most!!


       Carter, Bush senior, Clinton, and now Bush junior - have sunk U.S.

       And via it, the whole world!! Via The Middle East.  Especially Iraq.   And now Afghanistan!!


       We are NUTS!!

       White is the superior race. Via mind and will!!

       But brown,etc. Via heart.  And body sacrifice!!


       So now The(whole) West tries to escape into Falsehoods!!

       And LIES!!!!


       It won't work(for long)!!

       We MAY recover, but not through PRESENT SET-UP!!!!


       Japan is best nation.

       South Korea sold out to North!!

       Taiwan abandoned.

       Why did Thatcher give Hong Kong back to China??   Too soon, anyway!!


       West giving up without a fight!!


        Leftism won't save world!!

        Nor will EXTREME right!

        Hung parliament for Australia??(Coalition taking over Senate?!)

        Rudd will be no good!! WAKE UP!!!!(A return to Keating!!)(And HAWK)


        World situation increasingly fluidic.

        Amid growing panic!

        Where did we go wrong?  - Where did we go right??!!

        Everyday Joes and Jills, like you and me, are to blame.

        For LETTING villains rule fools!!

        Things are NOT as they seem!!

         And Life is but a Super Dream.

         Fortunately all this is but a Dress Rehearsal. For the real thing.

         After death, in The Spirit World!!

         Man elected The Devil via Pan instead of Peter Pan via God!!

         Technology is helping to save us!!

          Earth will never change!   Because every 6,500 year quarter solar cycle, some go up to higher planets, and some go down to lower.  Thus leaving the general scene unchanged!!


         Unite with GOD, not marry the opposite gender!

        Too many brats on Earth!!

         Women have been allowed to rule.

          And the children who are become brats, because of the phoney do gooders who have spoilt and ruined them!!!!


          If we do not reduce the population(too much traffic too!), then Bird Flu,ETC. will do it.  Soon!!


          God is Community.  Earthly, and cosmically.

          God is also Family.

          I mean WITHIN ITS context, NOT the human!!

          To be human - is to be weak.

          Alas, humans are JUST BEGINNING to wake up A BIT,  far, FAR too late!!  As USUAL!!!!


          However, all is as it should be.  In INDIVIDUAL evolution, via involutions!!  Existentialism via Personlity!!!!


          Man is unevolved and so very backward.

          Spiritually, I mean.


          Flee to Mars?   We ARE The Martians.   Fled from there one million years back!!

         No. Consider a SEEDED Venus  to make it a new Earth!!

         Tow ice bergs up from Antarctica!!

          And use Carter for pet food!!!!

          Sell water to The Iranians and Arabs. In exchange for oil and gas.

          And dog biscuits to Putin,ETC!!!!




         Victor Conway.




Wednesday, 3rd October,  2,007.



The incredible creation and end of the world secrets revealed and explained!!


     One of the cosmic codes that I broke, is behind it all.

     Bishop Usher claimed that the year of creation was 4488.B.C.(Or thereabouts.)


     One of the things that I have done is work out the year of destruction!  And also confirm Bishop Usher's date for creation.

     First, let me reveal ONE of the many mathematical(some are geometrical) GEMS my breaking of the many codes exposes!

     Now the basic code key is "x2  x2"(Times two times two!!).

     Keep it in mind for now.

     Second, let me point out a little known fact:  The current year(2,007 A.D.) is three(possibly four!) years too advanced.  Due to a 3(or 4) year mistake in changing from The Gregorian to The Julian Calendars.(Little Pebble may confirm this.)(A Roman Catholic group.)

     So the current year is actually 2,004 A.D!!

     Not 2,007.


     The Zodiacal Period is 26,000 years. Which is The Precessional Period.  It is how long The Earth takes to pass through four tilt minimum to maximums as it orbits the sun. It is also how long the sun takes to travel around the local spiral arm of our local open stellar cluster(sic). (Which I found by mapping the stars, stellar clusters, galaxies,etc. and quasars via my new Astronomical Distance Finder.)


     The Earth has a number of cycles in relation to its orbit around the sun. The 26,000 year Precessional period(and Zodiacal Period) is one. The best known one.

     The Precessional Period is divided into FOUR main component phases or quarter cycles - of 6,500 years each.


     This is very important.

     This 6,500 year period is a great KEY.

      Note how 6,500 x 2 x2 is 26,000!!(The basic key applied to the quarter cycle.)


      Now follow carefully:-

      To see just ONE fragment of The Mathematical GEM:-


      Creation(of Earth AND universe) was 4488 B.C.

      I confirm Bishop Usher's date.

      Now I know scientists will throw up their hands in uproar.

      As according to Geology and Astronomy,etc. The Earth is more like 5,000,000,000 years old.(And the universe very much older.)

      There is a lot more to this than I have so far revealed. But bear with what I have said - for now.

      Hear is the crunch:  4488 + 2,007 - 3(for the three missed years(missed only in RECORDING))  PLUS the number of years still left before "the end of the world" - which is EIGHT(!!)(so, +8)  = 6,500(years).


      The year of the end is 2,012.A.D. Which is five years ahead PLUS the three additional years due to the three year RECORDING miscalculation when beginning The Julian Calendar.

      So we have EIGHT years left to the end. 

      8 - 3 is the five left in the wrong calendar terms.(Thus we have EIGHT years left, not five!!)


      4488 + 2007 +5(8 - 3) is 6,500 years.


      It is not the end of the world. Only the end of the AGE. This current age.(The "solar" quarter cycle of 6,500 years).


      By the way, the 6,500 year cycle is a binomial sequence BOTH ways!!

      Each solar quarter cycle begins with a cataclysm.(The Earth will invert(or at least tilt over on to its side).)(I think it will invert.)

      If you divide the term or period of 6,500 years by 2, and then 2 again AND SO ON, you will get the binomial sequence I am referring to!!


      When I say BOTH ways, this is what I mean:-

      The cycle(quarter) starts with a cataclysm.  Then 3,250 years later there is another cataclysm, of half the force of the first cataclysm.  1,625 years after that comes one only a quarter of the original disaster(in power). And so on, dividing the remaining term by TWO each time. Until near the end of the cycle(now!), we get smaller and smaller disasters(I am referring to natural disasters.),  spaced out more and more frequently!!


      So as the cataclysms decrease binomially in power, so they also increase binomially in number!!(And the reverse in the other direction, of course.) We have one binomial sequence per the number(quantity) and one binomial sequence per the intensity of the disaster!!


     If you check back through history, you will see this borne out!!

     The creation that began in 4488 B.C. refers to the LATEST creation.  (There is a long series of them!!)


     The end of the world(In 2,012.A.D.) will be the latest end. There is a whole sequence of those, too!


     That should calm the scientific types!

     So in this respect both Science and Religion are right!!

     Religion(The Christian one, at least) is right in regard to the LATEST creation!)

     And will be in regard to the latest end.  Though the year is now known(herein), the HOUR is not known!!(No man knows the HOUR. But the year is known! Actually it will be November 21st, 2,011.A.D. Not 2,012.A.D. )(But 2,012.A.D. is the astronomical end. The disaster ITSELF(Earth inversion) occurs over a year earlier!))

      This information is derived mainly from The Incan calendar.(The Mayan,etc. The ancient religions of South America.)


      The Earth inverts every 6,500 years.

      So the hemispheres exchange places every 6,500 years.


      There are a number of ways to confirms this.

      One is via The Termite Mounds.  In Australia, the termites build their mounds facing north(towards the sun).  Yet the older ones are facing south!

      In addition to The Earth inverting in 2,011.A.D.(So less a year to what I said!), the rogue planet Nibirus will pass one million miles distant(four moon distances, roughly).  Close enough to raise enormous gravity tides, plus pepper Earth with boulders and deadly poisonous red(oxides)dust from its TAIL(retinue of satellites, rocks, stones and dust,etc.).(It is The Comet of Nostradamus.  One the size of  a planet like Mars!)(It formerly orbitted Earth between Mars and Jupiter. Where the inner asteroids are now!!)


      I go into details of this and other finds of mine in some of my earlier articles.

     When Nibirus shot off first time, it struck Earth, and chipped off a block that became our moon!

      For other aspects of the mathematical gems, read my earlier articles. Some of them deal with these. Though the whole universe is one big mathematical and geometrical GEM.

      As are the life forms,too.




      Victor Conway.